Foggy Forest Looking Up STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial (ColorByFeliks)

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hi everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in and being here today if you're new welcome to my channel I hope you'll find these tutorials helpful for you today we're going to paint a fun perspective of looking up to the sky and so we're gonna paint some trees here at an angle like this and then very simple background not too much color keeping it pretty light so that our trees can stand out let's go straight to it and go over the materials new for today I'm using a 16 by 20 inch canvas here it's gallery style so it's a lot thicker on the sides and the reason why I like gallery is because it's easier to work with and it's just a better quality in my opinion I always prefer going with that and actually I partner with Frederick's and we are launching soon my own line of canvases that will be out on Amazon soon so stay tuned for that and they'll be available for you guys soon there's gonna be 16 by 20s and 18 by 24 in the gallery style canvas for brushes we need a couple of these blending brushes they're exactly the same I like to use two because one I like to lay my colors down first right and then the second one to blend everything in working try we need some of these artists la flushes this is number eight and then this is a number four any half an inch flat brush any detail brush for the details and an artist punch which I like to use for my leaves and you know faraway little branches you know show you how to use that for pain I'm gonna use my new 24 set of acrylics here and I'll show you which colors I'm gonna use straight from this box okay we're gonna use titanium white lemon yellow orange scarlet emerald green Viridian hookers green burnt umber gray and lamb black also I'd like to remind you that these new acrylics are available on Amazon and my website as well if you're interested in them but any acrylics will do for this tutorial going off of the colors that I have here but you could totally mix your own shades and of green of oranges and you know Browns and and create your own way of painting there's no right or wrong this is supposed to be Oh having a lot of fun and experimenting and you know just having fun creating a painting so take your time take breaks I want to remind you that it's okay to come back to it the next day you don't need to finish all of it in one day and have fun with this okay we need a water jar some paper towels and I'm using a palette paper over my palette it saves time once I'm done I just bunch it up and throw it away and a palette knife to mix her paint and if you have a hairball Drive to dry it your first coats go ahead and use it but if you don't that's okay acrylics dry pretty quickly so you can while you clean your blending brushes you can it should you know mostly be dry so take a break and wait for that to happen before adding more layers but that's it for all these materials and if you are again interested in anything that I'm using here today there's links to them down below in the description you'll find let's pick up our pallet now and we're gonna start with the furthest distance which is the sky and work our way up closest so we're gonna cover pretty much the whole canvas really quick and like I said we're not gonna make it too colorful so let's pick up our titanium white first and create about four or five colors okay so the tinium white here and i like to start in the corner and I'm gonna squeeze about this much about two thumbs amount okay and then maybe a little less each time let's do one more right here a little less each time so you could see gradually it gets a little less now let's pick up our lemon yellow and we're gonna add a little bit here not too much okay very small mount right there let's pick up our scarlet and add also a little bit here not too much okay very small amount and then Viridian let's add a little bit here and then maybe a little more here okay and then the last one gray and I'm gonna add it about this much about the same amount you can see let's pick up our pallet knife and start mixing with the lightest color here and they're gonna be very light so this one's gonna have a nice glow of that yellow that's good right there okay next should be bright light pink so it's a little bit too dark so I might actually add a little bit of more white in there okay I'm gonna do that real quick because that I want it to be too dark I want this guy to be pretty light touch right there mix it all and that's much better made it lighter okay next all right right there our fourth color here should be darker yeah that's good right there and our final color should be a light gray and we are ready to start laying these colors down one two our sky and what I'm gonna do is actually put a little pile of white here because I might need to use some you know on some areas okay but use the colors of our background sky okay all right let's pick up our water here and one of our blending brushes we're gonna dab it all the way in the water okay and then squeeze it out but not all the way make sure you have some water in the brush about this much so so that water won't drip but there is some water still inside okay so that we won't have too much and now what we're gonna do so for example I'll show you and this is once you get the technique down it becomes easier because this part and you could if you'd like you could take a look at this real quick because actually blending is a fast process and you work a little bit faster so you know if you want to take a look how I do this real quick and check it out if it's easier for you but so I squeeze it if I squeeze it very hard so I pretty much don't have water in here right but I don't want that I want to squeeze it like this much because this much means about like you see use a here's a little bit of water in there but we don't want it to be like completely you know like this then it's hard to make your canvas run smoothly and you sometimes you have to practice but once you get the technique down of how much water you need here about this much alright and now that we have enough water there we can pick up our first color and let's just start with white see I added some white let's just you see I have water in my brush you could see it with the paint I'm gonna pick all this white up and it's gonna run smoothly so I'm gonna add it randomly add it right in here you could see my water I still have water in here and it's running very smoothly with the white and so let's just add someone here for fun and all over that's we're trying to cover our canvas this is the base coat so and your white like this now next color I'm gonna dab my brush in the water and this is what I do and I just dab it lightly like this and I don't squeeze it I don't pull it out I don't put the brush all the way in just the tip in the water like this and then I pick up more paint which is the yellow and let's add the yellow randomly here mix it in with the white it's okay maybe someone here