24th Annual Convention - Bishop Authur Grant - Sunday Morning

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody stand to your feet and wave your hands if you have at home if you have an anticipation if your check in one day to go to that hole in the sky heaven is my destination I say I'm not going to ever kneel I'm not going to new heaven when I'm going to my home in the spine Oh [Music] gotta be ready tell your neighbor are you ready are you ready alright god is one thing to sing about it lets us get ready for the home in the sky put your hands together one more time for the fun part voices will remove Louie thank you thank you Jesus we praise God this opening day I have been blessed already I believe that indeed the best is yet to come we have a honorable servant of the Most High God somebody said here is no God like Jehovah so we have distinguished servant of the Most High God he is a national and international evangelist who has been saved for over four decades he's married to his beautiful wife Janet and together they are blessed with two children Lamar and Janelle he is presently serving in the capacities as National evangelist executive member of the National evangelism and home missions in the New Testament church of God jamika under the leadership of the administrative Bishop Bishop dr. Willis Lee a Blair is no stranger to power faith international and certainly no stranger to the Brooklyn Assembly he's here all week by the help of God to share the mind of Christ to the family of God put your hands together make welcome Bishop Otto Graham bring with him and preach with him in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah G key [Music] there's a prick [Music] three-two-one the hee and Chris my [Music] we one two yawn three [Music] the cross [Music] [Applause] see [Music] whoa and meanwhile from the today in in cross my Hey ever on to my round your social fire Lords beyond [Music] hallelujah give him praise somebody take a moment love the Lord take a moment and exalt his name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh I just worship I just worship you I just worship you lie awesome and wonderful marvelous are the works of your hands we thank you for saving us Lord and you have been with us and we give you thanks alleluia alleluia blessed be God for evermore hallelujah thank you very much please be seated if you can I am not 100 percent satisfied with the sound so work on it for me please praise the Lord not sure some of you smile since you get to church you need to smile with somebody you need to smile with someone the person next to you amen this is a place of joy amen this is a place of joy this is a place of peace I like to remind us that we am not sometimes whatever is happening it has nothing to do with us don't be fearful we have to share space with the enemy I am giving praise to the Lord amen and I am extremely grateful to be here I want to greet seen a pastor Leila and his wife on the Beutel moderator greet I like to call him Allah Allah granted that that title is is above any other title elicina stateman amen praise the Lord and I wonder and be honest with you I was saying though Jesus is here and you are going to be here but I love him to be here I mean I came in and I saw him can you imagine how much inside light up even wonderful is your wife here ok wonderful maybe she's watching it so I greet her - agreed I'm dr. Bishop Davis and first lady Davis in their absence I greet all the ministers and their spouse I greet all of God's people in the mighty name of Jesus amen I just greet you I am about the kingdom business I'm not about the nomination I am about a kingdom mises and I'm fastly I shouldn't say that fastly because already I felt I am a part of this Amen denomination Amen now I am I am NOT a visitor I don't come to take I come to give Amen I come to give I could not be out of my mind to tell anybody in all my life I need a dollar to conduct any religious session yeah I think that's because there is no price on it you cannot put a cost to it you're wasting your time wasting your time I live by faith I live by faith amen it is not in the record neither in heaven our earth that I have ever said to anyone in all my 30 odd years of preaching give me a dollar amen amen I was looking at cost of salvation when it costs Jesus is life then nobody else there is nothing else that can purchase it and because there there is no value to place and it in terms of a cause Jesus gives it free amen and I'm glad it is not only free but it is common being common doesn't suggest that it cheap but it is available to all men and that's why I amen can speak of anyone I Amen God was able to give me salvation the night when I got saved didn't have any offering couldn't buy fried dumpling after church Nineveh dollar wasn't properly dressed have nothing to qualify me amen but God who is rich come on in grace and mercy saw something he placed in me you see the reason why we were not to be disturbed I've been threatened by what the devil Eamon is doing is that within amen I'm not promising you if it break I can buy back but within this case is an expensive pair of glasses it was placed there by her her interests not only in the glasses but at the case we kept in order that the content can be protected are you getting what I'm saying this is my god amen follow us protect us amen because within us his day job I within us treasure that he plays inside and even though the case decay can son different things but the content is untouchable