"Recovering Lost Promises" by Evangelist Victor Jackson

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we know one word from you can change our life and so tonight lord our ears and our hearts are open to receive whatever you would say to us we receive it in the name of jesus we pray amen give the lord praise and thanks hallelujah we're so delighted to have evangelist victor jackson with us tonight and tonight and on sunday he'll be with us as well would you just receive him tonight as he comes to minister the word of god [Applause] can you clap your hands to the lord one more time praise god what a privilege it is to be back in the building y'all just don't play around here y'all just oh still here despite it all praise god amen i feel like feel like we navigated through this year together hallelujah i was like man each time i come it's like the pandemic is getting closer and closer to be over it's like came in june i think i came even the beginning of the year we just kind of did this together praise god [Laughter] it was like december january you know like hey what's going on in the world hey we're here praise god came in june i'm like hallelujah everybody all right out there amen and here we are and things are getting better aren't they god is so good to us and uh so thankful for your pastor pastor bellestero and his wife and family and their example to me and my wife their commitment to loving people their commitment to loving truth and i'm so thankful for him and his family aren't you thankful for the shepherd that god has placed over this wonderful assembly and uh wow i tell you what i'm not gonna lie to you i didn't know what to do with all these beautiful decorations y'all put up i don't have a creative bone in my body when me and my wife uh got married she was surprised when she came home to our apartment and saw the walls were just white not a single picture not a single photo i just thought it was supposed to be like that and she was like her hobby lobby and pinterest got together for a meeting and praise god we've been blessed ever since and uh but looking at all this beautiful uh decor here i was like god why you didn't give me some type of creativity he's like son i just gave you words you just use your words praise god okay lord amen uh why don't we open up our bibles to the gospel of luke the gospel of luke chapter two so thankful for the singers and musicians uh wow just always ushering in the anointing i'm so thankful that uh all the singers and musicians you guys have always uh put their best foot forward in preparation and uh it's a wednesday night and we going in praise god amen and i'm so thankful for that so thankful for the media team and the sound team uh who i've been calling some the heroes of the hour praise god putting hundreds of hours behind the scenes throughout this pandemic and i'm so thankful for their hard work and their commitment and you know the first time when i started doing these online videos uh for uh the pandemic when it started and everything was shut down you know how i started i had my phone and i had like my phone sitting on like 20 bibles and the camera was leaning up y'all not hearing me out there the sound my sound was echoing across the thing in the office and then i after seeing that doing that for a while i was like you know what that's probably not the best way to get the word out and i wound up getting a little tripod you know set up my phone still still echoing and then you know my camera was slightly tilted amen so i'm just kind of leaning to the side while i'm preaching y'all not hearing me out there y'all not here y'all don't know what's going behind the scenes amen and then finally i say you know what maybe i should get me some wireless headphones best buy two hundred dollars praise god gotta make a sacrifice got the wireless wireless microphones plugged it into the phone plugged it into the tripod and i was like oh i feel legit but i was like man but this my everything still look crooked back there so i say you know what i better spend some more money got the backdrop got the two umbrella lights on each side y'all not hearing me out there i got the long tripod face and i was like hey come on somebody amen so i grew i grew throughout i had to be creative amen to get the word out somehow luke chapter 2 verse 41 luke chapter 2 verse 41 man i'm excited to get into this word and i'm excited to be here with you sunday my family will be here uh we're excited luke chapter 2 verse 41 now his parents went to jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover and when he was 12 years old they went up to jerusalem after the custom of the feast and when they had fulfilled the days as they returned the child jesus tarried behind in jerusalem and joseph and his mother knew not of it but they supposing him to have been in the company when a day's journey and they sought him among their kinfolk oh lord aren't you thankful for the bible put a little southern vernacular in there kinfolk it's hollow among their kinfolk and acquaintance and when they found him not they turned back again to jerusalem seeking him and it came to pass that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of doctors both hearing them and asking them questions and all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers and when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto him son why is thou thus dealt with us behold thy father and i have sought thee sorrowing and he said unto them how is it that ye sought me with wistia not i must be about my father's business verse 50 last scripture and they understood not the saying which he spake unto them i want to preach on that subject this evening on recovering lost promises recovering lost promises can you lay your bibles down everybody lift up your hands in the air and let's ask the lord to speak lord i thank you for these wonderful people god i'm asking for you to do something special in our hearts and our minds and our spirits bless these wonderful people god i feel the