Rediscovering The Kingdom Change Mandate | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message I want to speak today on the subject of Kingdom leadership transforming society which is a theme but our focus today will be on rediscovering the kingdom change mandate please write that down rediscovering the kingdom change mandate and I want to zero in on understanding the transformation assignment transformation assignment this is the most important series I have done perhaps in my life regarding application of the kingdom mandate to contemporary life this is a challenging series for me because it demands practical work it demands engaging society and most of the time those who deal with spiritual issues seem to be more focused with otherworldly activity than with the practical contemporary lifestyle and so this has been a very engaging experience for me so far I have completed the entire series for the week for the year coming I competed it already I know what I have to cover and the instructions are very simple to me Kingdom leadership must transform society now if it doesn't we're going to be victims of other people's transformation so I want to remind us of what this this series is about our greatest challenge in our lifetime is the times we are living in and I'm not sure whether all of us are aware of the times we're living in today we are caught in a tide of convergence can you write that way down please convergence throughout history you can study history I'm talking about maybe 5,000 6,000 years of history and you will notice that history went along as usual until certain points in history where certain things begin to happen now things are always happening in history mattify history is a record of things happening but there are certain points in history when certain things happen at the same time which is not normal that happening is called convergence they call it historical convergence if you study historical convergences you will notice that during the convergences is when life on planet Earth changed permanently we are entering one of those again convergence means that different forces that normally happen alone begin to happen at the same time so to think that we can expect to remain constant is change because convergence changes everything I call it a tide of convergence it's like it's like currents in the ocean crashing and uncommon friction against each other I want you to write the word current downplease because current is important when my wife and I were in Brazil we went on a special boat ride because our friends wanted us to see a convergence in Brazil there is a place where the Amazon River which is the largest river in South America running down through the mountains all through the countries in the Amazon forest it hits the ocean so you get freshwater billions and billions of powerful forces of fresh water rushing down in the Amazon River and it hits the ocean the Atlantic Ocean so you have fresh water hitting saltwater you have mud hitting clear sea water one of the things when we got there I noticed before we got there was there was constant upheaval the boat was rocking and unstable you couldn't even throw an anchor down it was when the water hit the other water have two waters hitting each other they're both water but they're different water and the boat would not remain steady matter of fact we had to hold on because the convergence of the two forces created tides that didn't exist anywhere else in both body of water then second thing I saw was the color of the spot was different the ocean was blue the Amazon was kind of a brown or green but where that was was almost black because the the mud that was hitting the fresh water stirred up ocean leaves and all kinds of Debrecen in this black water so you have all this beautiful ocean and then this black water and then when he got there the guy said it's the best place to fish because you have the fresh water hitting the saltwater it stars up all gee from the ocean so the fish from the Amazon and the fish from the saltwater come there to eat and then the guy says now we got to keep our distance from the center of it because if we were to take the boat in the middle of it it would suck the boat down it'll capsize we would die he said the current they're so strong you got two currents hitting each other and they're swirling around and they form almost like a a a centrifuge that sucks things in it's called a convergence historically that's where we are right now and the currents are the dangerous part everybody say current affairs see that's a series they say slow current affairs there are some fairs affairs going on in your world that are strong currents and those currents come to carry you with them and the only thing that doesn't move in a convergence is rock now notice if you get caught in the middle of the convergence what happens to you it's sucks you in which means that if you even have an item we are the anchor on the boat the guys at the IKEA can't help us because the anchor needs rock so having a safety vest doesn't protect you having an anchor doesn't protect you in the convergence you need to find something that's not part of the convergence you're gonna find a rock no rock you are carried by the tide no rock you are sucked in by the currents that's where we are we got so many currents flowing at the same time right now that we are living in what I call the season of massive change can you write that down with this is not just your normal time to live this is a difficult time to live some of you are feeling it you turn the television on and you confuse about the news every news channel gets so much confusion you've got rape of a women on a bus in India then you get hostages being shot not bothering for anymore they're killing them and then you got people who strap bombs on their bodies and blow themselves up and kill 72 people then you get heads of state going to jail you got bishops who are being accused of sleeping with boys you've got CEOs who are considered to be criminals there's so much going on it's it's a time I want you to wake up please because wake up to what's going on because you have to spend the rest of your life in this time and we have three types of changes that we need to