no cancer can affect your soul no disease can affect your soul Oh Lord God help me now and then if you notice Ella Grannis I don't have access to the content only one person of access to the content is she cuz it belongs to her come on she didn't get it she purchase it is a price pay for the content that's why God said to job said to the devil don't you you can mess with the container the content is mine and that's why when the content get messed up no I want you to use that and clean when you get miss up only the owner has access to clean it oh god that's why doctors cannot treat you country soil because it doesn't have access to it the only thing that can cleanse the soil is a blood of Jesus Christ it is invisible only God can seize it and a doctor can give you an open surgery but cannot find your soul hallelujah something to get excited about and that's how we come back to the song there is no God [Music] Jesus if I had just today I would not spend all this time but I am grateful to be here I am away from home and family since the 22nd of July we for the past 26 years I am preaching in Bridgeport Connecticut at the bishop Ferrand blade 10 crusade at last for a month each year we just about dies over 40 persons and for the past 26 years except one year I am asked to close it so I'm here from that time I'll be going home back in September I think I need a little vacation should i mix it up amen I didn't have this in my original plan itinerary but when the bishop call I said you know I'm going to be in the United States so take out a piece of my vacation to be with you amen hallelujah hallelujah and AMEX I am excited about God and if I have a option and you're not worshiping I just go back to my vacation amen as i sat there a song came to me I came on business for the king he told me to smile and he told me to sing one of the privileges we are enjoying today ordinary people like us enjoying there's a time when only certain kind class of persons could be on television but the Lord reminded me some two years ago that every audience that you stand in it is bigger than what is before you so Jesus is going to preach in Capernaum his crowd was just the immediate crowd but when he when he looked at technology before it came into being and many recognized that the Holy Ghost the help aw come on the spirit of wisdom would be giving men wisdom to bring technology and he looked at us and he said greater work you shall do because I go to my father and if I go to my father I will pray and he will send you come on that person that is gonna make you greater come on hallelujah Oh bless the Lord and so I I'm seeking the Lord since I got the invitation I'm gonna tell you something you make this make this God cannot make it without we cooperate with him if you go to send you home to look at the scripture Allah I could his secret of 30 it talks about the wheel the wheel in the middle of the wheel of several eyes it is the church within Christ and it says I'm just gonna yes it says and when the creature moves the spirit moves God to move us and is when we move the spirit more because the command is already given Holy Ghost to see if I can pray for the person move Andre and the Spirit will move Oh somebody worship Him in the house somebody worship Him in the house Alleluia I'm asked Wrangler Chile to you on the 24th 24 years adult you have growing up you can married you can vote you can make decision stop behaving like a child and worship like a mature Church serve like a macho church you are some some six years in your maturity deity knees when you are given certain privilege to consent consent you've gone six over that stop behaving sub even over the pass Jesus somebody worship the Lord with hallelujah whenever the Lord want to speak to a congregation it generally takes somebody from outside and I am I am extremely happy that the theme for the General Convention is carried over because it's never effective getting it one time and getting it from technology as you get it live but if you notice what is happening in a world today people are saying home people could be here today as staying home now and neglecting the assembly forsaking the assembly Jesus somebody help me here today yes my with you and watch it means of tech technology we started with the phone and so we stopped carrying Bible to church I can tell you you can find the Bible on the phone but the phone is not the Bible oh lord help me yes phone is not the bad boy trying to find the Bible and I slide down and slide on and I pass a hole at a pornography before I get to the phone and when I before I get to the Bible and if I'm not careful my mind messed up and I don't want to read the Bible but when I hold on the Bible the only thing that is in the Bible is [Music] the things that should become a blessing becomes a curse I'm here mister I don't care what generation you're born in God's standard cannot be compromised amen um and I don't care who think and I'm old-fashioned if I'm having this success I'm Aven and I'm not changing it the joy of a witness lady came and she said I have not seen the word rapture in the Bible and I said I don't see the word Bible in the Bible it's on the cover yet you accept it as Bible we give Him praise so we are going to we're come here for these short six nights that's all you have to look at it in a shot six nights and we're come here with a mindset one night at a time and each night we come this is my night for my blessing amen praise the Lord we're not joking you know if I found