hunger and the thirst i feel the strength of the spirit i feel your power god do something in us in jesus name amen can you clap your hands to the lord amen amen praise god amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord somebody shout yes recovering lost promises mary's life was very interesting because god decided to trust her with something not once in a lifetime but something once in time oh lord it's one thing for god to put something in your womb that happens once in a lifetime but it's another thing when god puts a promise in you that can only happen once in time and people say that wonderful scriptures and ecclesiastes that brother jackson don't you understand there's nothing new under the sun that's the language of the comfortable we love that scripture hey we're about to go to the level we've never been brother jackson there's nothing new under the sun i remind you that that scripture was written before the virgin birth boy i'm in trouble and the virgin birth had never happened before and can never happen again what do you do when god put something in your spirit where you can't relate to anybody around you mary could not relate to the jewish customs of the past she could not relate to anyone in the future mary said how can this be seeing i know not a man and the angel said the holy ghost shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you which means that there's nothing new under the sun until the spirit gets involved and when the spirit gets involved it has the ability to produce new events that no one has ever seen before and that no one has ever tapped into before can i tell you sometimes god wants to do something in an individual that can never be duplicated that can never happen before and can never happen again that's something tough to handle she said how can this be seeing i know not a man said the holy ghost shall come upon you god is doing something in you that has never happened and can never happen again and you can't relate to anybody around you because everybody around you when they hear what the promise that god put in you they're going to question whether it's legitimate they look they marry like huh yeah yeah the holy ghost oh yeah you like to blame the holy ghost well you know the holy ghost did this oh yeah we heard that before so something's off with mary this is illegitimate when god puts something in your womb that nobody understands they say something's off at new destiny something's going on there what are they doing trying to have revival in 2020 what are they doing smiling in the middle of chaos what are they doing with peace and their spirit in the middle of everything and they can't figure it out come on and they're not going to be able to figure it out until they get in the spirit and when they get in the spirit they're going to realize despite everything going on in the world come on there is a church that is focused on the mission of having revival come on and recovering i know i know it's it's it's it's tough they wonder whether it's legitimate hey man and uh she says she doesn't understand it yet she looks at this angel and y'all know the story right you all know this story it's christmas season but but but she looks at this angel and she says you know what i don't really get it but look what she says be it unto me according to thy word you know what that tells me you can receive in your spirit what your mind doesn't fully understand oh god you can god will put something in your spirit that doesn't match up with what's in your mind and don't abort the promise because you don't understand it you just got to say be it unto me according to thy word when they say your company is going to be blessed in the middle of everything going on you don't have to figure it out point a point b just say be it unto me according to thy word amen you can receive in your spirit what your mind can't comprehend hold on my son's backslidden on drugs well just say lord whatever you want to do i don't know how you can pull them off of that but be it unto me according to thy word when god says i want to do something in your life despite your failures and mistakes don't disqualify yourself by your mind just say be it unto me according to thy word and once you receive it paul said and to the church in thessalonica that i do sanctify you holy that god will sanctify you wholly through your spirit soul and body embody not body soul and spirit he said spirit soul and body that's where it starts it starts in the spirit when god gives you a word it comes to the spirit first once it gets into your spirit as it settles and nestles into your spirit over time it moves into your soul and the soul is the mind the will and the emotions and all of a sudden as you hold that promise long enough it begins to persuade the mind it begins to bend the mind to it y'all not hearing me out there it begins to get in your emotions when you hear about the promise you've been beginning to start tearing up and all of a sudden it gets in your will and you begin to will the promise and once you begin to will the promise it manifests out of your body into action but it starts in the spirit but because we're intellectual beings if we can't figure out step two is i ain't even gonna trust this thing we like to see the one two three four five six seven yeah i gotta look at all the seven steps before i take my first step a b c hold on where's d ed if he ain't gonna show me d i ain't even gonna believe it but he says no no just receive it in your spirit and over time of walking in it come on somebody it'll begin to get into the mind and the mind starts waking up and realizing hold on anything is possible god can do anything god can open up a door that no man can shut i don't have to get it i got a god come on somebody that is able to step in she said be it unto me according to that word that's what god wants you to do don't don't try to figure it all out just yet just say yes and amen when god says i want to bless your family i want to bring you out of the pit i want