Autumn Forest STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

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greetings everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in this week patrons voted on having me focus on a false scene so I'll try to do a simple false scene here and it's perfect because Falls around the corner we'll have a good time playing with color here and seeing where it takes us if you'd like to give a vote on what I should teach next please check out my patreon page down below let's jump straight to it and go over the materials needed for today so I love to use golden acrylics and we need titanium white ultramarine blue absol red light cadmium yellow and carbon black for brushes we need this blending brush set artists love brushes and we got this inch flat brush it's a little rough on the edges but it'll be good for the adding the grass effect if you have any inch flat brush it should work and a double round detail brush for the details also I don't use this often but I like to experiment and so there's these artist sponges you can get in my any store Michaels or any art store they should have them they come in a pack so they could be different differently shaped but we're gonna use this for today for the adding our leaves on the trees I'll show you how to do that of course you need a palette palette knife to mix your paint any water any jar of water to put your brushes in when you're not using them and then you need some paper towels and I believe that should be it for today let's get to painting okay so here's what I got I got titanium white and about the same amount of titanium white and a touch of yellow here and ultramarine blue here and we're gonna mix these two shades and seeing what color it gives me it should be pretty light so it should be more on the you know more on the wider side so we're gonna do the the background first the sky we're gonna work from for this point to the closest and the furthest point is this guy so we're gonna add the colors of this guy first I quickly added another shade here I'd like to make three shades so added a blue and a little bit of white here and I mixed that I just want a little darker shade of blue I'm on a nicer transition into the lighter blue so mixing this first right there that's pretty good and then we're gonna mix our last color right here this touch of yellow and white and I might actually bring a little bit of blue here so I'm gonna grab this mix it here make it a little greenish I guess okay that's pretty good I like it right there so we got these three shades this is the lightest and then this is the second lightest and then this is the darkest so what we're gonna do with these is we're gonna start with adding the lightest and we're gonna add it right in the middle right here our horizon line is gonna be right in the middle of this canvas and we're gonna add this lightest color right here and then kind of blend everything out into the darkest so we're gonna add it here and we're gonna go with the second color here and then the darkest color on that edges and then I'm also gonna add a little like river going to here okay a little river we're gonna draw that in there and add a little reflection and then oh yeah and then also this is a 16 by 20 inch canvas you can use any cannabis you have and it really depends how big your canvas is that's how much of paint you have to put on your palette because here I'm using almost two thumbs full as you could see and I'm gonna cover you know half the canvas here and a little bit on the bottom so that's how much paint I'm using but it is depending on the size of the canvas you're using you might need a little more or less today I'm gonna grab my water jar my fluffy brush and dab it halfway and squeeze it out have your brush be a little wet and we're gonna grab our first color the lightest color we have here right in the middle just gonna grab it and gonna put it right about here okay just right here and our river is going to be about right and here and it'll kind of go straight down like this so add some of this color right here as well okay and here we just I did amber where dab your brush in the water and this is how I do it I just dab it halfway like not even halfway just a teeny bit okay so it could be wet so it could run smooth on the canvas and some adding my first color right about there okay and then our second color just around where we left off doesn't have to be perfect I'm dabbing my brush in water like I showed you and then I'm here this is where the river will be so down in my brush in the water and quickly blending the colors in okay and then for the final color we're gonna grab our final color the darkest one and add that in the corners here all right about there and then here I'm just gonna cover it up right there yeah and now what we're gonna do is just roughly you know dab it and blend it in lightly and then we're gonna clean their brush out and what I do is I just kind of clean it out like this lightly press down get all the most of the paint out and then once you feel like you've gotten most of the paint out you just squeeze it out and use a paper towel to dry out your brush so I squeezed it out and lightly you know take most of the water out swirl it onto your paper towel and right there out there there you go see it's still damp but it's also not as what and so what we're gonna do is start from the bottom and just lightly dab and swirl it and you know blend in the colors right there now you don't want to carry your darker colors back up here your first round when you blend you want to go outwards and don't bring the paint backwards because your brush is now carrying the darker paint you don't want to do that see if if you if you if I do that look