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can we lift up our hands and lift up our voices this morning can we go before god father we love you we esteem you above anything that we came in here with you've been to every in the morning and replenish my body you've never left me alone in the name of jesus and so i told you this morning as king of kings and lord of lords come on can we tell them and high and lift it up come on your train builds the temple this morning their train fuels the temple come on in worship with us as we see [Music] he's always with me morning [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] victories [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] holy crap [Applause] bigger than me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] give him some praises [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] tonight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is [Music] goodness and mercy follow me so my weapons are my days and my testimony this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so we said [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] king it is indeed a pleasure to know who our victory belongs to [Applause] i was listening to that song as they began and it says this is how i fight my battle and i was thinking when i was young i used to use these to fight but now i look to him [Music] who can take care of any battle because he's never lost to that so i am grateful to know that the victory belongs to him amen i'm going to come to you with a scripture this morning and we're going to read this in unity this is coming from isaiah the 54th chapter and the 17th verse let's read this together no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee and judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servant of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord when you take a look at that verse no weapon no sickness no covet no famine no disease [Applause] can win cannot prosper because our lord is victorious we have a winning god he cannot lose so this morning when we go before god in prayer we ask you that you remember who your god is that you serve a victorious god let's pray father we thank you this morning for this time we thank you for these people this morning father we ask you to come into your house this morning touch heal and deliver father those who may be a little sick this morning we ask you to touch their bodies father for we know that you are a healer we know that you are victorious father and father we know that if you said it that settles it and father as we go before today we act that your word will come down let your holy spirit rest upon us this morning and we're forever give you the praise the glory and the honor in jesus name i pray amen continue to worship with us [Applause] [Music] the weapon may be fun but it won't prosper when the darkness falls it won't breathe because god i serve knows only how to try on my god will never fail no no my god will [Music] make victory a declaration [Music] [Music] and there's power in the mighty name of jesus everyone he raises he will win now now back him [Music] yes i know how this story is [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] you take what the enemy meant free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you take what the enemy meant for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i wanna see [Music] but this battle that i came in here facing this morning for the battle [Music] this battle belongs to come on can we sing that as a family i'm gonna see a victory yeah i wanna see victory come on can we declare that this morning for the battle come on it's your assignment this morning to get the victory over what's been following you yeah over generational curses i will kid over poverty i will [Music] me [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh amen how many of you came in needing a victory in your life today no matter what it is whether you're here or whether you're at home watching us online i'm telling you the battle belongs to the lord will you just lift your hands and your voices and let's just ask god to have his way in this service heavenly father i come to you today oh lord because i know in your name you are his victory there is strength there is healing god there is no battle that we're facing today that jesus you are not able to man that you're not able to take care of there is no sickness in this place so god that you cannot heal there's no relationship today that jesus you cannot mend and restore i pray right now in the name of jesus as we magnify you in the remainder of this service the lord you would have your way and begin to heal your people today i pray in jesus name amen amen turn to two or three people and tell them the battle is already won [Music] aren't you thankful the battle is already over it can feel like we're fighting but it's already won through the power the name of jesus today amen amen you may be seated for a few moments this morning so good to have everyone in the house of the lord today amen all of our visitors who are here it's so good to see you amen we had a number of first-time visitors in the nine o'clock service we've got some who are here today and so thankful for all of you being here i know there's a lot of people out of town but i know several of them are watching online this morning and we just want to say wherever you're at we bless you we ask that the lord keep you on your return and just be with you as you spend this time with your families amen aren't you thankful that the lord is always with us it doesn't matter where we're at it doesn't matter how far we are but god's presence is always with us amen don't forget a couple announcements