Misty River STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting

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greetings everyone thank you for being here and tuning in today we are celebrating 400 subscribers here on youtube and 900 on facebook i couldn't have done this without you guys so thank you so much for your great support and help over the years i am very blessed to have you guys here and also as a way to thank you guys i wanted to do this free lesson this full tutorial of a step-by-step uh fun painting together if you guys are interested in more full in-depth lessons be sure to sign up to my newsletter there's a link down below i'll be letting everyone know on there when i release my next tutorial and a full master class so be sure to do that all right guys let's get straight to it and go over the materials needed for today i'm using a 16 by 20 inch canvas here it's already pre-gessoed and ready to go so i don't need to apply anything on here four paints i'm going to be using my 24 set of acrylics i'll show you which colors we're going to be using from this set we need sap green viridian phthalo blue and lamb black from my five set i'm going to be using titanium white for brushes i'm going to be using these m1 blenny brushes and this is a size smaller it's m2 and then we're going to use my four piece brush set and i'll show you which brushes are in there we're gonna use a number eight brush and number four half an inch flat brush and a zero detail brush for the details we're gonna use pallet paper and you could use any pallet you have available this is nice because it has 40 sheets and what's nice about it is once you're done you can just rip it out and start fresh again or like if you're done with the section you know and you don't got more space you can just you know rip it off and create more space really nice so something like this and of course you need a palette knife to mix your paint a jar of water some paper towels to wipe out your pallet knife and dab your brushes in here to dry them out a little bit and i'll show you what i mean okay so i'll explain what we're gonna do here i like to start from the furthest distance and work my way up close so we're going to quickly get the sky done get all the details we want in the sky it's going to be covered right here on top and then from there we're going to add far away mountains and hills and and this is going to be like a foggy scene so it's going to look very misty and blue bluish kind of with greens and then we're going to add some trees here the river is going to come somewhere in here and then there'll be some rocks here a couple trees here something like that let's see what happens and have fun and enjoy the process take breaks once you're done with the section go ahead and you know you can always come back and work in you know like i said in sections i always uh encourage you guys to mix that's why i always say sections because i always mix just enough when i'm working on a part right because acrylics tend to dry faster so i learned that it's easier to actually just mix only on the parts that you're working on and then after that you mix some more and more later you know so that you won't mix all the colors you need in one palette and then you know you you just get halfway done and all the your other paint is dry right so i've done that before in the beginning when i first started painting and it was a mess so i learned this way of doing it it's a lot easier and actually you know once you catch the technique of blending and working with acrylics it's actually very easy and a lot of fun so you could create a lot of cool pictures and and drying time actually works and for better and that's what i learned so um when it when you're you're you know that's why i'm using a dryer to quickly dry out my first coats because i can add more details on it because if it's still a little wet then when i'm adding details to it i'm scratching off the background paint right and you could see the white canvas showing through and i don't want that so that's why it's important that the layers dry out before adding more all right my friends let's start mixing our colors for the sky okay i got my palette and i'm going to pick up my titanium white and we're going to create about four shades so a little bit here about this much a thumb amount a little bit there in each time go a little less so a thumb amount here and each time just a little bit less and if we need to we'll add more okay next let's add a touch of viridian on the first one very small amount and then a little more on the second one there not too much okay and then next phthalo blue we're gonna add a little bit of touch in here a little more in here okay like that and then a little more in here like a thumb amount in here and then on i'm gonna make one more shade just by itself some amount right here and then lamb black we're gonna do a small touch right in here and a little bit more in here like this so a little more in here and a touch in there okay alright so i'm going to quickly mix everything in starting from the lightest okay and when i mix i like to kind of cut like vegetables like this like you're cutting vegetables mix it in like this and then bunch it up so that the paint won't be all over your palate you just slide it and bunch it up into one pile like this okay so that's what i'm going to do real quick for these all right so i quickly mixed everything from lightest to darkest and you could see we want to create a gradient right from lightest going into the darkest blue i added a touch of white here because i didn't want it to be too dark and i wanted to make it kind of like grayish blue right so and if you need to add a touch more white on each like for example if this was you know this light transitioning from here to here too dark i would recommend adding a little more white you want to see like a more of a smoother transition all right so that's what i did here and i want to remind you that it doesn't have to look like my colors okay whatever colors you have mixed be confident and um it'll work just fine okay we're gonna make it like a foggy stormy kind of look in the sky but we'll see what happens once i'm done mixing i like to clean my palette knife so that paint won't dry up in here and i like to dab it in the water right and then clean it a little more it comes off super easy and we are ready to go okay next we're gonna pick up our water and one of our blending brushes and this is a m2 blending brush you could use a m1 but i'm going to use a m2 because the other m1 blending brush i might use it for a different section but it doesn't really matter one of the blending brushes here okay and um i'm going to dab it all the way in the water and that's that's how i keep my acrylics from not drying too fast water helps okay so dab it in the water and squeeze part of it out but you want water still in there but it's not dripping not too much okay so something like this now i'm gonna put this water next to the painting here so it's going to be like right here i'm going to lay put it down and so basically what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be picking up the paint and laying it where i want it and then i'm going to dab just the tip in the water and then pick up more my next color or more paint and continue and this is a quick process so i'm going to be doing this quick so that you know the paint won't dry right but again water helps so if you have too much water then it's going to start dripping down right and you don't want that so make sure you cover the canvas area pretty well you know with the paint so practice you know i encourage you to practice and once you catch the technique of how much water and paint you uh it's going to be a no-brainer it's going to be fun okay so keep practicing and that's what i'm going to be doing so i'll be telling you guys when i dab my brush picking up paint and laying it okay so the plan is to cover part of the sky here like just half the sky right here all right so first things first okay i got some water in here here's my colors and i'm going to use the lightest color so i'm going to pick it up like this swirl it and make sure i have enough paint here and so i'm