focus on in this series the next few months the first one is personal change the currents are hitting your personal life the second change is corporate change the systems that ran the world are changing and then there is national change where nations are going through convulsions and that includes of course not just culture but also politics and political systems this is a reality what do you do in the midst of this kind of convergence 2013 I believe is the beginning of a season of convergence everything will change change will be the greatest challenge of our time the pace and the nature of change will be so quick that we won't be able to keep up with it we're feeling that already we will have to decide what changes we desire i sat at my desk this week on more than one occasion and I was listening to the news from different sources said and I heard myself saying this is a crazy world I'm not sure what's gonna happen here but we have to stand up and decide what will happen otherwise things would happen to us and it's therefore important that we must decide the changes we must know and understand and determine the changes that God wants that's why God gave us to the world his church now the power of change is incredible let me deal with that very quickly nothing is permanent we know that and change is constant we also know that everything changes and change is inevitable you can't stop it change is also the principle of life everything in life changes we say and change is the principle of creation everything around us is going through transition including this meeting itself the way this room was before you came and changed but he has some things about change that is real your body will change say Amen your relationships will change your friends will change your marriage will change your job will change your priorities will change even your values will change we got to be careful with that one your knowledge base will change and your interests will change and then your children will change everything that affects your life will change including your life itself there are four types of changes that I talked about and I want to quickly remind you of them there's change that we let happen there's change that we watch happen then there's change that we ask what happened and then there's change that we make happen this is the one that we want to focus on and I want to remind you something very dangerous 2013 is the beginning of a season I believe it's going to last more than ten years of major transformation and this will be spiritual transformation there'll be climatic transformation there'll be in environment changes they'll also be cultural changes and we got to work through all of them we also will experience social structural changes which I think we're feeling it now coming into the Bahamas sir all of us who are sitting in this place and the millions who may be watching this program you are gonna go through in your country every one of those changes look at them carefully there will be spiritual change that means people will challenge their spiritual values there will be climatic changes you'll find snow and pay service no he's supposed to be I think a few weeks ago when I made that statement someone caught me and says it's snowing in Arizona it never snowed in Arizona at least not in the plains climates gonna change we're gonna have environmental changes not just physical VAR environment but also you can have environment in your work conditions your labor relationships political environments will change and of course we will have social structural changes there are 10 national changes I want you to remember I'll write them down quickly these are important there'll be political change I don't know if I'm a prophet or what but I know I can read the times politics is going to change it's already started the politics that actually ran countries for years is going to be transformed secondly there will be constitutional changes people will tamper with long-standing traditions in constitutional power there'll also be social change and then number four is very dangerous there'll be ideological changes which produces your philosophy of life and this is dangerous and I think most believers sometimes we become so spooky we become stupid we must remember that people are constantly trying to tamper with our ideals an ideology is important for you to settle on what are my ideals because your ideology will determine your philosophy in life which will determine the way live and respond to life there will also be moral changes morality is gonna be under stress there'll also be values changes and these two are related whatever you value becomes your moral standard which becomes your ethics religion will change there will be a lot of people going through religious transitions even some dropping out of religion most of the young people in our country for example who are fourteen years old many of them never been to a church I know you can't believe it but you talk to Pastor Dave you'd pass he'll tell you he's shocked how many young people in the Bahamas never went to Sunday School they grew up without being judged some of us in this room we've been Church so we think everybody's churched and you may listen to brother Corey this morning as he sang and you couldn't understand his words may didn't like his music but let me tell you something there kids who don't sing amazing grace they never heard it and someone gotta talk to those kids in their language they'll also be religious changes and then scientific changes and scientific change is very dangerous not just in the medical and pharmaceutical field but also we heard recently that the new president of North Korea have threatened the United States with nuclear threat now that may sound simple to you but we can't afford a war right now and somehow there seem to be some pressure on him as a young man he's not even 30 years old he runs that he runs the country and then it's Cena this pressure on him by by the older people around him to prove himself and when a person is pressured to prove themselves they do irrational things in other words don't sit there wondering if the guy wouldn't press the button and I'm gonna tell you now if his threat becomes