OUR FIRST FLEA MARKET of 2020 - selling pallet items bought at the abandoned moving storage auction

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okay Jack's unboxing here at the market live that's the right number right there 20s we like that this is better than dollars oh look at that there's a fine right thing that's the beauty of this job is everything is an adventure every single box every single storage as it could be you don't know dollar sale everything's $1 [Music] good morning locker nuts 8:30 got my wet the Hales shirt on trying to stay one well we're we're at Concord it's cold we mark a step it's not too cold it's rainy yeah but the rain kind of sucks that crispy cold out makes it more of a like a damp drizzly cold let me show you our booth it's uh well you see what's on the trailer right here we got the tarps over trying to keep everything dry the kids it was a misty wet at our house and then got here and it was dry we're so happy and then start setting up in like an hour later and start drizzling let me show ya I just stopped the camera in the scaling it's creeping up on us right here looking at some ephemera that's old paper I only know what it means cuz I mispronounced it and everyone corrected it all right we got a little busy actually and when you started talking to Mike storage occupier it it was a little dead because it's misting and then we got swamped and we sold a ton of stuff and then we unloaded wants the rest let me just headed back from the restroom I'll show you the booth right now these are boots here you can up clos got some decent stuff here so a lot of this I have this from the pallets some of the stuff is from my buddy he wanted to clean out his garage I took a bunch of stuff and we're gonna work out a deal that helped fund his kids savings account well getting rid of some clutter for them cluttering the cash and bill if you're watching this I'm sure you recognize some of the some of the items that you've seen it's pretty funny so a lot of toys are [Music] it's all our stuff like this then boom there's a couple of things from the pallets well actually it's again it's a mix mix mix mix mix make she gives part just all this stuff in the videos mmm here's our dollar section here everything here's a dollar lots of dollars here dollar don't let go or dollar here's a little bit nicer stuff see this steel stuff got a little voice cuz the do came in it was musting for that bag how about four dollars for all of it a lot of toys we sold a lot of toys already Sporting Goods is our Sporting Goods section video game section at this beautiful rug right here this came out of talent I'm sure that before no one's asked yet I had some water seeping into my trunk here so open that to dry out and this stuff got wet is that P sign her $2.00 whoa we got this big I was about to face fish tank but it's an aquarium this is meant for a turtle it's pretty cool yes sure I'll take three for you absolutely [Music] this is a custom-made job here by my buddy's wife Jen shoutout to Jen for the craftsmanship here it's very nice tank this is for their turtle I gotta straighten it out fit it was a is a combination wet area dry area so I'm not sure what the type of turtle it is that they have but that's environment they like here's some boxes that we still have yet to unbox we didn't open those for that one oh how about three bucks for that to you yeah cute kids will always get better dealing with a cute little cheese oh look at that there's a fine right thing Oh Oh my sweatshirt dirty and I've got this bed not one single person's asked about the bed we need that to go no one's asked about the aquarium we need that to go on no one's asked about this TV stand there here we need that to go we need the big stuff to go actually we need everything to go but there's some that's the right number right there 20s we like that this is better than dollars Jenna's not amused yeah see the flea market today here's our surrounding area here it's a fair amount of vendors today we got more video this morning one is misting because it was not too pretty what is it that's a bike rack for your fun every time I start filming you come over it's a fair though I know how to get the mic yet I mean I'm addicted to feel me any money over here here we are couple hundred bucks on the light and I can't pace herself she has steel boxes before the cameras even Erlin we didn't get it on camera record needles people can spend as much as 2,000 own a record needle tip for the nail because the better record deal is what happened record deals with how the needs a good transfers for the better one the better record christmas to people life always check your needles okay what's your prediction on this one yeah I'm thinking like maybe game and something like box like something we're here in the two of smaller is built like not very many items in picture what's in the box yet but I was thinking like maybe a printer or like a blender type of box like that let's just open silent lamp I don't think that's the lamp is too heavy okay Jack's got the cursor off speed say that's good girls bought that for me alright there's a lot of empty space in here that's what I was feeling was not because when you shake the box you can feel like the size the girth moving together and it does that there was an appliance is a rice cooker when you sell your likes rice cooker Oh is there such thing as a good right he's good yeah we got one ooh that's not a rice cooker we had I thought when one of the earlier units I bought this gal was Korean and she had one that was in Korean amy was from Korea it was $500 rice cooker that's where the weight was I was feeling something heavy disappointing a little bit sorry Jack I'm bad soccer two bucks is 500 Gordon Spurs basketball he used when he was like 13 old one is not a good brand no I do that I've never in my whole life can I do that Oh christmas is almost here it's coming hi Jenna 50 weeks away now to use these you really got to know your poop that's nasty yeah we found a used toilet seat so it's actually got toilet paper on there it's got remanent so you could do you could do uh you could do like what does that call like a sample when you get the you can do a DNA sample this is a here's telling me go to Paris I like this is it go it's kind of cool like a portable fan and I think you can clip it on this side of your shoulder like this when you're walking on okay on your backpack yeah like your backpack and you did hook up it to try I'm a wise guy sorry I'll laugh when you get funny yeah I think that was funny I said I'm a wise guy I think that was gonna be appropriate for television yeah the wrong bath toy dog man and cat kid that's almost a good book I've been doing a lot of reading lately sitters at your grade level then no but the person I'm helping read that is probably close to their grade level that's good [Music] on three two one just let them know right I am I am infatuated with it's a