Rebroadcast || Overcoming The Enemy || Evangelist Arthur Grant

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[Music] put your hands together and make welcome evangelist reverend arthur branch hallelujah [Music] praise the name of the lord there's a little chorus i love us the same across the bridge there'll be no start the bridge there'll be no more pain as sun will shine across the river and we will never be unhappy again what a hope i have lived the life of sin in this world i'm living in i have done forbidden things i should know i asked a baker along the way if he could show me where to stay that i might find real happiness [Music] [Music] [Music] is across the bridge is the king till the joy builds you hearing they'll be singing out the glory of the land the river jardin will be across the bridge across the river across the bridge a bridge [Music] somebody give god a shout of praise give him a shout of praise hallelujah come on give him praise ah he inhabits our praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god deserves all our praise amen so much to thank him for so much to praise him for i have to praise him god bless you be seated if you can there are those of us who come each night and are waiting for something to happen amen we don't want that kind of attitude you must make something happen amen you must create worship man hallelujah don't wait for it to fall spontaneously come on david said bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name we must command our hands and feet and moat to praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah and then we must worship the lord unconditionally amen whatever situation we find ourselves in we must learn to praise god a means of what the enemy is doing amen i will bless the lord at all times on his spiritual continually amen touch your neighbor and tell your neighbor and let that be the truth i'm here to worship neighbor i am here to worship amen so i bring my own praise i bring my own praise i i said i bring my praise and if you put your praise with my praise hallelujah we can lift up the kingdom of god and shake the powers of darkness hallelujah i believe in god tonight let me greet our night's moderator and let me greet bishop hardy and the great associate pastor minister brown says the same sitting in the congregation all the ministers brothers and sisters i greet you and greet you in the name of the lord i don't know about you but i expect something great from the lord each night that i came here amen i have the privilege of getting close to buckingham palace and there are some guard there it doesn't matter what you do you get no sound from them you get no movements from they stand direct they stand at attention amen even if a fly attempt to go in their eyes the hands cannot move to brush it we don't want none of those gods here tonight amen hallelujah i am i want us to be very powerful and in a while i'm going to ask you to stand with me i want us to be very proud we are going to stick with god's agenda amen because the devil's the agenda is already defeated it is a carbon copy of god's agenda amen and only jesus can announce the item and that program is shut down already so all we have to do and i am not i'm not playing with words i know the god i worship and i know when the saints assemble together amen i came here today and tonight with such great confidence that something is going to happen because a group of persons met here today from the different churches amen unsolicited god amen i bought a cd a few weeks ago only because of one line of a song and i bought an entire cd just for a line of a song one thing for certain god answers prayer amen doesn't matter what is going on amen if your problem overwhelmed you must know for certain that god answers prayer amen and bishop adi while i sat there and look at the congregation amen last night the lord tabernacle with us i am wondering if it's a different set of people coming tonight based on what the lord did on your mids last night amen amen and while i sat there the holy ghost said to me amen tell the people i have heard the prayer amen i have heard their prayer all they has to do is just worship and praise me for the prayer is already answered come on i somebody bless the lord somebody need to give thanks for a prior answer and i'm walking in the highest dimension of faith the substance of things over the evidence of things not seen i don't need to seek converts to announce baptism somebody help me in the house of god i don't need to hear testimony to know that god heals oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah rise to your feet give god a standing ovation for my god answers prayer [Music] oh we worship your daddy jesus we worship you we worship you we worship you we honor you we praise you we bow down at your feet you are exalted in our midst to you be all glory honor and praise [Music] oh just turn around and bless your neighbor sitting beside you standing bless your neighbor and be seated declare a blessing upon your neighbor your neighbor needs a blessing i say your neighbor needs a blessing bless your neighbor and be seated if you can [Music] ah god we worship you we worship you we worship jehovah god hallelujah [Music] we have come together to worship him [Music] we worship you we worship you we worship you jehovah god we worship you we're going to be extraordinary jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah word is the love of god [Music] where is the lamb of god the church is in sichuan the church is in session the church is in session the church is in operation the church is in charge the church is worshiping jehoviah i let every enemy be scattered let every power be subjected i why the truth still worship god hallelujah [Music] oh we worship you jesus hi yes yes yes yes thank you god thank you thank you jesus thank you my father thank you for your bless [Music] no devil gonna shut me down god did so many things for me and nobody no stress no problem [Music] no condition designed by hell can shut down my praise and keep me quiet i i have life so i'm gonna worship him i have something to eat this afternoon so i was praising ah my clothes is no longer tougher than torn i'm gonna praise him and then i have the hope of eternal life i have life in jesus christ hallelujah hey many many men [Music] god bless you be seated let's go to the word of god from james chapter four submit yourself therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you draw nigh to god and he will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands these sinners purify your heart he double minded and