Volcom Pipe Pro 2019 FULL TV EPISODE | Red Bull Signature Series

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in surfing this is known as the proving grounds the iconic and deadly waves of the north shore of oahu known as the bonsai pipeline home to perfect barrels and serious wipeouts who though is gonna conquer this notorious wave and prove themselves worthy of being the next champion this is the 2019 vulcan pie pro and you are watching the red bull signature series [Music] mahalo for 10 years at the vulcan pipe pro and always remember stay pono and live aloha [Music] aloha everybody sam massiquella here your host of the red bull signature series and allow me to welcome you to one of my favorite places the north shore of oahu hawaii now this island paradise is the mecca of surfing and the vulcan pipe pro where for nearly a decade it has given both local surfers and pro tour surfers a chance to test their skills and bravado at the highest level at this iconic wave the bonsai pipeline or as it's simply known pipe now the danger level here immensely high but the reward a perfect two bride unlike any on the planet if you win here you put your name on the entire global map of surfing past world champions like the goat kelly slater's one here john john florence has won here and mr pipeline jamie o'brien who was raised literally right at the front door of this beach now for the young up and comers it can set your career trajectory upward ask guys like sully bailey and local josh moniz who have added their names to this illustrious list four days of surfing 144 competitors eight rounds to whittle it down to one champion who's going to take home the coveted warriors helmet for more we're going to check in with tina dixon who is standing in the prime time viewing area at the iconic welcome house yeah and sal if this house could tell me stories oh i'm sure it's got some good ones but let's go back to that 10-year mark because that is something to really be celebrated and it got me thinking about well where was i 10 years ago what was i doing but if you were a professional surfer trying to get on that world tour you were here competing at the vulcan pipe pro and there's been some very significant moments that have happened during that time in those early years we were introduced to a young surfer by the name of john john florence who then went on to be a two-time world champion he still competes at this event we also saw veterans like kelly slater win his first contest in two years here at pipeline at the vulcan pipe pro so some very special moments a lot of history within a short span of time even instagram is celebrating that 10 years with the 10-year challenge and sal i saw your post but my question to you is how has your surfing evolved throughout the 10 years well tina in the last 10 years i can say that it's a lot harder for me to go on big waves and i'm a lot slower than i used to be but i'm still having all of the fun but the real 10 on everyone's mind is that ultimate 10 the perfect tube ride that you can get at pipeline and back door and every year the ocean has obliged a lucky few with those perfect memorable tents when it's big like this whoa jamie o'brien our first perfect 10 of the vulcan pipeline pro here is ian walsh getting a huge wave look at that [Music] keep your eyes on the horizon there's a paddle battle and it's going down florence on his backhand right here he's coming out goodness [Music] marcus hickman wow oh my goodness yeah right now wow look at this thing oh boy slater lake drop pulls it up he's coming out that was insane and gentlemen okay that's why the boards he rides are so short now starting things off it is kelly roller coastering in the tube covering some big ground it's staying wide open and kelly looks back at the wave he loves the most speaking of waves look at this huge thing oh this is crazy makai mcnamara on fire way more contestable so just a tamer version of yesterday and here we go makua up and riding sick when he comes out boys that is looking like a 10 right there always in charge jamie o'brien late drop into the pit again and stays in jamie o'brien with the double two bride and stands up hands over his head crowd it goes wild there are many ways to earn a legendary 10 at pipeline but the path to pipeline is legendary in itself so this right here this is the beach path that takes you out to pipeline and it is surrounded by some pretty talented surfers to the right of me that's jamie o'brien's house not too shabby if you go farther down that way you've got two-time world champion john john florence kelly slater's house is that direction you've got the two vulcan houses here so a lot of legends here on the north shore but we have our own personal legend someone who's active in the community a staple here at the vulcan pipe pro kaipo guerrero hey kaipa what's going on thank you tina 10 years of the proving ground here at the vulcan pipe pro an important contest especially for the local contingency bragging rights are on the line here you take a victory at pipeline and that's bragging rights for an entire lifetime this is the absolute jewel of the seven mile miracle pipeline thank you kaipo the north shore really is a wonder of the world seven miles of paradise for both surfers and spectators alike and day one of the vulcan pipe pro is where the local hawaiians get their opportunity to prove that they really deserve to play a home game against the best surfers in the world the judges they're looking for commitment and degree of difficulty if you can get a tube ride the longer that you spend in the barrel out of sight the higher your opportunity at a score and when the conditions change and there's less opportunity for a tube ride then they'll be looking for big turns and aerial maneuvers the contest is on the contest is on the contest is on we're looking at two to three foot talking to the judges this morning they're just saying look it's up to you our scale is wide open they want to see the unexpected out here today strategy would be to get an early start basically the guys are going to have to manufacture scores brodie's sale from the island of hawaii working for it brody sales like what you thought nobody was going to get barrel today be curious to see how the judges go about this pipeline's a barrel spot but the fact that he didn't go straight into the barrel right off the drop really had to drop down to the bottom yank that e-brake pull up for a little preferred parking in the pocket he did well he did well but we'll see where the judges go with this i'm just laughing at the preferred parking in the pocket brody sale taking advantage of that priority right here on this nice little pockety right-hander dancing through the wash misses that ender but those first two turns solid i think he needed close to a six young eli hanuman needs a 3.91 i wonder if he'll get the opportunity well this is a critical minute left here at the proving grounds of pipeline anything can happen especially in these kind of conditions eli hanneman just dropped a couple hammers straight up into the pocket once twice treat me nice second turn was especially ripe uh yeah it's pretty tricky out there there's waves all over the place not really a distinct lineup so it's kind of just anywhere you can find a wave go but yeah i got lucky at the end i got a wave stoked each year there's something to prove at the vulcan pipe pro and because we're dealing with mother nature these surfers need to prove themselves in all conditions yes there are perfect tube rides in the futures of those who have the ability to grind it