Sunset Over Ocean with Dock STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting

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hi everyone welcome back thank you for being here and tuning in if you're new welcome to my channel I hope you enjoy these tutorials and find them useful to you before we get started I'd like to remind you guys that me and my wife are going to Nicaragua on a mission trip we're partnering with compassion and action and we're gonna bring some art materials over to the kids to the school there that help support the kids that don't have access to those kind of things as much as we do so I wanted to remind you guys that me and my wife are doing that in about less than a month and we're gonna be there about a week and we're gonna teach about 60 students kids and have fun painting with them and bring some art materials that's an exciting thing that's coming up soon if you'd like to be a part of this mission and be a part of the compassion in action and donate and help these kids check out the link right here or down below in the description and you can do that there it will be greatly appreciated and you make a big difference in these kids lives also on my last post my wife and I spoke about what's coming up and what we're doing and what we're bringing to the channel which is exciting to hear all the feedback and positive support and an amazing you know there's a bunch of comments we've read them all and we're gonna you know continue bringing out these tutorials to you guys but we're also you know gonna bring some new artists that are you know that teach on watercolor or oils or or other types of mediums right and we're gonna introduce them to the channels which is exciting I'll continue put out these tutorials when I can but this will be a new kind of idea that we're gonna try out and see how that works and if you guys are enjoying them we're gonna continue doing that more okay so check that out if you haven't seen the updated list of things that we have coming up and we'd like to hear from you as well so if you see my last post with my wife from last weekend you'll see that we talk about what's coming up so check that out and be sure to comment and let us know what you guys think alright so today we're going to be painting landscape sunset right it's gonna be probably you know probably the landscape it's going to be about this high and this will be where the Sun will be somewhere right here maybe a little off-center not in the middle right and then we're gonna have the doc be right here we're gonna add a little like a doc and this could be a lake or an ocean whatever you want it to be and so we're gonna add some birds here and it's gonna be just a nice soft calm evening and so that's the plan and we'll see what happens like always let's have fun take our time take breaks and just enjoy the process of creating together okay let's go over the materials needed for today this is sixteen by twenty inch canvas for these tutorials I usually always use this type of canvas it works best to be able to get everything done on time so but you could use any canvas you're available we need couple of these blending brushes these are exactly the same they're just different color we need two of them from blending we need a couple of these artist law brushes this is a number eight and this is a number for any half an inch flat brush and any detail brush this is a number zero for paint we're going to use my five acrylic colors and we need to ten am white cadmium medium yellow naphtha medium red ultramarine blue and carbon black we need a pallet and I'm using a palette paper and a palette knife to mix your paint a jar of water some paper towels and today we're going to use also masking tape if you have masking tape this works great to make that you know the horizon line straight right so we're gonna use that today to make it you know easier for us right and then if you have this I like to after laying down the first colors you know the paint down and blending everything I like to dry it out to add after it dries I can add either another layer or you know add the next layer I need to and won't have to damage or take the way the paint while it's wet you know so that's why I like to dry my first layer first so I have a row drier if you have it if you don't that's okay you can clean your brushes or take a little break a snack break or whatever you want and it usually dries within 20-30 minutes let's get to mixing your paint in our palette and I'd like to remind you guys that all these materials that I showed you my blending brushes my paints and my brushes and everything I'm using there's links to them down below in the description if you're interested everything i'm using i try my best to have them available for you guys so check those out if you're interested but any of the paints you have available anything that you have you know what the brushes you have available you could totally use it alright let's pick up our palette and our titanium white and we're gonna create about four to five shades and we're gonna create we're gonna start from the furthest distance and work our way up close and so we're gonna create the sky and also we're going to reflect that into the water as well so we're just going to try to probably cover the the whole can almost the whole canvas okay so that's the plan let's just cover the the the sunset and the water as our base you know and create those shades right now and so let's pick up our titanium white and squeeze and right here in the corner about let's say about two thumbs amount and then maybe here about the same about the same on each I guess let's do that the same throughout maybe a little less on these two but let's just start with that and maybe a little more right here a smaller amount here okay now let's pick up cadmium medium yellow and add a little bit in here and a little bit in here maybe a little more in here and let's add maybe a touch in here a small amount very small not like this okay you know the medium read now let's put some a little bit in here and maybe some in here and then maybe a touch in here now the ultramarine blue let's add a small touch very small mount like but this much and then a little more in here and then our final blue let's head we might add some white in there but let's quickly mix what we have here and see what it gives us okay and if we need to add more we will our palette knife start off with the lightest color here quickly mix that in should give a nice bright yellow mix it all in until you get one color there you go that's good enough next since we added some red in there it should be leaning towards orange as you can see next since we added more red on this one it should be leaning towards more of the red the pink peachy color yeah I always say that that's good right there next we are transitioning from the warm colors to the colder colors which are the blues as you can see that's good right there and then this one yeah I think I'm going to add a little more white on to this blue I'm gonna go ahead and do that because it's a it's a little bit too colorful there so a touch of white and I also added a little bit in here as well a small amount we don't want it to be too dark