LIVE: Is The BOSS Waza Tonebender Worth It?

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everyone in the youtube universe hope you're having a wonderful wednesday 3 p.m central you know we share different times but we share the same desires and today we're just trying to get to the bottom of are these good that's really i've baited you here no we're doing the tone bender thing but i do want to share anybody you want some of these you want a few addison you want some yup we could okay let's do that addison cam you could throw it hey okay all right moving on they're good you know this is the guilt-free snack right because well let me read some stats okay thank you ten pieces 100 calories that's it yeah i mean and they're peanut and gluten free so that means i can eat them they have some strange ingredients but you only live once right yolo as they say it's amazing nick's not here i have joshua here to my left where addison is usually at so and then we have addison on the drums because he's a he's a multilingual musician is that the term that's the multi yeah that's what they say uh nick has had his new offspring come into the earth and he is at home on vacation adorable we'll let him do that announcement officially later yeah so we're here all because of this the wozza tone bender uh this one's never been out of the packaging i don't think nope i haven't so as of right now i have two um put the lid on this and i think it's going on the shelf i'm gonna open it when you leave just to be a punk that's fine just don't let me know okay cool because if i speak in honesty from my perspective then i'm telling the truth you know if you want to mess around with it just don't let me know but i'll know you're lying yeah because you tricked me exactly all right uh yeah we're getting into if you look down at the pedal board here um i have a bunch of tone benders but we're really going to just focus on this section uh today for reverb i'm going to use the silver lake by seymour duncan it's really cool i've had it for a couple years yeah i'm going to use like one setting it has 100 presets i just really like it um and then the new oracle analog echo from mythos and this is our point of focus it is the boss tonebender tb2wa solar sound london ltd collaboration so if you remember back in 2017 i did the collaboration the angry driver which is still a product this is this is obviously is not a waza but this is in following in those footsteps and honestly i gotta think it's cooler i mean are you plugging kind of amazing your own pedal no i'm not i don't do that stuff that's so ridiculous yeah so we're going to play these and we're going to just talk about is it worth it which poses a really hard question worth is subjective yep i often say something's worth what someone will pay yeah and then you have a perspective where people especially on the internet they don't do this in person right on the internet people get real sassy about pricing availability and things and they have a lot of opinions that they might not fully understand the full story so we're going to get into that in a bit we have a couple giveaways we're going to do an ernie ball trivia time a little bit later you'll the winner will get a full box of any ernie ball string they choose we're gonna give away some hercules um wall hangers yeah some wall hangers how many of those you wanna do today we got two of them we can do as many as we want but killer yeah got that and yeah but first i want to talk about a hot topic let's do that the hot topic today is a question and the question is josh jhs show it's all what's up with all these paid promotions where you're pushing products like the wazatone bender or in our recent episode the rushbox bio there were comments saying that we were obviously pushing reverb cells obviously um [Music] yeah it's really frustrating i don't do paid promotion we don't do that we've been very clear we have the mono pedal board cam go back to that they're a sponsor of the show yep and we're clear about that they help fund a lot of things here it takes a lot to do the show and then we do ernie ball trivia time we're very clear about that very cool they've been helpful yep and that's it we have band lab which you can download the stims we don't do the game i do not do the game of someone sends me a pedal and gives me money to show the pedal and the reason i don't do that and i won't ever do that is because it takes away from the authenticity of why i do the show i do this show because of history trying to have a clean slate for consumers to hear someone like me give an opinion although these are just my opinions i'm not pedal god or something it's just i want to share my opinion without money influencing my opinion i do not need the show i have a pedal company we have employees the show is it's an extra curricular thing that i love to do and i hope that comes across if you're a subscriber and that you've seen stuff so yeah i just wanted to hit on that and are there any internal thoughts here addison you work here like what i got how does it feel because yeah you did a majority of editing on the pet box episode and then to hear people say like oh it's pay promotion like nope not paid at all well i was thinking while you were talking i thought of an analogy you're like the pedal grandpa okay so you're not pedal god that's great and you're eating a tootsie roll like my grandpa would you'd eat a piece of candy yeah you're like guilt-free guilt-free you're guilt-free right now you the grandpa is this older wise wiser gentleman that you want to learn from that will offer you his free advice and it'll be what it is and he doesn't need your money because he's grandpa he's old and he just doesn't need it and so that's you you don't need this you like to do it you like