out I find out that you're joking I'll end your chili week I don't take another invitation Wow I don't have time to talk about the business of God i sat down I I want to preach what on my mind but I sometimes you have to prepare people to get to where the Lord want them to be listen Christ's coming into the world is a serious thing Christ dying for us is serious Oh God serious serious I want to take you to a passage that Lord lay on my heart and pull from it to substantiate a theme it is Matt theory 15 chapter then Jesus went Venson depart into the course tyree in Sidon and behold a woman of Canaan came out of the same course and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil but he answered her not a word and as this Cypress came and besought him saying send her away for she cried after us I answered and said I am NOT sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel then came she and worshipped him saying lord help me but he answered and said it is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it to the dog and she said true Lord I acknowledge it I admit true Lord the dog yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fell from the master's table jesus answered and said a woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou will and the daughter was made whole from that very hour and we say amen to the Word of God we have already prayed great I have a lot of time longer I older I get longer I preach amen I am still looking at the theme even after Convention was over and even throughout this week I'm meditating on it and meditating on this passage double portion time this is emphasis place and this is double portion time amen no suggest that according to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 there are times and season for everything the proportion time this is look at the word time immediate suggests it is God season of his blessing its deliverance salvation healing whatever it is it is God season so when I thought of a season before I came into America in the month of May going into June was a mango time I noticed that the season of mango only lasts until they ripe took them a long time to develop than to finish within a matter of weeks to our so weeks mango is out of season worst if you're having a rain and heat so if you are planning to have a good piece of mango you have to do it when monkeys in season and I notice after that sweet shops comes after and Guinea various season now you cannot eat mango when mango is out of season by a mango and tell people among us out of season if mango is out of season you don't get mango so failure to capitalize on it with a sense of urgency the season not waiting on you the members will ripe off and it's over when you don't have a good piece of mango so you have to get it when a season begin in the Cure in in the heart of the season and while it is going out come on the difference with the mango you may can store it in your refrigerator and eat it when it gone out but this salvation your deliverance you cannot throw it you have to capitalize on it Oh God elbows what serious plans you make and doing for this convention I want to say you went to my shoes you buy suit you do you hear you trim you hear like mine Jesus we tend to plan for the physical aspect you know what we are doing getting all the containers but when you finish we don't have any Mongols cuz we only buy containers you fear and you come here and you come here and if you're not careful you just meet friends and casually worship and I've not gone into the quarry you cannot tell which of the mangoes sweeter than the other because you didn't take time out Oh Lord God their doors of us Amen that needs an encounter with God we have to change our mindset if we are going to get that encounter worship is becoming too casual seeking God is becoming too casual why I still casual that's why we are not having the result person worship is just too casual [Music] we're ship must comes from the heart praia must come from the heart gift must come from the heart you must see God with your whole heart yes yes time and a season the convention is a season for his blessing and know that all of us will come with one heart that at the end of it all of us will have a individual experience in the 15th chapter of Matthew some exciting thought coming out of it Jesus travels all across amen every geographical boundaries fulfilling the mission which is father sentient he was not yet crucified but most accomplished things so he could come to that point in his life because after the crucifixion Jesus will not be here so he has a sick time and you notice he did everything with a sense of urgency the Bible in all of its writing about him it speaks little about his vacation only one on one a few times it says any comment Andres very short time he's always in his father's business now he came up the course of the Mediterranean that would have led them in the land of the canaanites this woman it is the first and only time Jesus carries ministry outside of the truth culture this time he was in a Gentile community Mommy bothered about there's some great twist about with Johanna with Gentile once you're not julia gender and since the church came into being there's another nation had to it only two nations Jews and Gentiles and Church of God means the body of Christ cuz after you become a Christian Europe chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation Amen the body of Christ so for the first time Jesus into this Gentile community