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[Music] so [Music] boys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] you are good [Music] forever [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are good [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the yeah [Music] thank you for your good news [Music] foreign [Music] from every nation [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] how many are thankful for the goodness of god [Music] [Music] that i wake up [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Music] a know [Music] of god [Music] [Music] you have oh faithful [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i will see [Music] i will see [Music] praise the lord let's lift our hands right now lord jesus we magnify you god you have been faithful jesus you you've been faithful jesus you're provided every time god you've always made a way jesus your blessings beyond measure god glory to your holy and mighty name jesus praise you tonight god we praise you tonight god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus how many can agree with that statement that all your life he has been faithful amen amen there's been times i know in my life that he has just made a way when there didn't seem like there would be any way i mean absolutely not without a doubt didn't think it would make it but god always comes through he loves us he cares about us god is so good i feel his presence here today before we go into worship of taking offering and worshiping god that way i'd like us to turn to hebrews 11 6 and it says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder everybody say that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him as we give our offering tonight and give our tithes let's come in faith believing that he will take what we give him and he'll just press it down put it together and just let it overflow back into our lives and to those that are around us because he does reward us when we give to him and we act in faith let's pray in jesus name lord i pray tonight god that as we give unto you jesus that you would take it that you would bless it that you would break it and that it would be multiplied god not just for our own purpose god but for the kingdom that lies will be changed in the name of jesus we give you all the praise all the glory tonight in jesus mighty name amen [Music] [Music] i times [Music] [Music] yes [Music] up [Music] [Music] at all times [Music] praise them in the mountains [Music] while you're waiting is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh times [Music] [Music] [Music] at all times [Music] you know sometimes it's not all mountain sometimes it's not in the valley sometimes it's just waiting on the lord amen but he's still there and he's still worthy amen no matter where we're at in our walk with him amen so thankful for that tonight so thankful for your faithfulness to the house of the lord on wednesday night amen we have some great things planned for you so at this time we're going to miss dismiss our children gonna go into the chapel and continue doing some music lessons for them to be able to bless the lord and worship him in music and song and we're going to dismiss our youth out these doors across into our youth classes tonight as well for those of you who are part of our discipleship classes that started last week this week is lesson two sister taylor will be teaching tonight in pastor's office so those of you are going into pastor's office as well as our singles are going to be in the back through the double white door amen continuing their lessons on the five love languages and then right here in the sanctuary amen our pastor is going to bring the word of the lord tonight are you thankful for his word amen let's just love him tonight pastor come amen amen the lord bless you and you may be seated let's lift our hands up to the lord and just ask him to just come in and just touch our hearts and minds that we may receive the engrafted word of god heavenly father i just pray that you would anoint my lips that i may speak your word with clarity and boldness that revelation would come that the gift of prophecy would rest upon me and upon this house and that you would bless your people even now confirm your word with signs following in every home and every life and we pray all of this in the mighty matchless name of jesus and every glad heart said amen to all of those that are watching online god bless you we love you and we thank god for you and we look forward if you're a part of this community the day that you can join us in worship for those of you that are shut in we just pray that god would come in and comfort you and i'm learning for those of you that are in different parts of the country may god just strengthen you and bless you in every part of this service and in your walk with god no matter when you're watching this in jesus name and to all of our guests that are here tonight as a guest in the house we love you we thank god for you new destiny can we give all of our guests our hand i purposely say yes because i don't like to use the word visitor i want you to know that you're our guest you're in god's house and today we just love you and we pray that something that is said and done would be a blessing to you i'm so thankful for what god is doing in this local assembly and what he's doing among so many of the ministries that are here the ladies i believe they told me some 65 ladies are headed to ladies retreat in sarasota and they're going to have time away just to rest and hear the word gina vera is coming in and she'll be speaking at the retreat and then this sunday you all are in for a special treat at 9 and 11 evangelist david smith is going to be with us he has such a powerful and unique ministry he's a cajun by birth he's uh currently lives in oklahoma but travels all over the world preaching the gospel i watched an interview on youtube today and it'd be worth your time for you to go and watch it's called traffic talk with david smith and he was preaching in canada and they just videoed him on the way to the airport and asked him some questions i think you'd be greatly encouraged if you just watch that to find out that his whole purpose is he just wants to please god go where god tells him to go and souls are being saved and miracles are happening and how many will help me pray about the service on sunday we just want an outpouring of the holy ghost at nine o'clock we want to see it again at 11 o'clock we want to see our friday night our youth be blessed we want to see tomorrow night and through the weekend ladies retreat god is moving by his spirit amen grab your bibles and turn with me to the book of galatians the fifth chapter i'll begin at the 19th verse i'm in a series here as i'm teaching on wednesday nights and uh in this series we are talking about spiritual fruit and this is the third lesson i'm going to just see where