God Wants You Rich | Pastor Chad Gonzales

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[Music] once you grab that say this with me say this is my Bible this is the Word of God this is God speaking unto me within this word there's life its life into my body health into my flesh strength into my bones and wisdom into my mind within the Word of God contains every answer to every problem that I'll face in this life and when I hear the word when I read the word I speak the word I'm built up I'm edified I'm charged up I'm strengthened I'm lifted up and when I come to church I come expecting to hear the word of God and to experience the presence of God and I declare today I will not leave here the same but I don't leave here change and Jesus name Amen praise the Lord well we're going to start something new today and we're probably going to be on it for a while we're going to talk about money and we're going to start a series to say that we're called breaking broke so how many of you ever been broke before yeah well we're going to break that and and we're going to just really just dig down in this thing I think it's high time that Christians start living up to the standard that God has it has not only planned for them but also has paved a way for them and and start discovering what his promises are and what the purposes are of our finances and how we can increase God's away you know within the body of Christ within Christianity there's been this thing for a long time that you know God wants you to be humble and poor but when you begin to understand the purpose of prosperity when you begin to understand the purpose of money man that totally changes your mindset and instead of God wanting you to be poor you find out God wants you to be rich he wants you to be rich and and then the in the world you know they don't have a problem with Hollywood being rich and celebrities being rich but soon is a Christian you know starts talking about their money especially a preacher Oh Lord the demons the he'll come out the because you know everybody thinks it's only for the slivers but if you're a Christian you should give everything that you have away you should just be poor but isn't it interesting that even mother Teresa anybody remember mother Teresa you know she lived this life of dire poverty and this and that and she was always giving everything away but even in her giving things away then she ended up winning the Nobel Peace Prize and wins millions of dollars I mean the wonderful thing is in the scripture it tells you that you know if you give it's gonna be given back on to you it's just some wonderful wonderful things and so today we just want to start off with some basic some foundational stuff and I want you to see what God's mindset is regarding finances forget what you've seen online what you see on TV which you found on Google we're gonna go to Scripture and all we're gonna do is basically look at scriptures today Old Testament and New Testament so you can't say well that's pastor Chad or that's the you know the circle people he runs with in other Scripture this is God speaking to you himself you ready so I want you to turn to Genesis Genesis chapter 12 we're just gonna look at scripture today Genesis chapter 12 and verse 2 and I want you to just we're gonna start off with something I want you to see that that some of the people that God used to do some mighty muddy things for him we're absolutely extremely wealthy now this would go contrary to what people would say in that God he wants you to be poor he doesn't want you to have money you know money is a bad thing if you're a Christian cuz you ain't supposed to have any but it's interesting to me that if you go throughout the Bible you look at some of the big names you know the big stars of the Bible that you see these people who did great things for God and you'll find out that God He blessed them he prospered them and he caused them to have a whole bunch of money if it wasn't God's will for his people to be money instead of God blessing these people you would have seen God telling them get rid of it because that's a bad thing but actually you see the reverse of God prospering people and making them very very wealthy so in Genesis chapter 12 and verse 2 we get into the story of Abram before he's turned into Abraham Genesis 12 in verse 2 and the IMO says that God he blessed Abram he blessed him and he said I'm gonna make your name great and you're gonna be a blessing so he said I'm gonna bless you well those of you that's been around here for a while we've understood and we've talked about it looked at it that the word blessed the word blessed in the Hebrew and the Greek it means empowered to what prosper in other words God when he blesses you he gives you the ability to prosper and he said I'm gonna I'm gonna bless you I'm giving you the ability to prosper I'm gonna make your name great and you're gonna be a blessing and then if you continue reading on down when Abraham leaves he goes to Egypt and Genesis chapter 13 in verse 2 it says when Abram left Egypt he was what he was he wasn't just rich he was very rich very rich in what and spirituality no he was very rich in what livestock silver and gold and then God jumped in there and said Abraham Abraham you bad little sinner you better get rid of that you know you're not supposed to have money because you're following me no God's the one that blessed him he blessed them you know he he blessed him empowered him the prosper and as a result all of a sudden now you find Abraham after the blessing now what's happened to him he's very rich he's very rich and it was all because of who God God's the one that blessed him so you see that with Abraham another person that you see this it with is Joseph remember the story about Joseph and Joseph you know he was one of Jacob's sons and he was sold into slavery and he went from you know the jailhouse ended up in the penthouse but there's an