we say amen to the word of god father we thank you once again we've already felt your presence and we acknowledge that you are in our midst but nothing is wrong with the reassurance oh lord god i come all hearts are against us but we fear no foe when thou art so we rest ashore as success belongs to us for your promise to be with us even to the end of the age activate your anointing and let preaching be effective and glorify yourself in the name of jesus christ amen and amen i i will seek to bring out some six things that we need to do in order to overcome our enemy which is satan i sat in the midst of preaching last night these two verses came to my mind i went home and early this morning i woke up and i look at them with other thought that comes to mind one of the things i'm struggling reverend hardy with it's a fact that we allow ourselves to be intimidated and manipulated by an inferior force that is completely inferior to us you can look at your theology and tell me that sir we are not more powerful than the devil then you cannot declare that you're a child of god if you accept that deceptive thought i just don't want to preach to the church i want to speak to the unsaved who refuse to make a full commitment because of fear that you will not able to make it that's an intimidating spirit but before i go to the book of james i want to declare to us that as far as genesis chapter 1 and 2. the bible records the history of creation the history of man how he came into being who brought him here why is he here and where he goes from here a mix of other ideas the scripture carries the truth as to how i get here it cannot be that i was made in the image of god and in his likeness amen and walk around believing i am inferior to the enemy of god i cannot be in the likeness of god in the image of god and then accept that lie what happened everything break down in genesis chapter 3 when man surrender is authority is privileged amen to an inferior force that did not take it violently but seduce him to surrender it for a life of fear destruction amen and manipulation a life of slavery oppression by an inferior voice you see if the devil can manipulate you mentally and allow you to accept a lesser position than god intending you to have you are going to be manipulated you fail when you accept defeat before it comes amen oh somebody bless the lord but i have been around god and his word to know that i am what god says i am oh somebody bless the lord i am who god say i am and i am what i accept and not what anyone has to say amen evolution says that i am closely related to monkey i am not complete different i am a triune being spirit soul and body i somebody worship god with me and no devil is going to give me what god has not intended for me we have surrendered both christian and non-christian have surrendered to an enemy that god almighty has taken away powers and authority from so i don't care about his roar i don't care about this loud mouth i don't care if he root of trees and split rocks i know that god in me is greater than the enemies that come up against me oh somebody bless the name of the lord i want somebody to know that whatever god says that's what stands and if god says you can make it you can make it if god says it is well it is well oh somebody bless the lord well i've seen so many folks walking around amen with things that god says you can get rid of you accept them you clothe yourself in self-pity walking around and planning to die before your children come to pass the worst come on even before you enjoy life am i talking to somebody the enemy ready to shut you down and put you in a casket lock you down and lean you up along the roadside put you in some hospital and in some homes where people treat you like nobody when the word of god said you must rise up oh somebody because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world jesus proverbs says debt and life is in the power of your tongue amen you can have what you say so he manipulate us we surrender our authority to him now we become slave to his evil skin yes and we accept what he say above what god said and when i say that i have seen it in our action reverend the devil says you have a stage for it is fact you have it the diagnosis shows that god says i send my word and heal your disease that means you don't have to accept it now listen what it says isaiah said by his stripes we're here it's no longer a promise it is in force since christ died i walk down to your bedside in the hospital and say to you god word says you are healed but you're saying but pastor is still true stay at four come on it's not an indication of death am i talking to somebody here whose report will you believe interesting interesting that we rise to testify several times and the clear open in the congregation the devil is a liar but he said something 15 seconds to us after we declare that and we believe it and accept it and die as a result i came here tonight instructions of the spirit of the lord to tell somebody the devil is a liar i am calm that you might have life and have it more abundantly i stopped by to tell you that because christ came your authority is restored that which you have surrender is being restored oh lord god the authority sister and even if you felt anything in your feet like you can walk again tell the devil i'm not surrendering my health to you i'm gonna walk again oh somebody bless god jesus came to earth john declared for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil reverend the works of darkness was not destroyed at pentecost the works of darkness did not destroy in the manger no sir the works of darkness was destroyed when jesus hangs on the cross and blow his head and die and the clear it is finished oh god almighty hallelujah can i tell you something jesus assured the disciples while he was here in matthew 16 19 i give you the keys of the kingdom reverend he speaks to our authority control when you have keys you are not afraid of luck you're not intimidated by locks whether they are rusty and you whether they are large or small you have control to enter into unauthorized territory somebody help me in the house of god here hallelujah i give you the keys you know what i'm trying to do tonight i'm trying to give people tools to fight satan and to tear down his kingdom he's not as powerful as he says oh god i wish somebody would worship god therefore this pre-chunk i have not and have no intention to study demonology i don't care about the strength of my enemies as long as i know the strength of my god i'm gonna rest upon the strength of god i don't want to know the name of demon i