Flowers with Butterflies STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

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hello everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in this week patrons voted on a flower painting so that's what we'll focus on today I usually do a landscape scenery but today I thought I'd do something different and paint a blurry background and focus on the details of the flowers and I'll add some butterflies to to you know fill in the areas so we'll see what's gonna happen and we'll have fun before we get started I'd like to share a couple exciting announcements for you first one is I opened up a Facebook group where you can share your recreations and share your process your work what you're creating and so that's a community where you can join in it'll be available to all $5 level patrons and up so be sure to check that out and the second announcement is I have a sale going on on my website check that out it'll go until February 13 okay let's go over the materials needed for today we need this blending brush I like to use two of them so if you do have two of them great one to first lay down the coat and then the second one I like to blend it in real quick before the you know so that the paint will dry super fast but you could probably use one we need some of these artist loft brushes just couple of them I believe this is a number 8 and then this one's a number 4 I always say artists off brushes but I'd like to show you guys they come like this in a pack and there's a bunch of them it's very cheap you can get this for like nine or ten dollars at Michaels and then some of these they'll have numbers on them and it's a number eight and then number four I'm using so you know pick and choose experiment with other ones if you'd like but this is good for adding some of the you know texture on your canvas and I'll show you how to use it and then any half an inch flat brush will do and any detailed brush will do this one's a double zero round detail brush right here and for the paint we need kenya medium yellow ultramarine blue natural medium red titanium white and carbon black you could use any acrylics yep available these are just a little more high quality paints they're they're more pigmented and vibrant than some of the cheaper brands I always recommend if you're you know experimenting and testing you can use the you know any paint you have available but if you're working on a personal project and you want to make it detailed and you want to keep the painting I always recommend high quality paints and high quality canvas too because it depends on the canvas you're using sometimes canvas can soak in too much if it's cheap of the paint and and it's kind of rough but a higher quality canvas if you spend a little more money on it you will get a better softer you know canvas we need a palette a palette knife to mix your paint I'm jar with water in it I got a new jar because I lost my yogurt jar upgrading a little bit and then if you have a hair blow-dryer use that for your first coat to dry it out real quick and then some paper towels to wipe your brushes and if you want to wipe off your palette knife that works good and then of course your main instrument is your hands we need that to create a piece this is a 16 by 20 inch canvas and is ready to go okay first things first we're gonna try to get the background all blend it in and covered so take your palettes and then take your titanium white and then we're gonna just create a few shades so I'm using like almost two thumb thumbnails right there I'm gonna put one right here one right here just you know spread it out right there okay it's good nothing we might add more so now we're going to take our yellow and add it just a little bit right here a little bit right here just don't know a little more here and a little more here like this see a lot more here and it's just less okay next we're gonna take the blue add it right in here think about this much okay and then a little less here just a little less and I think we'll leave it at that okay and then we're gonna take our red and then I'm gonna add it right in here just a little bit right there just a little bit that's good enough let's mix those colors and and this is if your this part is gonna be the back we're painting the background it's gonna be blurry so it does not have to be exactly the same as mine you know if yours it's a little more yellow or a little more red it's okay just you know yeah it doesn't have to be exactly the same the background is always gonna be different nobody will be able to tell it's you know coming in after your background is done oh your your background right here this part is a little too white it should have been darker and you'll see what I mean because the background is gonna be a literary but let's just mix our colors real quick first so this one's gonna be you know like a lighter yellow color we just want to make it a little bit colorful and green back next and you don't need to spend too much time blending your shades I first like to mix my colors first to see what it gives me then I go back in ed you know whatever color I need if I think it's too dark I'll add white if it's missing some color I'll add whatever color I need you know just play with it this one's gives me of like a lighter green color and in our last shade right here should give us a darker green color but since it has that blue it can calm the white all these colors have the white added to them it kind of neutralized it takes away the the vibrancy from the colors but that's what we want because we want to make our background kind of be blurry you could see some of the color but not like intense you know that's why we're gonna focus on the details of the flowers and that's what where we will add more of the color right there there you go so I'm looking at this and I'm wondering is this gonna cover all the sixteen by twenty inch canvas I think I need to make another shade I'm gonna make another darker green or shade and also I think I'm gonna add a little more white here and a darker shade right there so let's add the white first just like just to make it a little lighter right there and then I'm gonna add a little bit of white right in here just a little bit like this and add [Music] yellow and black this time so yellow about this much and then just black it'll be our darkest color but not too much black so you right there so let's first mix that I'm gonna clean my knife so I won't carry too much of that green perfect clean just real fast and and mix your