Best Quality of Life mods for Rimworld

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and we're back with some more rim worlds and today it's going to be all about mods specifically the ones i think save you the most amount of time and effort and just make room world more fun and easier to play without really altering the game balance and the first step we're going to look at is camera plus this here is the default zoom in range you cannot zoom in any further than this on default and then this is the max zoom out range you can't zoom out any further than this when playing room world however camera plus has got you covered with camera plus this is no longer the max zoom in level this is the maximum zoom in level which makes it much handier when you're trying to do things that require a little bit of fine control and you're trying to get pawns into that 10 mil square as well as that you can zoom out the whole way and by the whole way i mean on a standard sized map you can just about make out the everything like the entire map it shrinks things down to little dots as well so you can see red dots where the enemies are blue for animals it just simplifies things makes things easier once it's installed you'll never know how you lived without it this year would be something i consider a top-tier mod that pretty much every save should have next up we're going to go through the colonist bar at the top by default the only two things it does is you can move the colonists around by holding down the right mouse but then dragging them about the place and as well as that you've got that colored bar in the background that tells you how high their mood is for example they have almost max mood and you can sort of see it in the in terms of the bar in the background whereas other pawns like this one here are a little bit lower down however it's not blindingly clear so let's make a few changes here say hello to lto colony groups now i could go on about this for 10 minutes and i honed and heard about whether or not this should be the first mod i'd showcased but you know what it came in just below camera plus but not for lack of features for example you can come in here into the options section and you can do so much we are going to display weapons and have it always shown now all of our pawns have a weapon shown beneath them showing what they're actually equipped with so handy when the pawn drops the weapon after getting knocked unconscious or you don't know who's equipped with what or you'd like to know who's got those close combat weaponry so you can uh summon them up for a defense and a chokepoint at the same point it also comes in a bunch of other things would you like to see their health how about their rest maybe you'd like to see how much food they've eaten in those little bars beside them of course it could be improved upon what about oh you would like color-coded mood bars and in the background their mood will determine what color the background is so you can know the green people are fine the yellow people are actually close to mental break territory and people who are in red are in mental break territory or you can even use extended color palettes so there's even more choices to choose from there is so much here plus you can change the size of things you can actually there we go with a ton of moving things around we've actually moved the weapons around from different sizes and spaces there's so much customization you can do here if you just want their faces showing you can do everything you want and that's just one part of this the convenient way to display your pawns another thing you can do is you can create groups for example these four pawns are all miners so they've been grouped up into one group so if i want to select all of them at once quite easy to do so now to create a group you just say grab three or four pawns and then hit boom and there you go you have a new group you can of course disband that group at any time and remake them as you see fit this is very handy for doing things like oh these are all my medics and this quickly allows you to select all your medics and see where they are at the same time it gives you a whole bunch of other orders you can do in here for example let's just give you a normal standard scenario that everyone has probably been in at some point you have a bunch of components out on the map and you want to send out your mining crew to go get them well the first thing to do is go into work orders and well let's tell everyone to go take a chow time this will actually order all of those pawns to go grab a snack so if we check on all our mining crew they're all coming along to grab their food before they head out on their mining ship this is a quick way to either make sure all your team are well fed before a fight or just force them to do this there should be a button for this already then you go to the world view map to make your caravan and this is where things get very interesting you'll notice here we've got a mining group set off at the top this is because those groups now show up when you go to make caravans meaning we can just go boom boom boom all four of those miners are now selected quickly and efficiently allowing you to make groups and send them out this saves you so much time let's have a quick look at some of the other options uh for example you can go in here set all your pawns ideology color and that will tell every single person in the group to go recolor themselves for example mikko there is currently getting a little bit of a die job in fact all the pawns are slowly doing that one after another you don't have to do it it just saves you a few clicks tell everyone in the group to go take a nap because you know they're about to go out on a large raid and it would be nice if they're all well rested at the same time there is orders to execute all down to enemies capture all downed enemies if you're trying to collect a bunch of prisoners rescue downed colonists and tend to wounded colonists so just say after a large fight you can simply select all of your medics then go straight in here go to orders and tell them all to rescue