maybe you know some on the bottom here who knows take all that yellow and add some in here and mix it in with the white okay alright so next let's dab a brush lightly in the water maybe I'll add some in here okay next daddy won't brush in the water and I'm going to use let's use this color next because it's a little bit lighter than the pink one and let's add it right in here maybe someone here maybe in here it's okay if you cover a little bit of the white that's fine and then maybe someone here now a lot of this is going to be covered so I'm gonna dab my brush in the water with the trees but so don't focus too much on this this is a quick process so let's have the pink I want it to be pretty light here she I feel that it's a little bit harder someone a demo brush in the water because it's not running smooth you're supposed to feel it like this but it's so you can run smooth right so just cover everything it doesn't have to be perfect so I'm gonna grab my brush in the water pick up this pink and I'm gonna bring it all the way down I like this pink then covered this area with pink okay this is a base coat right there and stop right there okay so now I'm gonna Devlin brush in the water and use this green and let's have the green here you know maybe bring the green down right in here with the pink maybe someone here lately and I think the gray let's add the gray on the bottom right in here let's make this a little bit darker and here and I'm gonna lightly blend it all in like this now I have some colors left here I'm gonna use these so I think that's good enough for now but I'm gonna blend everything in you could see it's all messy right now so I'm gonna and my canvas is pretty wet but it's not too wet you know you don't see water dripping right so I'm gonna put my blending brush down and pick up my second blending brush which is dry and work very dry and I'm gonna start from the lightest area and lightly press press the colors very unlike barely pressing the canvas right and I'm blending all those colors in together nicely so when I'm working where the light lightest area is you could see right and don't worry about making it perfect click the Brittain once we had the branches and things you know in the background it'll all you know look very nice so you actually don't need to worry about trying to have it blend very perfect you want to barely press and don't worry about some of the hairs that might come off from the brush that's very natural don't worry about that leave it on there because once the painting is dry you can easily scratch it off and it comes out without damaging anything so focus on blending right now lively press those beautiful colors down try not to bring the darker colors to the lighter area where you added the lighter areas okay so I'm barely pressing and I'm not gonna not gonna try to bring the darks down too much so cover your lighter areas you could see the painters have evenly spread and you don't want to have a place where it's bunched up too much so make sure when you lay the paint down make sure it's all even everywhere because then it makes it easier to blend so I'm gonna go back here and finish this area before I go to the pink I'm barely pressing I'm not trying to bring that too much of the dark down okay there you go and you could walk around and move around you know I'm painting sideways so it's a little bit difficult for me like so you guys can see what I'm doing but you can move around and do this part quickly while the paint is still a little wet okay there you go you see a nice smooth blend very nice like you could kind of see the glow and some of the color in the sky but that's what we want one a lot of color because you might not see it but actually there's a lot of color in the sky when there's a little bit of mist or fog or some clouds you know what I mean and usually in the woods it's like that so I always like to add some color so you could see a very nice simple blend of the background and we're gonna let this dry and quickly wash our brushes okay my brushes are clean and I gently clean them out with a paper towel as well to fluff them back up and then I got my new water here and my canvas is pretty much dry and I just used the hair bow dryer to quickly dry everything out and remember the hair that I showed you here sometimes you'll get one or two every now and then but once you're done blending and everything is dry it really is easy see it's almost sometimes the hair blow dryer just blows them away but sometimes it's like you just scratch it off and peel it off gently and it doesn't damage doesn't do anything to the canvas and you're good to go alright so we got the base background done you could see a little bit of the color going on there in this guy and now we're going to have fun sketching out first probably the trees where we want them to be all right and then from there we'll will be adding some details and branches using our artists bunch all right let's mix our colors here so I added burnt umber a little bit here and then a little bit more here and a touch of black and remember some of these colors that we have left here I'm gonna use them so that I won't you know let it go to waste so for the first color I'm just gonna pick up the green right here leftover green put it in here maybe some of this pink the other ones I used them all up so use what you can like about there it doesn't really matter we just want to like a brighter color with a brighter brown color okay that's good right there and then this one I'm gonna use this gray and mix it in with this color here it should be darker darker gray well use this as base it's all about layers I mean we added our first background layer of the sky and now we're gonna add our first layer of our trees with these colors okay just too right now and that's all you need and I always like to do this I like to clean my palette knife so that paint won't get you know bunched up and dry quickly like this doesn't have to be perfect okay just like this all right now let's pick up our half an inch brush here and dab it all the way in the water so it can run smooth and squeeze it out so it could be nice and damp and let's start off with adding our biggest one biggest trees first so let's just use this darkest color you can see I have a little bit of water on my brush but that'll help me that'll actually help to run the canvas you know it'll run smoother okay just like this and I'm gonna draw the tree starting front probably from like right in here okay and I'm gonna go up all the way let's go up in here probably all the way up in here like this let's just bring you down somewhere right there okay and then it'll probably go down and and somewhere right in here so let's just bring you down I want to make it a little bit bigger like this and have it go oh and you want to because we're looking up this side is gonna be you know bigger obviously and as it goes up it's gonna get smaller so it's something like this okay and we're gonna cover everything with this color so I dab my brush in a water soap and run smooth and we're just