out in these tough small wave conditions big barrels and big wipeouts when we return to the red bull signature series the vulcan pipe pro part of the red bull signature series is brought to you by kia motors america give it everything by yeti built for the wild and by vulcam true to this pipeline is a historic wave for surfers this has been the proving ground for our sport for decades surfing pipeline is still very scary for me and everyone else that surfs out here i've had a lot of bad experiences i've had multiple broken legs i've hit my head on the reef at pipeline tamayo perry got scalped kalani chapman had a near-death experience out here i was on the reef getting pounded bouncing on the reef on my back like boom boom boom boom and then my board somehow came and compressed on me that was scary the board had me pinned to the reef and i was dragging me along the bottom and i couldn't go anywhere until the white water released everything what makes pipeline and back door so intense is the amount of water that comes in and when it jacks up on the reef and breaks it's such a shallow part of the reef it can be anywhere from waist deep to you know a little over your head deep all the power of the wave is in the lip and if you get hit by the lip in your head it will send you directly to the reef and when people ask me how deep the water is at pipeline i think you know generally it's head high deep but if that lip is piercing the water and splitting the difference it's dry reef and if you're right there at the wrong time it's bad news definitely the differences between a wave like pipeline and a wave like jaws would be at jaws you're not so much having that fear of really slamming into the bottom as you would be at pipeline at pipeline it just feels like you're really going to hit the bottom and you're going to hit it very hard and very violently the reality of being held under at jaws is you're more worried about hitting your board and being held under for too long than your lungs can handle and at pipeline i'm generally more worried about really slamming into the bottom and losing consciousness that's my number one fear a lot of surfers live for this wave there's people that just focus their whole life on surfing pipeline and backdoor they're okay with the risks and the consequences that come with here and basically the only thing that's going to stop them from surfing here is not being able to physically do it as you just saw what lies beneath the wreath is something very real here on the north shore and taking precautions as you push yourself on this wave important in the early rounds we saw koa smith from hawaii taking extra precautions in the form of a now trademark helmet for a reason it's an interesting thing i actually hit my head on the reef really bad at neos like seven months ago and um suffered a pretty intense concussion it's my second like major concussion it's been a long road and really hard to recover from i had to pull out of the triple crown and the pipe trials which i qualified through this last year and that was pretty hard for me and then this condos was the light at the end of the tunnel i was like i'm okay with not doing these as long as i'm okay to like do the pipe contest so um this whole winter 2018 2019 this was like my second session at pipe so i got the helmet on i'm just ready for battle and um i felt good in that heat you know it was kind of sketchy conditions but i feel like where i grew up on kauai like this is how the waves are it's not perfect you know it's like all sketchy and windy so i was just using my helmet and head button through lips and it was working the wolverine koa smith on to round number four he was relentless out there tube seeking and tube finding you do have that little confidence boost of like when you're falling you're not like doing karate chops around your head so your board doesn't hit you you know you're like you're safe in that regard at first i was wearing it everyone's looking at me like why are you wearing a helmet you know and it's kind of like a weird thing but i think in the end it's like if you can do it then why not you're just gonna you're gonna be able to surf longer in your life the moral of the story safety first however i see waves and they are stacked all the way to the horizon my friends pipeline is ready to give us a show when we return to the red bull signature series [Music] 10 years at the vulcan pipe pro let's go welcome back to the red bull signature series presented by kia for the vulcan pipe pro only five champions have proved themselves worthy of the mighty warriors helmet the newest being last year's champion local joshua moniz with his brother seth making it onto the world tour last year 2018 was a massive year for the legendary moniz family joshua needs season 861 to take over the lead don't look now josh moniz answering back late drop straight into the pit josh moniz comes out clean the beach is going wild josh moniz drops in eight seven three and that means joshua moniz is your vulcan pipe pro champion when josh won the vulcan pipe bro my whole family and like lots of my friends were all down there and like for it was a really special moment and kind of emotional like just watching everyone trim up pretty sure josh could hear us from the water winning last year at the vulcan pipe pro was crazy um it did a lot more to my confidence and my career i think just because like when you go out to the lineup at pipe you see like any direction you look you're seeing your heroes out in the water so to be out there and battling with them is pretty intimidating i think after winning that it was just like a good stepping stone of just earning my spot in the lineup a bit more for sure that josh's big win last year was a huge booster for me too because i kind of like got me psyched up to try and be up there on the leaderboard of them seth and i we our whole life we got compared to each other it's kind of that's why am i growing up my hair longer people get me and josh mixed up a lot we serve pretty similar outside we kind of like both are equally level that turns errors barrels the last year it's been crazy like i felt like i qualified because so many people have been coming up to me like yeah congrats i was like sick i'm just as excited to see my brother my sister like accomplish something as if i did it he kind of started the momentum for let's say both of us and i i think we just fire each other up yeah it's crazy competing against my brother it's pretty fun actually having him in the heat hopefully when we're getting heats we both can make it but if it's on that man heat then yeah i hope i can beat him and we will see both brothers competing next in the round of 64. and if they make it through there there's an actual chance that they could meet in a heat in the round of 32 but first they're gonna have to navigate these ever-changing conditions for more on that we'll check in with kaipo that's right sal pipeline she has so many moods first of all swell direction the more northerners swell the more it's going to favor the rights at back door the more west in the swell the more you're gonna see pipeline left the sand constantly shifting out here that's gonna change how much the channel is available it's gonna change how many waves have open endings or that shutdown clamping section also swell period the time between waves also will affect the shape of the wave and what direction it's going to favor and lastly the wind the wind swirls around here when we get a north northeast wind it turns side on shore it's going to take away some of that barrel opportunity