Evangelist Arthur Grant

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let's go to the word deuteronomy 30 verse 19 i call heaven and her to record this day against you that i have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live and we say amen and we say amen my advice to you tonight is to choose christ and live a very interesting can i just remove this a very interesting passage if you study it but having looked at it i found similarities between israel at the time when these words were spoken and our generation of the day there's hardly any difference between our behavior and israel's behavior israel worship idols and god finds it difficult for israel to remain loyal to him because after 430 years it's gonna take a gradual amen process to change them and and this is why some of us don't understand that when you comes to cutter wood there will be what is called a transition fatigue and the same thing in black river because the way past the daily does things is that the same way pastor widely sees things you see i can come straight to the church and i can go through new town and go downtown and cover what i'm handing up at the church somebody have a problem with me go around new town they say it is too long why don't you come straight down and so it caused a fatigue so israel keep swaying back and forth because they are accustomed to worship things that they make and things that are visible to their eyes now god chose to remain invisible and they have a problem with that but the thing about god he is invisible but he's able to do whatever he says he will do and so they keep plucking back and forth now moses was was in his final days and was about to depart and he called israel together and said this is a defining moment when i need to know what you're doing joshua did the same thing in joshua 24. moses said to them see i have set before you oh lord tell me life and goodness death and evil tells me bishop whiteley that evil and good always present themselves at the same time because if they are seeking a partner and so i looked at it but let me just hasten to tell you there are consequences in our choice and there are benefits in our choices amen richard you know something that is unique about god and man we have lost it in the garden of eden but we are left with one powerful thing and it's the the the power of choice commandment and the freedom to make decisions and can i tell you something it's not in all case that god missed with our choices no sir i'm not mess with our choice because him of to will perfect will and permissive will hallelujah so what what an awesome there were there you see you see um god not messing with your choice for her because he said he will give you the desire of your heart but he will give you instruction that he's not missing if you don't want to marry to to to sister whitely god not messing with your choice he will do everything to to to try to show you but if you don't want to follow his way god will leave you with your choice hallelujah i want you to get that and you see we come to church and we we lord the devlin we accuse him wrongly sometimes because we make the choice and blame him for it nobody absolutely the devil cannot stop anybody from being saved it's a choice can't stop me from going to church i want to stop going to church here make me backslide come on don't put it on the devil it's you want to backslide and i go back to the point i made earlier on that he has not taken nothing from us he didn't took it from adam had them surrender it he didn't took it from the three from there from the practical boy the practical boy surrender it he didn't took it from david david charles commands somebody to lie with bathsheba choice choice there are benefits in choices they are consequences in choices hallelujah but the upper verse here he he said to israel amen i sat before you life and goodness death and evil they are equal to one inside and the choice is yours the consequences of making an evil choice is written in the word of god it says if you if you don't choose life and you choose that you will die and he said if you choose evil you will reap the fruit of it let me tell you something when people selling us insurance and even on our plane ticket and other business as we get into this banking business anything to do with finance and investment there are fine prints in them that we don't see they frustrate us because we can't bother to read them but they're who are lost accountable when they must reward us hallelujah with a kind of love god no fine print not in god's plan straight forward i stand before you hell and heaven come on no man make your choice and i'll leave you with the freedom of choice and don't mash up marriage how people must shop their marriage when i got married and we're going through the adjustment fitty that was seven years of crisis crisis no follow christian adjustment but you don't know the person now when you quote for seven years you're not an only person and when you come to live with the person the robot going to hit the road and the real person come out especially christians amen and and i love my bed to turn this way and the lady want the bed to turn across you in the room so we're having a problem god just called my money and said come out of the house go plum banana sweep up the yard and leave the house get a woman something come out any hold the bed set me just lie down tonight and get up jesus help me here and i say to folks don't throw away your bowl of soup because of life fall in it scoop out the fly and drink your soup there's more to this soup more than the [Applause] fly i'm gonna mash up your marriage because something wrong somebody cheat come on talk to me in a man the fly didn't cook in it and just dropping it scoop him out chew him out and drink your soup dot god heal me hallelujah hallelujah somebody worship him in the house so it is a moment now that i you see it's kind of difficult to use old testament service um passage to preach repentance for the work of redemption is recorded in the new testament but i'm transferring the offer to you tonight as though it is not an old testament we're not talking about israel we're making it relevant because we there are persons here still live with the power of choice and god said i sat before you this night the 10th night of january i set before you life and death make a choice in john 10 two persons present himself to get your attention the thief comment not but for to steal to kill and to destroy but i am calm somebody worship god with me here that you might have life and have it more abundantly you know what i like about this you don't have to go to three verses below to find life you find life and death in the tenth verse and nobody has to die and go to hell