Forklift repairs

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[Music] hey Cody all right so I've had this thing a few months now and have actually done quite a bit of work with it but I got a good deal on it because it needed a bunch of little repairs that I've been ignoring all right so I want to get this in the garage and get all the repairs done to it so a bunch of little things over here he's a new seat the tilt gauge they're smashed and they're supposed to be a switch here which controls the tilt function of the forks which is missing and I'd like to change the oil and these this this cylinder both of these lift cylinders just developed a leak where the oil leaks down onto the exhaust and its thing sounds like it's on fire the whole time so let's get all those repairs don't do it [Music] you while the seats out of the way fix this so there's supposed to be a switch here which controls the tilt of the forks [Music] oh there's the water look at that alright so the way I suspect that works as one of these power and then whichever one it has contact with tilts the fork either direction all right so I got my power probe here I just hooked this to the battery the what this does packed like it test stuff and you can ground and put negative to that lead so any of these have power alright so those are ground which both of those are let's try the key on start it this thing needs a starter to oil from that cylinder leaks on the starter this here is the wire it tells the starter to start be different that's just the exhaust one exhaust a lot that you know that exhaust was like an inch lower like they're a little bit different I'm gonna try to fix this one the parts from this one don't want that to happen do i all right all right so this is bad good bad that's wrong it's a good one he's the same yeah I didn't I didn't want to see what happens is the you got to hold all these those things back to put this on it these guys gotta get sprung back see if this works getting bad and oil you all right you hear how quick to turn that over that's nice okay let's now we're figuring that's we're back to this figuring that out [Music] respect red is supposed to be power but it's not let me just see what happens when I power these guys oh yeah that does okay bro confuses our test light the way to test is you go on each side power power alright there's a blonde one right there you can see the connection is burnt out and amid all that glass tube a new one no we still don't have oh alright hang on it was that fuse check this out I tested this before off-camera here's lip the terminal two that we had nothing now this key off we have ground key on we have power alright so that means this this wire here you can see it's all cracked that's the one that goes up into that so let's change that wire this is what I'm gonna be installing as a switch this is just a universal atv winch switch that I got on eBay for like 10 bucks or something like that the reason we're doing that is cuz the guy I bought this lift from you know he wanted to fix that too obviously and went and got prices on everything so right there joystick they wanted seven hundred and twenty five dollars for that part so we're gonna fix it for like fifteen instead alright so let's get this new wire pulled through okay so here's our old joists thick wire and Joystiq plug and you can see a previous owner had already been bypassing connections on this plug you can see that when there had failed so let's just remove that let me test this switch just to be safe I'm guessing red should be red so that should be ground for my power probe okay so I'm just test it yeah that's ground so neither one of these should be ground right now nothing okay now when I ground I push a button one of them should become ground there we go now the other way okay red is red just to be before soldering I know so we got this piece all right this was actually meant to mount on ATV handlebars so I should mount pretty well to this you could stick that right there a little more tape to make it look professional look at that [Music] all right alright let's put this uh all right let's get this seat in here now got a seat for this thing so these don't line up with you we got a center punch it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so when adjusting a seat when you're sitting back in it normally your wrist should should land right about there on the steering wheel everything I can see fine seat belt which is when I was unloading this thing off the trailer when I tip over you've got a tipping over you got to commit he's got a jump out of it and make it away from the machine or you got to stay in it because they promised I was like gonna fall this way I was like man I don't I was like I thought plan was a car I'm jumping this thing slips off the trailer I'm jump in but now that the seatbelt you know this and don't install seatbelts in things that don't have rollover protection because that's that's pointless it's like having a seat belt on a four-wheeler but this so yeah this is a good thing have a seat belt then very good and when you get a new seat make sure you get one where it doesn't pool water in the seat so this one should drain out fine there all right another thing I want to fix here is this gauge right here which tells you where level is out the guy I bought this lift from he wanted to fix that too obviously and at three hundred and seven dollars it's gonna stay broken but for under ten dollars look at that camper level thing so let's get that installed reason having that level is important on this thing is because it's got the ability to tilt you know you want to be able to know if the machines level or not because you could tip it over if you had it tilted wrong with a heavy load on the forks there watch watch it on the top and see how important it is to know that the machine is level actually that was kind of scary there because like I filtered it and then the thing got so light in the back it's definitely good to have that gauge in their horse all right the next thing I want to I want to get these cylinders rebuilt now so I just spent a couple days and put up a new crane inside here to do just that job so let's get that done [Music] get ready getting the slings ready good boy good boy taking these cylinders off looks really easy until you look at it and I realized like wait a minute like this has to slide this way but the cylinders in the way but then my car let me take this cylinder off but alright let's just start on bolt and stuff and see what happens see these blocks here these are cylinders that are lifting like personnel or stuff that can collapse like if a hose blows this won't like just fall down because of this block label these [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't see any snap rings I mean this looks like a barren [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] read this in the manual [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well that's exciting because that's the first actual job I did with my new hoist I just put this up to do this job hey buddy and Cody helped see he'd made sure that his rooster crows yes that roosters doing pretty good with you you're trying to make that not curl anymore I know it I know it I know it yeah you want to treat the rooster you want to retrieve the rooster you ready to show us how you're a tree ready good eats rooster good boy Cody good boy all right let's get the other side off and the other side has its own challenges this is the easy there look at that look at that cab right there so if I put the boom up now that that's half way apart see if I didn't have these caps I could not have done that all right yeah sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I'm just gonna send these out to have them rebuilt I don't know that's just one thing I never kind of started doing with cylinders [Music] [Music] so Cody alright so 789 to have those fixed looks like the labor was maybe that's something I should like I mean I guess if it took this guy six hours to do and that's what he does all day I don't know that's one thing I haven't been doing is rebuilding cylinders maybe I should learn how to do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] so these were the washers that hold it together I don't even understand what they're doing because obviously they slip right in that I'm gonna let me cut a bigger washer and use this big not to pull force that together because it's just [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah like almost leaving this on here this actually holds it together break it trying wow I don't see why this is so hard look I mean that's going on they're printing straight we're switching to this wrench [Music] I expect you to put a pipe on this thing [Music] so next day here so I've been kind of thinking about this overnight obviously something isn't being and I have a 10 foot of pipe on this wrench trying to force this together I mean see it's going in a little crooked but not alright so obviously forcing this together isn't the art so I'm gonna I got went and got some new tools I'm gonna pull that back off I have tried to hone out the inside of that thing so it maybe open it up a little bit some new tools check that out right there 3 and 1/8 [Music] there was going but that shouldn't be that high [Music] I mean I don't see what was holding this up I mean that's I mean that's going a little crooked but come on it's not look at that this house should have taken it apart in the first place I mean nothing looks messed up on this scene this Ridge right here all right I'm gonna open this up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there we go this is what it had for Watchers see I don't see what that's doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's the line right there a little hard to see that all right I just rinsed it off with the pressure washer it looks pretty good next though now I want to just grease it and change the motor oil and this thing's ready to be used alright while that drains let's get everything greased every grease fitting I found took grease no problem so let's get back this oil [Music] remember when it was done the date was 5:20 and the hours at three to zero all right that is right word should be alright and this thing is done let's take it outside in forklift some stuff you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 1,111,424
Rating: 4.889194 out of 5
Id: pEMgV4R7p8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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