An Alternate Reality | Chad Gonzales

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[Music] uh we talked about it last week and uh touched on some things that i wanted to go into a little bit more in depth on if you look at john chapter 17 and this is when jesus is praying in the garden of gethsemane and in all reality i mean john chapter 17 it really is one of my favorite chapters and some people don't understand that because it's like well it's jesus in the garden and you know he's sweating blood and he's stressed out and he's about to go to the cross but there's so many wonderful things in there about you and me about what god did for us what he was doing through us what he was endeavoring to do all that jesus was was planning on doing for us and so in john chapter 17 if you go to verse 14 and jesus is praying here and he said father i've given them your word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world just as i am not of the world i don't know if you remember when i was growing up uh there was it was when um christian music started trying to be cool back in the early 80s and there was this group called petra yeah it was cool back here everybody thought it was hard rock if you listen to it now it's like mozart or something i mean it's nothing but back then was hard rock and a lot of churches didn't want to have anything to do with it but petra came out with this song uh talking about we are not of this world we are aliens you know and we are not out of this world and i didn't get it much back then but uh i tend to think that that the bible i mean what jesus said is actually true and you know i've had people tell me i take it to take things too black and white but i'm looking at what jesus said and he said they are not of the world just as i am not of the world so that little phrase just as powerful two little words it means to the very same degree the various same manner so jesus said in the exact same way i'm not from here he's in the exact same way i'm not from here they are not from here and notice verse 15 he says i do not pray that you should take them out of the world but you should keep them from the who you should keep them from the evil one so jesus said i don't want you to take them out of here he said let's just protect them mix and protect them from the evil one and you know if you listen to a lot of christians a lot of christians talk about this christian life as kind of a recovery message or a you know a defensive message but jesus was always from a victorious standpoint and it was always from the standpoint it doesn't matter what's going on out there it's not going to affect me and a lot of people and i have to be careful and i know you have to be too when you're talking to people because some people you talk like this and they take it as arrogance they think who you are who you think you are you're denying the circumstances you know you're denying the storms you're denying the sickness you're denying the disease and nobody's denying anything jesus wasn't denying that there wasn't a devil he wasn't denying that there was an evil one he wasn't denying that there was issues he said don't take them out and this is why it's so important that we don't just focus on getting to heaven because if you're so focused on getting to heaven and getting your victory there you don't get to enjoy the victory you're supposed to have here when we all get to heaven we'll get out of this hell we're going through you know that's not the way that god designed this thing to be jesus he saved us so we could have victory right now we could experience heaven on earth now and he said so don't take them out of the world protect them because if all salvation was about was going to heaven then jesus shouldn't have been praying this when we receive jesus as our lord and savior we ought to be out of here but no you'll find out that god he gave us this earth so we could continue the family business and learn how to do it like him we'll get there so he said not of this world and then verse 16 if you didn't get it the first time he says at the end he said they are not of the world just as i am not of the world remember last week we kind of made the reference to superman remember and you know and i really believe superman's biblical i don't have a tattoo but if i was to get one i'd get a big s right there on my chest lacey's been wanting me to get one so that'd be cool but you know that's what i would get a big s and i'd put like second corinthians 5 17 on it or something like that i really believe superman is like scriptural because if you think about the story of superman you have a father son outer space something like that way out there from another world earth's in bad shape so he sends his son with superpowers sends it into the world right so he can help save the world and it was his only begotten son it's really really cool so this is kind of like a superman thing he said they're not the world just zion of the world verse 17 sanctify them or set them apart with that word sanctifying set them apart set them apart by your truth it's interesting that this word truth is the greek word which means reality and we could go on a totally different way with this one and spend a couple of sundays on this but he said set them apart by your reality remember when jesus said i am the way i am the truth and i am the lie he said i am the way i am the truth that same old truth it's reality he said i am reality it's a powerful thing if you begin to think about it let your mind go that way he said i'm reality and he said father set them apart set them apart or consecrate them set them apart by your reality in other words while they're in this world set them apart so they can live according to another reality i know some of you may think i might have smoked a little something here but i'm