we want has to be a light blue something like this and then our final color here will be the little bit of the darker blue okay there you go I'm looking at this and seeing if I like the colors and I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add another color here in between this orange and this kind of like the pinkish orange and I'm gonna make a like a darker more of an intense orange right here because I want the I want the you know my where the Sun will be I want it to be a little more orange right about here somewhere okay so I'll quickly clean out my palate with a paper towel like this really quick so I won't carry the blues and I'm going to add I'm going to actually to save you know a little bit of paint I'm gonna take part of this right here about this much put it right in here and then maybe part of this something like that and I'm gonna add some yellow so I added a touch of red as you could see and more yellow right here and I'm gonna mix it you know it doesn't have to be exactly the way it turns out like mine but you we want it basically a little bit of a darker orange like a more intense orange right like this that's what we want I like that you know you could see the basically because we didn't add white it gave us this more like intense color why kind of dulls everything makes it more smoother looking more black pastel colors you know but I want a little bit of this kind of less white and to get that orange nice darker Orange okay and I'm looking at this and seeing if I like the colors or not and so I'm actually going to because what the plan here is instead of starting light from light going to dark I'm gonna start from like a darker like a red orange and work my way from don't you know the darker to the light and then to the blue here so that's the plan and I'm gonna you know translate that and you have it be the same on the water here you know from a little bit of the darker orange going into the lighter colors here and the blue on the bottom that's the plan so I'm looking at that and I think what I'm gonna do is take part of this and add a little bit of red I'm gonna leave this color but I think what I'm gonna do is add a little bit of red not much I don't need that much paint and make it a little bit more darker leaning towards red so you can see a very small amount and mix that in and then you I didn't take that much but I want it to be a darker color okay there you go networks so we got our pallet all the colors are mixed in and now we can start blending and putting our colors quickly onto the our canvas first I'm going to clean my palette knife so that paint won't dry up really quickly like this now let's pick up one of our blending brushes doesn't matter which one and I'm going to dab it in the water all the way and then squeeze a little bit of it out but not all of it part of it so water still in there and the reason why I like to use water because it makes the paint dry slower so keep practicing about you know how to go about this because once you catch that technique you'll be able to do this and it'll be very easy and a lot of fun so keep practicing on how to catch that technique with the water you don't want too much water where it's dripping and you don't want too little water because the paint will start to dry quickly you know what I mean so just practice until you get it right but so and I'm trying to show you exactly every step you know that I'm doing here so dab it all the way in the water squeeze part of it out so it won't drip but you see if I squeeze everything out it it all comes out you don't want to do that you want to you want to dab it in the water and squeeze a little bit of out so that the water won't drip like this and then you should have enough water to start adding to your canvas and and so now what we're gonna do is start with this orange actually this darkest color right here that with a red right and we're gonna take part of this color you can see I have water see if it's if it's too much water then you squeeze part of it out a little bit too won't like run too too much and and you could see you pick all of it out take all of it okay you could see it becomes very smooth right just take on all of it like this and let's put it right about let's just put it right about here so you could see and you know when you have the right amount of water because it runs smoothly on the canvas so so every time I dab my brush in the water like this when I say I'm gabbing my brush in the water I'm just dabbing it really quickly like this and then picking up my next color okay so that's that's what I'm gonna be doing so now I'm going to take this orange take it all and let's put it right here and it's okay if you blend it all in together this is our first and you know first layer so it's okay if you mix it all and together it's totally fine so something like this on the bottom okay and don't worry if if you see some hairs on on there don't worry don't try to pluck them out there'll be a few especially if your brush is new don't worry about trying to pluck those out just focus on blending and and then I'll show you how to take those out very easy once the first layer is dry you can scratch them off and it comes off easy without damaging anything alright let's continue before the paint is still wet so I'm dabbing my brush in the water and I'm going to take this orange now okay at this one and then I'm going to put it right right about there right here maybe right here on the side as well something like this okay and then dab my brush in the water again take of the take more of this orange and I'm going to put it translate it and put it on the bottom right here okay because this is where the water will be so damn much in the water again pick up more of this orange and let's just add it maybe right here who knows okay Debbie my brush in the water and I'm gonna add a little bit more in here you see how smooth it feels smooth that's how you know you have the right amount of paint and water and a B my brush in the water again and taking my lightest color here and putting it right here okay putting it all right here and I'm gonna probably just cover the whole canvas and then we will you know there'll be a dock here but that's okay let's just focus on covering the whole canvas so I'm gonna add that right in here dab my brush in and water let's add that lighter color right in here something like that dabbing my brush in the water I'll take a little bit more and edit right in here that's good enough right there dabbing my brush in the water and then I'm going to use this pink this beautiful pink and I'm going to add it on the sky right here also do the same thing a little bit of this pink on the bottom right here dabbing my brush in the water taking more paint and spreading it about that much next let's add this color right here this beautiful violet look in color and add it right on top tabby my brush and water every time basically I pick up more paint I'd add my brush in water okay and about this much dabbing my brush in the water doing that the same thing right in here mix it all and mix it all all right and then I'm gonna adapt my brush in the water again now take this blue blue and let's add this blue right on top here