more intense this week there's going to be some response you ain't seen life change for you yet you think we got an economic problem all we need now is a war so there will be scientific changes where people who'd never had nuclear weapons will have them the President of Iran as you know has been fighting toward gaining control over nuclear power don't sit there and just say hallelujah this is dangerous stuff we have to know what's going on and know how we supposed to respond who knows if going to China will eventually lead me to North Korea and I can somehow meet with the right people and get them saved we don't know that to avert war can God be that deep I got that kind of faith there's gonna be also technological changes you got your iPad in your hand now you proven it but the last one is the one I want you to write in capital letters there will also be definition changes and this is a dangerous one definition changes we live in a time where what was bread a bread no more they are changing definitions in other words we never ever in our lifetime discuss what marriage is we never talked about it no civilization that I have ever studied in history in my short lifetime ever debated a definition of marriage none the Romans the Greeks the Byzantine that you know none of them ever debated me the only generation I know who's sitting down redefining some things for example we call killing your baby now abortion it's actually murder because it's a human life but we use nice words we now call homosexuality nice things like alternative lifestyle we use terms like preference sexual preference not deviant sexual preference deviant means you deviate from the natural norm but if we don't call ourselves a deviant so we say we are preferentially choosing something we decree defining things if a man is a man but he wants to be like a woman we have a new definition we call him crossdresser or there's no definition anywhere in the world for that statement I don't know it doesn't exist I've never seen as she who's a male it this this doesn't make sense but they are reinventing definitions and this is important because they are using definitions to play with your mind to give you a lack of conscience of conviction you can't have a conviction if I change the definition for example we call teefin white-collar crime it Steven people who cook the books we say they misappropriated funds no man you lied and you're stone but we used to new definitions he's not a real criminal you know he's just misguided from his youth it's amazing how we have come into a time when nothing has any clear definition any more you can kill a man and they can call it something else they can say you know temperate lack of control psychological imbalance you a murderer man no you were psychologically imbalance at the moment they say and then then they say now maybe something went wrong with you when you was three you wet your bed listen man you're a killer but the way we redefine are you kidding me see don't just sit there when they hit you you better be aware of what they hitting you with in this culture of the world they call economic invasion they call it shuttle diplomacy they call it International Monetary Fund its economic invasion listen don't don't get mad at me this is the way it is and we need to realize they are redefining some things I remember when babies came out of mother's womb the doctor would spank the baby bow now they say that's child abuse oh I read it I couldn't read it in the mice and I said wait a minute how many babies were spanked throughout history it's now child abuse the doctor can't spank it anymore oh you better wake up and now when you punish your child in the act of discipline it is called parental abuse the definitions my mother to say I can whale you if you use that term today they would say you are violent they got states in the world where a child can take a parent to court for punishing them I hope you are awake definitions are changing and throw this series we got to talk about some of these definitions because they're confusing the definitions this is the big fight right now which we'll get into in more detail later but it's the big fight now that's going on with the marital definition people are you know the DES fight is is who defines marriage do we let a small group of 10% define marriage for us or do we stand up and say no find something else to call that but that ain't marriage and what's the definition and these are the challenges we have that we're facing so we live in an age of change and I want to give you some of the terms that they're using I want you to write them down because you must be intelligent enough to to interpret when you hear these statements would they mean I call it the age of change definitions some experts are calling the age words like the new normal you heard that is that such a thing as the new normal first you got normal things like a woman is a normal female then they got a new normal now where a woman could be half you know whatever that means so you got she normal but she's a new normal that's the time they're using a new normal two men living together in a covenant is called a normal but it's called a new normal so they got a sitcom on television now it's called the modern family you get a listen that your kids are watching there the modern family is two men with children on your TV in your house right now they call it the new normal what is the new normal see they're playing with words they're saying it's normal for two lesbians to get married it's normal it's just that you you got the all normal we got the new normal they say this is the new norm this is no how can it be normal we got a define normal then and if normal as defined by nature then that cannot be a new normal in other words what is normal can you democratically vote and create normal yes they are doing it they're saying if enough people vote for it they make it normal how can you make something normal when it is AB normal what is abnormal ah normal it means it's against the norm what is normal another term they used today is the postmodern age you ever heard that the postmodern age means y'all thought y'all was Mordan but we post your now y'all thought y'all advanced we advanced beyond the