telling you you don't have to smoke a little something to experience this reality it's not denying the reality that's that's here that you can see hear feel taste and touch but jesus said there's another reality of something far greater than what you can experience with your five senses he said i'm reality and so if you want to see what what god really made you to be like and what god really intended for you to do you just look at jesus jesus said i am the way i am reality he said fathers consecrate them set them apart by your reality in other words you can be in this world but not experience the effects of the world or you could say in regards to this virus you could be exposed to the virus but not be susceptible to the virus all right come on i mean i'm not making psalm 91 i mean we keep going back to it but you know a thousand may fall one thought died one side ten thousand another if you go back and read the story about the uh the the israelites and the egyptians when all the plagues were going through egypt but they're in the land of goshen even though all that stuff was going on all around it was not affecting the israelites at all and the the craziest story to me and all that the craziest place the craziest thing has happened is when everything went pitch black in egypt and if you looked at goshen's right there in the middle everything went pitch black in egypt but right there were all the israelites where there was light and the spiritual reality of that is that you and i in him was life and that life was the light of men and if you want to take this thing uh very literal that you and i we are the light of the world remember i'm a little this little light of mine but they don't believe we're no little light we're a big light we've got the life of god on the inside of us and i truly believe if our if if our eyes were to be opened and you would see us in this dark world you would see these lights all over the place and the more you know what you who you are in him the more your light will shine but jesus says sanctified consecrate them set them apart now why would you set them apart in a world that they're not from so that people would see that what's going on around with me is not affecting them and so i'm not having to look at you and tell if you're a christian just because you you act good and you have good morals and you treat people good just because you're good behavior but i can also tell that you're a child of god a christian a son of god by your results and by how the things that are going on in the world how they affect you how they affect your results how they affect your emotions see no christians should ever be depressed no christian should ever be afraid no christian should ever be anxious stressed out why because the things that are going on here there's an alternate reality isn't it interesting that people out there when they're when they're dealing with the drugs or they're doing the alcohol or or the any of the addictions are trying to escape reality all those things are to escape the reality that i'm in and jesus saying oh there is another reality he's we're not denying that but the thing is you don't have to poke yourself snort something smoke something drink something do something in this in this this physical realm to escape the reality that you know we shouldn't be experiencing it's even your natural body knows we shouldn't be dealing with that reality and jesus provided a way for you to escape reality without having to or or or some other stuff there's an alternate reality see people think that sci-fi it's right there it's an alternate reality he says sanctify them by your reality for your word it is truth your word is so see there's facts out here you see facts can change but god's word is forever it's the same yesterday today and very so your word is truth and then verse 18 notice this jesus is sitting out these standards here these reality this reality for us and then he said in the same way that you sent me into the world i also have sent them into the world so he said the very same way that father that you sent me from heaven into this earth and equipped me and empowered me enabled me grace me in the very same way that you sent me i'm sending them into this world and remember we pointed out last week that you know for you to be sent into a world or into a place you can't already be there you have to come from somewhere else while all of us that are in this room we did not come into this room because we were already in the room we came from somewhere else and we came into right now you got to understand this and and it's it's this piece when it comes down to salvation you know when we receive jesus as our lord and savior very rarely does anybody see anything change on the outside but the bible says that you were born again and yet we pointed out last week again was doing some review but last week jesus says in john chapter 3 verse 3 when he's talking to nicodemus he said you must be born from above the literal greek word and most of our bibles where it says you must be born again if you have a good little study bible it'll show you right there in the margins you don't have to go look up strongs or anything it'll show you in your little study bible that it literally reads you must be born from above so what literally happens is that this body stays the same because this body is not us but when we get born again we get born again from our father we are birthed from him first john 4 4 says what you are born of god little children we're birth of god born of god and you're not cleansed and just you know scrubbed clean you're made brand new you made brand new and your birth from him and sent by him and so people would say and my little you know mind will go how is that possible i don't have to figure that out all i got to do is believe it how is it