the holy ghost takes us tonight but we're just going to begin in the 19th verse i want to set the stage before we get to verse 22 which begins to talk about the fruit of the spirit and the 19th verse in the new king james version of the bible says now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outburst of wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies envy murders drunkenness revellies and the like of which i tell you beforehand just as i also told you in time past that those who practice such things look at this last five five words will not inherit the kingdom of god every one of these works of the flesh if you're involved in them you will not inherit the kingdom of god i just paused on purpose so that we could see that um when when we consecrate when we're saved and we're separated for god's purpose it's not that we just recite the sinner's prayer as some would have you believe and then we are hitherto saved from that point on now we're saved at that moment and if we should die or he should come we're saved we're all the way saved but we're in the process of being saved he that endure to the end the same shall be saved and so when if if if you come in and give your life to the lord you're born again but yet you continue in the works of the flesh adultery and fornication and lewdness and idolatry and sorcery i just want to remind you the 21st verse says you will not will not inherit the kingdom of god and so the the opposing views here on one hand we have the works of the flesh and it occurred to me that in order to get into this you have to work to get into it and then you really have to work to get back out of it it's not your works that save you but these are works of the flesh so we many times people get confused because there's works of the law there's works of righteousness these these works are works of the flesh the things that are done in your flesh that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of god but i don't want to focus on works tonight i want to focus on fruit the fruit of the spirit and the way i define the fruit of the spirit and you may want to write this down is it's the work which his presence within us accomplishes the work which his presence within us accomplishes and so when when you receive the holy spirit he's working on the inside some years ago growing up some of y'all won't be able to believe this but i grew up in an air where we almost every song that we sang in church was out of a hymnal a hymn now how many hymnal friends do i have here today wow it's well no not all but some but but we had that sing unto the lord hymnal and in the back of the pew you selected it and and when i began to leave youth service on tuesday nights we had bible study on thursday but on tuesday nights even the youth service believe this or not selected their song from the hymnal and so i used to have certain ones memorized we didn't do a whole lot of prepping you know i mean we just say we made a joyful noise and i think sometimes it may have been more joyful and noisy than well i'm just gonna stop there there was we had good times and bad but we were doing everything we could but but but whether it was song whether it was page 356 or seven i've kind of forgotten now but i had the numbers memorized and we would sing songs like jesus on the main line tell him what you want you know we would have differ and we would go through the verses we would sing oh i want to see him look up on his face and so we we had we had all of these songs memorized along came an evangelist and he taught us a worship course i mean that was really cutting edge at least for our assembly a worship course that means that we actually sang without looking at the hymnal and we had the songs were on the screen we were just i mean we were just going into uncharted territory and and he one of the first courses we ever learned i'm not asking that we sing it again i'm just saying this is one of the first ones jesus on the inside working on the outside oh what a change in my life how many actually saying that back way back right after uh somebody came off the ark i think do you say you're too young to sing that you knew you must have grown up in one of them churches that okay i got i got you oh what a change in my life and and and that's the whole goal that jesus would be at work on the inside of us and we would be producing fruit now i've taught you that john 15 says that if we abide in him and his words abide in us we stay in the vine we're branches and he said we'll bear much fruit and uh but if we don't abide in him then we are cast forth so we produce fruit when we abide in christ and abiding in christ causes us to come to maturity and produce fruit that affects our life and it affects everyone else that we come in contact with that is why you get saved and you go to work and people at work say you know there's something different about you i don't is it you know did you you know is it are you using a different cream on your face or did you re do your hair they're trying to figure out all the natural things that you know because you know maybe i put some you know oil on my face or something my face is shining but it's actually the glow of the holy ghost and you know there is a holy ghost glow that you can get when you get saved because the burden of sin is no longer there you no longer have when you're burdened under sin and you know when you're ducking and dodging and you're living and you're carrying some folks have lived under sin so long they think it's normal they they have lived so long it's just like if your back is out of place and you had been to a chiropractor in so many years after a while you think walking sideways is normal that's just me you know you get used to it until they make the adjustment all of a sudden the blood starts flowing and you're like why didn't i go sooner and make some changes in my life so when the holy ghost gets on the inside of you the bible said it's the love of god that shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost you are not ready for the love that's going to come in when the holy ghost comes in and that's what a lot of people they don't even understand that when god comes in it's the overwhelming love of god the principle thing that begins to emanate in our life that just brings about joy and brings about peace it causes us to love other people that we wouldn't love before stop getting in your flesh and doing the works of the flesh and you're getting you know angry with people and if you know if i had met you before i was saved you know how to knock your block off those things have been said by people you better be glad that you know you better be glad i'm filled with the holy ghost well i hope you get refilled with the holy ghost because we don't need you just running around and running people off because you just run in your mouth now i don't know anybody that's doing that if you are stop it