Red Poppies STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

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greetings everyone welcome to my channel if you find these videos helpful for you be sure to click a subscribe and like button also a bell button so that it'll notify you when I post a new video next I'd like to thank my patrons who helped me vote on a topic and this week we're gonna focus on how to paint papito it'll be like a sunshine right here glowing and it's gonna be a clear Sun transitions to to a darker like a bluish color here from like orange red to blue without any clouds it's going to be a nice clear because because we want our poppies the flowers to stand out if I had too much clouds you might you know blend in with the flowers so our focus is going to be on the the simple sky and then the flowers today before we go over the materials needed for today I'd like to remind you that I released my new painting Academy it goes more in depth with how to use acrylics and you are we're learning how to create pieces that are more advanced which is exciting if you're interested in that and learning more about that there's a link right here or there's a link down below in the description for that as well okay let's go over the materials we need for today I usually use a 16 by 20 inch canvas but I bought this canvas from Italy Florence and I still have it with me it's a couple inches shorter so it is 20 by 4 by 14 I believe because I usually use 16 by 20 but any size of canvas you have available will work for paints we're going to use our new 24 set of acrylics and I'll show you exactly which colors we're going to use from this set we need to tenean white medium yellow orange Scarlet ultramarine blue phthalo blue and lamb black any acrylics that you have available will work for this tutorial or if you're using even oils or any other medium you can try it test it out I had questions where people ask me if they can create recreate a piece using oils and I believe you can you know experiment test what works best for you see what you like to work with but that's what I'm using today and that's what I recommend but again totally up to you for brushes we need a couple of these blending brushes and these are exactly the same just different color I'm going use two one for laying down our color first and then the second one for blending the color softly and together okay we need one of these number four artist soft brushes right here we need I usually use a half an inch but we need a quarter inch this time it's basically the quarter inch flat brush basically it's you know a size smaller than a half inch okay right there so not this one but this one this is the one we need and if you haven't have if you have a half of each brush that will work as well but we're creating a little bit of smaller you know details so that's why I chose this to work with this one today and of course we need a detail brush for the little details and we need an artist sponge to create some nice you know effect bushy effect and things like that we need a palette of some sort where you can mix your colors and the palette knife and I'm using a palette paper right here it saves time because once I'm done I bunch it up and throw it away and then a jar of water and some paper towels I also like to use a hair blow dryer to dry out my first coats and then you know I'll add some more detail but I don't have one with me today which is fine I'll just wait about 10 do you know between 10 to 20 minutes - for the background to dry before I continue so if you have that use it if you don't that's fine you can take a break clean out your brush I usually like to after I'm done blending I usually go and clean my brushes okay let's pick up our pallet and our titanium white and we're gonna create some shades so let's squeeze about this much and then maybe a little more here a little more here and a little more here and maybe some in here okay so about you could see about like almost two thumbs amount okay right here and maybe one of the film amount right here I put a little bit less here because I'm gonna leave it white plain white okay you know we need medium yellow and let's add some in here and then some in here like this okay maybe a little more actually in here okay maybe let's add a touch in here right there now we need orange and let's add it right next to this one in and a little more right here like this let's quickly mix these we're gonna quick we're gonna basically have the Sun right here and this side be more warm okay and then it's going to go into the cold colors which are the blues so I'm going to pick up my palette knife and then mix our first lightest color I don't want to make my background too dark because I want those poppies to stand out so that's why I added white on each more white than the other color next has a little bit more yellow medium yellow and then make it bright okay next should be a smooth transition between the yellow and the orange so you could see that the orange is a pretty you know dramatic change so what I'm going to do is add a little more white and maybe even take part of white from here let's take part of the white from here and it right here I think I'm gonna take a little more white okay like this and mix it in we want to softer transition that's much better doesn't have to be perfect but you could see a softer transition when we have our colors mixed here and beaten the colors between each other like like these colors if it's softer if you have this nice transition where it's non dramatic change in jumping from light to a darker tone then it'll be when it's a softer blend right here on your palate then it'll be easier to blend those colors in so it's important to mix your colors first and spend a little bit of time doing that before laying you know your colors down on to your canvas there's there's different ways of working but I've found it a lot easier when