Sailboat STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

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hey guys welcome back thank you for tuning in I'm excited to continue and teach you guys something that I love to paint and I used to paint it more often but I haven't gotten a chance to do it lately but the patrons decided to do a sailboat painting with some sun rays and you know it'll be in the ocean with some clouds so I'm excited because I have this idea and an image in my head that I want to incorporate it down onto this canvas before we get started I would like to remind you guys if you want to give a vote on what I should teach next please check out my patreon page down below and there I give the option to do that alright let's go over the materials we need for today for the brushes we need obviously this lovely blending set right here we need some of these cheap artist sloth brushes and add up around zero detail brush and a flat number eight brush right here flat brush and it could be a half an inch as well whatever you have available but you want a flat tip right there and I think that'll be all for brushes and if I include a brush during the you know the the tutorial I will obviously show you guys what I use but I think those are gonna be the main brushes that we use for today now for paints we need titanium white carbon black cadnams yellow ultramarine blue and naphtha red light and to get these paints and some brushes that I showed you guys check out the link below I also add those and you where it takes you directly to the page in the brush sets did I offer it and of course we need a pallet and then a palette knife to mix your paints you need some sort of water jar where you can put your brushes when you're not using him and then I like to use these paper towels to once I you know clean my brushes in the Jardin I you're kind of like cleaning it out like this just dry it out and have the brush be damp and I think that's it for materials and again if I had anything I will definitely get to show you as we go along but let's let's get started let's mix our colors all right so this is what I have for now we're gonna mix these in and add some more shades so what I got here is yellow white a little bit of red and a you could see a barely a little touch of black and then same thing here less red and a touch of black as well yeah I added more white here so the only difference is less red and more white on this one but they're very similar we're just making a shade lighter let's mix in and see what colors to give us we're gonna start with the furthest point which is the sky and we're gonna start adding some clouds and and a nice sky and and I always make this cool like you know transition from yellow to blue but we're gonna do that but in a different way today I want to make my sky be a little more orange so let's see what will happen so it's gonna look very warm right there now our next shade should be a bit lighter if it's not I'm gonna add white and any color I want to make it either red or more orange but let's see what we got here so we got two colors this is more orangey and a little darker than this one you could see that's kind of what we want so I decided to add a little bit more white because once the paint dries on the canvas.the colors actually become a little darker than it is right now so keep that in mind so I added a little bit of more white and a touch of red because I want to make it a little more pinkish sympton here I added more white and a little bit of red right here so we're gonna go ahead and mix this one see what color it gives me still orange II like peachy color that's what we want you could see right there we're gonna leave that color right there I like it and then this one we're gonna mix it and see what color it gives us it should be lighter than this one and maybe Pinker not as orange right there so we got two shades we're gonna move on to mixing more alright so this is what I got next I have just white I'm gonna leave that there but I also have yellow and a little bit of white and I'm gonna mix this and I don't need to clean my palate this would be a little bit not much you need this yellow right there and then our next color our fourth color right here that is ultramarine blue just a touch of it not a lot I don't want it to be dark you know dark blue I want the sky to be kind of smooth and lighter so we're gonna have a little bit of blue and more white and then less white and a little more blue so let's mix this one it should give me a light lighter color you don't have to clean your palette because once you blend your colors in all these colors are gonna actually you know blend with with with these other colors anyway so we could see we have this light blue color and I might add a little more actually let's do this one right there so I'm gonna add a touch a touch of blue just a little bit here and maybe a little more here right there barely you know barely just a touch not too much I want it to be pretty light once you get the kind of like similar shades yours could be a little darker or a little lighter that's totally fine to experiment have fun I always say this it doesn't have to be exactly like mine yours could be a little darker because you know when the sunset goes down everything else goes a little darker so every second the shading is different so my mind could be at you know like 8:45 p.m. and yours could be at 8:55 p.m. just a shade darker which will be just fine now I decided to add a touch of red looking at my color palette I want to bring that red up in the sky as well so I added a touch of red right there as you could see I'm gonna mix that with this color and they might change a little now you could leave your shade of Kotor that you have if you like the color and on