Red Bull Roller Coaster 2019 Highlights | Red Bull Signature Series

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SAL MASEKELA:<i>Skateboarding is taking to the world stage in 2020.</i> <i>The disciplines, street and park.</i> <i>So, today, we're combining both in Olympia Park,</i> <i>right here in Munich, Germany,</i> <i>on what has been described as a slope style course.</i> <i>Some of the world's best are going to determine</i> <i>who is the most versatile skateboarder on this planet.</i> This is Roller Coaster, and you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series. [UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING] <i>Wilkommen, everyone, to the Red Bull Signature Series,</i> I am your host Sal Masekela. And we are at the historic Olympic park, <i>sight of the 1972 Munich Summer Games,</i> <i>a fitting location for a sport that is gonna gain even more notoreity</i> <i>when it makes its debut on the biggest international stage</i> <i>next year in Tokyo.</i> <i>The course, it has been updated to include a spine</i> <i>and, yes, a full loop along with other tweaks</i> <i>to make it one of the fastest courses in all of skateboarding.</i> Now, some of the competitors here to take on this "snake run," <i>the Alex's, Midler and Sorgente of the USA.</i> <i>Spain's Danny Leon, and Alex Hallford of the UK.</i> <i>But all eyes are on the human ATV, Jake Ilardi,</i> <i>who last year scored a 95 in his final run</i> <i>to become the inaugural Roller Coaster champion.</i> <i>Also new in 2019, the women, they got their own competition.</i> <i>Alana Smith is the one to beat.</i> Still the youngest X-Games' medalist in history getting a silver at the age of 12 in Skate Park. For more on this event, we're gonna send it over to Corbin Harris, mate, and the legend, Chris Pastras. CORBIN HARRIS:<i>Thank you, let's get straight into the competition format.</i> <i>Best of three runs, scored out of a hundred,</i> <i>re-rack start order for the third run.</i> CHRIS PASTRAS:<i>And our judges are looking for line choice.</i> <i>There's lots of options on this course.</i> <i>They're looking for a mix of technical and powerful tricks.</i> <i>They're also looking for speed and style.</i> CORBIN:<i>Let's throw it down to the third member of our team, Tina Dixon.</i> And, Corbin, skateboarding is now in the Olympics. And there will be two different disciplines, park and street. But today's event combines them both, in what is one of the most spectator friendly events out there. This year they've added some newer obstacles for skateboarders to get technical. But one of the newest and scariest obstacles is down here at the bottom. It’s the BF Goodrich loop. We saw a couple guys go through, do different options. But the ultimate goal is to complete the full loop. And we only saw one skateboarder do it, and it was the number one qualifier, Alex Hallford. The question today is will anyone else step up to this? And will this be the difference maker between first and second, Corbin. CORBIN:<i>Thanks, Tina, let's get into the course animation here</i> <i>as the crowd pours in here for Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>Chris Pastras, take us through this.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, this course is all about flow, speed, and style.</i> <i>It combines the best elements of park terrain</i> <i>with elements of street skating.</i> <i>There you see a spine into a wall ride.</i> <i>That's really combining all terrain skateboarding right there.</i> <i>I'm glad to see spines back in a contest.</i> <i>We don’t see those as often as we used to.</i> <i>There we see a nice front side board slide on one of our rail obstacles,</i> <i>another spine obstacle that's more like a curb.</i> <i>There’s that curved ledge obstacle into the rainbow wall.</i> <i>This was a huge hit at last year's event.</i> CORBIN:<i>How much speed you picking up through the course?</i> CHRIS:<i>That was one of the main takeaways from the skaters.</i> <i>I mean, this thing is like the downhill grade of San Francisco.</i> <i>You're massively picking up speed leading right up to that water gap.</i> <i>There's that massive quarter pipe.</i> <i>One last bank obstacle into the BF Goodrich tire.</i> CORBIN:<i>Yeah, Chris, two critical obstacles there is that tire loop.</i> <i>If someone can do that within their run,</i> <i>it's gonna be definitely a bonus for them.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yes, that and the water gap are the two difference makers.</i> CORBIN:<i>Let's get back into the skating right now With Danny Leon.</i> <i>A slappy 50/50 straight into the course, a lot of speed.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, nice Judo transfer on the spine into an ollie to wall ride.</i> <i>Danny Leon is a true all-terrain vehicle,</i> <i>definitely leaning a bit more transition than we see him</i> <i>showcasing those transition skills with that nice boneless,</i> <i>getting hung up, trying a front side feeble grind.</i> <i>And Danny is someone who is gonna need a full run.</i> <i>He doesn’t do most difficult tricks.</i> <i>He’s got great flow, great speed.</i> <i>But he has to stay on.</i> CORBIN:<i>Back to a backside tailslide there, little ollie over the hair.</i> <i>And this is a huge obstacle ride here.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, nice stale fish on the rainbow wall into a Smith grind.</i> <i>I like that combination.</i> <i>Going into the corner, a nice 5-0.</i> <i>Slob fast plant into a finger flip lean to tail and an ollie out.