I'm gonna dab on rush into water because I feel that the canvas wouldn't it doesn't run smoothly it's supposed to feel like it's run very smoothly okay if it's not then make sure you you know dab your brush in the water some more of this blue and let's add it right here in a corner I want someone to blue in my sky like this okay so Debbie my brush in the water and doing the same thing here mix it all in with your colors right here and in the final color this darker blue dabbing my brush in water and we just kind of put this darker blue in my water right here not on top just the bottom right here it's fine let's cover everything why not right why not let's cover everything okay something like that okay now I'm gonna put my first blending brush down I covered everything and then I'm gonna pick up my second blending brush and I'm gonna work dry so my brush is dry okay and my paint is still wet so I can still move the paint and play around with it right so I'm gonna work dry and I'm gonna start and this is going to be you know I'm gonna do so maybe some blending like this but I'm gonna try to go like this because for this scene I want to make it look streaky kinda so you know I'm gonna softly barely pressing the canvas so I'm gonna go like this okay soft quick I want some of those like this I don't really want that and like that crazy of a smooth blend I want those streaks in my sky and water so I'm gonna go back and forth lightly like this with the blending brush I'm gonna start with the sky and then translate that on the bottom before I go too far this is our first layer so don't worry about trying to you and here as well we press it basically what it does it evens everything out nicely it makes it look soft all right something like this that's good enough and our first layer is done so we've got a simple transition going on in our sky and and also in our water so you can see kind of what's going on here so we want to quickly do that you know don't worry about like I said trying to make it crazy super perfect blend if you see some like those connect as like clouds for example like these lines you know could be ripples of the water or this pink right here is so beautiful you know we want those things those things that make is what makes the painting look interesting and so our first layer is done and I'm going to clean out my brushes so they won't sit in the water too long and then get a new water and then finish drying it with a hair bow dryer and then we'll continue from there all right my brushes are clean I got a new water and my paint is almost dry but it's not fully dry so I'm going to quickly dry everything out my background is dry and I'm ready to continue adding some details but remember I talked about some of the hairs that will come off like I said the blending brushes they work the best out of the ones I've tried some of them lose a lot of hair someone lose a little less but the one I had you know was able to design it loses a lot less and especially if you use it over time so it's very common it's not a problem so basically what happens is so everything's dry now and sometimes when you use the hair blow dryer it come it flies off naturally because the paint dries and soaks it in and the hairs loosen up so for example there's one right here you just scratch it off and pull it out like this and there you go and then doesn't damage and doesn't do anything to the painting and I only had one for this piece every now and then you'll get one or two it's not that big of a deal I just wanted to clear that out to you guys let's mix a few colors for the clouds and you see I have some paint left over here right I don't want to let it go to waste so I'm gonna use them and I have I added a touch of white yellow and red straight out of the tube and first I'm going to add let's add take part of this let's just take part of everything here maybe part of this blue as well mix it in with the red I want it to be a darker like a violet leaning towards red maybe I'm gonna use that somewhere okay something like that right there and now I'm looking to see what else I want to add so I want to make a darker color so let's just take part of this and this blue left over blue take it all and let's make another color by adding a little bit of black this time and a little bit of red as you could see touch of black and a touch of red let's mix all that in let's see what it gives us gives us a darker like it's almost like gray right that's what it looks like and that'll work that'll work for our clouds something like that now I'm going to take the rest of the paint maybe this orange and part in here and I'm going to put it in here maybe I'll use it we'll see well see I just don't want this pain to go to waste alright let's clean out our pallet knife like this and then we can pick up our number four let's start with that dab it in the water all the way and make it nice and damp and then you know so that brush couldn't feel soft yeah water helps okay and what we're gonna do first is I'm going to draw where my son will be so let's let's just pick up this yellow that we have member that we used let's pick that up and we're gonna draw where our son will be so remember I said it's gonna be a little bit not in the middle but off-center maybe around right in here so I'm going to have it like be somewhere right in here so I don't maybe there's some clouds in there it'll kind of come up like this and fade out to the yellow and then the Sun will reflect into the water and I think you know the landscape it's going to be about right in here so I'm guessing it's going to be somewhere right in here reflecting right and this part you just doesn't have to be perfect just go back and forth we first sketching everything down you know and then we will add more details and then as it goes out here it becomes a little bigger I'm not gonna you know go over too much of you know this bottom part right here I'll do that later but we want to catch where our Sun will be right so now I'm gonna dab my brush in the water and then I'd like to dab it in the paper towel so that I won't have too much water right you could see I still have paint there but not too much and I'm gonna go back and forth on the edges right here try to make it softer transition and fade it out we'll work on that you know later but so we have the Sun here okay and then I'm gonna lightly dab my brush in the water not too much you could see I have a little bit and then take part of this yellow I want it to be super yellow right underneath here want my son to really glow same thing here we'll add that all in here maybe you could even use your finger we want to make a smooth transition have it fade out somewhere like this since my brush is a little bit damp it run smoothly you know on the canvas so it's able to take a little bit of that yellow and work transparently with my background color and create a nice you know glow effect okay so I'm going to come back to this white and dab my brush lightly in the water just the tip not too much and go into and a little bit in here I want this area to below maybe there's some clouds in here you know small ones okay so use a little bit of that and this is the fun part because there's really no right