quick before we transition to our offering today tuesday night seven o'clock is church prayer this is the first tuesday of the month so that means this tuesday night we'll also be doing communion as well i want to invite as many of you as can come out to come out amen every tuesday night just not this tuesday night but every tuesday night we have prayer and the lord just moves in a mighty way every day night's a little bit different amen no tuesday nights are the same but every tuesday night god ministers to us here amen so if you can't make it out on tuesday night we'd love to see as many of you can come amen to be here amen to have communion with us also this coming weekend is the first week in the purpose institute so for those of you who are enrolled or thinking about enrolling if you haven't yet you can see me after service i know we got a couple of new students and there's a couple who are we're working on they don't know it yet but we're going to get them in there before they know it remember that evan's laughing because he's going to help me wrangle a few people amen but this is for if you've done a whole bible study but you want to get a little bit deeper into the word this is one weekend a month amen it's all it is so it's a friday evening for a couple hours and saturday morning just from eight until noon and then we're done so it's not your whole weekend but we take time to dig in to the word in a much deeper way than we do a lot of times in a whole bible study or that we can do on a wednesday night and so if that's something that you would like to be part of you would have interest in certainly see me after service or you can see brother sam or sister laurie remember the tevin there's a sister there's a bunch of people around here who can give you more direction amen we'd love to have you as part of it amen as we get ready to give this morning amen if you'll stand with me amen as we get ready to give in the offering we started a couple years ago and then we got interrupted last year i don't know what happened last year but there was something going on i forget what but for um i don't even remember for a couple weeks we didn't have service or something something i don't know anyway we're just not even going to mention it amen amen it's over we're done we're moving on amen it's good to be back in the house of the lord together amen but before we went out we started because we have a 9 a.m service there's a whole another congregation for those of you who only come at 11 there's a whole nother congregation at nine o'clock amen in fact on wednesday night before our service a family from the 9 a.m service got baptized in jesus name right before men's and women's break out on wednesday night amen because the lord's moving in the nine o'clock service he's moves in the 11 o'clock service but we want to have a sanctuary that's large enough for all of us to be in there together amen yeah i know that means a bigger sanctuary means you're gonna have to find a new seat i realize that's your seat you feel you may didn't pay for it but you may feel like it's yours and uh and they'll just make an announcement you can move there is no rule against it so if you feel like move and see some some you know sunday and you want to sit on that side you can or vice versa but we want to build a new sanctuary and if they can put the picture up we have plans already that we've been working on a man to go next door [Applause] [Music] and it's not just a sanctuary that's the sanctuary but then we're going to turn this into a fellowship hall right here we're able to expand our sunday school we'll be able to expand our christian school during the day all because of giving but it all takes money amen and you've been given we've got over 170 thousand dollars in the bank to date amen as a down payment towards it [Applause] [Music] that means we only have about 1.8 million to go the wonderful thing is it's all in your pockets [Music] come on we do the declaration every sunday about the blessings of god there is no reason why you can't begin to claim the promises of god and say lord if it's your will i believe you can put a million two million it doesn't matter what that amount is he can put it in our hands amen so the first sunday of the month we're going to be giving as a special offering to rise up and build and i went out and i got this rock from out there everybody see this giant rock do you realize that from space there's only a couple man-made things that you can see one of them is the great wall of china and we see something massive in the great wall of china but do you realize that the base of the great wall of china started with rocks no bigger than this it's not the size of the building shouldn't intimidate you the size of your offering shouldn't intimidate you because god takes the small pieces and when you put one on top of the other on top of the other on top of the other before you know it god takes it multiplies it amen for his increase and for his glory amen so i want to encourage you to give today amen as we say this declaration this morning i want you to believe that god is going to put the resources in our hands to build that new sanctuary before you know it it's going to go up and we're going to rejoice together will you say the declaration with me this morning amen upon the authority of your word i have given and it shall be given to me pressed down shaken together and running over i am obedient to your word i bring my tithes and offerings today into your storehouse therefore the enemy is rebuked the curse is broken i live under an open heaven you pour out upon me such a blessing that there is not enough room to receive it we receive jobs and better jobs raises and bonuses sales