I am mixing you know making transitions in my palette and then taking it to my canvas you could see a nice transition from white going into this yellow and then these darker orange you know the the sky colors right here right so we're gonna do the same thing we're going to add some white and then a few colors of blue okay so I added some white about some amount on each and then we're gonna pick up they'll blue I'm gonna add it right in here a little bit not too much about this much and then maybe a little bit in here and that's it small you can see not too much in our final color ultramarine blue right here let's add it a little bit right in here and then a little bit more in here about this much okay let's quickly mix these and see what colors it gives us first one start with the lightest should be basically what we want is a transition from this orange okay so transition from this orange to the darker blues so that will work right there actually it's more like transition from this color because this orange the darker orange right here is going to be more on this side so the sun's gonna be here and then it's gonna get lighter and I mean darker and darker around and the orange is going to be on this side but then from here it's going to transition from you know light to the blue colors and to the dark blue and so I think it's going to be happening with these colors so transition from this to this blue and then from this blue we're going to have a little darker blue but not too dark because remember we want our poppies to stand out we don't want to add too much of the darker colors so that won't work in our final color is ultramarine blue and white make sure you mix it all in so it'll be nice and one color okay that's good enough all right so we have our all of our colors of the sky and we're not gonna add clouds so this is pretty much it so the colors that we have here is gonna be that's how it's going to look so if you look at your palette and if you like the colors you have on your palette you can we can go ahead and start painting okay okay so I cleaned my palette knife with a paper towel I just quickly wiped it off and now we can start putting our colors onto our canvas so let's pick up one of our blending brushes it doesn't matter which one so I'm gonna pick up this one and I'm gonna dab it in the water all the way okay and squeeze some of it out but not all of it so there's some water still in my brush but not too much so it's not gonna like drip you know but you could see you know that it's in there but it's not like a lot right and so what we're gonna do now is with our first blending brush since it's a little bit wet we're gonna start off with picking a little bit of this white okay it's gonna run a little bit but that's okay so let's decide where we want our Sun so I'm guessing somewhere right in here okay with the white and then let's my brush has water so I don't need to dab it in the water and let's create a little circle like this okay and it's like if you cover it with yellow because we're going to come back with the white so that's good now might now I feel when I'm going more circular I feel it's getting a little rough so that's when I dip my brush in the water like lightly just the tip okay so that it could be you know wet again and then we're gonna pick up our next color yellow and go around it like this okay go around it softly all right and now I'm going to lightly depth just the tip in the water and pick up my next color which is this orange and I'm going to add it right around even bring it in a little bit lightly so a little bit more orange okay alright so now I'm gonna dab my brush slightly in the water and it's okay if you have some paint left add a little more Orange so now I'm gonna add some more water just the tip in and water my brush and then pick up my darkest color and cover this area with this orange and blend it out like so so I'm gonna dab my brush in water again in this corner I want it to be dark okay something like this and maybe bring it in here like this all right so now since I have you know this orange and my color in my brush I'm gonna before I pick up my blending brush I'm gonna lightly press it not press it down but lightly in my water you know shake it like this get and want the paint out squeeze the water okay and so my brush still has some water but I'm gonna pick up this blue color remember we have mixed and then I'm gonna add it right in here so I'm gonna lightly dab it in the water my brush again and blend it in with the orange don't be afraid to do this part okay blend it in it's okay if it covers you know a little bit of the orange area that's totally fine so dab it in the water again pick up this blue and dab my brush in the water again pick up my next color blue and add it right in here okay pick up more of this blue and here I'm gonna add this darkest do right in here so this last darkest blue right in the corner liquid did with the orange okay and like this alright so now I'm gonna pick up my blending brush my dry one and I'm not gonna dab it in the water but it's you know it's dry now I'm gonna swirl starting from the lightest area I'm gonna swirl everything and work fast because I want this to blend in you know blend in and it took if you bring some of the darks in with with the lights so quickly blend it in don't spend too much time trying to make it perfect our first layer doesn't need to be that and lightly I'm barely pressing the canvas and while my paint is too wet I'm trying to blend those colors in nicely together and cover that canvas okay there you go so now I want to smooth a little bit of this area this blue with the CLO so I'm gonna lightly clean the blue out of this brush and I'm not pressing down I'm just in my water going up and down like this getting most of the blue out and then usually it comes off nicely and then squeeze gently my brush and now I'm going to pick up my let's pick up you know this