</i> <i>Great combination from Danny Leon.</i> CORBIN:<i>Seems like that bowl section, Chris,</i> <i>they can slow down and get prepped for the next section.</i> CHRIS:<i>100%, especially if you have as many transition skills as Danny.</i> <i>Ah! And he had that indie 360.</i> <i>And then went for that nose tap or grind attempt.</i> <i>He really needed that for points to get a solid and consistent run.</i> <i>There you see a highlight of that huge stale fish.</i> <i>Then there's that combination you mentioned, Corbs,</i> <i>5-0 into the slob fast plant.</i> <i>Finger flip lean to tail, and ollie out.</i> <i>Perfect execution on that combination.</i> CORBIN:<i>I love that Ollie back into the course again as well</i> <i>to get the speed for the nose pick.</i> <i>Unfortunately, just coming off that one.</i> <i>He's got more runs.</i> <i>So, we're gonna see a lot more from Danny Leon.</i> CHRIS:<i>Definitely needs a complete run in order to score</i> <i>and podium at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> CORBIN:<i>There's Danny hitting the strong man hammer.</i> <i>That will display his score right there.</i> <i>Chris, overall, what do you think of that run?</i> CHRIS:<i>There's elements of a great run.</i> <i>Like I saying earlier, Danny has just got to stay on his board.</i> <i>Really key, he doesn’t do most difficult tricks.</i> <i>So, he's really, really gotta stay consistent to do well.</i> CORBIN:<i>Last year's winner about to roll in at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>We have got a treat for you right now.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yes, our defending champion Jake Ilardi is in.</i> <i>Nice front feeble into that tail smack over the spine.</i> <i>Love seeing spine obstacles back in competitions,</i> <i>nice back tail there, keeping his speed.</i> <i>Kick flip frontside board slide, that is so difficult.</i> CORBIN:<i>Especially trying it at that speed.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, nice Smith grind through the corner there.</i> CORBIN:<i>Oh, ho-ho. What?</i> CHRIS:<i>Oh, wow.</i> CHRIS:<i>Cab heel flip indie into a tail slide.</i> <i>Jake is just combining</i> <i>the elements of park terrain skateboarding</i> <i>with raw and rugged street tricks. He's doing a great job so far.</i> CORBIN:<i>Hitting the water gap right now with a lip slide.</i> CHRIS:<i>Wow, massive 540.</i> <i>Defending champion showing us</i> <i>why he won Red Bull Roller Coaster last year.</i> <i>And you can see he is stoked with what he just put down.</i> CORBIN:<i>Finishing after the 540 with a 5-0 and then a 360 flip on flat.</i> <i>That's what this contest is about, combining both park and street.</i> <i>Unbelievable.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, and we saw Jake dominate the amateur circuit for years.</i> <i>And then he really came to prominence last year at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>We see a slow motion of that kick flip front board side.</i> CORBIN:<i>I don't even know how he held onto that, really.</i> CHRIS:<i>Then a cab heel flip indie. That's usually a vert trick.</i> <i>You don't see people doing that often on things this side.</i> <i>And a massive, perfectly spun 540 as well.</i> <i>Great job from Jake Ilardi.</i> CORBIN:<i>Solid run as he hits the strong man hammer</i> <i>to find out his score right now.</i> <i>An 89.66, shoots him up into the number one position.</i> <i>He's got to be happy with that.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, definitely the most complete run we've seen of the day.</i> <i>And our very own Tina Dixon is with Jake Ilardi.</i> Yeah, thanks, and I say the reaction on his face says it all. How important was it for you to hit everything on that first run? It was so important. I mean, Alex is about to go, but I just... I need to get that top spot so I can be the last skater coming on the third run just in case, never know. But Alex is about to go right now. We'll see what happens. TINA: Okay, you have three runs this time versus two last year. Just how much more of an opportunity is that for you guys? So much more because you have a little more room to play with. So, now, it's only up from here. TINA: What a way to start it out. Thanks, Jake. CORBIN:<i>If there's one person that can bring it to Jake Ilardi,</i> <i>it's this guy here, Alex Hallford.</i> <i>Let's see how he got into that number one qualifying position.</i> I mean, I've done a couple loops before, so I had it in my head already. Then when I was trying it I wasn’t really tucking under enough, and then it kind of clicked, you know, that one where I just hooked my head underneath a bit faster. And it came round. After that, it was, okay, I figured it out now. So, yeah, it’s kind of nice. Oh, I need to try it again today, see if I can still do it. Try not to think about it. Don’t mention the word pressure. There’s no pressure. There’s never any pressure, just doing my thing. CORBIN:<i>Straight into a 50/50.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice hurricane grind over the spine into a backside wall ride.</i> <i>Love that lean to tail, love how he kicked that out.</i> <i>Nice feeble grind, keeping his speed well throughout the course.</i> <i>Ollie over our hip.</i> CORBIN:<i> Doing a little speed check</i> <i>before he did a lean air over the hip.</i> CHRIS:<i>Oh! Bails away.</i> <i>Looked like he was going for a 270 lean.</i> <i>Didn't quite get the rotation he needed.</i> <i>And Alex, our number one qualifier struggling a little bit</i> <i>in this first run.