The New Goonzquad Headquarters!!!

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welcome to the new gun squad headquarters boys what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we got something super exciting planned if you can't tell by the title already and it's going to be an absolute epic one and yes we are going to be moving locations and of course we did see all the comments on youtube and instagram about our new gun squad garage that we're still going to be building and as you guys know that is going to be a commercial building that's industrially zoned in the city so pulling those permits alone has been quite hectic then on top of that the pandemic struck which just absolutely slowed everything down to a point where we didn't know when we were going to pull those permits so in the meantime we were actually looking for a new location and i think we found the perfect one because we really do want to expand if you can't tell we're kind of just taking this location over and dude i think it's just going to be the best move it's just going to be super sick it is crazy dude and it's not turnkey so we're going to have to put our personal touch to it maybe like some carbon fiber touches or so we're gonna do something crazy this is out of our comfort zone out of our realm this is something that we really don't know about we were in the construction industry before but we've never done this it's been such a long time dude been a long time so we're super excited but the very first thing that we're gonna do before we actually head out there and show you guys this new gun squad headquarters we're actually going to head to the original location we're just probably going to do an update see what's going on there and i believe the grass is probably about yay high it is it's definitely probably tall because the last time we've been there is ever since we recorded the video a long time and it took us like six seven ten hours to mow it just to mow that sucker and we were using just a regular deck mower with the steering wheel pops lawn mower the john deere which i believe we might have blew that sucker up well the engine still runs because nothing runs like a deer deer yeah but the deck flew up so we're probably going to go buy a brand new lawnmower probably one of them zero turns that would mow it probably like five minutes or something like that and you might be wondering why we're standing in front of this and that is because we are gonna actually head up to the new gun squad headquarters and this dude this thing is going to be a beast dude i can't wait to actually drive up there with this thing and we might even and uh are we going to connect the trailer to it and pull the yes sir the new lawnmower up there as well we're not going to probably pick it up from the store right now we're probably just gonna use the gladiator pick up this lawn mower and then we're gonna head back warm the sucker up let the batteries charge up and then we're gonna head there to our original gun squad location and mow that grass [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we just pulled up to the tractor supply where we actually witnessed one of these a while back and like we had our eyes set on one of these magnums right or what is it which one did we like last time ultimo whatever the ultima the ultimate pretty neat it's a pretty neat tractor you know what i mean we did a little bit of google research right before here and we seen like this one was definitely like on number three on the list or something like that john deere was number one and then of course horse what's the orange one i don't even know the husker barn or somewhere the kubota you know look at that thing it's got leds on it they've got leds and it's a 60 inch deck fabricated of course you know that thing is look at that that's a tough deck right there that's not like what that john deere has at the house over there that we broke he's got like a 24 inch this thing right here what is this it's a bad boy but it's only a fifty-five boy there's no lights in the front of it yeah we gotta have some lights because you never know we might be mowing at night yep let's go check out this toro over here man dude look at the shock that's just sitting that is sick actually i think toro may be the leader in the in the lawnmower industry to be honest it has a my ride suspension system dude that thing is probably like comfortable honestly that is sick but what's our budget how much are we trying to goodness how much are we trying to spend now that shock looks expensive to me but that is sick you'd be just bouncing up and down and you should be comfortable sitting look at this wow dude we may have to we may have to go with that one but then there's some bigger ones out here you're trying to go big or you're trying to just go mediocre dude i'd like to get this one with this thing about six thousand dollars that is crazy that's up to that's like if you want to start a lawn mowing business so we might just start a lawnmower this is a 60 this is a 60 inch deck just like that one over there and that one's only four thousand dollars so you're cutting down like three thousand dollars you're just not getting this nice the cadillac ride right there there's ride right there but who needs that you know what i mean i mean when you're mowing dude you're not focused on the ride you know you're focused on getting that grass cut you're focused on getting that grass cutting that might be our move right there i mean one already sold there was two here last time so that's a good way to look at it you know so there may be a good lawnmower so i guess we're gonna make our decision and see what we can get got the drag slicks in the front right there dude dude the tires in the back are a lot wider too on this thing this one right here is the same amount of horsepower as i tore over there the only thing we're lacking is the suspension which