and commissions benefits and settlements estates and inheritances interest and income checks in the mail gifts and surprises bills paid off debts demolished royalties received my whole family saved and walking with god imperfect health and abundance to walk in divine favor and blessings i'm blessed going in and i am blessed going out all i do will prosper in jesus name amen if you believe it will you put your hands [Music] this morning hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] unless you're glorious wonderful to me oh what a great god [Music] we oh praise you and we will praise you forever [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you are [Music] faithful holy god [Music] father of every generation people everywhere they declare he's a mighty god [Music] foreign [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Applause] hallelujah oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] goes to the lord jesus he is worthy of all of the praise and all of the glory and all of the honor now take those hands and slip them up in the air all over this sanctuary heavenly father we thank you for your presence is in this place and we pray that you would open your our hearts to receive from your word that the gift of prophecy would come in the room that you would confirm the word with signs following bless your people this day strengthen your people encourage your people unify your people and may the blessing of the lord be upon them in everything that they say and do and may you receive all the praise and glory in jesus name we pray and every glad heart said amen hallelujah give jesus a hand to praise he is worthy welcome to the house of the lord on this labor day weekend i'm so thankful that you have chosen to be in his house would you take a moment and just greet our guests that are in the house there's a number of guests friends and family just take a moment and say hello to somebody near you welcome them show yourself friendly [Music] as you remain standing for just one moment i want to quickly move to the new testament the book of hebrews the word of the lord comes beginning at the seventh verse which says for the earth which drinks in rain that often comes upon it and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated receives blessing from god but if it bears thorns and briars it is rejected and near to be being cursed whose end is to be burned but beloved we are confident of better things concerning you yes things that accompany salvation through which we speak in this manner for god is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown towards his name in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister and we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end that you do not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises this morning i am speaking to you on this subject heaven and earth would you say that with me heaven and earth heaven and earth lord jesus thank you for this moment i pray that you would just order it bless it that you would fill my mouth with the words to say and may your people be edified and strengthened in jesus name we pray amen the lord bless you you can be seated in his presence two weeks from this tuesday is september 21st i don't know if you know what that day is but i looked it up it is it is the end of summer can i get an amen hallelujah get a witness in the house that when summer ends a new season begins now there are a few of us myself being excluded that just enjoy it as hot as you can get it though i'm not being one of those but some men in this church have told me they work outside and the hotter they can get it the better to each his own personally i'm looking forward to the end of summer and the beginning of fall cooler weather is on the oh i feel something moving through the atmosphere cooler weather is on the way and a change of season is coming we're talking about the harvest and we've been talking about our labor in the kingdom and souls and and i want to i want to speak to you on this subject heaven and earth because heaven has a connection with earth spiritual things are connected to natural and on this september 21st on that tuesday we transition into fall summer comes to an end there is one thing that really typifies a florida a florida summer and that is the rainy season it'll bleed over into the fall unfortunately but there's to those of us that have had too much rain but rain is a blessing from god because it waters the earth and it causes those things which have been planted in the earth to grow and prosper i read an article this week from the business insider which spoke of china and it said that china is massively expanding its weather modification program that for years now they have been dabbling in a program it did not originate with them i believe it originated somewhere here in the u.s but dozens of countries have been working on ways to artificially influence the weather they fire missiles into the clouds and they use what is called cloud seating to artificially manufacture weather conditions so that rain will descend from the clouds upon the crops in the land in an effort to prevent national disasters that the drought could be eliminated rain come and so they will put in the clouds uh different chemicals such as silver and liquid nitrogen causing the water droplets to condense and to fall to the earth while you're a farmer this may or may not be a good idea if i was a farmer i would want to know more about the chemicals that were falling on the land and influencing the crop but i am not a farmer i am not attempting to manufacture artificial rain or produce anything out of the heavens that god is not sending man has been trying to artificially make it rain and