gonna cover everything this is our base coat so don't worry about trying to make it perfect I just sketching your tree out first I'm gonna dab my brush in the water so you can run smooth and put it all in there dammit my brush in the water they're kind of the same color and I'm going to cover all this it doesn't have to be perfectly covered okay you could see I didn't cover it perfectly that's okay we don't need it to be perfect this is our base coat basically what we're trying to do is the only thing I would recommend is actually as you go up make it lighter so let's just use this gray let's use this gray let's add this lighter gray on top right in here obviously we'll go over everything but for now I'm gonna demo brush in water for now this will give us an idea you know how our tree would look right something like that okay we've got our sketch of that tree and we'll work on it and make it a little bit more you know detailed like for example like I want it to bend here a little bit and make it more interesting I'm gonna dab my brush in water so can run smoothly and I'm going to do that Bend something like this and I want to do it here as well and I want to make it too straight okay something like that yeah that's good enough for that tree let's stab our brush in water and do use the same color and do another one these are going to be our biggest trees right so let's just do another one I want to like have it come off right here right and I'm gonna go about I'm gonna have it and about right here and have it come down something like this okay and then and it's gonna go like this off-center see we want to make it look nice and interesting so let's add this color still using this color damn I'll brush in the water and don't spend too much time on this because we're just shaping our tree first and add more details to it later and then as you go up do the same thing use the grey as you did with that one gray in some water okay continue doing that all right something like that and I think I'm gonna have it even go a little bit further up and and maybe up here on top you know there's gonna be like branches and things on top so don't worry about completing it yet so I think I'm gonna fix this and make it a little bit thicker here something like this all right now let's do the same thing using the same color right here with water and I want to add one right in here I'm gonna add one about right in here and have it also go up but it's gonna fade away so let's have it fade away like somewhere in there because of the fog and I'm gonna have it be about this big and about this big cover up everything with the same color and then right in here you want to go lighter so maybe use the gray and water helps you know water helps so I'm gonna clean my brush so I won't carry too much of the darts because I really want to have the color fade in to the top so what I'm gonna do is actually add a little bit of white right now not too much and then use this you know this gray color and some white right and let's add it right in here we want to fade it into the sky somewhere in there and that's good enough right there and now we can use this color next dab it in the water and we'll add a few more further back so this one's going to fade as well something like this and I'm gonna use some white because I wanted to fade into the sky dab it in the water and use a little bit of this white and then this color okay put it all in there I'm gonna clean my brush out so we'll have too much paint dry it onto the paper towel and just take away some of this color there claim on brush in the water dry it onto the paper towel so it's nice and damp and I'm gonna blend that in really quick like this alright and now I'm gonna use the same color and let's had a few more let's add one that is going to be right in here maybe and it'll fade out somewhere we want to still at an angle maybe make this one got this big he's a little bit of some white and do the same idea have it fade out somewhere and this is a sketch we're obviously gonna come back to this later but about this right about about this mini trace trees I don't want to overdo it and cover too much because there's gonna be branches and things around right but for now I am happy with what I've got and I will come back and have more details later but this gives me an idea of what I need to where I need to add you know my branches and trees with the artist bunch okay let's mix some color and start adding some green shades and some branches of our trees okay so I added you know onto these coasters again I don't want to throw these colors away right so I added emerald green in lemon yellow here just a little bit okay and then hookers green and lemon yellow here I'm gonna mix it in with other colors that we have and it should give me like a shade of green this one should be a little bit of a you know lighter green color right we don't want it to be too strong that's why I didn't mind mixing it with my brown color I want it to be kind of settled and we're gonna add you know a layer of these colors and then we'll add some more colors on top of it and the more we had of the different greens and different maybe a little bit of orange shades to our branches the more the trees look interesting so about there okay that's good enough and then for this one I'm gonna mix it all in and it should give me a darker green even if it leans towards yeah that's great it's still green we want it to be a little bit green but not too strong and that's why it's nice to have that burnt umber mixed in there because it's you know it makes it more softer not a strong color not so vibrant you know we don't want to vibrate it yet okay that's nice right there all right we got two colors let's start off with that first and we're gonna create our branches first and then we'll add more okay so artists plunge and I'm gonna put it all the way in the water and then squeeze it out completely so it could be you know nice and damp right and soft like this okay yeah but it doesn't have a lot of water in there okay and then choose a corner this is where you can squeeze you can see if I squeeze you could see some smaller you know shapes you know in patterns if you leave it big it'll create bigger patterns right if you're working big on the bigger canvas this might be even perfect but when you're working smaller and you want the branches to be smaller you squeeze it a little bit smaller you know and lightly press okay so play around with with the artist bunch just find your corner that you like and move it around and see what works best for you all right so let's start off with the let's start off with the darkest color here so I'm gonna use one corner I'm not gonna pick up too much paint I don't want a lot so I'm gonna kind of take a little bit right and then dab it onto my palette here I want to see how it looks and then once I have enough like this okay now I'm gonna go back in now I'm going to start adding the detail so branches and things so I'm going to squeeze it a little bit because we're on top and I'm going to start adding where I