i believe we could just deflate these tires and get the same ride you know we're going to do some lawnmower hacks here hey that's as long as the seat's comfortable is the seat comfortable it's comfortable does that toro even have lights on the front no i don't i don't think so no it doesn't have lights man this is probably the one right here the best thing for the dang did you just i just lifted it up with my foot right there dude go ahead do that again that is legit man we we're used to steering wheels dude yeah i know and dude check out the tires these tires compared to the ones right beside you right here this the this bad boy right here is way more expensive but these tires are huge some mud boggers right there and that's what we need to in the new goon squad headquarters because we got some rough terrain we haven't even talked about like what the elevation or the terrain is i can't wait this is going to be crazy dude it's going to be epic but let's just go ahead i guess uh make the deal happen load it up on the trailer and head to the original spot and stop cutting some grass let's do it all-wheel drive my dude [Music] alrighty folks she is strapped up and she is ours dude dude this thing right here the zt 260 right here this thing is a beast right here ultima man and how much did we end up spinning after that one year warranty i think it was like 4 800 after taxes and one year warranty that will replace anything other than the blades of course and probably the tires we told them we'll be back for sure we'll oh definitely be sure to be rough on it but you know what i never thought we'd be this the very first thing that we bought brand new from the dealership like a vehicle pretty much well you know very first thing that we bought brand new from the dealer at you know uh whatever anything that has tires on him never bought we just bought we just buy parts from the dealership let me just there was a zero turn on the auction we would have bought it there was a couple of them out there but we didn't want to wait and like why would you buy a wrecked lawnmower come on man blades might start cutting sideways or something this is awesome man this is honestly we've been dreaming about buying a zero tone if you believe it or not we've been dreaming about this yeah this is this is a dream right here dream come true um lawnmower cop now it's time to go mostly what do you think should we load this on the military vehicle or should we just go ahead and head with the gladiators i say we just go there with the gladiator and then once we head to the ultimate dream the the ultimate goon squad headquarters the dream house we'll then grab the military truck probably go ahead and connect the trailer and this thing and just head straight [Music] there [Music] all right so change of plans guys we actually decided to run back to the house and grab the military vehicle that way from this original property we can head to the new residence because we are trying to race against the rain because i believe it's coming from that way that's exactly where the property is i know oh man and the rain is coming should be here in a few hours so we got to hurry up load that bad boy up over there mow that property man honestly i'm excited to go to the original property as well dude me too man i want to see what's going on but anyways we got everything ready to go we got the hitch all we gotta do is back up to the trailer there and the good thing about this is you can load up a bunch of extra stuff in the back like a weed whack or a machete a lump not a lawnmower chainsaw a chainsaw same thing and uh we can just go to sleep when we want to in there man take a shower you know you're going to be back and get old cook some food whatever dude this is like the off this is perfect man this is the this is a beast right beast right here but anyways let's just go ahead and load up the lawnmower and head to the very first property [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] dang son this place has grown up man hey we don't know nothing about property management but we better start learning quickly i know right we definitely got to mow this sucker down there's some some dang trees growing right now man we got to cut some trees down good thing we got those machetes machetes clippers we didn't go with a chainsaw because we don't plan on doing too much crazy stuff yeah i mean there ain't really no use for a chainsaw who knows well we'll find out that later but right now we need to go ahead and mow this whole entire thing up as you can tell the axles from the trailer are still sitting there because those suckers are so heavy we couldn't lift they couldn't scrap them and we didn't have no way of like plasma torching and we do need to get a plasma torch though that'd be nice yeah get one out here and cut all these trailers up we still got to get rid of those trailers yeah we got to get rid of those trailers i believe those are aluminum so those might bring in a pretty hey once we get like some heavy equipment out here maybe like a big excavator we can just completely destroy the things you know that'd be awesome but dude this is this is crazy right here our fence got grown in right there but that's just that's just part of owning property i guess part of it whenever you don't take care of it but anyways what do you say go ahead and just toss the mower on this yeah let's let's just start with the mower and like you hit whatever you can i'm sure it can cut like that tall grass to just put on the highest setting or whatnot yeah hopefully we don't mess up our blades man because we still got to cut another piece of property but i think we'll be good so i think so go ahead and unload that sucker and start mowing [Music] [Music] so i think we might have came out here with the wrong utensils except for the cub cadet of course i mean we probably should have came out here with a bush hogger that's exactly