interesting scripture here in Genesis chapter 39 and it says this about Joseph it says the Lord was with Joseph and he was what he was a successful man why was he a successful man because the Lord was he was with him and it says all that Joseph put his hands to prospered and as a result of what happened you see in the story that Joseph's people began to see the blessing the was on his life that everything he did everything he put his hand to it prospered and it caused people to want to be around him it calls the his masters that were over him to want to put him in charge and so he ended up being in charge over the jail he ended up being in charge of the leaders house and ultimately he ended up being second in command of all of Egypt well why was it you see it all throughout the story of Joseph you see this phrase and the Lord was with him and the Lord was with him and the Lord was with him and Joseph became so wealthy had so much favor people began to see it and they wanted him controlling their money you see it was with Abraham you see it with with Isaac you see it with Jacob you see it with Joseph and then one of the really interesting ones to me is King David remember the story about David and Goliath well what was David before he was found and turned into king he was what he was a shepherd boy I don't think Shepherd boys make too much money taking care of sheep but you see David starting out as a shepherd boy then he's anointed as king and he becomes king and then God just blesses his socks off and this dude becomes extremely rich and you see this you go the next slide here you find that he becomes extremely rich and and right here Dave is talking about giving to the the temple they were going to build a temple for God and I want you to check this out he said I'm gonna donate and this is from his personal wealth he's I'm gonna donate a hundred and twelve tons of gold now now in an hour a day a lot of people start freaking out because somebody has one gold ring you know he said I'm a donate a hundred and twelve tons of gold and I'm gonna donate two hundred sixty two tons of silver of my own personal wealth well if you figure it up today in today's today's currency today's values that's one-and-a-half billion dollars that David gave out of his own bank account can you imagine if David was a preacher today and people found out he had one and a half billion people freaked out today if there's a preacher that has a million or he has a hundred thousand or if he has a nice house nice car and David had a he gave away one and a half billion and the Bible tells us that David was a man after God's own heart now isn't it interesting I mean these are these are just a handful you could go all throughout the the Old Testament you go through the new and look at all these people that were modeling used by God and they prospered they become very wealthy and not one time does God tell them you better get rid of that money you better get rid of that money that's too much that's excessive actually you'll find that the reverse of God God likes excessive you'll finally gone when he gives he gives how extravagantly he gives lavish see he's a too much God he goes over and beyond you know he's always too much and so you find this with with his people those that come under him and follow him and so you see this with these people and then I'll only I want to show you some scriptures here to show you God's promises and statements that he makes about finances these are promises to you and I and regardless of what he wants you and I and a half and not one time are you gonna find what God wants you to be poor where God wants you to be broke where God wants you to go without now if you listen to you if you listen to if some Christians they're gonna tell you God wants you poor he wants you broke you know you shouldn't have that nice of a house you should have a smaller house you shouldn't have that nice of a car you know that's excessive that's lavish people want to put those restrictions on but you'll never find God do that you know to find it so look let's look at Deuteronomy actually let's look at Exodus first Exodus chapter 12 and in Exodus chapter 12 this is when the Israelites are leaving Egypt God is delivering them what what is referred to as the Exodus and he's delivering them from Egypt and you know all Bible scholars will tell you that you know that exodus from Egypt God taking his the Israelites from Egypt into the Promised Land it's a type and shadow of salvation and that you know they left Egypt they're going through the the Red Sea they're being delivered and set free and it's interesting to me that that right here and Exodus chapter 12 God's getting ready to bring them out and the first thing that he does is he takes them from being broke to being absolutely marvelously rich Exodus chapter 12 and verse 35 says the people of Israel they did as Moses instructed they asked the Egyptians for clothing articles of silver and gold and I want you to look at this it says who calls the Egyptians to look favorably on the instant eyes who did says God did the Lord calls Egyptians who look favorably on the Israelites and they gave the Israelites whatever they asked for and look at it it says and they stripped the Egyptians of what all of their wealth so you see this this transfer of wealth this transfer of riches from the Devils kids over to God's kids and that was the first thing that God did for them right before he delivered he didn't he didn't deliver them he didn't get them saved so he could get them broke he got him he's getting him saved delivering them and he's making them wealthy and then what's interesting if you read on and the next couple of chapters the the very next thing that God does for them he makes this statement he tells them he said I'm gonna be your healer all the sicknesses and diseases that were on the Egyptians I'm not gonna allow any of that to come on you so in other