and if you're and if you're not don't start it just just just just choose to walk in love and choose to have peace in your life and choose to be filled with what i call jesus joy we i call it jesus joy it's not the joy that the world gives because they might you might get joy in the accomplishments of life but but if the accomplishments stop or somebody comes and steals something out of your life the joy dissipates but when joy is on the inside that nobody can take it away you can even have peace in the middle of a storm but it's all rooted in the holy ghost when you receive the holy spirit in your life he will produce fruit in your life and i like this he'll produce fruit that remains he produces fruit that will remain it will affect your future it will affect everyone in your life i believe that you could get so filled with the holy ghost that that even the way you conduct your life it can rub off on your children it can rub off on your grandchildren i'm a grandpa now so i'm interested in this these grand this grand baby thing you know i i i love that and all the grandma and grandpa say i mean i know i'm immensely young to be a grandfather but you know my wife's reminding me that i'm on the edge of being a senior citizen and uh so i started looking up the discounts that senior citizens get i said this is not too bad you know get that free 99 breakfast i didn't say three i said free 99 but for for a long time i was willing to pay full price just because i did i didn't want to accept it but you just have to accept it embrace it and say in this season of life one of the things that i really look forward to is i look forward to our children and our grandchildren getting full of the holy ghost i'd like for us to pass pass the torch to them i'd like for them to be preaching and prophesying and praying and leading ministries and i'd like to be there supporting them and praying for them and helping them as others have supported me and prayed for me and helped me they should be arrows shot beyond us but we will accomplish nothing in this city of any consequence or in this world before jesus comes and jesus is coming and we got to stick the sickle in the harvest and work while it is yet day but we're not going to accomplish anything that will last if we don't do it by the spirit of god we're not intellectual enough we we don't have enough degrees we don't have enough connections but but when we get the holy ghost you if you abide in him you can't help but start producing fruit just loving filling god's peace his joy that that as you stir up that gift those gifts will be stirred up in you and then guess what you'll have desires in you to operate in the gifts of the spirit and the bible said they all the gifts come by the one and self same spirit maybe you didn't have time to go to school of the prophets or you know school of and i'm not knocking any of that but but but god just began to unveil in his word and you begin to earnestly desire the best gifts then then god will begin to give you gifts but i just want to challenge you do not operate in the gifts of a spirit without operating in love if you if you don't operate in love then guess what and we're going to read in a moment you are a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol nobody wants to hear you if you don't operate in love i've had a few people i didn't want to hear why because i didn't do too much about them and and and people can operate in gifts i'm not here to tear them down i'd do anything to hurt them with other people but just in here i know that that if you don't operate in love don't think that people that operate in love are pushovers well i tell you what you should just cut their head off and oh is that what jesus would do peter tried it and jesus picked the ear back up and put it on but you can choose to have your ministry or you could choose to follow him now there is a time for you to have righteous indignation about things but we must do everything based out of the flow of the spirit in our life so let's let's jump in and let's look at the work which his presence within accomplishes verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness faithfulness gentleness uh uh goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires now your flesh you can let your flesh work in the area of sin or you can crucify it you crucify it and when you crucify it you do so so that the work of the spirit not your desire but his desire can be manifest in your life verse 25 5 if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit and so the fruit of the spirit is manifest and i'm teaching you that it's manifested these three categories and the first three being our relationship with god our relationship with god and that is love joy and peace when jesus comes in you will feel his love you will feel the joy of the lord many people say when i when i got saved it was like a thousand pounds if i'd heard that more than once unrelated but it was like a thousand pounds have been lifted off of my shoulder you'll feel his love you'll feel his joy and you'll feel his peace but then the work that the holy spirit accomplishes not only affects your relationship with him but it affects your relationship with others your relationship with others is seen in long-suffering kindness and goodness that when you begin dealing with people you suffer long because you realize that there for the grace of god go i you're kind because you have the heart of god and you have goodness you god is good and it's his goodness that is working through you and and when you love the lord you want to help people and and this church one of the brothers in this church has been talking to me about uh just getting a 501c3 so so that we can get things donated to give away from the church just just food and clothing and things that we and i would love it if every day of the week we were able just to be sowing back into this community and not doing it just so we could have something to show on social media if it never got to social media just just just giving it away because what you do in secret god sees openly he rewards who he wants to reward but you're doing the work of god because you have god working in you and you're you're you're being kind you're being gentle you're being good and as you're sowing you're blessing others and many people are not ready to hear you preach if you don't meet their felt needs and sister vani talked about that that we can just we can preach at people and and people receive the preached word of god sometimes they're hungry and if if they you know get a bowl of soup or something to eat and uh and then it nourishes their body it opens a door you have showed god's love to them and now they're ready to hear what you have to say we go to uh several facilities uh and i know brother jonathan allen and others have gone out and they in the teams and they and they will uh teach and many times they will teach