the woman water problems we are not doctors know that there's something lives for the psychiatrists and here's some things that deal live with the doctors and there's something that leave other places but there are some Aniki psychiatrists cannot help the psychologists cannot help there is no cure no medical cure to treat that demon a person that is possessed this is where we talk about importance of the double portion because he is a please push on the man the servant of God because God must be glorified the doctors can't get all the glory the psychiatrists and psychologists can get all the glory so God had some things that only he alone can deal with that he might be glorified I believe that whatever means was a woman she tried to exhaust them but even though effective the law didn't but but here this here did something strike me even last night as I spin along or us into this morning to meditate on the passage Jesus there's nothing my surprise god never journey on a casual trip more than one thing he was demonstrating he makes himself anytime jesus sure he meets himself available purpose because he went to cross racial ethnic barrier something to look at here and and I don't know if it is negligent or culture but if you notice that in a few cases the father the shin amide woman was the one but a child's kiss to Jesus that is am busy reaping take him to his mother he's Saturninus Oh Lord God can he strike something here if you don't stand as a father in the life of your child you cannot envy the mother for the child's love if you're busy trying to take care of things that you think you don't want to spoil Jesus the woman I'm gonna tell you something about a woman the woman is from Canaan the Canaanites are Gentile this woman is unworthy she's sinful she's a castle nation a rejected nation a nation that is marked by God to its sting wipe off the face of the earth and they recall in Revelation dogs and sorcerers and he said they have no access because running to hear pardon to talk to the Gentile urahara but no you are adopted tells me that you have legal rights and privilege to every legacy in God as the Jews for you come through adoption now the Jews don't do adoptions but Romans do it and that's why God accept us to adoption oh gods we can cry Oh somebody worship Him worship Him in the house Alleluia so what happened here what happen here if the dam break and the fish wash over and my compound it's not your fish anymore come on if the if the mango tree spread and stretch a limb over my property that which beer over there is mine if the pump can run through the ferns and beer even more come on the root can be on your own but the vine and the fruit is over my side so if I pick it you can tell me I steal it for it is shocking from my side it cross the boundary somebody help me here now Jesus crossed the boundary and determine to the woman's return that gives her the access the true vine run over the true vine cross over into Gentile territory and the woman says you're on my turf and it creates an open door area I'm an opportunity with a sense of urgency for opportunity moves and does the park it doesn't delete this is why we are saying when I'm here for Joe pack up your bag we'll go home if you're joking 12 us will have Convention three of us will have convention and no Ella Brandis woman's here with me and by virtue of is half is your most here here and you have to see here and you have to see here [Music] [Applause] worship was worshipped in the Hoagland crichton the Hoagland worship to unique worship Allah sent worshiped Allah Oh somebody less have God with ministries [Music] so divine runs over and the fruit present itself the fruit of opportunity to present itself we noticed that the lady recognized one thing that Jesus passing through he's not here to see so she just get up and say hey Lord God she look at her clock and she says getting out of here by certain time I'm gonna meet him come on I'm going to talk with them Jesus remember she's a cast out you know there's something common among all those who see Christ for help you must be purposeful you must be intentional you must be Lily back when you seeking God the church we are not deliberate just come and if you worship you worship comes along and I feel look at something move I just raised my hand we must come purposeful deliberate to worship so I carry a Prius on a chariot dance yeah yeah sure [Music] right came to worship intentionally I come to worship Alijah follow him intentionally [Music] [Music] [Applause] or somebody show Tabriz [Music] somebody show Tavares for him my god I don't think I have time to finish this today there's something common among them they were delivered Jesus now when the opportunity present itself like in this convention you must see it as the only opportunity so this morning I'm going to be blessed I'm not sure about tonight and if God permit me to come tonight tonight I'm going to be blessed and I put money and pass for it is a promissory note yesterday come on - a canceled check we have the ready life - in your hands [Applause] [Music] so the opportunity present itself she rise with a sense of urgency she went over to him she said of mercy on me my daughter previously Vic's possessed with a spirit she's violent violent no healing is in the land of Li no prophet is over here no deliverance not over here it's just which and warlocks you mean artisan and they are the cross they are the cause but I'm over here and I heard about you you can't push me off because as