Cherry Blossom STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

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hi everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in this week patrons voted on having me paint cherry blossom trees and so I have this cool perspective and hopefully I can translate that and be able to put it on the canvas so that's what we'll do a couple quick announcements we have a spring painting challenge going on right now on my Facebook page you can check out for more details right here and also my blending brushes are back in stock ok let's go with the materials needed for today of course we need a blending brush I like to use two of these so if you have two it's it works great because first I use one that will lay down the coat and then the second one I go ahead and blend everything to save some time we need some of these artists soft brushes this is a number 4 number 8 flat brushes and then a half an inch flat brush and any other detail brushes and you can use any materials you have available this is what I'm using for the paint I like to use acrylics and we need cadmium medium yellow natural medium red ultramarine blue titanium white and carbon black the paints and the blending brushes are available on my website along with this easel I'm using it's very nice I had many people asking me what easel I'm using and this is by far the best diesel I've ever used we need a pallet the palette knife to mix our paint a jar of water well you can put your brushes inside when you're not using them some paper towels and if you have this use it I here blow dryer to dry out your first coats and I believe that's it oh and I forgot we might also be using this artist sponge before we get started I'll explain briefly so what we're gonna do today is this will be a different perspective it's gonna be looking down onto the water and the branches are going to come out from the top and then they'll be like a little boat here and the water fading out too so it's going to be little otter dark blue water going into light we usually do the opposite but I just thought this perspective will be pretty cool so let's see what happens and have fun also I am using a 16 by 20 inch canvas okay let's take our pallet and then titanium white and we'll create a couple shades for shades and then add some more if we need to but here is my palette and I'm gonna squeeze out about and we're gonna cover the whole canvas so I'm gonna use quite a bit okay so about this much right there it's like two thumbs right here next let's add a little bit less here like this okay and then one more a couple more actually about the same there and then a little less here let's start off like this first and then we can always add some more if we need to it now let's take our yellow key and put it right in here just a little bit like this not much just a little bit and a little bit here about the same amount in a little bit more here like this actually let's add it right here as well pretty much almost the same on all of them and every time I'm not you you know putting paint I close the lid so it won't dry out let's use our ultramarine blue right here and add it right in here just a little touch like this very small amount you could see and then a little more here a little more here and a lot more here like this okay let's mix those real quick and if we need to add more we will go ahead and add more so pallet knife and let's start with the lightest shade it likes this color it's gonna give us this almost like a very light okay next you go actually I'm looking at this and the transition is a little bit sharp so I'm going to add some white on there yeah I'll show you how much I added just a little more what you could see right there let's mix Tet you wouldn't be able to tell too much of a difference but it's it's it's there right there next let's mix our third shade this one should be a little darker right there I'm actually going to add a little more blue little more blue and I'll show you the more blue and a little more white okay because I'm just thinking I'm looking at the canvas and I'm thinking well all this cover the whole canvas so that's the base and I'm adding you know quite a bit so right there a little bit of blue and white you know it doesn't have to yours doesn't have to be exactly like mine okay I just want this color to be a little more bluer there's looking like kind of like grey a little bit to me right there that's getting better okay next our final shade and I might actually add one more shade okay I want a little bit of a darker shade after this and I think I'm going to add a little more blue here on this one just a little more blue and white and then let's add blue because I want one more shade member one more shade and I'll show you what I did so just a little bit of blue and a little bit of white right there let's mix those real quick there you go and then you see I added ultramarine blue here and a little bit of white but this time I'm gonna add a touch of black okay so I'll show you how much just a small amount it will be our darkest color right there let's mix that in this will be our and you can make any shade of water you'd like but this is what I have here so let's go ahead and add our colors onto the canvas now let's take our blending brush in water and then we're gonna dab it in halfway and squeeze it up a little bit don't squeeze it up too much so that the water won't drip but there's still water in here and let's start with the lightest color okay let's use this one it's just equal of it roughly take hold of it and put it right in this corner okay right in this corner just take all of it and just carry it out all the way to this corner okay next I'm gonna have to have my brush just a tip just the tip like this and that's what I do when I pick up my next colors and second lightest and then we'll just put it right underneath and roughly put it in there just roughly don't