words what God does as he said with the salvation package as I'm bringing to you this deliverance I'm gonna give you wealth and I'm gonna give you hell and yet if you listen to our Christian world today they'll say that health and wealth stuff you know that's not of God that's of the devil well you're not gonna find that in your Bible actually you're gonna find it's of God so when people say well I don't believe in that health and wealth stuff well then what you're saying is I don't believe what God's trying to do because this is God initiating this not man these are God's ideas God wants you to have money he wants your needs to be taken care of he wants you to have your heart desires and he wants you to be healthy in your body why because when you understand the purpose of prosperity then it makes total sense because we'll find out later on the reason God wants you to have and abundance and so that you can do what so you can be a blessing unto people you can't be a blessing to people if you don't have anything to bless with right and you know if you're sick if you're diseased well that's gonna severely limit you to being able to go and be a blessing unto other people God wants you to have a total or high prosperity spirit soul body and your marriage and relationships and your finances he wants you to have heaven on earth in every single area and facet of your life he wants you to win in every area of your life so you see this here in Exodus and if you turn over to Deuteronomy chapter 8 you're gonna see some promises that God gives to his people and these are for us as well Deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 11 I'm gonna read this out of the message translation turn around the 8th and verse 11 he says this he said I want you to make sure that when you eat and you're satisfied now I want you to notice his language here when you eat and you're satisfied and you've built what kind of houses you go pleasant houses and you settle in and you see your herds and your flocks first and check it out and more and more money coming in he said when you have more and more money coming in and you're watching your standard of living going we're not down when it's going up he said make sure you don't become so full of yourself and your things that you forget God notice God didn't say when you've built these nice fine houses and and you have more and more money coming in you're increasing financially make sure you get that away because that's too much that's excessive that's lavished and that isn't the way that I roll no you see God say in the reverse he's saying you can have all this stuff in my wills for you to have these things and for you to increase but while you're increasing just make sure you don't forget me he said make sure you don't forget me see God doesn't have a problem with you having money he doesn't have a problem with you have on boat card whatever he said in the midst of all this just don't forget me don't forget me and then you read on down check this out and in verse 17 and 18 look at this he said make sure you don't forget me in all of this look at the next scripture here he said the blessing of the Lord makes one what rich the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and in Deuteronomy chapter 8 if you read on down in verse 17 and 18 I'm gonna read this out a message you said when you start thinking to yourselves I did all this and I did it by myself I'm rich it's all mine well think again remember it's God who gives you the strength to produce all of this wealth it's God who gives you the strength it's God who gives you the ability to produce wealth it's God the one who blesses you and empowers you and prospers you it's God who says right here it's my blessing upon you that makes you rich and he said I'm gonna add no sorrow with it in other words you know when you try to produce your own wealth and you you're using your gon a Visa MasterCard Discover American Express there's gonna be some sorrow that's gonna come along with it why because you're gonna be paying interest and if you don't pay the interest there's gonna be some more sorrow it's called a debt collector huh and if you don't do that there's gonna be some more interest it's going to be a summons and if you don't do that well there's gonna be a lawsuit I mean there's sorrow that comes with these things but not with God not with God he said the blessing of the Lord makes one what isn't that interesting that that's a dirty word and most of Christianity rich you would think it was a four-letter word right up there with the rest of them in the church but actually does the one who came up with that and God's the one that wants you to have that I found this to be true that if you'll want what God wants for the reason that he wants it you can have anything in the world if you'll want what God wants for the reason that he wants it you will be impossible there that you'll be unstoppable and there's nothing that's going to be impossible you in this world if you'll want it for the reason that he wants it it's the blessing of the Lord that makes one what see we even have a hard time saying it to say it allows so you can hear for your head it's the blessing of the Lord that makes one what rich see you ain't gonna die and go to hell rich God wants you what rich now it doesn't say that he's gonna make you a millionaire a multi millionaire or a billionaire that is not what the word rich means the word rich in the Hebrew it means this it means abundantly supplied God wants you to be abundantly supplied he wants you to have all of your needs met he wants you to have more than enough to put in stores what we make our confession out of that I have more than enough to put in store so I can be a what a major blessing God wants you rich he wants you abundantly supply so you have plenty left over that is God's will for your life that's God's plan for your finances he doesn't want you living paycheck-to-paycheck