I said a nation that knew not shall one unto you and she says in the last days my spirit upon all flesh Oh somebody worship god there's somebody worship God in this place [Music] we must watch the fruit your per keen attention when the vine cross over if you don't watch the fruit it will spoil the opportunity will so he said she said of mercy she makes a mistake she makes a mistake in our approach she said son of David that term must only be used by Jewish people my Messiah Jesus answer her not a word Jesus simply saying to her don't address me that way I'm not your Messiah Jesus let me show you a position you are down the Jews are chill are the children and you are a dog come on Jesus help me they the children comes around the table children sit around the table and and and the dog stays down here kind of like the woman she demonstrate humility she acknowledged opposition [Music] this is a true line you're talking the truth you're not really informing me you're just reminding me because I know my position but you cross over your fine cross over and the fruit belongs to me [Music] what the dogs the dogs sit at the table a foot of the table not alone the table so what I'm looking for you what I'm looking from you Jesus you're not supposed to even tell me that you're because I didn't ask you for the bread I didn't ask you to sit alone the table I asked for the crumbs and the crumbs belongs to the dog and the dog presented silver somebody hear me hear me know somebody happiness pleasure he said I am asking what what is rightfully mine the crumbs it's just the greatness is not healing [Music] anybody I say am I talking to you somebody hallelujah if God he me or the sinner that doesn't make a fish then you just get the crumbs [Music] what you need is a whole braid Oh somebody worship God with me here all that is gone donor at Calvary no more dogs no more sorrow somebody Helmand house here as many as received me to them gave he power to become sons of God below that no I Oh God not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like somebody worship God at this place [Music] well yes somebody worship them [Music] halleluyah halleluyah Jesus she something I want to point out here a LeBron this is something I want to point out here amen the woman possessed one of the greatest quality all of us need to possess filled Fiat is that so much you crying is that so much asking if you hear what Jesus say Jesus say the woman the woman seek Him in Viet she asked him she worshiped Jesus he said to her not because you're crying not because the worship but according to [Music] according according to your faith I have no choice but granted to you Jesus Jesus somebody worship the Lord with me it is evident evident at a woman knew he was the Messiah she address him as the Messiah Jesus amen did everything in his power to discourage the woman but when you know me [Music] let me Oh baby small animal let me tell you something the reason why thank you musicians the reason why we have been manipulated by Sita because we don't know the constitution we know this constitution we know how to approach God hear what he says about this command he me and my word asks me according to my word if you don't know the word you cannot ask one of it one of the one of the indictment the defeat of see it a certain have on the church is that he lowest to come out and enjoy yourself in gospel concert in crew seeds but Bible study Bible study and prayer meeting and fasting weena great when before we are above noise without substance it's kind of a mint [Music] I noticed in Jamaica if you are if you if you act intelligent when the police stop you be careful how they talk to you how they treat you because they know that you know the law they prey upon people who are ignorant [Music] Jesus or somebody worship the Lord hallelujah as I sat down and look at the proportion everything comes in some persons are not here to get a fresh anointing and people are here to be healed some people must have salvation double portion means that God presented himself to take care of all spiritual need all physical needs am i talking to somebody here Alleluia listen we must not wait for special service for miracles [Music] the woman believed she rise when you believe when you have a need you cannot sit down you move towards the source of your help some people are still suffering from spiritual amen complex [Music] some are suffering from discrimination some persons want you to feel as if you have no right and feel inferior not God somebody help me here hallelujah what once the blood went through my veins once is dnase in me I am no longer Gentile lord have mercy bottoms and child of God everything is available in the service today Healing is available deliverance is available salvation is available hallelujah everything is available once Jesus is in the house everything is enough [Music] I went I came up I mean connector cook and a friend a couple brought me over to mr. Crabb it's a seafood restaurant they are that the pot when I look in here crab in there put it in there shrimp in there vegetable cons he say you know me talking about knots on something not me know what they are so we're not eating them you know what I do I take out of that mixture somebody talk to me man but everything is in the proper take out what you need Jesus somebody help me what it is and it is on the table it is under label number so much so much he's us I didn't ask to be Aboriginal who invite me going to pay for it and they give me first