going to start from the furthest distance so where i think some of the clouds are going to be far away so i think i'm going to go ahead and add it right here okay i'm going to add it right there now i'm going to dab my brush just the tip in the water see it's not too much just the tip and then i'm gonna pick up more of this white so you can stay wet okay i'm gonna do the same thing when you have little bubbles like that that's good because it's a perfect amount of uh water in your brush okay so a little bit of water pick up more of this color and let's add it randomly right here i'm going to swirl it make sure it's evenly spread all right okay so i'm going to dab my brush in the water pick up more of this white color and then maybe add it a little bit in the sky right here randomly okay and then pick up more paint all right next dab my brush just to tip in water next color is the slider color here and i'm going to just randomly dab it in here and then pick up more paint mix it in with the blue right in here i mean with the white so i'm gonna like this okay and then dab my brush in the water pick up more of that light blue color and let's add it right on the bottom right here kind of fade it out right here all right next dab my brush in the water we're going to pick up our next color the blue one and add it randomly right in here okay don't focus on blending everything yet we're going to do that with the dry blending brush pick up more of this blue add it red in here and it's okay if you cover and go down a little bit okay pick up more paint add it right in here that's good and then a little bit in here and that's good right there so dab my brush in the water pick up my next color okay and add it right in here maybe go to the top right there add it right in here and then maybe in here and it's okay if you cover the white it's okay like this all right that's good enough next the darkest color we're gonna pick up the darkest color and add it in the corners right here make sure you blend it a little bit in so that it's all evenly spread the paint okay something like this it's okay if it mixes with the blue okay don't worry about that okay and then i'll add a little bit in the corner here okay something like this all right so that's good enough let's put our brush in the water jar and then set our palette paper down and pick up one of our dry blending brushes all right and this is a fun part you can see the paint is still wet here and we're going to work dry with a blending brush and softly press and swirl okay swirl and pull the paint upwards all right and swirl walk around if you need to get all comfortable whatever is best for you so i gently press starting from the lightest areas and blend it all in remember these are going to be like clouds so they don't have to be perfectly blended okay so i'm going to start where the lighter area where we added the white first i'm going to kind of go around and gently press and swirl the paint quickly okay like this and you see how nicely that works it evens out everything and blends in perfectly so covers the canvas nicely okay i'm pressing lightly and blending all my colors in and this is the base coat we're going to come back and add more color and clouds to our sky so just lightly use the corner of your brush if you need to and lightly dab and blend your brush or blend the paint in okay i'm going to go around here and blend everything in take away the brush strokes okay now if you want to learn how to blend i have another video i made you can check it out and practice blending okay very easy and fun once you get it down now also i want to remind you all these materials my blending brushes and everything is available at colorbyphoex.com if you're interested in using what i'm using the paints palette paper canvases brushes all that okay and there you go now our background is blended we got interesting effects going on here i'm gonna let this dry out okay and while i let this dry out i'm to wash my blending brushes get new water and then we're going to add some details all right i've got a new water i clean my brushes and the reason why i did that is because if you clean your brushes and not let them sit in the water too long you have those brushes last you for a very long time and also this is a good time to take a break and you know while your painting is drying and work on the next section so the first section is done very easy simple and quick so now my i dried out finished drying out my canvas so it's fully dry what i'm going to do now is take some of the paint that's left okay and i'm gonna work with adding some of the clouds in here okay so i'm gonna take all this blue right here that we have left i'm gonna bunch it up and make a new pile like right here combine all of them actually combine this one and this one and this one so that i won't have all that paint left over we're gonna use it for our far away uh probably far away mountains and some clouds okay i'm gonna quickly mix whatever i have left it's bluish color so right here something like that doesn't have to look like mine mix this darkest one and we'll use these two dark ones somehow okay i'm going to also add a little bit of white straight out of the tube just white to shape out my clouds okay so i'm gonna pick up my number four and dab it in the water all the way so that it can soften you know make the brush soft and squeeze it and then your brush is going to be nice and damp and will create nice smooth blends so i added a little bit of white and we're going to start just with the white okay we're going to use the white and i have a little bit of water in here and swirl it don't take too much white just a little bit and some of them some of these areas i want to make them more defined right and we make some areas more defined so i'm going to add some in here kind of fade it out and here randomly you can you can almost barely see this right so i'm gonna go ahead and add some clouds in here kind of swirling and going up maybe like this okay take a little bit of more white and connect the two right here so with a little bit of water and that um that white we're just adding where we think the clouds will look pretty cool and i'm blending blending it out into my sky and because my brush is damp it works really nicely so i'm going to go ahead and add a little bit in here swirl it up now you don't have to do this part if you liked your sky the way it's you know the way it was formed by you blending you could totally leave that and move on to the next part but i i always like to add a little bit more of character into the painting so i want my sky to look a little bit dramatic but also soft at the same time so just the white okay i'm gonna go up in here i'm gonna try to connect these in here and then add a little bit of white in here maybe it's showing through in the sky okay just the white i'm going to go up in here and use my edge of my blending or my brush and kind of create some intense shapes of in the sky maybe dab it and maybe some little ones in here like that okay who knows and attach these two i'm gonna lightly dab my brush in the water and pick up make sure you don't have too much water if you dab your brush and there's a little bit of water a lot of water dab it onto the paper towel and dry it out a little bit and you'll be good to go i'm gonna add a little bit here and i'm gonna you can see i'm randomly adding it you don't need to you know have it exactly where i have it right so i'm gonna connect some of these little ones here creating more depth in my clouds by doing this and then here randomly add some sharper ones in here okay dabbing my brush slightly in the water and onto the paper towel and then picking up more white lightly pressing and swirling and creating nice shapes all these little details they matter and okay so here as we go up once i'm done with the white i'm gonna add a few more in here a few more right in here as we go up i'm going to use the blue here maybe even use this blue right here the lighter blue okay lighter blue with a little bit of white maybe and as we go up i want to make it a little bit darker like more darker blue but still lighter lighter than the background right and i'm going to add a little bit of a fade here