great place and it's got her in the hall I mean I think he decided to keep it as a whole be fixed Potter collection but it was kind of - a little bit beyond the kids Locker young guys laughing he's had like regular stuff I get food everything [Applause] no this ain't like they usually hunt for girls now this is sellable here venture [Music] identity 20 years probably a $10 skateboards are hot there's a one guy he sells in Santa Cruz always walks around here looking for him I would sell up to 25 maybe I don't know is what the kids like a young man said army peg mound military duffle bag whoo it is right huh it is a military duffle bag horn see now you like this right this is what I would do because you know I'm a click Vader as they say where are you quick me like this I don't work but that is 15 bucks and here's the fine line clickbait now found military duffle bag is the title and didn't say found military duffle bag full of vintage German World War two prices memorabilia it says duffle bag is a fine line look at that that's very nice style uncle Michael used to wear shirts like this back in the day back in the 80s we'd wear a shirt like this and it's stop right here those 80s half years I never want to love those jobs Uncle Michael that's been suggest that if you're going to Alameda tomorrow I would sell that for 15 to 20 yeah and now I mean it's that style this is that eighties Tiffany this is definitely I would sell this for 29 in a month even vintage Chula looks vintage that's how I mean okay Universal to red University red you can make yourself a half ship that you didn't wear in the 80s and it's always an adventure though well that's the beauty of this job is everything is an adventure every single box every single storage as it could be you don't know you don't know if there's a hundred grand of coin you'll know there's a bag of dog poop you don't know what is in there it could be the next Picasso I mean Matthew you met Matthew and sold the paintings his friends found a tiny Triceratops horn in a storage oh no what you gotta figure everything that ever existed in the world has probably been in a storage unit at one point oh yeah some point yeah or is about to be in a storage unit world or in a warehouse of some forms everything stores I wanna go buy a storage unit now tables getting lighter yeah we sold right here so the big ol thing right here so we probably would have sold this PlayStation 3 right here but we're missing the power cord but I'm not gonna give it away for cheap because I have plenty of those power cords they're easy easy to find if I have three of them in my garage right now so I'm selling some stuff I sold the river was right here oh that game alright you start unpacking this box right here hmm shipped yeah that's going out the what okay see Oh fine great thank you yeah no problem you got a dolly okay all right thanks [Music] yep thank you that's good yeah so I'll set that out napkins and $2 yep okay Jack's unboxing here at the market live it's funny cuz we got one almost exactly like just recently but I had a print on it those lower in yeah yeah those are nice they're like $30 25 30 yeah yeah Julie's yeah they saw him in the santa cruz shop you sold a dollar okay hi three bucks that chopping yep chopping 21 over 21 that's a dollar yeah it's cute that's cool yeah thank you that's nice yeah good size but it's Nathan yeah well great family guilt or all day yeah that's a double XL nope no I'm not the kids have them they had to go up a size Yosemite Park if you've never been there it's a great spots beautiful t-shirts this morning the concert runs yeah but you know what's funny we took this t-shirt out last time and I saw them for two bucks this morning I'll probably go do it all right before the end of the day I know Oh Rubbermaid yeah everything's a dollar yep sure at $2 you don't candle think it's like a intense believe things you feel that so this is what we're doing today we're taking it out and just placing it right on the table yeah there's some bags we need those we're out of bags I saw the calligraphy set to dismiss you know you did this is incense and then what do we have here as we saw before thank you slides it's pretty well gone yeah they're pretty beat up pretty boy yeah we'll put him out we'll see going to bucks okay no these are good for cleaning what awesome you didn't appreciate that those are really thrash sure they're no they're not warm they're just a little dirty there's a cleanup that Pumas yeah they're suede okay a brand Madden added ok those would probably sell put out with the shoe collection I already sold some shoes earlier for 14 bucks all are you think yeah I can put them out over time 20 bucks it's perfect to sell cameras on that's funny to me man he yeah it's going right on the table beanie [Music] what brain little Jesus it flip it over [Music] turn on the distinct do you think the bags dirty hell wallet oh my and it's me and license or ID we really like that let it that out but uh bracelet oh yeah also that another dirty be yelling yeah I saw that but these on my table on speakers and some bandanas so I'll just put these right out now checks an illegal merchandise those on the table with the clothes yep no I don't think so it is that is your right actually 1040 but the weather's nice I think more people would be coming out yeah everything's a dollar dollars fine okay sure $2 dollar that's what it is a dollar - yeah all right well we can put those out dr. strange all right the market had started getting really slow some dark clouds just came in so we just went through the booth and pulled out the few items that we're going to put aside and then and what comes next people guess what we didn't ready yeah all right everything's a dollar now everything's a dollar the whole booth everything is one dollar one dollar well you know what we rub those boots I'll just give it to the guy over here ten just give it to him dollar from yeah yeah we're we're putting this set yeah everything else is a dollar thank you everything's a dollar everything in the whole boost $1 dollar you got some of those toys and says everything's a dollar now dollar sale everything's a dollar alright we're doing our dollar sale well man it's Tyler nope it's not I'm glad to say hey watch the show oh yeah yeah it's awesome that's awesome thank you okay are you selling or just shopping oh yeah okay yeah thanks for you how do you do today oh pretty good good so we did all right being said it was almost raining this morning yeah we'll take it dollar sale everything is one dollar dollar dollar dollar 50 more was that part of our steel so three thank you thanks dollar sale everything is $1
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 25,010
Rating: 4.8753076 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company, flea market, swap meet
Id: ij0IjnNPpiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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