advanced now we we are more sophisticated than the sophisticated what kind of times these people are using in other words the Apostle Paul coveted in one statement in Romans chapter 1 Paul says they invent new ways to sin can I record it again it's in the book of Romans chapter 1 he said they invent new ways to sin in other words the same old sin but they find new ways to do it so there ain't nothing new Under the Sun it's just repackaged and you you're living in a time where they are coming over statement so fast that they making you believe them how about this one they say there's also the age of secularized society secularization of society secularization means that they want to get rid of anything that is spiritual or religious on a society that is called secularization secularism is vanishing any trace of religious moral spiritual can influence out of a society and that is happening right now in the Bahamas I think next week I'm gonna play for you something that was said by one of our MPs in Parliament I'm not gonna start gonna play it I'm gonna say it no more I want you to hear what was said about secularizing the Bahamas in our Parliament that means get rid of God that's why they are fussing with the preamble the preamble is a problem because the preamble states that we will respect Christian values Christian refers to spiritual spirituality which is a problem to the secular mind the second is saying I don't want nothing to prick my conscience leave my conscience alone let me decide what is acceptable or unacceptable what is right or what is wrong let me decide that forget this thing you're called God I am the end in myself a secularization I'm not a term they use Freud it down is this one is dangerous the enlightened society old is a big one this is a big one recently in Recife you are not enlightened I heard someone used on a radio talk show one day you know one homosexual call in and says you know not somebody passing I'm not enlightened they said they're not enlightened what they're saying is you're thinking is old-fashioned this this is a dangerous statement the enlightened society means that we are liberal to the point where we have no boundaries the enlightened society says we have the law the main society says we can change or when we want as the laws in mine society is we are so sophisticated now that we are capable of accepting anything that we can justify personally even though it may not be naturally acceptable if we can accept it ourselves then it is acceptable No that's the society that we are converging with that is the mentality that we are working with and I beg you as an individual to wake up please and think about this because when you go to your job this week there are people working next to you who think like that they say things like you still believe not all stupid book the Bible that's written by men that's oh that's archaic that's out of date that's not an enlightened book that book is so old-fashioned it doesn't keep up with the times and they and they and they make you start doubting your own convictions it's called the enlightened Society every civilization that claimed it was enlightened self-destruct check history who do you think you are you think you smarter than the Romans the Egyptians the Greeks they are all buried under dust today you cannot don't think God listen you will never convinced me that you are smarter than God never and the laws he laid down you can invent laws better than them you can't even invent them it's impossible to be enlightened beyond the light and God doesn't give light you know he is light that means if you ain't got him whatever you call light is actually darkness and Paul says they call darkness light by the way don't miss this next two sessions cuz you're gonna understand and light and darkness is what the fight is about we are enlightened they say what do you mean two men can't get married you are not enlightened someone has to challenge this why not us [Music] number five is the big one the age of reason they call it the age of reason because what they're saying is we can reset out everything you don't need faith anymore you can sit down and figure everything out because you gotta invent the solution age of reasoning means that there's no need for belief in an unseen God the age of reason means that there's no place for you to believe is something you cannot see is a recent means that if you can touch it and feel it and smell it it's not real age of reason and the age of reason is as old as Pharaoh but we think it's new you know they had some guys called the agnostics and these guys got into all this deep stuff you know the Greeks are actually known as the age of reason they the ones who sat down and tried to resend out everything I was listening to a debate yesterday on the Broadcasting Corporation of Britain and they had a debate over immigration it's a very important debate they had and they were trying to deal with with what do you do with people who are moving from country to country and they bring their culture with them and they had two groups debating this and and what was interesting is that it was held in Greece in Athens where democracy was born and Greece is now a basket case that means they broke and most of the intelligent people are leaving their country because they can't find jobs so there's a brain drain taking place in Greece now and those people are moving into Europe because they are part of the European community and with the colic Concha say they don't come into our country so now they got what they call fascism emerging which were Hitler was and they're claiming nationalism which is saying we don't want you on our country cuz you're gonna make us poor so you got this tension going on in Europe right now and believe me it gonna happen in the Caribbean too matter of fact we got some issues that we ain't admitting concerning the stress in our community right now because we got groups have been here for a long time and some coming and they are beginning to feel tension and I was sitting there listening to this program watching and listening to the speakers and and some of them were of members of parliament some of them were you know heads of grade organizations and they all end in a debate