he doesn't want you broke he doesn't want you living off of the system he wants you living off of his system he wants you living off of him he wants you wealthy he wants you rich he wants you abundantly and fully supplied that's the blessing of the Lord that makes you rich notice there's no there's no thing in here about your family about your last name about your skin color about your race your ethnicity what country you're from your last name your education your experiences because none of those things matter see the wonderful thing is is that when you got saved you got saved from all your excuses because if you listen to this world out here there's all these excuses why I'm not doing this and I can't do that and it's the system or it's this and it's that this causing me to be held down but not when you get saved because when you get saved all the excuses they go away why because now the blessing of the Lord is upon you and nothing can stop it the blessing of Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow with it and then if you turn over to proverbs and all ye little Bible scholars who was it that wrote proverbs do you remember King Solomon the wisest man that ever lived and who was his daddy David and so if David was rich what do you think happened to his son oh man he got Richard like he got nasty rich like you know if Solomon was alive today he would be on every single news station every single paper because they'd be talking about this wealthy preacher this wealthy prophet of God and he shouldn't have all that money he should give it away to all the poor because looking out all the stuff he could do for extremely wealthy and he writes some wonderful things here's some wise things here and these are some scriptures that we're gonna look at right here if you don't remember any today remember these and these are gonna kind of be the basis for some things we're gonna look at over the next couple of weeks proverbs chapter 10 and verse 22 says the blessing of the Lord makes one what rich he has Nisour with it proverbs 11:25 look at this proverbs 11:25 it says the generous they will what they will get richer and those who withhold they will get what they're going to get poorer but then if you go down a few more verses look at verse 28 and look at what God says here so we see the ginners gonna get Richard those who withholding at poor and he says those who trust in their riches they're going to fall but the righteous they're gonna flourish like foliage he said those who do what were their riches notice he didn't say those who have riches he didn't say those who are rich they're gonna fall he said those who trust in their riches see this is the difference folks God again he doesn't have a problem with you being rich he has a problem with you trusting in rich and so the opposite of the one who's trusting in his riches is someone who's writer so you could say it's someone who's trusting in God he said the righteous are going to flourish so in other words you can be righteous and you can be rich and actually when you begin to really study this thing out you'll find out that it's your righteousness your position of being right with God that puts you in the position so you can be rich it puts you in a position so you can be wealthy it puts you in the position so you can have hollow you needs met all your bills paid all your debts paid off and have plenty and more to put in store to be a major blessing righteous and rich they go together because we don't have this on the slide but we've talked about this one a lot Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 3 tells us what gon he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places we're in Christ in other words everything that heaven has to offer has become available to you when you got in him well the Bible tells us that the streets are made of what the walls are made of what jewels and diamonds it like it's it's so it's so not so lavish the Gahanna means building materials and yet we make a big deal of it and yet we find out that that through salvation in your position with Christ your righteousness all of these things become available to you and yet if you were to listen to the vast majority of the Christian world today they would say you are not supposed to have those things that is ungodly that is unholy and that is not like God what would Jesus do well Jesus had a treasure I don't know to me poor people that have their own treasure I don't know if to me poor people that are supporting twelve men and their families I don't know many poor people that people are fighting over their clothes because they're so nice I don't know how many poor people that have so much money an account that somebody's stealing out of it every day and yet there's still more than enough to take care of all the bills Jesus wasn't poor Jesus wasn't broke but what's been sometime looking at that one to look at second Corinthians turn on your Bible 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9 we brought up Jesus so we may as well look at something about Jesus here 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9 it's chapter 8 in there verse 9 did we put that one in there we don't have it I'll read it to you chapter 8 and verse 9 it says for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ for your sake even though he was poor or even though he was rich he became poor for you synchron's chapter 8 and verse 9 it says Jesus was was rich but for your sake he became poor and yet people say all that's talking about spiritually no it's not because in chapter 8 in chapter 9 of second Corinthians all Paul is talking about is money money money money money and in Chapter 9 this one we just had up synchronous chapter 9 and verse 8 look at what he says here he said God he's gonna generously provide all that you need how's he gonna provide generously and he said then you're always gonna have everything that you