if I'm going up to the corner and I'm trying to bring the color back because I want to blend this area see what happens I bring the color back up in here and I don't want that to happen so make sure you blend everything in nicely first and then if you need to blend again do the same process clean the brush out and use the paper towel and do it again so that's the first round and then I clean the brush out you know do the same process and you speed up the process I have another one of these in and so I'm gonna do that again and blend everything nicely and sometimes with you you'll get a little bit of the hair coming out of your brush and that's totally okay don't worry about that don't try to pluck it out and take it out because once you dry it out you can actually scrape it off easily so I'll show you how to do that there's a little hair that fell right here I'm not gonna touch it I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing and I'm gonna blend everything in and blend the bottom here as well there you go I should do it right there there you go to speed up the process I'm gonna use a hair blow dryer to dry out my painting but this is if you don't have one of these this is a good time to kind of you know stand back drink water whatever you want to do give it like about 10 minutes or 15 to sit and dry alright so now that it's dry I'm gonna go over and remember I told you about these hairs there's a few of them that fell out there's one here and one over here I'm just gonna flake it out see it comes out easily there it is BAM the hairs are gone and you know hairs do fall out but I've tried different kind of blend blending brush sets and or you know blending brushes and by far this one that I'm using is by far my favorite it works the best for me it doesn't the hairs don't come out I've had many people ask about that so that's why I'm you know showing you guys how I deal with it but it's really not that big of a deal once you know what you're doing so I hope this will help you guys out and take care of that little problem okay let's move on to the next steps so as you can see we added our first layer and we have this glowy effect here and it kind of you know spreads out and becomes darker on the edges now you don't you could totally just make it plain and not have that but having these kind of different little details like that will really make your painting pop out once you start adding more layers so now let's add our background so the next thing what we're gonna do is add far behind trees to create a depth that we're gonna add like very you know fog in the background there's a few little colorful trees so we're gonna do that and what I got here is ultramarine blue and red and a little bit of white we're gonna quickly mix that and it should give us this you know like pinkish purplish color and that's what we want so I'm gonna create two shades so I'm gonna have this one and then I'm gonna do another one that will be a little more bluer okay and lighter right there so I added a little bit of blue and a touch of white now I'm just gonna carry some of this leftover paint here maybe bring you don't have to do this part but basically what I'm trying to do is get a lighter blue shade but I want it to be a little darker than this shade you see so make sure you don't add too much white right there and I like to add with a little bit of paint in the beginning because I'm not sure what colors it'll give me so when I mix I will see if I need to add a little bit more white or blue to to the color to get to at least to the closest color that I would like and so that's why I start with a little bit of paint because it always ends up building up but here you go I'm gonna add actually a little more of white just a little bit more there you go now we're ready to add our far trees and this we're just going to use inch artists off brush right here it's a rough one but what we're gonna do is dab it halfway in the water squeeze it out and what we're gonna do is grab our shade here and we're gonna create a few little trees here and what we're gonna do is kind of just dab it in there and it doesn't have to be perfect these are like far in the distance trees so I'm just creating some of these trees going down like this using water a little bit of water and this color okay and as we go out here I'm gonna add the blue color next so now I'm gonna grab my blue and we had some blue in there maybe add some glue in here as well you see what it does creates like very beautiful highlights that's what we want right about there and here continue with this cup I'm going to dab it a little bit in the water and this is the fun part you can have your trees look taller or shorter whatever you'd like and just fade it out here like this just like that and as you get lower here you can add and this reddish color the darker color on the bottom just on some areas whatever you think you know how the bottom can get a little darker because the light is hitting the tips of these trees right there and what I want to do is add a little bit of more red in my palette right here and mix it with this color right here it's just gonna be a little darker red just a little daughter and I'm gonna grab that color and put it right in here on the bottom you'd be bringing it up a little bit to the tree like this there you go and we're done with our background trees you can spend as much time and detail you as you know as you want and add your branches and you know make it more detailed and have fun with it this is your painting you can create the painting and have fun in any way you'd like there you go just add a few little branches sticking out randomly there you go now I'm gonna just to add a few little more details I'm gonna grab this leftover blue