your palate and you don't want to change it you could totally leave it now I added a little more here and mix it here with my blue right here and we are ready to paint the sky right there I like this color this will be our darkest color I think okay here's our palette and we're ready to lay down a nice sky okay so we're gonna grab our fluffy brush right here number eight and we're gonna grab our water jar and dip it like halfway and then squeeze out make our brush damp and a little wetter so it's pretty wet and we're gonna start off with I'm gonna add the clouds on the bottom and I want them to be orangie we're gonna have the Sun be the brightest around right here not in the middle but like off centered on the right that's where it's gonna be the brightest and so the clouds are on the bottom are gonna be kind of Orange II and pinkish going into this blue sky on top and that's what we have here and so we're gonna start off with painting the blue sky first up until like this point okay and so what I'm gonna do first is I'm gonna grab my lightest color right here remember this blue and I'm gonna put it right about you know like right about here and just try to cross like this and this is our first layer I like to have later so don't be afraid to just start in you know you start adding paint and work from the furthest point in your picture and as you get closer you start more adding more more layers on top and then the picture starts to come to life so that's how I like to do it there's different ways of painting and techniques but that's the way I do it so I'm gonna grab this paint and lay down here and since this spot is gonna be where on the right side where I'm gonna have the brightest Sun on this side I want this to be lighter than this side right so I grabbed this color and I'm gonna grab this a little bit of this white just a little bit right here and just put it on the bottom here right here you'll see why I'm doing this of course okay all right right there and now we're gonna grab our this beautiful color that we mixed here and we're gonna lay it down next all right where we left off I'm gonna dab my brush lightly just on the tip so I can carry some water so you can blend in nicely not too much you don't want too much water on your canvas okay so just cover your canvas first and since this part is gonna be brighter you can see I'm grabbing yoga I'm just gonna bring you down like this carry it out like that right there and I'm not gonna focus on blending it yet so what I'm gonna do is clean out my brush yeah I usually go over the sink and cling it out to rinse it out real quick and then use my favorite towel to dry it but if you don't have that you can just use your water jar and lightly don't damage your brush but lightly press go up and down like this and then once you have most of it out you can squeeze it out and use a paper towel but to save time I bought two of these so that I can do faster I'll show you guys how I blend using my techniques this is mainly for the tutorials but when I'm painting I just use sometimes just that one brush okay so I have two brushes I made it damp so it's a little wet not too much and if it's too much water I just clean it out you can see I clean it out and it's just damp so it's still pretty dry and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start blending them and while my paint is still wet I'm gonna start from the bottom and I'm gonna do lightly press I'm not even pressing that hard I'm just swirling up and from the bottom up okay from the bottom up and so that's that's what I'm gonna do first and you want to start from like one side like from the bottom and don't wanna you don't want to go all the way up and then carry that dark colors on the bottom you want to start from the bottom and then just go from one side to another like this and lightly pressing my canvas not too much you don't want to you know you don't want to carry it and drag out all the paint you added on your canvas so just lightly we want that smooth and soft transition into this darker purple or whatever this beautiful color that we mixed here you could see how nice and smooth it looks now that's what we want and I'm lightly pressing and carrying the paint by swirling by swirling it and carrying it upwards right there now to save time I am gonna use a hair blow dryer to dry the background right now and if you'd like to do that you can it's just I don't want to layer more paint on top when the background is too wet that's why I like to dry it with a hair blow dryer all right now that it's dry we can add more layers and so we're gonna grab this number two fluffy brush and again do the same thing dab it in the water halfway squeeze it out make it a little damp not too wet use a paper towel if you have to but so my brush is wet and we're ready to add more layers and so let's grab let's grab our so we're gonna grab this shade right here that we have remember these two shades are mixed I'm gonna grab this one and we're gonna start right here we're gonna go ahead and start so our horizon where the the ocean horizon line will be about I would say maybe about right there right so about right there and it's gonna go all the way across about and we're gonna make it prettier of course and we're gonna lay it right about let's have it right about here I'm just gonna add it just right now it's kind of confusing you're probably wondering what am i doing but the picture will come to life soon just follow the instructions for now and you'll see so lightly press it and right there and you can go a little bit up like this so about right there and it'll kind of fade out like this and here we want to make because this is where we're gonna have our lightest you know the Sun here so here what we're gonna do first let's cover this area we're