has been trying to influence the heavens for hundreds of years perhaps thousands in every culture and every people group from prayers to dances to even recently the cloud seeding in missiles that are fired into the atmosphere and man has sought to become his or her own rain maker it is interesting that most studies say that this rain only increases rain by 15 perhaps 15 or 20 percent at the most and so by a little margin they are able to produce weather that would not come naturally but they're looking for a way to do what really only god can do i'm not looking to be a rain maker this morning i just know who the rainmaker is and i begin to go through the scripture and look at this rain maker a rainmaker is one who a rainmaker is one who attempts to produce rain by artificial means but this rainmaker is he's the real rainmaker it's not artificial but he is the one that influences heaven and causes the earth to prosper and be blessed the rainmaker i know was spoken of by job in the 36th chapter and the 26th verse job said behold god is great and we do not know him nor can the number of his years be discovered for he draws up drops of water and distills as rain from the mist which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly upon man and god has throughout scripture he has promised to bless his people and over and over again in different scenarios he speaks about heaven and how heaven has the ability to influence and to bless earth he spoke to his covenant people in the 28th chapter of the book of deuteronomy look at verse 12 in your bible deuteronomy 28 and verse 12. he the lord will open to you his good treasure the heavens everyone say the heavens to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand you shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow he said if you keep my covenant i'll open heaven and i'll bless the work of your hand could you put your hand up and take a look at it do you know that god blesses the hand of covenant people that your hand can have a blessing on it and you think that you're just an accountant or you think that you just work for the city or you think that you just work in a field or you drive a piece of machinery but god blesses the work of your hand and he said when you obey me i'll bless the work of your hand and i'll give rain to your land in its season and you shall lend to many nations what he's saying is that when i bless the work of your hand that you're not going to spend your whole existence having to borrow from someone else but i'm going to bless you so abundantly that other people will come to you looking to borrow from you but it doesn't just come to anyone it comes to those that obey him with obedience comes a blessing and with disobedience comes a curse in the 28th chapter in the first half talks about the blessing of obedience and the second half talks about the curse of disobedience we often say this that the way of the transgressor is hard it's difficult when you live for god half-hearted and you don't fully submit and obey to him but when you fully submit to him and you obey him in all things you don't have to fear anything not drought not sickness you don't have to fear enemies you don't have to fear as man fears who lives by his own ability and by the power of his own hands look at the contrast between blessing and cursing just a few verses later in deuteronomy 28 look at what moses said he in the 23rd verse wrote concerning the words of the lord your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze you know there's no rain coming from a bronze heaven and your earth which is under you shall be iron there's nothing that's going to be planted in an earth of iron the lord will change the rain to powder in dust and from heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed he said if you obey me i'm going to open up the heavens i'm going to bless you dimensionally i'm going to cause both physical rain to come and spiritual rain to come but if you choose to do it your way then i'm going to change the heavens and i'm going to cause dust to rain upon your ground i'm going to cause powder to come down from the heavens until you are destroyed and so the principle is simply that the heavens fight against the man who is cursed in the earth fight against the man or the woman that is cursed the opposite is true heaven participates with the man or woman who walks in obedience and blessing and earth participates with the man or woman that walks in blessing and obedience how many will say that when i fully submitted to god i can see visibly the hand of god and the blessing of god upon my life upon my family and upon my business when i began reading through the scriptures i saw that there were numerous places where the word of god talks about the windows of heaven are the heavens being open look at john 1 and 47 philip came to nathanael and he said we found the one i want to connect you with this one the messiah and when nathanael comes to jesus jesus sees him coming towards him instead of him behold an israelite in whom is no deceit he is referencing he is referencing jacob in genesis 28 because an israelite is a son of jacob a descendant of jacob and what he is saying as commentators and historians write that he is referencing that though nathanael was a descendant of jacob that in nathanael there was no con man there was no deceit for jacob in the 28th chapter of genesis he left his father because his brother was ready to kill him esau and he thought when he left his father that he left his father's gods and he left all that was worship behind him but when he gets to bethel when he gets to the place where he lays his head down separated from the pagan gods of his father then god steps in in that vision that