don't know how powerful they are i'm not interested in them one thing i know god is able somebody help me here is almighty is all powerful he's unstoppable he's invincible he's unmovable he's unchangeable somebody worshipped god ah yes sir somebody worshipped [Music] [Music] let me okay i have just you have just surrender your rights to me you can't go home with me i'll give it to you jesus please help me without resistance you trust me say your surrender to me and somebody gonna take you home if my heart come on is not honest enough to give you hunger one you can't just surrender the kiss you must know he gave it to me because he believed i'm saved believe i'm gonna give it back to him the enemy sometimes pretend to be save and sympathetic with you and get your key and driver your joy and driver your peace come on jump in the driver's seat and drive away your happiness and leave you on the wayside of stress and distress and manipulation and fear and intimidation somebody help me around here i but he took it away from adam but jesus died went into the earth of the earth and say lift up your head he can't somebody help me here and the everlasting door let the king of glory come in and respond and resistance answer who is the king of glory jesus said a large chunk of mighty backer ah god almighty jesus walked down he took back the key from him he walked up in revelation 1 say i am he that lived and i was dead on the all i am alive forevermore i have the keys at that time hell the devil can't kill you unless god says so the devil can't send you to hell unless god says so while he has the keys of death and hell and he walked on and said to us i give you the keys of justice on the enemy and i read somebody give him praise i have the key i have the key the key gives me access even if you don't want me to come to your house and i have key i have access to your world talk to me no man when we walk to the back to take up an account the the person will help us to open the bomb turn their head aside because there's a key accorded four digit that is critical to the safety of your money in your bank if you give it to your children they can run you to wreck somebody help me around here if you have the keys which is a quarter you have access to my account without i give it to you we have the devil didn't take it we have surrendered i didn't pull a gun and bishop hardy i didn't manipulate him i just asked him and he surrendered jesus i'm wondering reverend why some folks cannot be saved they have surrendered the authority to a lesser force who manipulate him see you got you you you have three four one or two or three children the father walk both on here you another guy i said if i'm gonna feed four one must be in it for me make five and after the fifth child jesus called you and says seek me first and my righteousness and i'll take care of the children and you are saying no no no no i need a sixth man you'll continue to surrender faith for fear trust in god for fear you see i i fell ill some years ago i felt ill and nothing could stay down everything i eat came up let's throw it up that goes on for 12 days the 13th day i woke up at some rent i am i say i'm going to buy a piece of salt fish and cook it because that's what my appetite but fear sets in and said you vomited for 12 days you confirm it again so before i go down to the shop and say come here devil there comes a time when you're most sick and tired i've been manipulated oh lord god help me here so he said come here obvious that he's following me around so come here the fact that he came to me suggests i have a authority to call him and send him i said it's 12 years you're missing on me with my stomach if god give you the right to kill me get over it i've got nothing to lose if god don't give you the right take your nasty dirty hands of my stomach and i walked down the shop i purchased some saltfish i came up it myself have a lovely plate of it and it stays there i hand over the authority that i possess to you if you're getting it i am being eaten inspired by the thoughts come into my spirit god said i have just transferred some of my divine authority to you enough to overcome the enemy listen when you're walking around things done wherever in the workplace don't walk around as if you're the worst person there because your ear style is not as good as somebody else and your qualification may not be like somebody else and your looks mean and be like somebody else like your complexion may not be like somebody else and your god may not be like their god don't walk around with any intimidation roll up your head for if they fall sick they're gonna call you for god gives you certain access to come into the trunk room when you find yourself in trouble so you just crack the cord and say father jesus help me now man and they and they and the switchboard of him just light up and god knows you're calling him oh you're not talking to me and he's going to respond to you in order for you not to be ashamed because you have the keys when i'm through with you tonight and i may preach very long and i through with you tonight i'm not gonna wake up bishop john hardy when demon wrap on your window but you're going to know that the same key that he might have you have one every one of us have individual keys our authority come on is individual come on jesus i give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven he didn't stop there and whatsoever things you bind on earth is bound in heaven anything you tie up down here is being tied up in heaven anything you lose down here is loosed in heaven jesus [Music] anything whatsoever you bind on earth is born in heaven whatsoever thing you lose when you said i lose you come on man heaven just sanctioned it is already signed and stamped unauthorized by the father the son and the holy ghost so this is one preacher that don't take kindly to christians who live in an atmosphere of superstition nobody can be rich nobody can be rich me so where is god when you are in the process see when you recognize you have a purpose when you recognize you have a purpose then you know nobody a guy threatened to shoot after a sermon what and he he walked up a lady and said to her where is your preacher she said he was here not long ago so what you want him if i say have a bullet center of his furry when i drove up and she stopped me in tears and said xx was here a while ago said he's going to kill you as a bully to put in your brain i said where he went same gun on the road i turned the car around i drove down and i said i got your message that you're a coward he looked at me and said you think i'm a car to