Rebuilding The Worlds Biggest Forklift Part 2

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ah son looks like somebody shot that thing right there what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we're gonna continue working on our walls biggest forklift and the first thing that we want to do to this thing is actually give it a complete power wash maybe go to the store and find like a five-gallon bucket of degreaser or something like that and also while we're at it we might as well go ahead and see if we can get a bucket of some hydraulic fluid maybe some engine oil or some filters so let's just go ahead and run to a few local stores and see what we can come up with all righty boys we got our hydraulic fluid we only got 10 gallons turn out just call for 45 but we're gonna do a little bit more research on that as right now let's go to another storm grab some other supplies all right boys different location here were actually at the Kubota dealership this is a brand new dealership here in Chattanooga we're looking to see if they sell any filters or anything like that I just had to get in this tractor dude this sucker is massive dude I'm starting to fall in love with heavy equipment man I don't know what these things are Beast dude dude fast cars are fun and all but you know what this right here is just me can move some dirt or lift some heavy stuff that is Austin's a whole nother world out here but we're gonna do some more research and look around and see what we can come up with [Music] son Kubota actually sells drag tractors over here dude that's pretty crazy dragsters see you gots the wheelie bar right here whenever you popped a wheelie that's pretty wild it this is like probably made for like mud and whatnot but that's crazy goals right here this sucker alright so we are back with our supplies we're gonna go ahead and start off with our hydraulic fluid and we want ten gallons for now and also we went with the most common stuff which is actually clear and it's weird because that stuff does call for ATF which is red and we didn't see any of that leaking so that should be perfectly fine also we got our hydraulic filters we've got our purple power degreaser and we got some grease and we also got a nice little metal funnel which we're actually gonna use that right now because we're gonna start off by filling up the hydraulic oil cuz we could have broke that thing over the weekend lift and pop semi [Music] all right so it is actually a couple days later we haven't done anything to the world's biggest forklift just yet but it's already doing work but that has to change the starter in this semi so we lifted it up for them it's gonna give them a little bit better access dude I can't believe it picked up that semi where you think it weighs about 30 pounds out that thing is a heavy beast and this thing easily lifted it up I think pop said it's 33,000 pounds with a trailer and a load so I'm sure somewhere around 25,000 maybe less more or less but dude is picking up a lot of weight this is definitely gonna help us out in the future but we're gonna give you guys a couple more updates maybe here in a little bit so the thing is after lifting that semi we did Park it came the next day started it up and the boom just would not lift so we're hoping that we're just slowing some hydraulic fluid so let's just go ahead change the filters and pour it up [Music] alright guys so check this out we just removed - the old hydraulic filters actually sit upright underneath this tank so we kind of dropped some fluid right here but look at it dude it almost looks identical to the fluid that we bought my drip some right here this is our new fluid same color and everything and it feels like the exact same viscosity do this ain't professional but I still do the finger method will do right here so I think we're good here all we got to do is just pour in ten gallons of fluid but I just noticed that this tank goes all the way down in there so we might have to run run back and get 40 gallons pretty sure so let's just go ahead throw these in and throw as much as we got in there [Music] you [Music] all right so pops just figured out the boom and we got that sucker working it that's the highest it goes right there that is crazy look at the measurements right there and also you got a little angle measurement right there as well so is that is that as high up as it goes okay that's a size up how I open house hi back dude we can throw a car on there and drop it off you deadly crazy event and there may be something in the works possibly but there's probably a lot of air in the system because they completely drained dude your drain did you know ya can wait completely down there's nothing in there anymore so that's exactly what we did we just got all the air out of it so we got a better funnel this now that other metaphors kind of slow yeah the whole mate funnels a lot better buddy's always better so we're gonna go ahead and put some more in it and I guess we won't need to buy any more right we might have to because dude it probably sucked up all of it [Music] [Music] alright so we just found out that we won't be needing any more hydraulic fluid cuz we actually poured some in there where the boom was raised and the reservoir tank level actually rises and drops as you go up and down with the boom so we've poured in the perfect amount and we are good there now it's time to actually start cleaning this sucker up we are gonna vacuum the interior then we're gonna bring out the degreaser and start power washing this thing [Music] [Music] all right so Oh blue is getting a little bit blue or we just pressure wash the whole entire exterior we even brought in two other pressure washer it's a little bit more powerful but we got it nice and clean especially that engine bay we got all that grease of it off of it it's looking good dude it's it's tough getting this grease off of it because this stuff has been on there for such a long time probably some years man it's got some years on that grease but definitely this is gonna allow us to kind of see what else is leaking if