but it will open up some maneuver opportunities and the judges will adjust their criteria to suit that as the day changes it changes hour to hour and that's the challenger pipeline but that's why we keep on coming back for more and more of her haunting beauty thank you kaipo the many faces of pipeline truly the mystery to the magic and these surfers heading into the water for the round of 64 they're gonna have all of this on their minds as they try to prove themselves worthy of moving on to this next round the camera makes this look a little bit smaller you can look it's five feet over that kid's head i mean that is a very solid wave a very solid barrel and that's a very solid turn on the end great way to start your campaign and even better way to back it up yeah joshua moniz right there i mean that is why he is one of the five vulcan pipe pro champs he's just so good especially at pipeline and backdoor i mean he just has this place unlock yeah that was fun um i was pretty nervous paddling out in these conditions you never know you could feels like getting a three feels like an eight sometimes because it's just so hard to find them but yeah i just wanted to stay busy and i surf it like this all the time because i live right in front of it at the billabong house so yeah i felt comfortable trying to find my waves checking out this wave is red seth moniz grabbing the rail goes pipeline and he'll come out nice finish move on the end action heating up brody sail pulls in beautiful back door wave double section he comes out standing tall this kid causing some big upsets billy said that he had that thing that made you pay attention and now he's showing the whole world that hey you need to pay attention that looks like a stationary wave that doesn't even look like it's moving here we go seth moniz pulling in grabbing rail tucks in solid coming out clean and white up and riding that back door grabbing the rail he's coming out just no backup for carl smith and benji again comes out and bang this is how you finish wave tom carroll style at pipeline seth moniz is going to give it a late charge pulling in straight in the barrel that wave closes out no exit there for seth this has been a dominating performance big lake drop was a huge wave too those ones that have the big wedge they tp up they get super tall that was a seven three three which was a pretty big score considering that he was uh stalling most of the time for the barrel there but i think the drop that's where all the points were on that one look at this this is easy to talk about beautiful barrel for jack robinson probably has some jack johnson playing in his mind as he's feeling good double section how's that just keeping calm trying not to complicate it i was kind of nervous before pedaling out having to surf the heat out here for a while so i was like all right just keep it calm and try and get in rhythm how do you feel now yeah good just coming you're still calm yeah yeah i hope so [Laughter] a very accomplished slowly bailey who's showing signs of potentially another title here at the vulcan pipe pro didn't he just look in control right from the start he was sort of managing the heat himself he was like i want to be on this wave that turn there literally ripped the lid off that thing finn mcgill he had his hat in the ring for a sec just couldn't get that backup score yeah a big turn there uh backed it up with a a it was a wobbly wave not a great one samson calls for finding a couple as well but it was all about john mill and sully bailey in this one solely bailey we've been saying it's a slowly bailey show in this heat number 13. it sure was look at this magician zach where'd he go over the falls but i got back on my board and sully bailey rides out for a completion it was like a perfect battle i was riding along enjoying kind of you know the vision of pipe and all that and then it kind of went all foamy and i'm like kind of going with the flow it's almost like a rapid i was just like bouncing around in there and uh yeah it was a good ride i was i was a little unsure of where it would go with the score like being like it's kind of sketchy come out and all that but uh yeah obviously they liked it so i'm pretty psyched more from the beautiful north shore of oahu when we return to the ripple signature series welcome back to the red bull signature series presented by kia for 10 years of the proving grounds with the vulcan pipe pro no matter how well you think you know this wave called pipeline sometimes you can be in the wrong place at the right moment but surfing pipe is not just about time spent on the wave it can actually be about how you come back from an unexpected encounter with the reef this takes a strong emotional support team mental strength and most importantly belief in yourself it was just kind of a normal you know four to five foot backdoor day and to be honest i have no memory of what happened that was really traumatic for all of us um i was at home and the phone rang and i could tell that something was really really wrong and of course i was just beyond concerned it looked as if he got sucked over and went straight headfirst into the reef slammed his face splitting his head open his jaw like the side of his face and we almost lost him when i was in the hospital i remember having to go to the bathroom when i couldn't even walk to the bathroom like i had to hold on to you know my my dad and you know i'd lay back down in the bed and just be like i don't know if i'll ever you know be able to do everyday things by myself again i'd be lying if i'd say i was 100 positive i'd you know be surfing again period being at such a high level where dusty was i mean there's always for sure the question of will i get back there you know it was a long long process of you know learning how to surf again you know still there's things that i'm working on and trying to improve on and it's been a slow process and just to be getting better each day and getting more comfortable you know surfing and doing certain things in the water i wouldn't say i'm 100 yet but i'm getting there and really excited about this year and continuing to grow and and get better it's great to see him back in the water yeah i would say he's back to dusty again you can see that his confidence is back at the end of the day i still do have a ton of goals that i want to achieve surfing and competing especially and i'm really excited to you know getting after this year and you know starting off the competitive season here at pikeland if i can get back there on the world championship tour you know i love that you know that that's that's the goal [Music] i for one believe that we can see dusty back on tour and everyone in and around pipeline so happy to see him back on his board today and competing in the round of 64. look at this heat cell four surfers entering the lineup i mean you've got absolute superstars and ezekiel and dusty payne you've got tomas lopez moreno coming from argentina making a big name for himself and of course ultimate dark horse threat kalani david coming through into this heat this is going to be a fun one to watch welcome to heat 16 round four what a day huh beautiful day on the north shore how lucky are we this is so good and i know that you're excited commander because dusty payne's back out here in a heat at pipe something we've all wanted to see again it's just so awesome to see the outcome of his accident you know i mean that was one of the scarier things that all of us ever dealt with and for him to come back that fast and that strong and have him getting back on the horse is just insane it