to offer advice you like to help people you love to teach um yeah i think it's you know people just don't understand so this is just us going hey i general i legitimately love this right and so it's frustrating um that's why this is a hot topic for me yeah when you look at i have two of these i literally have a collaborative boss pedal but i paid full retail price from sweetwater for these when it was released right i called my sales rep like you and i ordered them when it was said i could order them and i have to i paid 349 a piece for them i will not make a dime from boss on this we do run ads which further helps pay for some of the staffing here for the show yeah that's it so that's today's hot topic any any final closing comments here anybody no i just think the world needed to know i know sometimes you just need to you need to be awkward you gotta tell you gotta tell yeah and so if you're watching this yes if you see people saying that chime in and just be like hey no that's not how it works um that's today's hot topic let's move on and talk about the tone bender all right so this pedal is crazy controversial it is the tonebender waza edition i'm going to pull up a web browser here and we're going to look at reverb marketplace reverb's not paying me it's just a site that i actually use and buy stuff um now let's see here let me hit that there we go we've seen that on the stream yeah just need a confirmation it's fine yeah so i'm going to scroll through here and is it not popping up live there we go there we go okay so the prices are ridiculous on this this is crazy this is a 330 um 349 dollar release so the reason i'm here is i'm asking the question is this pedal worth it okay so we we have to be like okay it's a 300 release i'm gonna say that is absolutely a very nice price for this pedal the trouble they've gone through the collaborative nature of it the fact that they're giving sola sound color sound a royalty which is do there's this legacy it's amazing it's on par with other things that we see cheaper it is absolutely cheaper especially for what it is so now we have to talk about this this issue of scalping so yeah this is tough this is tough because when we look through here twelve hundred dollars twenty nine hundred dollars so one thing about selling things you can be selling something and it never sell so when you see prices it doesn't mean they're actually selling for this this is important when you get into like looking at pedals and trying to figure that stuff out so let's go to the filters and i'm going to filter in reverb here um where's it at i want to filter sold they move it there it is sold these are the actual sold prices which are a little bit shocking to me um 5.99 is it worth it i think so they made 3 000 of these they're a collector's piece they i've seen some really ignorant comments about i try not to rabbit troll but i need to pull the camera back up here there's like some really ignorant comments about boss really dropped the ball on this release why'd they only do that many et cetera et cetera to do it at the level they did this the quality real germanium japanese engineering carrying on the solar sound name using their mark royalties they were able to make 3 000 due to parts it's a really brilliant design that's what they had to offer we in my opinion we should be happy and that's it we don't get to make the call for boss like i don't get to call yoshi and complain and like whine about my opinions of everything they do i either like boss and their products or i don't and that's enough and i think that speaks across the board like we did a limited release of morning glories and had people upset people scalping them that's all we could do it's all we wanted to do they were limited because of how we built them and the narrative of the movie and like a throwback and that's what we did so there's a lesson here i would encourage you as consumers this is the grandpa i guess welcome back why complain about something you can't change and why not just trust that a manufacturer has best interest in place like boss has been around forever they are the biggest pedal company in the world they know what they're doing yoshi in my opinion is as integral as it gets they made the choice to do three thousand you could have done the pre-order like everyone else i have two right here at a retail price but instead people choose to complain so that's my grandpa rant yep i think you hit a really important important point as well that i remember reading or seeing uh maybe i heard anthony makari talking about it in the video he did with boss but there was a limited parts quantity right that was like a big thing for these these are hard to make that's a that's a thing and so that's like a very real life tangible like they're not going to be able to continue to make these like the metal zones and the ds ones yeah they've only got part yeah and words the story it they're harder to make they're complicated from a production standpoint there's a reason people don't use germanium bosses for boss to go into it the way they did is actually really impressive yeah that they didn't use silk like for me i know enough about germanium i build germanium i have the 66 series i charge 399 for those they sell instantly i do a 1.5 tone bender it's not like this one they're just hard to build there's a demand on that skill i in my legends of fuzz for 179 i took if you look down i took this pedal and replicated using silicon because i didn't want to mess with germanium that's why mine was 179 that's why you can buy them unlimited but boss saying no we're doing the germanium we're going the hard route yeah i just think we need to learn to not complain yeah for those for those out there that difference quick germanium silicon were you like thirty