a little bit in here maybe there's something in here so that blue let me connect it up in here maybe there's some sharp you know sharp lighter clouds poking through the back here okay and then work on adding a little bit more details in here with that darker blue we just want to make it a little bit of a transition from the white into our darker blue sky so a little bit of water and that blue same thing here a little bit more of that blue light blue and white like i showed you basically um just a little bit of a darker blue than the white and we could we want to brighten some of this area in here if you have too much i always dab it on the paper towel so it'll be a little bit more thicker not too transparent so the background won't show too much and i'm going to add some in here and you can connect it to the blended in with the white that you added and this is really up to you where you want to add yours okay i kind of want to blend this in with the blue i don't want to stand out too much same thing here this is where you start to kind of play around with uh the white and the lighter color to kind of create your shapes right that's what i'm trying to do and this is totally up to you where you want the spots to be lighter or darker i'm going to make this a little bit more lighter so i'm going to add a little bit more white right in here right in here i want this to stand out a little bit more okay and then have it fade out okay something like that all right i think that's good i don't want to overdo it and now i'm going to use the darkest color actually what i'm gonna do is add a little bit of black okay a little bit of black on my canvas and then or i mean on my palette and i'll show you what i'm gonna do so basically what i was playing around with like either this or this doesn't really matter with a little bit of white to create a little bit of a lighter blue to do that okay so we're going to come back to the white but i added a black here and i'm going to take part of this mix it in because i want to create a little bit of a darker color darker blue even darker than you know this one a shade darker right there mix all that in okay something like this all right clean your brush in your water and let's pick up that darkest color and i want to create some intense darker areas alright so i'm going to dab my brush in the paper towel because it has a little bit too much water and i want to create some darker areas in my sky and swirl it and gently kind of blend it out follow where you think it would look good okay see i i thought that this area needed that color a little bit of a darker color so that's why i'm adding it here but your you know your placing could be a little bit different okay and i'm going to kind of fade it out like this add a little bit in here like that and i'm going to skip this and add right here you see this dark area kind of add a little bit in here not too much okay and then and then this corner and take more of that darker color and add it in this corner here it'll really start to make your um you know clouds pop out a little more and that's what we want okay maybe even go a little bit lower right in here okay all right that's good i'm not going to overdo it so now i'm going to clean my brush dab it on the paper towel so that i won't have too much water dried out okay it's damp and now i'm gonna go back to like this blue color let's just use this blue color a lighter blue color and i'm gonna try to take away the sharpness of it okay so it won't be too strong i'll try to take it away a little bit lightly with that blue so it could be see-through but it won't be too intense you know what i mean we want to just make a soft transition okay so that's that's what it does a little bit of water and that light blue really start starts to create some beautiful smooth transitions okay and it's the same thing you know you you just keep going back and forth until you're happy with the result step back take a look at it you know what i mean it's the same kind of mess around with these colors in the sky and that's basically it for the sky so i'm gonna work on that adding a little bit more of that blue up in here a little bit taking it away a little bit maybe also adding a little bit of it in the darker areas in here just because i want my sky to pop out and not be boring okay and then go back to that lighter blue to smooth in the edges wherever you think it needs a little bit of of a softer transition i'm going to dab lightly my brush in the water pick up more of that lighter blue and maybe create on the bottom right here a little bit shape it out a little bit in here and in here okay and then same thing in here in the sky i'm gonna blend this in a little bit take away the sharpness a little bit so with a little bit of water and that light blue we're gonna add a little bit of uh darker colors into our white in here okay i want to add a little bit of a darker area i think it will look cool to have it right in here right there i felt like that will look pretty cool and kind of faded out into that white so clean my brush dry it out and use a little bit of white and the blue to create a lighter shade right and we're just gonna try to a little bit too much white so i'm to use the blue a little bit instead of the white and use the corner of your brush to blend blend it out like this wherever it takes you okay maybe even a little bit in here see i'm having way too much fun because i can't stop okay add a little bit of more intense colors in here all right so now i'm gonna add a shade of this blue so i'm gonna play with this color this blue and this one okay not the darkest one but this one and this blue i'm gonna play with these colors try to find somewhere in the middle you know not too dark in the middle of those two colors okay so i want to create a cloud that is coming from the side here and going to this cloud and kind of going outwards like this okay and then it's gonna like fade out to the sky up here to the lighter colors okay so i'm gonna do that right and here add this and then fade it out this is our first base so it's gonna be transparent but um we're gonna add it and kind of go along and have it fade out somewhere in here and let it go up in here so i'm creating like clouds so i'm gonna have a fade out in here and maybe even add it a little bit in here like this okay and we'll have a fade out like that all right so that would be our shape from the furthest to the closest and that's it i'm not gonna overdo it i'm gonna leave everything else the way it is so i'm gonna shape out this area real quick okay and make it look a little bit more nicer more you know blend it in a little bit more so what i'm going to do is use the light blue with a touch of white okay so this light blue lightest blue and a touch of white okay make sure your brush is damp and start from the bottom area actually i'm going to clean my brush it's a little too dark so i'm going to use again try it again clean brush that blue with white okay blue with white mix it in to get a lighter blue color basically i want to yeah there you go i want to create a lighter color here because i want to create that transition and it's okay if you cover you know part of your um white that you added we'll uh come back to that but i just kind of want to add that lighter blue and create a transition basically to the white and it creates a smooth transition you see that very nice because your brush is damp and you're adding all these beautiful colors all right right there so making it more softer is what i'm doing so i'm going to do the same thing on on this side lightly dab my brush when it's dry when your brush is drying out that's what i do i dab my brush in the water and then dab it on the paper towel so it won't be too wet and then mix some more that light blue color and combine these here you can even add a little bit more of that lighter blue just randomly kind of fade it out like that so a little more and here as well with the white a little bit more white okay now i'm going to add a little bit of more white just the white by itself and my brush has a little bit of that blue but it'll be just white and then here i want to add a little bit of more white kind of take take away a little bit