think there could be branches okay something like this alright and then maybe here it kind of goes off to the side okay that's good enough now I'm going to take more and lightly not too much you don't want to overdo it even if you go over the trees that we just painted that's fine do it this is these trees are the first layers that gives us an idea you know that's why we did that so so I'm gonna lightly see if I press lightly it gives me a nice small smaller ones smaller leaves and things but if I press harder it's gonna give me bigger ones so play around there is no right or wrong so I'm gonna make this area dark and balance it out see for yourself you know like some areas could be a little darker and some areas could be lighter like keep keep some of the light going from the background all right we don't want to cover everything of our background but I'm gonna dab some right in here and have it fade out like this maybe there's a tree somewhere in here as well okay something like that and then let's add some right in here and that's basically what I'm doing using my corners of the sponge and I'm lightly pressing not too much I'm not trying to overdo it and cover this area all right that's good right there moving on let's add some in here barely pressing okay and follow your patterns you know follow the shape of how you know imagine it imagine how the leaves might look right so let's add some right in here and this one's gonna feed out and we'll continue I want this area to be pretty light going up so I'm not going to add too much of this darker one but mainly on the bottom here this is going to be covered mostly here not too much of the background it's going to be showing because of this big tree here so have it you know feed out like somewhere in here like this but then cover most of this this green maybe if the branch comes out in here and then feeds out like this oh no try to cover most of the background here we don't want that sky showing too much okay something like that that's good enough right there continue using the same color let's go in here a little bit you know the branches will be split here and okay so here I'm going to cover this area a little bit like this and maybe some branches are hating y'all here somewhere like this okay add a few more in here maybe a little bit in here like this for our first layers that's good okay now we have a first layer of this color right now I can move on to the next one this lighter one alright and do the same thing you don't need to clean your artists bunch doing the same thing I'm going to go over some of them and add a little more detail and I'm not adding it everywhere but I'm some of them so maybe there's some right in here maybe a little bit in here okay and maybe here you know because it feeds into that lighter color we want to add a little bit here on top that and maybe some in here all right in here I want to kind of feed it out that's good enough let's add some in here you know this area is gonna be pretty dark but why not add some of this color in here right why not not too much maybe in here and have it fade out like this and a little bit in here okay something like this that's good enough alright so we've got our first few layers done now I'm going to put my sponge in the water and I'm gonna make some more colors next I added a little bit of black and hookers green here and white straight from the tube I'm gonna mix with these colors so I will continue using the color you see I don't let none of the paint go to waste so I'm gonna give it another shade right another light shade and the reason why I added white onto this one is because since this is the bright area I want to add some of the lighter ones going up a little bit in here okay that's why I added that light and actually it's looking a little green still so I think I'm gonna add a little more white to this color okay okay right here I want to make it bright we don't want to make it too dark I want to look faded that's good enough right there okay and so that'll fit in nicely to the top and in our next color here will be pretty dark and the reason why I wanted that is because I want darker some of the darker areas you know in here so let's quickly mix all of that it's okay if a little bit white or this color comes in here that's totally fine we just want a little bit of a darker color something like this that's good enough right there okay now let's do the same idea I'm gonna clean it out real quick and squeeze out my artist sponge so it could be damp again and let's start off with since we have the light color let's start off with the lighter one right here okay lightly pick up this color and let's just add it in to the sky and have it you know kind of fade it like like this see what at that does that gives us you know a nice fade into the background like a it's like kind of foggy up there right so I'm gonna add a little bit of this in here and have it feed to the top maybe not everywhere and have some in here maybe okay that's good and I want to add this light one also in here okay I can want to gradually go from light to dark and then that take some more of this color and maybe even add something right in here maybe someone here and maybe a human here okay I'll stop right there for now I don't want to overdo it so that's good right there let's continue and let's use the dark color now I don't need to clean my sponge I'm gonna use the same idea and now I'm going to start adding the dark so I'm going to start with this corner here first and I'm gonna add a little bit of more of the darker areas okay something like this but not too much not everywhere maybe there's one right in here okay and then maybe you see it's naturally creating that nice dark color there lightly press lightly here to get the some of the lighter ones right in here so okay that's good there may be someone here for now that's good right there now this area is going to be pretty dark and in some of this area here maybe leave some of the background here continue that dark color and have it fade out like this okay moving on let's add a little bit in here that's good right there not too much and I want this to be pretty dark in here as well so I'm gonna go over like I said don't worry about the background trees they're gonna be darker and this is our base coats okay and I think I'm gonna I'm not gonna do it too much with this splint because I'm gonna go and use the other brush to create some details but I'm getting a like an idea right I'm putting my first layers here so a little bit more here maybe help some darker ones right from this tree right right in here that's good right there and in here I want this to be dark as well okay sometimes you add a little bit in here something like this alright so we got our quick sketch alright quick sketch of our branches and things in our sky right you see we didn't cover the whole sky because I like that glow and the colors that we added right we don't want to cover everything but we do want to have a nice you know area where you see a lot of the trees and stuff so now let's what