shade and if your colors are fun like if you like the way you see your colors leave it you don't need to even do this part I'm just doing it for fun showing you how I work right there and then let's mix our final color right here and because I added white it gives me like a grayish look which is kind of cool it has that green unit you know okay so I think that does it that'll cover the whole canvas with these colors I decided to add just a tinium white right here we might use it in their background right here so these are the colors so let's take one of our blending brushes if you have one use that one and we're gonna take our water jar here and dab it in halfway about this much you can see okay and then squeeze it out a little bit like this it won't be too wet but there is some water in there okay and so first thing we're gonna do is we're just gonna add the colors wherever we want them okay just gonna add the lighter ones first so let's start with the yellow let me just start with this color and just take it right there and let's add a little bit in here just randomly let's add spread it spread it out evenly okay whatever you want it right there maybe some in here in the corner just take all of it and do it just blobs like this and then mix it in with maybe take the white to just add the white a little bit just around it like this yeah see very messy very messy okay and then let's take the second shade this orange I mean this pinkish and add some in here give me someone who bought him right there someone here I'm round ever been doing this so you can add it wherever you want it more just I'm doing and then so I like to take and dab just a tip like this in my water and then take my third shade this green one this right there in the middle maybe maybe some in here okay maybe in here as well okay very colorful we're gonna make it very careful so I'm going to do the same thing debit in in just a tip in my water jar and then take my second to the last color and then add it right in here give me some in here I'm gonna take some of this randomly just cover the top right here you just cover that one want the top to get everything but you know see for yourself okay next just gonna have to take R and V as you can see and do the same don't try to copy me too much have fun with it carry your pain wherever you want it this part doesn't have to be exactly the same okay so then the last darker shade right here will go in the bottom right here like this just add it rather VC dab the tip of my brush in the water and now continue with this darker shade there that's good enough okay as you can see it's really rough and that's what we want okay now you know if you have one clean it out clean it if you have that one just lightly press down you don't need to clean it out fully okay don't worry about changing the water or doing all that you don't need to do that and then just squeeze it out and then use paper towel to dry it out softly swirl it onto the paper towel but to save time I have two of these so I'm gonna use the dry one right now and this is the fun part this is where the blending starts to happen and we're gonna gently and softly start from the lighter areas okay so let's just start from here and start to swirl it lightly and just blend in the colors I'm like almost like dabbing it and then pulling the paint upwards okay you don't want to blend them too much because you like some of the yellow shown in you know some of these colors in the background showing so just go over lightly go over lightly in the first blending you might you might be rough okay so I'm not gonna blend too much I'm just gonna roughly blend in the first part like this as you can see it's starting to blend and neutralize everything because we're mixing your colors and our shades in there you go and so now I'm going to clean my brush clean it out you know like this and then I'm gonna squeeze it out and then squeeze it out softly take water from the brush and then this is where I swirl doesn't have to be perfectly clean okay and it may be here since some areas I might have a little too much paint so I'm gonna try to take it away from the canvas a bit and this part try to work a little bit faster just because the paint is drying so don't spend too much time trying to blend in your first time going just do this really fast go back clean your brush and once your brush is dry do the same process and then go back and start from the top and lightly press and as if you could see it as it starts to dry it blends in really nicely there you go you can see it's still a little rough but we just want that it's kind of like you know like the LOI we don't want it to be too perfect so let's quickly try it out with a hair blow dryer okay so now our background is dry it's ready to go we're going to start with adding flowers very simple this creates you'll see once we add the details on the flowers this will create an interesting look with the background so let's continue and this is what I have I have black yellow and a little bit of red and a little bit of black yellow and white so mix this one first it's gonna be very dark still you won't be able to tell the difference that much there you go and then our second shade here with a little bit of white attitude I'm gonna start off with these shades first and we're gonna draw where we want our flowers to be so let's take our half an inch flat brush dab it in the water and then squeeze it out basically I want it damp and then the reason why I do this is so could run smoothly on the canvas so then I'm gonna use this darker one and create my wherever I want my leaves flowers to be so the first one will probably be about I'll say right in here right really roughly just draw it out one in there and then one will be almost in the middle like this and then continue with the same color but then here I'm gonna make it a little wider okay like this and then have it be like this okay I'll just cover this part with this dark color we're gonna continue and then there's one right next to this one it's gonna go like this very simple very very simple and then next same color just with one color right here we're gonna add one right about in here now let's see let's make it a little taller so this will go down this and I saw these flowers in Florida when I went on a trip there and I thought that was so pretty so I'm gonna try to paint them never painted them before so this is perfect you know it doesn't have to be perfectly you know drawn now just make it rough bumpy a little bit you know what I mean this is like our sketch we're