the downed colonists they will go rescue them and then immediately start tending to them there's there's far more options here than i can cover in this but my advice is go install it start playing around with it you'll never look back next up look let's look at hauling when it comes to holding things around the place you don't really have a lot of options but to say manually grab a pawn and prioritize them on hauling something this is time consuming say hello to the allow tool it introduces a few new features the main one you'll use the most is hull urgently this adds a whole new tab in the work schedule say here hall plus so what we can do is say make this a level two command as opposed to your normal hole which is way here at the end this means that you can if you have some stuff that emergency is hauling like oh a vital crop has just come in you can set this to behold urgently and all the pawns will come along to grab those specific bits it just makes holding things so much simpler instead of having to manually select pawns and go in and get them to do it it just they do it themselves another thing it comes with is the option for mining now this one changes games balance a little bit in my opinion you can simply instead of mining right click and you get these two options uh mine connected ores or select strip mine tool now mine connected oars just selects all of the steel or whatever material you've selected in a vein and it just basically mines it all out this stops you having to mine out the top layer then come back in and mine the next layer mine the next layer as you remember to come back and strip it out however this does let you know how big the vein is so it is a little bit of a tell another option it comes with is this strip mining tool this is usually more useful for mountain bases or things like that you can do something like that hit accept and it will strip mine out areas in a sort of a grid pattern which makes you more likely to find minerals last but definitely not least is the select similar option this can allow you to select an item and go select similar things on map and every single item of that type on the map will be selected this is a handy way to do something like select all the corpses on the map and then allow or disallow them so that your pawns can start hauling same with weapons armor all sorts of things very handy for selecting things like components just say there's some components out of the map you can go oh select similar things on the map and then if any of them have a hall urgently symbol beside then you know they're outside of your stockpiles and you can just select all urgently and you're done in terms of usefulness this is the type of mod that you use literally every single in-game day just hauling urgently the odd things that need it the next mod is all to do with this little box down in the bottom left of your screen which shows you information that's not really that important say hello to rim hud by jax this replaces this entire section with a bunch of use of information though i do think they missed out a bit here but thankfully you can modify this i would strongly recommend modifying a few things for example we don't need to know that this is the sheriff of emily's exes not really a thing we care about in fact we can go in here and remove that as an option and then we can go in and add something else preferably let's just say we would like to add a stat and we were going to go with movement speed where did we put it ah move speed stat and now move speed shows up here for a pawn when you click on them not only that it adapts to the pawn for example this one is injured shows that they've got 2.2 if they're in the dark it'll show that they're moving slower this also works for animals so now animals have their move speed shown as well this oh my god the amount of times i've used this you can see what speed the animal is moving at you can see what speed your pawn can move at did you just shoot that animal did it then turn manhunter do you now know how fast it's moving because you've injured its leg you now know how fast your pawn moves and then you can determine whether or not you can get away do you need to find the fastest pawn you've got to go and trigger a bunch of pirates give the doomsday to your fastest pawn give whatever weapon to your fastest pawn it's just the amount of times you need to know how fast someone is moving and normally you have to go in here go past their market value their nature focus their meditation focus their meat amount how much leather they give what type of leather their psychic sensitivity oh wait there's their move speed it's just some of these stats are buried so deep down it's ridiculous let's make another quick change here let's go in and actually where is it yeah see all of these in here we usually don't need to know at pawn stats all the time instead we can remove a whole bunch of these in fact i would preferably like to remove half of this rope there we go that looks a little better we'll even shooting in construction because they are stats you'd like to know occasionally uh we're going to remove cooking and instead we're going to add in a new stat what we want to add in is medical surgery success chance stats now do be careful there is actually a surgery success chance factor stat that's completely different it's medical surgery success chance stat when this is added in here it tells us what the surgery success chance of each pawn is now this is very important for a number of reasons but namely because when you want to do a surgery on someone you want to make sure that your chances are about 90 and that you've got an excellent bed i did a whole tutorial on these things but what can happen is your surgeon say ally was doing great and she was having perfect surgery success chance and then she got a scare on her right hand and you never noticed because she got her injury while she was going around doing whatever now when she's going to do an operation you can just quickly glance and check yes her surgery success chance is 81 no instead we will switch to our other surgeons say carol over here