light yellow right that we have here we have mixed and let's add it right in here and because my brush has water in there and it blends in so I'm going to lightly dab just a tip in my water and I'm gonna I want to carry that lighter color and with my blue because I want to make it look smoother okay it's okay if you cover a little bit of the orange don't worry about trying to make it perfect so I'd add my brush in the water again pick up more of this yellow white but it may be right here on the bottom we want to take away this dark blue a little bit and since my paint is still wet because it has water in it it works nicely so bland at all and until you get to the top don't worry about trying to make it perfect so now I don't want to carry the blues or on this eye too much so I'm gonna do the same thing clean really quickly and squeeze it squeeze the water out and then my brush is you know pretty clean again and maybe pick up some white and maybe a little bit of this yellow and orange right right in here and blend it all in it's okay if you if you cover all of this area right in here because we're going to this is our first layer we roughly put it all all that end in there something like that okay and now with a blending brush and the black one I'm gonna squeeze it out squeeze the water out and with some paper towels to make sure lightly squeeze you don't damage it lightly squeeze it and swirl it on to get most of the water out but it's okay if it's a little damp so lightly swirl it like this make it fluffy again so it's nice and fluffy okay it's still a little damp but it's pretty fluffy and now we can go back and do the same thing and blend everything in don't worry about making it perfect again our Sun is going to be right in the middle we're gonna come back to you know going over and adding that Sun but let's go over the lighter areas first and quickly blend everything in well it's all still wet I'm barely pressing the canvas and you see how nicely blends and there you have it a nice quick glance right here so this canvas is I could already feel that it's a little rougher and different from my usual canvases so it's a little bit harder to work with but this is a good example for you to get an idea how important it is to make sure you get a better quality canvas because when you get a you know more lower quality canvas you know it's just a little harder to work with but so this is a little bit harder to work with but that's okay because we got our first layer down it's a little bit rough it's not as smooth as I wanted it to be so what I'm gonna do is while this dries I'm gonna quickly you know I don't want to let these colors go to waste so I'm gonna add a little bit of white on each and maybe a little bit more blue and white - you know bunch these up and then we're gonna do the same process and once you know make sure this is almost dry or completely dry before you add another layer and we're gonna do one more layer to really get the background canvas texture out of there and and create a nice smoother blend and transition so I'm gonna quickly do that alright so you could see I just added a touch of white and a little bit more white here and I'm gonna instead of adding more yellow I'm gonna take part of this and blend it in right here with this white quickly and this is a this will be faster because we have our colors here still that orange so I'm not gonna add some white in there but here I'm going to maybe take part of this white and I still have some blue left here so I'm gonna brighten this up and it's okay if you have some yellow in there because it's gonna turn a little bit green here on the bottom that's totally fine so let's make this a little bit brighter right there brighter blue and it has a little bit of yellow which makes it look green which is totally fine and then I added some white in here and I'm gonna quickly you know what I'm actually gonna do let's take all of us so we won't waste any of the paint and blend it all and it's fine that we have this be a little bit you know mixed all together yeah that's totally fine okay so now we have our paint mixed right here we're not gonna let these go to waste so quick you know added a few areas where I was running out of color added a few white and then mixed it in it's okay if it brightens up like I said let's do the same process start off with the light white right here where the Sun will be and then add the yellow and the orange and quickly add another layer of this and see what we get I'm gonna quickly clean out my pallet knife like this there you go alright so I I took out my blending brush and I like I showed you I you know squeeze the water out and grab some paper towels and swirled it softly and made it fluffy again okay it's for blending so now our brush is still in here so I'm gonna lightly get most of the paint out and then I'm gonna squeeze the water out okay and there is still some water in my brush and I have my brush in the water and when I say that I'm dabbing my brush slightly in the water I mean like I'm very little not all the way but lightly just the tip in the water like this and then picking up more paint okay that way it'll make my paint to stay wet a little longer and it doesn't dry as fast okay so I want to make sure our background is fully dry or pretty much mostly dry which I'm feeling it and it is feeling great feels like it's ready for the second coat so now that it's ready for the second coat I'm going to go ahead and pick up the white similar idea the white and then the Sun will be right in here somewhere so I'm going to blend that in there and then I'm gonna dab lightly in the water and pick up maybe some of this mix it in with the yellow that's totally fine and then add it softly right in here so I'm gonna dab it my brush in the water again lightly pick up the yellow add it right in here and it's okay if you cover part of it now I'm gonna dab my brush in and water again pick up