</i> CORBIN:<i>Chris, he obviously doesn’t come from a contest background.</i> <i>You think that's played effect on him now?</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, you know, he's one of those guys that's just</i> <i>always a smile on his face and good time.</i> <i>You heard it in his interview. He's not very competitive generally.</i> <i>But definitely got the skill set as we saw with his qualifying</i> <i>to do what it takes, especially if he includes the loop.</i> [CHEERS AND WHISTLES] CORBIN:<i>Let's check out the replay.</i> <i>The alley-oop lean air.</i> <i>Just coming off that.</i> <i>How difficult is it for him to stay on</i> <i>and keep up momentum after falling off that much?</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, the only guys that recover from a fall</i> <i>have a ton of contest experience.</i> <i>And Alex Hallford still building on that experience here</i> <i>at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> CORBIN:<i>So, there you have it, a 30.33 for Alex Hallford,</i> <i>not the run he was after.</i> <i>Let's check out the leaderboard.</i> <i>Jake Ilardi with an 89.66.</i> <i>And it's a bit of a gap there to Jaime Mateu with a 70.33.</i> <i>More from Olympic Park here in Munich, Germany.</i> <i>We have the women's finals coming up.</i> <i>This is Roller Coaster,</i> <i>and you’re watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> SAL MASEKELA:<i> This is Roller Coaster,</i> <i>and you’re watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> CORBIN:<i>Welcome back to a beautiful day here at Olympic Park in Munich</i> <i>for the second ever Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>We're three downs on this slope style course.</i> <i>And the best run wins.</i> <i>It's not just the men competing today.</i> <i>Tina Dixon, what else do we have?</i> Today we also have a women's competition. And unlike other events, they will be skating alongside the men. Practice, qualifiers, and finals, they will all be skating together on the very same course. I spoke to the women about it. Love it. They’re skating with these guys, anyway. In fact, we have one of the best street skaters, Alana Smith, park ripper, Jordyn Barratt, and someone who surprised herself, Germany's Catherine Marquis. CORBIN:<i>Yeah, that's in itself that's really different</i> <i>is the girls and the guys are both out there skating together, Chris.</i> CHRIS:<i>Getting to feed off each other's energy.</i> <i>They were practicing together, so I think that's a good thing.</i> <i>And all-around nice start there.</i> <i>I like that unique approach from Catherine.</i> CORBIN:<i> The local hero out there today.</i> CHRIS:<i>Definitely, Catherine's got some contest experience.</i> <i>She's been out to a few Van's Park Series Continental competitions.</i> <i>There we see a super unique approach to the quarter pipe.</i> CORBIN:<i>Can I just see...</i> <i>Can we just talk about how many pushes that she did on this course?</i> <i>I've never seen someone push so much.</i> CHRIS:<i>Definitely got some original moves. I like it.</i> <i>Yeah, and it's just great to see the women competing</i> <i>as much as they are.</i> <i>There's been so many more competitions.</i> <i>There's equal prize purse and just a lot more opportunity</i> <i>for women's skateboarding. It great.</i> CORBIN:<i>A lot of speed checks as she goes for the backside air</i> <i>grabbing mute on that one,</i> <i>a lot of speed carrying it right through.</i> CHRIS:<i>Heading for the big quarter pipe.</i> <i>Nice lean to tail.</i> CORBIN:<i>Oh. Solid finish there.</i> CHRIS:<i>Laid back board slide. I like it.</i> CORBIN:<i>Having a bit of fun with that also there.</i> CHRIS:<i>Catherine Marquis taking an originalapproach to the course.</i> <i>I love it.</i> CORBIN:<i>Yeah, what an amazing run that she's come out with here,</i> <i>and holding speed all the way through.</i> <i>That has got to...</i> <i>That's gotta grab some points from the judges for sure.</i> CHRIS:<i>There we see a nice tucked frontside air.</i> <i>There we see that highstakes lean to tail,</i> <i>putting it down when it counts.</i> CORBIN:<i> That is such a difficult trick.</i> <i>Why is it so difficult, that?</i> CHRIS:<i>You’ve got to come into that with just the right amount of speed,</i> <i>got to do a perfect lean air.</i> <i>And you’ve got to land squarely on that tail and not hang up.</i> CORBIN:<i>Catherine hitting the strong man hammer right now.</i> <i>And for run number two, it's a 17.66.</i> <i>Quite a solid run she has there.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, definitely making Germany proud.</i> <i>I hear the crowd going nuts.</i> CORBIN:<i>20 years old, coming out of Hawaii, Jordan Barratt is up next.</i> JORDAN BARRATT: Towards the middle it gets really fast, and like skinny, have to be sure you're on the right line. And if you're not it's like... It's kind of hard to keep going basically. So, that's like kind of have to watch my speed there. But, other than that, like yesterday I was trying to learn how to air over the jump box. I was kind of scared to try it. Then I finally, I landed it. And so, that was one of the scarier things for me in the course. CORBIN:<i> A lot of the skaters, you know,</i> <i>it's a new type of skateboarding contest for them.</i> <i>Street mixed with park.</i> <i>And keeping up this speed the whole time is really difficult.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, it's definitely...</i> <i>Slope style is unique and combines elements of park and street.</i> <i>I think the challenge for Jordyn is the street elements.