the word of god and and and feed they're in the homeless shelters and uh just getting the word of god and food in people it's a blessing and however however we present the gospel if we got to present the gospel over a meal with somebody you have somebody that you're wanting to share the love of god with consider buying them a meal somewhere and meeting you know you can come up the time may be that you just come and shake the you know the but make sure that's god you know you it might be more effective if you met for a cup of coffee or you had a meal and you broke bread together and you begin to share them with them the word of god and and when his spirit is working in you it affects your relationship with him it affects your relationship with others and then it affects your christian conduct how you conduct yourself the king james says faith that that the gifts of the fruit of the spirit it produces faith in our life the new king james takes the same word and calls it faithfulness that god puts faithfulness in us he causes faith to be full in us and when faith is full in us then we it is the work of the spirit that is being uh that is producing this faith in our life and because it's being produced then we are operating in a realm that pleases god his word says without faith it is impossible for you and i to receive anything from him so without faith we're not going to receive anything from him how many times have we moved from faith to fear and we've stopped operating in faith and we talk more about fear and we talk more about everything that is bad and we talk less about his word and less about faith i think that faithfulness you often think well faithfulness just means that i show up and and that is a part of faithfulness that you show up for everything but faithfulness also is a spirit and an attitude that you have within because some people can show up for everything that's planned and not have a life of faith you could just show up you could serve god out of fear but if you begin to serve him out of faith and you begin to show up full of faith guess what miracles are going to happen the supernatural is going to transpire and we get what we teach and we get what we preach and i'm i'm just ready i'm ready to speak and declare some things over you that are beyond you and i some things that are beyond us i just believe god has big things in store for the ecclesia for the called out ones and so we gotta get that we have to be established in our faith and faith is our that's a part of our christian conduct and not only that but gentleness and self-control we've got to have some discipline and gentleness in our life and so the fruit of the spirit is manifest in these three areas i'll touch briefly on love and then i want to hit our our main focus tonight which is joy the bible said in romans 5 and i've quoted it already in the fifth verse it says romans 5 5 hope does not disappoint because the love of god has been poured out in our hearts by the holy spirit which has been given to us let's look at this love paul wrote about it in first corinthians the 13th chapter and the first verse would you just turn there and i like i'd like for us to read this together i'm going to read the chapter because every time i read it i just want to just saturate this atmosphere the word is alive and it is working and so when you speak it it it starts working in our myth it says though i speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not love i have become paul is saying this i've become sounding brass and a clinging symbol and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and knowledge and have all faith so that i could could remove mountains but have not love i am nothing and though i besow my goods to feed the poor and though i give my body to be burned but have not love it profits me nothing love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not let me just stop right there if somebody says they love you but they're beating up on you you're dating somebody and they're manipulating you and controlling you and they'd have no patience with you and they are not kind run as fast as thy feet will carry you and again i say run that is not love some people don't know how to love the only thing they know to do is control a relationship because that's how their life has been lived but when when when you when you begin to experience love you're going to find out that love is kind it's not puffed up it's not full of pride it doesn't seek its own it's not provoked it thinks no evil you're dating someone and they're always imagining that you know you're looking at someone else man you just you just need to pump the brakes a little bit because because love is more than just a feeling love is more than just a feeling there are things in us and in our chemistry as people we're attracted to people but that doesn't necessarily mean that we're in love with somebody give it a little time and just see if it can stand the test of time and it can meet these qualifications sometimes i really read this at weddings why because i just want to i want to put it into the marriage so it says it doesn't behave rudely uh-oh does not seek its own not provoked thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things i love this you can write it down highlight it love never fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect has come then that which is in part will be done away when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things and now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face now i know in part but then i shall know just as i am known and now abide faith hope love these three but the greatest of these three can i hear what it is the greatest of these three is love so how many would agree that the bible is very clear that everything we do with our ministry with our spiritual walk has to be rooted and grounded in love i told you that i visited a very large church years ago and they had they had letters on the back wall l-o-v-e like they had i don't know if they were styrofoam they'd been cut out but it it was on the back wall and i sat there before service started and i watched the members come in had a balcony i was up in the balcony and i remember several thousand people were coming in and the members would they were bringing their bibles in and they would stop and greet one another and hug one another and you could genuinely feel you can feel the atmosphere of love in a place and i thought these people they were every different uh nationality and every different background but i mean when they would see each other their faces would light up and they would smile because the church ought to be a family this this this is more than us you know just trying to then an organization you know that it's a family and when we come in we ought to check up on one another we bear one another's burdens we pray for one another we help one another sometimes