or grumpy gran both of them have surgery success chances above 90 and we can quickly and efficiently tell that and if any of them get injured or develop any problems in the meantime we can quickly check this without having to go in here and go past how much human leather they would produce if we slaughtered them to go all the way down to here their medical surgery success chance after making several changes in here we've got a different layout that gives us a lot more information on our opponents shooting is all shooting in construction is usually good to know especially when you're out in the field but not only that you've got your medical surgery success chance how many kills they've made how many shots they've fired and the amount of time they've spent on fire and their current winner is sean berg with an hour it just you can put in whatever stats you would like and normally access in here just it takes you so long to find them normally and uh records as well you can also display any records like damage dealt all the stuff if it's in here you can display it down here instead without having to go into the sub menus but if you just want it for one thing i would advise you to stick in the move speed it will save you just oceans of time and clicks our next mod up is a little bit harder to put in a box it doesn't replace anything it just adds a new way to get access to information in the game all of this information is accessible in game it's just more difficult to obtain for example a simple one here is the trade price improvement option this shows you how much of a trade price improvement each pawn will have depending on if you use them for negotiation i normally think well that's easy whoever's got the highest social skill correct well there's a few things that might change that we just gave zhang there an inspired trade and because of that their trade price improvement shot up their social is still lower but their trade price improvement is nice and high did you just get your hands on a bionic eye i wonder who has the worst sight and could benefit from us oh no everyone's got perfect actually let's talk about moving who's got the slowest movement speed of all our pawns we've just got our hands on a buy and a leg well zhang and andy are injured so let's just check azul here they've got 88 movement because they've lost their toe and they've got a field hand so they could benefit the most it's just a handy way to quickly sort all of this information out with having to scroll through each one of your pawns it becomes more and more problematic the longer the game goes on another thing it has in here is traits now traits allows you to list off all of the pawns traits which yeah that's fine and well but not only that it also can allow you to list your enemies using dev mode we triggered in a couple of attacks and normally when you're dealing with attacks you want to go in and find out or any of them worth hiring do any of them have any decent traits so now you can do is just go in grab enemies and you can show traits this of course can allow you to list off all the ones that have traits maybe you want looking for a crafter or a constructor however there's more there's another mod you can get on top of that called numbers trait add-on with that add-on installed you can go into the options go into mods and look at the numbers straight out on even the numbers mod has a few options in here if you want to mess around with them but the numbers trade add-on allows you to go in here and color things in as you can change the colors of certain traits now once you've done that you can go in here get rid of traits and put in numbers traits colored and you can see that we can list off all of the traits that we're interested in and color them in so if you're looking for tough trigger happy masochists careful shooters psychically hypersensitive all of these things can be listed in whatever form you want and then you can quickly and efficiently figure out well i would like to maybe recruit a bunch of these pawns or you can figure out which ones you'd want this saves an enormous amount of time when you're trying to build a specific type of colony did you just get hit by a psychic drone did that psychic drone turn all of the males in your colony you know 50 reduction consciousness you can sort by gender if you want or even better you could just go in here and grab consciousness and this means you can sort by who's got the highest consciousness because maybe some of your males are psychically deaf and they don't get affected by it there's a whole bunch of things you can use to quickly and efficiently sort your pawns i can't cover all the options my advice install it and start playing around with it for the final must-have mod i would like to present to you dubs mint mini maps this is just such a life saver in terms of information procurement down here we've got our pawns that are attacking us or the enemies they're attacking us but we can see on the map where they are and the plan would be i would be getting my pawns and putting them into their positions of where they're going to be dealing with the attacks so while i'm dealing with this i can out of the corner of my eye keep an eye on the blobs and see where they're moving and if they change direction or they're going somewhere where i don't expect them to go i can quickly and efficiently start redistributing my defenses normally what you would end up doing is moving your pawns around zooming in to move your phones around then zooming out to see where the enemies are going then zooming back in and you're moving back and forth wasting time this map saves you time clicks effort energy it just saves so much hassle as well as that you can move it around the place and it comes with a few extra features that are quite notably handy for example just say you want more marble rocks like this you can click on the uh the mark all things on map that are the same as the current selection and now we can see all of the marble chunks that are on the map as you can see we have been coring the place out of marble chunks quite a lot then you can say there is