blend in too much don't go over too much to the top just quickly put that in there I'm dipping my tip in the water and then just covering this area okay next the dipping the tip and I conduct my next color we have here taking some more water on my brush continuing I don't drain eat this one okay take some more water yeah the rest of that color next let's use this color you just put it right on the bottom it's gonna slowly start turning into blue color maybe put it a little bit on top actually make it look nice and smooth and I'm spreading out the pain I'm not making it too I'm not leaving too much paint on my canvas so that it can be easy to blend because when you have a lot of paint on your canvas you know spread it out when you lay down because when you do have a lot of pain it'll be hard to you know blend in so now their final color and just fade it out like this there you go don't focus on blending too much yeah let's take our other blending brush if you have only one you just clean out the brush just clean it out and use paper draw a paper towel to kind of quickly swirl lightly and dry it out as best as you can and and it should be a little damp but it should work just fine and so now we're gonna quickly blend everything in okay so let's start with the lightest area and slowly and my breast is pretty dry so it's not wet it's pretty dry and this is don't spend too much time on this just get some of it blend in just you know I dip my tip just lightly in the water so that it can you know blend in I just don't want to rough transition because this is gonna be the water so this is just our base coat okay it is enough to be perfectly blend in very roughly and I'm barely pressing the canvas and using this swirl effect as you can see I'm not carrying the darks up to my lighter areas cuz then it just carries the dark and it'll be hard to blend so if you do carry a little bit leave it don't mess with it too much for your first round just quickly blend it as best as you can and then we're gonna do it one more time okay there you go so once you're done you know quickly blending everything in let's try it out okay now we're back on this dry we're gonna take our flat brush half an inch dab it in the water and then squeeze it out and I have titanium white here so I'm gonna just take this titanium white my brush in the water again because look transparent and just with this white I'm just gonna lightly create little little ripples far away just this corner right here just with the white okay and make little ways maybe even go up a little bit it all blend in but just just with the white in water okay I'm gonna dab my brush in the water and continue making these little ripples you know I'm just almost like driving drawing little little mountains as you can see okay continue and I'm gonna feed it out as I go up here but I'm gonna quickly just add a few you could see what I'm doing very small amount just white and a little bit of water see that was a little bit too much white that's okay I'm gonna bring some down like this damn my brush in water again and then here as it gets closer gets a little bit more wider use just water just water no no more white because I already have a little bit of white on my brush but let's just use water so we can work transparent as you can see take a little bit of white come back to this area very light with water do the same thing on this side and you can feed that out Jass water and blow it a bit of light okay as you can see I'm not taking too much paint here I'm gonna go down this way okay just create little ways but bring it down a little bit more here we're gonna have a little boat here so I'm not going to cover everything here grab my brush and then water again and continue too much white so I'm just I just clean get out with water in brush in a paper towel quickly okay maybe you go now let's take our ultra my blue and a little bit of black mix it in a little bit I'm gonna take part of this white actually I don't want it to be too dark basically I'm mixing to get a darker blue shade kind of similar to this so if you have some of this left great but if you don't just mix just a little bit more like this so we're gonna continue using our flat brush rinse it out get that lighter color out of there and yeah my brush in the water and do the same thing you could see there's water do the same thing with this this darker color and we're gonna just follow some of these actually it's not that dark so I'm gonna add a little bit more black I want it to be a little darker not too much though so as you could see so I just took a little bit more right there maybe that's a little too much but I just used that and what transparent with white I mean with this dark color in water okay right there don't take too much paint on your brush dab my brush in the water again so you can see how it looks okay right there and let's add some shadows underneath our waves I'm gonna cover some of these today that I kind of screwed up but that's okay just go underneath and I'm using a very little amount so I don't want to make it too intense I still want that background colored there okay suggest add a little bit and we're not gonna go all the way we're just gonna mainly add the darker shades here my brush a little too much do you know you can spend hours detailing and adding your shadows and looking it smooth but I don't want to focus too much so you could say I just do a little smiley face this little mound house and fading it out some areas could be a bit darker since we're gonna have our boat here it's gonna be pretty dark around here just laying down the sketch you can always it's all about the details you can always come back to them after you lay down the first few shades and back and detail some more and it's back and forth back and forth until you get the blend blending smoothness the transition figured out you know see and just water this dark color bring a few shells and as you go