of that darker blue on the bottom here i want it to smoothly blend in from light to this darker blue and then here i want to cut it a little bit maybe this cloud breaks apart like that by adding white and then add a little bit more white and let's continue adding your little details here so i'm going to spend some time kind of working on getting this added where i want it to be so it's basically the same technique back and forth okay add where you want your clouds to be so i'm going to work on this a little bit and then from there we're going to continue okay all right so i added all my details i wanted to doing the same thing over and over changing things correcting you know once you're done you know you're happy with it you can always come back to the sky later but for now let's move forward and continue adding the next step so the next step is we're gonna add some faraway mountains here so one here one in here just you know far away and so i'm gonna i don't want like i said i don't want to waste this paint so what i'm gonna do is take it right and put it somewhere in the middle and just take all of it just take whatever you have left mix it all in we're gonna use it okay whatever color that gives you that gives you like a grayish blue color right because we added a little bit of black in there so this will be a good base coat one of our base coats for the mountains okay something like this all right so i added a little bit of white here on both and then phthalo blue here okay so i'm going to take part of this mix it in with this we want this to be more blue lighter blue so if it's too matchy we're gonna add a little bit of white so we're gonna add a little bit of white from this pile and that's good enough this will be for our far away one of our far away mountains okay something like this and then i'm gonna mix one more shade so i added a touch of black and a touch of phthalo blue but before i mix this i'm gonna mix the rest i have a little bit of paint i want to create a lighter blue here just a lighter blue okay something like that i'm going to take part of this okay mix it in with this we want a darker color okay now that's a little too dark so i'm actually gonna add a little bit of white to it okay okay so this is what i have okay so it's like grayish blue we don't want it too dark because these are still far away mountains so and if you need to you can add a little bit of white on the side but for now i'm just gonna pick up my flat brush half an inch flat brush dab it in the water and sketch out my first mountain let's use this color okay this light blue color all right and then we're gonna add our mountain i want it to be so our river is going to come down so we're going to have like a river come down and it's going to kind of fade out somewhere in here like this so our mountain is going to be i'm just sketching it out real quick just to get kind of get an idea um where there will be some trees here but our faraway mountain is going to be i'm guessing somewhere in here okay so somewhere in here and i'm working and we'll blend it out so i'm going to create some far away trees this mountain is going to be going up a little bit let's go let's bring it up all the way up in here and have it come up and fade out somewhere in here okay something like this once you have your sketch covered plenty of faraway trees far far away all right so now since now we have our sketch i'm going to just add that right underneath with that light blue color right underneath okay right there like this to cover it and as we go down we're gonna make it lighter okay so we're gonna try to make it lighter to create some fogginess so now i'm gonna go to my lightest color okay that light blue remember we have mixed and just randomly bring it down bringing it down don't worry about blending everything in yet because we're gonna do that with a number four brush but quickly lay it down while your paint is still wet so dab your brush in water if you need to it will help okay creates a nice transition maybe add a little bit of more darker blue here kind of add it randomly all over okay that's good enough now i'm gonna go to my number four brush clean it out all right and dab it into your lightest color just a little bit and work from the bottom area swirl get all those light colors in and blend everything in take away the brush strokes basically so here on top you can go back to your darker blue your third darkest blue kind of add it on top on some of them not too much okay so what i'm talking about is this one a little bit with water okay a little bit of water and on top right here for example we're going to add a little bit of a darker shade to to give it some depth you know maybe in here and then blend it out while your paint is still wet that way it'll create a nice nice transition misty transition okay and i use that darker um that same blue the darker blue and kind of tap and pull the paint upwards and downwards to create those trees you know to give it some more depth okay go back to the light blue not the lightest but the middle one the one we started with and we're gonna try to dab it and lightly blend the dark areas we just added okay something like this so i'm going to add a little bit more darker areas in here maybe dab it like this and fade it out all right that's good enough this is a good base a good um beginning layer all right so that's our far away uh mountain there and now we're gonna add one that is bigger in here so let's go back to our flat brush clean it out and then dab it onto the paper towel and we're going to do now we're gonna play with this color okay this one because this mountain is closer than that one and we want to start from somewhere from here let's just start somewhere from here and let it go up in here we're gonna have this one go all the way up a little bit higher all the way in here okay it's gonna it's gonna be a very tall one and then i'm going to have it sketch it out first i'm going to have it kind of dip down and connect to this one like this something like that okay so i'm gonna quickly sketch it out cover a little bit of add a little more detail here okay with one color okay so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pick up my m2 blending brush remember this one because it's a bigger area here i'm gonna blend kind of similar technique real rough real quick blend the colors in and as a base coat so i'm gonna dab it in the water the blending brush kind of similar what we did with the sky and i'm going to start with the same color as this one pick up the color and it's just a lot faster to cover your as a base you know so i'm going to use that color right here and add it on top okay all right once we cover that i'm going to go to my lighter blue color this blue color and add it right underneath okay right underneath underneath that one okay and then our lightest color randomly add it on the bottom here so i'm going to use i'm going to add a little bit of more white just the white straight out of the tube and we're going to try to pick up that white and add it on the bottom right in here the white okay okay well that's good enough right there and then so with your blending brush okay we're gonna lightly press and blend don't try to carry the um the paint up into the sky so quickly and it's okay if it creates sharpness you know like a little bit right there that it's like a fog you know it creates a nice look to it we just want to take away the brushstrokes smooth it out a little bit there that's good right there all right so once you have this dry okay i'm going to use the darkest color we have mixed remember this one i'm going to take this one and use my number four brush and do the same thing kind of what we did here but on this side like try to add a little bit of a darker shade on on these trees okay you can dab it and pull it downwards or upwards whatever you're comfortable with i'm not going to bring it too far down but i'm going to create some patterns okay maybe in here add a little bit of dark and then have it fade out like that i want that i want to keep that and there's going to be some trees here so it's going to cover a lot of a lot of this i wouldn't spend too much time i always like to sketch it out first and