granite chunks you can even check where all your walls are if you would like uh how many trees are left on the map how many corpses there are on the map you can do just click on something and it will tell you where they all are including down to minerals so for example if we click on this compacted steel it shows us highlighted on the map where all the compacted steel chunks are left this is just a quick and efficient way to find things saves so much time and effort those seven mods are the ones i consider must have in all my playthroughs just be able to tell that this pawn is going to bleed out in 20 hours by looking at the the bottom left tab instead of having to go straight into health little things like that save time and clicks and makes the game just more pleasant to play now from here on in we're going to get into things that are a little less essential and more just nice to have first up when it comes to cleaning a room when you tell a pawn to clean it they will only clean the spatches of dirt you tell them to clean which can be quite frustrating especially when you want them to clean the entire room and not just specific dirt particles the akjung mod introduces a bunch of stuff but the most important one for me is clean this room basically the pawn will enter this room and then clean it entirely if someone else comes in and drags in more dirt they'll clean that too so you can basically cue them up to clean multiple rooms or you can have several pawns clean the exact same room and they will keep cleaning it until it is done quick fast efficient the only reason i use the mod for the rest of it seems to have been integrated into the base game when it comes to bed assignments things are pretty rough for example azul and mitchell here want to share a bed together but there's no way of really telling that with the default menu or even doing a search for mitchell to try and add them to this bedroom with better bed assignments those problems are a thing of the past for example we can just click on the bed here and you notice it's just a little bit different we can assign people with their lovers so mitchell skags here we can assign with husband done and either two of them in the same bed or we can come over to this one and assign another couple to it it just allows you to move people as groups very very handy also comes with a search function so you can actually search for people and find them well as well just a simple quality of life thing next up we have fixable mood debuff alerts for example here magnus is a little bit unhappy because they have an impressive bedroom that's a quick fix if we know they're actually having the problem one quick install of fixable mood debuff alerts and we've now got this little alert down here going unhappy with bedrooms those two colonists magnus leiden and zheng jin so if we say take this over here and we put magnus in it that means magnus magnus's now got themselves a nice bedroom and is quite happy aesthetic has impressive bedroom now aesthetic has awful bedroom perfect then all we have to do is find the other pawn and assign them at their correct bed a decent bedroom as well quick efficient easy it also warns you about clothed nudists night isles with a daytime schedule greedy or jealous with a bad bedroom it's just simple easy should be built into base game in my opinion otherwise you can be going around for literally days weeks or not even years without even noticing especially if uh bedrooms end up getting destroyed during a raid time to replace these walls with marble and oh no can't do that maybe i should upgrade my doors to steel nope can't do that the replace stuff mod does exactly what it says on the tin allows you to override things with a different version of those things so we can replace that wooden door the steel one and those marble blocks will overwrite those wooden or other such walls and let's just speed that along what it actually does is deconstructs the original wall and replaces it with the new one however this does affect game balance slightly in that you can replace the walls on your fridge without letting all the chill out and you know spoiling your food or if you're playing an extreme cold biome or letting all the cold in would slaughter your crops such a thing is probably a little bit of an advantage but in a normal place with a neural normal biome this is really not a balance changer next up we have quick stockpile creation this tiny and very simple mod just adds one extra button this create a stock spoil specifically for this item so now we have a stockpile four with preferred section four marble chunks and just marble chunks nothing more nothing less this is really handy and only that well admitted that one preferred for example this one over here this is one we made earlier is also preferred but if we were to say grab the steel again and make another emergency stockpile this one will be set to one higher this allows you to quickly make a stockpile of something that you need in an area with just one button click you don't need to scroll in and then individually select which item it is do you need components in an area do you want to make a stockpile of marble near a forward construction project all of these things just in one simple click you won't use it every single day but you will use it quite frequently and enough that it just saves you a bunch of time effort and clicks next up we have the ground targeting mod now one wonderful strategy you can use is to target the ground with your grenades and use that to cause a sort of a splash zone outside of your area to just deal enormous damage to melee attackers this works wonderfully well against bugs animal attacks even tribal assaults that come your way the problem occurs oh i think shawn's bugs down the problem that occurs though ah you get in there the problem that occurs is what happens when the animals are bunched up like this and your grenadiers arrive late to the party if you try and target you end up targeting the animals instead of the ground and then they will just draw fire into you this means your grenadiers if they arrive late are absolutely