need and what plenty left over see this is God's will for your life is that you have excess see when the world says that's excessive then you ought to say yep I'm now on living in the will of God there's excess God wants you to have excess he doesn't want you living paycheck to paycheck he doesn't want you broke he wants you to have extra well what's the purpose of the extra so you can be a blessing to other people remember if you go through the Old Testament God said this and do drama chapter 28 he said you were going to lend and not borrow well you can't lend if you don't have anything to lent you can't land if you don't have anything extra he said my will is not that you would be borrowing my will is that you would be the lender right and so right here I mean these are the scriptures that we are offering confession that we make this is what we take them from this isn't anything that we just made up we've taken Scripture and we put these things together and making these declarations over our finances hey so you'll have everything that you need and plenty left over to share with others and look at verse 10 this is where it gets even better and verse 10 says God is the one who provides the seed for the sower and the bread for the eater and the same way he's going to provide and do what with your resources increase see if you listen to a lot of people that say well I agree gone to meet your needs but that's it you know God wants to make sure you know you got food and you got a house with a roof over your head but you know you should having anything but like I'd if you go find it in the scripture I'll give you a hundred bucks I'll give you a thousand bucks you go on and find where God says that's too much you shouldn't have all of that you're never gonna find it actually you find the absolute contrary he said I'm take care of things I'm gonna not only provide your resources I'm gonna increase them and I'm gonna produce a great harvest of generosity in you and yes you will be what in riched and what way every single way in every area of your life so that you can be what here's the purpose of prosperity here's the purpose of being rich here's the purpose of being wealthy here's the purpose of having more than enough he said I'm gonna produce these things in your life so you'll be enriched in every way so that you can be generous and yet the Bible tells us in Proverbs and we looked at it proverbs 11:25 it says that the generous people those are the ones who will become what rich so God's telling us I'm going to give you what you need so you can be generous and then he also tells us but it's the generous people that's going to be what rich so what that tells us is that once you get saved once you get born again once you receive Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior the equipment and the tools and the abilities that you need they're given to you it doesn't mean you get saved and then all of a sudden you become a millionaire the next day know what God's telling you is I'm going to give you the tools I'm gonna give you the wisdom I'm gonna give you the leading and I'm gonna give you the guidance and if you'll use these things over time it's gonna produce wealth it's gonna produce an increase in your life he's gonna give you what you need so you can be generous and as a result of your generosity it's gonna make you rich and see this is where you start putting the pieces of the puzzle together the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and God said not willing rich you in every way so that you can be a blessing and so we've seen this word rich like three times now actually four times and not one time Godse that's a bad thing not one time did he say it's a bad thing not one time you go throughout scripture you're never gonna find it and so the problem that it creates for us is this is that in our Christian world today there's this there's this poverty mentality there's poverty mindset of this stuff of being lavish and this stuff being excessive and when I found is that when you begin to talk about your vision you begin to talk about your dream it scares people sometimes and the reason it scares people sometimes because your vision is too big for their head and when people get scared of it and then many times they turn around they start to criticize it and they begin to put it down and what that tells me is not only as your vision too big for their head but God is too small in their eyes if you begin to study about your father says he owns the cattle Upon A Thousand Hills I mean the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof just when you think that there's not enough money in the world there's plenty of money in this world and he knows where all of it is and if you align your heart and your will with him he will use you as a resource or as a a channel the flow and funnel his finances through your life into others there's one statement mark Hankins he met he made this in regards the money off I loved it I absolutely loved this and he said this he said if you'll get addicted to giving God will support your habit he said if you'll get addicted to giving God will support your habit well that's scriptural we just read in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 10 says God he'll give seed to the sower and he will not only provide the seed but he'll increase your resources so you can be a blessing and notice he gives seed to who not not everybody he gives seed to the sower not the sucker he gives seed to the sower and as a result it's the sower who gives generously that's the person that's going to be blessed seeing ultimately what it comes down to his poverty being broke it does it's not really a lack of money it's a mindset is you realize there's a lot of people have millions of dollars and and in their mind they're broke there's a lot of people have millions of dollars but I mean they're in debt up to their eyeballs and I mean they