what i was this ain't even grass this is like all bush like this stuff right here is so thick you have to go over like five times the machetes are a little bit too short but you know what we're getting it we're having fun out here i think we're probably gonna just do a part part maintenance yeah we're not gonna do the full thing because the rain is coming like if you look at the clouds just coming here real quick i mean it already rained a little bit i say we head to the oh yeah i say we head that way too but how's this thing doing right now this thing is a beast super comfortable and it's so nimble like you can just turn on a dime that is awesome but dude we are putting this brand new machine to work right here scratches here and there but you know what we had to get this sucker done we got it mowed down pretty dang good i got it yeah pretty dang good along this area we still got that part right there and over there is not so bad usually like the grass on this side grows a lot faster yeah there's like concrete and gravel over there but soon there will be a nice commercial building here this is the as you can tell there's a big old building on that side over there that's an industrial building we can make no you can make noise all day and night there's no limit there's no decimal how loud you can be because this is rated as industrial so you can just do whatever that's perfect for us dude we're going to rev some stuff oh man but anyways i guess we're gonna go ahead and pack up maybe even head back to the house stop by wash up a little bit because our other property shouldn't be as bad right yeah oh no definitely i don't know maybe it is it's been a while but anyways let's just go ahead and load up and head there all right so we finally stopped by the house for a little bit just to grab a change of clothes we both threw on some pants because over there like last time we went out there did you while we were just purchasing the property poison ivy like crazy oh he's an ivy and there's ticks everywhere they'll be like in the grass and stuff like that i don't know where they came from but we are going to take care of them we're going to do some pest control and we got some of this for now we're just going to spray it on our stuff right here so they don't get on us but anyways dude this place is just nice in here man this is the house on wheels man yeah we got our fridge working i mean we got some cold waters in here and everything got some cold ones in there oh yeah we got some cold ones in the freezer right yeah i'm about to go ahead drink that and some of this get some energy some natural energy dude this is going to be exciting we're about to go up in some elevation right oh yeah we haven't mentioned how high it is it's in some elevations it's up there but it is raining or it's just like what is it trickling right now it's like it's like misting a little bit you know what i mean nothing dude i'm just excited to go up there and show you guys and everything dude this is gonna be crazy so let's just go ahead pack up and just head that way [Music] all righty folks so we made it here to our residence and look at our crazy driveway man we drove up the mountain and that right there in front of us is our driveway which is crazy dude this is about to be epic man dude i'm excited i'm super excited and the reason why is because the content that we're gonna bring to you guys once this house is done it's gonna be amazing because the background the views just everything in word i mean we got so much plans that i can just talk for like days but anyways like this is just exciting for us we just wanna yeah we're gonna do like a brief i guess uh tour of the property i don't know if we're gonna go inside the house just yet yeah there's still there's some crazy stuff going on in there but yeah we want to just mainly show you guys the property and what's going on i mean it's kind of raining right now but it should stop in about an hour or so yeah and we'll get out there and we'll mow but another thing i want to point out about this house is it's not an ordinary house yes no ordinary house first of all we're up on the mountain which was crazy that whenever we seen this and we came and looked at it we're like dude this is this is this is it we're like this is the one i was like dude we can put a garage right here this and that we're just already contemplating and how much there's there's what like 15 acres 15 acres of mountain top property man the pristine property dude that you can go hunting on your property and then you can you got all types of stuff we're gonna we're gonna talk about what type of stuff is up what type of wildlife is out here a little bit later but we did also grab a couple snacks because man we're just on the go we're moving so fast we got some beef jerky sticks we're just on the road right now man just going property to property man but it's a lot of fun driving this beast right here oh betsy's putting in work dude this thing is a horse man but it is time we're probably gonna chow down on some snacks first off eat some snacks and then we're gonna enter dude enter our driveway right there it's a little rocky and stuff like that we're definitely gonna have to fix it for the cars that are gonna be coming up here but that's why we bring betsy up here to just go right through it man [Music] all righty guys so we are finally here and i welcome you the brand new gun squad headquarters [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so what you just seen with some awesome aerial footage of the new gun squad headquarters here and as you can tell it does kind of look a little bit awkward you can't see the front door there i want to give you guys a little bit of back story of what this house was supposed to be this is actually a guest house and there's supposed to be a bigger house right here so that was just the guest house which that's a pretty dang huge guest