Every single AZOR pedal - FIFTEEN $20 PEDALS in one video - is this a world record? #AFFORDABOARD

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everyone I'm Ryan you're watching 60 cycle hum and in this video I'm gonna get to know 16 oz or pedals all in the same video I swear we're gonna make it through it I just know I can do it this is gonna be a record for me so anyways I've been doing this afford aboard series here is the afford aboard where I'm finding all my favorites the best cheep-cheep-cheep pedals that money can buy and as I find a new ones that I prefer over old ones I boot stuff off of this board and put them on here and eventually I'll have a board full of super cheap pedals that I think are really great so I was able to get connected with Azure and I asked them to send me everything that's basically what they did I've already covered their little yellow mini fuzz here and their little brown reverb and even this rebranded mimi's delay so I'm assuming there's a version of this and probably this near I think they sent me the muff style fuzz in this pile not the yellow fuzz so that'll be a new thing to mess around with so anyways let's start unboxing they sent me a power supply I'm not gonna use that for this because I'm gonna need a lot of power let's start with the compressor it's orange I've been saving all these little rubber and velcro pads just because you never know right I used velcro all the time and who knows about the rubber maybe a Lisa rubber but I have been completely trashing the boxes I can't keep all the boxes for all these cheap pedals it's just not possible it's not worth it if I ever resell these things are giving away they're just going straight in the mailer pure boost a lot of controls on this here we go overdrive I haven't gotten into OverDrive's yet obviously it's important I want to do some shootout videos against different brands of affordable OverDrive's seems to be the same blue as this mean these delay another drive the Lian Drive this one's white I think this might be an OCD clone that's interesting yep it's got the HP low P switch on there the noise a noise gate I'm assuming here we go a delay reverb is this gonna be the same reverb it is the same Brown reverb yeah I'll keep this one boxed and maybe we do a giveaway with that paper play digital reverb this is a new one it's black am I trying to hit the camera I'm not not trying to hit the camera Distortion I got it I got the lens and everything phase people have been really asking me about phasers I've only done one phase mini pedal so far and people were start on it became eyes so it'll be interesting to see how this compares in future videos to other phasers I'm gonna have to do like two more phasers to compare to you Sarla fuzz yes it's the other fuzz overdrive another overdrive tremolo Oh purple last one chorus so how am I gonna do this so let's do three at a time it works out perfectly let's start with the OverDrive's three at a time and then I'll pick my favorite and then we'll move on to the fuzz's and distortions I'll pick my favor to that then we'll do the modulations phase tremolo chorus pick my favorite of that then time-based stuff reverbs and delays so on and so on and then finally these utility pedals compressor noise gate and pure boost I don't know if I need to pick favors to that but I don't know maybe I will I don't think Azure believed in the emails that I actually would do all the pedals in one video they don't know me like to live in alright all set dry signal me in a ford award tradition I'm gonna be using my Squire Bullitt Mustang these things are I think 1/16 oom right now they were 145 150 new when I got mine obviously I've done all kinds of modifications to it there's a kill switch here I've swapped out the tone pot for an electronic like MIDI expression control system so be using the tone pot but anyways let's get started Leon Drive first it's on the LP setting I'm assuming this is an OCD clone I haven't played this guitar in a while yes very dark [Music] not a ton of workable range on that tone control let's try diming the drive [Music] the HP switch there we go there's some high-end you [Music] you I mean it sounds away I remember an OCD sounding I haven't owned one for a few years OCD czar interesting like I've heard so many things over the years like oh the originally started as a DoD 250 circuit or they started out as a rat circuit and blah blah blah is just modified until it became something else I don't know I don't know what they are but I know that they're kind of fizzy but also kind of you know big and like Whoopie in a way there's a fizziness underneath it all they have this kind of nice warm low mid hum - nice like kind of loose grit on top of the fizziness [Music] there's that wolf enos on a LP setting you [Music] alright let's try the blue overdrive pedal here it's got four controls drive is up there let's set the EQ to flat with each other not in the middle but [Music] [Applause] wonder what this one is based on let me know your theories down below [Music] I mean the EQ control I think I much prefer this drive to the Leon Drive [Music] way more my style let's go all the way light yeah it cleans up real nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I like that one unless this green one which is probably a tubescreamer outshines it I think this is gonna be my drive it's got two different settings on the switch hot and warm we are on the warm setting is that a two scrubber I'm not sure it is [Applause] [Music] you yeah I don't think that's a tube screamer guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is to trigger based they've modified it to the point where it doesn't have that fizzy clean blends