</i> <i>She's got so much transition experience</i> <i>and just such a deep bag of transition tricks.</i> <i>But don't see her in the streets often,</i> <i>that’s gonna be the challenge for Jordyn Barratt.</i> CORBIN:<i>Like a lot of the other skaters do the speed check</i> <i>by sliding with four wheels.</i> <i>Jordan actually puts her tail down at the back,</i> <i>and it's so hard to control that.</i> <i>You know being a skateboarder.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, she said it in her interview.</i> <i>This course gets really fast midway.</i> <i>Nice recovery into that method air.</i> CORBIN:<i>One of the biggest airs we've seen from any skateboarder on there.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice grind revert.</i> <i>Yeah, and Jordan's had an amazing year of competition for 2019.</i> <i>Nice backside air there over the water gap.</i> CORBIN:<i>Solid run, jumped off a couple of times.</i> <i>You think that's gonna affect her?</i> CHRIS:<i>I think she missed a couple obstacles.</i> <i>She had the fall, so I would say...</i> <i>Not sure why she didn't complete the run after the water gap.</i> TINA:<i>Chris, I spoke to her before the contest,</i> <i>and she said this is extremely tiring.</i> <i>To go from top to bottom, by the time you get to that bottom obstacle,</i> <i>right here, your legs are burning.</i> <i>It's something not familiar with.</i> <i>And then also those street obstacles, she's a park skater.</i> <i>So, the plan that she told me was,</i> <i>I don’t really have a plan for street obstacles.</i> <i>I’m just gonna play it by ear.</i> CORBIN:<i>Not a bad run for not having a plan there, Jordyn Barratt.</i> <i>Currently in second position with a 28.00.</i> <i>She has to be happy with that score and that placing right now.</i> CHRIS:<i>Coming up next we've got all-terrain vehicle, Alana Smith,</i> <i>only 18 years old, coming out of Fort Worth, Texas.</i> <i>Let's hear from Alana why she loves this competition so much.</i> Kind of just the fact that we all get to skate together, have some fun. Like, it's not... I know that it's sectioned off between like, it's still a women's event and a men's event. But we get to skate together, which I've always enjoyed. I've grown up skating with the guys, so it just makes it more fun. And we're all just kind of having a good time. It’s a sick course. It has a mix between the two, which is something I love to do. So, its sick. CORBIN:<i>That's why she loves the contest so much</i> <i>as she hits the spine right there with so much speed,</i> <i>nearly air the whole thing.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, Alana, going for that kick flip to rail over the spine.</i> <i>Almost pulling it.</i> <i>Such a difficult, technical trick there.</i> CORBIN:<i>Why do you think we haven't seen so many spines in contest</i> <i>over the few years?</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, we grew up skating them in the '90s,</i> <i>and they disappeared.</i> <i>But I think with all these park terrain competitions,</i> <i>the spines are making a comeback, I'm happy to see.</i> <i>And Alana's got great speed</i> through the course right now. CORBIN:<i>Holding so much speed.</i> <i>And this goes back to her being a transition skateboarder</i> <i>or starting off as a transitioned skateboarder.</i> <i>I remember her being 12, 13 years old at X-games spinning 540's.</i> <i>And this was ten years ago.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yes, yes, and then we saw her make a comeback at SLS</i> <i>in the street competition.</i> <i>So, she's got dual skill set for sure.</i> CORBIN:<i>Yeah, is definitely an all-terrain vehicle, Alana Smith,</i> <i>with a solid run.</i> <i>Keeping up all the speed through there.</i> CHRIS:<i>We see her going for that kick flip disaster over the spine,</i> <i>not quite getting the flip she needed to make that.</i> <i>Such a difficult maneuver to try in a run.</i> <i>Nice Ollie on the rainbow wall there.</i> <i>Speed check, ready for the handrail.</i> <i>And there we see her throwing away what could've been</i> <i>a massive backside air attempt there.</i> CORBIN:<i>It looked it was about four, five foot...</i> <i>Coming into that with so much speed,</i> <i>as she hits the strong man hammer right now.</i> <i>A 32.33 for her second run.</i> <i>So, she will keep her run number one score with a 33.33.</i> <i>In that number one position, Alana Smith.</i> <i>Jordyn Barrat, number two. Catherine Marquis in third.</i> <i>When we return we have more men's action with run number two.</i> <i>Can last year's champion Jake Ilardi repeat?</i> <i>Stay with us. This is Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Combining the skills of street and park into one course,</i> <i>this is Roller Coaster.</i> <i>Munich's Olympic Park awaits to see who we crown</i> <i>this year most versatile skateboarder.</i> <i>Let's get straight into it now with Tyler Edtmayer, 18 years old.</i> <i>Backside 360, straight into it.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, right over the spine. I like that into that wall ride.</i> <i>Lean to tail back over that spine.</i> <i>Tyler off to a great strong start.</i> <i>Nice sugar cane grind there into a perfect Smith grind.</i> CORBIN:<i>Yeah, smooth as butter.</i> <i>Look at the speed he's carrying down this course.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice 50/50. Keeping his speed as you mentioned, Corbs.</i> <i>Nice tweaked stale fish,</i> <i>getting a speed check there for a 50/50.