drawing our base first okay next I'm gonna draw one right in here connecting over this one so don't try it like this there you go just like that next I'm gonna continue and let's draw one so we're gonna draw one right here someone will go down and I'm gonna dab my brush in the water and then you go up and go right about here want to make it a little taller so let's do this and then let's draw it out like this this one will be a little bigger okay just quickly draw it out all right continue we'll continue and then draw so one I'm gonna have this won't come down make sure let's draw one first here I'm gonna drop one right next to it maybe a little lower so right about there and I'm gonna just bring it down oh we read to here this is where it goes like this hmm next gonna draw one more in here so my dad like rushing water so it can run smoothly and it will create a softer look and we're gonna go all the way to the top right in here gonna draw this flower yes okay next let's draw one and talk right here then we went in here but this one will be kind of closed so to be rustic for Lucas okay very simple just add that basic code end and then next to this one I'm gonna draw one more that is right about a smaller one maybe read in here let's make a small all right next daddy my brush in the water a little bit so you can run smooth we're going to continue and we're going to add one in here so there'll be one big one okay make this a little bigger so you can move this one just a little bigger I remember seeing them a little bigger that's why I'm trying to make them but you if you like your shapes you know step back take a look if you like the way they look let it be okay alright and then I'm gonna draw a few in here some in the draw down like this and then one in here just off you know the side of the canvas peeking out that I think I want to draw one more in here for fun probably maybe this tool maybe make it a little smaller this one just like this see I'm just kind of having fun guessing trying to step back looking at it and see where I wanted it okay so I think for now let's let's I think that's good enough we might not come back and had more but let's leave it at that for now okay so next what we're gonna do is where I'll be the slider green shade right here we're gonna take our artist soft brush this is a before and then dab it in the water so it could be a little damp squeeze it out and then we're gonna take this green one you won't be able to tell too much with the difference but it'll create and just you know dab it randomly in just on the top and then there's a cool fade it out as you go down I mean you won't be able to tell that much okay it just adds a little green glow but just a bit and bring in not all the way down okay do it on some of them it's still going to be very dark very fast just there is no right or wrong on this part okay we're just creating a buncha buncha texture to our flowers okay since that one was a little dark let's go ahead and create another shade a couple more shades actually and let's add white and a little bit of yellow right here maybe take a little bit of this I want it to be a little lighter okay like this that's good enough just a lighter green just because that one was a little too dark but that's okay that's okay so I'm gonna clean out my brush and use the same brush and then I'm gonna add just dab it in there like this kept it in there this lighter color and then feed it don't go all the way down okay mainly on the top that's good enough there we'll continue do the same thing here just roughly and if you add it too much you can always go back and you know cover it with the darker color you have here and we do it really quickly really fast just dab it in there just on the top and then feed it out as you go down yeah you can use your finger to kind of clean out the bottom parts if you want so as you can see I'm just roughly adding that not everywhere just in some of these it really rough in fast right there it's good enough okay and now what we're gonna do let's mix part of this and this just meets it whatever color gives you that's good enough right they're gonna use this as I didn't leave so let's take our detailed brush dab it in the water and use this color let's see what it gives us first it might be too light but basically we want to add a few little oh it's not bad actually you just add in your little you know how there's some little police maybe in here roughly add them in there so I'm actually going to use this green one I think it's a little too light actually so let's just leave that there we might use it but I thought it would look a little better but I was wrong I just use this color just water with a detail brush you can see what I'm doing I'm swirling the brush to get my fine tip and then I'm gonna create some of these little veins and just do that on all of them okay Adam in there create these little details find little details and then fade it out as you go down doesn't have to be on all of them okay and I'm sorry I'm not really good with the names of the flower so I can't tell you what this flower what kind of type of flower this is so my bad if you guys know the name of this flowers that I'm painting once I start adding more details please comment below and help the others find find out the name of this flower that would help all of us out here you can see them quickly just adding mainly right here where the neck is I had a bigger ones in there and I fade out so just do that and if you're if you've got a little so much right there it's easy to clean you know just use a paper towel before it dries dab it in you know into water and then just with the water on paper towel lightly this may be another one that will come out that's okay alright continuing may be here a few a little bigger and then someone here give me someone here you know some of them are and as you get darker on the darker side here just mix it in a little bit with this just because this part is a little darker but not too much as you could see I'm randomly adding maybe there's little one sir going over to the top like this okay for now that's good moving on so now I'm going to clean my palette knife so I won't carry the Greens too much and then I added it a little bit of red and white and I'm not a little more red here and a little less white here okay I'm gonna create a couple shades that's the color of our flower okay this one I'm gonna add white just on the side okay I'm gonna use my artist soft brush right here number four I'm just cleaning it out use a paper towel and then