seems to be this generation is achieving so much in a shorter span of time relative to the historic names that you see here and the amount of progress that they're making from season the season here goes dusty come on dusty here we go look at that oh really nice little funnel getting it started you saw what he did there sitting a little bit wider and taking those waves that people don't see because they're perhaps looking for something on that outside turn and get that score i really like that wave you sort of set it up off the bottom got that little extended run and those ones that run you're not stalling and judges really like that if you're full speed and you're moving with the same pace of the wave instead of having to slow down for it that tends to get a little bit more attention just like that bean jumps up in the first place z cloud pulling in back door coming out rips a big lip off the top there it is [Laughter] man there's something about the ct polish isn't there these guys know how to bring 100 attack to everyone they do and the ct guys are this crazy level that we all know about it's so nuts and it's a pleasure to watch here goes green kalani david kalani pulls in travels and does squeeze out right there look at kalani david whoa yeah that was cool literally just sneaking through those two sections and coming out standing tall we talked to dusty to get his perspective on what it means to be back in this event you always enter a contest to win i never entered an event just to show up i feel like i can compete and i can win this event if you know everything goes right and just uh trying to do my best and if i can do that that that's that's good enough for me [Music] well there you go he's not saying i'm just happy to be here or any of that dusty's trying to pick up where he left off look at this flying putting everything in making that and doing basically everything that he could do but coming back trying to stand up with all that whitewash bouncing around and your knees all twisted like that that's tricky well how about for dusty making his return to competition here at pipe getting the move forward what a great confidence booster after such a crazy injury and we will get to see dusty surf again in the round of 32 when we return to the red bull signature series you don't got aloha you gotta go brah [Laughter] welcome back to the red bull signature series presented by kia for the vulcan pipe pro the north shore is pumping and we are ready for the round of 32 to get underway two pass champions still in it but they have some stiff competition as everyone is vying for that solid tube ride into the quarter finals round five and how about just right off the bat tyler newton your defending champion joshua moniz aramburu and benji bran the level of commitment everybody in this heat threw it all on the line that body language you just cannot teach that josh moniz saying i would like to take my second trophy in a row i'd like to take it home benji brent up and riding and trying to remain in the barrel he does we still have two surfers in the field with a potential repeat we've got sully bailey still left in competition as well as joshua moniz who's looking unstoppable right now a ritz aaron buru was saying all i need is a miracle look at the pump through the barrel that section got so thick in the middle of that tube i just want to tell these guys thank you not only for showing up and blowing up but how about thank you to pipeline the real star of this show no morning sickness pipeline is feeling just fine and she just birthed a couple of gems to move on through to the quarterfinal i was looking at the draw last night and i see there's still a lot of good guys and of course like every year and i know it's going to be a hard work but i feel like i could definitely compete with everyone still who's in the draw and i really want to win again look at this all hawaiian heat too tori meister makai mcnamara billy kemper brody's tail that young man brody sale we were just assuming he was like 17 18 and he's like no 15 i'm gonna be 16 in two days i don't have my learner's permit yet but i'm pretty good at driving through barrels let's get mr big wave world tour champion into the barrel remember billy kemper he had to grind through from early rounds when it was two to three feet out here just watch tori because he will never hold back on any wave tory meister getting spit out of that barrel the waves are going off right now it's way better than i expected this morning and uh yeah i'm actually just kind of beat i got so pounded on that right it's more dangerous when it's four feet um the first time i ever served pipeline i hit my face on the reef and my tooth went through my lip and i was when i was like eight years old nine years old and it was on a one foot day so we've had an interesting relationship me and pipeline i've had a lot of injuries out here but they're all worth you know a good one when you get it for sure tina why don't you give us some context for what tori is talking about so you know when you're walking into the ocean and it tends to be the farther you go out the deeper the water gets well that's not the case here at pipeline in fact the reef is literally right there and that's one of the reasons that make this wave so dangerous in fact where the guys drop into the wave the reef's only about three and a half feet underneath some water and if they crash it's a violent crash they're protecting themselves their head trying not to hit that reef but sometimes they do use the reef to push themselves off to get back to the top of the water to catch some breath now you could be an amazing surfer but you have to have knowledge not only of this wave but the reef underneath just for the safety of yourself and the others thank you tina for that insight let's get back to more surfing with chris cote let's take a look back at round five heat six it was all about jack robinson getting the near perfect heat mccool kai rothman had a strong start just couldn't get himself into position to back it up moving through from maui cody young threading the needle solid surfing there from cody but the jack robinson show started early and went late a near perfect heat with a 10 and a 9 5 7. yeah jack set the bar in this heat every single left righty caught just really showing beautiful technique in the barrel and looking so at ease and at home here wow look at that i mean such good style too i like to watch that front arm how it's almost like his elbow is pinned to his hip and that is an irons brother's influence for sure you see the front arm low as he goes up into the turn jack robinson getting down with the near perfect heat but this heat right here solely bailey dusty payne baron mamia mark lacommer dusty payne suffering an injury last year that pipeline very very scary one dusty peak is he going to get the double come on oh they were unsure that he would be able to surf again and here he is fighting to make his way into the quarterfinals pulls straight in deep it back door oh goes down inside the barrel there goes mamia back door section pulls through look at that that thing's like a left barreling at him wow he would have to hold his breath again through that section i really like the clap claim that's a really nice humble no claim claim straight into it our 2017 welcome pipe pro champion solely bailly at pipeline that thing runs away from him all right here's our heat leader trying to add to that total pulling in on a bomb whoa that's a yeti cooler [Laughter] wow i like how you call the yeti cooler he wants to make that he does straight up