say yes i said god only rise to respond when the threat is cereal you're not serious since you're dead before me find you he spent almost a year and seven months in jail and i didn't report today's my friend he said to me last week tell me when you're preaching i'm coming to church hallelujah yes i've never seen christ i've never seen christ get flustered and disturbed by the threats of satan come on not even when the legion rise up the legion know better that they must not be aggressive they must oh you're worship talking to me janji lake says in the book god's general that the church the believer in today's world must experience the same anointing have the same success that christ experienced when he was here for it is the same holy ghost that the night jesus now dwelt in the church i watched jesus go over to lazarus he did not pray that god the father would raise lazarus he prayed that they may know that he has connection but when it was time to raise lazarus he says come on man you know what he call him because he has power over death oh you're not talking to me he said i give you oh god almighty you don't hear what i'm talking to i'm still with the key i give you power over all the powers of the enemy to train upon serpent [Music] jesus oh somebody help me here too many christians are feeling too many ministers are backsliding somebody else around here there is a power inside of you lord god that the enemy himself will not attempt to intermediate [Music] however he said if one should attempt to cast out a demon or to emulate any attack of the enemy that one must have a relationship with god your life must be intact with the word of god the power must reside inside of you the power is not in the noise this is in the resist residing of the holy ghost oh you're not talking to me in the house i don't care if you're saved last week or your cf this week you have the cm key talk to me in a man i don't care if you can spell power i can't spell power you have the power i don't care if you if you're tall shot if you have good at english are you doing good at english i don't care if you sit up on the board are you the janitor somebody talk to me are the one who switched the floor god anoints everybody from preacher to floor sweeper to church cleaner to present worship to musician to technical crew somebody talked to me in the house of god the preacher have no more anointing than you have somebody help me around here hallelujah [Music] so here hearing to us the information reverend adi is in the manual do you know why so many of us take unnecessary picking from police because we don't know the law you know why police can walk into your house without the search around it's because you have not stopped long enough you see when we talk about human rights we don't need nobody to love me that you know all you have to do is go into the from from basic school you begin to teach children their rights under the law we don't want a human rights group but by the time they get to high school they are fully versed and someone probably stop you on the road and you'll be gentle to them and respectful and you drove down a 50 kilo doing 60 and he stop you and show you the gun and tell you you're doing 60 come on anytime you exceed the limit of 16 over the 50 then you can get a ticket we take tickets we pay money in court you walk into court you have a child with a lady and for some reason you believe the child is not yours and the judge is going to look at you and tell you to mine it i don't i have a know to opportunity test if i if i am in doubt satan carry jesus christ on the mount of temptation and said to him all days will i give you jesus said what i have to them say just worship me jesus said is written jesus go back to the manual you know those shall not him the lord thy god put him only shalt though [Music] this one is smaller than mine somebody tries to tell me that there's another some more books that is missing from this i tell him this is enough to get me to him not interested in those enough is in this manual to straighten out your life enough is in this manual to give you authority enough information is is in this come on to inform your ass to your right under the divine law somebody talk with me a man i met a lady in canada and she was speaking in tongues she came on the phone speaking in tongues and said to me pastor the lord gave me a vision um a word for you the lord said that you should bear a blue shirt tonight to church so okay what else he said too and uh and um i said if i don't wear the blue shirt what are the pros and cons she said well i don't know i said one of two things either god says nothing to you oh you're in a hurry to get to me you know we're two years to finish the completion of the message okay sir um i got up the morning now i own a blue shirt before i got the call that looked like god isn't it some of you that rock us a conversation but i'm following the manual because deep inside i believe there's something more to the message there is no pros and cons there is no benefits as to what is going to happen nothing so i said um tell me she said i have already gone to the store and i purchased the shirt or wash it and i i got a piece of blue cloth the lord said you should wrap your hair that's it all right we get the whole eye message when you go to the store by the blue crack buy me a tape measure one we're going from poco and she whispering over the phone when blue squitting us sweets up i said to you i've checked the manual and it's not any money well i shouldn't preach with my head cover know the manual if i took that shirt from her i would have a focal spirit preaching to you tonight there is a force that is in opposition to the existence of men and man worshiping god and we fall victim to the forth to the the force because we have not studied the manual so we allow preachers to trick us with the prosperity gospel without condition let me leave that you must know the manual a copy is available to every person in your language clear to understand hello i am not privileged to receive the training at bethel i support better with everything finance everything but you see these men ladies gentlemen notice me i'm fine by myself they have gone to the divine law school god of literals to interpret the manual so when you come up a rodent christian don't make no difference from hell manipulate your members but you are the lawyer that interpret the law in its different class have you ever gone to court and the judge said to you mr hardy go get a liar the judge you know you have some rights you can win the kiss but you can't explain yourself because you