there is any other leaks and we know this big boom right here the sliding boom is actually leaking the worst out of all of them so I'm wondering if we could replace that ourselves maybe by the seal you pull out the hole in time I don't even know how to do we're just gonna do some research but we're gonna look into that let us know if any experts out there think we could do it here at the house if not we just call somebody in or take it somewhere I don't know but that's right now we got to clean up that interior here as well we didn't want to power wash it because there's a lot of electronics in there we don't want to ruin anything so let's go ahead hop inside and get it clean [Music] well she is cleaning right off ain't she oh yeah man like a pretty penny right here this we're gonna spend the majority of your time you know you got to get it looking right you know must look like a racing steering wheel on here with a new little knob right here the little drift knob foreign aid a grenade launcher no oh dude I'd be pretty dang sick right there notice you keep doing those fans their net from Napa - yeah yeah I was trying to figure out how they work and they only work in the slow motion - check that out hey an a/c HVAC system not nice and it's got a what do you call that a drop-top i got a sunroof man you can bling and pop that sucker open in any day of the year [Music] yes sir so we finally got this thing cleaned up on the inside looks absolutely amazing the windows are crystal clear got a 360 degree perfect view all right now we're gonna go ahead and fire this thing up and articulate it a little bit and see if we could possibly find some more leaks right yeah we need to look at everything because we wanna right now and actually take a picture of all the leaks to see what we can come up with because we probably need to order some sills if we can if this is possible to do ourselves we're definitely gonna do it you know what I mean definitely and also I think we might just run and go grab some batteries that way we don't have to keep turning on that booster box yeah it kind of gets annoying guy so let's do it [Music] all right so we did a little bit of articulations right there now you want to just do a quick run-through see what's up with it see if anything else is leaking yeah let's do it mainly I want to look at these the steering rods here they seem to be dry actually which is a really good sign that's round that side this one over here is pretty dang dry so the seals are good they're these right here our most important lift of let me call cylinders are my most of them yeah those are actually really dang good dang dried dry like the desert right there the only one that's a super super lightweight you could tell the seals are bad is actually this long boom like with the main one basically the the 20-foot the extender it's not the main one the main ones are actually those are yeah because that's what you're gonna use most of the time you know to pick stuff up super heavy stuff up this boom this cylinder right here is a little bit wet so that still may need to be replaced actually a short one right yeah it's that big right there so it's like five feet six foot big book but the crazy thing is the way this lift actually works is as it lifts this right here stays straight at all times it's just an awesome I think the new Kubota is actually do that which means like you don't know always like you know you don't have to adjust this too much it actually will stay level the whole entire time yeah so it's super sick right now we're actually gonna run to the store we're supposed to grease it up but as right now we just catch you guys at the store and grab some batteries all right so we made it here to autozone and they do that the proper battery with the right cranking amps and all that good stuff but we noticed that it may be a little bit too wide so we're gonna head home grab some measurements and we'll probably catch you guys tomorrow in the morning all right so does the next stay here and what we're about to do is actually pop these batteries out they way we can take them with us to get the correct ones and also just cour exchange them and there is a plate back here that you got to remove just to extract them because it is a little bit narrow right here so let's just go ahead and unbolt these batteries and go get some new ones [Music] all right so the two legends are back and before we throw these suckers in we're actually going to clean that area of because there's just grease everywhere we just want it nice and clean and then we're gonna throw these suckers in and see how this thing fires up [Music] all right so the new batteries are in now let's see how well she will fire up I mean she already get sparse with the booster box but now would run like a dream all right so now we've got a hood prop up there ERV boom prop that's we're gonna call it what are you guys we're saying that it could be a little bit dangerous actually just going under that boom so we decided to put that problem actually that we have leaks you know that think you just drop any minute now very scary right now let's go ahead and actually check our fluids basically the first thing I want to check is our motor oil and you said that somebody said that this thing was or what who stroked can you believe it is a four-cylinder diesel to stroh never heard of it before usually two strokes what that means to me is you got to mix the gas with the oil and that's how it runs your caravans yeah and power band that's it but this I don't understand it I don't understand how it works exactly I don't know he doesn't eat oil or something that's what I'm saying do we gotta mix it with the B so I highly doubt that but also a lot of you guys saying that this was a very reliable engine yeah Detroit Detroit whatever I don't know what the exact spec of it is but it's a two-stroke Detroit Diesel 4-cylinder right your cylinder and you can read these suckers out it's a to struggle might as well just just sit there on the on the throttle all day he pretty much take like yeah man no right but anyways