here mix it with a little bit of white here maybe grab some of this red make it a little pinkish these are far far away trees in the distance okay so right there so we're gonna do is use the same brush I'm gonna clean it out real quick here use a paper towel to dry it out so I won't carry too much water and I'm gonna grab this dab it into our brush and on the tips right here just on the tips add this lightest color the Sun is hitting some of these areas here in its super-bright maybe a little bit in here just on the tips I was your painting of your trees just dab it lightly don't press too hard there you go that's more like it there you go now we are ready to move on to the next layers there so next we're gonna add grass and add a few more little trees and what I got here is a little bit of yellow a little bit of blue white and touch of red yellow and yellow I have here the most and then second most is blue and in white and less red same thing here I just added more white here so these are pretty much the same color almost and then here I have black yellow and white so I'm just gonna mix this first and what I'm gonna do is so I won't waste this paint I'm just gonna drag it and put it here we're gonna mix our grass it should be like greenish orange color almost almost like brown but it is still green right there and then next shade they should be similar but this one I want to add more white to it so that's why I made two of them because I want to on one of them I want to add a little more white and that's this one so we're gonna do that real quick right now so here's what I have like a thumb and just mix all that in I know it might be a lot but we're gonna use a lot of it to add our our grass along the edges here so right there there you go and then our final color black yellow and a little bit of white color make it a little bit lighter so it won't be too dark but that's good right there there you go we have our three shades yours could be a little lighter darker that's totally fine so here I decided to add another shade I'm gonna add like a darker orange color and I have red yellow and white and I'm just gonna mix this real quick see what color should give me it's going to give me but that is good so I like this color yeah it's kind of what I wanted a darker orange color cuz it's false yeah I mean fall and you know we see a lot of foreign Chi colors yellows greens just a lot of color pink I know that we're gonna add all those colors onto our canvas here so we have these colors now we can start adding our grass okay guys I promise one more shade I want to add one more shade and then we can go ahead and start working so I just started to add black and then I'm just gonna grab a little bit of this green color here and this dark orange color and mix that in there and that's it that'll be our darkest shade here right there doesn't have to be perfect but we don't want to straight blacks straight out of the tube because it's gonna be too dark okay so there you go so now what we're gonna do is grab our inch brush flat brush lightly dab it in the water just a little bit squeeze it out and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna grab this green color right here and and first these first is I'm going to like draw little horizon line here far in a distance so I'm gonna dab it lightly about out to here I'm not gonna you know go all the way so I'm gonna grab a little bit of this black and kind of blend it in with with my green and you can fade it out there you go and then now once we added that I'm gonna go ahead and go straight to my lightest color here and go ahead and start adding some grass for in a distance and I'm just dabbing it and I'm just pulling it from one side to another and you can have fun you know you can what you can do is grab a little bit of this orange add to some color in your grass and one layer add this orange and then grab some of this green go right next to it and then you can grab this darker green and I'm not gonna go all the way here because I'm gonna add some more bushes here but we're gonna do is grab this black and here what going to fade it out right in here and so grab our white or the lightest color man just dab it in we and we like this so we've got our lightest color that there doesn't have to be perfect just dab it in there okay and then next what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our darkest color here this shade and this is where the river will begin okay I'm gonna have it right in here and we're just gonna carry it like this okay and then this is where little land starts so dab it in here and then just going to make a little little turn here yours could be a little different than mine so just have fun I hope you guys are you know making it a little different than mine so right about there and I'm just first outlining where I want my water to be so maybe I'll make this a little bigger maybe like this okay and then bring it out putting it back in here maybe just feed it out here to this point right there doesn't have to be perfect straat your shape first okay all right so that will be our water right there and then next I'm gonna grab this orange of color right here and we're gonna add it right in here right about there we're gonna continue on with the lighter color right here and just start adding a few grassy areas on to our water here grab some orange split it up so we're gonna have orange here maybe orange a little bit of orange in here about there you know how fall colors are they're random they're all over make sure you have that right about there now I'm gonna grab my green in here I'm gonna grab it up with a black and then draw a little hill to here going down like this okay and then drawing the greens here stab it in lightly and