the yellow and maybe mix it in with this orange and let's add it on this side mainly okay so maybe some more yellow on this side I want to create a nice soft glow so dad my brush in the water pick up this orange let's add it right in here so I'm gonna dab my brush in the water again because this feels a little stiff here which is okay that's fine and cover this area right in here with this orange okay and now I'm going to dab my brush slightly in the water pick up this darkest orange let's add it right in here in this corner and maybe on the bottom right in here okay and now I'm going to lightly you know clean my brush out like this like how you know get most of the water and paint out squeeze the water out and we have a clean brush again and dab your tip in the water again and then let's pick up this lighter color here continue with this light right and then down my brush in the water so it won't be dragging the paint so much and then pick up this blue mix it in we want a nice smooth air transition from the maybe add it right in here you know blend it all in this orange okay put it all in dab my brush in the water mix it in with this blue because we wanted to make it go a little darker now okay second coat is looking much better and then I'm gonna take the remainder of this blue and add it in to the sky cover everything maybe take it in and blend it all right softly like this okay so now I'm going to clean out my brush again real quick while my paint is too wet I want to add a little bit more of this white in here so I'm gonna dam a brush in the water pick up the white add it right in here maybe pick up some yellow I want to blend this in nicer and lightly go back and forth make it bigger and bigger okay carry some of this something like that all right so now my second blending brush while it's still wet I'm gonna do that you know blend the colors in a little bit nicer so it could be smoother looking and then we'll add a little more detail to our Sun you know make it a little more smoother and then we'll continue so I'm starting from the brightest area and working my way to the darkest okay and don't worry about the bottom because we're gonna add the flowers there carry that bright colors outwards alright that's good enough right there alright so once you're done blending everything the way you like it you can clean your brushes and wait for it to dry and and then we'll continue ok so let's pick up our quarter inch flat brush dab it all the way in the water squeeze it out so it could be nice and damp and I added more white and medium yellow here and we're going to paint our Sun so remember this is where the Sun will be let's make it this is totally up to you how big you want it and with the white make sure background is dry we're going to cover about this much okay tap my brush in the water lightly and make sure I don't have too much water but enough so around there okay you can make yours as perfect as you want but I want this to be the brightest okay so make sure you add a lot of white in here cover it all up sometimes what helps is once you have your first layer of white let it dry and then add more white and then it'll really stand out so now I'm going to go around and with a little bit of white and some yellow I want to make this stand out around the Sun okay so I'm gonna clean my brush I mean dab it in the water pick up more yellow and continue adding that yellow around the Sun and then fade it out my brush has a little bit of water it runs smoothly so I need my brush in the water again and pick up more this yellow wanna edit right around evenly okay blend it all out create that nice glow effect now I'm going to add some white and make this stand out even more so right where I ended the yellow since it's still a little wet I want to add a little more white around that Sun okay so white around there you land it in with a yellow but don't cover too much of the yellow we wanted to stand out like this so some more white and and this is where actually I'm going to switch to my one my blending brushes dab it in the water so it's damp and then I'm going to use part of the white okay white and then this is it makes it easier it covers bigger surface cover lightly you want to see the Sun but not too much cover that glow okay and fade it out yeah my brush has mostly water so once it dries all these lines will fade out so you won't see it okay something like that and if you want to be safe you can clean your paint out and with just with the water blend those areas out so you won't see any of the paint transitions so all this is gonna dry and blend in okay so we have this outline of our Sun and you can see the glow starting to happen so now I'm gonna let this dry and then go over the Sun one more time okay it's dry again and I'm gonna do the same thing cover this with white I want this to stand out the most you decide how big you want your son to be so I'm going to dab my brush in the water lightly hand not too much water and draw the shape of my son okay sorry guys if you hear some noises I'm Rhett currently am traveling and I'm trying to make these tutorials for you while I'm on the road so there's a playground right outside and you might hear some kids playing and getting hurt so bear with me hopefully they're not getting hurt all right so once you're done you know detailing your son let's just continue and draw our you know flowers and continue adding details of that because right now yes it looks kind of empty and plain but once we add more detail we could see what we need to add and work and if we need to add more to our son or not okay let's just continue see what we can do all right so I am going to not waste this paint so I'm gonna take all this paint all these colors orange and let's mix it in a little bit of green let's see what color it gives us okay and what I'm gonna do is not even add some blue in here we're gonna use these colors and not to let these pain go