or to sound I [Music] don't know I might like this one better than the other one let's turn it up man that's crushing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude I was expecting a tubescreamer not this [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright let's try the hot setting it's got a big like bright boost - that's for sure [Music] are we sure this is an overdrive it sounds more like a distortion [Music] [Applause] you turn the level down flipping the recorder I mean it is overdrive II but I think it lives more distortion territory it cleans up a bit like an overdrive on that warm setting it's more like an overdrive you can't deny that that pushes into Distortion territory let me try this again real [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna pick this green overdrive as my winner from this even though it's kind of distortion II I have a feeling I would use this a lot more than the other two I'm just not a huge OCD fan really all right here's the distortion on the tight setting we'll bring the level down a gain app but on the middle there is a metal distortion [Music] and these things sounded so freakin huge [Music] let's try the different settings here's clay [Music] not a ton of noise [Music] really nice balance EQI [Music] it cleans up all right kind of muddy on the Loghain setting let's turn the game back up and check out the natural side of that three-way switch [Music] is this a rat here is the tight setting again [Music] and classic and I think this is some sort of rat variant I've got the tone pretty much all the way up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not a rat tone stack fester assure but it's living in that kind of thick heavy distortion sort of sound the way cleans up light makes me think it might be a rat circuit though let's check out this gray fuzz now the one that I'm assuming is a muff put everything to noon yeah that sounds like a mom [Music] they've mislabeled it this is the fuzz that is the tone control they didn't label the tone control at all so you can see where the confusion is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it that's a that's enough right there it sounds cute for 22 bucks or whatever this thing is damn that is I mean it's enough and it sounds great I mean there's a noise floor on it but that's the fuzz for you this thing I've already messed around with before you've heard me play with it it is kind of like a like a fuzz bright super velcro tree sort of 60s fuzz you [Music] the only issue I have with this is that there's not a lot of output on tap you've got a dime the level and it's still not at unity but I love that velcro rips [Applause] I love that certifies all right on to the modulations I think I'll put Oh which one is the winner I think I'm gonna go with that muff it's just a classic instantly identifiable sound I'm wondering which must circa is based on like is this a civil war muff is this a tall Russian font muff I don't know put that with that overdrive I really like the distortion by a lot I'll keep that in mind I'll add it to the pile over here though all these have been great so far I think Azure might be one of my favorites in these cheap pedals they sound great the price is like what the affordable is meant for like this twenty to thirty dollar range and most of them are low on that most of them are like twenty-two to twenty-seven bucks you got beefy construction they seem to always be available on Amazon the ones I've covered so far aren't suddenly $40 versus what I thought they were gonna be when I first covered him oh I wanted to put an overdrive before these to give it a little bit of texture to play with all right the phaser [Music] it kind of just a hard shelf kind of phaser where you can hear go like root go ahead and sample that any gift or something like a hard triangle or square wave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for my personal preference I think I preferred the K mines over this but you might be listening to it and you like that harder hump style phaser and this definitely has more controls with three knobs versus one I can't say it's bad I can't say I it's not good it's just not my style of phaser alright Azure tremolo now I'm a bit of a stickler for tremolo so we'll see how I feel about this [Music] till some volume a little bit I wonder if it's based on the boss what is it the TR to which is famous for cutting your volume [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] super super fast an affordable hard chop square wave I mean it does it if you're looking at a boss TR - I think they'll this will get you there just fine [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's fine it's not my favorite kind of tremolo I think I'm still on the search for a tremolo that I really like in the budget range right now the chorus [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean it's a chorus it sounds good [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I think the course wins this grouping the level love is a blend control means you can get this nice and subtle if you want [Music] I think that sounds very nice yeah the course is a winner surprised I didn't go for the tremolo that's more my bread and butter that's more where I live totally alright let's try out this digital reverb this was the most expensive one that I think 33 bucks something like that it's got a pre delay on it yeah there we go [Music] [Music] it's an interesting sound let's turn the decay all the way up [Music] you [Music] [Music] a little bit of a sour note there might need it soon [Music] that's interesting I mean if you're looking for a big spacious like ambient reverb solution in a little box that might be the one