Josh's Pedal Board (with Paul Gilbert)

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hello everyone on today's JH s show I'm filming it remotely at Sweetwater in Fort Wayne Indiana with my good friend and amazing guitarist Paul Gilbert he is going to interview me about my pedalboard I get asked all the time I'm thinking this is a great opportunity let's do it [Music] I'm be excited to find out what's going on on your pedalboard all right you've got a you've got a guitar as a nice guitar mm-hmm and you get a cable and then what's the what's the first thing on there so the first thing to me on my board is my guitar right i play primarily jazz masters are you a master of jazz no I know I know some Jes like I [Music] don't know what I'm doing yeah I can smooth through it I got into them because of like hue gays bands and alternative rock bands I play one mainly this is could be considered a strange reason but I'm a big guy have you seen me hold a Telecaster it looks like a mandolin yeah so the offset body it feels good it feels yeah it feels like in real estate and then what I love switches for it's the smooth section so I go they don't a gaff tape over it darkly smooth yeah whatever either way it's taped over and if I don't I'll use it for an effect so I would kind of effect I will turn the volumes off we'll get to this later but I'll kind of set it you know with the distortion sound or whatever yeah go really family yeah so the first time how slow can you do that I like that so yeah this that's important to me so you know I have the guitar that effect and then the arm is a big deal but I never dive-bomb like I will do some things like let's just say we've got some effect that's about as much as I'll go so yeah the guitars a big piece so the first you ask the first piece I go into a boss volume pedal mm-hmm I like this what's the use of the volume pedal III will swell in with it I don't use it a lot sometimes all fake pedal steel stuff come or hear something yeah it'll be pretty bad but yeah let's see let's just put some hall reverb that's what was falling by itself it's falling with something yes so like in that way or or what's the meaning of that one mood mood what is them you know it's like it's broody brooded Rudi you know [Music] yeah that's right lonely to me blowing a well like a like a mammal oh yeah yeah when we mammal the lonely mammal that was my first band name the lonely mammals we had no gigs this also is pre dirt pedals so I use it to clean up dirt pedal oh okay I used to play strats a little yeah they were too small and I would do the pinkie thing yeah I'm from Muscle Shoals Alabama and one of the old school guys played a Fame he was one of the swampers yeah he kind of showed me that those tricks Oh slide and he'd swell in and so I'll do you know what you just saw but I'll also use the volume to clean up the drive so I'll leave this together [Music] it's the same thing as doing this it's just I've gotten so used to the muscle memory of my foot yeah I used my foot instead I'm impressed by that I've got a very clumsy foot I would disaster would strike if I mean look at this I I wear a 14 like you and it's twice the size of this pedal that I've used mini waz and I like them yeah I like it too yeah the tuner so i modded the volume pedal it's an active I put a buffer and I've made it active and then I have this boss t3s this it's part of it missing uh yeah it's missing the foot switch it's always on it so what kind of did use a power tool did you know they made they made them like they made them well yeah I don't know if they still make them but they made them I'm I'm having it's gonna take me a little while to adjust it that it's in that if it fits perfect in the little spot yeah and see what's nice if you fits in more more real estate the other use of the volume is not just really without the foot switch how do you turn it on/off it's in the volume pedal loop Oh always it's always when you're going pedal down all the way yeah like that yeah yeah and then I go a clever clever alright then I go into the unicorn which is my univibe I'm all driven unified now the unified but every once in a while like there's a guy he invites me to blues jams okay I like blues down I'm not a great blues player but I can it's a good hard I know what not to play yeah and I know some you know some good like so I'll do some Hendrix II stuff [Music] so nice let's divide but I don't I'm the Prez that's the chorus sound I like that kind of stuff so that yes but I use it in the vibrato mode I remove the clean son tried to my brother but I want to curious how you so the universe whirl has dry signal mixed with the vibrato that's what that is and then vibrato removes all clean signal and that's why it's a hard vibrato so I use that subtle but I you know like [Music] that's a little you know something really subtle oh I'll leave it off it's just a little 3d layer so what is the meaning of that what kind of emotion or events is going on when when that sound happens questions yeah I have curiosities and that killed the cat yeah which is why do a unicorn yes Thep in exactly then I go to my first stage overdrive I do two stages I used the Morning Glory I mean that's my signature pedal woohoo that was kind of how the kind of some of the origin of the companies I I used to use the black box Marshall Blues breaker pedal mm-hmm you remember that pedal there's