then always come back and do the details a little later it really depends you know on the painting you're working on and all that and how you want to do it you know but sometimes i just quickly sketch it out and then once i have my full layout of everything i go back and correct things adjust them i want this to stand out a little bit more in here kind of bring it down and randomly blend it out to the lighter blue like this okay something like that and then here i'm going to dab lightly my brush in the water and use a little bit of a lighter blue okay to soften this area on the bottom okay there's going to be another you know little island here where there's going to be a tree right here in the middle we're going to work on that but right now um what i'm going to do is mix some more color and we're going to try to actually before i do that let's let me add a little bit of that light blue and i see that i can correct something right in here so with some white and a touch of blue let's make it a little lighter right in here one i want to um have the my island up up here be going in like this so use a little bit of blue randomly cover this area real quick with white and a little bit of blue and this doesn't have to be perfect because we're going to be adding a lot of details and you won't even see a lot of the background it's just a good base okay so i'll add a little bit of the white right in the middle right here and that's good enough all right so now once i have all my you know quick sketch i'm gonna add a little bit of this darker blue here just a little bit of a darker blue right in here and going into the lighter one like this blend it all in there you go all right guys the next section i'm going to start fresh this is a good time to take a break if you want or you can continue i got a new palette paper here and i added a touch of white on both and then phthalo blue black and sap green right here okay i'm just gonna mix this it's gonna be super dark but not very dark basically what i want this color to be is um a little darker than the trees that we added here just the shade darker okay all right so with this color right it's like a grayish dark leaning towards green but still you know in the gray kind of air zone okay um because these trees are still a little bit far away we don't want to add too much color yet but that's good enough so right here i want to add a tree so i'm just going to use my flat brush and it's going to go in and come up probably up to here okay something like this maybe make it a little thicker and then right next to it i'm gonna add one more that goes like this okay something like this all right and then maybe there's some branches and this part it doesn't have to be perfect because we're going to be adding um details to our trees but something like this is good enough okay all right and then there will be a couple trees in here small ones and maybe one more i'll add one more okay and then a few little ones here that's good very simple now we're gonna use i'm gonna use our number eight brush and we're gonna dab it in the water squeeze the paint out okay so squeeze everything out use the same color that darkest color right and we're gonna take part of this paint and dab it okay like this see not too much don't pick up too much paint but just a little bit just enough so it can create that nice look and i'm going to start from the top and i'm using the corner right and i'm just going to dab it in here use your brush wherever you think the flow should go of your branches okay and then someone here cover the middle area you want to leave a little bit of that space in the middle in between just to create an interesting look like this and then here we're going to add a few darker ones here very simple okay and lightly dab it in here bring this down and fade it out okay something like this remember these ones i'm going to just fade this out right here and dab it and kind of fade it out add some far away little trees and then a little bit here on this one and then we'll fade it out like that okay that's good enough and now with a detailed brush dab it in the water and swirl it to pick up this color same color swirl it like this and with water and a little bit of that we're going to add a little more details little branches to make it look more realistic you know quickly adam on some areas okay and then a little bit in here these little details matter and that's good we don't need much okay so i for this white i added a touch of phthalo blue kind of mix it in something like this okay very light blue like that and then we're gonna use our number four brush and dab it on the paper towel dry it out it's nice and damp we're going to use this light blue color and we're going to fade it out so this area we're going to kind of create a nice foggy look go up a little bit and create a foggy look like that okay we want to have some of it showing showing through but not too much okay like this and a little bit on this side you can go in a little bit like that with this light blue roughly put it in there and blend everything in okay you could use a little bit of this light blue put it right in the corner right here and have it fade out okay that creates a nice fog you can even go a little bit higher just a little bit like this higher and blend those in so it won't be too strong something like that okay all right we're gonna do a similar idea but in this island right here add a couple trees in here all right but i added something extra now that we're getting closer i'm adding more color so i'm adding i added viridian touch of sap green and white okay i'm going to mix that in and i'm going to use the same shade that color but this one's going to be a lighter like a light green color okay not too strong okay bluish green all right something like this okay back to our flat brush and the darkest color okay we're gonna create a couple trees so here i'm gonna add a little one little tree in here going all the way probably up to here there's going to be one tree in here and then one tree next to it it's going to go up kind of leaning a little bit like that and remember these trees are a little bit closer so make them a little more thicker than those trees okay there that's good enough right there we're just sketching out our trees first and then one will go straight up in here okay continue sketching you could also do this with the detail brush if you'd like and then we're going to add a few more maybe this one's a little bit shorter and then this one it's going to be right next to it like this and then i'm going to do one that is going up even higher like that make this one a little thicker and dab my brush in water so it can run smoothly on the canvas and then pick up more paint sketch it out like that and then and then finally i'm going to add maybe a skinnier one here just for fun it's maybe going up a little bit even higher like that okay and of course we're going to add all the branches and details to our trees but i'm going to sketch out first actually you know i'm going to use my flat i mean our detail brush now since these trees are a little bit closer there's going to be a little more detail so i'm going to use the same color same technique with the detail brush swirl the swirl and some water i'm gonna create you know some details to my trees right okay so i you know have them go in many different directions okay and this one maybe is going down like this and that's good for that one same thing here dab my brush in water and let's draw some branches so i'm going to spend some time doing that real quick so once you're done adding your lines where you want them to be um we can pick up our number eight and do the same technique like we did with these number eight let's start with this one so lightly i'm gonna dab right just the tip and i'm gonna like kind of eyeball it and skip some and create my shades so i'm going to have it come down and fade out right in here okay so our so you can kind of pick it up up here in the background with your brush to create like some transitional um from that light blue to the darker area just gonna do that real quick first randomly like that okay all right and now let's continue where we left off i think that's