let's go ahead and see which one of these dip stitches are in jawoll and see if we got any all right so I think we found our prop here no there's a few of them here but this one's sitting right by the engine let's go ahead and pull it the old rusty looking thing Oh banana shake yeah let's see what we got oh dude we look low they did Madison dark engine oil for sure dark butter I mean it's not too bad let me double dip it one more time to see if it's actually low or not double deep they doing for sure man we got some other props here let's see what we got oh yeah dude we're definitely low so this probably means one thing it sure is a two-stroke cause it's burning some foil what do you think yeah I'm wondering how much will it burns and you constantly have to pour it in there and all that good stuff I don't know dude I know there's some experts out there that tell us all this stuff but who knows maybe this thing just burns a little bit of oil ever so often but anyways that's the first thing that we need is there an engine oil and filter somewhere that filter is I know this filter right here it looks like it's for the transmission or something like that it's definitely transmission I think the transmission and the hydraulic pump works together somehow yeah because this is the actual pomp I think I think this is the puppy actually goes right into the transmission probably has some kind of gear mechanism all that good stuff so we're not gonna worry about that just yet because we did change the two filters over there for the hydraulic system we're gonna have to do a little bit more research on what that one is but for right now what do you say go get some engine oil and see if we can find a filter let's do it all right so we're here at the O'Reilly we've got 16 quarts of 10w30 will only need 14 but they only sold in these big gallons but we also went ahead and picked up our oil filter at NAPA so we are ready to go [Music] ah son looks like somebody shot that thing right there it was probably on here for a couple years cuz it just wouldn't come off at all I had to actually like get a pen and hammer it through like six times but we managed to finally get this thing off and dude I don't know man I think that thing's been on here since oh - because this door over here and the last time it's been changed was like around 23 how much hours do we have it on right now dang really too much I think someone's like 2,800 so that was the last time it's been changed since 2002 right there which is pretty dang crazy that's what I think I don't know it may be wrong but dude we got a new filthy filthy together now all was filthy dude got a new filthy yep so what do you say we throw in the new one let's do it man and then when you figure out where we need to pour in this oil alright guys so we got the hole in there and listen to this thing fire up dude it's just smooth [Music] that's a tough old filter right there comer's you to say this thing weighs actually weighs wait I almost forgot look at its like 23 806 weight three thousand pounds so there it is are twenty four thousand eight hundred that's a heavy one dude I wonder if there's actually a trailer that can carry this thing like heavy enough to carry with our truck you know what I mean yeah our truck can definitely pull it we just need to find that heavy-duty trailer way maybe like a triple doli axle something crazy like that we're gonna be on a quest looking for a nice trailer so if anybody has any suggestions or any leads let us know man down or let us know alright so now that we got the oil change the next thing that we're gonna do is actually try to grease up all the fittings there's tons of them throughout the whole entire forklift heck there's even one on the dang throttle cable so we're gonna try to find as much as we possibly can let me see if we got some grease in this gun because we're gonna need all of it oh do that right I think you pop that top oh yeah we got some nice grease in there so let's have at it and then we'll probably go ahead and pick up something heavy afterwards [Music] what the pen is pushing water out of the thing dude this one's taking a water oh there goes the chick is out you let me see finally coming out but that's some old grease in there and this right here is a workout this is the most grease I've had to put into any of them if they got like an air-powered one or something like that but dude this thing probably never has gotten grease in the wall because this is the only one else kind of dry yeah I know they need to invent an electric one like this like a Milwaukee's a news I'd be seeing my invention Mel walking well this probably been outdone on invented we don't even know about every time you try to invent something somebody already invented it we are good here you're good on this side yes sir but there's a couple more of these fittings so let's just try to find a little bit more and then we'll do what we said we were gonna do [Music] all righty I said we were about to pick up something super heavy with this thing but we just noticed how wet the ground was and we got some pretty soft soil in the backyard so we don't want to get this 25,000 pound machine stuck because that'll be an absolute nightmare but as right now bet is gonna be a wrap for today's video I hope you guys are enjoying this forklift rebuild so make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything also guys if you want an inside scoop before YouTube definitely goes to follow on instagram at goon squad and if you want to help support your voice be sure to copy some March at goon squad com so with all that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,255,585
Rating: 4.9128656 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding the worlds biggest forklift, rebuilding a salvaged forklift, rebuilding an old forklift, goonzquad forklift, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked forklift, copra build, copart rebuild, restoring an old forklift
Id: dtjEK2nB_RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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