don't know the law so you'll go get a lord god that's why we refer you to the past having see it on a manipulate you and in care and too busy to interpret the law and drive it listen one police officer i'm told by a gentleman who drives a bus and he said i parked the bus this policeman manipulated show me a car no but i run your imagination for you no no i'm in a calling in him and take away people's vehicle do everything to them and he prosecute a man who drives a bus filled with passenger leave the engine in motion gone to the restroom and he took the man to court and telling the judge what charge should place on the man allah rise up and said officer put on your clothes properly you're not properly dressed pick up yourself in the court and don't come in here and manipulate anybody you're on and this is not my client but i can't take this advantage he said when you're driving at this vehicle you cannot shut down the engine immediately after you stop it full the pistons and engine marshall and say you need to get a course in mechanical engineering before government assign you to manipulate people so the man have to empty his bladder come on jesus helping a man whatever preaching whatever making any sense here tonight hallelujah he said the hinge enough to leave rolling and the man has to empty him bladder hallelujah the judge says sir based upon the knowledge of the lawyer you may go the word of god is our liar when you are in don't check the manual when the enemy roar checked the manual when you hear him roaring coming down you walk down in the book of peter and he says he's not a lion but he roars like a lion you don't have to run from roar forward he has leave is a roar jesus extract every tooth when he crushes his head upon mount calvary can i tell somebody tonight you can be saved you can be delivered from alcohol from sexual immorality from witchcraft from homosexuality emmanuel sehuan set free is free indeed listen what the manual says second corinthians stands for the weapons of a war fear are not carnal but they are mighty through christ to the pulling down of the strongholds of the enemy somebody help me in the mouth pulling down every imagination every evil thought that exalted itself above the knowledge of god you have weapons of prayer weapons of fasting weapons of prayers weapons of faith whatever preaching to a live congregation somebody held me around it you have a weapon somebody talk to me around here what creator is he that is in you that e that is in the world [Music] tell somebody the power is in you tell somebody you have the power you have the key touch your neighbor on the other side and say neighbor you have the key jesus gives you the key jesus gives you the key somebody worship the lord god with him in acts chapter 1 verse 8 he shall receive power after the holy ghost is come upon you you shall be witness is unto me you shall receive power divine power there is a transfer of god's divine power when one comes to the lord the very spirit that dwell in christ dwells in you you know reverend i struggle having heard what isaiah said emmanuel god with us john said the word made flesh and dwell about us no i have a struggle with the spirit of the lord god is upon me but he had anointed he has anointed me and i'm saying to himself i'm saying to myself but why does god needs anointing and he is god so i didn't go to any commentary i just asked god you need to tell me what he said to me son i am god and man while i am here there's a divine side to me and there's a human side if the human side must line up with the divine come on then the human side must receive the divine anointing once you are human you need divine help to accomplish the work of god for it's not by might not by power but by my spirit says the lord if jesus being human has to receive the anointing when i'm going to gym i preach a sermon in a different way i'm going to preach the outline after the country you know why the church in acts were so successful they believe and act according to the man amen today we are having crusader that nobody gets some of us don't even believe in the prayer we go through the motion preachers come and let us feel happy and we run upon on iraq and of religious exercise aerobics oh god help me so much hallelujah i am fascinated with james as he pointed out six steps for restoration and authority over the powers of darkness sir james begin begun his book that written by him a name after him he demonstrated the highest level of authority in the beginning james a servant of god and the lord jesus yet he was half brother jesus i didn't bring it not important to equal love with me and calling my half brother i address him give him his heart james sets out six things here but if we do them practice them tonight and beyond we will be victorious one we must submit ourselves to god have mercy this means that we must listen to him be ready to listen and obey we should not be proud [Music] there shouldn't be any sense of pride in us secondly we must resist the devil that leaves me that it don't take a lot to overcome him resist him oh lord possess him by doing the opposite of what he says i we overcome him by the word by the blood by our testimony a feeling amen of inadequacy cannot overcome him we must use the word of god prayer and fasting resisting when you resist mean you are going in opposition resists his habits and his addicts when you resist him the bible said he will flee run and leave you alone if he's even for a season thirdly he said we must draw night to god and god will try night to us why you think thinking manipulate eve because she was away from the presence of god draw near to god how this worked we must draw near in prayer in fasting with a heart in worship command to worship honor and respect you must draw near to god and not to the devil when you do that god will draw near to us and when god is close to us amen we are an overcomer fourth is a cleanse your hands is sinner purify your heart you're double minded come on you can smear back and forth you must know who you want to worship reverend when when you become a christian let me talk to those who desire us becoming a christian are the new converse listen if you come to the lord and your mind of fully make up your nasty you know i've talked about me a dog mine i kind of like what paul you're saying paul said i am persuaded that none of these things can move me we must be fully prosecuted as to who we want to worship and that we must worship him under all condition you cannot decide to serve god when food is on the table and when none is on the table you're gone no man you have to you