</i> CORBIN:<i>I like that, however you can do it, do it.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice front side air in the bull corner.</i> CORBIN:<i>This is a solid run so far.</i> CHRIS:<i> Indie 360 over the water gap.</i> <i>Nice nose bone.</i> [CHEERING] <i>And Tyler is stoked with that perfect run right there.</i> [LIGHT MUSIC PLAYING] <i>Tweaked stale fish into a frontside air,</i> <i>keeping his speed nicely through the entire course.</i> <i>Well done from Tyler Edtmayer.</i> CORBIN:<i>Not the most technical tricks in there,</i> <i>not flipping the board so much, as he hits the strong man hammer,</i> <i>coming in with a score for his second run, a 59.33.</i> <i>The judges have a tough contest on their hands right now.</i> <i>We're gonna go into Alex Sorgente</i> <i>and see what he has to say about qualifying.</i> I try to come back over the rail doing the rail backwards on the gap. I didn't have speed. I knew I shouldn’t have tried it. Literally just gone to the rail, back truck was off, sacked the rail, board went in the water. I didn't know how to get my board. I needed the trucks, so, I just stripped down, got into my underwear, and hopped in and found the board. I found it. It was easy to find. The water's only waist deep. So, it was really easy to get and just grabbed the board and got out. That was funny. CORBIN:<i>That was the only way that he could do it</i> <i>was pretty much strip naked and get in there and grab his board.</i> <i>He's back out here straight into it with a rock and roll.</i> CHRIS:<i> Yeah, nice warm-up.</i> <i>I guess the dip in the lake actually helped him.</i> <i>Nice nose grind there.</i> <i>Alex off to an amazing start so far.</i> <i>High speed 5-0 grind.</i> <i>Oh, blunt transfer.</i> <i>I like how many tricks Alex is fitting into this line</i> <i>up until that fall there. What a great run that was.</i> CORBIN:<i>Chris, what makes him such an all-terrain vehicle?</i> <i>Obviously, he's started skating transition and lot of vert.</i> <i>Why is he so good?</i> CHRIS:<i>Well, he's roommate’s with Jamie Foy and Zion Wright.</i> <i>So, they're constantly challenging each other</i> <i>and trading disciplines, so to speak.</i> <i>So, Alex has been learning</i> <i>a lot of good street skills from his roommates.</i> <i>And you see some of them on this course.</i> CORBIN:<i>Jamie Foy, he's one of the best street skateboarders ever.</i> <i>Been Thrasher's skater of the year.</i> <i>If you're living with him, you're gonna pick up some tips.</i> <i>Just jumping off a blunt to fakie there right at the end.</i> <i>What do you think about that run?</i> CHRIS:<i>Man, Alex has the makings of such a great run.</i> <i>He's got the entire package on this slope style course.</i> <i>I hope he puts it all together for run number three.</i> <i>Nice nose grind pop in there.</i> CORBIN:<i>Loving that nose grind.</i> CHRIS:<i>There's where things went a little awry</i> <i>on that 180 fakie-fakie 50/50. Alex knew he needed that.</i> CORBIN:<i>I really feel like he's board going into the water</i> <i>came into play why he fell off so many times.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, well, you gotta go after that skateboard.</i> <i>There are so many minor adjustments you make to your setup</i> <i>with the trucks and the bearings and bushings.</i> <i>Gotta make sure your setup is right,</i> <i>so Alex can't just grab anyone's skateboard.</i> <i>That is an Alex Sorgente setup,</i> <i>and its set fine-tuned for his skateboarding.</i> CORBIN:<i>Well, he seemed okay with that one.</i> <i>His second run a 63.33 for Alex Sorgente,</i> <i>as we go into this guy right now.</i> <i>And you never know what you're gonna get.</i> <i>He is a wild man on a skateboard Jaime Mateu, 23 years old.</i> <i>I've been to contests around the world with this guy</i> <i>and even skated in them with him. And he's crazy.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, Jaime is just an animal.</i> <i>You nailed it. Nice frontside wall ride.</i> <i>360 over the spine, I like how he keeps his speed with that pump there.</i> CHRIS:<i>What's he got?</i> CORBIN:<i>What?</i> CHRIS:<i>Front 270 boneless in.</i> CHRIS :<i>Jaime's a wild man.</i> CORBIN:<i>Smooth feeble over that.</i> CHRIS:<i>Does not shy away from any huge obstacles any time.</i> <i>Definitely got all-terrain skills.</i> <i>And we're seeing them here on run number two.</i> CORBIN:<i>I like a lot of both men and women speed checking to slow down.</i> <i>He's actually sometimes trying to get a little pump in to go faster.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, that finger flip disaster was so fast.</i> <i>Jaime picking up speed for the water gap.</i> CORBIN:<i>What's he got in the bag? Backside three, grabbing an indie.</i> CHRIS:<i>Oh, the backside boneless revert</i> CHRIS:<i>on the extension.</i> CORBIN:<i>Bringing it.</i> CORBIN:<i>How difficult is that trick to bring it all the way around</i> <i>and coming backwards?</i> CHRIS:<i>And Jaime is pumped.</i> <i>He knows that was a very difficult high speed run right there.</i> CORBIN:<i>Always got a smile from ear to ear, Jaime.</i> <i>Check out the replay on that back three,</i> <i>so smooth grabbing the nose on that.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, and I love how his run just seemed like one continuous line.</i> <i>That's what this contest is all about.</i> <i>Nice Smith grind there,</i> <i>into that super difficult finger flip to disaster.</i> CORBIN:<i>We've seen a couple of finger flips this weekend.