higher you're fitted out obviously use less and less with this darker shade we just add a little bit more of the water and use less and less so and if you did you know you sold a lot I just use paper towel and if you don't want it to be too dark you just wipe it off with water with a paper towel then you continue on so very very small now as you can see it's almost mostly water and just go back and forth with this color now we're gonna have our blossom tree here so hanging down so a lot of this is going to be covered so don't spend too much time you know try to but you can add as much detail as you want honestly totally up to you Oh way to the top you can barely see it as you could see very light so I use very small another paint okay in a lot of water and then so now we're gonna add a little more details add an autumn in blue and I'm gonna take part of this white and part of this ultramarine blue and mix it I wanna I want it to be still pretty light but I want it to be blue too as you can see just a small amount it's not much cuz we're gonna do the same thing I'm gonna dab my brush you can see some water in here and take part of this color not too much if you took too much cleaning it up on the paper towel and start a little war with the water here just a little bit amount right there okay just a small amount and we're just gonna attach some of these putting it out a little bit too much water attach some of these areas and makes some of them a little bit wider especially here I'm just making some of them a little bit wider okay just a small amount okay in water if you added a little too much that's okay just continue with a little bit of water and gonna continue here I want to attach some of these here these wider ones just a little bit okay as you can see I'm trying to work at an angle like this so if you can attach some of the white ones and make them a little bit wider here for example I'm always Devin my brush in the water here right just water take some white accidentally touched black and so that happens it's moving somebody's and you know you can spend so much time detailing the water the way you want it to be but I'm going to add a few more details here and we're going to continue okay make some of these brighter now let's take our artists off number four brush and dab it in the water so it's damp yeah we're gonna do a similar idea use this darker color and just a little bit of it see just a little bit of it and let's just go over some of these and highlight and make some a little bit darker you draw just water just a little bit around now I'm gonna take my artist or I mean my blending brush I just squeezed out the water and it's still pretty wet as you could see and I'm gonna just take the ultramarine with it just a little bit you could see right there and water and then I'm just gonna swirl that down here okay let's quickly drop the vote what I've got here is white blue and a little bit of white you can see let's mix that and then just black we're gonna use straight right there just like that let's take our half an inch flat brush and let's just with the white in water we're gonna sketch it out okay so I'm probably gonna start from this corner and and loop it like this as best as you can I'm gonna quickly sketch it out first for you guys so now my white we're gonna come back to that but let's take let's attach this boat hey it's best as you can draw it out all right now just with the black let's continue here and draw reflection down just carry it down like this jazz with the black and water and then blend it out here here it kind of loops around right there you know from the the ripples from the boat maybe you let's add someone here as well continue and I'm here I'm gonna quickly draw the inside just with water and black continue forming your boat there will be like a little seek here and one more seat in here I'm gonna make this area pretty dark he's a little bit of white just blend it in alright now this blue number this blue it's blue in here this blue color and just delando's in this can and with the black just go over at the bottom over here make it as straight as you can as around they don't follow that your boat there you go and then you try to detail it as best as you can and that's what I'll do maybe you can draw if you want to do this draw straight line all the way this just with the black maybe another one and then here I'm going to add the white jazz white I'm trying to follow my pattern here and of course you can detail it and then with a detail brush you can just black in water swirl it and just go over some of these and detail them and after you're done detailing with the black everywhere you know sharpening everything just with the water add a few more ripples around this boat I know you're probably wondering when is he drawing the blossom tree well good news we are on to drawing it right now okay that's good enough there let's dog lesson trees here's what I've got I've got white a little bit of that and then a little bit of black just pure black white and then white and a little bit of red in just red so we're gonna mix this real quick and just take a little bit of the red and with the white just blend that in like this we want to wind you color so whatever orange you color you got will do okay right there that's good enough and then I'm gonna clean my palate what about mixing much we have white and then right here we have white and a little bit of red let's mix that and make it peak we're gonna have pink lips so we're just gonna use white pink and red just like this okay now let's take our flat brush and we're going to get out I'm drying it out with a paper towel and I'm going to dab it in the water and first draw just with the black we're going to drop you branches we're not drawing a tree we're just gonna draw branches and let's start from this corner right here and this branch is going to go down right about here and then let it come down and then