choice come and pass a serve yourself Lord God and I mean he everybody give me first choice somebody told me in a house Forrester you kid [Music] take a portion take a portion my god some people sitting on don't feel anything you know raise your hand open your mouth [Music] you know why some of us you know why some of us not helped even from headquarters because we were focusing on one thing that is in the pot the seeking on the baptism of the Holy Ghost and you're dying from cancer come on everything is in the pot it is peer draw it is a it is accessible to you somebody help me we came little covering yourself off me man come on buddy if you want love so take it out if you want club pick it up if you just want can't pick it up come on here's a mushroom come on whatever you want and whatever is beautiful for situation Jesus yes yes yes [Music] recognize this is my final chance my only chance Jesus only show up once he's a visitor he's on his way to Calvary Lord God to pay the ultimate price later down the road I'll get the bread but no I need the crumbs and no I needed wait why not when I'm transformed by the process of new birth when my nature change and his DNA running me when I'm adopted enough Malik Albert so if we pick it come on man Lord God somebody help me I'm going to go for the bread I have never seen a case come to Christ I know that at times in your profession when you are given a plan when it is new to you after go lie down on it think about how am I going to put it in that style sometimes you work around a believer and the other thing on your consult and meet with your supervisor your subcontractor you look at it again I have never seen a case come to Christ and he put it up for review and it never possibly money never put it off and he never said no every case happened to him he dealt with it oh they carry Lippert women cleanser they carry deadly memory is it not God God God God Alleluia they can is sick to him and he lit the camera blinding him open the side they carry people to him is office never closed is fob never under kishan Jesus he doesn't snowman asleep he doesn't go to bed there's no pajama in heaven no stove nothing even nobody fixing God no fix T you know no big nothing even God don't sleep no doctors dear for no one examine him listen I believe in laying hands I want the church to get to that place and we'll be deliberate in your faith purposeful in your faith that nobody taught you yet you receive it right where you are hallelujah for you tuned in at the right time ah Enola I say you're tuned in at the right time anything flowing [Music] well somebody worship God some of us will have to change or or cancer punch in your mannerism some of us are some of us are capable of a bad attitude of worship better attitude a Prius sin only looking on everybody spectating Alleluia you watch for everything in the pot one to finish our you die for haha somebody hallelujah Oh he's an awesome some we're an awesome some some listen Jesus went deliberately to the land of the gathering he dealt with that kiss when he was coming home gyrus met him listen is the Lea D but he shot blood did not make an appointment she capitalized somebody help me here he was [Music] victim to Savior while another while blessing my pashmina plasma it's real [Music] dear God I feel God on the payroll to yesterday Oh there's no sir me I'm sugars come on [Music] I am save in this house every box lie to make your way to the altar it's your time it's your season it's your hair it's your moment [Music] welcome where you are you're not saving a backslider welcome where you are and not to this item and they will pray with you and pray for you say yo [Music] me well I'm sure say [Music] we merci see whooping spoon not say there's my love when you just swap over here if you're not say walk over here come dearcome hallelujah from those of you wouldn't come for salvation come right over here come right over here hallelujah hallelujah I noticed something a notice something Reverend every person except the woman with the issue of blood Allah grants as much as they believe as much as they pursue him they have to stay at their complain they have to ask for what they want pea muscle in the process of salvation prayer must be offered by the sinner asking for salvation Alleluia let me tell you something let the speech I tell you something the prior you cannot find to pray now if you don't find it you're going to scream it in Hell where it cannot be answered the devil is a liar people will talk on the phone for hours they will talk fierce appears for hours but when it's time to pray suddenly last [Music] they lock up the vocabulary hallelujah but I'll shoot today in the name of Jesus Christ ha ha ha your head your head and everybody [Music] Kahneman and antilochus haha there's a suit spirit in this place a sweet anointing in the sanctuary very head please everybody oh you ate in the altar open your mouth right now and begin to ask God we're in the congregation everybody is going to be involved everybody reads your prior up to this other players your eyes and begin to say a prayer for the unsaved say a prior for a backslide are we're not negotiating today we are creaming them in the name of Jesus Christ you are cloning them in the name of Jesus ones must be broken chains volutes people must be delivered in the name of Jesus that's the reason why God assemble us thank you Father thank you for your Holy Spirit thank you mother revelation of the word thank you the proclamation of the word