the the holy ghost i'm gonna don't want to alarm you but the holy ghost might might just tell you you know what i i want you to help that brother out over there or help that sister out over there and i don't want you to do it to be seen of men you know maybe the holy ghost just tells you you know that extra 20 that you had tucked away in your in your billfold maybe when you shake their hand just have it folded nicely where no one can see it you shake their hand and it might be i've had this happen before here that somebody will say you know what i came to church tonight i came to church tonight and i had enough gas to get to church but i thought i'm going to be in the house of god didn't know how i was going to get home and one of y'all actually heard from the lord i'm saying that tongue-in-cheek you god prompted you and you gave them a holy handshake and and that was what allowed them to fill their tank up and get back to st petersburg or largo or wherever they came from that's that's what happens when we love one another and we care for one another and bear one another's burdens it creates an atmosphere that the church can thrive in it creates an atmosphere that new members can come in and they said you know what this is a there's something unique about this place jesus taught it he said by this shall all men know that you're my disciples that you have love one for another you'll the world will know all men that you are disciples of christ when you love one another so let's just let's hit verse 22 again in galatians 5 and let's jump into this um let's jump into this next fruit spiritual fruit the 20 chapter 5 the 22nd verse but the fruit of the spirit is love joy everyone say joy chara the greek word for joy it means gladness joy received the cause of joy and person are persons who are one's joy so when when you are saved the the effect of salvation is that not only do you feel god's love but he puts his joy down on the inside of you now there are some people who say they're saved but they have never notified their face they and and you know those people i just don't hang out with them i'm i don't enjoy hanging out with them just like i visited that church that had love on the back wall there was a church that i visited i was traveling and i and i'm not going to tell you it's in florida but it was just it was probably it was hours and hours away from here it was nothing the bay area is pretty awesome you know but it was in another place and i remember i stepped in there and i knew some people but it felt one of the coldest i just remember even the walls they were like stone walls people weren't friendly i just kind of sat there and did not feel that the warmth and the love from the people there they were kind of into themselves and they were and my wife and i got back in the car we continue we were on a long trip and i said if i was a guest i would never visit that church again did they preach the truth yes absolutely they they were pre they preached the truth but there's something you got to couple with there's some things you've got to put with the word of god and and i i did not feel any joy in that place i didn't feel the warmth and the joy that comes with salvation do you know there are things that will steal your joy i call them joy stealers there are people that are still your joy they don't even mean to they're just so miserable in their own life that they just go around draining other people amen have you noticed there's some people you're around them you're energized and other people just the announcement that you have to eat a meal with them you want to go take vitamins and you just think oh you look at your calendar what is it because you know you know when they're done you're going to just have to say heavenly father would you just renew my mind and refresh my spirit and just take because some people they don't they have so much bitterness in them they have so much junk that they carry they don't they don't cast their cares on him everybody has things they go through but but but please don't let your interactions with people always be negative you know well some people i stopped asking how you're doing if you hadn't learned that trick it's really good praise the lord my brother if you ask how they're doing get ready get ready get ready get ready because it's coming because they because they might tell you how they're doing more than you want i know and you know what we there are times for you to unload your burdens but but if it's every time if you're in the same pattern every time that you need to you need to work you need to go back to the well and you need to you need to go to the well the well of salvation and you need to draw from it again and you need to let god refresh and renew your spirit when i get in the presence of the lord the holy spirit begins to deal with me when sister vani was here remember that night that she said we took the paper and and we wrote names down and then the red marker and you marked it out i i was trying to write names down but i didn't want anybody to see my name like you you were hiding your names too and you were writing all those names down and could i have another piece of paper you know you're writing all of those doubt but do you know that that the the release that happened when we let those things go and you realize there's nothing and there is no one worth you and i losing our soul over for us becoming bitter not just that night even before then i've prayed and said god i don't want to become bitter in this process i don't want to be bitter at a person or situation because we know that all things work together for good to them that love god and who are called according to his purpose so i might go through some challenging things in life but but he has promised that he would never leave me nor forsake me that he would be with me always so so i cannot afford to get hung up and bitter i gotta hang up some of my hang-ups and let go of things and yes god has convicted me of of conversations that i've had of the ways that i felt and and i i just decided i can't harbor these hurts and become bitter but but i've got to move beyond or i'll never fulfill the purpose that god has for me in life have you ever seen somebody who is old and bitter because they've lived they they've had things happen to them that they have not been able to move past well there is a balm in gilead life has hurts but when the holy ghost comes in god becomes a refuge for you and i and we can put that at his feet and he will help us and so i want to just i want to just give you i want to give you a little bit of teaching on this look at deuteronomy 28 47. i've quoted this before but it says that this passage the 28th passage of deuteronomy talks about the curses and the blessings and in it the curses and the blessings the first half talks about the blessing what happens if you obey and then the second half we talks about if you disobey