useless so how do we get around that allow me to introduce the ground targeting mod now once this is installed and you have grenades or mortars attached you see here that this uh the grenades are snapping to targets if we hold down shift that stops happening entirely instead we can just move it chunk by chunk and target specifically where we want even though there's things in the way this allows us to target the ground without having to worry about our people ending up okay in this instance it's going to go very badly wrong but this is a weird way another scenario this is very useful in is sieges especially as it gets later in the game and the sieges get larger and larger and you're trying to target in the middle of them and your mortar keeps snapping to local targets and you want to actually just target the ground in the center because that's not moving for example if you try and click here you're going to end up targeting carlson and then you're going to be chasing them all around the map as opposed to just say holding down shift clicking right here and boom we're now targeted right on that central location ground targeter saves you an awful lot of pain one last mod in the same vein to help out that's just a tiny quality of life improvement is hold the grenades when alvarez here gets drafted normally they would be set to fire at will but now because they're equipped with grenades and the mod is installed they automatically it automatically disables fire at will meaning they won't try to blow up the nearest thing around them also works for doomsday rockets meaning we can equip someone with a doomsday then when we actually draft them they're not set to fire at will just a nice little quality of life improvement how often have you actually wanted pawns to just fire it well with their grenades or doomsdays seems like turning it off by default would probably be the safer i bet by default the trade screen is absolutely horrendous trying to figure out how much of what you've sold and where and how much you're buying it's a nightmare trying to actually tease it out of the information on screen say hello to trade helper down the right hand side of the screen it will tell you how much you're selling how much silver that's going to gain you how much you're buying and how much silver that is costing you meaning you can quickly determine that yes they're going to be unable to pay me that much money and i would like to keep the flake as that is the most mobile one no and we still need more so you know what we'll take the gold as well we'll take some of that back quickly and efficiently allows you to figure out how much of something you can sell or get away with it's just beautiful and that is not all it comes with a wish list this wishlist thing takes a little bit of figuring out but let's just say you want uh site trainers you're on the lookout for site trainers then you want to look for site trainers uh put any type though and then put a comma after it now what happens is anything that begins with psy gets highlighted so psychic insanity lances psychic foil helmets uh psychic animal pulsers cycloid leaves you can be even more specific about this this is my current wishlist that i'm running on though in all furnaces this changes a lot so for example i can see low shield packs in fact i can just glance up here and go yes they are selling low shield packs today and they do have lances in here so they've either got a charge lance or a psychic insanity or shot glance in here somewhere in the menu quickly and efficiently allows you to determine if something's got what you're looking for are you on the lookout for a liver for your colonists stick liver in here and then every time you go shopping you'll be able to determine whether or not that person has a delivery under inventory just with a quick glance without having to scroll through and double and triple check everything same if you're looking for weapons or ammo very very simple mod adds so much quality of life this next mod is a bit more niche it's more designed for people who are going out and attacking a lot of places and you end up stripping people instead of capturing them so you strip the injured of their clothing just to get something to sell and then when you go back to reform your caravan and you accept you go have to go into items and you're looking through for the clothing you stripped and oh wait no that's tainted wait that one's also tainted wait that one's tainted oh that one's tainted and you're trying to figure out which ones of these are the untainted clothing but it's really awkward because it's off the edge of the screen and you really have to wait for the text to pop up say hello to tainted renaming it takes all of the clothing that is tainted and moves the tee to the start so as you can see all of these are tainted oh look that cloth treble where is not i will take that that that that that it just simplifies grabbing clothing no sorry wrong one it makes your life just so much easier that is literally the only thing it does is moves the tee to the start our next mod is to do with unloading your caravan when you bring it back normally this is a very time consuming uh effort where your opponents have to run up to the elephants move it on and off now this really only works with elephants but what you can do is you can assign the elephants to a small space inside your storage area this won't work with alpacas unfortunately or horses they can't be assigned to a tile or can't be assigned to an area but with elephants you can and it's still viable to use this method once the elephants are in position you can click on them go into gear and you can actually drop what they're carrying on the ground this allows you to quickly go through well semi quickly go through and grab them and drop all of this stuff without having to unload it other options you could just let your pawns unloaded you are in your local storage area so this would be quite fast however please welcome the drop all inventory mod this introduces a new button onto the animals where they've got drop inventory this will allow them to drop everything they're