Tuesday Night Service | Bishop Arthur Grant - Tent Crusade (07.23.19)

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praise God praise God hello dear there please alight yeah I can't remember the sounds time no pasta but sing this one praise God come on uh give the Lord a praise I [Applause] wonder no man I have it right here praise God all right I remember sing with mama now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Blessed invitation I have the Lord if he what he said I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] glory give a lot of praise everybody stand Amen around the world for those of your watching in Jamaica all around the world wherever you are watching tonight we want to welcome you the world even live streamed broadcasts Facebook YouTube whichever way you look seeing the service tonight I believe that God got the answer that you're looking for and the biggest mistake you can make in life is to reject this man Jesus Christ amen open up your heart tonight for God's servant is here amen glory of God and I want the church and those are watching around the world to put your hands together open up your heart and believe God tonight for your miracle coming to us right now is this author grant Amen one of Tomic outstanding Amen evangelists come on Peter segata welcome him tonight God's sovereign god bless you sir here at home praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the Lord God is an awesome God great and mighty remain standing please we're going to remind ourselves and in the same breath we're going to comfort ourself where the fact that the Lord will soon be here amen that shouldn't be a subject that bring fear of any child of God it should be a subject that makes a child of God excited amen some glad morning we shall see Jesus in the air coming after you and me joy is also here well what rejoicing there will be when the Saints shall rise headed for the jubilee yonder in the sky oh what the singing and all what a shouting and that happy morning when we all shall arise adore what glory hallelujah when we meet our blessed Savior see that now I almost see all the saints are dead they're rising for the Jubilee that is your star head well in the twinkling of an eye change with them to be well all the living Saints to fly do that you believe come on oh what a singing and or what shouting laughter happy morning when when you are terrorized Aloha Laurie hallelujah when we meet the blessed Savior in the sky when we tall the heavenly hosts we begin to sing we'll be singing in the Holy Ghost how the heaven ring come on million lire enjoy the song with them we shall be will be praising Christ you ages long heavens you believe come on oh what a singing and or what a shouting ha the morning when we are terrorized and Oh what glory hallelujah when we meet and with all the heavenly hosts we began to sing we'll be singing in the Holy Ghost how the heavens ring come on millions they will try the song width and we shall be will be prison Christ through his long heavens you believe well water singing and all shouting and not up the morning when we all shall arise and or what glory hallelujah when we meet a blessed Savior in the sky come on Oh singing and all others shouting and let up be mourning with me halt shallow eyes adored glory hallelujah when we meet a blessed Savior in the sky somebody praise the name of the Lord hallelujah Oh somebody need to worship Him like you're expecting him that he can show up tonight alleluia alleluia oh we give you praise week with your honor we give you glory we worship me when we bow down and we exalt your name you are worthy to be praised Lord Alleluia god bless you please be seated if you can no one should motivate us to praise God what the Lord has done for us should motivate us amen to praise the Lord I am extremely grateful to the Lord for saving me the time when he did hallelujah hallelujah I am saved I may not go to your church but I'm saying I may not worship the same day you worship but I'm saying and you can tell me I'm not saved because you ought to been there when the Lord saved me amen I know who he made me to be and where he brought me from it's an exciting time to be alive amen and one of the greatest opportunities to be able to worship God amen without being molested the Church of God don't take it lightly don't treat it simple it's a privilege amen I said it is a privilege and you know I am having a problem with some of us church folks while we were in the world we give the devil all our energy we take the dance floor we were not ashamed to take the dance floor laughs you know partially nude and intoxicated with alcohol and have no sense of purpose or no meaning to life and we were on the dance floor and the camera was a nose come on man but now we come to the house of God the devil is a lie I want us afield come on timid and embarrass to worship the name of the Lord Alleluia but we have something to praise the Lord void and I always encourage folks to praise him until your face get ugly lose your beauty let go your beauty for a while drop your cuteness for a while hallelujah hey and I'm going to tell you something I'm not no Bible will be in him no Bible will be in heaven no preaching will be in him no fasting no prior no spiritual warfare will be in him but one thing I know three is and worship will be in heaven that's the only thing we are taking from here come on Alleluia ah you better get you better get ready to worship the Lord hallelujah because down here yeah I learn a song earlier on in my life I'm training here for that great convention day amen that's all I can remember about it but III I am extremely happy to be here I greet Bishop blake's it's the blade Minister Edward only counsel amen and all the ministers and passes in the house I greet up preacher for last night and is wife and I greet you all amen in the mighty name of Jesus and I want us to get really because this I think somewhere in Ezekiel 13 it speaks about Ezekiel saw a vision of the wheel in the middle of the wheel and he said the wheel of many eyes and it wheels in the middle of the way and it speaks of the creature and then it says when this creature move this spirit move it's simply saying to us that God already commissioned us and whenever we chose to move amen we are waiting on the spirit to move but is when we move this spirit move because everything is in place already amen it's just for us the moon when so don't wait for him to lift you up and motivate your move and he moons because if your honor is leading you're gonna move in the right direction amen and so don't wonder if you must cast out the demon just do it because when you move the spirit moon don't wonder if you should evangelize the man I'm waiting on the spirit move the spirit already says go into all the world Amen Alleluia don't ask your wait don't wait for a spiritual inspiration to lay your hands on the sick Amen because it's when you move this spirit moves amen and so we give God thanks it is always my conviction always my conviction oh I want you to understand me there was a time when I would hit the top of the tent amen but as time goes by I learn that it's not what bring the result amen if the word is preached and you are open to the word that's when the result comes if you put yourself on God operating table and yield to him he will all pregnant take out what is supposed to be take note and that's