Five Amazing Reverb Pedals

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today's episode i'm gonna show you my five favorite reverb petals slash my five favorite reverb sounds it's gonna be really good it's the best thing you've seen all year today is all about my five favorite reverbs but to be honest i'm gonna end up showing you a lot more reverbs we're gonna play five because i can't help but talk about stuff and that's okay you understand me by now so to lay some ground rules they have to be pedals that's the rule for today i do love a lot of things that aren't pedals but only reverb pedals and they can't be reverb slash delay that's important for this episode so i do have favorites like the dispatch master i love nick loves this as well the keeley caverns but they have the delay setting so it's not fair and i'm a huge rv3 fan i've had this on boards for years but i love the delay reverb setting so none of that foolishness just straight reverb pedals and i'm going to use the morning glory up on the amp for some overdrive with that said let's get right into this my favorite reverb type ever is definitely spring reverb because i typically just leave it on all the time i love how subtle it is i love how it's not noticeable it's more of a feeling than an effect in most cases so you know i would go for one of these classic reverb tanks which i do as a matter of fact when you're watching the show and if you hear a reverb and don't see a pedal we have completely rigged a benson tallbird reverb head which is absolutely amazing a beautiful reverb unit it's strapped to the side of the flight case uh it's embarrassing but yeah can't do that so i'd normally go with the true spring by source audio this is the best dsp spring reverb pedal ever made that's my opinion and a very strong opinion i played them all i love it but but we have this thing here which is amazing it's the anna sounds element and it's not easy to deal with and it is fully analog because i'm about to show you how it works i'm going to demo this because it's more fun it actually hooks into real tanks so you take a cable you plug in one piece here into this and then you have the phono jacks here so this pedal has three different tanks you can buy i'm gonna go with the big boy you know it's this isn't the most convenient setup for most people but it sounds incredible and this switch is cool it ends up over driving the reverb signal in a really nice natural way so yeah this is my spring reverb choice it's absolutely killer [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up is i love a good haul sound and i love this pedal the holy grail there's the big box in the nano this is what's currently available this is a reverb that gets frowned upon people think it's not cool but you know what i don't care cool's not cool good is cool and this pedal is really good i've used this on boards for years i've hidden it underneath boards left it on all the time i've thrown it in the back of amps always on and i love the haul setting because it's dark gloomy it sits in a mix really well it doesn't overwhelm the guitar so the holy grail it's one of my favorites let's demo it what about the flurb setting the flurb uh it's the worst setting i've ever heard if we did five worst reverb sounds it would be the flurb but we're not going to demo that we we speak not of flurb [Music] number three on my favorite verbs uh this has been a pedal that i use as a catch-all at the end of my board now for five years maybe longer it is the evantide h9 uh i have the barn footswitch thing here which basically plugs in it's a really cool backplate it lets you go through your presets um yeah check that out but the pedal i have a program setting so use your phone and you bluetooth into it and you create presets i have a preset called black hole i have it backed up i'm scared i'll lose it i love it i made it yeah four to five years ago and it is a massive never-ending perfectly mixed crazy ambient reverb and i love it i don't like to brag but i have a few h9s i have three in the room this one's special i'm gonna show you i have the box it comes with a napkin inside and here's why it comes with a napkin it's in a velvet pouch also it's gold plated this is real gold i have a gold plated h9 sometimes i open it up wipe it down i look at it it's got a few fingerprints on it that's not good you got to be gentle with these things you know they don't come around once in a lifetime maybe twice in a lifetime never i wanted to play this my presets aren't in it because i've never turned it on i don't want to turn it on there's going to be a moment in my life where i say it's time to turn that one on but i'm not there yet i just want to look at it you should probably look at it we're going to use this one because it's beaten up and it's been abused and used but uh let me put it back got to be careful with this stuff gotta be real careful ah i got a fingerprint on it it's gonna haunt me put it back in here tuck it away night night little buddy i'll see you later let's shut up nick night night i feel uncomfortable it's okay i'll always love you i'll never let it all right let's go to the [Music] jams [Music] [Music] number