with no solution and I said there and I said they trying to reason out in the center of reasoning Athens problems that they cannot solve how can we put our trust in the people who invented democracy and it didn't work for them maybe we need to question democracy to think about democracy democracy as a reasoning component if you think about it it cannot work without God because democracy makes man god man decides what is acceptable by vote don't you ever believe and I say this publicly that the voice of the people is the voice of God that is not scripturally sound it's a matter of fact in many cases God went with the minority choice was said to all the people I placed before you today life and death he said neither advise you to choose life he said but I can't make you choose it he said but as for me and my house that was a private decision he had to make as for me in my house he says we I don't know but your neighbors we will serve the Lord you will have to come to that point very soon because the converging tides are pushing on you you are 48 years old you ain't married and a girl winks at you and you are a girl oh yeah hey what do you do with that convergence it's vice versa too for men what do you do can I say to you friends that we are in a period of life where you're gonna have to find out where's the rock in all of this convergence I gotta find me a rock I gotta find something to put my anchor on because this current is gonna destroy me gonna suck me in if I don't have a rock Jesus never called himself an anchor he's I am the rock and upon this rock if I am the Christ I'm gonna build my people my prayer is that we will leave this place thinking I look at the Philippines I cry for the Philippines to see liberalism moving in there I weep over America losing all the foundation rocks Canada just about lost them all and then none seemed to be in England anymore no more Rock you know what I discovered they're coming to your country and moving your rocks they're telling you go with the tide and when you tell them you got a rock they say you are not moving with the times and they tell you you can't exist with us unless you get rid of your rock I know the pressure but remember it is okay you are never remembered for what you compromised for you are always remembered for which you stood for stand for something the last one summarizes all of it we are in the age of the humanistic society humanism is old let no one impress you with humanism humanism is as old as feral Pharaohs the Pharaohs believe that they were sons of the Gods which means that they're humans believe that they were gods and that's why you could not defy a pharaoh some of you wondering why Moses had a problem with Pharaoh Pharaoh was confused about Moses when Moses came to Pharaoh up and that Moses grew up with Pharaoh he grew up in the courts he the guy knew their convictions their belief system he knew were they what their reasoning was but Moses had to be taken out of the system for 40 years and when he ran into God in the bush the burning bush God sent him back to tell Pharaoh you ain't God Pharaoh went into shock what do you mean I ain't God and Moses says look I I suggest you submit to my suggestions and let the people go because you're about to expose your ungodlike Ness and Faro like most politicians decide I don't care this is what I was taught in the University of Egypt I got a degree in philosophical convictions that I am God and Pharaoh refused and there are many today who are standing firm refusing somehow they feel proud that they don't believe in God as if they need a trophy you are as old as Pharaoh and he's dead humanism is when the buck stops with the human when the human says what is right is what I say is right which means that no man can judge no other man humanism human humanism says mind your own business humanism says don't get in my business humanism says leave me to my own convictions you mind your own business don't try and convince me about anything humanism says we are the end of ourselves let me tell you something if you are God I sure don't want to be worshipping you you can't even get married you can't even stay married you can't even pay your bills you ain't sure of your sexuality how can you be God when you are confused about what you can see [Applause] listen these are just crashes I'm asking you you you got a deal with this when you go decide this door humanism Jesus said there's a way that seems right unto a man but the end of that way is death Jesus said John I am the vine you just the branches if you abide in me and my words abide in you you can ask anything you want in life it shall be done for without me he says you can do nothing and then he says only the fool of sadness on there's no God you don't need to call people who are atheist fools God did it himself you could remind him of what he said but they shouldn't take offense you're just repeating with someone else concluded about them I can quote God thou art a fool the simple don't get upset at me but you see the issue is this humanism is so dangerous because that's exactly what Lucifer fell over Lucifer fell over self worship the whole of his corruption was when he thought that he could be God who are we I am so afraid to trust myself I'm so glad I can trust in God and those of you who think you are so smart and so intellectually advanced be honest with me at two o'clock in the morning before you go to bed tell me what you think you know what just you you you think on that bit I know what you'd be thinking you look at the ceiling you go oh boy I hope I'm right cuz you know you can't be that sure that's why you need to live by faith and not by sight because your brain is so finite that it cannot even calculate what happens when you lose your shoes you can't find them how could you trust yourself with your life humanism this is why we have to be careful to define society first and that's what I'm doing first I'm trying to get to understand the society to be working with I've been working with a weird Society and it's getting worse and some of our people who went to college came back an 18-day smart now they don't eat conch and coconut no more they think they got it all together I remind them you better get some juju and