to waste we got some background colors here and what I'm gonna do is quickly put those colors in using one of my blending brushes actually my artist bunch right here let's stab it all the way in the water and squeeze it out the water out so it would be nice and soft and damp like this okay and what I'm gonna do first is I'm going to let's pick up this color right and let's randomly add it all and cover this area doesn't have to be perfect just cover the canvas okay cover it all and like this so that white won't be showing and then maybe some of this maybe even go up a little bit in here who knows okay maybe it goes up a little bit like this dab it in there okay take more of this and add it in here something like this okay and I think what I'm gonna do is add a little bit of lamb black and I'm gonna make it a little bit darker and then let's add some scarlet scarlet I'll show you exactly what I have so black and scarlet right here now I'm gonna take that all the rest of the colors like I said doesn't matter maybe take part of the white makes it in mix it all and we want it to be not too dark so maybe even take a little bit of the white and put it in there we don't want it to be too dark so I'm going to add some yellow to this color so that it won't be too I don't want it to look too you know like a cherry color I want to make it look a little bit too kind of orange brownish in a way but not too dark okay so that one really does not matter this is the background colors we want to make a soft transition you know so using the same technique take that dark color and add it all in here add it all in here okay mix it in maybe with your background and then you know here put it right underneath where you ended okay something like this so here maybe even add some faraway ones that go they have little flowers on them so don't be afraid to add all those colors in in your background okay all right so now you could see we have a rough you know rough area right here all the colors are in here I think of what I'm gonna do is add a little bit of a darker color so I'm going to use a little bit of black and take the make it a little bit darker so but not too black but you can see it's just a darker color mixed it all in again and this part does not don't worry about trying to copy exactly like mine you just want different shades and I want to add on some areas I want to add it a little bit closer up in here so these highlights this darker area okay maybe some in here not everywhere but on some of these okay like that all right for now that's good we can we'll come back to that later let's stop right there so I'm gonna put that back in my jar of water here and what I'm gonna do is start mixing some colors and for our poppies alright so I added straight from the tube titanium white medium yellow orange scarlet and then Len black and in a little bit of scarlet red I'm gonna mix that in that's pretty much the only color we need to mix and then the rest we will just play around with these colors and create our shades okay but this will be our darkest right here okay I hear dark dark cherry color alright I'm gonna now what I'm gonna do is pick up my number four quarter inch brush cleaning it out and dry it on the paper towel so it's still damp here and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to with with this orange and this red I'm going to draw out my shapes of my poppies where I want them to be so one I want one of them to be pretty tall and high up here so I'm gonna have them be like right in here and it doesn't matter where you place it okay and how perfect it you want it to be it doesn't matter you know how poppies look and um quickly shaping out my my poppy so so maybe this one goes up all the way and loops around here like this okay something like that so here this is where I will add a little bit of yellow right I'm going to add some yellow right in here right on the top straight out of the tube some yellow maybe in here don't make it too perfect it doesn't matter and then scarlet play around with these colors add it right on the bottom right here okay and we'll land it all in okay with that orange so if you don't want to carry too much of the red I'm gonna clean it out in my water dry it onto the paper towel so it could be clean again and I'm going to pick up some orange and add it right in here and because my brush is damp it it'll blend in nicely but don't worry about making it too perfect this is the easy part so maybe even what we're gonna do is add a little bit of white and yellow right on top right here let's make it a little bit colorful okay and it doesn't have to be perfect remember we want our poppies to stand out but we don't want it to be too perfect so you know so now I'm gonna dab my brush in the water pick up some yellow and maybe orange right in here quickly all right let's come back with detailing that later but let's shape out our poppies first where we want them to be okay let's just do that later so I'm going to clean my brush and continue with the orange and quickly just shape up my poppy so from there I want another one right underneath maybe a little bit smaller and it goes like this and you know how they are shaped like this maybe add remember red on the bottom and then the rest of the color orange and yellow on top okay so I'm going to clean up my brush and add yellow on top does not have to be perfect and quickly blend those colors in something like this alright next let's start off with the orange and let's draw one far away right in here one that is going like this and then loops around comes down let's use a little bit of the red and blend it in like this with a little bit of yellow on top right here okay that's good enough let's move on to the next one so here I want to add one right next to him and I'm going to add it right maybe he's kind of bent this way okay so I'm going to take red add it on the bottom here and then some yellow and add it