because jesus has the keys of death and hell hallelujah no if you choose christ you will live for he is the source of abundant life is the way the truth and life john said in him is life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended not not just physical life what eternal life in him we have life and i take my time and explain something life begins at birth medical persons will contradict me and say life begins at conception no a child can only the record of a child is only kept after the child is born you can't have birth certificate ticket for something in the world you have to manifest so life begins at birth both spiritual life physical life begins at birth so when you are born again life begins new life begins let me not touch that pastor every day as i wake and roll over you don't want to marry me no matter whom you can't preach no married to me coming to have a good sleeping batter or when you stretch over your hands so you know find me gone gone because we think about preaching more than even think about family the zeal of god keep eating me a passion for the loss so i lie down wait till you fall asleep i'm a sneak out and be alone with god and in those moments i reflect on the goodness of god to us see you want to understand that nobody can take the praise my life begins when i give my heart to jesus you see there are those of us who give a false perception of christ and christianity we walk around with a sad face we complain how much time hard hello somebody live don't hurt with me anymore when it was hard i didn't have the sense to complain no may have the sense not to complain me now complain what i'm saying all that i achieved in life and what i have become is after i choose christ can i tell you that there is no true life outside of christ no meaningful life no purpose for life anybody agree with me here [Applause] no purposeful life out of christ hallelujah is when you come to christ you begin to enjoy real life solomon outside says vanity vexation of spirit the practical voice says i will arise and go back home because real life is at home so i am not really envious may not dress like the world you know end with the world for nothing for real life is in jesus christ i don't want to look like them talk like them and behave like them for i give up that superficial happiness for real joy jesus man my choice makes me what i am hallelujah oh god bless blessed be the name of god brethren when you choose christ christ make choices for you no jesus reverend couldn't marry to nobody else but maxine you know god god and if you think that you choose her and she chose you and there are times when you don't even know christ and he make choices for you because there is an investment in you and he looked at your future and made choices before i got married it's good to know a guardian assistant before we get married some prophecy come out of sympathy not concerned your sympathy that hey believe me i'm going to get married and the lord said you should marry two sisters and the lord say you should married and and when you end up may end up with six different women and the prophecy i come from one god made us shut them down you don't shock them normally seven i want a prophecy man god damn ali's making talk to me i spoke with him this morning and never tell me something was my truth told me i regen susan let me shut it down brother king and will tell him talk to me somebody bless the lord hallelujah hear my brothers and sisters he said to israel if you choose life christ come on you shall live and you will be prosperous in the land that i have sent you to possess your choices of consequences be not deceived god is not mark or whatsoever a man soweth the choice you make you shall reap the reward of it when you shut god out of your life your life is meaningless meaningless i am the only one that i can record in my family is a minister maybe there is others i don't know but when you when you look at arthur grant let me testify a little bit he looked underground gentleman reverend way back in the hills of saint james i'm trying to tell this person that if you choose god you cannot feel and sometimes the choice i make when i looked at it so widely i didn't even know what the value of the choice i make back in the hills of saint james at age three months i'm told because me don't know us so don't tell me mama gone relationship break up between mommy and daddy and mommy ron and mommy never run with us he run and leave us under the out of revenge so if anybody watching on social media any one of my siblings watching and by means of social media if you're one victor for your business i feel my mother and i miss you left and i'm not angry with her and then daddy lord god daddy now live with us in wife and his sweetheart one day on one runway and living with the children thank god he didn't kill us but man don't know how to and he abused us verbally and physically till i have to leave roam the street guns run at prevalent maybe if it was no i would fall in the in the in the in the hands of a gang but will i do not sleep like a dog anywhere in the kitchen for me i have no house may i have no appearance to guide me so i just live and eat berries and eat right banana and eat everything but molly cole groan is my bid and rockstone was my pillow and that went on for 11 years of my life abused physically by my seniors people slave you without a meal but one day one day i heard the bible say when the fullness of time came i gave my heart to jesus not knowing what i was doing and life changed from right there ella no condition can stop a man from serve god you cannot be so poor that you can't serve god because lazarus was poor somebody held me here and he served god and when i when i start going to church living with a pastor no shoes no fine clothes i came to live with the family hoping to be a part of the family but i'm the iran boy so i don't get the best treatment i've never sat around their dining table and eat with the family my dinner left in the kitchen i mean i said every kid is a process and god blind me towards these treatments so i couldn't carry any bitterness but when god saved me that was when life changed i didn't get close immediately but life changed i didn't get shoes immediately but life changed once you walk into the family of god there is no telling what god will do with your life for he sees you as a prime property for development oh god somebody help me in the house nobody paying me to tell i and god to tell you that god good nobody can compare me for that may i tell you what i've experienced lo shadowbachoshire hallelujah life change when you make the right choice change any better you're blessed in the city you're blessing the country you're blessing your steward house you are the