settle down your grandmother brought you up paid your bills put clothes on you and she went to church now who do you think you are you don't want to worship God your grandmother use his feet to bless you you better lift your hands and give God praise and repent because this is the faith we have Oh hallelujah as some of your grandmother's would turn in their grave to hear some of the things you say let me leave you with this thought write this down we are witnessing change that's what we're doing and the change is very evident for example the collapse of governments I'm talking about kind of lots of governments do you know that two weeks ago an entire government resigned the charlie are you I'm sitting to thinking wait a minute the whole government yes the whole government said we cannot solve the problem so they resigned collapsing governments and then we get the other problem of the rise of people power where people are taking over governments driving them out of their offices and then we get this change called international and domestic terrorism there used to be a time when the terrorist was imported but now you ain't sure who's terrorists anymore as a change how do you fight an enemy who looks like you and lives in your community what do you do you better walk by faith and not by bomb another change is failed States they call it which means the economies have collapsed that means global economic security has been white out of the equation no one can predict anything I promise you it is incredible to hear government say that the economic crisis is over I don't know where they got that memo from but it ain't over till God says it over and then we got the change of unemployment unemployment is a massive problem right now all over Europe all over the Caribbean United States of course you know they see a little blimp coming but then at the same time they saw a Down downturn in the in the other part of the market this unpredictability going on and then began to fall and disgrace our political leaders civic leaders religious leaders we got people in top positions being disgraced one of the Cardinals who supposed to be voting for a pope you remember the story they said that not a founder he was abusing little boys for years I wonder how many of them are abusing little boys that a man found out yet but don't take it too far it's in your city who do you trust who do you trust if you can't trust your pastor your bishop your your Pope if you cannot trust the priests the preacher who do you trust you wonder why the young people are so disillusioned they don't know what to do they will write what do you do you need a rock our moral compass is swinging and ain't stopping nowhere right now we don't know what morality is anymore the moral compass is just turning it can't find North because everybody is adjusting themselves to what they want and immorality is not just you know physical and sexual things it even could be issues like economic abuse of the poor it could be injustice to those who go on trial and a strong lawyer who get money or who's a part of a some fraternity you know famous the person in the in the fraternity is telling a person who was poor that's the moral compass being confused you get issues with people who are employed but the employer is abusing them you get trafficking of women for sex you get trafficking of children for sale this is this is moral compass being confused and we as the body of Christ as the kingdom of God we must do something to make the voice of God loud I am painting a picture for you because we got some answers I'm telling you we get some answers we get traditional values being transferred traditional values I'd like to probably use the term natural law values some things you just can't change and then we got a collapse of sovereignty write this one down please it's a big one collapse of sovereignty means that independence today means nothing please let's just be honest when you say we separate independence that's formality I will really independent think about it you need to borrow money for your economic programs so the IMF says then we become your government so you gotta cut 10% of the jobs in government you've got to cut back on your expenditure you can't have no more capital development you got to do this in other words you a sovereign no more then you got a United Nations saying okay if you want to have access to certain programs or certain resources then you have to cooperate with the United Nations Charter and the Charter says that you must accept same-sex marriage and you must respect and honor homosexual behavior and they say to do that you can if you don't do it you can't sign on to the Charter between the UN cannot then give you its its privileges which means that this is no longer sovereignty you can't even claim your own convictions anymore there is no national conviction in the system what do you do I am praying that the lower rates of someone from this church who would become prime minister and may she be the kind of woman that will say look like Margaret Thatcher we're gonna do this anyhow we're gonna stand if the whole place goes against us there's got to be some nation somewhere who says look we appreciate all that you are wanting to do but there's some things we cannot sell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sovereignty we're going to talk about these in detail in this series because we are facing this right now understand it's happening so fast that some of us don't even know what's happening the things that we have to agree with would make you sick just to get handout was a result of this change let me give you this list distrust of leaders people don't trust leaders anymore right that's what's happening secondly liberalism it's becoming a way of life liberalism means no laws no boundaries everything goes the result of it is lawlessness where there's no standards and boundaries there's no law lawlessness is the source of chaos and tyranny lawlessness produces number-four permissiveness a young girl who's a virgin at age 25 is a freak I mean it's like are you crazy you still a virgin I want to talk about a man a male a virgin at age 16 are you crazy permissiveness it's invaded the culture because we got rid of law why