battle for second place as we see sully bailey right now sully bailey needs a score can he make it through this he does slowly bailey showing one of the many ways in which his ability qualified him for the tour because he knew exactly what he needed took the opportunity and got it heat eight big john mel skip mccullough kieran jabor kalani david here we go john mel threading the needle a pipe coming out yeah but good solid first wave score here in heat number eight all right here we go kalani david nice barrel at back door kalani david ma'am this guy's got some future i think he's going the whole way to the final are you getting on my horse i'm jumping on that puppy here we go surfer and blue skip on the quick turnaround another backdoor barrel still surfing and doggy doors it again yes there we go anyone who wins today is going to be an amazing company and look at that patience before that double pump look at that and drive on that back door piece of gold oh yeah perfect timing look at the little chops navigating up and he just did the dance great surfing and with that we now look forward to the quarterfinals when we return to the red bull signature series here on the north shore since the kids are young they're used to being around all the little ones so it's always a joy to loosen up with nerves to get the tension out it's a little side distraction in a good way i think that is a great tactic use the children to help get these surfers in the zone to keep them relaxed i like that the moniz family knows what's up 2018 josh moniz who is in the water right now and in the lead was your 2018 vulcan pipe pro champion they put his name on an illustrious list of only five surfers on the planet solely bailey still in this contest as well kelly slater john john florence jamie o'brien no chance of winning this year so it's up to joshua moniz or sully bailey to continue the role the stats have told me one thing it's firing this heat is a little bit different pipeline has the tendency to just take a breath and back off for just a little bit but megan with two surfers with no waves ridden the other two surfers with just minimal scores on the board what is going on in the minds of these competitors when i used to compete if i would see like a couple of heats with a lot of waves i would already prepare myself for a lull as a competitor you know that flurry of waves kind of has to stop at one point so these guys i'm sure are prepared for it to be a slow heat well just like that the more we talk about these heats being slow that's when things start to fire up there's a lot of karma involved the goofy footer from peru miguel tudela nice little wave here that's a screamer absolute screamer that's a solid pipe set nine minutes 12 seconds to go here's where things start to fire up everybody knows it's time to get moving and rafe hazelwood got the memo dragon everything he's got into that backdoor pit that is a solid opener for reef hazelwood this kid is really good in the barrel clean exit too three minutes 30 seconds to go green and red green front side miguel red josh back door miguel successful josh unsuccessful right now time going down now i'm starting to get a little bit worried josh mornings here we go joshua moniz rolling the dice going on what looked like a tricky wave from the get-go so just up and down things are getting tougher for a reigning vulcan pipe pro champion final opportunities surfer and white tori meister up and over just trying to force the issue there the crush comes down and wow a stunning turn of events 2018 champion joshua moniz going out in the quarterfinals we moved through into quarterfinal heat number two this is an absolute stacker of a heat balaram stack mind the punt oritsaran buru keanu singh and brody sale all right let's watch brody packing a backdoor nugget can he make the exit he does it's pretty manly out there and we got a 15 year old that's stealing the show my goodness he's looking like he could be in the semifinals right there boys this 15 year old is kind of making mince meat of the rest of the field and putting them on notice they better step things up with eight minutes and 50 seconds to go good looking wave right here for ballerop on the takeoff pulls in at pipe deep can he make the exit he does [Applause] well second section here he's looking for another barrel he pulls in again oh wow almost came out of that super shallow sandbar section that was a valiant attempt another wild heat it was baloram and brodie getting the win over orita and keanu was saying they will be moving through into the semi-finals how about brody's sale at 15 years old sitting on arizona at the end and not letting him even think about a backup that was no joke stackman the ankle is not an issue he is making his way forward what a win quarterfinals you're into the semi-finals now you got your family here on the beach what a great moment how are you feeling feel great keep the ball rolling took a little more work that time i was huffing and puffing but finally got one that came through yeah talk to us about all that work you took some beatings out there on that way to find that gem of the 8.5 yeah i mean i i've been like the main thing is to get the quick start you know no priority at first so that's what i was been focused on and my quick start was getting the beating and getting that out of the way and then finally being able to sit and wait and i mean there wasn't much opportunity in that heat so it kind of worked out for the better like i had priority at the right time so i was stoked semi-finals coming up what's your plan same i'm not going to change a thing just try and get quick start just try and make the home town proud and i'm here new york you better be proud because balaram stacks into the semifinals here at the vulcan pipe pro thank you kaipo quarterfinals continue when we return to the vulcan pipe pro here on the red bull signature series hey everybody welcome back to the vulcan pipe pro um drew tunes you think maybe you could give me some abs bro yeah animated abs love those welcome back friends to the red bull signature series presented by kia for the vulcan pie pro thank you drew tunes we are here celebrating 10 years of the proving grounds the beaches filling up because the people know that the north shore does not disappoint quarter final three is in the water and i can't believe that this isn't actually the final because this lineup is strong sea bass a 2017 vulcan pipe road champion solely bailey jack robinson who's been on fire and skip mccullough [Music] look at this stalling in the pit jackie robinson now he comes getting started just a little hung up on the top there here goes robinson at back door stalling pulling in oh look at this line oh has he got an exit he does wow was there any doubt he was going to come out the double arm drag bottom turn just like so in sync with the wave here we go this will be red sebastian seats from the north shore of kauai he comes out he's got some good little cover up time nice carving backhand slam off that lip this head is wanting down and oh who's making a move sea bass back door coming out clean but making a charge here in the final four minutes to sea bass look at this hot minute here sully bailey taking first priority advantage well not sure that type wave there for bailey is going to be enough didn't really find a deep barrel section there was in view the whole time didn't get it that's a huge upset really i mean a defending champ jack robinson posing with some fans as uh people have really come out here on finals day but how about sebastian just grinding sea