thank you thank you thank you thank you for being in our presence think about sipping our worship thank you for listening and answering our prize we thank and we thank you we know you're here we don't have to see you but we know you're here for your word declare I will proudly I gathered Lord in your name you're in armies and so father you said to us if to another I'll agree and shall ask anything in your name it shall be done in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth god I ask today even as those that the backslidden and those who have never been saved to walk for this altar today they'll walk because the Holy Ghost invite them here they are they are here because he taught them from wherever they are I know Lord not only that you draw them physically but draw them spiritually write their names in the book of life their chants grana create in me a clean heart O God renew a right spirit within them wash them with the blood and they shall be whiter than snow save them today restore the backslider we pay for the signal they be healed their press will be relieved from demonic oppression and gods thump your seal of approval upon upon our lives as we continue to glorify you let somebody walk away with an assurance that all sins are forgiven and that they are free at last free to worship free to raise their hands to declare I am a child erotic we worship you today we honor you today we bow down to you today Alleluia hallelujah hallelujah Jesus from the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul yes I say yes yes yes your smell [Music] I came in this morning I saw you sitting I want to tell you it's time for you to serve the Lord it's time for you to make a full commitment and a total surrender any difficulty you have God Almighty will work it out he wants to work it out if you make an application for a job or to see someone whenever they call you simply mean it's your time whenever you do an interview and out of a hundred person your phone ring and your answer when they call you from the interview they're not telling you that your fear they only call you in your pass and if God calling his calling it'll bless you amen give him your heart today give him your heart today somebody praise the Lord somebody bless the name of the Lord Alleluia no my time has expired but listen what I don't like what I don't like what is happening today people are not consistent when they give their life to the Lord you see them tonight today I see them tonight you don't hear from them until six months later let me tell you something i sat down I know it is a movie could you take this my god for me please and I watched the judgement the final judgement god elder Granderson next door to the judgement seat over on the other side is a lake of fire something like a volcano boiling it is not parallel with the truth it is below and when they when they focus the camera and you see thousands of people going down screaming they don't have a place to land their feet for it is a bottomless pit and there was somebody there whose name was not found written in the book of life he didn't serve God and they die in their sins when I was given the part my Angelico Mahal him I named resisting and the angel dry rocky drag him on the ground when you reach a precipice in ruling by one and toss him into the fire and say to him forever how do you work that out spend eternity in hell because we live in to a man and he now married to you sometime I not even fear him he don't even belong to how do you work it out I want to play [Music] something mr. Leland if he'll was not real christ would not die [Music] because he doesn't want you to stop spinning around stop playing in the middle the size of decision devil you can't carry me carry me down they're not going Jesus have no longer [Music] Oh No [Music] ever prednisone today [Music] she loved I swear [Music] and I'm gonna take the liberty and ask those of you who have made a choice to serve Jesus Christ take my hand and walk up here I stretch my hand out and if you desire to follow the Lord I stretch my hand out if you desire if you are willing to give your heart to Jesus I stretch my hand out take my hand and walk away God Almighty [Music] Oh come here lady come here madam you're not married listen thank you listen look at me give me a condom sometimes in order to escape him you have to be willing to suffer and criticized by people you have to go through rejection you have to plant reminder be a bit above all by yourself [Music] I'm gonna say is not to and I hope this won't create any offence god bless you [Music] grow up after you rebounded in Burnet you bond with them but they come out do you notice that as a as a woman they drink water they drink fluid they eat but there is no milk that fluid won't turn into any milk until they are expecting a baby simply me not when the body expects a baby he'd make provision to feed the time I saw the kingdom of heaven Ciara you're not going to see God's blessing plan until you say yes everyone went up to offer sacrifice and the rom was closed but he remained silent till him Oh be a god when you'll be God rom make a noise your blessing you will not see till you say yes to God I'm making one final plea before I give this Michael [Music] Jesus we have to work with the spirit you know when the conviction is on never spend some time I say [Music] [Music] [Music] boy lady [Music] oh yes son yes yes sir yes [Music] [Music] [Music] my enemy [Music] ah [Music] where I am [Music] is there one more that