possible for my little body to stay here in an instant the old me is gone and a new me birth from him here in this body again how is that possible i don't know we'll figure that out once we get there all i got to do is believe it and live by it i got this little analytical mind and i want to i want to know how everything works but this is literally what happened he said you got to be born from above he said the same way that you sent me i'm sending them and for their sakes i sanctify myself that they would be sanctified by your truth and then for people that sit there and say well he was just talking about the disciples this is where that was with him this is where in verse 20 it's really important because he's specifically talking about all of you that would try to discount what he's saying because in verse 20 he said i don't pray for these alone but also all of those who will believe in me through their word so that's us everybody that's believed in jesus because of the gospel because the word that's been preached this is this is you right here he's specifically praying for and in verse 21 he said i pray that they would be one as you father in me and i am in you that they would be one in us that the world would believe that you sent me and we'll finish off with our little review from last week he said that they would believe that the world would believe that you sent me well how is the world going to know that god sent jesus because you and i got saved it's not necessarily just because of us telling everybody it's because they're going to see us consecrated or they're going to see us set apart they're going to see us in this world but living from another world look let me show you let me show you i know you think i'm nuts but look look at john chapter look at john chapter 3. see everybody thinks john chapter 3 everybody knows verse 16 and thinks it's all about salvation and it is about salvation but it's not about just going to heaven it's about this this new reality this new life that we are to be living in and john chapter 3 to me is one of the craziest verses in the bible it's one of the craziest things that jesus ever said and i love talking about it and i'm still exploring it because i know that there's so much more here but john chapter 3 now in verse 16 it says what for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whoever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting life but look at verse 12 he said if i have told you earthly things he's still talking to nicodemus he said if i've told you earthly things and you do not believe how will you believe if i tell you heavenly things he said so i'm trying to break it down and give you some basic stuff but there's there's some higher things i want to tell you and notice verse 13 in my opinion it's the craziest thing jesus said verse 13 he said no one has ascended or gone up to heaven but he who has come where so see jesus wasn't he he came from somewhere else and and keep john 17 in mind he said father the same way that you sent me i'm sending them he said no one has gone up to heaven but he who came down from heaven and noticed this last phrase he said but that is the son of man you read it for yourself the son of man who is where let's read this again because jesus might have been smoking something maybe he said no one has it gone up to heaven but he who came down from heaven that is the son of man who is in he didn't say he didn't say the son of man who is in earth or on he says the son of man who is in heaven now think about this here's jesus he's he he's on he's in the sand it's it's late at night he's talking to nicodemus and trying to explain some things and you gotta you gotta understand think about it from nicodemus's perspective he's talking to jesus and this dude standing in front of him tells him i came down from heaven and even though i'm on the earth talking to you i'm actually in heaven if that was somebody telling that to me i probably would have turned around and walked away at that point think about it if you walked up to somebody at walmart you're sitting there and talking to me say where are you from he said well i'm from texas where are you from they said well i'm from heaven all right let's put it this way i'm i'm i'm born and bred texas love texan think texas they're better than everybody else so if you came up to me and you say where you from i said well i'm from texas and i'm still there now you can't be there i mean we're here in arkansas yeah but i'm still there i came from there i'm gonna i came from texas i'm gonna go back to texas but even though i'm here i'm still living from texas you about lost your mind like but literally this is what jesus said he said jesus jesus said i came from heaven i'm going back to heaven but i'm living from there right now see nobody wants to talk about this because it's just absolutely crazy jesus said i'm the son of man who is in heaven he said i'm living from there now if we if we put it to you from from the from a financial standpoint it'll kind of like make a little bit more sense so think about this if you were to go across the state line go to another state or let's go even further say you go to another country okay i was i was over in in poland not long ago and when i was in poland everything that i was paying for wasn't paying with cash i was using my my credit card what do you realize that even though i was in poland i was living from the u.s every time i swiped my card i wasn't living according to the polish economy i wasn't living according to you know what's going on there i was living according to the u.s economy u.s you know interest rate every time i swiped as u.s interest rate not polish my money even though i was spending it there i was actually spending it from another country i was living from the u.s while i was living in poland every