</i> <i>And there is that massive backside boneless</i> <i>taking it to revert on the extension.</i> <i>Well done by Jaime Mateu.</i> CORBIN:<i>Currently in number two with a 73.00, Jaime.</i> <i>On screen right now, we have Jake Ilardi, last year's winner.</i> Last year I was in... I think I was in like sixth place on my last run. I was the last skater to go. I was so nervous dropping in, and I made the way to the bottom and just relieved so much pressure. And then just hearing all the homies behind me like cheering when I landed the run, I don't know, it was like... It was pretty crazy. It was pretty surreal. CHRIS:<i>Yes, I was there last year when Jake Ilardi took that</i> <i>first-place price here at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>That's when he made a name for himself internationally</i> <i>and bust out onto the scene, Corbs.</i> CORBIN:<i>What a strong run to start things off with.</i> <i>It seems like any nerves that he had last year he does not have anymore.</i> <i>Kick flip frontside board slide,</i> <i>just powering through this slope style course.</i> CHRIS:<i>Yeah, and Jake made his way through the amateur circuit</i> <i>and made a really huge name for himself at amateur contests.</i> <i>And like I mentioned, busted onto the pro scene last year</i> <i>at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>And he is back to do it again in 2019.</i> CORBIN:<i>That Caballerial heel flip,</i> <i>I don't know how he came out of that.</i> <i>He was basically trying to speed check</i> <i>on his way out of that trick into the McTwist.</i> CHRIS:<i>And he pulls a 540. Wow. Yeah.</i> <i>Added that super difficult half cab front blunt as well</i> <i>in the bowl section.</i> <i>Getting some props from Jaime Mateu.</i> <i>Jake knows that likely topped that first run.</i> [CROWD CHEERING] <i>There we see a perfect backside tail slide,</i> <i>keeping his speed throughout the course nicely</i> <i>into that kick flip front side board slide.</i> CORBIN:<i>Smith grind locking in there, ollying out, and just pushing down.</i> <i>Here it is, the replay on that Caballerial heel flip.</i> <i>See? He nearly goes into a speed check.</i> CHRIS:<i>Into the 540.</i> <i>Those are tricks usually done on vert ramps.</i> <i>But Jake is laying it down here on this slope style course.</i> CORBIN:<i>As he hits the hammer right there looking for his score.</i> <i>Run number two, a 90.66.</i> <i>Let's check out the men's leaderboard right now.</i> <i>USA's Jake Ilardi bettering his run one score.</i> <i>But there's still one run to go.</i> <i>The women's final is still coming up.</i> <i>You are watching Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>It is time to crown a women's champion here at Roller Coaster.</i> <i>The current leader, Alana Smith, has a score of 33.33.</i> <i>Only one competitor can take her down.</i> <i>It's her friend and U.S. National team skateboarder, Jordyn Barratt.</i> <i>Chris Pastras, this is what it all comes down to.</i> <i>It’s this run right now.</i> CHRIS:<i>And we see Jordyn with that backside wall ride,</i> <i>opting to miss the spine obstacle on her way back.</i> <i>She's going for just a pump on the bank wall.</i> <i>Jordyn's gotta power pack this run with as many moves as possible.</i> <i>There we see a frontside wally,</i> <i>into a speed check for that boneless over the hip, well done.</i> CORBIN:<i>Perfectly executed this time.</i> CHRIS:<i>Massive backside method air on the rainbow wall.</i> <i>Checking her speed of the corner, and we see the grind revert.</i> CORBIN:<i>Love that trick.</i> <i>A lot of speed right now.</i> CHRIS:<i>Backside air, and it looks like she gets almost too much speed</i> <i>to keep going on that quarter pipe.</i> CORBIN:<i>Chris, is this run gonna be enough</i> <i>to take out Alana Smith in the number one position?</i> [CROWD APPLAUDING] CHRIS:<i>That's a tough one. Leave that up to the judges.</i> <i>But I think Alana packed a lot more moves on this course</i> <i>here at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>We see some highlights from Jordyn, nice boneless.</i> <i>Like you said, Corbs, is it enough? There's that grind revert.</i> CORBIN:<i>There's that straight melon straight over.</i> <i>I think she needed to end with something big there.</i> <i>That is gonna be her run, Jordyn Barratt.</i> <i>Is it gonna be enough?</i> <i>As she goes towards the hammer, she keeps her second run of a 28.00.</i> <i>Alana Smith is the winner here of Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> CHRIS:<i>Well deserved.</i> CORBIN:<i>So, let's check out the women's final results.</i> <i>Alana Smith after two years off, this is only her second contest back.</i> <i>She has taken out one of the biggest contests in the world.</i> <i>Let's hear from Alana.</i> I just wanted to get out here and do the best that I can and show I really love this, and I want to do this for the rest of my life. What was the reaction when you first saw this course to now that you've won in the women's? I mean, I didn't know what the hell I was gonna do, quite honestly. But I'm so hyped, so unbelievably hyped. Alana, congratulations. Great to see you competing. Well done. Thank you so much. TINA: All right, guys. CORBIN:<i>Congratulations Alana Smith.</i> CORBIN:<i>Next, the men take the course for the final time.</i> <i>Can anyone beat Jake Ilardi and upset his shot at a repeat?</i> <i>You're watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Our current leader Jake Ilardi sits in first with a 90.66.</i> <i>This year the competitors not only have been given a third run,</i> <i>but the starting orderhas been re-racked.