what happens and i i i didn't read it the whole chapter today but i think in there is is a segment where he talks about how he'll smite the knees and i remember years ago i was preaching on the first half about the blessing but one of the brothers had got to read and beyond the text and he he was having some problems with his knees and later had to come and talk with because he thought that maybe it's because he had been disobedient that god was smiting his knees well that's not always the case you you might have hit the treadmill too hard or you might play basketball and rinse your d it doesn't mean you're being disobedient but there are curses that come with disobedience one of the things that god was very clear with his people in is he said because you did not serve the lord your god jehovah the jehovah your elohim with joy and gladness of heart for the abundance of everything therefore you will serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you in hunger and thirst and nakedness and in need of everything and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you he said okay if you want to serve me then just serve me with with a with joy and gladness of heart being thankful for every the abundance of all the blessings i've given you folks we cannot act like god hasn't been good to us and and god has been so good to us and some of us are so ambitious that we're not happy with what we do have we you know we're not happy with all of the things he has blessed us with i told you before that i was sitting in that little hou the house i'm still in i've lived at the same house 20 years this november i thought about moving a few years ago and sister kim said we've about to raise our kids here let's just hang tight you know thank god for a wife that has some balance and but i remember when i i needed a roof and didn't have money to put a roof on and i remember i was sitting there in a rainstorm and had a bucket right there outside of carlton's room i don't think he was in that room yet um because our kids moved around as calyx moved out maybe he was you know he was in that room and and the and right out of the door jam the water just went right into a bucket and i just sat there and and i got a phone call while i was in that rainstorm of of somebody who i later talked to who was not content they they had a house and real properties that they just said they just said i i just in this season they started skimming money from their work they embezzled from their work and laid it all caught up with them and they went to prison over it and then they came back and talked with me about it they repented and i'm they're doing good today and i'm thankful for all of that but it was as if god said you know you can sit here and be ungrateful with what i've given you i felt very grateful at that point reign and all just like i was grateful with what god has given me and we have to have a gratitude in our heart for what we have if we got a little car in it i was talking to pastor collins here this past week uh friday night i was at their anniversary service and the first revival pastor collins preached for us he pulled up in that little car i forget what the name of it was he said bishop davey uses it as an example but never tells whose car it is one of the young ministry couples and i i set it in front of the young ministry couples when we were eating afterwards and you kind of let the cat out of the bag but but the car had different colored doors you know like you get a wreck and then they go to the junkyard and put another door on it and they pulled out and i said i said pastor college remember when you had that car within different you got to thank god for the little things and and if you got a car with different colored doors hey probably all of us have had that car in one form of fashion i've had two of them with leprosy that uh i mean you know where the the sun peels this paint back and it looks at one the honda accord because man you could drive a honda accord i mean like two three hundred thousand miles i wouldn't let go that thing that the the door jambs start the you can't get the windows down you know all kinds of so i told you kim i said kitty you know this car is paid for can i just get the windows tinted so i could just keep rolling and nobody can know she said no you may not i guess she just wanted to humble me you know right out of f but anyway you know i'm the man of the house so i would have got him tented if i wanted to she's not here right now she's not here right now she's probably watching online amen she wouldn't have cared actually if i would have gotten it done and i wouldn't have actually cared because i'm not that sort of thing doesn't bother me a whole lot just a little bit he said because you didn't serve me with joy and gladness then i'll let you serve your enemies i think it'd be a time for us to get excited about serving god and serving god should not be a drudgery it should not be a pain if you have lost the joy in serving god you need to get it back you need to find out what is stealing your joy you need to find out who is stealing your joy look at this mark chapter 4 the bible says this mark 4 and verse 16. i'm just going to this is interesting it's talking about the sower going out to sow the word verse 16 it said these likewise are the ones sown into stony ground who when they hear the word immediately receive it with gladness and they have no root in themselves so they endure for a time and afterwards when tribulation or persecution arises for the words sake immediately they stumble if when when you hear the word and when you get saved when you obey the gospel if you don't get some root in yourself and persecution will come and cause you to stumble and that's why people they'll hear a gospel message they will obey and for a season they they do okay and then if they don't get any root in themselves if you don't get in a bible study if you don't get into the word if you don't if you don't connect with the fellowship of believers then the enemy is very strategic and he'll come in and he'll he'll sin he'll send somebody from your past back to your life an old boyfriend or old girlfriend they'll come back in you know and or he'll uh he'll he'll cause things to be ordered in your life in such a way that if you don't have some root in yourself so that you can stand in the middle of tribulation or persecution then then you will stumble and and you will not continue in your walk with god i want to give you a few and i wrote a few of these down today just to give you uh so if you don't get any root in yourself then the enemy will come and he'll steal your joy unrepented sin is a joy stealer if if you decide that you're going to live in adultery or fornication or you're uh or drunkenness and and you you're allowing that work to go on in your flesh you're you will lose the joy that you have and you can blame whatever you want to blame