house at 2 000 square feet yeah about about 2 000 square feet and this thing is just designed a lot different than we expected i mean whenever we came out here we were mainly looking looking at the property we got an amazing deal so the property alone was worth it and then the house was just a plus but i think we could work with it we may be able to get an architect out here just to design this house in a good-looking way maybe modernize it maybe it looks super good i don't know you guys leave your comments down below let us know what you guys think we should do to it should we make it nice or should we build something bigger right here i don't know but what we really wanted was that view let's just look at that view oh my goodness man dude that is a that's a million dollar view right there exactly that's a million dollar view and honestly we can clear out a lot more to get more of a view get like a 180 degree view man and it's just gonna look absolutely epic for videos when we're gonna be doing builds maybe outside or something i don't know dude the opportunities are just endless out here hey we may even put up the garage out here dude what if we had a garage with a view like that dude that would be absolutely epic that would be out of this world but we do actually have three lots out here and they're five acres a piece totaling up to be 15 acres so we could build different houses i don't know i'm i'm planning on getting that bottom lock because we do have a lot that's down there right there's a lot that goes that way and then i believe there's a lot that goes that way so we i don't know we got to go through we got to discover we got to actually like track this whole entire like log that would be pretty dope we're going to get like the cam out here or something like that but a little bit more history on this house this is about a 11 year old house and it was just unfinished about 11 years ago right yeah it was abandoned 11 years ago i think it was built in 2009 or eight i'm not really not sure the owner was actually building it for his parents and his parents unfortunately passed away so he just kind of stopped he's got a bunch of other real estate and uh this was just on the market in the covid uh 19 uh stages or whatever and we just seen the opportunity and we jumped on it and i think this is a good move to go ahead and jump onto this house instead of the shop because like we just we're going to start working here dude yeah dude and the the way everything was just planned out and set up by the by everything like we were trying to get all the permits and stuff that this just popped up on the market and we just decided that this is the best opportunity for a really great deal and the house may be kind of looked it looks finished from the outside but on the inside there's there are some work there's a lot of work to do we still got to do electrical we got to do plumbing we got to do sheet rock we got to do paint we got to do everything that interior needs to do honestly and i think we're going to go crazy with the interior maybe do something super modern just throw our own touch to it like we mentioned before it's just going to be some absolute epic content you want to walk around the house let's walk around the house we're not going to jump inside the house just yet we're probably going to save that for the next video because we still got a good bit of work to do but this is a pretty dang tall house for a two-story dude that sucker is tall dude got all real or what do you call a natural stone real stone all around the front end over here i've got some mud right here that's muddy but the good thing is we did our research the soil did perk so that's a lot of good good information there there's a lot like down the road for like a million dollars we didn't pay nowhere close to that and the soil didn't even perk over there i know that is insane but dude dang son we got some mud over here yeah we'll probably throw some sod down or something okay there's a door on the side here so what's going on there dude that's that's the weird part about this house you know it was designed for a house to be right here much better and like a little drive in the middle apparently or something like that between the two keep on coming we got something pretty neat on the back end over here we got a garage dude that's probably where we're gonna start with the next epic build probably start in there we're probably going to work out of there for a little bit or something who knows dude once we finish this thing up we can work out anywhere dude so this is the whole entire backside and the siding is plastic on this house so that's why it's kind of turning green because this thing hasn't been touched for over like 10 years probably give it a wash just to clean it all up i can't wait to do all that stuff and honestly look at this back here dude there's so much opportunity back here dude it's like a little cliff back here we got a bunch of rocks when we were looking at the property before we purchased it there's like a bunch of like big old rocks in the woods over there and we were thinking about maybe getting an excavator out here and possibly like stacking him and building like a waterfall or something crazy hey dude there's so much opportunities dude we can bring out the jeep and the dude we can climb some stuff with the military vehicle out here dude we just got to deflate the tires or whatever and we can climb all sorts of stuff we got to get the can-am out here we got to get the motorcycle the duels the drz's out here it's going to be super fun but this lot right here is pretty cleared out and he spent like i think 30 grand just clearing out this little place right here lots of money was spent just to get it flat and then lots of money about 100 grand was spent on this house right here just to get it to where it's at we got to put in a little bit more and we could probably live in