good enough for this tree let's move on to this one so from this tip i'm going to lightly press and follow where my branches where i added the branches so go around and dab lightly to create more texture wherever you added your branches on the corners add all your details like that same thing here this tree can be a little bit more open maybe cover in the middle a little bit in here like that but the top can be as it is and then as you get lower do the same follow the branches same technique and you can skip some areas like right here i'm going to add a little bit and have it fade out like that to create variety okay i'm going to leave that right there let's start with this one let's dab the top right here maybe this one is has more leaves on top okay like that i'm barely pressing okay make this area more fluffy in here create a little bit of and then i'm going to have it fade out because i like to that light background i still want to keep that right so i'm gonna leave it right there kind of like this area right here and then this one these are shorter ones so i'm going to add in here a few but make them skinny which means i'm not going to add too much of the leaves and things okay just lightly and fade it out like that okay and then this one is going to be a little more full similar idea and a few more in here i'm going to leave this area a little bit more empty okay and then final tree we can go it'll be the highest on this corner and then go back you can take a step back and kind of look at it and see if you like what you did you know and if you need to add more details you can for example i want to darken some of this areas in here right because so that it will um look more fuller this corner here add a little more to it same thing here i'm going to add a touch more right in the middle here maybe these are connecting use my corner to do that and i'm kind of pulling on the paint a little bit too where i want the it to look a little more fuller and of course in here i want to create a little more darker shade in here like it's fading in to the blue right there and now i'm just going to use this color to go down and randomly cover the white with this darkest green and i'm gonna have it come down and just take it all and lay it down right here as the base so okay something like this all right now i'm going to let this dry out and then we will continue adding some details now with the details kind of like what we did here i'm going to use the whatever color i have left the darkest and swirl it into the darkest color right and kind of create a little more detail since these trees are closer spend time adding in all your branches you know wherever you want them to be so take a little bit of time to do that some small ones some far away ones okay so i'm going to spend some time doing that all right now that you're done adding details this is dry i'm gonna add a little bit of the green okay remember this color that like bluish green and i'm not gonna clean my brush it still has that dark color i'm not going to clean yet because i like it mixed in okay so i'm going to dab on some of these areas i'm going to create highlights of my bushes and things in here okay so maybe there's someone here fading out okay maybe maybe there's a little bit in here and i'm barely pressing i'm not trying to press too much okay just barely pressing okay maybe a little bit in here inside use that nice green color and add your all your beautiful details like that okay and fade it out of course on the bottom you could do you could add some of this green if you want on some of these trees here up close to give them some highlights on some of them okay just lightly dab and as you go up have it fade out to the dark don't add too much on the top mainly on the bottom right here now like we did here we're gonna add a little bit of the fade here just with phthalo blue and white i'm gonna mix that real quick and we're gonna try to create a nice smooth transition with our number four brush okay so i clean my brush i'm going to use this light color and first i'm going to quickly add it on the bottom here okay real quick at it right there and you can use a little bit of the darker color to blend that gray and it's going to turn into a little bit gray kind of add it in randomly here okay go up swirl it and have it fade in we're basically creating that nice fade so have a little bit of that blue color and mix with the dark color so we it could look like a nice fade here you can leave it a little more dark we just mainly want it right in here i mean we want this to be bright okay so continue with the light color okay make sure your brush is damp because then it's going to work even better you can use a little bit of that gray in here the darker color mix it in with that blue and in here mix it rough mix okay continue with the light blue and fade it out and we're going to obviously go over and add more details to our water here and all that stuff so okay and now i'm going to clean my brush and use a little bit more of that blue light blue color and some water and i'm going to try to blend in this area take away with that light take away some of this sharpness from the dark color on this tree okay i want this to fade in to the dark colors maybe even fade in a little bit on this tree and that's it that's good we want the rest to be pretty dark so use that blue let's add that right in here and blend it up fade it out like that all right so now we are on to our river here we're gonna mix and just cover everything else here this white canvas and so what i added was some white okay some white a touch of very small amount of phthalo blue white phthalo blue and viridian same thing here a little bit of white more blue and more viridian okay i'm going to quickly mix that and see what we get alright so this is what i have you could see light blue going into this lighter blue and to this greenish blue i'm gonna do the same technique with a blending brush so my m2 blending brush i'm going to dab it all the way in the water squeeze part of the water out and start with the lightest color and pick up the lightest color and add it right in here something like this and just we're going to blend all this in later but just cover it all in like this with a light blue lightest color you have okay and then next color i'm going to add it right in here okay just plan that in there like this and our final darkest color we're just gonna add it in here cover the rest of the canvas with that darkest green color okay maybe add a little bit more blue here and darkest obviously this area we're going to add a different you know more details to here but i decided to cover everything and then i'm going to blend everything in with a blending brush so here's my blending brush this time since it's a river i'm going to go from one side to another so i'm just going to go like this okay and i'm just going to go back and forth basically back and forth very easy it takes away the brush strokes that's all we need there you go nice easy blend there our base is done for the river we're gonna start adding details once it's dry in the meantime while it's drying i'm gonna use this color right here okay and my number four brush and i'm gonna create a transition okay right here i want to create a nice transition actually i'm going to use more instead of the green i'm going to use more blue so i'm going to create a shade that is just white and phthalo blue okay i want to create like a light foggy look because that one was leaning towards green more so i added more blue instead of the green so white and phthalo blue and let's create a fog transition okay this is where we're gonna go up and make it brighter right in here and we're gonna pick it up all the way where until we are wherever we want to end it so i think i'm gonna just have it kind of you know blend out in there okay so a little bit more in here and there's going to be some trees here so it's all going to be kind of covered but just in case whatever does show through we want a nice background like this okay see how nice that works you could even blend it in with your river we want a nice smooth transition like that and here i'm going to add a little bit of that what blue light blue in here