second yeah so you had valve tube amplification early on so tube amps tube radios the first form of stable amplification was the valve or the tube tube amp you know then solid state comes along and solid state devices transistor amplification so instead of a glass tube we are introduced to this three-legged transistor amplifier and it's made with the germanium element and they're called germanium they're really unstable temperature changes the gain meaning if i open up one of these fuzz pedals here with germanium and hold my hand over it or touch it it'll get dirtier it's like a really unstable device and then later silicon version of that is introduced much more stable but looked down upon by a lot of people who don't really know why they looked they've been told to look down on it so yeah there is a difference there germanium's hard to work with there is a reason reason it's obsolete it's really not fun to build with germanium yeah on a scale that's on a scale of building things like we do or like boss is way beyond us i mean it's it's difficult they tend to be a little bit uh not disposable like more disposable but they're just like there's more bad eggs right yeah so if they made 3 000 of these i don't know how they manufactured this i actually want to i never got to open it up but let's say they made their own transistor there's going to be some tolerance i would just say if there's 3 000 good pairs this actually would have three transistors in it i mean they probably have a bucket somewhere with thousands of unusables people don't understand that right the effort they could have been building metal zones right like they're a business boss is a business and they do not owe you this favor of like running their production line in the ground so they can make ten thousand of these so people don't scout they're just they're just doing something for fun for the story and i appreciate that so on that philosophical level these are very much worth it yeah let's go back and look at this these are sold prices this actually shocked me two thousand twenty nine hundred twelve fifty three that is wild i actually like i'm having a hard time grasping like i see a 5.99 i would probably pay 5.99 for this to get it in the room and archive it yep 349 somebody got lucky there dang yeah they did i mean i'm really blown away a bunch of 800s 900s but a lot of post 1000 like i'm thoroughly shocked when we first saw this i my mouth just about hit the floor to see that two thousand dollar price i mean the idea of collecting something i get if this was ten years from now somebody could go man i want that boss pedal for my boss collection and they could spend two grand on on one of these because it's you know been 10 years since they're manufactured whatever but having just been dropped i'm curious to know what it'll look like in the next six months to a year if people kind of cool off a little bit if they'll go you know oh let's uh yeah don't need one of these as much whatever yeah the scalping thing is frustrating i read this morning um you know yoshi and aunt makari they made some comments about the scalping there's an article you can google it they both hate it like i hate it like yoshi made the comment about we don't make stuff for these scalpers and how frustrating it is that people are buying pedals and just flipping them over not wanting them but then there's genuinely there are more than 3 000 people on earth that would just love to have this but yet people buy them and flip them and it's just really kind of lame you know it just feels lame i get it i mean business is business whatever you can you can have a different side on the ethics of it but at the end of the day i don't want to complain about the making 3000 they did what they felt was smart to do it's a really good product and uh you know why do we need it i guess that's my next question before we get into demoing it i think we'd need it because it's awesome yeah the prices are crazy why do this though well boss and solo sound wanted to do it so do it like that's how the world works um it sure is fun when i think about it and see it i'm like man this that's just that gets me excited it's like a cool new piece it's a boss thing that looks like you know tone bender vibes that's fun it's super fun i think there's an uh there's a bit of a lost narrative i'd like to share i don't think bosses or any of the two companies have shared this directly but historically i'm really aware of something cool with this to bring to light is that boss introduces the compact series in 77 they dropped the sp1 the phaser and the uh od1 and they immediately break most of the pedal industry we see mxr go bankrupt by the early 80s we see electro harmonics we can't directly tie that completely to boss but we know it was a massive piece of it and we see color sound basically disappear now one of the things that's interesting is that boss killed color sound like literally put the tone bender out of business music change music industry new wave the whole like tears for fears did not need a tone bender you know prince didn't need a tone bender and it's really cool that yoshi i think there's a recognition here of like of reaching back and extending this collaboration in this interesting circular motion i think there's something to it like i know yoshi well is an amazing guy and i think this is boss extending the gratitude for another company recognizing how important color sound solo sound is to pedals and collaborating with them so in this like strange turn of events the very company that kind of kind of you know stuck their sword through them comes back yeah and collaborates with them that's awesome and another reason this is cool i imagine this was unintentional there was there probably wasn't somebody at boss