have to you have to decide to serve god reverend when i came to the lord in our life was rough and it seemed as if it was rough longer than anybody else for some of us hard to learn so we have to stay in school long and that's why some of us trials are still with us because we don't pass great one and god now graduated from great one for your hunger great to work you're having to extra listen extra suffering extra hunger extra fasting somebody help me no man lord god you have job of me i don't mind you can't be double-minded and when i get saved i am determined if i'm going to die without shoes that's all right if i'm gonna die without proper clothing that's all right if i'm gonna die for hunger i was offered a job to sell drugs plan drugs do other thing come on a man and when i enter construction a well-known gentleman who has some business came over i did some work on his and his house and he wanted to build a club club is there until now and he said mister i young man i am going to build a club here you will get a lot of money me say no me preach against club may brock like church mouse be hungry i mean i have no money but we say me preach against club summoner bill no club you can't be double-minded you must have a one-track mind if i die i'm going to serve god if the man give me no money for the children i'm going to serve god and if you not give me no money i'm going to serve god if he doesn't want to pay my rent like he used to somebody help me around here i'm going to stand up for the lord reverend if god sister take up them things off this chair for me and if god sit down and it's true and i hear you make such declaration god sit down and i'm true and then hear your dos such declaration and read your heart and know that you're sincere god get up off his true and draw near to you somebody help me in the house of god and when he draw near to you he will supply all right oh somebody worship god with me i feel the holy ghost in this place i feel god in this place if you defend god he will draw close to you if you stand up for god he will draw close to you he will take heat out of the fire he'll shut up nebuchadnezzar lion lord god he will open red sea he will shut shelter jericho all god will ruin food from heaven when you stand up for god god will stand up for you i'm talking to somebody tonight we sway in between two opinions god wants to do something for you god wants to draw claws to you [Music] purify your heart this is by deep confession and forsaking of one's sin outwardly and inward repentance don't come like homeless some people repent now repent and come halter no wonder we have so much unconverted people in any church but they don't repent yet people must listen repentance the sinner i must confess all evil act before god who is willing and able to forgive him the example comes out in luke 15 a practical boy he rose out of his situation and went on to his daddy and said i have sinned and i am no longer worthy to sit at the choir i'd be worried to who allah credential but make me one of the hired servants it must mix with lamentation mourning weeping crying oh god a godly sorrow for sin and of a seeking of one sin turn away from it oh somebody help me we must lament we must moon we must weep at the feet of jesus our laughter must turn into mourning i our joy must turn into gloom it's not time to jump and shout somebody help me okay i have seen the altar singing me now go down there and you can have scenarios singing of one sin turn around irrespective of what financial benefit you gain from that sin what joy that sin comes with you must turn it into morning sorrow into joy you must land him before god until god rise from his throne and said son i have forgiven you john says if you confess your sins he's faithful and just somebody stand with me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness oh somebody bless the lord [Music] i there is there is no band-aid approach to one sin it must be rooted out through confession and deep mourning and lamentation before god somebody worship him in the house somebody worship him in the house somebody worshipped him in the house give him praise in the house [Music] [Music] yes i'm about to make the altar call and nobody leaves the 10 30 compound very serious night i have given a tool enough information to know who you are and to know what lies within you when the sinner make his decision to follow the law the devil can't do nothing can't make you die for hunger let your children die for hunger nothing nothing can happen to your mother's side and watch you serve god i want every believer to be seated and those who are not safe remain standing if you are not saved remain standing please you're not a christian don't sit down if you're not a christian if you sit while you're not a christian you have been manipulated by satan would you walk down here and meet me on this altar this is your night of deliverance every one of you come every soul by sea no press there is mercy with the law and he will surely keep i need my priest team to help me i'm not gonna say no i need thee oh [Music] oh bless me now [Music] give her cheer for me my savior i come [Music] church of god this is a very serious moment i need that with me everybody please [Music] i need thee oh bless me now my savior i call [Music] [Music] i is oh bless me now [Music] my savior i come [Music] [Music] some three years ago sister tamara [Music] blake came to our community preached in a crusade called out a young lady tried to persuade her to serve the lord she had other plans i saw her a week before she died she was healthy and strong and i said to her there's a feeling towards you that is not nice i have a feeling the lord one of you going to die between you and your friend she said oh oh brother grant don't bother me but less than a week later i was in the united states someone sent a picture onto my phone with a car wrapped around a guango tree [Music] she broke her neck she died in the spot i went home from connecticut and watch your friend walk into church with tears she lost her best friend but she wasn't saved either thank you musician and as her friend rise to walk to the earth the holy ghost said to me once again satan has a nightmare their soul to eternal eyes of god so convincing till i broke down it is written in the book that the devil was kept above roar like a lion seeking whom he may devour you want to interpret nothing anybody become fearful of him and start that panic and just live but if you resist him and stand up to him in god that leaves me to believe that there is a great authority in your will and your decision more than