will say yes to Jesus today you may wonder why the speaker spend so much time it's because the comment of the Lord is unknown the time of his coming is Arn only time of ones that is unknown the time of sicknesses are known so I will spend the time to give you enough time to say yes to Jesus but I must take my leave I must take my leave it's sad after I have laid out God before you should never difficulty even if you have a go back home you know if I've ever gone to your country there is nothing greater than rescuing your soul for what shall it profit a man search people we have to get back to the place where we share house with some people you know in order to see if this soil with listen when you go to heaven you know God begin to compensate you for the sacrifice you made you're gonna regret you didn't make some more suffer much [Music] - here come here young lady come here young lady come here come here please i bind the spirit of fear I bind that spirit in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus leave leave her alone leave her alone leave her alone the devil is a lie of the blood of Jesus the devil is a liar the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we are not creating a senior [Music] jesus loves you Jesus loves you Jesus loves you the develop no authority over the decision making on this hallelujah hallelujah everybody just stand up where you are I said a few weeks ago that the mission of the church I don't know if anybody remember could happen last week or the week before the primary mission of the church is to save souls Jesus came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance you can go to heaven sequel chance a leukemia whatever that's what Bible says you can go table 101 foot 1 i my god your soul your soul is important we're not gonna preach over the preacher's message but everything is in the house everything is in the house we're going to close this service and come back tonight God willing but we're rejoicing with all these who have made a decision now listen the devil is telling you that you're not sure but you have made a decision the preacher said you have to move out my faith that's what you have done that's what you have done you have to continue don't don't sit oh now we're done things to happen but you have moved out God is going to make that and if you are still down here just before you go back to your seat the opportunity is still yours but here is no guarantee which are when you'll come don't talk about when you'll come back tonight and tomorrow we said make hay while the Sun shines Iza says work while it is day the night is coming your night different from my night night in America is different from nights in England your night is coming bow your heads with me everybody we're closing you're seeking your body this is your opportunity you don't need a laying on of hands all the time your faith your faith every time jesus heals is that your fear that's me at your hole so I said to the woman with a sharp blow you know why because she did something heads up out and your eyes are closed everyone saved I want you to say this prayer after me those were walked out just lift up your right hand everywhere so father in the name of Jesus I thank you for today I thank you for bringing me into this church and thank you for dying on the cross for my sins Jesus right now I repent of all my sins forgive me save me bring me home grant me turn alive I surrender all to you right now I surrender all to you right now I accept you as my lord I say thank you for your forgiveness thank you for your salvation accept you now I am saved in Jesus father we give you thanks we give your praise we give your glory we honor your God for all that you have done we thank you for your servant we thank you for those that I've answered the call right now god we pray for every sycamore massa in the name of Jesus we pray for a mighty deliverance we pray for healing remember those who are oppressed Oh God remember brother Jonas is sick in the hospital right now but I run John so we pray God that you will touch him we pray God I will speak and direct to the doctors are under nurses who tend to him Oh God remember all those warring armies who need a mighty breakthrough let need a deliverance God put there not tonight God we put them in your hand like that woman who came on behalf of her daughter somebody's standing on behalf of a family member I know see them true Oh God open up a door give your people the victory we thank you for healing her we thank you for deliverance ha we thank you for salvation oh oh god we thank you for miracles we give you the under glory in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah come on put your hands together give God praise rejoice as you go back to your seat give us your information please we will keep in touch with you we will pray with you and may invites you back I know we will beyond our time this is convention but water water opening God is clearly I'm no longer saying that God is about to do something God he's doing something you got to tap in it's all in the pot you know we turn to the Wednesday and wait until Friday receive your miracle you you
Channel: Brooklyn P.F.M
Views: 11,595
Rating: 4.596899 out of 5
Keywords: pfm brooklyn, bishop authur grant, power of faith ministries, church, convention
Id: JC1hkV_R66o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 4sec (6844 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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