first things first I'm gonna take my dark one darker pink right here ena added some white in here in the corner just straight out of the tube and then I'm gonna just fill in some of these areas and just fill them in like this okay just the top right here and then do the same thing on all just randomly just a talk just tap it in there okay next I can hear you can see a randomly just adding that right underneath okay Simon here you know last one there you go okay really quick and you saw maybe maybe even dab some here on the top maybe some is our about to you know open up a little bit so just step it in on top a little bit just clean out my just clean you know with the paper towel and now we're gonna take our lighter pink do the same thing but we're gonna create like a little circular shape of this flower right there and just cover it okay and mix it in with that pink pink okay all right moving on just roughly mix it in Hey maybe somewhere blended in in there but we want it to be rough like this okay next okay there you go what are these really fast and easy this one is a little one so don't put too much on this one just a little bit like this next this one okay and I remember this one just doesn't talk just a few little humor hoping areas showing but not everywhere this one's still pretty closed maybe in here maybe it's about to open okay and I might do a few more of those a little bit see how this goes okay next very straightforward almost there okay and now real quick just with the white you don't need to clean your brush just with the white we're going to just add some little ones on top like this just like this do the same thing you know same process but just you don't need to make it any bigger but just put it in there like this okay so now we got the vase you know some definition added to our flowers then take our detail brush dab it in the water and use this white and this part will might take a little bit of time so I'm just going to show you on couple of these flowers and then it's the same idea on all the other flower so I might even you know speed this process up but first let's let's just take our detail brush and with water going to add let's start with this one I'm going to add just a few of these you know strings I saw that there's like a bunch of strings coming out of the flowers that I thought were very pretty and then maybe somewhere for coming down like this you know make them a little taller just with white some of them are going to be a little taller so it's not gonna be perfect but okay you might have added a little too much there and when that happens I just go back and take the pink and just clean it out a bit and a darker pink but I want some of those trends in okay so just you mix it in with the Pink's it could be a little pinky and then this one will have little ones okay and then this one will have a few just white and water okay and then this one we'll have some taller ones and it's the same idea from for all these other flowers I'm going to do them real quick and then quickly with white go over and just draw a little bit red around around these evenly just in some of the areas I guess okay and now with the white just whatever white you have leftover mix it in just a little bit with the yellow and we're going to draw some highlights so just like this we're gonna swirl it dab it in the water and then just go around and draw out the highlight okay just like that and do that to all of them just you know skip some areas and then just with the yellow in a little bit of water gonna edit of a line you know some in here just the yellow and water just go over some of them not everywhere but sit just on some of the areas you don't make it stand out a bit more just yellow and water look over some of these and we'll step back and look at it and see if we need to add anything else to the flowers and then we'll continue on with so the butterflies okay that's good enough okay so you added as much detail as you want on this let's continue and add our butterflies and what I got here is red and yellow and then less red and a little more yellow and just white and black I'm gonna mix these real quick just these two colors we're gonna make our butterflies reddish orange I think I'm gonna add a little more yellow here just cuz the they're very similar and I want it to be a little more yellow so I'm just gonna take a little bit of this not too much yellow just like this we just want it to be a light color there you go Warren G red yellow bright yellow orange and white and black and then let's draw our butterflies that first thing I like to do is sketch it out kind of what we did with the flowers I'm gonna take my half an inch or if you're more comfortable using the detail brush please go ahead and do so I'm just gonna take this black and sketch out my butterfly so I'm gonna have one right here right in there and I'm gonna draw his face like this and then this body and it comes like this comes out like this okay just cover this in black for now and then this is where his wins come you know I'm gonna make it this and then I'm going to go down kind of curve up you know there's another like little loop here a little bigger and then before I finish that I'm gonna have it come down this okay there you go so that'll be our first butterfly and I'm gonna make it a little taller here and then I'm going to draw a little bump here and go down like this create a shape for our by flying same thing here I'm gonna make it a little lower like this here okay and then our other butterfly will be right in here they're gonna drop right in here so his face will be right in here his father being here and he's like in in there drinking that sweetness out of those flowers okay just the black and then I think I'm gonna this is gonna be interesting so I think I'm gonna stuff from here and bend it over we'll see how that turns out think about Karen curse let me get a little bigger and this is where you just you know look at the shape and see how big you want it you know the winds to be I'm just gonna go down real quick and then there's member justice loop here that goes like this and then I'm gonna bring it down yes I'm gonna bring it down make a big circle there we're just creating our shape first and then the wing will come out but in here okay okay these are two big butterflies and now what we're gonna do is fill it in and then take my artists off brush here and remember these shades we made let's go ahead and take our red and add it just blend it in right there randomly and then randomly right here behind just add those