cuz we are liberal why because we don't trust Authority we don't want God to have our authority over in our lives anymore we don't want no God to tell us what to do or what not to do and so we become liberal and that permissiveness leads to what compromise and compromise is what automatically leads to immorality corruption is simply compromised manifested is when you sell your convictions and standards on the altar of personal gain corruption number seven is my invention re-engineering morality real engineering means that forget what God said we're gonna create our own so we're gonna create these different things to describe what we want not what is but what we want what is God created but what we want we will re-engineer it so we have sex change for example what's the sex change and what's incredible to me is that these people get on shows like Maury and they are so proud and I'm sitting there thinking this I know you want to have some attention but my god there's got to be another way to get attention reengineering morality I'm a crossdresser say what I'm a crossdresser so we'll cross you or now I mean it in reengineering it didn't create something didn't exist transgender they call it a yeah trans gender trans means you're tripping you go on a trip take transportation you this this is the question is who engineered that and that's where we're living and by the way it's in our high schools some of your parents have no idea what's going on in high schools come on teachers talk to me the teachers here will tell you horror stories some of them call me say pastor miles what happened today would be found in the bathroom in a high school in the Bahamas would make you puke reengineering morality and you tell the teacher you can't punish them because it's child abuse sort of did you got a permitted permissiveness why because there's no law that gives you the protection to apply discipline see the list so you compromise with the kids and you end up with your morality and then you wonder why the community is decaying this is the result of us becoming our own gods ladies and gentlemen we have what I call the culture of death I don't need to say much about this one but you know that begins in the womb some weeks ago I didn't misquote I said five millions actually five hundred thousand babies are killed average every year in America five hundred thousand babies now you remain tell you why that's important through abortion it means then that if I grew up in a house with a mother and she have five of us and I am aware that she killed the next three how am I gonna feel about life what value doesn't tell me about life first of all I consider myself lucky right because she didn't kill me so it ain't a matter of she loved me I was just lucky which means now that my sense of value and self-worth has just leaked out because she only kept me by luck not by love when I fall into self-hatred now I can't love nobody so I don't mind killing someone else after all life ain't worth nothing I learned it from my mother remember so coming out and shooting you for scratching my car it's easy you took my dope and didn't ask me I will dis you it's easy why it's a culture of death it's not just a decision it's a culture now it began under the system there are bosses taking place in our country no one wants to talk about it there are doctors in our country who are guilty they've got on their hands and someone gotta tell them you got to stop this you got to face God for every life conceived because in the book of Psalm 139 it says I saw you in your mother's womb and I knew you God says and every day of your life was written in a book before each one became a written in Psalm 139 I saw you in your mother's womb God says I had a book on your life already and somebody snatched it we call it inconvenience God calls it murder my father's here today I still can't believe my daddy something else 11 children thank God my mother didn't didn't say she tired after she had five cuz I have number six I mean Frank gives a lot of kids today you know she could have said you know honey that's it no more she'd have been killing a lot of stuff eh all them books that was the side of me would have been snuffed out in a second in the doctor's office somewhere smothered by a nurse the culture of death and then we have the culture of violence no comment the devaluation of human life no comment generational disillusionment big one the kids don't know what to believe some of the adults lost their faith people are disillusioned here you are being under past all your life all of a sudden the pastor gone to jail for something crazy and you like woman's was so what are the past like a trust so you become disillusioned about God you wonder why people lose their faith they disillusioned we have to bring the rock back we gotta bring God back into the equation we gotta embrace the other chunk oh I don't leave us please come back to the Bahamas please come back to Jamaica God please don't leave Filipinos please don't leave Lord don't leave Haiti please God because if he leaves us we have no Rock I'm recording this tide and it sucks us in huh me self-destruct my soul Labor's over this sexual and social confusion people are confused about their sexuality confused a young man said to me no pastor miles I didn't want to be a homosexual you know he said but when I was six years old me and my brother was laying in the bed and he touched me and we were just playing he says and I found myself liking the play and now I'm 40 years old he said I'm still trying to get rid of that play as he was a boys and I wasn't born this way I had an experience confused that's the world we live in that's the way we live in okay let me close Romans 12 turn there please we're gonna deal with this the rest of the year this is the answer listen to it carefully Romans chapter what 12 look at verse 1 it says I beg you brethren by the mercies of God to present your one body first as a living sacrifice now why does Paul stop at your body you think he stop at your spirit Paul says that thing you live in now gonna get you if you look at all the sins we're fighting they are manifested in the body whether it is materialism whether it is sexuality whether it is malice and competition