around here you basically create you know any anywhere you add these little details will make your painting stand out so if you added your clouds you know a little more white towards as long as it's like a smooth transition from light from the Sun to glow into the you know the sky so I'm adding more lighter ones right in here so in here it's very light right so I think what I'm gonna do is and you might have to do this a few times right but let's first continue and adding that glow and I just dab it in create that nice transition somewhere like that and then same thing here right in the middle right in here I want to make it brighter something like this okay I'm going to dab my brush in the water clean it out a little bit and dab it in my paper towel so that I won't have much water in it it's just a damp brush like this right and I'm gonna work damp with the damp brush I'm going to blend those colors out like this so it could be a smoother transition you lightly blend it in with the yellow that we added take your time this is the part where you don't need to worry about the paint drying the water helps so take your time by laying your colors down and playing back and forth so let's go back to the yellow now dab it in the water I don't want too much so I'm gonna see I have a little bit water but not too much paint too much of that yellow I want to fade it out in here I wanted to add it into the water but and land it out we want to create that nice glow effect that's what makes your son stand out okay alright let's add a little bit more in here and you might have to do this you know more than once going over the same idea doing the same thing you know you might have to do it a few times but that's ok actually the more you add the more it'll stand out even better you know so don't worry about rushing you know have fun with this part so I think I'm gonna add a little bit of yellow right in this guy right in here maybe in here probably stopped right here somewhere and then we'll continue adding more for me to later with the yellow but something like that okay maybe even had a little bit of that right where the horizon line will be somewhere in there I'm gonna clean out my brush and pick up a yellow and I want to make it more yellow so not white and it's okay if you carry it to the sky bit that's totally fine okay something like this yellow is a beautiful color so warm warm feeling you know watching us sunsets is such a peaceful thing to do it really does relax you alright ok so you could see I added you know I took out the paint here because that happens when the paint isn't dry so I waited till this part dried and now I'm going to go back to the white this time and I really now want to make my son stand out even more so I'm gonna add that white right in the middle that like stand out like this okay right in the middle and maybe here it's added a little bit in in our water now I'm going to clean my brush and dry it out on a paper towel so that I won't have too much water just dab it in there softly and it's like clean again and I'm gonna blend those in like we did with other colors just around the edges of where we ended adding not in the middle but around okay like this so it could be a smooth transition is enough to be perfect okay all right let's we're gonna continue adding obviously adding more of this color here into our water let's add some darker ones first then we'll see the the picture come to life a little more and then we can go back and play with it a little more okay let's add some darker clouds right next to the Sun and work our way up so first thing I'm gonna clean my brush and I'm gonna use let's use I'm going to use this color that we have mixed okay now this color might be a little too you know dark so I'm gonna mix it in with you know maybe a little bit of the orange take part of the orange mix it in like this okay and then let's add that right in here so take more of this color maybe I added too much yellow yeah that's actually good right there and let's land it out like this these are clouds so if they don't have to look perfect okay so let's just use this color and randomly add the mixture brushes stamps I'm going to add the tip in the water you can see it's a little wet and I'm gonna mix that in so it can run smooth on the canvas and I'm going to add you know separate them make him look interesting I wouldn't try to make them look one blob you know spend spend a little bit of time trying to make your clouds and interesting they don't have to look exactly like mine you know make make a little bit of them like separating from each other so something like that okay and so maybe here there's a little one okay all right you're starting to see the shape of our clouds maybe bring you down to the Sun like this and maybe some in here use this color and let's add some right in here I might have to actually add a little bit more red because it's a little dark so let's just add a little bit more red I want to the reason why is because it's very you know it looks more like you know purple and we want to make it look red because the Sun is next to it and so we want it to make it look more you know warmer it'll match better so I added straight out of the tube and I'm gonna mix it I'm gonna mix it with a little bit of red okay so something like this to have my brush in the water and pick up a little bit more paint in here I'm going to add some little ones far away maybe even add a little bit of this red in here and have it feed out like this but I'm not going in too much in there and then to have my brush in the water and continue adding a few details maybe there's a couple smaller ones right in here who knows they don't have to be perfect these are faraway clouds so now I'm going to go back to this color and then some little ones okay so I'm gonna dab my brush in water and the way to fix this because I realized I don't really like this area right here so it's very easy so what I'm gonna do is first I'm going to add a little bit of more red first let's just add a little bit with water let's let's make it a little more detailed right in here some more little ones in there who knows maybe this connects to here connects to this one and fades out that's good enough right there so basically to fix that I'm going to clean my brush right and I'm going to clean this up a little bit I'm going to add yellow straight and we're transparent little kind of like what we did with the Sun right with water not too much so I'm Debby while brushing the water again I don't want to take too much of this yellow you could see only taking part of it right not too much and I'm going to go around them where the Sun might hit and really make them below and go over them something like that all right let's continue adding now I'm gonna add like like an orange e so I'm not gonna use this color but I am gonna use a little bit of this orange and mix it in with the red I'm gonna make it like a like a orange color like this okay something like that let's add it right here right in here you could see that because of the Sun hitting these clouds they're a little bit more orange e so I'm gonna make so my dad my brush in water su can run smoothly you could see not too much to water and I'm going