just gonna go ahead and add this color here damn my brush a little bit in the water and grab some of this orange too and add it right here maybe a little white an orange it doesn't have to be exact like mine but when you add a lot of different kind of you know coloring and shades it makes it look interesting so we added that then go back to your color right here and then edit right here on the bottom again the same color right here you could see that nice orange transition right there that's what we want so go ahead and then as you get closer here cuz this where your lightest color gonna be you can grab a little bit white and maybe a little bit of yellow to what's that orange and I'm just kind of grabbing random paint and mixing him you could just use the orange the color that you mixed that would work just fine as well so this area is gonna be pretty light so I'm gonna add a little more yellow right here and as I go up I'm gonna land this and have it be faded into white because this is where we're gonna have our lightest color okay we're gonna go probably around up to this point that's where we're gonna add so grab this yellow and just add it right there first and I know it's a bit confusing but bear with me bear with me it'll come to life and this will be wiped right here and I'm gonna grab more why because I ran out just put it right there and my pallet somewhere and I'm gonna grab some more white and put it right about here so but this white color this is fun because this is where your cloud becomes fluffy and it's actually you can have you can you know add your own shades of color your own shapes of the clouds and how you want them to look okay so this is all up to you so remember this is the lightest area so just make sure you cover it with just white and adding white and I'm gonna go about probably I would say about two here and kind of wrap it up right there and if I'm gonna use some yellow clean it out with some white and we're gonna go over in detail later but we're just getting those shapes first okay and if you need to grab more water on your brush all right here go grab some orange and yellow and continue on maybe some more white so there could be a smoother transition continue on and add some here I'm gonna add more white as you can see I ran out I know you're wondering what am i doing and what is this where am I going to but bear with you we'll get there I promise you that we're gonna grab our orange and with our orange just add more clouds maybe grab some white and orange you drag it up way up there like this this one's maybe chilling up here by itself I'm about right there and we're gonna continue on with this orange don't cover all the blue maybe some Lewis coming through the clouds and so you want to keep some of that that nice blue but we're gonna leave it like this alright now we're gonna add this color remember this one can I add it right about here and feed it out right there gonna continue down and drag it like this and then do the same thing here and use this orange to fill in this may be some yellow right here and blend that in some yellow and white whatever you got left I'm gonna make put some more yellow on my palette real quick yeah what I'm gonna do is grab some of this orange right here and mix it with this yellow and add white make it lighter right about there if yours is a little lighter or darker that's fine as you can see I'm just laying down the colors first so I'm gonna drag this yellow about here maybe carry it out a little bit maybe this one's kind of gone like this okay and now we're gonna use our big fluffy brush I'm gonna squeeze it out and try to blend these colors in nicely together so just squeeze out the brush and that's still wet and I'm gonna grab this a little bit of this orange color and on my palate swirl it make sure I have it all over and now I'm just gonna go ahead and blend everything in so my brush is pretty pretty wet you know yeah not that way but it's dead and so I'm just gonna blend and some of the parts are already dry that's okay but get the parts that are not dry and just blend cuz you don't want it to be perfectly blend everywhere for these clouds you want some roughness to show as well and so just don't don't blend the white part yeah just blend these areas and now we're gonna brush because we don't want to carry that yellow and that those colors into our white so we're gonna clean it out and just blend these this wiped it or yeah right here you know my um you know my add more more of the white because I want it pretty bright and just blend in with the rest of the colors you can have it as perfect as you want it all depends on how long you want to spend on this blending part all right right about there and I'm gonna add more white here so what we're gonna do is use our our number two brush again remember the areas these smaller areas wouldn't blend we can quickly do that real quick just lightly touch around it just with water on my brushes dampen the paint doesn't fully dry it sit it work it blends nicely so take advantage of of this time to blend them because after it dries you might have to you know come back and if you don't like it and add more layers which is fun too but this is easier to work with it when it's still not fully dry okay so now I'm gonna grab my white and we're gonna add it right here this will be our brightest yeah brightest color right here so I want this to be very white and we're gonna go ahead and grab more white and take it over to the top right there cover all of this and with white maybe someone here all righty then I'm also gonna add some white and let it come out in here all right my brush in the water and lightly press and blend in some of these areas my brush out so I have too much white use a paper towel to dry it out a bit and just blend