bass sometimes it gets grindy sometimes you gotta swim upstream your thoughts on that heat um yeah it was a grindy one um i thought the wind kind of got junk in the last seat and then at the very end it came good so i was like oh we're gonna be getting good waves so yeah i kind of didn't have the start i wanted to and but nobody really had scores and i had priority pretty much like the whole heat so it's just thinking that magic one's gotta come and then at the end it was like i don't know four minutes left or something and i blew it went on a bad one and then kind of went where i didn't want to go i wanted to sit at ants but everyone was kind of on that so i went over towards the sandbar and got a little left powell back out and a little right came right to me so congratulations on the semifinal sea bass thank you you thank you kaipo earlier today tina got a private lesson on the importance of judging priority yeah so we now have heather hamilton here who's the priority judge and she's gonna take us through uh basically the rules of priority and how do you establish priority at the beginning because it can get very confusing it can yes and it's actually not meant to confuse anybody it's meant to be simple but it can be misinterpreted to be confusing so how it starts out with four man priority is you've got four surfers in the water and this is a visual aid to show the different colors green white red and blue whoever gets the first wave drops to the bottom of the line okay so now there's three surfers sitting out there and so this person's on the inside making their way back out well now white decides to go now we have two surfers left out there these two are still paddling back out okay who's it gonna be well red decides to go all right now blue has first priority so everyone else is paddling back out and out of these surfers whoever gets to the lineup first drops into second so maybe red gets there first okay now we've got blue and red first and second and then so on now white's out there now green's out there now we've got all four surfers in the lineup the initial order of priority has been established one two three four okay now if blue is has priority but red wants to go on a wave can that happen and how does that happen yes so basically blue's got priority blue's sitting out there blue can choose any wave that blue wants and blue's looking and it's very clear to red blue's not gonna go you bet red can say okay i'll take it and paddle and catch the wave no problem red drops to the bottom of the line now blue still has first white green so essentially when the guys get out there and the first guy who catches the wave when you're establishing priority he set priority and then it's just taking turns throughout the event okay is there a case where priority can make a difference between like i guess a win or a lose and a high scoring wave and a non-high scoring wave yeah sure and that's when you hear surfers and coaches talk about oh they had priority what were they thinking they blew it a lot of times what's happening is say in this specific case blue's got priority and a set's coming we've got a minute left and everyone's going what's blue gonna do blue might be looking saying ah the first wave's gonna close out i want the second one but then blue's scared to let anybody else get a wave in case they get a higher score and beat him so blue has to make that decision do i take the first wave of the set and hope like i score well it's good enough to get a high score yeah yeah okay or do i say oh i'm gonna risk it and let one of the other surfers go and wait for what they think might be the best wave of the set well i like the idea of taking a turn on a wave instead of always having a paddle battle exactly yeah yeah and that's how this became incorporated into all the events saying hey we're here to put our surfers in the best waves and then see them do their best surfing so let's make it a little bit more civilized everyone take your turn i like it i like it taking a turn on the waves it's a good idea quarterfinal number four three hawaiians and a frenchman i'm going with white i'm going to stick with kalani david he's going to have his work cut out for him with cody young katie delahaye and vermeer who knows what he's going to do look at this thing green cody young in the barrel up and through at back door coming out that's the dream to back door the peak like that if you can position yourself where you're basically already up and just standing there to enjoy the view of the pipe coming over that's all time yeah that was not an easy exit especially on that high line kalani david looking here back door lead drop makes it whoa under the lip and look at this just the straight up into the closeout that feels good sometimes just reckless abandon it's like yeah i was late on that drop but watch this all right let's watch baron this will be his second wave of the heat stalling back door barrel surfing through surfing out oh my gosh that way it was perfect kalani david taking the look this will be his fourth wave he's going to get barreled he's going to come out of this one looks absolutely perfect out there boys here goes baron mamia late drop right into it down the line speed he's in the barrel coming out oh wow that could be a yeti cooler i just love that drop that was so critical fully disengaged from the wave face caught the rail at the bottom just backed himself didn't even looked like he wasn't gonna make it and just threaded a beautiful line through that i just realized something with sully being eliminated means we're gonna have a new pipe pro champ this year it's a small list so with priority ben ramirez in the lead he's just gonna wait for something really weird and look at this oh how good was that stalling oh he's flying through this thing what you said weird and that was extremely odd tube riding five minutes 55 seconds here we go cody young on the attack back door flying through this one nice and steezy throws the hack on the end section and kicks out sitting in third needing a 2.13 it kalani david's like oh okay it's going to be like that consistently here in the quarterfinals has been someone running away with the lead and then a fight for second place and this is a fight big time and i'm looking forward to seeing how kalani responds to this because now it's on him oh bad oh deep oh no what's gonna happen is that gonna be an interference call it's got to be i mean baron's going and kalani's in front of him kalani did not have the first priority baron momia had the first priority the situation will be if that wave was unmakeable for baron mamia then kalani david will be in the clear but if kalani affected that wave for baron then it would be interference so kalani david now finds himself comboed and with a minute left that is a wrap for his 2019 campaign congratulations to ban ramirez and cody young uh kalani david that's not the way he wanted things to end and i know that's not the way that bear mamia wanted it to end for kalani either man these semis are going to be nuts when we return to the red bull signature series here on the north shore [Music] go go go go welcome back to the red bull signature series presented by kia for the 10th edition of the vulcan pipe pro right here on the north shore of oahu hawaii surfers are in the water so we're gonna check in with chris cote we moved through into the semifinals this is heat number one a lot on the line here 30 minutes on the clock reef hazelwood miguel tudela balaram stack and brody sale some of the biggest waves of the day came through right from the get-go in this heat