just a little bit in here so it won't be so sharp and then maybe there's some clouds oh you know like a little bit of white clouds in here fogginess going on you know so i'm going to add a few little ones in here with this light blue color okay and some in here some sharper ones just randomly add it where you think you'll look good some sharp ones in here and blend it out like that and then i'm also going to add it also in here some clouds some kind of misty looking clouds and just have it fade out and all these details matter and then do the same thing here soften some of this area in here and add that blue and fade it out like this all right now everything is dry now i'm going to use titanium white straight out of the tube and my flat brush dab it in the water and then we're gonna pick up the titanium white a little bit and we're gonna work on adding all our details to the water to the river okay i'm gonna add the highlights and things like that so so i cleaned my flat brush i had some paint in there so i have white there and so i'm gonna sketch out the river um like the foam from the river okay i'm just gonna use my finger to kind of fade it out because i want some of them to barely show through okay i want it to fade out like that and then we're gonna obviously add some rocks and things in here but lightly just kind of fade it out like that okay right here let's have it go in here like this and then i'm gonna have a little drop here it will be like a rock here a couple rocks here and all these beautiful little details first we're sketching our foam where we want it to be in the river now there will be some rocks here like i said so i'm just going to create some wavy lines like this foreign where it falls a little bit and a few more details so so now i'm starting to shape a little bit more by adding more white and then fade it out okay that's good enough with the flat brush now i'm gonna switch to number four and i'm going to add some details so remember this darkest color we have mixed i have some left i'm going to take part of this mix it in with the darkest bluish green color okay and then take part of that and i'm going to add that highlight actually it's a little too green so i'm going to act go ahead and add more of the black just black straight out of the tube instead i thought that color would work but it's a little too green so i'm going to do the same thing so just a little bit of this black mix it in with this okay that's much better we want it to look like gray grayish green that's much better so we're going to add that right here create like a drop shadow of a drop have it fade out like this okay i'm going to continue with that idea and add it right in here on some of the areas in here mainly where the drop is that creates a nice little bump and then we're gonna fade it out with the same color on some of these areas fade it out with this darker grayish color here okay i'm gonna add a little bit more in here and then create some shadows in the water here like that okay i'm going to continue on with this technique and add it on the bottom right and here a little bit okay we're going to add rocks on the bottom here so a lot of this is going to be covered with rocks okay and then here i'm going to add more black make it more darker darker gray a little bit more just fade it out so i added a little bit more with the darker color this is going to be going into a land so i don't want to overdo it okay something like this and then we're gonna fade out okay so i'm gonna clean my brush and use just that darkest green color right here this one okay that we have mixed and i'm going to create like a little drop shadow like that add it a little bit in here and we're going to fade it out okay and now with the detail brush we're going to go back to white and create more details on our foam okay now that we got our sketch down i'm going to start adding a little bit more of waves and little breaks okay like that very lightly with water i'm going to add some sharper lines okay here they're gonna connect and kind of drop down lightly okay lightly dab my brush in the water and let it drop okay so once you're done adding your shades and details as much as you want we can always come back to that later but let's move on add some rocks so what i added is just black and a touch of white i'm gonna use whatever left color i have left i'm just going to mix everything i have left okay i don't want to let it go to waste some take the blues everything i have left and and i'm just looking for like a gray dark gray shade not not any specific colors okay so just a dark gray shade and then i'm gonna create even a darker one so this is a light gray but i'm going to create one darker okay so this is a darker shade i'm going to take part of this mix it in with the black and this will be our like darkest part because now we're working up close and so we're going to add all the you know highlights and details and we want it to be darker you know than the background now let's pick up our number four and use the gray color we have mixed this one and we're gonna just take part of that and with our number four brush we're gonna outline some rocks so there's a rock there was a rock right in here okay i'm going to add it right here like that there is another bigger rock right in here bring it down like this okay and then i'm just gonna add some rocks where i want them to be okay so i'm gonna add another maybe a longer one right in here like that okay and then maybe there's some little ones in here going down so rock in here okay i don't think i'm gonna add anything here i kind of like this as it is but i am going to add a rock a little one maybe up in here okay and then a couple in here wherever you want them to be so maybe leave maybe make this one taller taller and bigger more sharper i guess like that so we'll have some variety so then i'm going to add a couple little ones right in here and we could do that with a detail brush but that's good enough right there now i'm going to add some bigger ones in here okay and then another one in here and then big one big round one in here one behind it this is going to be more of a ground area still be a bunch of little rocks let's add one in here and there you have it that's good enough for rocks we will also obviously add more details and things maybe one in here we'll add more details and trees in here but for now let's go and with the darkest color we have mixed underneath the rock we're gonna add that darker color right over here underneath okay we're gonna make it look i'm gonna add shadows right underneath okay some of them i'm gonna leave some of them but mainly wanted and then here i wanted that shadow here that one those are far away so i'm not going to mess with those that's good all right i'm going to clean my brush and use the white okay use the white and i'm going to mix it a little bit with this color white and this and just make a light gray color and create and add it on top like dab it in there okay create like shadow highlights okay like that so i'm going to dab it in here have it fade down okay and then these are going to be even lighter because they're further away right okay on this side we're gonna make this a little bit lighter okay so i'm gonna go back to that gray color and i'm gonna kind of cover the blue because this is more of like a ground we're not gonna have water here i'm going to add some trees in the back so all this is going to be covered by trees and bushes something like that and do the same thing light gray go over and just cover that area in here and once you covered it we can go back to the darkest color and add little rocks in here lightly dabbing it and now here i'm gonna create there's a little couple little rocks in there so with the white and a little bit of that gray i'm going to create a little shadow from the rocks going into the water we just want it right in the bottom here okay not too much very lightly with white in that gray color i'm going to create some highlights you can dab some darker spots to create like maybe there's you know rock about to pop out so you can dab and create some darker shades here gives it more depth i'm gonna darken this area maybe there's a rock in here and in