we're gonna do first is now start adding the branches right we're going to add the branches go over the trees and then we're going to add more of the of the details like this using this bunch and also before we actually you know add more details what I like to do and this is kind of fun is get one of my blending brushes right here right and then dab it in the water lightly and squeeze it out and you can squeeze it out almost completely right we just want it to be damp and use maybe this a little bit of this color right here with a damp brush that we cleaned like this right and I'm gonna add a little bit of that blend it in in some of the areas and it creates a nice like it takes away the you know the it makes it transparent to the background colors and it takes away the the light of the you know makes the trees more soft or transition to the so it won't look so strong you know so we want to add that effect in there so I'm barely taking this color with some water and I'm adding that right in here and it's okay like I said if you cover part of your trees that's fine see what that does I'm gonna do that riding here right in the middle and not everywhere but whether you had a dark areas mainly guess we wanted to stand out make it stand out a little more so a little more and I still have some water in here so I need to worry about maybe some in here about dabbing it in the water so do that right here and I'll stop I'm not gonna go up in here too much and lightly blend those in together not too much alright see what we have here and what we created there you go before we add some branches I decided to first work remember from the furthest distance up to the closest we got the sky and we got the shape of our trees and ruffs like a rough draft here now let's detail some of these background trees because they're these trees are you know more in the background these four than this one this one's going to be the closest so we will add the details here you know last but let's quickly add in some more details on our tree these four and then this one next so what I've got here is burnt umber okay and then gray and white just a small touch right and then same thing burnt umber here orange and a touch of white and then burnt umber scarlet and then land black so I'm gonna mix that in and it doesn't have to you know be exact unmount like mine but just eyeball it and and see what it gives you so this will give us a lighter color but I think I'm gonna even add more white to it because I really want to fade it out I don't want it to be too dark I want to you know want to really fade out this area right here but I think what I'm gonna do is actually add the white right here and then I'll play with these colors okay so I'm gonna leave that there move on to my next color here I want some color you could see I added orange I'm trying to get a little more color now into my trees you know right in here and then our final color will be very dark you know that's what we'll use for our details that's good enough right there okay with these between these colors and then the white here I'm going to play around and you know detail my trees okay let's quickly do that so I'm going to pick up my number four brush here dab it all the way in the water and squeeze the water out make a nice and damp now let's start with this further one right here let's let's start with this gray right here and I want to make it a little bit gray okay and then what I'm gonna do is use a little bit of this white and fade that out have it fade out you could see I'm barely pressing I'm gonna add my brush in the water a little bit so it can run smoothly and we don't want too much water but that's good right there and fade that out and then here I'm gonna take a little bit of this color because I want this to be have some color here and like this maybe even take part of this darker color and on this side and this darker color right on this tree like this see and it fades out like that to the to the lighter colors here and that's that's good enough right there will obviously add more detail to it but for now that's good enough let's continue and add some details to this tree okay we'll do the same thing let's start with I'm gonna clean my brush real quick and I'm gonna start with the lighter color so I'm gonna use part of this white and this gray and then I'm gonna just have it fade out like this have it fade out okay and and this lighter color here and then I want to darken start darken you its I'm going to demo brushing and water soak and run something take this color now you know want to add some color now roughly add that in there and bring it down and then now I want this other color here this darkest one you know I'm gonna really darken it and it's okay for you you know cover the branches because that's remember our first layers quickly add that in there okay so I'm gonna dab my brush in the water and dab it onto the paper towel and lightly blend the color here we're just adding a little another layer on to our tree doing the same thing here let's start with the lightest color which is the white take part of that and then add it have a fade out somewhere in there and then once you get down lower use this color and of course move up and then use this nice color here and let's just add that something like this and then this is where it really becomes dark so we're gonna use this dark one and cover all this in here really cover it don't worry about making it perfect you know something like this all right there you go that's nice alright and then this one now I want to add a little bit of the black to this tree because I wanted to really make it darker I want this one to be the darkest so I'll show you what I did so I added a touch of black I'm gonna take you know part of this mix it in with the black and it'll be even darker that will be very nice for this closer tree here so something like this so I'm going to change my brush to number eight because it's bigger so I'm debit and do the same thing start off with let's start off with this color have it kind of fade out maybe a little bit of white all right a little bit of white and then and then as you go lower now we're still sketching and getting the you know more details now let's go to this one of our tree but we will come back and add smaller details later let's just okay and then our final darkest color here I want to rarely make this stand out so I'm going to use this dark color right in here maybe not everywhere maybe skip some you know and my brush in the water and onto the paper towel and then now I'm going to switch my brush to number four again because now I'm going up higher and I'm gonna try it out onto the paper towel I'm not gonna picking up any color I'm gonna plant everything in with my damp brush lightly and lightly don't press too hard but lightly blend it all in okay something like that now I want this to be darker in here too so I'm gonna add a little bit of that something like that okay and then do the same thing here all right maybe around here make it a little bit darker all right okay now now