on top okay like that so I'm going to clean my brush again doesn't have to be perfect like I said this is we're just sketching it out first and then we'll come back and add details later now I want one right in here on the bottom so I'm going to draw one that goes maybe like this and then like this how about that let's add the red on the bottom here and I'm gonna clean the red out so it won't be too dark so clean my brush out pick up the orange and the yellow had it on top mix it in with the red something like this okay there you go cleaned out my brush by just you know putting it in the water and then cleaning it on to the paper towel and I'm gonna pick up the orange again this is the easy part the hardest part is pretty much done now it's shaping out our poppies so I want to add another big one let's add another big one right in here and have them come about like this so read right on the bottom and then yellow and orange quickly put that in there okay like that and let's start with the orange again and let's add one that is going to be red underneath maybe they're touching inside right there and then he's right next to him very close so I'm gonna make this one a little darker red okay yeah I'm gonna dab my brush in the water pick up the yellow mixed it all those colors in like that alright now let's do the add some more I think what I'm gonna do is add one that is almost ready like that let's let's do the darker red like that okay we'll add a few more maybe there's a one that is right in here okay let's continue who had more of the little ones later I'm going to add one that will be right here and this one's gonna go split a little bit and go in like this and I'm gonna make this one a little bright because that's where the Sun is so I want it to be a little brighter so I'm gonna use more yellow on this it's next to the Sun quickly put that in don't worry about blending you're making it perfect yet we're sketching everything out first okay so orange and here I'm going to add one that is attached you know here and it goes like this alright so a little bit of red right in here on the bottom damn I brush in the water use a little bit of yellow in orange cover everything in okay let's add a little bit we'd set another light one right in here small cleaning up my brush add a little bit of yellow something like that that's good enough let's continue let's add some red some darker ones I think these are going to be some dark ones so I'm going to add one that is right in here and it goes down and it comes down here mix it in with the orange and then maybe it splits up here and comes down like this okay something like that let's add another one next to it maybe this is a little flatter so let's add the red and shape it out alright and few more I'm thinking to add one thinking there's gonna be one in here one in here some of these you know I want to add one on the bottom right here okay and then maybe with the orange let's add another one in here like this now you can step back and take a look and see if you like where you added your you know poppies and if you like him if you want to add a little more it's all up to you okay so now I'm going to add some of these little ones maybe there's one right next to it so maybe there's one a little bit round about to come out and then maybe there's one little one right in here some further way remember with a dark red okay and then let's add a few more in here and I'm thinking to add some in here some of the ones in the bushes and maybe there's some faraway ones don't worry about making it perfect alright I'll stop right there I might add some more a little bit later but for now that's good right there alright so now what I'm gonna do is pick up my number four and then are to stop rushing and dab it in the water all the way so it could be nice and damp right and this is where I will add a little more transitions and make it look a little bit you know stand out a little nicer so I'm gonna start with the white and the yellow and let's start with the big one since we have it right in here I'm going to make this stand out a little more so I'm gonna create some you know maybe sunlight is hitting this and it's really starting to stand out okay now I'm gonna look up more yellow and randomly at it make it look interesting not boring okay that's good right there go over to the table maybe not all the way leave a little bit of red like that so I'm gonna clean my brush in the water and use a little bit of orange and you could see my brush is damp so since it's damp it's gonna blend in now I'm pressing a little bit harder and swirling and blending the colors in to smooth some of this area but not everywhere but I want to smooth some of it in so it won't look too sharp so some orange make it colorful yours could look a little different in mine and then some red on the bottom right in here so I'm gonna dab my brush in the water so it could be a little damp and press a little bit and take that red up and blend it in with the orange okay now I'm gonna use part of this black okay remember this black and this is where I want this black to be right on the bottom right here you don't want to blend that out and we want to add a little bit in not too much and carry that black out like this something like that okay now you could totally play with these colors and carry some of the more enjoyment this a little bit darker right in here and play with how you want yours to look okay I'm going to add a little bit of red and in here I want this to look interesting maybe there's a little dent okay see how nice that looks already when we add little details like that alright so now I'm going to do the same thing to some of these big ones okay so let's let me clean my brush and I'm going to use yellow maybe a little bit of white on top right in here bring it down maybe okay fade out and then use this orange doing the same idea maybe this one is simple and in the red bring