in the edges here drag it up now let's grab our half an inch artist love brush right here I'm gonna dab it in the water and we're gonna grab this lighter yellowish orange color right here and we're gonna add it a few areas red about right here kind of going there peeking these are clouds peeking through and just blend it on all right dab my brush in the water and kind of do the same thing maybe grab this orange I don't want it too bright but do the same theme but add a few clouds fluffy clouds in the back right here you know have fun have fun with adding clouds and the way you want them to look like okay just play around and see what you can create on your own but right about there and with the same color this yellow I'm gonna get it grab this yellow and mix it with a little bit of white and go ahead and add it right about here and remember this spot actually grabbed a little more white just carry it end maybe some areas have a little bit of more wide and then maybe one here like this I want this area to be pretty bright so I'm gonna go ahead and grab this yellow and white and had like a little sharp turn here or something something interesting right about here coming down like this and this could go up okay this is the fun part because you create your fluffiness where you want them to be your clouds and how much fluff you want in your clouds and on this side I'm gonna do same thing same shades just on one side ran out of white so I'm going to add a little more white okay and add it right about there make your clouds look interesting don't make them look boring that's why I'm spending some time doing this because this will make my sailboat stand out and make it look very nice you'll see you're gonna love it I know what I just know what without these little details the boat wouldn't stand out as much I promise you that so bear with me we're getting to the sailboat all right right there and then these areas can as you get closer to this lighter area just bloom ended it all in okay I make my brush a little wet okay so I'm gonna grab some of this color now and just blend in this one with this blue right here water and this color right here just go in here and and I'm going to grab some of this yellow here and now you could use your number two fluffy brush for this part as well you know I'm just gonna add some of the yellows here blend this yellow end more water and a little bit of the CLO go around the edges right here we're almost done with this guy right about there maybe add some and dry drag it out right there this yellow color like this and then we're gonna we're gonna do is grab this color this light white orange color and continue on adding a few more of these right here remember how we added that one but this one's gonna be faded so once you add that press a little bit and add some water to your brush that blends in nicely [Music] just just blend everything in okay now we're gonna grab this color again and just add a few few areas right here I'm gonna add a little bit of black into my palette and mix it with this color just a little bit don't use all the black we want to make it a little darker so you just blend in with this color right here yeah that's gonna give us like a grayish color I'm gonna add it right there fade it out maybe add some right here in the water okay I'm sinking here data right here and I'm gonna grow why fluffy brush number two and blend those in nicely cleaning it out and just go around the press a little bit and just blend those in just with water so it won't be too sharp to the eye here if you have a little too much water on your brush cleaning it out I'm going to try to actually grab some of this and carry it here on the bottom right here and blend those in as well with my beta fluffy brush stri it out and clean some of this out from here and just blend it and see it goes away just with water right about there and I'm gonna add a little cloud right here little fluffy cloud by itself and fade it out with white oh and I am using another artist loft brush this is number two and just used adding these little details around here and just use any color that it's a little darker it doesn't have to be specific color I'm using whatever is left on this and just kind of going and creating shapes and shadows on my clouds and letting it fade out right there okay it doesn't have to be perfect how about there okay and someone here all right and you can play with the sky and have it as detailed as you want and the way you you want your class to be but this is kind of the basic layout and now let's move on to adding some more things here horizon and all that in the water so we're gonna what I have is black yellow and white I'm gonna mix these and I'm gonna draw some land so this will be pretty dark like a darker green and then what I got here is red blue white and black and I'm I'm gonna mix this and this is gonna be for the water so we're gonna mix this color and I'm gonna add some yellow to this as well yeah so I'm gonna add some yellow to this and a little bit more black here all right here's the black I'm gonna mix that and that'll be good doesn't have to be perfect and then mix this color right here okay it's gonna be for the water and we're gonna use some of this yellow or orange that we have left here and for the water as well but we're going to create another shade of water but first let's let's add some land so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab my number 8 flat brush or 1/2 an inch if you have one I'm gonna grab this darker color and remember our horizon is here so I'm gonna draw like a few little trees in a background few little trees and I'm just dabbing lightly and I'm gonna drag it out maybe up to here and then bring it down and as you can see I'm just dabbing right about right there and