and and deceit it shows up in the body so Paul says I beg you present your body as what he said don't kill yourself keep yourself alive but make yourself a living sacrifice I want you to go home and fight your body today do you know what they to do with the lamb to put them on the altar the sacrifice they said tie its legs you know the lamb used to be moving carom off do that to yourself use the conviction of God's Word today and tie yourself up tell yourself you can't do that no more cell phone do things you are you doing that normal Paul says I beat my body under how come the priest didn't do that Paul says I treat my body like a slave I make it do what I wanted to do Paul says all things are permissible for me but not all things identifying I can do anything he says but I become a slave to nothing your body like adverse to them verse 2 says and be not conformed a basic informed be not conformed to what to this world anyone in that version said to the packing of this world you know conform to what the pattern of this world but be transformed by what the new way renewing of the mind I want you to go back but they list back up there because this is tied to what I'm getting ready to close up alright God says look be transformed how by renewing okay everybody say be be now that New International Version says what do not be conformed do not means guarding and do that for you you ever decide I am NOT going to conform that's the saw hand that's okay ladies and gentlemen you can't just sit back and say well you know everybody voted with them about their because it's no no no no no you say either not what it's tough it's okay to rebel against unrighteousness say it do not do not be what conform do not means that you have to make the decision I will not do this I would not accept this I will not sign this I cannot vote with you do not means I will fully decided I will not do something it's coming to that do not be what conform conform means to be fashioned molded shaped he says the world has a plan if you are pliable they'll shape you what they do is they break you down see you know you you come out very strong you know this is my fate they said don't worry but that didn't work on that and they said changing definitions and they work on you so we got a guy for example who was a pastor of Bishop and he stood against certain things and then in in three weeks the guy changed his story and then in one month he has a completely different story and then two months later even to other people why they molded him they worked on him they think they soften him up with all kinds of sweet words how about this one oh you don't believe in same-sex marriage don't you believe the people have a right to love what anyone need to love I love dogs and all sleep with them when it comes to when it comes to marriage I'm gonna give you some information it's gonna blow your mind but let me just give you the preview do you know that marriage is not a result of love on top of definition now marriage was naturally designed by God to procreate right how do I know that got two males can't procreate and two females can't procreate so marriage was naturally designed by nature to procreate which means that it is the different genders that define it no one defines it defines itself the other slope so you can't define it nature defines it you can define something else but you can find defying marriage it's not even defined by you know by no preacher is defined by nature but then they say to you but you don't understand you're supposed to love everybody and get people the right to love who they want to love and they start working on you man they break you down they work on you they break you and almost certainly began to say well I guess if they can't fight them see and then that's what happens to the Saints so we got massive bishops in America who you listen to every Sunday who believe in that stuff now I know them because they personally talk to them and I say what are you doing they break you down every boy second form is that don't be conformed conformist and they they conform you nah God gave me a statement the other night I put it down he said whatever you don't transform will conform you as a mouse or a pigeon better write it down you can steal that one say it again whatever you don't transform will conform you you will eventually be conformed they're gonna break you down if you are not strong in your convictions listen die for something man die for something we're dying for be isolated castigated for something let them fire you because of conviction don't ban don't don't don't go along with the current the temptation is so big look you know you could do what you want to do brother but I'll never accept it that's all I can't accept that why that goes against everything I know about nature and God there's no nice way to teethe do you steal the hotel things you just use a thief don't tell me your family hidden and if Jota got planning money you are a teef I can't agree with you and I can report you that goes for the union's you know unions make sure you stand up for what is right all the time buff every complaint find out what is right it's justice be not conform to what the pattern of this world systems but be what transform there it is be transform how that the world says remove your mind we don't want you thinking instead of our business you're supposed to challenge our commentary you're supposed to question our reasoning you ain't supposed to to engage us or no subject leave us alone go be your spiritual empty mindedness remove your mind be transformed by the removing of your mind God says no do you transformed by the renewing of your mind hey boys every knew right away we knew down the way we knew simply means go back to the original state of thinking I rest my case go back to the original way of thinking not a new thinking go backward three means to go backward yes go archaic yes go backward Jesus is a lot of my life thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe Global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: d0t5hQBCeFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 3sec (4623 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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