the red up like this basically we want the bottom to be dark in the top part to be a little brighter I'm gonna use a little bit of the black and on the bottom right here let's add the black a little bit on the bottom and now I'm going to clean my brush now in the water clean dry it out on the paper towel and it's nice and damp and I'm gonna between the red and the black I'm gonna carry that black and press a little bit and blend it all in with my other colors behind you see how nice that looks right there all right something like this now we can move on and let's continue doing the same thing playing with these colors and having fun let's add a little bit maybe there's a little one like this in here and that's good I'm not gonna touch that one too much maybe there's someone here these ones don't worry about making them perfect alright so with white and some yellow let's add let's work on this one okay I'm gonna clean my brush up and use this orange put it in there swirl it and blend it all in and then the red okay and then the black we want it right in here and that's good enough right there so I'm gonna clean my brush and then continue doing the same idea on all these make this area a little bright have it go in okay clean my brush and then the red a little bit of this darkest color like that continue some yellow and white and let's add I'm not gonna add to hear that much maybe in here and that's it close to the Sun but I'm gonna keep this this one darker and then orange and some red and a little bit of black right in here clean out my brush dry it on the paper towel and my brush just damp so it'll blend in and carry that paint nicely okay like that and a little bit of black on the bottom clean up one brush blend that black in with the red quickly like that alright moving on here I'm just gonna add the red and a little bit of the black on the bottom right in here and that's it someone dry out my brush onto the paper towel and blend those colors in alright that's good right there let's add the red make this a little darker right in here something like that and maybe the red in here I'm going to add a little bit of the black very small mount right in here moving on let's add the red on the bottom right in here maybe a little bit of the black clean my brush out and blend those in all right let's and work on this one adding the red in here and then the orange maybe some yellow that's Breton this in here but we'll keep it pretty pretty dark a little more yellow okay and some black on the bottom cleaned out my brush in the water dried out on a paper towel and blend that against the red swirl it and blend it in and if you need to use a little bit of red to really smooth make it smooth just go back and forth do it the way you like it a few more left very easy and a little bit of black right here on the bottom all these little details make your you know poppies stand out more and more if you add them all right so now I'm going to add a little bit of this red on this bottom one maybe in here for fun let's add a little bit of red like this alright so now before we continue let's pick up our detail brush dab it all the way in the water swirl so my brush is wet now I'm gonna swirl the this darkest color that we have here mixed in the swirl and down my brush into water you could see yeah it's as water and I'm going to take this paint and the reason why I add this water more on here because when I add these fine details it really gives me that nice sharp you know it's nice smooth run but when I use paint as it is it gives me like a rough you know try it see for yourself so water and a little bit of this color okay swirl it and now we're gonna add let's continue let's start with this biggest one right here and we're gonna draw like little strains okay let's draw strains and they don't have to be perfect so and bring it down all the way okay with this dark color to have my brush in the water again let's swirl it make this connection smoother and let's continue maybe this one goes off the canvas damn my brush in the water again carry that out like this okay continue make sure you're not doing it straight because then it'll be boring so make sure you're you know having fun so the further ones out you want to make sure they are thinner okay so I'm going to maybe even use some of this orange because I don't want it to be too too blue and you know dark so orange and mix it in with black we basically want a little bit lighter color for these faraway backgrounds so maybe I should have done that first and fade it out to start with the ones far away okay continue have it feed out make some faraway small ones maybe there's no one right in here add as much as you want continue with the orange and a little bit of black so these further ones I'm going to try to make them even skinnier add some wavy ones ones that go off side like this and faded out now you could some of them you can make like I said you can make some of them be bent for example like there's one here and I'm gonna bring you down like this it makes you look more like you know how puppies do bend a little bit so make sure you you know balance it out with some of them you don't make it look more interesting I believe maybe there's one right in here okay had a few more faraway ones like I said there's no writer on maybe there's one that is bent in here as well a little bit bigger right so add a little bit the darker color right and here him let's make him go around like this and feed out in here like that and maybe some more faraway ones that go like this okay don't be afraid to do these like I said you want to add far away the more you add the more interesting your piece will look okay so make sure you even add some in here for example like I'll add one that is right here and it's bent and going down like this okay maybe there's one in here a little bigger and then it goes out like that okay because these are closer ones maybe there's one