country that i do that i'm actually living and operating from the u.s you know we talk about being ambassadors for christ you realize that every ambassador that's in another country they're actually operating from the u.s they've got they've got the same authority there they can speak on behalf of the of the president there and they may be in that country but but they're living from somewhere else i heard bill winston he was telling the story one time but years ago he went down to haiti it was his first trip to haiti and he said they were walking around and it's just slums it's just poverty everywhere and he said they're walking along this this just dirt mud you know pot filled whole road and then walking down the road and all of a sudden they see this big black iron gate and in the midst of just dire poverty this big beautiful ornate gate and and nice beautiful lush manicured grass and shrubs and trees and they looked up and they saw this big beautiful beautiful building and uh and bill said he looked at the their their their guy that was with him he said what in the world is that he said that's the united states embassy and he said when i saw that it just rattled my mind because he said we're walking and living in dire poverty and right in the middle of poverty is this beautiful lush manicured gorgeous property and it's untouched from everything that's around it why because those people that were operating in that place that was paying for everything in that place was not living from haiti they may be in haiti but they were living from america and if you begin to explore this a little bit with jesus statement you begin to understand why he was as bold and confident as he was when it came to the circumstances of life and that why he he you don't see him get afraid and you don't see him threatening saying oh my god oh my god what am i going to do oh jesus oh jesus what am i going to do you don't see him doing all those things that most normal christians do because he knew where he was from and where you are from is a massive part of your identity jesus knew where he was from and so i want you to see some things here about um the results of where you're from in this earth and what it does for you so we saw there in john chapter 17 jesus said what as i am now of this world they are not of this world he said father sanctify them consecrate them set them apart by your what reality that there's an alternate reality right it's almost kind of like the matrix pill or red pill okay rabbit hook i'm not going to hell because anyway so look first john turn to first john 4. this is a familiar scripture for a lot of you first john chapter 4 and verse 17. those of you online you okay you didn't shut it off you think we're nutso keep watching take some notes first john 4 17. he said love has been perfected among us in that we may have boldness in this day of judgment and notice this last phrase he says because as he is who's he talking about jesus and and for those of you that remember anything from english is is what past tense present tense or future tense present tense so he said as jesus is that means as jesus is right now and where is jesus he's in heaven seated at the right hand of the father and this is not the jesus that walked the earth this is the glorified christ and he said as the glorified christ is right now in heaven he says so are we where in this world so he said the exact same way that the glorified christ is right now is the very same way that you and i are right now see you don't have to wait to get to heaven to be like him he made you that way when you said jesus be my savior be my lord and say make me brandon this was second corinthians 5 17 if any man be what in christ it becomes a brand new creation all things passed away the old way of living that old sin nature that old sin dominated person is gone and there is a new life that has begun it's a new life where in christ galatians 2 19 and 20. it's no longer i who lives but it's christ who lives in me for the life that i live in this flesh i live by faith in the son of god who gave himself for me he said i do not set aside the grace of god now we could go on this rabbit trail too but he said if you look it up he said do not set aside the grace of god you realize how many times we're setting aside the grace of god the ability of god the empowerment of god that even though we are one with him and in union with him and we've been set apart to live according to his reality instead we're still over here living according to this reality and we've set aside his empowerment his grace his strength his ability we've set all that aside and we're still living here like a sinner you realize if you don't know who you are in christ and you don't know what you have in him and what he's endeavoring to do through you you can be set aside and consecrated by god but if you don't understand it you're going to get the same results as the sinner think about it guys you're going to get the very same results as a sinner if you don't know you've been set apart see we've taken set apart and consecrated as as holiness according you know you're living and how long your hair is and how much makeup you're supposed to have or not have and how long your skirt is you know i promise you those things don't make people go oh i want to be like jesus and those things do not go oh you must be saved oh jesus must have been sent by god those things don't unknown affect and it's not that we shouldn't live right we shouldn't live we should live righteous we should endeavor to live holy but guys there's more to being a christian just by having good morals yes we should have good morals but but i mean that's kindergarten stuff that that's just conquering the sin thing you know in your mind we're we're to go past just being a good moral church the church big church