dream in the middle of the night and he shows him a heaven that is open and he shows him angels descending and ascending when jacob wakes up he said surely the presence of the lord was in this place and he he consecrated the stone where his head lay and he made a covenant with god and he said of everything you give me i'll give you the first portion the tenth the tithe you read about it in the 28th chapter of genesis by the time you get to the third chapter of malachi the last book of the new testament you'll find that god challenged the sons of jacob he said you've robbed me you've gone away from the covenant of your father you no longer honor me with the first portion the tenth and he tells them that if you'll just return to me he said i'll rebuke the devourer for your sake i'll open the windows of heaven and pour a blessing upon you he then in the new testament again references this with nathanael and he says to nathanael he said nathanael says to him to nathanael he says before philip called you when you were under the fig tree i saw you you never met me before but i saw you derek under the fig tree before you ever met me i saw you when you lived over there in the neighborhood and i knew you you came to me and you were amazed how i knew you but he said nathanael i saw you what is it god has a purpose for all of us he knows where we're under the fig tree he knows before we ever encounter him what our life is about and he knows what the assignment is nathanael said how do you know me he said i saw you nathanael under the fig tree and nathanael said rabbi you are the son of god you are the king of israel jesus answered and said to him because i said to you that i saw you under the fig tree do you believe me he said you'll see greater things than these i'm going to give you greater things than what you've seen and he said most assuredly i say to you hereafter you shall see heaven open in the angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of man what he was saying was nathanael you're going to be with me when i'm baptized in the jordan river you're going to be with me not that i'm being baptized for my sin but because my baptism is going to be an example to everyone that comes after me it must fulfill all righteousness we see that fulfillment in matthew chapter 3 when jesus came to john and john tried to stop him but jesus said this must happen allow it to be so because it must fulfill all righteousness and when he was baptized jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened to him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove alighting upon him notice the pattern from genesis 28 to malachi 3 to john the first chapter with nathanael until nathanael sees it there in matthew chapter 3 and what god is saying was when you do what i told you to do there's going to be heavens sanctioned upon the doings in earth and here it shows me that even when you and i are baptized that the heavens are opened over our life and the witness of the spirit is to come upon each baptism you can receive the gift of the holy ghost when you're baptized i hope that somebody today will say i'm tired of living by my own ability my own power and my own strength i need the blessing of heaven upon earth and so heaven changes my perspective it causes me to see things a little differently there were three men in the bible that this happened to in ezekiel chapter 47 it happened to ezekiel when everyone around him was depressed and oppressed god gave him a vision in captivity and notice what he said in verse 3 he said this he said i saw the heavens open and had visions from god in the new testament simon peter he was the second man that this happened to he was taking a nap on the rooftop before dinner and had a vision and the heavens opened and this prejudiced apostle had a life-changing vision when the heavens opened he knew where he had to go and what he had to do and the fact that even though he was jewish that god was sending him to these gentile dogs to preach salvation and god did just that in that very uh in that very chapter and beyond you see he changed the trajectory of his ministry when the heavens open the third man was john these aren't the only i just lifted these three he was exiled on the isle called patmos you think because you're so alone that god's forsaken you but god may have isolated you and allowed you to be in a place where you can hear better from him i remember when my daughter felt like as a teenager that she didn't have the friendships that she would like to have and a prophet told her god is very protective over you and he doesn't just allow you to be connected with just anyone because he doesn't want to just connect you at what is it when you're alone sometimes you can get with god and he can speak freely to you un influenced by those around you that may or may not believe have friends but make sure your friends have the same mission and make sure they believe the same things and if not then you love them and you reach out to them but you let god's will be fulfilled in your life and john was on the isle patmos and the bible said that he was caught up in the spirit on the lord's day and the heavens opened and a voice said come up here and i will show you things oh god said i just want to pull you up out of being alone and lonely i want to pull you up out of being isolated and captive and i want to show you things that are beyond earth and i want to show you things in the heavenlies that's revelation chapter 4 and verse 1. if you get in the open heaven the place where god is blessing and you're living in obedience your perspective changes god sends divine assistance do you know that the angels of the lord encamp round about them that fear him that they are