don't press too hard make it as skinny as you can let it come down like this okay just blackened water trying to make it a little fatter and then let's attach one that comes out like this and goes you and further out like this okay you make it a little thicker maybe there's one coming out like this that okay and let's draw one in here and then down like this and then dropping down right here I always start thicker and then make it smaller as I go down lower and you can do this with a detail brush too so whatever you're comfortable using I'm going to draw one more here I usually do the big ones first and then I go over with a detail brush and add the little details with a little you know little branches so I'm gonna give you this one like this and and have another branch coming down like this even a few little ones here okay mommy don't make this a little thicker just make it a little bit bigger let's draw one right in here in the corner kind of a wavy one then it comes down like this down my brush into water continued just with black and our one in here make us a little figure on this guy okay now I'm gonna take my detail brush dab it in the water and just add two smaller branches just add some smaller ones randomly just with one on black very simple in Adam wherever you want someone can be curved just have fun doesn't have to look like mine okay yours could look a little bit different for sure or a lot different you know once you're done you know some of it we're going to come back and come back and detail this that but for now let's leave that let's take our sponge or a sponge dab it in the water all the way yeah all the way soak it in and then squeeze it out so it could be nice and smooth and then we're going to start with let's start with the white and we'll add more and find the corner you like dab it onto your palate and let's just start adding a few of them in here okay covering the boat a little bit and a few in here I'm gonna leave some of these branches because I like the way they look so I'm not gonna cover too much very lightly I want to cover too much it's just lightly gently dad where you want your flowers to be and how much you want it okay continue not much on this side want to keep this side dark okay so now let's move on to the pink same idea just roughly just a little bit depth around not too much this part we don't need it too much cuz we're gonna this is just the base okay we're adding just a base to see what we want to detail some of these okay and then someone here inside you can leave some naked and a little bit in here okay and now with the red same idea just on some of these okay just on some okay that's good enough okay so now we go back with the details and let's just use white in the detail brush okay just like in the detail brush and then I'm gonna make some of these a little bigger you know how they are more bigger just quickly draw them out maybe this one comes out in here and this is pretty much the same thing you just had that's like almost like little circles you know how they look like those flowers just shape them out some of them make them bigger they can some make them smaller just with the white go over this is the detailing part so take as long as you want you can take a break because this part is just titanium white so yeah you can come back to this if you want just white not and I'm not really using any water this time if you make some of them fall down once you're done adding the details we're going to use the pink now and a detail brush and then just on some of these flowers just add a little bit of pink inside and you can touch it up with a sponge either the white or the pink or the red I'm just gonna use the red now and just make this side a little bit darker just in some areas there you go a little bit in here there you go that's good enough I don't want too much to use my blending brush and blend everything in with the red just squeeze the water out and just use a little bit of the red okay and like dab it on here I want this side to be and you have to do it everywhere just the areas you want it to be a little more darker there you go for a quick few details I'm gonna use the blending brush same idea like we did with the red just a little bit of yellow we want just a little bit okay and then just go over some of these just dab it in okay just on some not everywhere and add that yellow I liked you don't make it really pop out nicely weed it out in the final details you know you can add more branches if you want but I'm gonna go ahead and move on and my number 8 artist off brush I'm gonna dab it in the water and number this orange we mixed I'm just gonna use a little bit of this orange and I'm gonna just dab it in where the black is with it just a little bit to create some highlight from the branch so I won't be just black okay right there just lightly dab it in okay I'll stop right there you can add as much details as you want going over some of these flowers you know detail them but this is a basically a quick you know quicker sketch here and you can come back and have fun and you know the next day at all the details but I hope you enjoy this tutorial thank you so much for tuning in and being patient with me and we'll see you guys next week take care and God bless
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 954,390
Rating: 4.9087152 out of 5
Keywords: cherry blossom, cherry tree painting instruction, easy cherry blossom painting, cherry blossom painting, easy tree painting, how to paint cherry blossoms, tree painting, bob ross, acrylic painting tutorial, how to paint with acrylic, acrylic painting, art, diy, painting tutorial, acrylic painting techniques, colorbyfeliks, step by step painting, asmr, easy acrylic painting, landscape painting
Id: ANchS5S1tRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 7sec (5647 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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