then let's go with the lighter color for fun and fill it in here I'm just dabbing you can kind of pull it upwards too if you want as you get closer just cover your canvas with the grass and leaves here I'm gonna go darker green up a little bit and maybe grab some of this black make it a little more dramatic here all right now do the same thing here you know I'm randomly adding just balancing it everything out making sure I'm have I have all my you know good where I want my highlights and bumps and hey little Hills to be you can create as many as you want so for example like if I wanted another little hill far behind the little one I just added you know and fade it out right there same thing here right here for example and a little heel going upwards go all right we're gonna come back with the details in a little bit so now before I continue I'm gonna grab my different inch artist log brush I'm gonna make it a little damp and wet and before I add more layers I want to cover make sure I cover all the canvas with the color so I'm gonna lightly kind of blend everything in blend everything in lightly make sure I have my canvas covered and here we're gonna add more bushes and stuff so that there for now same thing here don't blend too much just the areas where you know youth you see white canvas I'm not trying to blend too much because I like that the way their grass looks rough right there okay there you go I'm gonna grab a little bit of the black right here this is the reflection from the water I'm gonna clean my brush up Oh click so don't carry too much faint just with water go over this bottom area real quick I'm gonna clean that up anything add it to much color there debit in the water use the paper towel and just clean you know because we're gonna add a different color here you'll see and more shades in the water so I'm not worried about that that's fine I'm gonna add more shades in the water anyway and reflections so let's add more detail in our grass so I added a little bit of white and yellow here and I'm gonna grab this lightest color and mix it here now create a little more highlights and stuff in our grass so that it won't look too monochromatic and one color yeah I'm gonna grab my inch brush this one and just dab it in my brush the color I'm gonna start with the firt of this distance right there I'm just gonna lightly dab it bring that color in doesn't have to be perfect you see now it's starting to come out there's a girl and I'm gonna add this color on just some of the areas here not everywhere as you get closer you want to add less and less of this lighter color and if you hear use the tip of your brush you just kind of DAB it and randomly right there I think that's good enough here and on this side do the same thing maybe add a few here and of course do the same thing as you get closer you want to make sure you're not adding too much here just a few areas right about there now I'm gonna grab this orange color and mix it with my lighter color I want to make it actually I'm gonna grab I'm gonna make a new little shade let's grab a little bit of red and yellow right there and then just a little bit of red and yellow and mix it we just wanted to light our orange that's what we want we don't want it to be too pink I mean you can but I want to light orange all right here it is a brighter orange color we're gonna dab it and add a few Warren G colors brighter colors here okay some grass and leaves that fell on the ground changed the color of the grass there you go and then maybe some here just play round there you go alright so now I'm gonna grab a little bit of more 200 more of this darker color and just create a few more little highlights here and then we will be ready to move on to the next area and we might come back later on the grass and work add some more details and make it more you know realistic if you'd like so I'm just using the brush and kind of dabbing it from like using my corner to dab dab it where I've won and I'm lightly pressing this I'm not doing it too hard all right that's good enough let's move on guys all right so here's what I got I just added yellow onto my one of my greens here and then red and I'm just gonna grab this leftover orange yeah mix it with my red I don't want to use this red color straight out of the tube you can if you want to though so that's what I'm gonna use right there for my next color pallet knife and then mix my next green here there you go and so now this is where this sponge comes in what I'm gonna do is dab it and put it in my water squeeze it out so I'm making it you know damp and wet and you could see it's already old I he used this many times so what I'm going to do is choose a corner and start with this green color to choose a corner that works best you see right there and start adding it so remember this area that we left so I'm dabbing it and creating some bushes here there you go and then on the bottom I'm going to add this red color all right right about there just dab it in maybe grab a little bit of the green and mix it in so it won't be too even right there that's good right there what I'm gonna do is grab some white and just use some of the white just pure white and put it on the tips here just on the tips there you go and then grab my artist left brush now and grab some of this darker color and just edit right here on the bottom maybe you know go up a little bit split it up and about there maybe it goes like this there you go that'll be good okay now a few little bushes here there you go maybe add some here as well for fun so grab this green color and and a few little ones here maybe some here as well metal bushes using the same technique you could always fix it with this brush right here just lightly dab it fix the areas where you