a little black yes a blues breaker I use that brand but yeah yeah it uh you have to turn it all the way up it breaks and I found this schematic this is early on yeah and I just made me one and then I put a booster at the end and messed with it and I made my own signature pedal I like I like the color to us cuz legs yeah subtle gold Sparkle yeah and the little icon people get confused it's a when I was a kid we played with roman candles but they said morning glories okay and they'd shoot and that's what the icon is yeah it's utter confusion when I read on the internet what the icon is it's a roman candle and I did that because it adds a little sparkle you know I had this thought mad but it's always on yeah I'll turn it off so I consider my clean tone that on if that makes sense with it on it's a saw his own like I will set an amp and go you know a good clean and 50 watt amp like this you know yeah if you pick lightly it's clean yes so it doesn't cloud the midrange tubescreamer has that peak it's kind of flat whatever guitar I'm playing whatever amp it's still there it just feels better and it has some edge I leave it on all the time then so good then I stack those so when I hit a second overdrive mic lon the Kalon centaur it's always that's a good name Kalon centaur Kalon Siberia since our professional overdrive Wow not for the amateur so you can't take that to it again like a blue jam because they're not Daniel you know only the gigs where you're getting a cut yep you have to be a word Smith to even know how to say it yeah yeah so I'll stack it on everybody uses a con for a clean boost oh I hate it for that and I use it as here it is by itself which I don't do I use it as like a distortion yeah [Music] here those here that all started the first two chords of 2112 bowed out oh yeah yeah so do certain JHS pedals sound better when they're upside down all of them oh well don't tell anybody though okay except yours is fine yours the only pillow I've ever made to be right side up is the best sound yeah well how come you don't flip over the Morning Glory then I want it to sound a little worse it's too good okay the lo-fi yeah I need a more low five sound it's too it's too good of an overdrive so I don't want people to feel intimidated leave some some room for the little ones right right I need people that are you know the tones not good to hear me playing go that's achievable yeah if I flip that peddler and it's over they don't play guitar yeah I don't want to have blood on my hands then a panther cub delay so the Panther cub is an analog delay right I built it around like a boss dm2 the old memory man kind of thing I almost always leave it on all the time with a faint quarter note I didn't yeah there's no cable a little yeah because I I tend to play a lot with just a drummer and a bass player yeah so filled up [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you got a nice and slow yeah it's I set it pretty slow Canyon in the canyon and that's essentially I could use just that but I have this he's got more room on the pill board you got to put something in there you have to yeah so I use because I don't change my board up like I've used this board for like three years Wow and I just I just it's like if I can't go play the blues gig with my friend or go play on this friend's album I can't do it this I don't need to do it yes pretty simple so this Eventide h9 is what I consider like my catch-all because it's a computer whai and it hasn't I noticed it like there's not the one with like a streaming text yeah it looks like the news so I have this app oh my goodness I have some presets so in other words if I'm tracking and they're like do a trim part I can just pull up a trim I don't have to commit I don't have to pull pedals off so like here's a dotted eighth reverb delay [Music] so that's like their that almost sounds like it's like an ad like you need to call home and talk to your grandparents do this yet so forget the ones who love you meaning on that one yeah the cub is a quarter note and that's a dotted eighth then they trigger like the edge yeah that would be me growing up with my brother playing The Unforgettable fire constantly Joshua Tree so nice and then so here's just a cleaned out a date and then I always have the quarter on so [Music] that kind of thing but you have to be careful with because I hate that effect when it's too over-the-top but in a mix you know it depends and it was it was good yeah and then here's an extreme reverb now where does that go on the set a big ambient stuff like I'm a big fan of you ever heard of slow dive I don't think so no yeah like she like she gates it doesn't matter if I've heard of them that's not there yeah yeah [Music] I'm basically the keyboard player yeah yeah as cool hall just a good old you know all Riva [Music] a reverb with the Brian Eno octave mixed into the tails I don't know the branding of autism it's like it's a really high-pitched layer so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] again you know trying to fill in space but if I want to go into my app they just switch the effect I would never use that that was do this there you just write that yeah I wrote it yeah that was really cool but like a real effect so 70s guitar chorus okay see that's my era I'm excited about this yeah let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get the point I can go through here