but the fact is is the enemy has come in and he's stolen your joy and and the way to get it back is repent just repent man don't don't quit church don't lay out until you get it right church is the best place for you to be if you send man you need to you need to come running back to the father's house and and that's what i love i i i do not want this to be the kind of environment where the enemy feels like that you know he can lay a trap for someone and because they're going to lay out of church for a couple of years till they get it right no if if you stumbled a good man will get back up again and he will keep going another thing that will steal your joy is comparing yourselves among yourselves if if if i have a desire to do something and i compare my gift to your gift and are you compare your gift to my gift and one of us doesn't measure up the bible said in doing so we are not wise that god has gifted us in different ways there are things there are there are gifts that some of you have that i'm amaze i'm amazed at i'm amazed at the gifts that you have but but i can't i can't covet your gift i can't allow myself to stumble over your gift i have to just celebrate your gift and when i celebrate and support your gift and say i'm glad that that's in the body that that's that's health that helps us that strengthens us and we can learn from one another but we cannot compare ourselves amongst ourselves or it will steal our joy you know another thing that will steal joy this just practical teaching is the cares of life and the deceitfulness of riches it'll still it'll steal your joy if you if you spend all of your time focusing on the cares of life then and and you spend all of your time just in that area and you s pursuing money and and pursuing the things of life and you don't spend any time getting in his presence and letting the spirit work in your life the joy of serving the lord will be gone this will just be another thing that you have on your list you have to check it off well you know i spent 60 hours at work this week i spent 20 hours working at home i guess i could give god an hour and a half don't let it be two hours but but i could give him a little bit of time and get in and get out was getting a little lopsided because if if we if we really want to nurture the things of god then we got to get jesus on the inside working on the outside when ministry when when the spirit comes in then ministry becomes effective and then then our career becomes effective because the enemy would love nothing more than to steal our joy many of you are perfectionist but but don't strive for perfection you got to learn this you you've got to you if you strive for perfection and not maturity the enemy will use it against you that's when you'll sing a solo and you'll hit a wrong note and you'll be so embarrassed that you decide you're going to just i'm i'm quitting the praise team i'm just going to go sit in the back or or god forbid that you start preaching and you preach a couple a couple hundred times because you're gonna say something and somebody's gonna laugh or you're gonna do something or you it it's not gonna translate the way you think it is but but but our goal is not perfection our goal is maturity we've got a mature and and we got to look at everything we do as a process god's developing us he's working on us so you decide i'm going to teach a bible study and you get all the way through the bible study and they decide that they still don't believe in jesus oh i failed you didn't fail you taught the word it's you can't make anybody obey the word of god your job is just to sow the seed is just to teach the word you go out on outreach and you don't see any immediate result but see seed has been planted and and though it wasn't perfect at that moment that maturity is a process and then you're going to look back in your life and you're going to say it was god that was helping us and developing us and working in our life and so that is our that is our focus that we may grow in him to become mature the floods of life will steal your joy and but when the enemy comes in like a flood i don't care where you put the comma either way we still win the spirit of the lord will raise up a standard against him i'll just give you one more you know what else will steal your joy isolating yourself from the people of god and from the presence of god you just say well you know what i'm i'm not going to come around anymore and then and then and then you just you don't come around for a few weeks then when you come back you don't feel like you fit well nothing's changed about the body something's changed about you i i actually went through this in when i was working and uh wasn't able for a year or so to join all of the other pastors in our uh annual conference in our district conference or camp meeting because i was just able to get there because of work and so a year or so goes by and i show up and i just felt out of place nothing changed with them but i just hadn't been there and i hadn't made the connection all it took was just a little just just a little bit of just reconnecting with everybody for me to feel refreshed and encouraged and said that's exactly where i need to be and and we cannot afford to isolate ourselves and let the enemy steal our joy and lose the joy that jesus put in us i had about five of these and i just want to i want to give them to you you can take them and you can pray over them isaiah 12 write this down verses 1 isaiah 12 1-6 and in that day you will say o lord i will praise you though you are angry with me your anger is turned away and you comfort me behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for yah the lord is my strength and song he also has become my salvation therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation and in that day you will say praise the lord call upon his name declare his deeds among the people make mention that his name is exalted look what joy does when you draw from the wells of salvation you get a praise in your heart you start declaring calling upon his name declaring his deed mentioning that his name is exalted sing to the lord for he has done excellent things this is known in all the earth cry out and shout oh inhabitants of zion for great is the holy one of israel in your midst the second thing that i want to mention the first is salvation and joy are connected you get saved you'll get joy in your heart the second thing is jesus taught it in our original text john 15 that his joy was to remain in you he said the joy that i put in you is supposed to remain in you that's why you have to fight for what jesus put in you you got to just you have to actually talk to yourself say i'm not going to let that steal my joy i'm not going to let them steal my joy i'm not going to let him steal my joy i'm not going to let her steal my joy when i'm not even going to let me steal the joy that jesus put in me i'm not