going we're gonna destroy all the you know boss never was like that but that's how the markets work i mean boss offered a superior product silent switching buffers amazingly clean circuits you didn't have to take the back off to put a battery in this is like simple things we take for granted a power cable 9v like we just think that existed yeah when you look down at the board here this 73 tone vendor doesn't have a status led right wow so in four years boss invents this and kills this and so i think yes the boss isn't nobody they're not trying to take over the world or that's not right the motive but yeah i think that's another reason this is really cool it shows the spirit of the guitar and the pedal community and i think the boss i mean man i i have so many stories of just yoshi's kindness to me to our company the collaboration that we've done um they're amazing people i i am such a fan of this um that i'm so glad to see it come into the story and in the pedal timeline i think it's awesome i think it's cool because it'll also sort of uh well it points back to you know places in history and it's just another like point and marker in history to to like remind people of of where we came from and and you know where like very influential stuff came from so that i i guess i'm saying like that speaks really highly of a huge company like boss to go hey solo sound you know you're you're a household name so to speak but yeah you want to do something with you and you know essentially just like i don't know yeah kind of drive traffic's the right way to say it's super cool it is cool super cool that they did this and um again as a consumer i am a consumer i mean right now i bought these two everything you see on the show i buy it unless somebody sends it and i like it and i'll use it or whatever but yeah i from my point of view like i'm really excited for this i love the narrative i love the story i am amazed that they're selling for over a thousand used give it a few months there's 3 000 on the market fads come and go people's hype levels drop there's something new i think the prices will go down around that 500 mark and you can pick one up and it's worth every dime yeah that's kind of my final statement on that i think we should play him let's go let's go down to the board um so i've got the mig 50 under the table here i'm gonna use this verb i found a we're going to be probably playing sad shoegaze fuzz music that's fine so i've got uh joshua was happy about that yeah i've got a hall setting i like just something simple and then here's this oracle delay [Music] this is so cool he's doing amazing stuff um feedback so this is bucky brigade with tap tempo there's a tap jack so the look of this is so good that's that's strong font game real strong great color choice great color [Music] so we got that um and then here's our suspect what i have here next to it this is a reproduction i don't have a real mk1 they're literally impossible to find it's fine that's fine if anybody ever finds a real mk1 mortgage your house buy it and then i'll mortgage something i have but it's insane um so this is the david main damn pedals guy reproduction that's killer uh these are made for uh color sound soul sound so this is an official reproduction in the same way that they let boss do this he lets david and he sells these in the store at makari's you cannot currently buy one i just looked well they do them yeah yeah they sell out instantly they're really crazy expensive crazy um but this is cool it's a very accurate reproduction and then next to it this is a damn reproduction it's a really famous mark ii clone uh if you go back to there was an episode where i asked jimmy stillman his favorite pedals and he said this was one of his favorite pedals ever um but it's mk2 so this is based on an mk2 so there if you can see the colors there's a reason they look like this this is a mark ii vox original and then this is a real 1.5 that gray theme is part of the legacy of the tonebender the real mark ii is in a box similar to these and it is very much uh you know you think jimmy page it's like it has that feeling to the aesthetic that's what they used this is a mark three mark threes and mark fours are essentially the same thing you'll see park over here that was a rebranded this for jim marshall's park company carlsbro then there's like some other reproductions that are licensed all sold by makari's then you have vox tone benders you have the first ever tome bender collaboration was this ranger effects frankenbender it's really fun um yes it's wild is that the ranger that yeah yeah so there's the episode who is ranger effects he did a collaboration a while back he's a londoner as well down the street and that's cool so yeah we're just going to play through these so first what does the thing sound like that's what everybody's wanting to know i'm just going to go right to it let's keep it on the down cam and i'm going to max out the fuzz and kind of play through the stages for you so that's attack all the way up i'm going to roll it back just play it a chord [Music] then we have a voltage toggle which is super interesting you have 12 volts nine volts and then three i believe seven so i'm going to start at seven put the attack up in the corner now it's also notable that boss got from aunt makari an actual mark ii from the archive the 500th ever made pretty special pedal i've played that pedal at makari's it sounds awesome i think it's on the episode i did with that pedal show where we're in makari's they took that and that is the basis of this sound so they're gonna sound different you could put some mark twos together i have several of these they sound different yada yada so but yeah here's seven volts [Music] here is nine it feels very different i i can hear it translating