the devil listen my brother when you make up your mind to serve god you know nobody can change it all satan is going to do with you and you and you and you is sympathize with you and say to you look here if you go give your heart to the lord no then the man go find one another girl and and anytime you see my boy i can't see him anytime he's a satan going on as if him sympathizing with you he might have stopped obviously the boy is a connor and a scammer they were a liar i have no power jesus took away the power from him listen let me read if satan had power none of us would be alive because he would try to kill every sinner in their sin to bring them to hell with him that's why jesus tell me about making a one key jesus up this is why jesus said i took the key from him of death and hell that meaning cannot kill you and he cannot send you to hell except you decide to go down here but jesus of the king the key is salvation the key is forgiveness come on no man and when you accept him you accept life buying him this life [Music] and alive is the light of me brethren going to ask one question please say good you understand what leverage you understand what confuse you understand right understand what i do you don't understand what i preach all of you understand what i preach madam right you see if you understand there's a case against you when you've got judgment because you understand and you must act upon what you understand for your own benefit right you know can't tell you my business at 30 years me married and a one woman with about one burner for 30 years i'm gonna look worse and know that you will have your six burners throw up about six burners to finish the gas fast this is something you have to talk in your language [Music] young man is god you want is god you need young lady it's god you need sir you don't need another job you don't want no more companion a god you want and god will sat out your life reverend everything is in god sister sims can identify with this everything sister have to sew different kind of machine and trade and scissors everything that is have in our collection god have it you know are sims of a cutter and i'm not cutting it off and when you come to him you must not have anything short everything must be in his fullness you are not put half your life in trying nothing and give your full life were you wasting your time with somebody who is less than you take and worse for you before i can them you cannot go to heaven and there's a revelation that came to me bishop the lord told me i was in wrong stone preaching and making another call and the lord said to me if if i give satan the chance to repent good god almighty would be the first to get to the altar because he knew what hell is about and he knew the punishment that he's going to meet he would have come and give his heart to the lord but because the boy condemned him just throw up him in my neighbor and say all right man i have no chance you go ahead and you go ahead and you go ahead with me a bad man and an envy and a convictus he lost the opportunity to go to him and he brought down many in hell oh somebody worship god with me hallelujah and he's here tonight to draw you down but him can only draw you down if you make him dry you don't the bible says resist him when you resist him you automatically draw near to god oh irreverent come no man drown near no it's god i'm gonna draw near to another you know we drown near to him and he drowned here so we start to have fellowship i want you to be safe tonight every one of you i want to be seen i have politics i said elizabeth i'm in love fishing whatever every day him fool you i give you wisdom above satan but if you fear the lord it is a beginning of godly wisdom would you be willing to give him your heart how about you how about you how about you how about your son you'll give jesus your heart tonight how about you how about you how about you how about you how about you how about you madam almost what's wrong with you if you give your heart to jesus he let you walk again it comes with everything in it and we are going to pray for you tonight hallelujah oh glory you don't answer me son this is not a drug thing is that you serve god tonight walk through the gate and die and being full you're after me preach like that's your call mix it and fool you again but your camera pull on your fool somebody called me somebody called my lime phone thank you musician somebody called my lamb phone i see you jeff he said um good good good afternoon i said good afternoon i'm calling from digital things we are doing some promotion they just doing some promotion and so um can i ask you if you have any connection with any other network i said yes i have a connection so what is your name i said blacks she said that's your real name you say it's obviously don't have none for me say your take what may give you is that you really named mr blocks what's an ex question so i need your real name you say oh you know that's not my name i say you know what does serve you right come on from your phone because you're calling me an alarm phone from a digital office you tell me you're sitting in your office in front of a computer mr when i was taking off my digital cell phone i gave them my id with all my information put my name address everything on it and you come here to call me on another phone line to say to me to us minimum you know what good for you but find something you can't make fuller your full yeah satan fool and give up his rights in heaven and god kick all that god sometimes any poor to the you can make that fool you blow your head please draw two closer to them and gently raise your hand in the amount of work oh lord god somebody worship the lord with me here tonight hallelujah deep unforseeking of one's sin that will cleanse your heart and purify your hands and purify your heart oh your head daddy close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes in reverence open up a prayer no ask god to forgive yours a lot of you understand our backslider open up start praying don't make the devil confuse your mind talk to god begin to communicate with god and draw near to him in prayer tonight let every believer i feel like everybody should pray tonight i feel that every believer should stand and stretch your hands we are getting fixed to close hallelujah stretch your hands out and say a prayer on the behalf of this father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i come to you we came to you today we have spoken to you we lay our requests before you today and god your answer to the preach to word and the altar call jesus the word has been