let's do the same thing here but let's add a little bit more black and mix it all in right here this color and then we have left take all of it and mix it in with the black so it'll give us a darker like darker brown color and let's pick up our number 8 brush clean it out and then dab it into the paper towel so it won't be too wet like this and let's start with the dark color let's just start it with this color here and let's add it all in here you know maybe skip some you know how trees are maybe it's it looks like that okay and then let's take some of this color here and let's add it right in here you know put it all in randomly like this and then I'm gonna switch my brush to number four and add the lighter color this one right here right in here and maybe you know since this one's the closest one you want to add some depth to your tree so I'm adding some of the areas you know skipping some and kind of following my pattern that naturally happened for me using this color right here and I'm going to lightly add some right in here and it maybe fades out into this darker area here okay now these are still our first layers so it's not going to be exactly perfect so I'm going to clean my brush and I'm going to add a little bit of this darker color and on this edge right here I want to make it a little darker I like that okay so maybe here like details here with the black bark you know we're adding some details and bark to our tree and then have it fade out do the same thing here barely pressing and have a feed out not all the way and same thing in here before I continue adding details on the trees I'm going to take part of this color here and mix it in with the white mix it all in and I want to be able to create a lighter gray color and like this and with this sponge and the squeeze my sponge here I want to create you see how this was a little bit green here I want to create this tree color and bring you kinda out a little bit outwards like this okay bring you out words like this so it's still like you know following the pattern of the the tree the color of the tree so maybe even take part a little bit of the darker one and kind of okay something like this basically want this area to be bright all right now let's what I'm gonna do is now mix some color so let's pick up our white make sure pallet knife is clean and and white and then lemon yellow and take part of this leftover paint here very small melt okay and mix it all in we don't want it to be too yellow so I might actually have to dim it down by adding some more some more white in there okay that's that's a nice color so I'll add a little bit more what this could be good here but I just want to add a you know lighter branch color you know on the I mean bark on the bark so I'm going to add some more white and we'll mix it all in and add more details so right there let's mix it all in and make it a little bit more lighter like this that's nice okay that's good enough and what we're gonna do now is pick up our flat brush here and take this color and let's add let's start with this one let's add you know create patterns you know how bark is okay and all these tiny little highlights to the bark maybe let it come down like this and a bit in the water and continue adding the bark okay something like that and the same thing here let's do that and with the same color basically haven't yet fade out maybe not everywhere maybe it feeds out in here like this okay and then here I'm going to change the color because I want to you know make sure it's not all the same yellow color so here I'm gonna make it a little bit more towards gray so I'm going to add a little bit of white and take part of this gray and maybe this color here let me take a little bit more here mix it all and okay something like this that's good right there alright maybe you can take part of this so it'll have a little bit of orange but not too much like that is good using the same brush I'm gonna clean the yellow out a little bit and then dry it out onto the paper towel and use the same technique an idea and create you know these are so it starts very small right here so you can dab it here you know but then it you know becomes a little bit thicker here but continue lightly dabbing it you know and then as it gets lower you get a little bit whiter okay maybe even you know the patterns go like this maybe add some in here - this tree here someone won't feel alone like that let's add some green over here so I got an old green a touch of white and some lemon yellow and I'm gonna take part of this not too much and mix it all in maybe bring you here I want it to be like so maybe more yellow bright green color like you know maybe there's a little bit of that moss growing there maybe a little bit more I think I'm gonna add a little bit more white too and a little bit more white so right there just a touch of white I don't want it to be too bright something like this it doesn't have to be exactly like mine okay that's good enough and we're gonna do the same idea with our flat brush we are going to clean it out dab it into the paper towel and start by adding this color here from the top by lightly dabbing the corner of our flat brush and yeah move move move it around don't have it be the same you know like don't have it flat down straight you know move to move it around all so could all look like you know uneven [Music] so maybe it comes out like two v-shape here you know so V shape here obviously as it comes down lower you'll see more little details on the tree and debit in the water a bit and then continue I'm gonna clean my brush and then I decided to you and a little bit of this gray color here and I want to fix this area right here so maybe some white so I'm going to add a little bit more white and the reason why I decided to do that is because this tree I saw that I don't really like the shape of it I'm gonna fix it you can have yours as as it is if you like it but this part right here I want to make it a little bit bigger so I'm gonna clean that out use a little bit more white and and a little bit of that white color so maybe in here you know I'm going to clean my number four brush maybe in here it and take part of the white just the white nothing else make sure you don't have too much water and I'm going to fade that out end it out a little bit with the white to create that nice glow I wanted to fade out like this okay there you go and then maybe a little bit in here as well and I want this to stand out too much so with the white and that number four taken away a little bit of the darker tones okay maybe even something here a little bit you just want that what this does is it cools it off a little bit that colors see you might not notice it too much but it's makes a big difference because we want to have these trees as background trees we don't want them to stand out too much and then here I'm going to add a little bit of the white and then fade in this area's right in here I don't want this to be too darling something like this okay so I'm gonna add a little bit of more white and oh I want to brighten