to continue I think I'm going to add some right in here and have it fade out maybe some in here okay like this and then maybe in here a little bit feeding into this cloud who knows I'm gonna add fade it out right here maybe go up right and here lightly had some skinny ones you know as I go up I'm gonna make it a little bit more pink so I'm gonna add a few more here and then we'll something like this now let's add this pink right here it's still a little wet so I'm gonna mix it in with my yellow and I want to make it dab my brush in and water so it won't be too dry mix it in with the pink or you could even take part of the red doesn't really matter we basically we want to make a transition from the CLO into the darker color cloud here on top and yours could look a little different than mine all right you don't need to exactly have it look the same so I want to make it a little more darker red so I'm gonna mix it in with this and then add it right on top right here and maybe have it come up here you see the goal here is to go from widest to the darker color so if yours is a little doctor that's fine as long as you get this technique so I think I'm gonna have it and this is where you play around play around see how you like your clouds to look so I think I'm going to I'm not going to add too much of the sky I want to leave it you know a little bit empty but I do want to make a look interesting so I'm going to add some right in here and this is where I'm going to play with this color go back to this color again and I'm going to add it this is where actually I'm going to start transitioning to the darkest color something like this and let's have then go up here maybe it splits up in here who knows maybe it goes down a little bit right here you know clouds are fun they always have their own way so here I'm going to switch to this darkest color that we have mixed or I take a little bit of that and then let's add kind of what we did with the red here we're going to add that dark one on top and then now I'm going to add another skinny one right in here who knows something like that and then I'm going to add one that goes off into this guy like this a longer one and then here you can you know play around with these colors and maybe make some in here feed out like this make it you know look interest in your sky so I'm going to add a little bit of this red I want to make it a little darker and on top right in here wanna make these a little more darker cleaning out my brush and when I go back to like the orange color summoner okay with this red and orange does not have to look perfect you just want to make orange you know this color right here and I think I want to add something here maybe a little bit of this orange on these some of these ones in the sky you know to create that nice glow right underneath some of these maybe use this color I want it to be not too strong I want it to be a lighter color maybe mix it in with this yellow I want it to be a little bit lighter in here to fade out you know oopsie so I'm going to switch my brush to number eight and I want to create some of these long ones but faded one so I'm going to dab it in the water like we did with and I'm gonna maybe take a little bit of the pink make it a little bit pinkish and I want to just blend that in make it smooth looking create these straight ones something like that and it may be in here let's add a little bit of this red and yellow this pink doesn't really matter I just wanted a little bit darker than the background make it look streaky you don't want to overdo it when you feel like it's done it's done so I'm going to go back to my number four and add a little bit more details here and I'm going to continue I think I'm going to add a little bit more in here with the orange so I'm gonna mix this end maybe and a little bit of the white so it won't be too strong I think I'm gonna add a little bit more in here so I'm going to have my brush slightly in the water maybe a little more red okay now let's pick up our masking tape we can come back to the sky later you can add as many details as many clouds as you want into your sky but we can come back to that later let's let's move on and quickly lay you know some of the other stuff so masking tape and I just ripped out of the amount I need and I'm gonna have it right like somewhere right here so you choose where you want your highs in line to be and I'm going to put it about let's say about this high and I'm gonna try to make it as straight as possible but what I like to do sometimes is measure with a ruler or even a you know pick up one of your brushes in and measure it from here to here so it's somewhere right here and see if it's pretty see this is a little off so it's just like a little off it it should be higher but that's okay because what I'm gonna do is now here we're gonna add some mountains here right on top so even if it's up off a little bit that's okay but if you want it to be perfect you can totally make it as perfect as you want okay and then make sure it's all nicely on the bottom right here taped and once you have that let's quickly add our horizon with the flat brush right here and we have a little bit of this darker color left let's just use them and I dab my brush half an inch brush in the water so it can run smooth on my canvas and pick up some of this darker color here and I'm going to quickly draw my horizon line somewhere right in here okay I'm gonna demo brush in water so it can run smoothly so something like this all right something like that does not have to be perfect there you go okay and I'm gonna rip this off lightly like this right there okay that's our horizon line so we'll work with that so let's now pick up our number four again this brush dry it off and we got the horizon line and now let's add a little bit of some faraway trees with this color this darkest color we have here and let's let's just add it you know some mountains may be right in here we're going to end it probably let's end it like right in here somewhere okay so totally up to you how you want to maybe here it gets a little bit bigger so I'm going to add a little bit of the black I want that to stand out a little more so straight out of the tube some black like this yeah let's take part of it let's mix it in with this gray that we have here I don't want it to be pure black but I want it to be darker than what I have at least these mountains okay with the darker color you can dab it in there okay something like that and now with a flat brush here I'm going to clean it out and I'm going to take part of this gray and add it up on the bottom right here so I want to make it as straight as possible but that's okay it's not that perfect okay here I'm going to add a little a little bit of the far away ones dab my brush into water and maybe even use a little bit of this red how about that in this color because I don't want to make it like this color one it's further back I want to make it a little bit lighter far away mount little Hills something like that okay and here I want to draw my horizon line maybe there's mountains right here I don't bigger [Music] something like that okay all right we got a rough I think I'm gonna cover this area a little bit more