doesn't have to be perfect at this point just once you have your trees this little island here will be and then actually I'm going to add another little small island right about right here right next to it a few little trees here and bring it down right about there okay just bring it down okay now we're gonna draw our horizon line and I'm gonna make some of these actually a bit taller I want these to be taller trees right here okay right there all right so now we're gonna draw a horizon line use our same brush brush and let's create another color so we got these two let's create one more so this is what I have white yellow and a little bit of red and I'm gonna mix this this should be our lightest color like a light orange color right about there okay so we got this I'm gonna add a little more yellow here I want it to be more orange just a little bit more yellow there and blend it in all right we're ready to add some water okay so first thing we're gonna do is grab let's grab this orange color and some of this color right here damn my brush make it wet my brush in the water and I'm going to draw horizon so I'm gonna draw let's start from here there so most of this is gonna go away now it's easier to use sometimes to use a tape and just tape it and then just paint it okay sometimes it's easier to do that to make a straight straight line and it looks very nice so you can totally do that okay I'm just eyeballing it right now and then we can always touch the this mountains in the back later but now since once we have our horizon we're gonna grab this light color this lightest and since the light is here we're gonna make this area pretty light okay so make your you-know-what let's do the tape I'm gonna do the tape so make sure your the background is dry so I got this masking tape okay and this will actually be better if you if you don't want to use this you don't have to but if you want a straight line you can use it it works really nice okay there and now we can go ahead and do the same thing grab this color and just add it right there and as you get closer here you want to make it lighter okay so this could be dark right here but then you want to make it lighter so right here we're gonna start making it lighter because the light to remember the light is hitting I mean that's hitting this area very brightly we're adding the you could fade it out with orange here use water sometimes water helps right there right there it doesn't have to be perfect okay and then from here we can take this out yeah that'll give us a nice straight line right there see that there you go now we will continue adding more layers into our water loft brush this one and had some so this will be our darkest areas right here I'll just bring it out up to this point this would be our base and then grab the orange that we have here and just mix it around that orange and I'm just kind of laying out the colors so remember this is the lightest so it's the light is going to be hitting this area so that's why I'm adding the darks on the side and then and then adding my lighter color down the middle and this is our base so just keep that in mind this is only our base and then had this latest color and once you have that you're going to get your fluffy brush number eight squeeze it out to kind of dry it out but it's still pretty wet and you're going to just to blend these in like this nice and easy start with the edges here and work your way down nice and easy so yeah just blend it all in first and this is just our base color so right there there you go now we're gonna use the hair blow dryer to dry this real quick so now I got black and red and I'm gonna grab a few the remainder of this color not everything and these will be our this will use this color for our shades I'll show you in our water so when you did pretty dark maybe grab a little more right there and then I also just added some titanium white on the side right here and then yellow and just red I'm gonna mix it with this orange leftover but I'm gonna clean my palate because I don't want to carry some of this paint over so I'm gonna clean it real quick like this and then grab the remainder of this and mix it with my yellow and red here all right so now this part is the detailing of the water be a little tricky but we can do it so what we're gonna do is start off with the the darkest right here okay and we're gonna create little ripples here far far behind and what would do what I do is I kind of just dab it and lightly just dab it and carry it out okay just like that and you can you know dab your brush in the water and these far faraway ripples and you could fade out okay and then continue on and eat it out and of course as you get closer they get a little bigger okay maybe there's a bigger one right here and there's a skinny one right here and then here we're just gonna add a big one right here big wave these are just the shadows first okay we just Lane laying in the shadows I know it looks kind of strange at first but bear with me we get in there I'm not gonna add it everywhere I'm gonna leave a few empty spots I'm gonna feed it out right here yeah I'm gonna continue these small little ripples okay now we're gonna add some more layers and we're going to come back and add a few more with the black but right now I'm going to clean my brush and use a different color let's use let's use this color that we made this lighter color and we're gonna add it right here in the back just gonna and a few ripples there in the back and then just bring it out here and our boat was gonna be right here so most of this is going to be covered as well that in mind added a little too much here and now I'm gonna add some bread just pure red and dab your brush in the water but I want this red to be right here in the bottom mix it in with