there's hundreds of effects and let's do one more one more name an effect name in effect you're the producer okay and I want to hear well your trouble oh okay yeah I'm thinking of the Zeppelin song down by the seaside that's almost like what you're doing the toggle switch yeah and there's you know all kinds of all kinds of versions here let's do like a uh normal [Music] yeah yeah catch-all and the only other piece is this disaster area Thibault controller another great name so I can reach down and I can dial in a tempo because I've played with drummers would click tracks okay Tim's right and I can kind of reach down and do that or when I tap it in it sets this and this but how long did that take you to get comfortable with like that were there any disasters along the way like you didn't quite get the tap right and everything's out of sync for three minutes so I I have I think it's just very natural I've never had a problem with tap that's fine I ask I mean the drummer has to if you're playing music yeah where this rhythmic delays like u2 is a great example Pink Floyd you know the drummer has to be self-aware and you got a you know it amazes me that like when I hear some of the old you two records or Pink Floyd yeah there's no taps input there you know there's pictures of like two Vox amps and two memory man and they're like someone's sitting there like yes and it and the it's crazy so it's pretty easy you can send a signal from a laptop or another click track and it'll set itself would you ever do that no why not I don't know I like I like you're good as it is like we were working one organic just yeah I'm fine I like I think it's there's a point where for me it's too perfect yeah because you ever walk in the grocery store and there's playing like Blackbird but it's like MIDI horn oh yeah I think one of the reasons that's so unappealing is it's perfect you know you walk outside trees make notes water makes notes birds nothing's perfect and I think music there's an element of tempo like that I think a band Led Zeppelin there's no click track yeah oh but when it slows down you know so when I'm in those rhythmic things I just trust myself and the drummer has to be good or I won't try yeah yeah that's my board that's beautiful so one question if you ever thought like that you that you should swap one of them out because the color would be better absolutely yeah color to me is a is a big deal I admit that how would you describe to the colors of little pastel or what's your the option of the way your theme your color theme so mo you know most the JHS pedals have a very toy feel pastel Easter eggs Japanese color tones yeah kind of a soft boss colors yeah you know that inspires me yeah I don't like the way this looks now then the normal cone Center is a big old beautiful gold pad with a horse I don't have a room so this is this is like the machine made one okay sounds the same I wish I had the big beautiful hoar I had the aesthetic I really I like that you know I want something to look good so so why wouldn't you got a board that's like a little bit longer and put that in there it's getting older you know priorities it's easy to ship that's true it's easy to just carry yeah I'm lazy it's kind of a boring pedal board for a guy who has an insane time get some exciting sounds and I guess last thing how does it powered voodoo lab underneath pedal power - that's all I've ever used there's other good stuff out there it's just isolated power and that that in that unit has eight eight yeah it's you guys he's paid pedals mm-hmm it's a temple pedal board so please do you think if it had nine outputs you use nine pedals yeah I'd find a way well like so I will carry a fuzz it depends like a tone bender and I'll just put it on the floor with a battery okay or every once in a blue moon a wah pedal it just has a filter I'll use you know sweep it as an EQ I don't really walk a chukka or anything yeah that's it though well there's there's one thing that you know speaking of how things look to me you know in my musical travels this is an Elvis Costello guitar now and if you haven't helped discussed a little guitar you need the Elvis Costello glasses and I think I think we need to go rustle some up and just and see what it is you're inspired to play if you have the Elvis Costello guitar and the Elvis Costello glasses let's see that let's do that this is good I think that that's that's pretty good yeah like I'm watching the detectives yeah this feels good I think it's good the checkered suit or something really we have something going on I'm gonna buy a checkered suit [Music] [Music] thanks for watching this episode if you liked it hit like subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to get notifications of every single episode from now until the world ends visit the GHS show calm there's also a link in the description below you can become a patron of the GHS show it helps with stuff like travel you don't have to do it I don't care but just have a good day that's what matters and say bye to Paul because he's leaving too later on bye bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 385,486
Rating: 4.9403558 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Guitar Pedal History, Pedal Board, Paul Gilbert, Sweetwater, Josh Scott
Id: bt2QxrBRxJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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