</i> <i>Now, Jake drops last and plays the waiting game</i> <i>to see if anyone can catch him.</i> <i>About to drop in right now, we have Alex Hallford, 26 years old,</i> <i>out of Nottingham in England.</i> TINA:<i>Corbin, you have to remember,</i> <i>he's the only one that we have seen complete that loop</i> <i>at the bottom of the course.</i> <i>But that was in qualifiers.</i> <i>He has yet to do it here in the finals.</i> <i>This is his third and final chance.</i> <i>And after just speaking with him,</i> <i>he indicated he would be going for it again.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice, Alex Hallford about to lay it all on the line</i> <i>here at Roller Coaster.</i> <i>He knows this is his one shot for podium.</i> <i>Nice 270 lean air on the big rainbow wall there,</i> <i>doing some speed checking going for the corner.</i> <i>Alex is super unique and creative.</i> CORBIN:<i>I love that speed check going down the quarter pipe actually.</i> <i>That was sick.</i> CHRIS:<i>A little fumble on the front blump.</i> <i>But he recovers nicely, nice front feeble.</i> <i>All leading up to the loop, can he pull it?</i> <i>Nice indie nose bone there.</i> <i>Oh, I like truck bash on the extension.</i> CORBIN:<i>Here we go, has he got it in him this time?</i> CHRIS:<i>All comes down to this.</i> <i>Yes!</i> CHRIS:<i>That was so close.</i> CORBIN:<i>He just came off there.</i> CHRIS:<i>Could Alex Hallford have gotten any closer on that loop?</i> CORBIN:<i>Wow, here he goes. This one's for the crowd.</i> CHRIS:<i>There it is, for the love.</i> <i>And Germany is stoked as Alex Hallford does a loop</i> <i>and completes an amazing, amazing run.</i> CORBIN:<i>Doing the loop in general terrifies me.</i> CHRIS:<i>Going upside down on a skateboard</i> <i>is not supposed to happen like that.</i> <i>But Alex Hallford doing it with ease.</i> CORBIN:<i>Oh, here he goes for it.</i> <i>Is this score gonna be enough?</i> <i>Run number three, a 56.66</i> <i>will leave him in seventh position.</i> CHRIS:<i>Wow, well, I like that he laid it all on the line.</i> <i>Personally, would've scored that run higher.</i> <i>Alex Hallford going all out.</i> CORBIN:<i>The 21-year-old is up next,</i> <i>Alex Sorgente, currently in fifth position.</i> <i>Hometown out of Lake Worth, Florida.</i> CHRIS:<i>And Alex is a competition killer, all-terrain vehicle.</i> <i>Nice rock fakie there.</i> <i>Oh, into the cab feeble.</i> <i>Alex Sorgente has so many tricks.</i> <i>It's always a surprise to see what he pulls out of his bag.</i> <i>He's got so many moves.</i> CORBIN:<i>The blunt thrown into that bank right there.</i> <i>This is a solid run so far.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice backside 50 through the corner hip there.</i> CORBIN:<i>What!</i> CHRIS:<i>Laying it all on the line, Alex is such a competitor.</i> <i>You know he wanted that.</i> CORBIN:<i>He looked like he was so strong at the first half of this run.</i> <i>Can he bring it together and just sort of land something</i> <i>to keep it solid for the last run?</i> CHRIS:<i>If anyone can recover from a fall quickly, it's Alex Sorgente.</i> <i>I've seen him do it 100 times.</i> <i>Nice nosegrind there into that blunt fakie.</i> <i>Wow, talk about recovery.</i> [CROWD CHEERING] CORBIN:<i>He did miss the noseblunt at the end there where he normally does.</i> CHRIS:<i>Looks like Alex was gonna try the loop.</i> <i>The slam might've thrown him off a bit.</i> <i>That was definitely a heavy fall.</i> <i>Nice rock fakie there on the banked wall.</i> <i>Alley-oop 50, keeping his speed.</i> [LIGHT MUSIC PLAYING] <i>We see that alley-oop body varial and taking that gnarly slam.</i> <i>But Alex picking things up nicely and recovering.</i> <i>Here we see a great line in the bull corner.</i> <i>Perfectly executing nosegrind into the blunt fakie.</i> <i>That is so scary.</i> CORBIN:<i>Oh, just coming in underneath the coping on that one.</i> <i>Is this score gonna be enough, as he hits the hammer right now?</i> <i>His score is a 70.00.</i> <i>Will push him into the number three position</i> <i>here at Red Bull Roller Coaster.</i> <i>Let's go to Tina with a quick interview with Alex Sorgente.</i> Alex, you know, with this event, you can take a slam like we saw. And you can pick yourself back up. What's your take on that run? 'Cause you moved into the top three. I mean, it felt pretty good. I mean, my whole mentality was going into the contest, I wanted to make it to the bottom without falling. So, I fell like midway through. But I mean, at least it's just one fall. I had a pretty good score. I'm the podium. So, pretty stoked. -Thanks, Alex. -Thank you so much. CORBIN:<i>Will California's Alex Midler or Spain's Jaime Mateu</i> <i>be able to upset Jake Ilardi, the reigning champ?</i> <i>Or will Ilardi hang on for the repeat.</i> <i>When we return the 2019 Roller Coaster</i> <i>men's champion will be crowned.</i> <i>You're watching the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series.</i> <i>Everyone sits in anticipation to see if this man, Jake Ilardi,</i> <i>will be the back to back two-time</i> <i>in the only men's Roller Coaster champion.</i> <i>Only two skaters remain. Who can upset him?</i> <i>Currently sitting in fourth with a 68.66, this is Alex Midler.