to take you to another level i want i want to birth a ministry in you when god starts saying things into your life like that don't let your mind try to bring up disqualifications they say you know what i don't get it but the lord know me i don't i don't really got it all together but praise god be it unto me god said that's all that i'm looking for and abraham believed in the lord and there was righteousness imputed unto him hold on he ain't even done anything yet but just his belief god declared him righteous he's god's just looking for somebody to believe and he will impart into you the necessary things that it takes for the promise to materialize amen that you got to believe first somebody shall believe all right she says it i believe be it unto me according to thy word and as soon as she gets this promise from god she gets confirmations everywhere isn't it funny when god gives you a promise it's like confirmations just start happening you go to the grocery store they're like man there's something different about you oh really yeah yeah you you you go to church don't you oh you praise god yeah i mean yeah there's a destiny on you you start getting confirmations from unlikely places you come to church and like man god's going to do something in your family when god initially gives you a promise is like confirmations just start showing up everywhere and confirmation starts showing up now the wise men come from the east travel hundreds of miles to come and see the baby now the shepherds come into the stable and and begins to put the gifts down actually go to the house they put the gifts down they put the frankincense and the myrrh and the gold all of a sudden confirmations happen they go to the temple anna is there to worship the child anna the prophetess and simeon begins to worship the child now there's activity happening like crazy in the heavenlies because when a promise comes confirmation comes and now king herod wants to kill the baby it's amazing when god gives a promise it sends a signal into heaven and it sends a signal into hell and hell tries to do whatever he can to try to stop the promise from maturing and coming to fruition when she initially got the promise all types of confirmation happen but in the text that i read to you now jesus is 12 years old and there is a 10-year period of silence 10 years nothing happened no angelic visitations for 10 years no wise men no shepherds no no no one giving confirmation for 10 years there is nothing but silence after initially when she got it confirmations were everywhere confirmations were everywhere but after from the age of 2 to the age of 12 we don't hear anything about that family and there was silence and when the silence is there the discouragement sets when you've been waiting on a promise for 10 years to show itself mighty and nothing's happening you start wondering my god it was just me was it was this just me i and people keep asking hey hey where's that promise at how's that promise doing he's just almost ashamed to even say you believed it in the first place and every time they give a prophecy across the pulpit now you you get frustrated you used to used to get excited tear would come down yeah now they say god's going to do it is like yeah whatever man what if for 10 years nothing happens and she was expecting jesus to come out of the womb quoting the law hear o israel the lord our god is one lord but instead there's a baby he's just like wow like oh say it again wow i hope now hold on that now the problem was supposed to go ahead talk jesus prophesy jesus like why joseph's like i think he's hungry she she didn't expect that she had to now nurture the promise that now the promise was dependent upon her that it might survive and live on he didn't expect that she didn't expect that no i got to do work now come on somebody hey man she was expecting the promise to do something before its time but this promise is now looking very common it's looking like every everybody else jesus at six years old he's running and scraping his knee just like the other kids his nose is running just like the other kids y'all not hearing me and she's looking at him like come on come on watch look this is the chosen one go ahead they're doing races as kids go ahead beat them jesus look jesus coming in last place it's like like oh he had a chosen one huh yeah coming in last place and he has to sit down at eight years old to listen to rabbis teach him about the word that he is he's god in the flesh he's god in the flesh and he has to sit down and listen to rabbis teaching him about the word that he is and easily he could have said actually that's not what i meant when i wrote that and you're dealing with the insecurity issue i dealt with this with your great-great-grandfather but jesus is taking notes just like the other kids he's stumbling just like the other kids he's god in the flesh they're having fishing contests and jesus could easily cast forth the rod and be like now jimmy johnny hernandez i need all of y'all to come on this hook right now and the fishers would have obeyed his command like jesus how you got six fish with one hook he just he's just casting it nothing coming up fish like hey can i bite you get out of here it's not time yet it's not time he's got in the flesh and while kids had to learn how to walk god had to teach himself how to fall and stumble because he never fell before he had to train himself to fall because he never fell before god's walking around he goes okay i'm human it's like got to convince these folks i'm fully god and fully man promise looks very common 10 years nothing happened and when you've been waiting on a promise to materialize for a long time you just you kind of start thinking you're crazy come on somebody you don't even want to talk about the promise no more because you know you sound crazy yeah but god said he still and they're your friends they're like oh how long has been that well about 27 years i mean and it's almost easier to give up the promise than to hold on to it the bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick meaning when you keep hoping and keep being disappointed it's easier to just let go of hope come on it's a struggle to hold on to hope now in the verse that i read to you 10 years nothing happened 10 years nothing verse 41. look what it says now his parents went to jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover and when he was 12 years old they went up to jerusalem after the custom of the feast and when they had fulfilled the days as they returned the child jesus tarried behind in jerusalem and joseph and his mother knew not of it but they supposing him to have been in the company with a day's journey listen the his parents were still being faithful they were faithful people they were being faithful to the passover but listen to me but in the process of faithfulness they lost the promise while being faithful listen and caught up in the routine of faithfulness they didn't realize that the promise was being buried meaning still show up to church you still worship you still give you still tithe but you lost that sparkle in your eye you stop believing that god can raise you up in the middle of your pain you stop believing that god could bring your family off the street and bring them into the house of god you stop believing for your backslidden sons and daughters to come back and pray through yes you still show up to church and faithful but somehow the sparkle has left because the promise got buried because it's been so long since you've had a confirmation anybody know what i'm talking about here where you still do the routine you still come you're still faithful but deep down inside the promise is beginning to be buried it's being buried because you've been waiting on it for a long time oh jesus and they lost the promise while being while doing the routine of church come on somebody the routine of church the routine of just being we're just going to be faithful but in that the sparkle just begins to dim and the promise starts getting on the back burner and it gets lost in the process and the bible says that they win a day's journey here's my question who loses their child for a day and doesn't notice 24 hours before they realize hold on what jesus said that's like me taking my son to walmart in the afternoon tell him go get some skittles he go gets the skittles i turn around he's gone i don't notice i check out go to my car look at the empty car seat don't notice he's gone try to go see my wife we eat lunch together don't notice my son's gone go throughout the day get stuff done lay down at night check his empty bedroom still don't notice he's gone go to bed that night wake up in the morning have breakfast with my wife still don't notice he's gone then finally in the afternoon i'm like hold on where'd you where my son at are you getting it the bible says they suppose that he was in the company that word supposing means that as the custom was the custom was jesus didn't travel with his family he traveled with the company the promise had become so common y'all not hearing me uh tonight uh the promise had become so common that they began to push it back you you travel with the company if they still believe that he was the savior of the world they would have had him right on side of him no don't you get out of my sight but because he wasn't doing what he was called to do they let it travel with the extra stuff for a whole day they didn't realize he was gone he became so common he so normal there's nothing significant about him the bible says that after they lost him that they sought him among their kinfolk everybody say ken folk when they couldn't find the promise they started looking among their brothers and sisters and when you can't find your promise you come to church and you look at your brother and sister hey you got a word for me you got a confirmation they're just praying and they're like uh uh i can't help you find yours i'm still looking for mine praise god can't find them among the kinfolk then the bible says they might go seek him among their acquaintance according that's the that's the guest it's the new convert start looking for the promise among the guests and you see the guests come to church in there and so you see them worshiping and anointing all over them so you're like so you're like dancing with him and you're like hey you got a word you got my promise you got a confirmation they're just like no brothers and sisters don't have it the guests don't have it and when they couldn't find it the bible says that when they found him not they turned back again to jerusalem seeking him when you can't find your promise you have to go back to the last place that you lost it when did you give up on it was it when you went through that divorce go back in your mind take a trip down memory lane and go back and pick up that promise and let the devil know that god's not done with you when did you lose your promise was it when you made a mistake go back in your mind down memory lane pick up your promise and tell the devil god's not finished with me and he's not finished with my family you gotta go back to the spot and pick it up and say i still believe that god is able to fulfill oh somebody clapped their hands to the lord come on somebody clap their hands to the lord hey you got to go back to that place when did you when did you drop it when did you feel like god couldn't do it go back to that place in your mind and pick it up and you let the devil know god still has a plan for me but you got to go back to that place you got to go back and visit that place in your mind and pick it up and remind god that you still believe the bible says verse 46 listen to this and it came to pass that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of doctors both hearing them and asking them questions and all that heard him were astonished isn't it amazing the thing that has become common to you is astonishing to everyone else for for you it's just common to just be faithful for you it's common to be faithful you just