we're supposed to be going past just having good morals we should be going to the part of we're living in power we're living in the supernatural and we're doing life like him and getting the very same results like him because it's a supernatural piece that shows natural people that we are born again it's the supernatural things that show a natural people that we are different it's the supernatural things in a natural world that shows a natural world that even though we're in this world we're from a supernatural place and when we're from when we know we're from a supernatural place and we still have access to that supernatural place then we can begin to walk from that supernatural place in a natural place all right so if you didn't like that as he is so are we so as jesus is so are we what so do you realize that the only thing different between you and jesus right now is your body oh my gosh think about it the only thing that's that's literally going to change when jesus either returns or you take your last breath the only thing that will change about you is your body that's it that's it you can't get any more righteous than you are right now we are the righteousness of god in christ i can't get any more righteous and and there there's a phrase that's all throughout the new testament especially in hebrews and i love it it says that that jesus he has perfected all those who were being sanctified he's perfected forever those who are being sanctified in other words you've been made perfect you've been made right you can't get any more right than you are right now but we can continue to work on this thing of setting ourselves apart we can't work on this thing of consecrating ourselves and living according to this new reality this new creation in christ we can work on that sanctification part but see again we've taken sanctification that word sanctification and we've watered it down and made it just on you being a good person but you realize there's a lot of good people out there that aren't born again i've met a lot of good people that that aren't saved but a lot of good people that aren't saying live right and do do good things it's not just about being good it's about setting yourself apart that even though you're in this world you're learning to live from another world and you start to get results just like jesus and remember jesus said let's put it together he said they are not of this world as i am now of this world in john chapter 3 verse 13 he said i came from heaven i'm going back to heaven but heaven's where i'm living from right now and jesus said over here in first john 4 it says about jesus that as he is so are we so do you realize that you came from heaven you're going back to heaven but we have the the reality the possibility to live from heaven so you could say that i'm i came from heaven i'm going back to heaven but even while i'm here i'm still going to live from heaven most people look at you like you're nuts and i ain't talking about sinners i'm talking about church folk they will look at you like you are insane in the membrane you talk like this they think you're nuts but then i asked that's when i asked the question how's your normal working and i say in jesus but i'm being serious i mean are your results the same as the person who does not have god does not know god guys i mean most people understand this there should be a difference for the person who has god residing on the inside of them the person who doesn't the way sickness and disease affects us and touches us we should have different results than the person who does not have god the creator residing on the inside of it the way that the things of the world affect us and affect the person who does not have god on their side and god within them and living within them and walking through them there should be different results this is what jesus is getting at here if you don't get anything else out of date just just use your imagination and see the way that jesus is right now and then see yourself that way people would say oh that's that's being prideful no in actuality it's true humility because you talk about some humbling of yourself to see yourself as him look i'm trying to stay on a straight path here but y'all keep pulling me on some rabbit trails but think about it see it's your fault i'm just going to do like most americans is your fault so think about it think about adam and eve okay so the bible says that that eve that satan told if you'll eat of this fruit and we can argue about whether there's an apple or a peach or plum doesn't really matter but if you if you eat this fruit he said you will be like god and friends it was the ultimate deception you know why because she already was and satan said if you'll just do this then you'll be like this and the bible says that eve was deceived but adam wasn't and the reason that eve was deceived because she didn't know who she was and the reason she went and started working and set aside the grace of god because she didn't know who she was and she was trying to become something that she already was and that's where about 99.9 of christians are today they are working to try to become something that they already are and when you begin to work to try to become something that the blood of jesus already provided you have set aside the grace of god and you are living by works and you know what happens works it doesn't work and then it leaves you stressed it leaves you frustrated it leaves you blaming god's the same thing go is going on in church them today if you talk about how you're one with him and he's one with you and that he's living through you and you make the statement like i do sometimes if i touch you it's the very same thing as jesus touching you you start thinking like that talking like that people think you're you're off but for for one piece to be true