that's goes out the painting all right play around with the orange and the black maybe there's a bigger one here alright once we're done adding the far away you know far away poppies we can move on and finish adding using this black just darkest color we have here with water kind of like what we did with this one and let's continue making it look wavy and bring it down okay make it a little bit bigger here and then alright now let's continue and remember this one right here I'm going to make it go like this and bring it down all right let's continue very simple my friends we will add this up here and carry it down all the way somewhere in there and fade it out like that continue with water in this darkest color we would have one in here but let's just pretend let's actually add it right in here and let's go around for fun make it interesting looking and I think I'm going to have it fade and bring it all the way down in here like this all right and then this one I'm gonna attach it and bring it down in here you want to balance it you want to make sure you're you know not having it in all in one area so for example like here I'm going to bring you down here I'll have it bent and fit it in with these okay and then this one I'm going to follow my patterns you know take it across and feed it out like that stab my brush in the water again swirl it and bring it all the way down okay almost there and then here I'm gonna bring you down like this all right something like that I almost forgot about this one let's bring you down and it out like that I think I'm going to add one more for fun so that it will look more balanced I think I'm going to add a little bit of red one right in here maybe going in like this feed it with the yellow a little bit here red an orange maybe make it a little wider so play with these colors cover that and you can add as much as you want all right guys add as much as you want and a little bit of black on the bottom right in here I'm gonna switch to my number four it's easier to blend for me dry it out and then lightly blend those in don't press too hard because it's still wet like that okay and what I'm gonna do is use a little bit of this black and then have it come down and fade out like this all right and with a little bit of just the red and if it has a little bit of black don't worry actually mix it in with the black a little bit so it could look like cherry color right and go over a little bit not everything but on one side right here I'm gonna go over make it sharper on some of these okay so I'm going to go ahead and do that maybe go over a little bit on top right here make some areas sharper you don't make it looks just at it don't make it stand out a little more okay for example one right here maybe here use your finger to blend it out smoothly and that's how you create highlights these are little details that are necessary not everywhere you done some of them may be right here for example this one needs it a little bit okay something like that not too much as you could see I didn't add a lot but every little detail makes it look better and better each time alright and now for a few final details what I'm gonna do is take part of this white that we have here and this yellow mix it all and maybe take a little bit of orange like this there you go that's good enough you can see a bright color right right there maybe more yellow doesn't have to be perfect we want a bright color like this like we did with the dark color with a detail brush and some water in the slightest color we are going to add a few details so swirl your brush and make sure it's nice and sharp like this and we're going to outline some of these areas because of the light hitting it okay so continue maybe add it right in here and maybe not everywhere just on some of them keep it on the right side because the light is right here and maybe even use some of them in here what if the light is hitting nice some of these in here okay dab it in clean it up a little bit all right and what I'm going to do is pick up my artist sponge for the last few details I'm going to pick up this red and black here the darkest color and I want to add some you know clothes more detail up in some of these areas right here okay with some of this dark colors let's pretend some of these or you see it makes it look very nice when we add a little more detail on the bottom here so I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I want to go up a little bit so I'm gonna add a little bit of this lighter color and orange doesn't matter mix it all in I want to go up a little bit here so maybe with the red so that we won't waste our colors and add some more in here few more details like this there you go see how nice that looks even if you cover some of these that's fine okay I'll be done for today you can come back and detail as much as you want again it's up to you how much time you want to put into this the longer you put time into a piece and the more details you put in the more interesting your piece will turn out and we'll look so again everything's up to you and have fun I hope you enjoyed this tutorial please let me know down below in the comments and be sure to LIKE and subscribe and stay tuned for more take care and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 1,258,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Poppies STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks), acrylic painting, easy painting, painting tutorial, red poppies, painting, canvas, acrylic paint, flower painting, poppy painting, tutorial, how to paint, acrylic painting techniques, poppies, flowers, painting for beginners, easy painting lesson, learn to paint, real time, painting lesson, flower landscape, how to, diy home decor
Id: OeKT8luyqZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 37sec (6217 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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