don't want too much too intense right there all right now we're gonna add I'm going to add a few more all red just going up like this same thing here there you go and a few of the highlights on one side of the tree just on one side there you go okay now let's add a bigger tree right here and so we're gonna do the same idea grab the CLO I mean this green shade use our sponge and I'm gonna make it a little bigger right about there and bring it down see how nice that looks and then here grab the red and there you go now I'm gonna go back to my artist left brush right here you just cover some of this white area grab the red maybe bring it down here a bit grab some of this black and put it here on the bottom you know split it up okay all right okay now I'm gonna grab a little bit of black right here so this is a darker black color I just grabbed it straight out of the tube grab my sponge and just in some of the areas right here on the bottom there you go that's good enough not everywhere right there go and I'm gonna grab my harness off brush and just kind of defin that in right here on the bottom just the bottom area right there there you go and then use the same thing this dark color kind of dab it around right here bringing it upwards your black color right here this is where it gets a little the more details you add it'll start to come out you know you can see once you start adding the black you see the shape as the shapes are coming out more damn it in right here carried upwards bit mm-hmm you can fade it out all right so now I'm gonna grab a little bit of this red and I want more of this red here it's a black maybe someone here as well describe this red color there you go much better alright let's add a few trees here now so what I got is just black and white mm-hmm what I'm gonna do is grab some of this red left a red and mix it with my black that will be it it's still very dark there you go and then for our white what I like to do is I'm gonna clean out my brush real quick use a paper towel to clean it out and then I'm gonna grab let's grab this orange leftover orange is just a teeny bit and makes it won't be pure white you can grab a little bit of this green - I don't want it to be pure white that's why I'm just trying to add a little color in my tree so there you go we'll use this now this is the fun part we're gonna grab one of the flat artists you can grab a flat brush half an inch brush I'm gonna use this artist loft brush dab it in the water first things first is I'm gonna grab my darkest color here and what I'm gonna do is add a few trees where I want him to be so the first one let's add it right in here and I'm gonna kind of bend it so I'm gonna bend it and go like this okay right in here that's where our first tree will be and this is a reflection of that tree so next we're going to add a few trees here that all right by the water maybe one that's bent like this like that there you go and then next let's add one write about right across right here let's add one bending also bending there you go and then another one facing away like that there you go and let's add a few bigger ones right in here so one will be right in here and this one's just gonna go straight bent a little a little bit actually it's gonna be a big one as you could see and this is our base first that's why I'm using this darker color cuz then I'm gonna use the lighter color to go over the edges and I'll show you what I'm doing so maybe this goes down like this and for the reflection I'm gonna add just eyeball it doesn't have to be perfect there dan we've Gavin my brush in the water I think it ends right there so just eyeball it and follow along and then this one it's going to be going the other way so I think it will end right in here okay right there and then this one this big one it will go like this okay just eyeball it doesn't have to be perfect and I might draw one more little one I'm gonna have it little bent so you think I'm gonna draw right about here and I don't know if I should bend it or not no I'm not going to just draw a little one far away in the distance right about there going down like this there you go and I think I will you good with my trees so I'm gonna just add a little bit of the details here and then here is the reflection just eyeball it doesn't have to be perfect right about there all right I think it goes like this okay all right so now that we've got that clean a little bit here just a little bit we're gonna add branches and stuff so a lot of this is gonna be again I'm gonna blend the water make it more wavy and stuff but just in case there you go so now what I'm gonna do is grab my detail brush and add some fun little branches around the trees so let's grab the same color this darkest color right here and I'm dabbing my brush in the water so I'm working wet with my brush and I'm gonna create some branches okay and so let's add some right in here maybe one in here maybe one goes out like this just had a few you don't need to add a bunch it's there and maybe one right in here there you go and then let's make this a little longer right there so I'm dabbing my brush in the water I'm using this darker color here there you go this had a few little branches just make your tree look nice and busy there you go that'll be good for that one we can add some more later but I will call it good for this one for now and here we're gonna add a French kind of going down like this there you go maybe one more here just like that okay next and for the reflection you can just eyeball it this enough to be perfect you go next we got this guy right there I'm just eyeballing you okay and then maybe add a little French sticking out like this there you go okay let's see should I add a few more maybe one more here there it's