what you did in 2020 oh yeah we were in church huh say again hell yeah we were just loving god and uh say again where there's a financial crisis where where was your money oh yeah i was just investing in the church just being faithful in my giving and all and for you it's not a big deal it's common but when the world looks at your life and they say how did you survive how do you have peace and joy and happiness in the middle of all of that it may not seem much to you but when the world looks at you it's scratching their head wondering how you're still here despite all the hell that you endure amen are you still here with all the hell you've been through how you still trust people after all you're not hearing me out there after all you've been through are you still positive when everybody in your family negative boy y'all gonna throw me out of here tonight you're the only one in your family through 2020 saying god's gonna get us through they're like can somebody shut him up this man always saying something trying to encourage me everybody got family members like that huh no matter how down you are you're like hey no no god's going to do it for you what can you just cry with me for a little bit just this you just get my pity party for a second and just cry on my shoulder praise god amen they're astonished the people are astonished look verse 48 and when they saw him they were amazed when they saw jesus operating in his gifts and they're like oh look a little jesus going now why he didn't do that a year ago i put him on the spot and say jesus tell them you god and jesus like come come out of here because it's not his time yet come on somebody and he refused to operate in his gift before it's time oh lord they're amazed they're like look at him look at him go and look what marriage says and his mother said unto him son why is thou thus dealt with us behold thy father and i have sought these sorrowing hold that scripture up there this is my whole message right here mary looked at jesus it says your father and i have sought you sorrowing mary called joseph jesus father are you getting it she looked at him she said your father and i have saw you in every time they refer to joseph as jesus father it's always in a spirit of unbelief it's always in a spirit of questioning his authentic ministry it's not this the carpenter's son is not this joseph's son but now the person that god did the miracle through has a question it says joseph is your father even the scripture states that joseph and his mother never calls him his father joseph and his mother or says joseph as they supposed was his father but it never calls him jesus father but now mary had a moment of discouragement after 10 years of the promise not doing anything she has accepted a false narrative over her life and she said your father and i have sought you sorry and look what jesus says in the next verse how is it that you sought me he said wish you not i must be about my father's business he was saying joseph is not my father and i will not accept a false narrative over my life i didn't come from joseph i came from above i came from something you know what he was saying although you've been waiting a long time the miracle is still alive the anointing is still alive the promise is still alive oh she got so discouraged she said your father and he looks back at her and says no my father oh don't you understand that every word that god spoke to you mary it will come to pass that although you've been going through 10 years of loneliness 10 years of questions 10 years of doubting concerns i refuse to accept a narrative of unbelief i am about my father's business and he showed her right there that every word that the angel told her it was not only true but it was going to come to pass and when he said my father chills began to get in her spirit all over again she felt the goosebumps again she remembered the angelic visitation again she remembered the shepherds she remembered the wise man she remembered joseph's dreams and all of a sudden some righteous indignation got on the inside of her where she said i will never doubt it again i will never doubt it again oh somebody clap your hands to the lord oh [Applause] your father she when you hold on to a promise so long and is not doing anything you start coming up with false stuff maybe it was just my emotions maybe it was just that that church service i got super excited and i felt god speak to me that maybe it was just me and you start coming up with false narratives to give comfort to yourself in your disappointment oh lord oh lord because we rather deal with surprises than deal with disappointments i mean i mean we like to set the bar low but like i said the bar low and we're surprised when we do better than the bar we're surprised when someone else does better than the bar but when you set a bar all the way up there and you keep coming short it's tough to live with disappointment she accepted a false narrative but jesus said no i'm about my father's business and after 10 years of silence the sparkle came back and when that's isn't it amazing that every time you're about to throw the promise away a confirmation comes right before you're about to give up a preacher comes in on a wednesday night [Applause] 10 years of silence and you're like god's done then all of a sudden they got a worship song tonight saying he's able all of a sudden you got pastor getting up he said we're going to possess the promised land and you're like you almost get agitated with god you're like god can you just let me let this thing go but right as it's slipping out of your fingers god just comes and closes your hand so you get a death grip on it cause i'm gonna fulfill my word whether it's been five years ten years twenty years i will fulfill my word that helped her to deal with after this moment he's 12 so now there was another time period of 18 years of silence oh lord but it's almost like you can deal with it better when your perception changes 18 years she had to wait again but she's not waiting