in real quick thinking here just roughly add that in like that and then I'm gonna take the yellow and a yellow underneath roughly you can see it's very rough and just add that yellow real fast fill in that area next do the same thing here and I'm running now so I'm just gonna use some of this inner edge - okay really quickly just add them in go fast soft brush I'm going to number eight just dab it into water and you know go over and just roughly blend it in actually I think what will work better is a fluffy brush let's do that let's take our fluffy brush out of the water squeeze the water out I think this will get better the butterflies are big enough to do this and just gently squeeze it out this world the brush onto the paper people are towel to get most of the water out and it's still a little damp you could see and just just don't try to carry the peanut but just in the middle just dab it in like this and it'll blend in nicely and you don't need to blend it in perfectly okay you want some the roughness to show so just to take the brushstrokes away and it's okay if you cover some other black because we're gonna go over again okay just like this there really fast nice okay and now this is where the details come in we're going to quickly dry this out okay so now you have the background dried and with the detail brush in water and black we're gonna create some patterns on our butterfly here first so let's first go over and draw that out first and just outline it real quick okay and then we're gonna just with water on black draw like a little connection here it like separates goes in goes in there like this okay and we're going to create some patterns on our butterflies to make it look interesting and then here we're just going to draw a line like this and then gotta connect some of these darker lines like this with the water and black and then this line is going to connect to this okay we're gonna continue and then this line it's gonna connect to that very straightforward simple gonna continue and then in here we have a separation like this yeah let's fill in this with the dark like this really quickly and then same thing here let's make this a little bigger okay and then here I'm going to continue it's a black line and let it touch it here okay so let's do this one real quick just do that and then fear man this area with black maybe not everything okay just a rough sketch continuing and then this one kind of face it like that and then this I'm gonna cover this with black real quick get a little thicker there you go and then let's draw a few more details on this one so this is gonna have like a little nice pattern in here so let's just cover that real quick with black this and then connect that in there life signs have these beautiful shapes in them you know okay so let's draw little it's good right there let's do the same thing on this one real quick little antennas one in here continuing just like that okay next gonna draw some shapes here as well so let's make this thick and then it kind of bends here and then it goes down like this okay and then here goes up this and then one more here that and then let's continue that and bring you down like this just cover it in black this area and then here then uncover it in black here but not everywhere I just believe some of these open like this and the rest could be covered kind of smeared some black as I could see but before it dries I'm going to dab my paper towel I'm just cleaning it out of it it happens just with the paper towel paper towel okay that's okay because we can come back okay next fill in this area there you go and then here just water I'm black then I cover this with black I'm gonna add the details and inside these black things okay next gonna continue and here it connects goes like this and one more little one there you go okay so we're done with our black outlining the shadows okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the white very simple see the white and just with water and white add a little bit of the details let me clean my brush because it's carrying some of the black just the white and then we're gonna add little dots okay just pure white it's good enough their continued as you can see I'm roughly adding the man you can make him as perfect as you want totally up to you okay just with the white at first and do the same thing on this one once you got all the little dots wherever you want them to go and you can continue here okay and then we're going to take the orange here and go over some of these areas just slightly some of them aren't like white you know so with the orange cover some of them and then with a yellow just pure yellow straight out of the tube and water you can go back and fill in some of these really quickly you know make your butterfly stand out just a little more by in that yellow you can do that in here but you don't need to do it everywhere just yellow on water you almost won't tell the difference but it's it's there all these little details matter and then clean out your detail brush and just with the water and white go over some of these and cover the butterfly a little bit okay just a few of them so that looks like it's in there it's not just covering flowers there you go maybe one right here and then for the final detail so I'm gonna just use the red and the detail brush and in my flowers just add a few little dots just a few of them inside okay and just go over and add if you read the middle dots inside not too many okay that'll make the flour more pop out just a few and okay we are done I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and this was something a little different than my usual work so it was really fun to paint this I hope you enjoyed it please let me know what you thought down below in the comments be sure to LIKE up subscribe and stay tuned for next week's tutorial take care god bless you
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 458,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flower painting, butterfly painting, how to paint butterflies, step by step acrylic painting, painting tutorial, Flowers with Butterflies STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks), acrylic painting, asmr, how to paint, easy painting, painting for beginners, butterfly, colorbyfeliks, art, bob ross, mix your own paint, acrylic painting techniques, diy, learn to paint, mariposas
Id: Gdl6sqKxLNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 45sec (6225 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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