this color right here and just add some of the red here okay you look a little messy at first but just randomly added in everywhere I'm gonna blend all this in anyway just like this I'm kind of randomly put in yet to everywhere doesn't have to be perfect and then my fluffy brush and blend all that in just blend it in all right so I got this black I'm gonna mix it in and let's draw the boat and then we will touch up the water some more later because we're gonna add the shadows and we need to know where to add the shadows of the boat so that's why we're gonna add the boat first and so just some black and I'm gonna grab this color right here this leftover gray color it's almost grey mix it with my white I want it to be pretty white grab orange if you have a little bit left if you don't just add a little bit of yellow we just it doesn't have to be a specific color we just want this to be just not plain white you'll see where I'm gonna add these this color so we want it to be a little darker than white like a lighter gray color with a little bit of orange okay right there and actually let's add a little bit of yellow and because you like it needs to be a little darker so red makes that happen there that's perfect that's much better so we're gonna use this and titanium white and this for now and we're gonna grab our number eight or half an inch whichever brush you have and we're gonna draw a boat quickly so mend my brush in the water and I'm going to draw the shape first and my shape will be I'm gonna have it be starting right about here and it's gonna go down all the way in here so like this so it's gonna go and make a little circle and then it's gonna go down like this and I'm gonna touch it up with my detailed brushes just right now I'm just laying out where I want the boat to be and then we're gonna want it to go down like this okay and then we're gonna have it and right here that's gonna be the bottom and it's gonna go down all the way down and here I might look a little weird right now but you'll see why I'm doing this creating my shapes first okay this will be and I want it this to be brighter so I'm gonna actually add some red just red red and white and just blend those in this add a little bit of yellow and blend this in okay and then we're gonna draw our little little little little thingy here like this then we're going to draw a straight this one's gonna go high so like this okay like that use water to do that right and then one will be right here and then that and then we're gonna draw these things right here so this will be you right here first and then this one will be right here and you could see I'm not perfect you could you can be but it's gonna take a lot much longer to get the details and all that so I'm kind of trying to fit everything in all right so now I'm gonna grab my orange and white just mix it in with these colors see what you get it doesn't have to be exactly like mine and then you're gonna draw a nose pointy nose going probably about two here like that okay and then add some red to it get grab this black then here I want you to grab white and draw this thing that connects this and it's gonna go all the way down like this alright I'm gonna create some ripples here you'll see once add more details okay so now we're gonna draw some white lines right yeah so it's gonna go like from here it's gonna go up to here okay this and this one will go down this way like this now we're gonna drop this and make it nicer now I'm going to grab this white and make these a little cleaner just the white okay same thing here we don't want too much we don't want to make it too messy now do we all right and now this is the fun part we're gonna add those things the little what did they called oh you know what I'm talking about those blankets that's on the sailboats big big white blankets but first before yeah let's do that okay so from here we're gonna make it go all the way up to here okay we're gonna draw so we're gonna make this circular motion so from here we're gonna go up to here okay just like that don't worry about making a mistake and just use water to go over touch it up if you have to and now we're gonna do the same thing but from here I'm gonna make it wide and we're gonna end it probably about right here okay we're gonna swirl it right here so I'm just gonna go like this brain yet and look at that alright that's one of our blankets right here like that okay and what we're gonna do is make this a little thicker with just black and I'm just outlining first sketching out first and then I'll go over and add the details later so now I'm gonna grab my artists loft brush brush half an inch and remember this color that we mixed I'm gonna add it right in here this color right here just put it in as you get closer here you can have it white all right that's what we have here first and now we're going to do the same thing and add some more here so we're gonna grab some of this black and add one right here that's connected here and it's kind of going down and then it goes out like this this one could be halfway opened and then it's connected to another one and that other one goes to here and that goes like this make sure this area is clean and this is my sketch so what I do is I sketch it out first and then I go over and the details later and make the water nice and all that stuff all that fun stuff okay so let's just cover everything now cuz we're gonna go over it again let's make it a little darker like this same thing here all right this one could be a little darker as well me car just blend those in that and now with just the black lines lightly with water we're gonna add to bunch a bunch lines connecting so let's add there's a little thingy here and let's add it's going like this the one that's going like this and then this could go