right in here we get a little bit of a smoother transition like this all right something like that and now let's pick up our number eight and I'm gonna add a little bit of the darker blues here so I'm gonna dab it in the water and I'm gonna use I'm gonna use this color I'm gonna take a little bit of the ultramarine blue just squeeze it straight out of the tube make sure you always close your lids and then right here you could see I have this color remember this color we mixed I'm gonna just like purplish color I'm gonna take part of it and it may be a little bit of the blue so it could look like something like this and I'm gonna add it right on the bottom here this is where it does not have to so I don't want it to be too blue I want it to be a little bit darker so I'm going to add a little bit of black actually but more leaning towards blue you see that's what I want right here and I'm gonna just randomly add that in and kind of put it right in here in my water and I'm going to do it until I get to like up to here somewhere I'm gonna dab some of these areas right in here and the rest I'm going to blend it all in there this bluish color okay you'll see why I'm doing this once I had more details it will make a big big difference in your water the reflection so I'm gonna continue that blue maybe even some can you know cross over like this so lightly press lightly and I'm going to add this blue in here so I'll take this blue again they'd be added a little bit more black and let's add a darker shade right in the water here land all this in here so a little bit more right in here and then this blue won't be done maybe a little bit darker in here I want this to be darker right in here doesn't have to be perfect okay something like this yeah I'm gonna clean my brush and I'm gonna do continue doing the same idea but with a little bit of the darker red so maybe this red and I'm gonna add some more yellow I ran out let's quickly do that so red and yellow and I'm gonna make it Warren G right and I'm gonna add it right in here I want this darker red to be in my water and randomly go over some of these areas maybe add the red I didn't hear a little bit so I'm gonna dab my brush lightly in the water not too much water if you take too much water dab it in the paper towel but you want a little bit you don't want a lot and I'm gonna continue this idea so maybe a little more red and continue adding your shadows so I think I'm going to add some right in here who knows so I've done like this maybe on this side as well who knows a little bit more red and let's add some little ones like this in our water you use your finger that's all right in here and doc will be somewhere around here so you don't need to worry about trying to cover everything you know just make a nice smooth transition in your water all these little details count so I think I'm gonna make a little bit more of this red I want to make it a little bit more intense right in here okay so red and water and let's add it right in here and then fade it out you know it doesn't have to be perfect faded out lightly like this with water in a little bit of red and let's play around and oops a little too much red that's when you know when you have too much water I mean it's very easy just wipe it off like this with a paper towel and continue and you don't want too much water but just enough to be able to add these little highlights in your water so randomly add it like this with just the red same thing here maybe kind of bring it in here a little bit who knows like this and a little more right in here that's good enough there you go now let's add some of the reflection from the clouds right when I add those in them we don't want to miss out on those so some red and maybe some orange and let's add a little bit in here it doesn't have to be exactly like it but you know eyeball it for yourself so I'm going down when brushing and water so you can run smoothly and I'm going to kind of eyeball it and blend it out somewhere in here and then these ones with the red maybe a little bit of this darker color and let's add so somewhere in here you know we want to reflect it but doesn't have to be exactly like like that you know cuz its water so we you just want to add a little bit of the shadows in our water okay so keep that in mind that it's okay of it it doesn't look exactly like it oops clean my brush up a little bit too much dark so I clean my brush up with water that's how every time I say that that's what I'm doing I'm just dabbed in the water and taking a little bit of paint away so you could see it's not exactly alike like the sky but even here you can so maybe a little bit more right in here and we could be scoops I'm gonna clean out my brush a little too much dark and randomly at it somewhere I'm looking and to see if it's kind of similar if it's not like I said it doesn't me too and then the the dock will be somewhere around here so don't worry about trying to make that in there so right here I'm going to add a little bit of the darker color so with the blue and this black right blue and black maybe make sure you don't have too much of the black going to add randomly you know now our dock is gonna be somewhere on here actually let's use my blending brushes so one of my blending brushes I'm going to dab it in the water squeeze it out right and I'm gonna take this blue and this black blue doesn't matter it just make it and add it randomly right in here we want to make this area a little bit darker okay and you could even do this now I'm painting sideways you can walk around and make it comfortable for you you know there you go and of course with your other blending brush the dryer one dry one you can you know make it smoother softly don't peel the the paint off we want to smoothly blend it so that the water won't be dropping okay something like that that's good right there now before we continue with the doc let's see if we like the Sun so I'm going to go back and with the white I'm going to add a little more details to my son you know in here go around and add that white reflection and have it fade out right somewhere could use your finger to blend those in and clean out my brush and do that with yellow yellow and water and add it a little bit on the side of that white I want to make it look very yellow so I'm gonna use a little bit of water and more yellow right in here so I'm gonna dab my brush lightly in the water and take that yellow and really blend it out you find final details here and then we can continue so a little more yellow and think I'm going to add it right in here and fade it out I switch to number eight it's a little bigger easier to work with when you start to go wide so I'm going to add a little bit more yellow on the sides right here so maybe even take that yellow and bring it out right in here into my sky just bring it all out that really make your painting glow if you want it to there you go and maybe with a detail brush stab it in the water and go around and I think what I'm gonna do is use a little bit of this red and yellow and I think I'm going to add one that's that goes across here little details like that make your painting stand out very nicely now with the white in number eight brush and then took