ministering that they are ministers to those who believe they are ministering spirits sent by god i know that you want to command angels to do different things but god has already assigned angels for certain things and you just need to receive what god is already doing i told the nine o'clock service that years ago there was a man that preached on a wednesday night he preached until after 10 o'clock now we usually try to end by about 8 30 and be mindful of your you know your work week but this man just kept on preaching and he saw that some of y'all were getting fidgety and you just 8 30 came and went and he said if you need to go home then just go home and uh i didn't even turn around i could feel some of y'all leaving i did i knew i could i could feel the wind behind me and like gideon's army that went from 32 000 all the way down to 300 i could feel gideon's army just slimming on down when 10 o'clock came and went there was a small group of disciples here at the altar praying and when we left this place we walked down the hallway and this young man this man's son who was young said dad i've never heard you preach that long before he said well son when i go to preach at a place i usually have three nights and i only had one night here so i guess he put all three nights into one night but when i got home my wife said i knew that he came with a word from the lord because in his message he stopped all of a sudden and looked and said i see i see an angel here a very tall he said a warring angel she before the service whatever we were fighting with in the realm of the spirit she had prayed that god would send a warring angel that night to push back the forces of evil not having ever talked to the man god sent a prophet and confirms that word what is it because angels i believe in angels i don't worship angels but i'm grateful that god sends them in the realm of the spirit and they fight on our behalf and they minister to the people of god some of you have actually encountered angels and not even known it but the bible says be careful how you deal with strangers because you may have entertained an angel unaware they might look like a homeless person they might just look like a businessman or woman but i've heard too many stories of how god has assisted his people through the work and the ministry of angels an open heaven brings the favor of god on your life that's not always explainable without telling details my wife came home this week and told me of one of the dear saints of god in this assembly that had several prayers answered and things that they desired happened and just a a day of supernatural things that happened in their life and she said to this person you know favor ain't fair i mean when god chooses to bless you he may bless you and give you things that you desire that might not be important to anyone else but god just says you're my daughter you're my son and i just want to bless you and i want to encourage you and i want to help you along along the way i told you this and you can believe me if you want or not but when i when we were starting this church i remember praying on highway 19 coming back from east bay when we met at that little non-denominational church in the afternoon i felt so discouraged because it was it was about 12 or 15 or 20 disciples on a good day and and i remember coming back home and i said god this place felt like a foreign country a land different than indiana and i said would you just make me more comfortable in this city send me a don pablos because i love mexican food they told me that everything that i like everything with a dose and a low and you know whatever if it's most mixed not all but most mexican food i like it are spanish cooking and then i also said would you send me a steak and shake and do you know that now it's changed god just did it for that season to just confirm to me but but they put uh they put a uh steak and shake they built one i don't know if the shell is still there on highway 19 north of gulf to bay but next door and you can look at the records there was a road running through to that trailer park but they built it on pablo's not a mile away from each other not different areas they build them next door to each other and every time i drove past there i just had to say favor affair god god was mindful of me and when i felt like that god didn't know where i'm at or was an answer in my prayer god did it for me in the small things now had i known about this building then i should have just asked him i'm i should have just asked him for 2 million i'm still asking him for it the same god that can give us a steak and shake and a don pablo's can give us a new worship center and beyond i want this church to have the ability to build worship centers in different nations of the world and send missionaries what is it because our time is short and we got to work while it's day and we've got to firmly believe that it's not just our efforts and our abilities but if heaven works with us that the reign of heaven can prosper the land and god can send harvest that's abundant and harvest that's beyond us i want the blessing of god on my life and i want it on your life as well he said i'll make you the head and not to tell this is the very next verse when he told his covenant people i'll open the heavens i'm going to make you the head and not the tail you'll be above only and you shall not be beneath you've been slaves long enough egypt has put you to work for hundreds of years but you are coming out and you're going to not be underneath what you're going to be above and if you heed the commandments of the lord which i command you this day to do and be watchful to do them i am going to bless your land when i look at today i realize that