the other piece has to be true god can't be your father and yet you not be one with him and so they said you being a man you make yourself god and notice verse 34 he said is it not written in your own law i said that you are god's and if he called them gods whom the word of god came and the scripture can't be broken do you say of him whom the father sanctified notice this word sanctified what sanctified me not just having you know guys having hair right below your ear and women having skirts down to your toes he said whom the father sanctified him the father set apart he consecrated and then did what and then sent into the world that you're blaspheming because i said i am the son of god. now look hold your place right there i want we got enough time turn over to psalm i want you to see this psalm 82 and this is what jesus is quoting here when he said does not your own law say you are gods psalm 82 and in verse 5 and 6 i believe everybody doing okay all right here we go psalm 82 look let's start with verse 1. psalm 82 it says god he stands in the congregation of the mighty he stands in the congregation of the mighty and he judges among the gods what do you think he's talking about let me give you a hint jesus is the king of and he's the lord of who do you think those other kings are who you think those other lords are all right so this is old testament here he said god stands in the congregation of the mighty or that word mighty actually means judges too and he said he's judges among the gods and look at verse 6 it says i said this is god speaking he said i said that you are what that you are gods you are gods and all of you are what children of the most high this this is david here seeing some things and prophesying some things here he's not talking about angels angels aren't the children of god we are the children of god and god is saying if you are my child then you are a god too now what was not adam originally the god of this world see we don't have a problem talking about satan being the god of this world but you start talking about a christian oh you're a cult but isn't it interesting we're more willing to give the devil credit and give the the devil some more supernatural stuff when all reality those things were supposed to be ours and we don't want to talk that way about us because ooh you're off but we're okay to give that to satan you see the bible when you look at satan and he's talking to jesus remember when satan was tempting jesus for 40 days and it says at one point that satan he took jesus on top of the temple and they're looking all out and satan makes this statement jesus he said all of these things i have i will give unto you he said all these things were given unto me and i'll give it to you well how did satan get it we got it through adam because god made adam originally to be the god of this world to rule and that what we see in genesis chapter 1 26 27 let's make man in our image and in our likeness let's let them have what dominion over all the earth let's make man to be like us and then god created this world and then you stuck adam in it he said i give you a dominion he said go out multiply subdue in other words he's supposed to go outside the garden and start to make the rest of the earth look like the way god gave them the example of well because of what adam and eve did they sold out to satan and satan got what adam had and that's the reason that satan hates you so much because you've got what he wants and he can't get it from you but if he can deceive you into thinking you don't have it and have you working trying to get it then you can't continue to up in some things remember last week we said that the the bible says jesus he was manifested to destroy the works of the dead he was manifested to raise some hell r-a-z-e raise some hell well that's what you and i were manifest to do because as he is so are so are we and he said you are god's and all of you are children of the most high god and then while you're there in psalm look at psalm 115 real quick psalm 115 and look at verse 6 and look at what he says here psalm 115 and verse 16 it says the heaven even the heavens are the lords but the earth he has given it to the children of men he said the earth is the lord's but the earth is man's you start to put all this together and you begin to see god made you to be like him and then we're and we're entirely dependent on him don't misunderstand me i'm not saying we are god but if he is your father and you were birthed from him and he's a god that means you have to be a see even jacob understands this that a cat when a cat has a baby is not a horse cats beget cats and dogs beget dogs and horses a seed produces after its own kind you can't be born of god little children and yet be something that's why we didn't come from apes we didn't come for we came from him that born of that word that little word of two letters it means derived of of the very same quality first john 4 4 it's genesis 1 26 same thing he said the heaven is the lord but the earth he's given it unto men god put us here so we could make things and follow on and carry on the family business that's what adam was here for and then he jacked it up when he sold out to satan but jesus as the last adam came to restore his back to god's original plan for the first adam and that's why jesus said he said don't don't take them out of the world just protect them from the evil one and the same union that i have father i pray that they would have that in the very same way that you sent me i'm sending them and so we took we took a lot of this and we kind of condensed it really really quick just for time's sake but you see that so far kind of your your origin and kind of your purpose here and who you've been made to be like that there's an alternate reality there's another way we should be living and it's