part of it like this dab it I'm going to create a little bit of the ripples in my water by just dabbing like this very few not that much and fade some of them off all right let's move on and add our little you know doc here and what I've got here is some titanium white okay a touch of red touch of yellow and black a touch a black a little bit more blue and yellow and a touch of black here and let's quickly mix it it's going to look great so light grayish so it doesn't have to be the exact amount that I have here but you want it to make it look a little bit light grayish something like this okay like that and then this should be a little darker something like this okay and then I'll create a darker color and we'll be sketching our bridge or dock so right here a touch of black red and white yeah I'm gonna mix that does not have to be perfect we just want a dark color something like this it's like a dark cherry color for the wood okay something like this for our first layers now let's quickly clean out our pallet knife and then let's quickly pick up our flat brush half an inch and let's sketch it out with this darkest color here so I dab it in the water so it can run nice and smooth and I'm gonna this is where you decide how you want yours to look okay so I want it to go towards like the Sun so I'm going to have it be starting from here ending probably right here doc will be probably ending not even going to make it that big maybe up here something like this and let's have it and I'm thinking let's have it and about let's have it end about here so this is where you decide and I think I'm gonna make this a little longer so maybe like this okay that's going to be our dock all right now I'm gonna quickly sketch out where our pieces of wood is gonna be so maybe there's one right in here one that will be right in here one that will be right in here and then maybe this one will fix it and make it a little longer like this okay and now I'm going to quickly add my colors alright so let's start off with adding this darker one let's just add some right in here so maybe it has some right and here this darker color in the wood you know then down my brush in the water and maybe add the darker ones right in here a little bit there you go yeah I'm gonna dab my brush in water use this second to the lightest and then let's add it maybe some in here okay and then and then our lightest yeah my brush actually I'm going to change to my number eight it'll be easier so okay maybe switch it up go back to the gray damn I brush in water this part we're just adding the base so don't worry about trying to make it perfect go back to the dark color let's quickly add the dark ones now once you added that you can pick up one of your blending brush and make sure you blend everything in smoothly so I squeeze my blending brush and blend everything in so the background won't be showing that much to take away the brush strokes okay something like this all right all right so I added a little bit of black yellow and red some yellow and a black right here on the side I'm gonna mix those in I'm gonna add some like poles or something here you know so quickly mix that end I'd see what it gives us so it's leaning towards green more I want it to be towards brown more so I'm going to add more red and maybe some blue let's add some blue let's mix it all and together for fun doesn't have to be perfect like I said so you could see right here quickly mix that in that's more like it okay that's good enough and then that's it that's all we have to mix now let's pick up our half an inch brush and take part of this and let's quickly draw our poles and they don't have to be perfect let's just make this one this high something like this okay and then maybe there's one next to it right here okay and then maybe there's one right and here a small one who knows and then maybe let's continue let's add one right in here let's just have it go up probably like this okay all right and then let's add one right in here somewhere and let's have it go up about this high so draw it out quickly like I said it doesn't have to be perfect these are sticks and maybe right in here there's one right in here about let's save this hi okay and then one right in here this won't be shorter I'm knees a little bit of black and a dit random way straight on on it okay so mix it in with a little bit of black and this green brownish color that we have mixed and let's add what if there's like a little tile tire right in here let's end that in there like that okay with the black maybe there's one that's going around okay and then maybe there's one right in here one in here let's add one right and actually let me think about it that should be good enough for now I might add some more later so now let's quickly sketch it out everything right here so remember the lines that we drew let's sketch those out real quick okay as straight as you can with the black and here you can color it in it's okay it doesn't have to look exactly like mine here maybe these boards go a little bit off starting right in here let's make this a little bit bigger here and you know create some texture okay once you created your shape of your dock the way you like it you can start adding a little bit more detail for example like let's add some rend I've run out of red and yellow let's create a little bit of the glow maybe a little bit of this white or you can use white let's create a little bit of the glow right here on these poles let's switch our brush to number four how about that it'll be easier to blend everything and let's create a glow okay let's add a little bit of this gray color remember you mix it in with this red and yellow to create a little bit of glow from the light and pink in there that's a little bit of yellow switch to number eight and let's add a little bit of this color this green may be a little bit more red to make it more brownish and I want to darken this some of this area and lightly pressing maybe not all the way let's add a little bit of the white now straight out of the tube you mix it in with a little bit of yellow and and let's create a little bit of the glow from the light want this dog to stand out but not everywhere okay maybe in here that's lightning this one up you have my brush in the water doing the same thing and maybe add some of that with white and yellow a little bit on he's wood okay made me here as well and now with a detail brush I'm going to dab it into the water and first I'm going to go over doing the same thing with the white and a little bit of yellow dab it in the water maybe it may be just the y2 is fine as well and I'm gonna go over and highlight some of these little details like that will make your painting pop out okay and I'm going to go over and detail my wood a little bit all these little details make your pinky look very nice let's play around with the background a little bit now we have kind of like a quick sketch let's play around with the red and the number four let's add a little bit darker right here I want this to really be dark so I'm going to add a little bit of that red don't be afraid to blend it all in with the red it'll really make your son stand out even more now that we have our sketch of the sky we can