we're going to start it off with miguel tudela this guy is no stranger to massive waves he absolutely loves it we're watching this behind the screen before me and coco all both grabbing each other going oh my god it's getting bigger this thing had so much froth and bubble in i'm not sure how his rail and his fins even connected with the wave face there but coming out of that thing coax wow that was huge and this was uh right behind that one reef hazelwood just frothy bombs to start us off there's a young brody sale 15 years old his 16th birthday is right around the corner he was tapped early by the one and only shane dorian as a surfer to watch so shane grabbed him as a 12 year old kid and said all right let's form you into a pro surfer brody sale hunting this one down there he goes oh i thought brody was finding the exit point there at the back door section he does not reef hazelwood making a charge getting a pipe barrel and reef sneaking in pipeline and not gonna let him out yeah that insect she got a little too small didn't offer the exit point but hazelwood's still our heat leader broken board caddy for hazelwood there's some fiberglass shrapnel out there in the lineup still stick breaking boards during a competition at pipeline is a very real thing in fact we've seen up to 10 boards break a day now obviously when that happens the guy needs to come in and get a new board and there's two ways of doing that on days that are very big and almost life-threatening they're allowed to take a jet ski assist in or they have to swim now on the beach there's either a coach or a caddy that will bring them their new equipment in fact surfers bring multiple boards on competition day to the beach so once the guy gets a new board he's got a paddle back out the problem is this takes a lot of energy it takes time the guy could miss that critical high scoring wave and then once they get back out there they've got to get back into that competitive mindset which can be extra difficult especially surfing a wave like pipeline sad times for that surfboard a good board is priceless and when you break one especially mid heat it can be a tough thing to climb back from a set coming through who is going to pull the pin it's going to be miguel tudella on his backhand dragging everything he has trying to find the pocket cannot he wears that wave on his shoulders man he left the door wide open here we go ball stack it pipe rudy at back door will brody break through this thing unfortunately not what happened on the left-hander balarama is out of still going oh there we have it that was nice in and out balaram staff only needs a 2.9 this is why we love these heats because it always comes down to the last minute and here we go brody sale he's in third priority snuck this one way down the bottom there a little quickie for brody's sale needs a 2 3 8. now we have to wait for two scores baloram and brody and the score comes through for ballaram stack up 4.6 he jumps up into second place hands go up ladies and gentlemen we have our first two finalists reef hazelwood and balaram stat reef you've made the final of the vulcan pipe pro how are you feeling uh yeah i'm pretty stoked um you know i don't think it's really sunk in like coming here um you know i just wanted to fly it and um you know now i'm in the final and have a chance to take it out and um you know the waves are awesome so it's going to be good broke your board you got to back up here how you feeling about the backup yeah pretty good um i've got another one in the car too so yeah we'll go get that one and get it set up and then um yeah hopefully go take down some bombs again lastly what's it gonna take to win um you know this hates pretty gnarly and um whoever makes it through is really gonna be uh um top contender so my final number two yeah it's uh gonna really kind of take all my or my best and i i feel like i haven't really shown that yet so i didn't know this i'm sorry real quick are you gonna surf the final on that board uh i might change it to a bigger board so yeah this one's a six so so i might go to uh um maybe six five or something so all right we'll let you get ready for the final reef hazelwood wow reef is a wood the cam richards of 2019. semifinals heat number two we're talking an all-star pipeline super heat jack robinson sebastian z baron mamia and cody young wow yeah this kid every time you put him in a jersey or free surf out here at pipeline magic happens jack robinson starts this heat in the first minute with an eight-point ride yeah that was just beautiful surfing he took off really deep there i'm gonna love this angle this is where the judges are watching he went up and over that foam ball his ball would have been slipping and sliding all over the joint flies out of that one and i'll tell you what that's got to feel good jack robinson in the barrel coming out of the barrel picking up a backup score underneath the priority and there we go again he's doing it again all right let's watch red jack robinson pulls in and comes out clean big frothy wave there but he finds the barrel and the exit really yeah there's other people in this heat right this is the jack robinson super show because he is making this look far too easy here we go surfer in green cody young on this first play back door barrel he's surfing through and coming out oh beautiful excellent wave there for cody young oh that was a frothy one pulled in deep behind the curtain totally gone from our vantage point a 7-5 for cody young he is now in second place all eyes now on baron mamia baron dropping in late getting stuff to the pit coming out there was a slingshot on barron mamia to get out of that wave wow is that a 10 that's a 10 easy that's got to be a 10. i gave up on him and it comes through the perfect 10. all five judges unanimous decision baron mamia with the perfect 10. look at him get under this lip he free fell usually when you free fall like that you come out and you've got no speed but i'll tell you what don't ever count this kid out jack robinson trying to take the spotlight back from bear mamia is he coming out of course he is this is jack robinson we're talking about great drop there he sees this thing starting to stretch so he's really starting to pump puts the brakes on there knows he's coming out wanting to get another little barrel here a little bonus section i just can't believe how much of a good serve with these guys all right here we go baron looking for a backup score pulls in at pipe and he comes through well there you go he's just dropped that 1.8 and he fell straight from top to bottom and those skegs held on so good he was able to point a line to get out of that barrel jack robinson his last wave came through in 843 improves on his opening ride of an eighth look at that heat total 16.43 this is one of the highest heat totals of this entire event from jack robinson aka robbo he's got to play defense now here we go baron on the quick turnaround another pipe barrel on the inside hello yeah baron just chipping away under priority grabs two pipe waves in a row two phenoms bust their way into the final in the form of jack robinson and baron mamia that was a hell of a heat our finals are set baloram stack from the new york city portion of the usa ben ramirez from hawaii reef hazelwood and jack robinson of australia who is going to take home the coveted warriors helmet a new champion is gonna be crowned when we return to the red bull signature series don't believe all the hype you never know who's gonna win at pipe welcome back to the red bull signature series presented by kia for the vulcan pipe pro the