spoken i ask for forgiveness if i have done damage to your word and hurt anyone without amen unintentionally i ask for forgiveness i have laid down before your people life and death blessings and curse satan and jesus and tonight they're asked to make a choice i and they have decided that they want to choose you in spirit amen and serve you in spirit and in truth to walk with you to forsake the evil one they want to forsake the evil one tonight and walk with jesus christ oh lord this is possible as you make it possible by giving your life and calvary tonight let them rise militant recognizing that he that is inside of them is greater than that person who seek to pull them into destruction wash them in your precious blood save them tonight from sin god almighty even as we walk out of here the enemy with his lyme tongue will speak negative to them but i ask that your word will supersede everything in their life and they will take the word of god seriously lord god help them to believe your report touch them in the name of jesus breathed upon them and allowed them lord to surrender totally a total surrendering of the heart a total surrendering of the will a total surrendering of the emotion lord god that will allow them ah their hands to be cleansed and their heart to be purified oh god and they will have a single mind towards you but they will not sway between two opinions but they will make a decisive decision to serve god and god alone irrespective of the struggle that comes with it have your way tonight and oh lord watch over us even as we journey home by driving by walking in the name of jesus whatever whatever way lord whatever way we travel home let the protection of god be upon us seal these to the day of redemption and let there be no falling out along the way but they will walk with you through life and walk with you like enoch walk with you walk the walk of self-denial walk the walk of agreement walk a walk a friendship walk walk to the end of life journey and finally the rapture with you take full control now as we give them to you lord in jesus name oh somebody bless the lord somebody bless the lord somebody bless the name of the lord listen for a short moment for a short moment i want to show you off in the face of the devil when you walk out of here tonight remember one day don't do what the devil says don't live like he said but you have a greater authority inside of me my same all you can do is apply pressure and when you resist the pressure and run can we find it in matthew 4 jesus resists him about four times and the bible said he leave an angel kill and minister to him every one of you that make it up in your mind i'm going to serve god beginning tonight join me up here step up here and join me step up here and join me you told me you're ready to serve god i ask you the question and you say yes sit down sit down down here i'm coming to pray for you congratulations sister you say yo you guys say you're ready call me young lady not listen to satan anymore if you don't come up here him still have the power over you if you don't come up here you surrender your your rights to him anyhow you know come up here you're still to it if you don't walk up here you're still worrying about how you're going to make it and you're still i believe that you collide boy jesus [Music] if you're ready to serve the lord give me your hand if you're ready to serve god give me a writer [Music] i don't have anything more to say i don't have anything more to say lord god you know i have nothing more to say i don't have anything more to say come come little ones come come come come come don't follow anybody come come not come come come learn the way of the lord you have you just indicate to me i ask you the question if you will be willing to give your life to the lord you say yes so why are you flipping god no we sit down you're concerned about mexican that disappeared full-on you are foolish fuller daniel is fooling you full and annual is fooling you pick up your mind you ready to serve god i'm pleading with you for the last time otherwise no life is uncertain that is sure judgment is coming christ will soon be here it can be tonight when you stand under a sermon like this and with the move of god walk away and go to hell it makes you sin to scream for mercy because god will not have mercy upon him you make up your mind mom stand up we want to pray with you oh lord god come your sister minister brown let's let's slay him come bishop hardy if you don't rabba parkosa god can fix it and god will fix it lay your hand or swear we are the pain and the spine [Music] heavenly father in the name of jesus christ we acknowledge that not all situations are designed to destroy us but they are designed to make god's presence known whatever brought this young lady to this point it was not intending for her to die but that your name be glorified no doctors can fix it but you made the body from the beginning and you can perform constructive miracle you can straighten the spine you can heal it right now in the name of jesus i stand upon the word of god which said he who believes that me shall lay hands upon the sick ah we lay hands upon her and command healing and deliverance to take place the healed daughter in jesus name work well i command the spine to light line up with the word of god take your filthy hands off satan we break your whole and we release deliverance in her body and if there is any sin committed this sin shall be forgiven tonight in the name of jesus glorify yourself according to your word in jesus name [Music] whoa somebody worship him somebody worship him jesus hallelujah [Music] wow [Music] god is a deliverer god is a healer god is a deliverer somebody showed the praise somebody give god [Music] ah [Music] hi it is well it is well it is well in the name of jesus [Music] christ [Music] israel somebody shouted as well and as well it is well go with those surprise the ribbon around your necks go with them go with them go with them go with those first ribbon hallelujah somebody give god praise somebody give god praise hi help me here tonight hallelujah hallelujah god i want you to lay your hand on your body lay your hand on your body lay your hand on your body right where you're sick clear your hands there is a miracle saccharaba coates healing in your body healing in your [Music] body [Music] you
Channel: Eastwood Park New Testament Church of God
Views: 8,076
Rating: 4.6643357 out of 5
Id: n2Qaw366bdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 15sec (6735 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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