step back take a look and that's why I decided to add this red because I took a step back and I saw that it was all kind of still flat in a way and I really wanted to make the sky and the Sun stand out and I decided to really put some color now straight out of the tube red and let's add it a little bit to our sky right here okay and then you can use one of your blending brushes to blend that in real quick once you're done with that you can go back to the black and the detail brush and really straighten straighten out some of these areas right here correct your tires you know make them as detailed as you want that'll be up to you the shadows are gonna be in here so it'll disappear too like that and a little bit of you know some detail on these I wanna add like a blue shadow here so I'm going to use my number 8 and ultramarine blue right here and I'm going to use that and create a shadow of blue here on this side okay and then maybe add a little bit in here there you go now let's add remember this green let's take part of this green so it won't go to waste and mix it in with black and we're going to create some a few little tall grass in the water so I'm gonna mix it in with the black a little bit maybe use take part of the yellow here and let's mix it all in maybe wine or red and yellow mix it all and doesn't have to be perfect that's good enough and then let's with a detail brush let's add in water I'm Debby my brush in the water so it can run smooth I'm in a swirl and I'm going to add a few of the tall grass so for example let's add one right in here so my demo brush in water again and greet this beautiful tall grass okay and then maybe there's some that come out like this okay does not have to be perfect make it playful that's good enough there let's add another one maybe there's one that goes in there that there maybe there's one that's coming out like this okay maybe there's one that's in there so you play around and I'm barely pressing the canvas so swirling my brush and I'm barely pressing yet okay and create the little details don't worry about making it look I like the picture okay so let's continue maybe there's one that goes like loops around and comes like this okay damn I brush in the water okay continue doing that for bit maybe there's one that's in here okay and maybe one that's little here a couple of little ones right there let's add a few here for fun maybe there's one that's sticking out here from the side you never know okay and what I like to do is I'm going to clean my detail brush I'm going to pick up my number eight and I'm going to darken some of this area on the bottom so I'm going to use the same color with water and lightly from the bottom and pull some of this up maybe not everywhere like this okay now I'm going to you do the same idea but give it some highlights some white and yellow quickly mix that end doesn't have to be perfect and maybe add a touch of this darker color in here so it won't be too bright but it'll be like a you know a dim green color right there and we will do the same thing clean our detail brush and we won't add a lot but just a few of this light green color because we want to create some highlights right so I'm going to dab my brush in the water make sure it's nice and bright and on some of these I'm going to add some highlights it just makes it more realistic looking add a few we don't need to add too much okay that's about good enough on that side and maybe on this side something like this and you can go back and add as much detail as you want going back and forth I'm gonna make some of these more darker and bigger on some of them to make it more interesting looking and with the black and the detail brush we are going to draw a few birds flying in the sky let's start off right here let's add a bird that is about wings are spread out like this make them dark with just black something like that maybe his tail is right in here that's had another one his friend up right in here and this one is gonna be a bit smaller maybe we'll see we'll see how it turns out maybe like that and then his wings are spread out let's say they go up like this and then this other wing will be about this high calm down and curve something like this let's draw another one right in here okay what's maybe his head is speaking out a little bit in there okay let's draw one more let's draw another one right in here on top draw his body first and then the winds you know you can go back in with your white in a little bit of yellow if you want white and yellow and go back and correct your bird you know like for example here fix fix him up a bit a faraway one or maybe a little one far but you know somewhere here now you can come back and detail your clouds your you know Sun your landscape here your water like for example I can go back and really make some of the waves stand out a little more with like the red and a little bit maybe of black and like really make some of these a little more detailed you know and make the water look really nice so you can spend a lot of time having fun with everything okay you know I'm not going to show you exactly everything I do here because you could totally do that on your own time you know like really spend some time you know detailing you could come back to it the next day I'm gonna show you a little bit what I usually do you know to create the water effect the ripples and things you know for example here's some ripple effect right in here in the water and then cleaning it up with my do the same thing on this side create those little ripples right makes it look really nice you get that idea and usually I go up and do this until I'm happy with how it looks all right so I just wanted to quickly show you now you don't have to do this if you like your water the way it is you can leave it but you know that creates a nice you know water effect and then you can go back with maybe a lighter color for example the a little bit of white maybe and yeah just the white and then you can come back and highlight your water so I'm going to make sure I don't have too much paint I'm gonna highlight some of these maybe not I'm not gonna go too far down but just the water and white all right you get the idea right okay so like I said you could come back and detail the sky the the birds the whatever you want play with it have fun see what you can create I hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank you for being here please be sure to LIKE up subscribe and click the bell button every time I post you'll get notified and hopefully I'll see you guys next time take care and God bless you
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 1,525,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acrylic painting, sunset over ocean, step by step, easy acrylic painting, learn how to paint with acrylics, Sunset Over Ocean with Dock STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting, how to paint, acrylic painting techniques, sunset painting, ocean painting, learn to paint from home, diy home decor, seascape, landscape painting
Id: p1CJE5kcQvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 25sec (9385 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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