</i> The curve ledge in the very middle start to the second half is like... It's not that crazy of an obstacle. But for some reason, it's been giving me trouble. So, I'd say that's like the hardest obstacle for me. It just like starts off straight and then curves all crazy. And the bank leading up to it is really steep. So, you gotta like kind of time it perfectly to do it right. CHRIS:<i>Yes, and it's interesting to hear Alex Midler</i> <i>describe this course as difficult</i> <i>'cause he is skating so smooth right now.</i> <i>There is the obstacle he was talking about struggling with,</i> <i>does a perfect crooked grind on it.</i> CORBIN:<i>Yeah, didn't look like he had much trouble on that one.</i> CHRIS:<i>Nice nosegrind down the hand rail.</i> <i>Great run from Alex Midler.</i> <i>He's got real skill on all terrains,</i> <i>and he's showing it right now on this final run, nice front blunt.</i> CORBIN:<i>Speed check there going into this last section.</i> CHRIS:<i>Alex mainly known as a gnarly street skater. Wow!</i> <i>Touching down, doing that 270,</i> <i>and then touching down rail on that handrail over the water gap.</i> <i>That was so insane.</i> CORBIN:<i>Somehow not killing a cameraman in the mix of that.</i> <i>Wow, going back for a frontside feeble.</i> CHRIS:<i>Wow, Alex is stoked.</i> <i>Yeah, that 270 to lip over the handrail water gap was just so heavy.</i> CORBIN:<i>This one smooth as butter, the kick flip frontside board slide.</i> CHRIS:<i>We see that crooked grind through the corner.</i> <i>Looking like he didn't struggle at all there, nice 270 as well.</i> <i>And there's that 270 to board.</i> <i>Oh, hanging on, taking out our cameraman in the process.</i> CORBIN:<i>Let's head over to the strong man hammer for the score.</i> <i>It is for his third and final run a 78.00.</i> <i>We are now down to the last skateboarder.</i> <i>He will podium no matter what.</i> <i>But can he take first place?</i> <i>It is Jaime Mateu.</i> CHRIS:<i>And Jaime is an animal.</i> <i>He's so on fire and definitely has the capabilities</i> <i>of getting a higher score and bumping himself up.</i> <i>Nice 360 over the spine there.</i> <i>Hopping up on the deck of the bike ramp, 270 boneless in.</i> <i>Jaime Mateu is going for it.</i> CORBIN:<i> It is down to this run right now.</i> <i>Can he hold it?</i> <i>Can he beat the champion from 2018, Jake Ilardi?</i> <i>There's that frontside boneless over the hip.</i> <i>He's holding so much speed.</i> CHRIS:<i> Oh! Going for the 540.</i> <i>Jaime had it there.</i> <i>And you know what that means?</i> CORBIN:<i>Jake Ilardi knows he has this contest.</i> <i>The only winner back to back for the Red Bull Roller Coaster 2019.</i> <i>What an amazing contest!</i> <i>He just fell off that 540 there, Chris.</i> CHRIS:<i>Jaime Mateu just stepping off on that indie 540, so close.</i> <i>But still gets him a third place.</i> CORBIN:<i>Right now we have Tina Dixon with our back to back men's champion.</i> Can you compare these wins? Jaime put on a show too. And Midler, Alex Midler. Congratulations just all around. But can you compare the wins? This one's probably ten times as better. I know last time it was like on the last run I missed both my two runs on the last year. But this year I nailed the first two. So, it took a lot of pressure off on the first one. Huge congratulations, Jake. -Thanks, Tina. -All right, guys. CHRIS:<i>Yes, this slope style course at Roller Coaster</i> <i>is perfectly built for Jake Ilardi's all-terrain ripping.</i> CORBIN:<i>This style of course is the new direction of skateboarding.</i> <i>Sal, what do you think?</i> Without a doubt, Corbin. I mean, kids these days are raised to be able to skate everything and do so fast. So, this is the future of progression in competitive skateboarding. Thanks to all you guys for joining us at the 2019 Red Bull Roller Coaster here at Olympic Park in Munich, Germany. <i>And congratulations to Jake Ilardi.</i> <i>Back to back titles, once again becoming Roller Coaster champion.</i> <i>After coming into today's final as a number two qualifier,</i> <i>Jake throwing down, not one, but two dominant runs,</i> <i>better score on the second run,</i> <i>once again proving that he is the human ATV.</i> <i>Therefore, Jake Ilardi gets our signature moment.</i> <i>A massive congrats, though, to Alana Smith,</i> <i>capturing the inaugural women's title,</i> <i>after a two and a half year long break from competition.</i> <i>She proves that she is still a dominant force</i> <i>and the competitor to beat.</i> <i>The Red Bull Signature Series travels from</i> <i>the Olympic Park in Munich, Germany just across the border</i> <i>to the Styrian Mountains of Austria</i> for the 25th Edition of the crown jewel of Hard Enduro. <i>500 riders start,</i> <i>only a handful will finish at the Iron Giant.</i> <i>Be sure to join us for the Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble.</i> Once again, thank you for joining us today and follow us in any manner that you get social. On behalf of our entire crew including Corbin Harris, Chris Pastras, Tina Dixon, and yours truly. We will see you next time.<i> Auf wiedersehen.</i>
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 439,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Red Bull Roller coaster 2019, Red Bull Skate, Red Bull skateboarding, skate, skateboarding, skateboard, skateboard tricks, skate videos, best skateboarding tricks, red bull signature series, red bull signature series 2020, red bull signature series 2019, red bull skateboarding 2019, red bull skateboarding 2020, Catherine Marquis, Jordyn Barratt, Alana Smith, Jake Ilardi, Munich, Red Bull Munich, Skateboarding Munich
Id: 8g6ex-ErN5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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