this area right here right in this area of the tree we have the white she creates a nice like circular look that's good right there for now now quickly I'm going to add another layer with my number four this time in this darkest color right here and I'm going to add a little bit more detail you know like dab it and on some of these areas I want my tree to stand out a little more lately dab it in and let it fade out we'll have more detail to you know our trees but um adding little details here and there and then once we get closer to you know to getting our branches and everything done we'll come back to this part okay I'm sketching it out first so I'm going to demo brushing and water and do the same thing use this darkest color here with water and let's create you know our patterns this is bark right so and damn some of these in here cuz they're in the shadow so we don't want them to be too bright but something like this for now is good that's good enough for now damn this side bit we'll have more layers in a bit so let's continue doing the same thing maybe there's a little branch that has you know a couple branches that have shadows from this far away tree and it fades out like this and that's good enough for this one we don't want to overdo it I'm gonna dab my brush in the water use the same color and create some details on this tree and it's going to fade out somewhere over there use your finger to kind of blend everything in and darken this area a little bit like this something like that okay that's good enough there for this tree all right moving on to next and then we'll be off to adding some fun branches I think I'm gonna stop right there I don't want to overdo it in here okay that's good right there and a final one okay that's good enough I will come back and add more details later but for now let's call it good for these trees okay now maybe there's some trees right in here like for example maybe there's a tree right in here and it goes up and fades away right in there somewhere all right that's good now let's continue and add the branches and then we're going to come back and add more details okay so I've gotten black and burnt umber I'm gonna mix that in that'll be our color for the branches right in here and then also I wanna a little bit lighter color so there you go I'm gonna take part of this okay put it right in here and take whatever left of these colors mix all that in it doesn't really matter we want a lighter gray color okay like this maybe even lighter so I'm gonna add gray so a touch of gray and mix it all in that's good right there we have two colors and now we can use that to for our branches finally let's pick up our detail brush and dab it all the way in the water and let's start with this darker color here right swirl it you know dab it in the water the brush and then swirl it here and then let's continue adding this tree member I'm gonna make this one fade out so I'm Debby one brush in the water I'm barely pressing the canvas and let's add some branches on this tree here that we just added I'm barely pressing so you can even attach some of them and this will take a little bit of time so I'm using this color okay this dark color and whenever I'm gonna switch I'll show you but for now I'll take some time doing detailing this tree everyone brushing in water maybe there's a tree right behind it like this something like that okay very simple and fast and now let's add a few more of this these little branches what if there's a tree and dad my brush in and water if there's a tree right in here skinny your branches maybe okay demo brush in water let's have someone here sad some branches right in here quickly connect some of them maybe this goes out like this and maybe here really quickly you know follow your patterns feed it out continue adding branches here and then here we will continue using this in color maybe here there's a couple skinny ones you know and we like that very lightly let's continue now we're coming up right here and I'm going to add one that is dark it's going to go up like this and kind of swirl down maybe fade out right here and then maybe this one attaches here and comes out like this and then and breaks here and then fades away like this somewhere we're basically connecting all these little branches maybe there's one connected here and it goes and I'm constantly dabbing my brush in the water because it runs smoother on the canvas okay okay once we added the branches that we want on a tree you know a quick sketch right here we can add a little bit more details of our branches using our number-four brush and I'm going to clean it out dab it on the paper towel and number this gray color here I'm gonna work with this gray color and add a little bit of that in here but I'm gonna use a little bit of water so I don't want it to be too dark so you can see I got my brush in the water and I'm gonna you know create a little bit of the branches around here you know following some of these maybe even using my finger a little bit and then you know fade it out a little bit I'll have it come up all the way maybe up here and fade it out okay trying to make it look softer same thing here and a little bit of the branches here some leaves but I want to make this a little bit gray in here Shadid in Fayette that gray into with the green and the darker colors light me like this okay see what that does so let's continue doing that maybe in here remember some of these branches here maybe they have a little bit of this color in here follow your branches make them look like little leaves trying to make it look softer here now I'm going to switch to number eight and use the dark one here and I want to add some dark some dark branches here on some of these make it more you know follow my patterns make some of these stand out a little more had one right in here and have it fade out same thing here want to add a few darker ones in here and then maybe in here bring some of these down darken some of this underneath here okay once you're done doing that I added lemon yellow and hookers green I'm gonna mix that and get a darker shade of green right that's what we want and I think I'm going to add a little bit of white on here to neutralize it a bit so right here some white I'm gonna mix that in and get this green right okay and I'm gonna use my number four and use this green and add some branches little detailed colorful branches here you see how that works creates like a highlight on some of them not everywhere but on some areas like right here I want a little bit green maybe in here and they're feeding out in here okay maybe in here a little bit and then maybe in here some of these you see how that looks nice and we have a bunch of fun little details like that okay and then we'll continue adding that effect here I want to add to some right in here and then maybe someone here you know skip some areas maybe add it a little bit in here if it's too much you can clean with the finger like this and let's add some of that green in here because I like that green glow okay and a few in here okay fade out