could go bankrupt the next week so so poverty it's not it's not a money thing it's a mindset thing it's a mindset thing and so that's why even in our Christian world you see other Christians attacking other Christians and attacking other ministers because of prospering and doing well and I don't know about you but I'm just flat-out fed up with it and we said this many many months ago that not only are we going to be the healthy church we're also going to be the wealthy church and it can make people mad all they want they already mad at me anyway so we'll call the ego and let them put not the ego the jonesboro son they can put that the front page too why because the more money we have the more we can do more money we have in this place the more we can do in this community the more that South Gate Plaza prospers the more awakened church prospers and the more we can do in this community this has been something that's been rolling around in my mind for the last couple days you know we talked a while back about one of the things that we wanted to do here we're gonna talk about some of these things in a few weeks one of the things that we want to do here will start a transitional living home for men and women my background and lacy not before I met lacy I was working in the prison system and working with these guys pre-release and transitioning and then after we got married still worked there for a while so I've always had a heart for the people in prison and so that was one of the things that we want to do and we were headed that way until we started making this transition and we had to put it on hold but in the process of doing that one of the things that I began to discover and find out and these different meetings that we were having with the mayor what was the homeless situation here was really really bad and so this has been a deal in our community for the last year people trying to get money and trying to get a place and this and that and trying to do all these fun really fundraisers and all this type of stuff and you know I was thinking about the other day what if what if we just had so much money say you know what we'll bankroll the thing we'll buy the building we'll provide the resources you know what if the what if the city they need to build another bridge and and they're gonna have to raise taxes you know to do that and what if we just had so much money in the bank and say you know what mayor we'll pay for it we just may own be a blessing to our community what if we did that well that'd be amazing wouldn't it well but you can't do that when you don't have any money and although all the while people are criticizing you for having money and making money well they can criticize all they want because they're not going to be in the position to be able to do the things that you want to do in your heart for God and so we want this church to prosper and notice we're not begging we've never been a bigger we've never begged for money hardly ever have we've done any type of fundraisers or anything like that we just so we believe in sowing I mean we believe in sowing and giving and so we're gonna do that again today I've had it in my heart the last couple of weeks I just felt like it was time for us to sow again those of you that were with us you know about two years ago we sold a massive sea we gave 50 grand to our friends Katherine avid or over there in Kenya and we helped finish the very first building that they were building in Mombasa and that has now become the building that all the second-year students and all of Kenya its pastors they all go there to finish their schooling and so we did that as a result when we gave that fifty thousand dollars over the next year we had do you remember how much over three-week period when we gave that fifty we had 75 thousand dollars come in in three weeks outside of out outside of our regular giving and then a year later we had our very first hundred thousand dollar offering on a Sunday morning well that wasn't in the newspaper you know that pastor Chen Laci those greedy people just trying to take people's money note that we're giving money away I'm telling you you can't you can't get God's heart and give his stuff away without him turning around and blessing you again it's a spiritual law it's Scripture that if you sow you will reap the purpose of your sewing is not to get it is to give but the natural by a product that the spiritual law of your giving is that God will turn around and he will increase it and so I had on my heart last few weeks that we needed to - so again we needed this so big again and I didn't really know what I've been comments - tossing some things around in my head because you know we're getting ready to start the construction on this building and that's gonna cost some money probably also we still owe about eight hundred thousand dollars on this building we bought it for just so here under 1.4 so we paid a good chunk off of that we're still eight hundred thousand and I want to pay that off I don't believe that we have to do like everybody else does and have a 20-year note and just pay it off like the world there's got to be a higher way it's God's Way we want to do that and there's some other things around here that we want to do and it's gonna cost money well people would say well how much money do you have I don't have enough well then how are you gonna do it I don't need to figure that out Jesus is the head of the church and he'll take care of his church and so Lacey came up to me yesterday and we were standing up there in front and she said hey well here won't you come up here any time yes all right okay so she kept attention she said hey I kind of have this idea I know it's kind of bad timing yeah you know we're gonna start all this construction said I know it's bad timing but she's I had this idea I said what do you think and so for those of you that have been paying attention to the news and Facebook and