it here real soon definitely going to do like a nice driveway and do like a nice uh big old like what do you call it or might as well call it i don't even know what we what we're gonna do just yet but dude there's a lot of plans but dude that's about it dude that's the house right there looks looks that's about it for now but the very next thing that we're going to focus on is actually the exterior or not the exterior the the landscape landscaping of this house and as you can tell there's a big o i don't know what that is let's get closer to that thing i don't know what it what kind of plant it looks like some elephant ear plants or something like that jack and a beanstalk we had to fly around that thing with the drone it's so huge right here when we were looking at the property it was a lot smaller and i was just like reminiscing i was like thinking like when we buy this property we're gonna go out there with a samurai sword and just chop it down it looks like we need a chainsaw now dude look at that root that's huge when we came out here it was only like five foot tall but we're still gonna go ham on it so i guess let's just go ahead and start with this let's try to hack it away see how much we can knock down and then we'll drop the lawnmower and mow as much as we possibly [Music] can [Music] so [Music] [Applause] all right those are some big leafs right there dude man it's a perfect name for them elephant ears right there but we saved one more over here and gonna try to go through it with one slice you're gonna you gonna do it try to man it kind of dueled it out from going ham on all those things right there you gotta put your mind to it you gotta become a monk i'll probably i'll probably get it right here give it a shot man i'm gonna stand back got the strap around your arm and all that don't go flying it's fun dude i gotta say it's fun these are like hollow or something so usually they chop pretty good but this is the thickest one we saved it for last already got a whole entire pile right there go for it man i'm gonna give it all give it give them it all right you ready two hands or one hand probably gonna do one hand all right my hand already hurts from chocolate yeah i know mine does too all right here it goes let's do what you can do ah oh hey oh oh oh dude that was sick you know i think it was because i screamed you know i did that ninja scream [Music] so [Music] all righty guys so we got this yard mowed as much as possible got a few things chopped down but dude it already looks ten times better and we definitely damaged the blades on this thing because there's some rocks and some big old like tree stumps sticking out so may have to sharpen them bad boys up next time man that's a that's a fact right there we had to sharpen them up and we still got a good bit to take care of we'll come up here with some uh stronger equipment probably stronger maybe maybe even a bobcat who knows man skid steer or bobcat clean because look at those big rocks right there we need to like kind of clean them out a little bit speaking of bobcats we were going to talk about the wildlife that was out here let's just run over some stuff that's about where we may expect in some of the videos the original owner of this place as you can tell there's like a little there's a plumbing thing right there because there is sewage and he had a rv sitting right here while he was building his house he was living out of it he even has a little satellite over there for tv and stuff like that and he said once he was living here he's seen deer like he said he seemed like five six deer sleeping under a trailer that he had here pack a deer some bobcats um some eagles some bald eagles are going to be sitting on top of those tree limbs right there and he said there was like the biggest woodpeckers he ever seen that would just like sound like jackhammers out here jackhammers in the trees man how crazy is that i hope to see some of that stuff here real soon dude that's gonna be awesome but there is still a lot more cleanup to do we even have to take down some big trees because as you can tell there's some dead trees around the house even back there that we definitely need to take care of because we don't want that landing on anything the house or even cars or whatever yeah and there is some other stuff that we haven't revealed yet some other awesome epic stuff yeah dude this thing is just crazy i can't wait to just go through more stuff i mean there's a lot to do here so this is not even this is probably maybe one acre of land right here we got 14 more dude 14 more acres of just exploration but right now let's just go ahead and load the lawnmower up on the trailer and then we'll go from there [Music] alrighty guys so that is pretty much going to be a wrap for today's video we're super happy to reveal the new goon squad headquarters and honestly none of this would be possible without you guys we are truly blessed with the best so thank you guys for all the love and support and don't forget to turn on your post notifications so you don't miss out on this epic journey and also if you want to inside scoop before youtube definitely give us a follow on instagram gun squad and don't forget to leave your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you guys next time [Music] peace
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,600,465
Rating: 4.9485235 out of 5
Keywords: the new goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad house, new goonzquad house, buying the new goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad garage, goonzquad garage update, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked trackhawk, rebuilding a wrecked supra, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini, rebuilding a wrecked car, building the new goonzquad garage
Id: xnXRIevtwa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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