here they fade out and now this is where you can go back with your detail brush and like straighten out some of the shape of your rocks if you'd like you know and add maybe a touch of like little baby rocks next to the big rock you know what i mean you could spend a little bit of time doing that okay and then with a detail brush and some white we're going to create some rocks that are bright in here okay and go over some of these rocks here make them a little bit brighter okay i'm gonna switch to my number four brush and kind of smooth everything out with that gray and white make it a little less white right here for example and dab it and try to smooth make it a little less white okay go back to the detail brush and then with the darkest attach some of the rocks that you added here all right my friends you can spend as much time as you want on this part but let's move on we're almost done all we're going to do is add couple trees here to balance this image if you want you can leave it as it is but i want to do this so this is what we need i added white sap green viridian and a touch of black same thing here black more black and just meridian and white okay i'm going to mix these and basically it's going to give me a shade of green neutralize green because i don't want the you know since this is like a misty scene i don't want the these trees just having that green stand out you know it'll be more like this color will be more like this shade that we mixed but maybe a little more greener since it's up close okay just a hint more greener but not too much okay we want to make it look you know very dull and this will be our darkest color since it's up close so i'm going to quickly mix that but i don't want to use black because i don't want it to stand out too much i still want it to be kind of balanced with the image right so that's why i added those colors so but it's pretty dark you can't really see it on a video but it's like a darker gray color the darkest color here okay with those two colors we're gonna add some trees so we're gonna pick up our flat brush dab it in the water same technique remember like we did with these trees we're gonna start with the darkest color and since these are up close i'm going to have this one be coming i'm wondering if i should have it kind of come at an angle i think i will i'm going to go all the way up and have it come at an angle like this okay so something like that obviously this is going to be thicker because they are closer okay like this and then one next to it right in here we're gonna have it come up and and maybe right here or maybe one is good and i want to overdo it let tell you what i'm just gonna do it and see what happens maybe this one will be a skinnier one how about that this one will be a skinnier one and fade out into the rock somewhere there okay and then of course we're going to have branches come out of this tree somewhere like this and i'm just using my flat brush because um it doesn't really these are thicker branches and maybe let it drop a little bit and come out in here maybe this one is left a little bit going down and then kind of okay i'm gonna make this have a little less branches okay and then this let's continue and fade it out something like this okay for now that's good let's pick up our number eight brush and add the details to our trees okay all right so number eight same idea similar technique okay i'm gonna pick up the darkest color i'm gonna start dabbing where we think follow the branches and remember this tree is bigger so it's going to have more leaves so this corner is going to be covered up to here i'm going to leave some open spaces in the sky so let's do that this tree the one that's in the back of that one first lightly dab it with just the dark color so i'm going to continue with this big one and work my way down remember to leave some areas see-through okay and then on this side [Music] play around with your brush and make sure it's different angles each time and a few more here going down and i'm gonna just create like a area where it's dark in here maybe there's more rocks and things in here once you added your you know sketch with a detail brush and water swirl it and let's create some branches okay let's this also like we did to these i'm going to spend some time adding these branches where i want them to be okay and these are up close right these branches so remember that there's a little more detail to them because these are this these are the closest trees okay so i'm going to spend some time doing that maybe this little tree i decided to add a little bush right here maybe those are little branches or little sticks growing out and obviously we're going to connect some of these up here see how nice that works once you have your sketch you kind of already know how it's going to look so you just connect your little branches onto your tree and that's all to it once you're done adding your details we can go to the light green and number eight brush and do a similar effect similar idea like we did here we're gonna try to add a little bit of color a little bit not too much just lightly dab it on some of the wrenches okay it creates nice depth okay a little bit here since these trees are closer right they have more color than the ones in the back but we don't want to overdo it because it's like a misty foggy scene i'm going to fade it out i'm not even going to go all the way to the top fade it out right there okay so keep that in mind to barely add the screen it'll give a nice defined look to your trees okay and if you overdid it go back to the darker color and you know correct it as you go maybe even add a little bit of green in here by the trees where we added right there maybe that's bushes in here right behind okay use a little bit of black i'm going to switch to number four and add a little bit of the green and black mix it together and add a little bit right in here to my grassy areas here and we are almost there pretty much the last thing to do is add a little bit of highlights and that's it and i'll show you what i mean by that okay and then add some white just white straight out of the tube you can mix it a little bit with this black or dark and create a light gray okay light gray and right here maybe we need to dull it a little bit more with with uh the black to make it a little bit darker right here on the side because the light is coming from here right on the right side of this tree we're gonna bring it down and fade it out like this skip some areas and add that lighter color right here on the side all right guys i'll be done for today like i said you could come back work on the sky now work on the mountains trees add the water you could take a break come back to it the next day totally up to you have fun with this i hope you enjoyed this lesson again i want to thank you guys for the great support um i'm really excited that you guys are here and been supporting me for many years so i really appreciate that helps me as an artist and creator to continue and i also want to remind you if you guys want more in-depth classes and master classes i am still releasing them i'm just releasing more on my um for my email list so be sure to sign up i'll have the link down below and you'll be the first one to be notified with some discounts on my classes and and products and all that good stuff hope to see you guys there and thank you guys again for your great support have fun with this take care and god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 63,885
Rating: 4.9535995 out of 5
Keywords: acrylic painting tutorial, step by step painting, easy acrylic painting, painting techniques, acrylic painting for beginners, tree tutorial, art instruction, how to paint with acrylics, landscape painting, acrylic painting, step by step, misty river step by step, how to paint river forest, river painting tutorial, river painting acrylic, painting tutorial step by step, painting foggy forest, foggy woods painting, Misty River STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting, bob ross
Id: vhGJjn2WJt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 37sec (9517 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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