for you let's go on to the dual pair clearly an analogue style like I want to say it like 500 millisecond satellite [Music] [Laughter] we have liftoff [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] other that's flying for you know 20-something bucks or whatever it is it's a completely serviceable delay no shoes without here's the reverb we all know and love this one already kind of your classic built in brick style slap back clicky sort of approximation of a spring reverb [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] let's turn them all on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for all-around usability I'm gonna go with the delay I really like this reverb I just think the delay is gonna be better for the most amount of people right we're on to the last three all right compressor first [Music] nice poppy compression there I mean it's just squashing it [Music] I'm not a huge compression fan when I use compression I typically use a Kili comp Plus which is already a really affordable compressor and I feel like is a compressor for people who don't like compressor but need compress every now and then this is squarely like a full-on squishy squashed compressor for compressor lovers [Music] if you're using compression as a sound effect I think this is just fine check out the range of the EQ [Music] ah slow in there you could potentially use this as a base compressor [Music] [Applause] [Music] it does it compresses guys let's see how it hits the drive here I've been on the neck pickup here's the bridge big [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I mean clearly is juicing it all right on to the pure boost ooh all the knobs are up let's turn this day Alan this could potentially just be an EQ for people who just need a simple EQ [Music] it actually has quite a bit of gain going on there let's pull the game back a little bit crispy [Music] [Music] what is this is clearly not a straight boost pedal this is a drive pedal [Music] this might kick the green overdrive out as the overdrive [Music] it's got that loose grit that I like and kind of transparent lots of EQ control here [Music] [Music] [Music] I might have to have both of these be in a favorite dirt for me out of this collection yeah that's not a boost boost that's a drive all right now the noise gate let's turn on some noise but turn the guitar off just let the static sit there oh there it is [Music] [Music] well it's doing it I'm throwing a lot at it right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] handling just the muff it has a decent amount of static to it plus the overdrive it will throw the same [Music] I mean that's enough noise and Static that is pushing the guitar into feedback this thing is clamping down on it or maybe you're super picky about noise gates but to me this is the only noise gate right now I think it's just fine if I was gonna do like a super high gain signal and I needed to have noise just cancelled out this seems to be doing it just fine I think I mean we narrowed down the utility pedals suggest these two because this is a drive I think the noise is gonna do it for me I think that'll be in my favorite of that collection smells judge let's do the final lineup let me put it mall together so the compressors out the / the pure boost is in have a surprise upset the purge boost has become a feature of this board alright we're gonna do noise gate last actually delay after noise gate their course and delay noise gates let's try the pure boost after the fuzz or drive before the fuzz climbing color combo going here considering all the other colors that are involved with this line it's interesting that I got this kind of green blue and gray thing going on I [Applause] mean I think all these were just fine taste comes into play a lot you could certainly fall in love with you know this more metal centric distortion this ratty Distortion the Lian Drive if you like an OCD the compressors just fine this overdrive is just fine this reverb is great if you want like an ambience ort of thing that's which seems to be dying on it I mean Amazon Prime that's what Amazon Prime is for guys we turn it if it shows up broken tremolo if you want a boss TR to sort of sound for 20 bucks you can get one phaser kind of like a hard step on it but if you like that I mean why not there's a lot to like here there really is but I think these are my favorites all right everyone this has been long enough thanks for watching please like subscribe just like lead me rune and helmet support on patreon use the Amazon affiliate links down below that makes it all worthwhile for me I was able to get the brand to provide the pebbles this time but for most of these videos it's going to be coming out of the patreon fund so if you want to support these efforts as far as finding the best of the cheapest for the afford aboard patreon is a good way to do it it's just saying guys or a Mazon affiliate links if you're gonna buy some these alright thanks for watching bye everyone stick around it you
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 65,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azor, azor delay pedal, azor pedals, azor pedal review, reverb, delay, distortion, overdrive, fuzz, spring reverb, chorus, tremolo, boost, noise gate, compressor, eq, phaser, phaser pedal, cheap pedals, cheapest pedals, affordaboard, afford a board, affordable pedals, affordable pedalboard, ryan burke, ryan, 60 cycle hum, podcast, demo, review, shootout, pedal shootout, unboxing, mimi pedals, joyo, donner pedals, ronin pedal, mooer pedal, mini pedals, mini pedalboard
Id: sFVsQ6Dss3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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