carrying all at once in one button click on that you can select all the elephants hit shop inventory and now you've unloaded all of them at one time when you're playing nomadically this is just such a lifesaver however do be aware this does put it on your pawns as well so you can you know end up dropping all the stuff they're carrying that way and it can be used occasionally to do things that it probably shouldn't be allowed to do it was it it's overlooked so use with caution if you're trying to play your game perfectly legit for the last mod we're going for in the very nice to have section we're going to go with quality builder now this can be set up multiple ways but in this instance what we're going to use it for is we want an um actually we're going to want a masterwork wooden bed maybe because it'll be really hard to get which there is going to be a sign to build a bed and then what they will do is they will try and build it and if the bed is not masterwork they will if instantly set it up for deconstruction and then it will get built again so done and next spot still nothing still nothing oh exit this is mostly used for doing things though like let's uh let's cancel that normally it's used for doing things like setting all your beds to excellent and setting them up to be rebuilt again and again until it's done this is not something you're going to be using very early on when resources are tight but later on when you've got the money you'll probably end up going around and replacing all your beds with exit once which reminds me i should really go around and do that as mods go quick simple easy and efficient to install and if you go under the options section under quality builder here you can set the default minimum quality to say good and that means if anything less than a good anything is built it will be automatically deconstructed and rebuilt now do you remember that only accounts for things like beds shelves things like that buildings like biofuel refineries chem fuels science benches things like that they don't actually have a quality level so you don't have to worry about losing huge vast quantities of resources to this now time for rapid fire mods that are nice to have this here is what your menu looks like normally dubs mint menus just changes it changes the menus on all of these production facilities so they actually show nice icons and they have little nutritional information like how much each cost to make very simple very easy next up we've got rename colony this just adds this little button down here allows you to rename your side and rename your settlement it's just one of those nice little quality of life things our next mod is quest expiration critical alert now you see this when this hits two hours we should get a critical alert on the right hand side indicating that that quest is about to expire uh quest expires in two hours and then oh as well as that yeah quest expires in two hours so there it is an alert that lets us know hey that quest that you were keeping track of gonna go as well as that you can go in here and you can set it up that window will be paused one hour beforehand this means if we actually let this play out just a little bit longer the game will actually automatically pause letting us know there's only one hour left in this quest and we should really jump on that if we would like it yep there you go simple easy make sure you don't miss any quests now of course if that sort of stuff annoys you you could just well delete the quest because you don't want it and it's no longer in the queue and won't trigger any of those things our next mod is visible raid points when you actually click on a raid and have a look at it it'll tell you how many points this raid was how big it was what caused everything you can go through this and figure out roughly why this raid was so big and why it probably killed you this mod combines very well with unlimited threat scale which gets rid of the raid cap there is actually a raid cap out at 10 000 points you hit it remarkably quickly when you're playing on 500 difficulty it sort of changes that your view of the game and that the reason large colonies are so successful is because the raids have capped out and they're so big that they can soak up all of the damage that's why larger colonies are in general easier to play then we have color blind minerals it just changes the color of the minerals so steel looks kind of orangey rust type colored plastil actually looks kind of blue and it also changes uranium to be sort of a bright pinkish color makes it very easy to locate those minerals and once i installed it i could never really get rid of it the abilities cool down notification mod lets you know when your leaders come off cooldown so our guide here the moment their convertibility comes back online we'll get a notification in the top left same as psychic suit and all of those let us know that they're off it and then we can use it again very handy time saver our final mod is a triple combo of three mods working in unison the first one is the numbers mod but we're going to go to corpses so now that we've got the corpses up we are going to show the traits colored this way we can sort by the trace color to find the colors we want which are the careful shooters and we would like to find those careful shooters and extract their skulls because the blasphemers deserve deserve to have their skulls extracted unfortunately that's a very slow and painful process unless you have the extract skull mod then we can just sort by all of the traits go down to all of these careful shooters and then make sure that they're added to the skull pile so as you can see we are using three separate mods working in harmony to achieve a goal like that so simply that would have taken us forever otherwise to all of the modern community out there that make rimworld so much more pleasurable to play you are all amazing people i loved a lot of years anyway good luck [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 82,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a9tG9DYfYMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.