excitement on the beach is growing as the final heat is in the water and at the end of today we're gonna have six vulcan pipe pro champions in the last 10 years as one more surfer will add his name to this elite roster our lineup in the water reef hazelwood the 19 year old from calundra australia balram's stack 27 years old hailing from the concrete jungle new york city and jack robinson the wonder kid 21 years old from margaret river australia as well as the local boy baron mamia 19 from right here on the north shore i talked to the head judge just a minute ago he is just as fired up as any of us those guys upstairs want to throw out those tens because that means everybody's getting a good show so expect big numbers coming through in this final in the 10 years of this vulcan pipe pro there have been five different winners we are guaranteed a sixth new winner jack robinson that's a good way to start wow how close was that rocky three guys shoulder the shoulder that is boiling water right there the fact that he had to go old school and battle for that wave without priority he had to do two battles one battle to get the wave the second battle to get out of that barrel robbo your first wave a 7.0 you go to first you talked about the judges and what kind of scale that they were going to set chris cote you can see that they took their time with that score the seven not going too high also not cheapening that way but definitely leaving room for more we've been calling it all day long it's gonna take nines and tens to win this final the man from the east coast ballroom stack here goes the long island stealth bomber ball around in the barrel coming out looking for more on the inside there he goes is he going to get a double banger yes he is [Applause] i love that casual little kick turn to set up the second one look at that pipeline shimmer that could be 1975 that could be 1981 that is a timeless approach right there that's a poster on your wall screenshot foam here we go paddling this is green barrel and baron mamia is he going to come out karen's barbarians bruh uh oh here we go more waves pouring in who's in position it is red reef friendly all good hazelwood coming out with the spin wow talk about combination of maneuvers look at this pipeline dream for reef hazelwood nice and deep and of course he tries to kite fly a frontside air where he almost nose picked into a make at the end here we go suffering white jack robinson back door riding through closing down that comes out yes rubble great job getting out of the barrel as soon as that off the wall section was clamping down this is becoming a classic you guys these scores now they're starting to amplify you know everyone in the water is feeling that energy getting tested brief hazelwood's dropping eight and guess what reef is now in the lead he's in the lead for a second as we wait for that backup score from bermuda and jack robinson last wave baron mamia a 7.5 barron goes to first but wait there's more jack robinson 7-8-7 ramo goes back to first it has been an incredible four days here at pipeline after a long five-day waiting period to get this thing started it doesn't look like anything's coming with 10 seconds to go baron mamia is not taking no for an answer he needs a 7.38 if he wants to squeak out a win here i don't believe that that's going to be the score we'll wait for it officially but all indications are that jack robinson is the 2019 vulcan pie pro champ that's fate that was fate and incredible performances by all four surfers in this final as we wait for this official announcement could you imagine jack right now just going this is something he's been fighting for his whole life born and bred at the box in western australia in heavy right-hand barrels this was destiny for jack robinson it is official with that five one seven it's not enough for banner mia and jack robinson is your 2019 welcome high pro champion and chris cote like you said the pride of western australia forged at the box this is a statement win for a kid who was celebrated as a child prodigy and many chose to write off and think he doesn't have what it takes to go all the way jack robinson making the statement this could be the year this could be the momentum win that qualify gets him onto the road to the championship tour he's going to get chaired up the beach by is that a former champion jamie o'brien down there as well this is an awesome moment because this is a kid with all the natural ability in the world and the question was well yeah he's really good he's going to be a great free surfer forever we can enjoy his video parts but can he do it in a jersey well there you go proof is in the pudding you could not have said that any more perfectly we will send it down to kaipo for the official ceremony thank you so much sal and the man of the hour the 2019 vulcan pipe pro champ it's been a long time coming he's put a lot of work out here jack robinson how are you feeling just coming out of the water you're the champ i'm elated can't believe it it's a dream come true you know when i kind of has a pipeline it's just it's just a start you know it's uh it's only early days you know i haven't really really started you know i'm still young and uh yeah it's just all ahead so i'm super stoked today was your day jack robinson your chat what a moment for young jack robinson as he makes sense of the fact that he is actually a vulcan pipe pro champion and pipeline over the course of these four days literally showing all faces all conditions that these surfers had to be able to navigate at the highest level jack robinson of course being that man who was able to figure it out as he adds his name to this illustrious and growing list of vulcan pie pro champions taking home the warrior helmet and proving himself not just in the final but throughout every single heat a perfect 10. the highest heat totals of the entire event so of course jack robinson earns today's red bull signature moment the rebels signature series travels from the blue pacific shores of hawaii to the snow-covered mountains of vail colorado for what has become everyone's favorite snowboarding event of the season this is the most progressive competition in snowboarding as the picture-perfect half-pipe and slope style courses await both the best men and best women in this sport it is truly a snowboarders and fans competition that you do not want to miss be sure to join us for the 37th year of the burton u.s open of snowboarding [Music] once again thank you for joining us today be sure to follow us in any manner which you get social on behalf of our entire team including chris cote vaughn blakey dave wassel kaipo guerrero tina dixon and myself aloha and mahalo we will see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] in surfing this is known as the proving grounds the iconic and deadly waves of the north shore of oahu known as the bonsai
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 561,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, hawaii surfing, hawaii surf, surfing 2018, surf 2018, volcom pipe, north shore, banzai pipeline, surfing banzai, volcom pipe pro, surfing competition, big wave, red bull surfing, pro surfing, volcom, volcom surfing, pipe pro, pipeline pro, oahu surf, north shore 2018, jamie obrien, Red Bull signature Series 2019, Signature Series, Series, Signature, Surfing Series, Volcom Series, Red Bull Volcom Series, Live, Full Show
Id: gt7ZpalIH6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 56sec (4076 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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