not denying what's here but it's living from somewhere else while we're here and it's the reason again you see jesus so bold and so confident and get results in such a way that people would look at him and marvel and say wait a minute this doesn't make any sense i know him i saw where he grew up i lived next door i grew up in the same neighborhood i mean he's from nazareth but yeah but that's just this that you see so look let's look at one little story here mark chapter four mark chapter four this is the when jesus and the disciples they were in the in the boat and the hurricane shows up so this is this is a man anointed by god in in union with god living from another place consecrated set apart sent into this world not to live according to the world but to live from another world mark chapter 4 and then verse 35 says in the same day when evening had come he came to he said to them jesus said to them let's cross over to the other side and when they had left the multitude and they left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him and a great windstorm arose and the waves began to beat into the boat and it was already filling but jesus was in the stern and he was asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we're perishing isn't it interesting that even in in spite of the things that were going on in the world jesus was not popping a xanax [Laughter] he did not go over there and get him in a little joint trying to escape the reality trying to get some peace it says jesus was at peace he was asleep in the midst of the chaos see in the midst of chaos you don't have to be in crisis mode like the rest of the world i was looking at some things this morning and and and i just heard these words on the inside of me and it blessed me so much but it was this you don't have to be in fear when you have the answer i wrote that down and highlighted that you don't have to be in fear when you have the answer see when you're afraid and you're freaking out it's because you don't have the answer you don't know and that's why you go i don't know what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do i don't know what we're going to do how are we going to get out of this see when you're in fear about something because you don't have the answer but it doesn't matter what's going on when you have the answer whether it's financial crisis a physical crisis a relational crisis no matter what's going if when you have the answer you're just chilling because i have i know what to do i know where my help comes from i look to you know i know where my i know who i am i know where i'm from i know what i have in my possession and it says he's asleep and they go to him and say don't you care that's what a lot of christians do to god crisis mode god don't you care don't you see what i'm going through don't you care don't you care do something and yet we don't realize that god saved us he empowered us he equipped us he sent us from another place and to this place so that we wouldn't turn around and say god do something we would realize who we are and what we have and who's trying to endeavoring to live through us and with us so that we would do something and so they said don't you care and it says jesus got up and he rebuked the wind and he said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm i i love this uh i'm not a greek scholar but i can listen to greek scholars and sound greek sound really smart and and there's a there there's a there a guy that that i'm aware of and followed for a long time he's considered to be the number one greek scholar in the world extremely intelligent guy and i was listening to him a couple years ago and he was talking about this story and he said this he said in the greek he said it literally reads like this that if you read in the greek it literally reads like this that jesus that he stood up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea shh be still he said when he said the word peace it really wasn't saying the word peace he literally stood up and said see but most of us we would have to fast fast and pray for 21 days and we we think we got to scream we got to make as much noise we can to make sure the devil hears to make sure everybody hears us but the bible literally says that jesus woke him up he said why are you afraid why are you freaking out and he stood up and just looked at it went it says the wind see when you know who you are you don't have to make a big commotion about it have you ever noticed sometimes when people are ministering to people praying for people oh my gosh i mean it's a show i mean we get to holy ghost shaking and spitting and slobbering all over the place and man we got to have the the hammond b3 going and the choir going you know i mean we got to do all this stuff and the reason we're doing all this stuff is because we're trying to convince ourselves that that that god's going to move we think we got to have all this we think we got to have the right music and write this and that to try to get god to do something but when you know who you are and you know what you have you don't have to go through all the commotion see this my phone is my phone and i have authority to give it away to whoever i want whenever i want i don't have to have a big show to walk up to you and say here i want to bless you and jesus knew who he was and he got up he looked at all the little pansies around him and he looked up and went shh be still and then he looks at them he in verse four he said why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith and they feared exceeded me and said to one another and guys this is where the world should be when it comes to us they looked and said to one another who can this be that even the winds and the sea obey him who can this be as he is so are we the world ought to be looking at us and saying who