straight down just add a whole bunch of lines okay just water and few a little bit of this black okay so remember this we're gonna connect and one kind of going awkwardly like this maybe another one draw as many as you want going to attach some of these there's a little thing connecting here and then connects to that it holds see how boats have a lot of these strings attached we're gonna grab our white and a few details on our little sale look here here we will add some white okay so just don't be afraid to add some white right about here okay you know right under this white we're gonna go ahead and nab some black with our artists loft or half an inch brush yeah we're gonna just add a few black areas right here like the shadows from the boat okay these are gonna be the shadows from the boat so we need to add that it's very important to have these right here just right where the vote with a white underneath the white justyou can clean it out with the finger and fade it out so about right there and I just kind of leave some of the the spots open maybe you drag it out like this okay yeah what the finger if you have to right about there go ahead and blend even if you touch a little bit of this white that's totally fine actually I'm going to even add a little bit more right here just play with it have fun create ripples as much as you want you know create these and as I get closer here you want to create some of these white shininess coming down here I'm gonna use this brush do that and grab my white and draw some of these cool lines hard everywhere but just in some areas and you can clean it out with the finger if it's too much you don't think it looks good your water can be whatever you want it to look like okay you don't have to copy mine and maybe here there's a little more just have fun see what you can create just kind of going with the flow and the more detail you add play around have fun create as much as you want see you see what looks good if you don't like it repainted until you do you know keep adding as much layers as you want don't be afraid to do to do that and then add a few ripples here in the back it's too much you can clean it with the finger with water and yellow maybe a little bit of red mix it in but mainly yellow I'm gonna go ahead and work transparent and add some of the shadows here from the sunlight in the back and then go ahead and also I didn't carry that that same color around here maybe not everywhere but just in some areas right about there so we can get karey this yellow from back right here just blend it in same thing here just add a little bit of yellow and white and this is the shinier area maybe add a little bit of this yellow and orange right here as well then maybe add a few highlights here with a yellow blend those in same thing here you want it to blend in you want this book to blend in nicely with the background and this is where you have the sketch down on the water on the sky and on the boat this to me is a sketch so then you go over and add details and that's where it takes the longest time if you want if you like it the way you have yours leave it but what I do is with the detail brush go over and you see like this these areas I just retouch them lightly and make it nice and clean just make it nice and clean and if I add it too much I will clean it up and try it again until I am happy with it so that's that's what I do so just then go over in detail everything that you want to look may want it you know make it look nicer and more like sharper you know things like that make it your painting stand out when you have when you have details like this okay and I just go over and maybe make us another line here this there you go and then just add some white do the same thing with white and go over everything that's white go over and add white maybe there's a few little things here who knows all right and a little bit of yellow here and you can have more of this you know wave and you can add some of this white just a little more around wherever you want you want it to be you know like if you wanted to come out here if you want one little wave maybe here have fun play with it create a few little waves here maybe so that this won't take too much because it's just you know it looks very plain with wave just here I think I want some waves here as well little bigger ones brighter ones and maybe some here the ripples this part could be a little darker since it's in the shadow areas so but still pretty light and a few waves here alright guys so I'll be done for today if this is a long video and I thank you guys for sticking around and I hope this helped and you can add as many details as you want on the clouds on the boat on the water and make it as detailed as you want again have fun and I hope this was a good tutorial please let me know what you thought down below in the comments and be sure to LIKE and subscribe and share for those who like sailboats and want to learn how to paint this that would be awesome thank you guys again and take care and God bless you guys soon
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 1,364,252
Rating: 4.8818364 out of 5
Keywords: STEP by STEP Sailboat Acrylic Painting (ColorbyFeliks), ColorbyFeliks, art tutorial, art video, painting video, painting tutorial, painting for beginners, acrylic painting tutorial, sailboat, ocean painting, sailboat painting, how to paint a sailboat, acrylic painting techniques, art tips and tricks, step by step painting tutorial, how to paint with acrylics, easy art tutorials, step by step, easy painting, cloud painting, water painting, boat painting, diy art
Id: my7Fqxf2ZxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 53sec (7433 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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