good enough for that one none of this I'm just gonna eyeball it there you go it doesn't have to be perfect like I said next let's move on and add a few little benches here that maybe one goes down like this okay and here I'm gonna probably go right about let's see right about ready here just eyeballing yet trying to make a mirror effect I think I'm gonna have one here there you go okay and then a few little ones here just because I can't alright next we have this tree alright this one will have a little wrench bent like that and a few little ones here okay and then this one maybe kind of goes offside all right few more little ones here okay so now that we have the base down for our trees I'm going to clean my brush and use the same brush and remember this color that we made this lighter white color right here we're going to use that and we're gonna put it on one set of our tree let's go ahead and put it on our left side so what I do is just go over the branches and maybe you might not get everything but just put it on one side at the tree okay you can see I'm splitting them making sure so I just lightly press and fade it out okay lightly press and fade it out we want our crease to look realistic so I'm using water and this color okay just like that and then just follow along some of these branches and about there I'm gonna fade it out there you go and do the same to all your trees all right this is the fun part first before we start mixing well let's let's start mixing our leaf color so we I got a little bit of red a lot of yellow and white and grab not older not every like not the whole red here just grab this white because I want to make this bright orange that's what I want my leaves to be it's more on the yellow side okay that's why I don't want to grab too much red so that's perfect that's the kind of leaves we're gonna have right here so that's our first shade second shade you can grab the rim remainder of that red and I've read a little bit of yellow and a little bit of white and this is gonna be like a darker almost like a hot pink color right there it'll be our another color of leaves and then so we've got these two and then we're gonna create one more shade lighter green shade and I'm gonna grab yellow just yellow and ultramarine blue just a touch of ultramarine blue and clean my palate knife so we'll carry that red because I want to pretty green so yellow and a touch of blue I'm gonna mix that and that will be our green shade right there okay we got our three shades green red and light orange right here and then also here I have a little bit of yellow actually don't worry about this let's what I was doing here is I'm gonna grab my half an inch hard a soft brush from that bring the brush out and then what I'm gonna do is scrub this orange and we're transparent so I'm gonna dabbing my brush in the water and grab this color and I'm gonna add it on on this tree just a little bit right there just work transparent and blend it in so that your trees look colorful okay just on one side right there okay do the same thing on the water all right then come on grab a little bit of this yellow actually just pure yellow work also transparent with water water in yellow and add some highlights here so on one side of the tree if you add a too much yellow you can always go back and cover it with white so make sure they it's balanced well but if your loop if you like what you see and you're like that yellow then leave it okay so there you go and then I'm gonna grab this white and just on the edges right here go over and the white and then what I'm gonna do is fade this area out from the bottom upwards and so I'm gonna grab a little bit of this darker color here maybe I'll mix it with my red here doesn't have to be perfect just any dark color and just pick it up words like this on the bottom here and do the same thing in your waters there you go alright now we're ready to add some brand leaves on our trees and that and then we're gonna add a few highlights on the water and we'll call this painting good so I'm gonna carry some of this out upwards like this alright now let's add our leaves okay so we're gonna grab our sponge artist I mean just a sponge rinse it out squeeze the water out so it could be damp right here and we're gonna grab our first shade let's start with let us start with the green color let's test it out see the corner which corner you like best okay now I'm gonna add a few leaves here and I'm gonna just dab it lightly just lightly and you don't have to add it too much you know I don't want to cover this painting too much with with the leaves so I'm just gonna make it very just a few of them okay if you hear a few they're like this okay just so here alright that'll be good for that one next just add some here on this tree you can see I'm not adding too much just on some areas lightly dabbing it yeah and try to copy it if you can the reflection if you can't that's fine and a little more green here here you go just wherever you want it alright then and then maybe some here and I think I'll call it good with the green I ran out so I'm gonna use my next color alright my next color is let's go ahead and use some thinking let's use the orange color let's just continue on with the orange maybe there's a little more here so try to copy that if you can no big if you can't all righty then next if you bring some of this orange here as well just put it on randomly alright next let's go ahead and use our red color and make this be red so add a few here you don't need to add it everywhere but follow your branches maybe adds a few on the other tree right here and bring it over on to this tree just a few okay just a few okay bring it over here since this trees the biggest we're going to add more here and try