but it's totally feel [Music] that feels way different i like that a lot the 12 and then max it out the thing that's cool about the mark ii is i've always felt like mark twos in general have more mids and this i think it's a perfect choice for like where we're at in 2021 with fuzz going to stick through more this time bender to me can almost sound like you're stacking it which is what i do with fuzzes i always put a claw in after for the mid-range honk or like a tube screamer the mark ii to me has a type of mini midness to it that i don't much sense in the others i'll play through some of these here and then we're gonna jam on this one but like here's a mark one this is built by david mayne so it has a different top end [Applause] it's gating here is the same person's mark ii but from their own company the professional mark ii [Music] it has a different high mids to it than the one this was a really good sounding pedal [Music] that's pretty different it's got the mark ii's got uh less like low mid action going on yeah this is gating which i really like this is a replica of an actual mark one that ant has and i've played that real mark one and the thing it's on that pedal episode the pedal show episode i'm on that's the thing we talk about is this gate [Music] [Applause] so it's biased different or something going on there i don't know the exact this is just a great fuzz there's a reason this is jamie stillman's favorite then you have the the mark three or four [Music] wildly different as a tone control what i used in the legend of fuzz this is my favorite tome bender variation ever which is the park the car these are all the same they just look different then you have this it's on par with this it's amazing uh so that comparison alone retail is like a joke this is way cheaper right um so let's jam what's the real quick what's the voltage doing in the circuit on the boss um again i have not looked into circuit wizardry i know that boss took time to do their genius stuff to this so there's a buffer switch on the back um which allows this to not care if you have it first which is huge amazing these have to be first or they sound like hot garbage come on that's cool so this is uh that's out of the out of the way i i s i assume because of boss it's incredibly stable i don't know if they did any kind of temperature magic the voltage thing yeah i don't know i have not seen a schematic i just i know it's going to be good or they wouldn't have done it they're very very strict about why they do stuff and how they do it so let's see well jim i'll turn my mic off no rehearsal here you ready to play drums let's go [Music] so [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] it's amazing it's such a great sounding pedal i can throw that anywhere on my board it's in the boss format which is flawless the foot switching knobs are protected smaller enclosure than really any tone bender out anytime soon uh yeah is it worth it it's worth the retail absolutely it's worth even some of the crazy price to me not all of it yeah so i yeah am i gonna pay two grand no i don't think i'm gonna wait right if i'm a consumer i'm like wait you already have two yeah i'm not about paying two no i think it's yeah i know there's a lot of people watching that would love to have this pedal but people are scalping it and that really sucks and boss has been clear they hate that and makari's solo sound has been clear that's dumb so i'm being clear that's dumb very dumb yeah nobody's against you they did they did the 3 000 they could do it's special um yeah let's uh [Music] let's let's jam again let's i was in the 12 volt let's go down to 7 and max out the fuzz [Music] see bridge pickup let's see getting spacey okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's like you've played drums before it's been a long time this is good this is good yeah again it's a tone bender everything's going to sound similar here but these settings feel yeah that's a big thing live you know first of all youtube's hard like that going again sometimes the youtube demo is funny to me there's like you know people sitting here like i swear i hear some low end it's like come on man this is not the environment you don't know the interface the mic the cabinet like don't go there i've got lots of rolling low end rolled off anyway i'm wearing like i'm i'm in in-ears isolation cab across the room i can feel it though there's definitely the voltage thing is fun voltage swing that's cool i guess it's a bias i wouldn't think that's a master voltage i could be wrong i would guess that it's like a bias which is specific to the transistor yeah it would be like okay maybe this is again i do not know the schematic this is if nothing else this is so you can know how my brain thinks when i pick up a new pedal when i think about a tone bender it's germanium there are temperature instabilities so maybe that switch is to counteract some changes tonally in different hot or cold maybe that's cool okay seven nine two and again i could be totally wrong yeah it could be something else yeah that that's like the general feeling let's do ernie ball trivia let's do it let's go and then we'll do a jam at the end and we're going to give away the ernie ball let's do hercules first and then we'll do ernie ball consider it done let's do it let's do it all right so oh there's the camera right there i'm talking to you out there if you want to win one of these uh wall hangers from hercules you got to answer this question right you got to be the first one in the chat to answer it joshua is going to give us our answer uh in a minute i'm eating tootsie rolls after josh eats more tootsie rolls i'm not gonna eat tootsie rolls because i don't want to i'm pretty sure they have milk in them and i can't have milk so here's a