four is a strymon pedal it's a really good one it's not the big sky um the big sky is big and i know i just showed an evantite h9 which requires your phone to set presets and that's utterly complicated but somehow i was okay with that but petals like this still freaked me out i don't know it's not a big deal my favorite strymon reverb which is one of my five favorite reverbs ever is the blue sky and here's why i like this it's really simple it has three types and then you can put three modes so plate room or spring and then you could add modulation shimmer or keep it normal to either one the sound that i love is putting it on plate and then adding modulation and then setting the controls where it's almost infinite so i call it in my head infinite plate it's kind of like when you go to golden corral to the buffet they're like hey get as many plates as you want it's infinite it's an infinite plate that's a horrible joke [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my last of these five favorite reverbs is from the brain of maris but it's primaris i love the mercury seven it's awesome check it out but back before maris was even a twinkle in an eye angela worked for line six and the verb zilla's early 2000's these petals are totally underrated i'm going to do an entire biography on them they deserve it but for now i'm going to tell you about the sound if you go to the ducking setting so ducking means that when i play the reverb will mix itself down and not be as heard so my notes everything's articulate and clear when i stop picking when the guitar stops sending input into the pedal the reverb starts swelling and the mix gets bigger and the decays get bigger so you can do some really cool stuff so yeah the ducking setting on the verbzilla it's awesome it's fantastic you need to hear it [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right now that you've heard these five i can't sleep unless i tell you about a few more just honorable mentions i love the pedals i just showed you they're amazing and i've used them they're incredible but these honorable mentions they deserve an honorable mention first up is the meteor is it meteor or meteor i always call it meteor but that's like totally not right i don't know it's i think it's meteor met anybody is it is this meteor oh no idea meteor meteor the mystery of the name doesn't matter it's really cool it is caroline's lo-fi reverb and you can hold down a foot switch and it kind of runs away really really cool i want to mention this cooper effects arcades it has these cards that you put in there's some killer reverb sounds go check out demos of this and last on the honorable mentions is i really love the rv5000 boss is a reverb champion of sorts i mean they did stuff before anyone and i absolutely love the fast decay setting the early reflection and the non-linear they're just kind of strange reverbs that are in these this is really powerful i would put it up there with this pedal any day a lot of these sounds i like more than this um i hope that in the 200 series we see an rv 200 because that would probably end up on a board of mine yeah that's it honorable mentions that's the pedals let's go to record time today's record time is brought to you by 2004's mono walking cloud and deep red sky flag fluttered and the sun shined this is a really great thinking record uh it's instrumental spacey dreamy contemplative it's a word we like around here recently we just learned that word as a group anyway this record fits that check it out if you don't know about mono they have a lot of work um so go check out a bunch of the records in the comments below let me know what you think about this if you're a fan of mono let me know what your favorite record is and how you first heard them that would be fun but yeah i like every song on here i'm not gonna pick and choose so check this out and uh yeah let's move on thanks so much for watching this episode in the comments below let me know your favorite reverb pedal slash reverb sound tell me all about it how you first met it what it was like when you hung out for the first time how the relationship's grown where are you at now you know how have you kept the flame alive i want to know all of that also hit like if you liked this episode subscribe to the channel click the bell icon to get notifications of every single future episode ever until the world ends or we're no longer here i don't know what'll come first uh there's a patreon in the link below if you want to support the channel and all the work we do archiving history and some of that stuff just click that link and then can buy shirts and things like this just try stuff shirt because as a guitar player you just need to try stuff i'm just trying to encourage you you don't need shirts but you might want it go check it out that's it bye have a good day
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 238,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer, strymon, Line 6, Maris, Electro-Harmonnix, Caroline Guitar Company, Source Audio, Anasounds, Eventide
Id: KdgvfGQL-Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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