head and not the tailor you're the lender somebody help me right now hallelujah and you're not the borough life change if you only know the blessing that salvation you would never stay away their blessing in choosing christ is the source of all spiritual blessing is the source of all material blessing don't let nobody come to black river is a battle of olive oil here use what you know present it to the preacher for you consecrated nobody come here and trying to start you in order to get blessing i'm telling you that you must sew a hundred thousand to get a prayer no sir i'm blessed and not curse the fact that i choose life come on somebody i am blessed and my seeds bless lord god david i was young now i'm old i have never seen the righteous forsaken i received begging bread your children cannot bake bread for your truths the source of material blessing as your lord and savior oh god let me tell you what i don't like and unlike preachers come to tone and behave as if they are closer to god more than the members and if they don't if you don't go through them you cannot reach god let me tell you he didn't pick me up down the road i'm no faster child to god me and an undistant cousin to jesus ah god is my father and jesus is my elder brother somebody worship god with me i'm yes and joint years with christ come on i'm a citizen of heaven i have my legal landing document stumped by the blood of jesus somebody worship god with me do you know that some persons don't see you as a child of god but whenever god's speaking to you brother joe he said joseph kian my son anytime god talking to you he referred to your son let's look at the spiritual benefit we receive the privilege of sonship come true adoption according to ephesians and when you are deaf a child and legally adapt and they carry your name as rightly the birth certificate says whiteley come on somebody talk to me no man you can travel with the child amen with a government question you know talk to me you know need dna to prove says not your child come on the man for the documents come with the government heal legal and you have access like the biological child to open the fridge and to say daddy benefits is asleep outside in the open atmosphere since i came to jesus i have two houses and nine bedrooms one of the hosts is two bed in one so five bed almost at the time janet and i know one on the man sleeping them somewhere [Applause] you must know the difference you must know when a person has been boastful from when they testify from our scale hungry testimony so we criticize them hey sir but when i came to jesus things did not change immediately and when people come to church and as they come to church they want shoes and skirt a hat if you give them them gun for them to come to steer anybody come to church and start big don't come to sleep when you come and see if you sit down and with panji hobby a gyro hallelujah because you must have a testimony [Applause] life is not the same when you choose christ if any man be in christ come on the man is a new creature all things we spiritualize that part of eternal and we don't bring it into the physical mean all clothes but now we are not in tear up again if we wear it his own choice walking from whitetail to church we have to travel with neil aspring and nipper on file and say platform booth ring off it's been nearly up along the road i mean a church i tried to praise the lord spread joke yo lord god somebody i don't know why people don't like praise god you know when you look at where you're coming from hallelujah abundant life is in him abundant life when one receives christ the moment you receive him you have life but the abundant life comes in because receiving christ and when one gives themselves over to the holy spirit on a daily basis you discover that you begin to enjoy amen for life means that amen excess joy happiness and there are other things that had to your spiritual life that makes life abundant not only that you have physical life but you have eternal life but whosoever believe it on him should not perish but have everlasting life hear this a lady from another really john came to church came to my house and encouraging me to go to church there when she go into church ask her to show me where a tree at the anneal open calvary to give abundant life you say you cannot show me it was not at the end near there it was a person and it is jesus and so once this this statement um oh hi we have two battle of water here come here let me show you what it meant i i you know worry you know come you have glasses sit down man something wrong with the eye one of these butler water is mine let me tell you what it is to receive to believe in christ i went to one of this country and a lady told me that she can marry an unsaved man but nothing no wrong with it because um he believes in christ mr that cemented aspect of it no pastor let us let me may you demonstrate what it is to believe in the lord jesus christ so you're going to read the right up here the same thing right and mine you know what to say he married another [Applause] you'll notice him reading and dying photos and i read and drink if you don't internalize christ then your thirst will not be satisfied you can't just believe that there is a god and that christ died on calvary that's a mental aspect of it you have to drink by receiving him [Applause] and once there is an intake there will be an outflow far out of your belly shall flow river rivers of living water so in order for it living water to flow out of you you have to drink living water and jesus is the source of living water so if any man pass let him come unto me only in christ you find lasting satisfaction you find temporary satisfaction in multiple sexual partners you find temporary satisfaction in a beer battle in god almighty in some illicit sexual behavior but when it comes to lasting satisfaction is in jesus christ i heard the writer said i came to jesus as i was weary and warned and sad and i found him in my resting place and he has made me glad bishop whiteley nothing takes the place of god in a man's life but god takes the place of everything in one's life i have him what one time war don't worry to god somebody worship him in the house i'm not here to to give you some fortune telling you know i'm not here to to tell you what color city is in your house and what color dresses in your wall drew up i bring you the word of life choose jesus and you shall live but he is the source of abundant life
Channel: Williamson Brothers
Views: 2,271
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: Evangelist Arthur Grant, Arthur Grant, Black River New Testament Church of God
Id: 2hvxJeIfqkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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