question if you're ready here it goes actually it's the first two people so first two people in the comments uh to get this right you get a hercules wallhanger stand so here goes uh what female british pop group was originally considered to play the role of muses in disney's hercules throw it in the comments all right this is a this is a deep one you got to figure it out first comments on that that's it let's wait on those let's just let it simmer and then we're going to go into trivia time this one surprised me i was i was like addison yes talk to me yeah milk right just two things gluten wheat just well gluten air nope i can breathe water thank goodness water is totally fine rice rice is good meat are you subject to jazz yes especially particularly uh fusion yeah or avant-garde question real quick about those can you tell me um i got lost in the comments a while ago which lost in the comments what uh what tone bender is this tv2w so it is a replication of a tone minor i don't actually have it's just really hard i mean it's more findable than the mk1 but it's a the tb2 so it's a mark ii this is a good replica of the two this is a mark ii vox so i kind of have one but it's not the same so yeah it's a mark ii solar sound tone bender evolution it's a recreation collaborative effort to to they took the 500th mark ii ever made a real one from 66 like a 66 and uh they i'm assuming that ended up in japan and a very carefully packaged someone flew that thing it's possible totally yeah and uh yeah they took it and examined it and all that stuff am i on yeah we have two tone benders we have the oh the jhs line yes yeah we we have we had the firefly which is a was far discontinued it was a pro guitar exclusive blaster in the past but it was a replica of this and then legends of fuzz um i took this circuit and we got rid of germanium and did a silicon version that sounds identical to the germanium i'm not just saying that we worked really hard on it it's great and we had a pedal called the bun runner which had the firefly in it so kind of three am i i'm not missing anything well 66 series fourth 66 series i make a mark 1.5 replica this is a real [Music] 1.5 a really this is more rare than the mark ii i found this one got lucky so i replicate this in the 66 series and there's a joke here this is a cool shirt from why the long fuzz why the long fuzz it's a long fuzz face amazing because the 1.5 is a fuzz face type of typology okay i think that's the joke here i'm reading into it honestly not if it's that deep that's pretty good i made it deep maybe i think it is that deep so yeah the fuzz face if you watch petals the musical you're a better person and you learned that the fuzz face came from ivor arbiter some engineer for mr iver arbiter used the same topology of the 1.5 which comes out in 66 some people say late 65 i don't know i wasn't there when time travel exists i'll figure it out uh and dick denney probably was the first to use that in the vox 816 distortion booster so the tone bender has this connection to being it's the first british fuzz kind of it is the tone mender is but he did the 816 and 65 at least there's advertisements and then you have all these connected stories vox the reason you see you know how can this exist a vox tone bender when it was solo sound color sound well they were next door to each other and they knew each other and vox wanted to use the name and there's some evidence that the name was just a common generality used for distortion tone bending that's cool there is a little hint of that i don't know that that's fact it sounds we can only assume sometimes when things sound cool they're correct right and you just you put it out the internet and then it'll continue on in history forever josh scott said factually that's the horrifying thing about this is we try really hard to state fact um we even had to make a little edit type in the descriptor of the lucy rush video because we found an error there's an amazing uh british fuzz historian his name is nick big shout out to him and yeah i'm always trying to learn i know enough to get in trouble sometimes because these stories are really hard i've set with people interviewed them but it's hard it's really hard to get all the pieces right and all you did was ask how many we have and now we're here so see this is not good this is great people love this we have answers oh yeah yeah oh yeah we were doing giveaways it went from giveaways to pedal history high school that's all for today's petal history high school over to the giveaways okay so the answer for the question which female brit which female british pop group was originally considered to play a role okay i'm done i'm so sorry to play the role of muses in disney's hercules the answer is the spice girls um who won that t l and matt uh lower case m a t t one word matt you guys win only yep go ahead sorry no you please i was gonna say it only at me only one of you has the right uh youtube screen name matt not not a million of you that have the name matt just the screen name matt yeah just screen name map um anyways i also want to say i know addison well and he feels real bad about hitting i really do oh i know he does too i'm so good you hold that over here the thing is yeah i'm going to i'm going to use this i'm going to use this um yep yeah vlog vlog at give us your shipping address if you're not matt or tl matt lowercasem don't email us don't do it [Music] because you started ernie vulture of your time now it's it's two it's double the stakes here yeah this actually worked out nicely we're also going to ship you a whole this is a 10 pack of the flat ribbon cables amazing so you didn't know that you were getting two things today but just one winner is going to get a whole pack of strings is this a paid promotion is