there are keys that unlock the heaven over every believer's life do you know that when god's people begin to pray and they humble themselves that god said i hear their prayers from heaven and i bring healing to their land it's often quoted but i want to read it again in second chronicles 7 and verse 13 when i shut up heaven see if god said i'm going to make it brass and i'll make the earth iron he said that there be no rain and command locusts to devour the land our sin pestilence are a pandemic among my people if if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves it doesn't mean that all do but if they do the ones who are called by my name will humble themselves do you know pride is why most of us don't pray we're just prideful enough to think that we could do this on our own we're just prideful enough to think that we can do it with our own education that we already have the context we already have the money we don't need to spend our time worshiping god and when when we get caught up in pride even in false humility when we get caught up in that and we don't humble ourselves to pray in all of our ways acknowledge him so that he directs our path we get off course the good news is if you could just stop and pray god said what if you seek my face and you turn from your wicked ways i will hear from heaven i will forgive their sin and i will heal their land if we can learn to humble ourselves and repent if we can agree that we've allowed things to come into our life that have become more important to us than god friendships relationships goals desires and just just pray not just waiting for sunday morning but we could build a life of prayer in our homes and a life of prayer throughout the week and every time we come together we don't just praise but we spend time praising and praying and the two of them together when we praise we defeat enemies and when we pray we get direction and god helps us and i just want these altars to be restored and refreshed because of the pandemic so many people are afraid even to come to an altar but but we can't live our life in fear take every precaution even build an altar on your role but we got to pray we have to pray as people we got to pray as families we have to pray as a church and when we god said from heaven i hear your prayers and i send healing into your land if we pray heaven opens malachi said when we honor god with our tithe and offering that the heavens open he said prove me now hear this in this and see if i won't open the windows of heaven put god to the test it's the only place where he said to do that and see if i will not open the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing that there not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and i'm coming to a close because i want to give us an opportunity to pray when i look in the book of second kings the seventh chapter the bible tells this amazing story about drought and about famine and about pestilence about death and people caught up in this drought a time where there was no rain from heaven they were willing to sacrifice and eat even their own children and financially their financial system was just out of control and a prophet shows up and begins to speak to them about what will happen just 24 hours from that very moment look at verse 1 the then elijah said hear the word of the lord thus says the lord tomorrow about this time so you think it's going to take five years for god to turn things around for you god could do it tomorrow i said god could turn you you could sh tomorrow you could get an email that said when you come into work on tuesday everything is changing i'm open it's a new door for business it's a it's a promotion it's a contract if one door closes and you're walking in obedience to god then just get ready because that just means god has a better door open for you and he said tomorrow about this time a sea a fine flower will be sold for a shekel two seas of barley for a shekel at the gate of samaria so an officer on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of god and said look if the lord would make windows in heaven could this thing be i mean if there were actually windows in heaven could all of this be turned around in 24 hours and the prophet said in fact you'll see it with your eyes but you shall not eat thereof this story speaks to me of the curse of the of the wrong belief system that that god's design and desire is to take care of his people and the only thing that will keep you from living under and open heaven is if you choose to let the culture around you develop your belief system even when god sends you a word full of promise a word full of potential a word about your future if you choose the wrong belief system you say well those passages i know thank you brother sam but no weapon formed against me shall prosper but there sure is a lot of weapons being formed so you know i'm not so sure that's relevant for today it didn't say it wouldn't prosper i mean it didn't say it would be formed but it did say it wouldn't prosper [Music] and when god sends you a word you can choose to believe it [Music] and you can choose to reject it in fact we find that in this particular passage just 24 hours late later the city heard that food was on the way they rushed the gates and the man who did not expect the heavens to be opened was trampled he saw with his eyes but he never experienced it in his life one of the things i want to challenge us today is we got to raise the level of our faith we got to believe this and we have to get in to this word this is going to be where your stability comes if you begin to read the word of god and declare it over your life don't only read it sometimes i'm by myself but i read it out loud sometimes i put