in frustration now she's waiting in expectation she's not waiting about to give up she's waiting about to explode it's like she's just oh god it's coming it's i know it's coming i know it's good he said this servant's got it all right all right all right all right here's this one lord right you got me laura you go [Music] she's like you ever know those people that always jumped the gun you're about to say say i don't know what's up with my mind i don't know what's up what but but but you ever said something you're about to say something and someone tries to fill in your words and it's completely wrong [Laughter] in a serious i hope this never happened to somebody but then sir this is just coming to me this is why it's funny i never thought of this this is hilarious to be it's like you're about you've been friends with this person for a long time you know y'all both single and you're all just talking and having a very great conversation and you say you know what i never told this to anybody and then they say i love you they're like whoa whoa whoa no no no whoa whoa you just ended our friendship just now it was like no i was just gonna say that that my feet hurt when i walk a lot somebody's just ready to jump the gun waiting for the opportunity of love because hell here it is here it is this is a good conversation we've been talking for three hours here it is here it is i never told anybody this i love you whoa hell yeah no no you're you're a kinfolk hey man you're my brother in christ hey man where's just the friend man just the just a friend that's mary ready to just jump the gun at any moment then finally 30 years old had the wedding in cana of galilee they ran out of wine mary's like yeah how do i approach him here it is hey jesus trembling nervous they've run out of wine need to do something jesus is like woman my hour has not yet come she goes uh huh whatever he tells you to do do it watch this because i refuse to doubt him again [Applause] you're not hearing me yet y'all not hearing me yet oh god who am i preaching to right now that can walk out of this place you're saying you know what no matter how long i gotta wait for it to be fulfilled i refuse to ever doubt him again because what he began he will perform there's gonna be a performance of those things that have been spoken over time everybody's standing with me i was just supposed to teach today praise god y'all y'all don't rile me up in here oh god i said it's still alive i said it's still alive i said no matter how bad off your son is right now i said the promise is still alive if god told you your son was going to have a ministry i don't care if he's on drugs the promise is still alive oh god i don't care if god promised your daughter promised to you that your daughter was going to sing under the anointing and yet she's in a toxic relationship backslid right now i come to tell you the promise is still alive every word that god spoke over your life he said brother jackson but i failed too much i tried to disqualify myself god said you go back to that place in your mind and you pick up your promise you unbury those gifts that god has tried to put in you and pick it up and god said i'm not done i said i'm not done i said he's not done i said he's not done every word that's come across this pulpit by your pastor every vision that he declared i've come to tell you it's not done even that word he talked about from 2002 he all got in this property can i tell you that was just the first fruits i said that was just the grapes i said that was just the grapes from canaan it was just a taste of what's coming pick it up in the middle of pain just pick it up in the middle of heartache just pick it up in the middle of despair just pick it up in the middle of misunderstandings just pick it up in the middle of hurt and betrayal just pick it up because every word that he said over your life it will come to pass it may not come to pass like you thought it would and then the timing you thought it would but he said don't you despair you just hold on to it because there's gonna come a moment that i'm gonna use what's in you to transform this community to transform this state to transform this nation to transform your family to transform your ministry to transform your job to transform your future singers can come musicians can come i want you to grab your family member by the hand right now [Music] oh jesus grab him by the hand and close your eyes and i want you to begin to prophesy the promise coming to pass over them come on close your eyes hold their hand and begin to tell them god's not done he's still able to fulfill come on i feel the sparkle beginning to come back in somebody's eyes you tell them god's not done in your life god's not done come on begin to prophesy begin to tell us he's able in the middle of it he's able in the middle of it [Music] god is able to do just what he said he would do [Music] don't give up on god cause he won't give up on you god is able to do just what he said he would do he's going to be [Music] god is able to [Music] don't give up on [Music] able to do just what he said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's able to [Music] oh hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] what he said he would do exceedingly [Music] [Music] [Music] is thank you [Music] thank you [Music] easy [Music] oh [Music] he's [Music] [Music] i know you're ready [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for joining us today we hope that you are blessed and encouraged by the worship and the word for more information and ways to give please visit ndwc.elvanto.net or contact us at info new destinywc remember to take a moment and share this service with your friends and family may the lord bless you and keep you and make his faces shine upon you and give you peace [Music] you
Channel: New Destiny FL
Views: 2,624
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Id: 5r6VbItm1AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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