can this be there's got to be something supernatural going on here with this individual and sadly the church is not not where it needs to be as a ho the church as a whole is not where it should be we've got to start working on some things and it's not that we need to fast and pray and try to get god to do something because that's where most people are at we're praying for god to do something no god's waiting on you to do something god's waiting on you to renew your mind and that what paul says in romans chapter 12 do not be conformed to this world but be transformed or be set apart or be consecrated be transformed do not be conformed to this world to be transformed or if you're not supposed to be conformed to this world then you must you must supposed to be conformed to another world oh wait yeah the world i'm from i mean obviously it's not according to hell if we're not supposed to be conformed to this world we should be conformed to the world i'm from and he said the way that that happens is not by god doing something because the thing is god already did when he you were birthed from him you were made one with him in union with him and the same way that the father sent jesus the same way jesus sent you fully equipped fully supplied do not be conformed to this world be transformed or be conformed to another world by how not by praying and fasting not that and i'm not downplaying that we should be doing those things but he said how by the renewing of your mind by the changing of the way that you think by the changing of the way that you think by the changing of the way that you think by beginning to see this alternate reality that god planned to design for you to live from and to experience that's why jesus said the disciples said teach us how to pray and jesus said this is how you pray father your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and yet you don't see jesus waiting around and waiting for god to do something jesus started doing it and then he empowered the disciples to go and do it and then he empowered the 70 to go into it and then the great commission empowered the 500 to go into it and then if you think it's just a bunch of hullabaloo i mean if you go and look at the story of moses we'll stop right here look at the story of moses i love it when moses is at the red sea have you ever read that in exodus chapter 14 moses at the red sea and moses gives this great declaration of what god's going to do all the israelites they're moaning they're crying i mean i get it you got the sea before you mountains on the side of you pharaoh's horses breathing down your back they say we ought to just die we ought to go back and moses says stand still and watch the salvation of the lord and then god turns around and claps back at him and says why do you cry to me god you go go look it up for yourself we can spend a whole sunday on this one god turns around and he says why are you crying to me now what moses said was good i mean it was a good faith statement he said watch and see the salvation well watch what god's gonna do for us and god turns around and says moses why are you crying to me he said you take your rod you stick it out and you divide the sea powerful powerful statement and god's the one that said it he said you take that rod that rod represented the anointing he said you take that rod and you divide the sea so people talk about how god god divided the sea actually moses divided the sea but actually it was god through moses but god couldn't have done anything if moses wouldn't have done something and moses did not fall down after that and began to pray for god to do something no god rebuked him for it and he said you take what i have given you and you change the circumstances and if a sinner if a murderer which he was he was not saved if a man not not united with god but given a command by god and given a rod that represented the anointing if a man could do that in the old testament how much more so a man or a woman united with christ anointed and filled by god with the holy ghost go and change their circumstances out here who was sent by god from heaven made in the very image of god and likeness of god made to live like the christ the glorified christ seated at the right hand of god how much more so is available for you and i you find out that moses was so he began to be so confident in who he was that even when god told him to speak to the rock moses turned around and hit that rock with with that that rod that represented he hit the rock and even in his disobedience he caused water to come out of the rock and feed over and take care of two million people even in his disobedience he got a miracle it's time we get rid of the excuses even in his disobedience a murdering sinning man confident of his authority by god caused water to come out of a rock in disobedience and take care of all the people and it was the reason g that moses didn't get to go into the promised land because he disobeyed even though he got a miracle but what's more what's available for us what's available for us for people born of god sent by god consecrated by god to live in this world and be exposed but not be susceptible like everyone else we got some renewing of our mind to do don't we people are going to look at you like you crazy like you talking about this i'm telling you normal ain't working for most people the world's normal ain't working but that wasn't supposed to be our normal anyway [Music] amen
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 1,103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, tv preacher, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening, an alternative reality
Id: E7kiDlT7Qmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 43sec (3163 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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