going to allow it to be pushed out of my life and so john 15 and 11 said these things i spoke to you that my joy may remain in you god god has joy in you and he puts joy in you and he said and that your joy may be full the third thing that i want to give you is the joy of the lord it is our strength nehemiah the eighth chapter in the tenth verse he said to the people go your way eat the fat drink the sweet send portions to them for whom nothing is prepared for this day is holy to the lord do not sorrow for the joy of the lord is your strength his joy will give you strength in every situation the fourth thing that i want to give you is psalms 16 and 8 which says i have set the lord always before me he is at my right hand i shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory my glory rejoices my flesh also will rest in hope for you will not leave my soul and shield neither will you allow your holy one to see corruption you will show me the path of life and in your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures forevermore that's that's the wonderful thing about getting into his presence sunday i was so refreshed when this praise team was worshiping and the presence of the lord was just in the house for the very first song i i'm telling you what what happens in praise of worship it's not just something that we got to get out of the way for the rest of the service i mean strongholds are coming down and attitudes are being changed and people what people are coming into his presence and they're experiencing fullness of joy hearts are being regulated mind and minds are being regulated and people are ready to receive his word and they leave strengthened because the joy of the lord is their strength in his presence his fullness of joy and i want to give you this last one these are not all but i just gave you some romans 14 and verse 17 said the kingdom of god it's not eating and drinking as you would think it is as you follow your traditions but it's righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost that when you receive the holy ghost it's righteousness joy and peace all of that is in the holy ghost the kingdom of god the place where god rules has in it joy and if you don't have any joy in your life then i just encourage you you got to get back to the place where jesus is you got to get in his presence you got to be renewed you got to be strengthened and he will sustain you through the issues of life i want to close with this and i'd like for you to stand but hebrews the 12th chapter i'm just teaching tonight hebrews the 12th chapter verses one and two therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight some things that you have to lay down are not sin stop making everything a sin not everything is a sin but some things are weights and you have to lay them aside and the sin which to so easily ensnare us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking to jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has set down at the right hand of the throne of god joy is a sustainer through the trials of life i know you're going through some things i know it's been tough sometimes we laugh years ago when we lived in jackson mississippi they were interviewing some lady and somebody saw the clip on tv it's a single mother and and they were saying so how hard is it you know what you're going through she said you see that concrete right there she said that's how hard it is and and sometimes we've used that you see that concrete right there that's how hard it is i don't care how hard it is when you get saved and you get the joy of self uh uh before you you can endure it'll sustain you through the trials of life you just got to learn how to get back in his presence and you got to stir up the gift of god that's in you amen would you take your hands and lift them up to the lord right now by the power and authority of the name of jesus that name that is above every name satan you're a liar i rebuke every devilish scheme that you have put upon the wonderful people of god in order to cause them to think that living for you as a burden that it is a yoke that it is heavy we go through things god but your joy sustains us in trials it sustains us in difficulties it sustains us through breakups it sustains us through conflict it sustains us when people talk about us it sustains us when we don't have money it sustains us when we don't have the things that we desire and like you sustain us through everything and god not only do you sustain us but you strengthen us and you empower us and i pray that you would just let that overcoming spirit be in every life and every heart fill us with the precious gift of the holy ghost and strengthen your people even now in the wonderful mighty name of jesus and everybody said amen can we clap our hands to the lord hallelujah how many gonna be ready for sunday to be ready for sunday would you just believe with me that somebody will receive the baptism of the holy ghost amen maybe you and i'll get renewed and refreshed in the holy ghost would you just believe that somebody will be healed in their body that there'll be a miracle that'll take place amen i'd love to see our families many of us have family that don't serve the lord haven't even come to church but there could be there will be i'm not gonna say there could there will be a revival in this place a mighty harvest of souls in this place in this city and in this community and they're coming they're coming from the north the south the east and the west and god's going to receive glory for all of it in the name of jesus amen you are blessed you are prosperous i just declare in the name of jesus that you go and that the joy of the lord would just come bubble up on the inside of you until you just you experience his joy like you never have before let it flow out as the fruit of the spirit let it be the work which the holy spirit does in you in jesus name so do some things do some things that will facilitate that put a little worship music on in your car on the way to work put it on in your house put it on just and get in his presence and you see if joy doesn't come in serving the lord amen god bless you shake hands with somebody near you greet them in the name of jesus we love you god loves you thank you for coming out tonight [Music] thank you for joining us today we hope that you are blessed and encouraged by the worship and the word for more information and ways to give please visit or contact us at info new remember to take a moment and share this service with your friends and family may the lord bless you and keep you and make his faces shine upon you and give you peace [Music]
Channel: New Destiny FL
Views: 85
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Id: WAmcZSPsEpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 12sec (5232 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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