it technical i mean they're sponsored and we already use this stuff it's so funny i just like picking how people think sometimes yep i literally have shown an episode let me say this just say it man who is ernie ball go back it's like a two-year episode yeah it's forever i have a senior picture wearing an ernie ball shirt stop it get over it i like ernie ball this strap this is my original strap from abandoned high school ernie ball just need to sometimes the comments are so ridiculous yep okay also these are really great i want to say they are we've been using them they're like crazy and today pedal board mono pedal board cam real quick yeah you see that guy on the oh wait you're covering it you didn't see it the bolt the new vault is amazing it's super cool go buy one of those two okay ernie ball trivia time enough enough tangents and rants and throwing tootsie rolls in people's noses sorry joshua here goes ready what famous english rock guitarist came to america in the 1960s and brought back new unknown slinky's strings to other famous uk guitarists upon his return home throw the answer in the comments whoever gets it first is going to get a whole pack of strings and a pack of 10 flat ribbon cables from ernie ball [Music] today's record time is brought to you by a band that i've historically had a hard time loving as much as i love oasis it just needs to be said i think there's a rivalry here i have a really good friend jason wilding uh he worked for wampler for a while he is over at uh what's her name uh the ant box what's the name of the company uh ah a torpedo two notes yeah two notes he's over there now but i'm a huge oasis fanboy and he'd always be like blair's better you know i think that's a common argument this is today's record time um it was recorded in london and iceland which i think is fun it is a really classic record you've heard song 2 um the famous riff of song two it's a classic song uh beetle bomb i think there's a humor here he jason helped me see that blur are kind of trolls whereas oasis was more like where rock gods bow down and worship us which i just for some reason was always entertained by that i don't i was like a kid in alabama on a horse farm watching these like completely arrogant british dudes play this amazing music and it's just like i just i like this are those the words that came to your head when you were thinking you're like man these guys are american oasis was just an attitude explosion blur i feel like they're a little they're not as commercially they're not as commercially polished in the same ways that oasis had these big radio hits but blur is really clever i've really grown to love this record so check it out literally blur blur i yeah it's grown on me it's a good one we haven't done record time a lot we're just gonna start doing them on the live i love it yeah let's do the winner go for it go okay the winner of the question what famous english rock guitarist came to america in the 1960s and brought back new unknown slinky strings two other famous uk guitars upon his return home the answer is jimmy page and uh the winner i feel like i have to say it like this rough gentlemen so rough gentlemen if you yeah plural plural okay uh so if you're rough gentlemen please email us at vlog at give us your shipping address if you're not rough gentlemen you know all right we're gonna do one more kind of wrap here um i think we i intended on kind of closing with a lot of the rants i made earlier but i've made the points i think that we need to stop the complaining um hey you had a moment and that's okay yeah we can have we can all have and i can hear you oh you're privileged boss gave you these because you no i bought them from sweetwater i saw it was a product i picked up an actual this phone hey put me on that list immediately and i paid money from my wallet yeah and they're here well is your credit card probably or your debit card whatever totally i got points right exactly if you get points on a credit card the things you buy are free i walked into the room today and josh started screaming at me about how he bought these pedals with his own money you didn't know what you're doing i had no idea what was going on you know i have moments of weakness where i see comments i'm like just what is wrong with the world well that's a big question pick up just get in on something yup and don't complain i don't know i know there's five sides to every story but yeah i'm excited for this i'm gonna stay excited for this tb2w forever i you'll never steal my joy here i'm not gonna let you especially with a boss product i'm just gonna be real if i didn't have these two i was concerned they wouldn't ship them because hey i might have been too late i was gonna keep smiling i was going to wait it out and find one later and i would be really happy for the people that got him yep i don't know i'm just trying to set an example and sometimes you just get you just get shot to pieces maybe maybe we can end on this because today's just a celebration that's what we're doing we're just celebrating our new box let's go good job let's celebrate with playing a really sad shoe gazing song that sounds good yes let's do it that's not enough verb let me really go to town here oh it's pretty good let's see joshua i'm going to throw another one of these at your face i can't stop all right all right here we go children [Music] children [Music] this is how i feel when i'm ranting inside of me [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah is that good are we done are we done we're done we're done you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 93,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: PVCddgpBazM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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