stuff there's a guy named Jesse Duplantis and he's one of he's one of our group he's one of those guys in our circle and I don't care for you if you don't like him or not this guy's given millions and millions and millions of dollars away nobody's talking about that right now he's believing for a jet and people are all up in arms because it cost 50 million dollars well my question is okay well well how much is enough for you to be okay with that is a 20 million what's your number 20 million 25 million 2 million please give me the scripture where a God said that's too much what people are freaking out about it you know and Christians are flipping out about it because you know he's walking about us yet nobody's talking about John Travolta you know he got a 747 he's got other three jets nobody's talking about Oprah Winfrey you know she's got a 60 million dollar jet and always talking about LeBron James who walked out pregame of the finals wearing an outfit that costs forty six thousand dollars no joke look it up 46 grand his little his old suit that he was wearing was roughing about 5,000 but he was carrying this bag that was worth about 36,000 and everybody's talking about all the great you know his his fashion style and sense and all this to end nope nobody's dog and LeBron about that nobody's dog in all these celebrities and all the people in the world that Hamill nobody saying anything about that but all of a sudden a preacher starts prospering and all of a sudden now that's a bad thing well I'm just tired of seeing Christians bashing each other and I like to hang around people who think bigger than me I I like to be around people who think bigger than me dream bigger than me instead of me turn around and criticizing that what I'll do is I let that inspire me and so yesterday I tell you what I was fired up and I got into a little Facebook battle with some of my friends and delete delete delete delete delete because I know if you're gonna talk about him you're gonna end up talking about me so bye bye Felisha see you [Music] so we just figure it's high time for people to unite and we just believe that you should support other people's dreams and other people's visions I want to put my money into good ground I want to put my money into someone who's dreaming bigger than me that's gonna help me go to another level so that I can turn around to help other people go to another level and so Laci came up with this crazy idea she goes I know this isn't really good timing because we got all this construction things going on she said but I think we just need to take the whole offering tomorrow and just sew it to Jesse and and on the inside I think allowing inside I kind of need that money you know but the more I thought about it throughout the day I was like you know what this seems good this seems right and so I was telling one of my friends about it last night and he got all excited and so that's what we're going to do and so everything that comes in today it's not the only thing that's gonna do is go into the office and Shana's gonna count it and then it's gonna turn into a chicken it's gonna go out and so we're gonna sew into that jet we're gonna sew into that ministry people say why does a preacher need a jet well you know if you're preaching over 200 times a year I mean even even lace you know we were coming back from London our flight got delayed in London for two hours it caused us to miss our flight in Charlotte and that caused us we were supposed to been here at six six o'clock on Wednesday we didn't get home until two o'clock Thursday morning last year when I went to Seoul South Korea I got to that through the airport Saturday night and they canceled my flight and didn't then give any calls anything they told me when I got out there oh yeah by the way we canceled the flight come back tomorrow morning at 6:00 so I got up that next morning got there at 6:00 and they go oh I'm sorry we cancelled it again come back this afternoon at 5:00 and so I went this at that afternoon at 5:00 on Sunday I get there and they said oh we're sorry we've delayed the flight it's not gonna leave till nine o'clock well the problems that it caused me is that I was supposed to preach in Seoul at this conference that was starting on Tuesday morning well they're a day ahead so I didn't end up getting there into an hour before the night service on Tuesday so it messed everything up with the conference there I missed the whole first service and I was a speaker for all of it well can you imagine that was just one trip he imagined if you're preaching on Sunday and then Tuesday and Thursday and you're doing it all around the world and people say well that's excessive well it's excessive for you to have your car you could take the bus all right now brother I mean that's different I mean it's just of cars no it's a mode of transportation to enable you to do what you need to do so four people sit then say well that's excessive what you're saying is dots too small dot dot dot isn't big enough that's too big for my head that's okay what you need to do is you need to get around people who dream bigger than you think bigger than you let them inspire you and hook up with them hook up with them and so this is where we're going to so and if you don't want to do it that's fine no condemnation but this is what we're doing this is lacy told me I believe it's of the Lord I had a witness of it after I got out of my flesh and so that's what we're gonna do and if the Lord is leading us to do that then just like he's led us to do other things hey I can't wait to see what comes on the other side
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 733
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: chad gonzales, breaking broke, jesse duplantis, finances, prosperity, money, sowing and reaping, God wants you rich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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