this area can be the way it is and then I want to add some right in here maybe even a little bit in here that's good enough right there okay so we added that nice touch of green right creates a nice like glowy look to it now to get a nice smooth effect right I want some glowy effect here and here and maybe a little here I'm going to use my blending brush dab it all the way in the water and squeeze most of it out so it could be damp right and I have just a white nothing else but the white take a little bit of it don't take a lot okay and with that white we're gonna create a nice glowy effect so cover part of this tree and we're gonna create some glowy effect you see how that works barely pressing and I'm gonna add it right where I want the glow to be maybe even bring it down a bit okay so I'm gonna do that continue taking a little bit and I don't need to dab my brush in the water because it's still wet right but I want to lighten some of these areas a little bit so I'm going to have it and then really brighten this these areas where I want the light to glow maybe in here a little bit as well okay lightly alright I want that foggy look that's why I'm doing this so I'm having yet a little bit more in here that white and I'm having it go a little bit inside maybe even in here you know and then take a little bit more in this area I wanted to there and I'm gonna cover some of the branches because I want them to glow so I'm gonna blend that in there you see how nice that looks and blend it out like this don't be afraid of covering a little bit it'll really make it stand out and better if you do actually I'm gonna dim this down a bit and then carry that all the way out like this and bring it all the way down in here okay you can see that glow effect doesn't cover everything but it does a lot does a lot as you could see okay so once you're done adding that nice smooth you know glow effect with the blending brush and water and white and I also you can do the same thing but with a darker color like a black color and go over the dark areas like just go over some of the areas like we did earlier right you know to really give it depth right that's what we want and so now it's looking more like realistic right so what I'm gonna do here is add some highlights to the trees now and add a little bit more detail and we're almost done with this piece so I added white here and this green that we have left here or you can add lemon lemon yellow and a little bit of the hookers green but if you ran out of this green but I just want to add a little bit of it not too much maybe a little more okay mix it in you'll get a nice light green okay that's good right there and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my half an inch brush cleaning it and then take this bright color that we have mixed and on this side I'm going to really make my tree more defined okay adding highlights is important and you can go as high as as far as you want maybe that's good I'm not gonna go the way I'm gonna let it fade out like this dad some little details you know the bark okay something like that keep going and go all the way down now we're adding a little bit more details to our bark as you can see all right that's good I like it you could see how bright the light is hitting that tree right we like that that's what we want and you can faded out and obviously the bark becomes a little bit bigger here and have it fade out someone here okay that's good enough for that tree actually maybe put a bit more in here like that okay now let's do let's add the highlight let's add it and here and the reason we're adding it on this side is because these trees are giving the dark shadows on this side of the tree and this area where it's very bright you could see this foggy area is reflecting onto this side of the tree so I'm going to add that light below on to this side of the tree all the way down and kind of fade it out as you go up something like that okay and we'll continue using the same color I'm going to dab it in the water and I'm going to add a little bit more detail in here all these little details really make your painting stand out very nicely so take your time take breaks and it's gonna feed out here somewhere that's good enough for that tree this one I'm going to add a little bit not too much I already like it the way it is so I'm gonna add it only a little bit right here and have it call it good let it fade out into the shadows okay that's good right there and in our final tree I had a little bit more in here maybe even add some faraway highlights lightly all right and then the last detail I would like to pick up my number eight brush and then lemon yellow here and take part of that with water you can see I'm not taking too much I'm gonna go over some of this tree I want to make this stand out like maybe the moss on the tree right but I'm not gonna go over too much because I like that white color but I really want to make this tree glow so I'm gonna create that you could see and then just have it fade out like this okay with this color it'll really make it nice and glowy looking alright alright I go over that and then maybe so here and fade it out like this all right you see how nice that looks and I'm going to do that maybe a little bit in here very lightly have it fade out like this okay and then do that here maybe a little bit okay and then on that one on the last one same idea not too much and have it fade out like this okay you can see the nice glow that green glow the moss effect maybe even dab some in with this and maybe maybe there's some you know very bright ones in there who knows okay I'll be done for today you can come back and detail the branches the tree you know really make it as detail as you want this is a you know like a quick sketch of this scene looking up to the trees now you can take a break if you like it you can leave it or if you want to come back to it the next day it's all about the little details add more layers and shades and do the same thing over and over until you like it okay totally up to you I hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank you for being here in tuning in please be sure to LIKE up subscribe and click the belt button also that'll notify you when I post a new video stay tuned for more take care and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 170,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forest Painting, misty forest, foggy forest, misty forest acrylic painting tutorial, foggy forest acrylic painting tutorial, acrylic painting tutorial, step by step, Foggy Forest Looking Up STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial (ColorByFeliks), painting, landscape painting, acrylic painting step by step, how to paint, learn to paint, painting for beginners, learn to paint from home, acrylic painting techniques, easy acrylic painting, painting tutorial, colorbyfeliks, bob ross
Id: CSn5cDMI4qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 5sec (10205 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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