the audio bible on it and i let somebody declare it and i just follow along but one thing i am doing is i'm letting my home be filled with the word of god let god be true and every man a liar i'm going to learn how to turn some things off and i've got to learn how to get myself repositioned so that i can live under the blessing of an open heaven it's not going to happen if i let sin stay in my life it's not going to happen if i'm unrepented if i'm disobedient it's not gonna happen but when i repent and i i say god okay i i'll i submit to you totally i'll obey your word and i follow you and i begin to pray and i began to honor god with the first of my life when i began to do all of these things the one thing i've got to guard on is i got to reject i got to reject every bit of false information things that come my way you don't have to be rude but you don't have to accept everything that comes your way i told you about the lady in a prayer meeting years ago you know how they like to keep it real dim in prayer meetings and i was in college and i was leading the prayer meeting and she looked spooky kind of in that dimly lit cafeteria she came up she said i had a dream about you and you were in a casket and you had died several times and i just looked at her not to be rude but i said i don't receive that i'm not going to go back to my bedroom in the dorm and start writing out my will and get ready to die because this lady had some kind of dream about me that i did not have a witness in my spirit that was from god you you don't have to accept every word that's spoken over your life someone wants to call you and say oh you're gonna die or you've got the devil is a lie you're not leaving here until god says you're ready to go so you might as well get you might as well get your hands up because there's a hundred percent chance of rain it's coming i said the rain is coming and it's going to water the earth i choose to say god i'm going to get in position i'm going to be obedient to you i want every blessing that comes from heaven to be upon my life is that you today i want you to get up on your feet all over the building and lift your hands in the air we're going to just worship a minute i ask god to touch our lives hallelujah but beloved we are confident of better things concerning you things which accompany salvation heavenly father i asked today that you would let the power of the holy ghost move through this room and touch the lives of your people i pray god that you would convince and convince and direct and let the power of your spirit move through this place i pray that the windows of heaven would be opened over this assembly that we can experience the blessing of the lord upon our land the harvest hallelujah [Music] i know it'd be easy for us to run out on this labor day weekend even if there's one person that said pastor i just want to take a moment and get in position that god can bless the work of my hands that he can bless my family and my land i want to just give you an opportunity to come and to pray if you desire to pray in your seat you can do that as well if you do not know the lord jesus today please do not leave this service today without being born again of water and spirit the bible said except a man be born again of water and spirit he'll not enter or see the kingdom of god we have a minute if and we have a place here is there anyone else that said to come and just pray i want the blessing of heaven upon the earth that i live in upon my land hallelujah hallelujah who else who else is it today if you're here and you need a healing we'll pray with you if you don't know the lord tell you what you need to do to be saved if you need a deliverance you can be delivered today submit yourself to god hallelujah [Music] heavenly father i just pray [Music] that the heavens i pray your blessing will be upon every family upon every person today lord i repent of the things in me every wrong belief system every time i'm embraced by the theology of this world [Music] our children our children's children i pray for every business in every gift of the home ghost is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let it rain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let it rest open let it rain [Music] [Applause] let it rain [Music] after the rain [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] let it [Music] rain it break [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let it rain [Music] let it [Music] [Applause] let break rain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] open oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ready is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] let it rain [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] not only was our brother baptized in jesus name god just filled him with the gift of the holy ghost in the water the heavens were opened over his lives i think we ought to celebrate the fact that god is working you know is there anyone else today that said i don't want to wait another day to be baptized in his name and filled with the spirit hallelujah hallelujah [Music] so [Music] thank you for joining us today we hope that you are blessed and encouraged by the worship and the word for more information and ways to give please visit or contact us at info new remember to take a moment and share this service with your friends and family may the lord bless you and keep you and make his faces shine upon you and give you peace [Music]
Channel: New Destiny FL
Views: 180
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ueenwjiVDqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 23sec (6143 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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