to copy that on the bottom here okay okay just eyeballing it there okay so that looks nice that's at a few more orange onto this tree okay maybe bring some one this one this well this behind right there cap someone here just to give it some depth just lightly lightly there you go there you go that's nice right there yeah you can bring some of the red here just tap it lightly all right then there you go all right so what I'm gonna do is grab red and blue and mix these together mix these together right here and then I'm gonna just add a few of those grab my sponge rinse it out so I won't carry too much of the lights lighter colors and mix it with my dark color here I'm just gonna dab it in my paper towel and what I'm gonna do is just add a few few these darker ones okay just a few on your trees that'll really make your tree pop out okay maybe bring some on this side lately there you go I think that should do it there she added a little too much could always clean it up a bit there you go and that my friends will be good with these trees let's focus on the water and a little bit of the grass and then we'll call this painting good all right so now I'm gonna grab some just grab my half an inch part of solid brush and grab this yellow straight out of the tube and just add a few little highlights on the grass here just a few grab my finish artist left brush and do the same thing just grab yellow there you go that's more like it there you go add some right in there background do the same thing here my heart a soft brush just grab some white just pure white white and work transparently right in there just bring that white up in here maybe someone here okay there you go now what we're gonna do is have the details on the water so I'm gonna grab this color right here this left over if you don't have that mix it it's just white a little bit of yellow and a touch of blue so we just want a lighter green color it doesn't have to be exactly like this but we just want to add some effects on our waters so I'm gonna start with the lightest color here work with the water first and just with this color we are going to all right they're just cover it doesn't have to be perfect now we're gonna grab our darker green color dip it in the water and just randomly or add some ripples and compete over your tree if you want a little bit so here I'm going to add the ripple going across something here create the reflection use your finger to blend and then here you want more of that green color and then as we go out here we're going to start using our darker color which is the red and now I'm gonna grab the red if I have it I mean that orange and just continue on grab some of this darker red and another ripple right there here we're gonna cover it like this we want some of the colors in our water do you stand out so that's why I'm adding our highlights here in the water without this you wouldn't look as good okay then add someone here and I'm gonna grab some ultramarine blue just straight it fits - and mix it with a little bit of my red doesn't have to be perfect maybe add a little bit of white in it that's good enough right there we grab my hat or inch inch artist left brush squeeze the water out of it and then continue adding this color transparently with as you can see to adding this red here on the bottom and then grabbing this color right here this blue color right and add it right in there my water to be a bit darker as we get closer here right there work transparently add some blue in here and around the edges lightly I'm barely pressing right some areas could be a little darker okay end a little bit here just a few more darker areas right about here and I will call it good in the water and if you added a little too much you guys go back with the paper towel and dab it in the water and like me take it out as much as you want okay I'm gonna take it out of here and blend it in real quick again they're just like that and use a little bit of the black and then here on the edges we're just going to add the black half-an-inch artists loft and use whatever black you have left and maybe add a few little rocks in the water or something right there as many as you want all right right there I think I'll call it good and then for the highlights I'm gonna grab my detail brush and just go over it with whatever color I have left maybe mix it with a little bit of yellow in this white color that we have just a lighter color and go over some of these highlights you know create some highlights in your water she makes it look more appealing to the eye when you do add these little highlights drag it out with your finger so it won't be too perfect there alright guys I'll call this painting done I hope you guys enjoyed making this fall painting and had lots of fun please let me know what you thought down below in the comment and be sure to LIKE and subscribe I give tutorials every Thursday so be sure to stick around and stay tuned for that and I hope you guys have a good week and take care and God bless have fun painting
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 7,014,708
Rating: 4.7660952 out of 5
Keywords: Autumn Forest, Autumn Forest Acrylic Painting STEP-by-STEP (ColorbyFeliks), Fall painting, autumn painting acrylics, how to paint autumn leaves, fall colors, art, acrylic painting tutorial, step by step painting, painting autumn trees, colorbyfeliks, easy acrylic painting, painting techniques, acrylic painting for beginners, tree tutorial, art instruction, how to paint with acrylics, fall landscape, landscape painting, acrylic painting, step by step
Id: YTg5DhTtvFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 17sec (7937 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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