why they put you to sleep so you don't resist and put yourself in danger and so when you yield to God your surrender and said just take everything from me Amen I was in Canada some years ago and I was preaching preaching to the church and a lady met me downstairs she must have been about 60 65 years old or more she looked like she retired and so I was changing the court it was winter and she came on and hung up her coat and look over and said are you a preacher I said yes she said I'm not sure I'm enjoying you but she's there every night I'm not sure I'm enjoying you I said what what's the problem he should say you're coming on to the church a little too strong so I said lady as a lady I I am a surgeon I'm a surgeon and I came here and did my diagnosis and founder is a cancer in the church calls in some here to move it without anesthesia I said I don't care about your screaming are your kicking amen I'm gonna take this day that disease how that thing out Amen I say I'm cutting away on your self against your nerves everything and so your screaming is telling me that I'm getting to you I said but one thing when the surgeries long life eternal life shall be yours hallelujah Oh somebody praise the Lord and so I I am of the conviction Bishop Blake if God gives you a theme for the crusade that's why that's where preachers must stay it simply mean that God want to address that subject is I that he wants to bless you or is not pleased with you but in this in this theme God is speaking both to the church under the world and there are times when God is speaking to us that we find it unpleasant because of flesh warring against the Spirit because when God is speaking to you amen a spirit now is in control and he's opposing everything about the flesh and the flesh believe that you're living in his world you're in his domain so he's going to resist hello somebody if you cannot short when every preacher preaches something wrong when God is speaking if you cannot shout Oh hallelujah something is wrong and I want to say something and don't even care if anybody's upset we have been feeding on this prosperity gospel until we have a spoil appetite if we're not getting drunk food and we think come on I am accustomed as a child coming up sis Minister Edward but don't bling to accompany the breadfruit and a banana and the arm and if we don't sit dumpling we said that mummy don't cook dinner not sweet it not nice Jesus Amen Alleluia and so if we don't get certain type of prophecy talk to me no man we are not accustomed Alleluia we believe we're not having church if we're not running up unknown hello we believe that church and I found out that the church finds it difficult to rejoice even people converted we get so happy when we get prophesy but when somebody came out of sin we sit quiet heaven who knows nothing about redemption come on they are Ajay Singh before us we should catch on come on Alleluia Oh bless the light and I'm preaching long enough one old enough and I have preached across the denominational barrier until some time I preach in some Anglican and Presbyterian Church and I'm sure the old lady with your chains and the old bead from nineteen oh not said pastor minister thank you for your lettering it was a nice letter today you don't get a MA name it that was preaching I was listening to a preach a few days ago and any preacher was saying come on say Amen and I'm saying work for it reach it out of me hallelujah there there there's a very familiar passage of Scripture keeping in line with the theme it the subject of Christ's coming you could have called it the goal index of that subject and the theme we are working with over these weeks is you ready for heaven a question a question personal question I'm asking are you ready to go to heaven and there's no two ways about it you know if you're not ready to go to it there and you're automatically fit for hell come on and so if you can swim you can swim if you cannot swim you drown a [Music] hallelujah in Matthew 25 Jesus said something here first and I for it emphasis of time while they went to buy the bridegroom came and vada already went in to the marriage notice you know they that were ready went in to the marriage and the door was shut the door to the banqueting-hall was shut amen amen let's see what happen here afterwards came near the Virgin's saying Lord open unto us but he answered and said verily I say unto you I know you not watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man commits very very thought-provoking very thoughtful walking and I thought about Matt 227 not 224 where the disciples asked him some questions amen what shall be the sign of thy coming and not the end of the age and he gave them some answers he said to them first don't let no man deceive you we are living in the age of deception amen and he knew that the time would have come that people would be deceived I want to say to this congregation for a few minutes I am preaching to you that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ must occupy the forefront of every person's mind both saying and unsaved the Christians should be rejoicing Amen that the Lord will soon be here come on man if you have if a fear is gripping your heart then there is uncertainty about your readiness as a Christian or Lord God help me help me no let me use the thought run through my mind here and let me use sister Gina under hozeva there was a time in their life when they talked almost all night wonderful he is expecting to get up here and she's expecting him to come up and as the time drew closer sister Edwards Deacon Edwards and others are not as exciting as she why because she met him amen relationship starts when she fell in love and he respond come on said the two of them drop in the same bucket of love not too different market expectation amen agreement covenant love covenant was me and marriage come on man courtship and marriage Jesus she want to be in his presence and he wants to be in her presence as the time drop close there was no fear in a height as the bride waiting for the bridegroom boy help me God here tonight butterflies she thought up the wedding procession she thought of what going to happen after the Whitney holy partings going to our mind and holy putting's he know Ana Holohan Alleluia sees her as an exam a subject to pass [Applause] Jesus I want to get the church to be exciting live in excitement of the coming of the Lord it will be the best Alleluia day use of the Christian life Alleluia when Jesus returned his right eye somebody worship the Lord with me here hallelujah but listen listen listen listen believeth if he has anything in your macallan hosts whatever mom lived here relatives he must not begin to surrender all that if he must please Gina well but you can't love Jamaica I love America and serve Jamaica ants of immersive America come on up one whitey of the way this year after for cozier and make up your mind where you're going keep your mind so there was a time when you forget Jamaica while he was in Jamaica and his all his mind was in America because of one person so you see how important she is to him and how important he is to her for her mind is in Jamaica and his - a beer homonym an expectation the church listen he looked forward for a better way of life she looked forward come on that both of them is going to come together and make life better when you think of what is in store for you nah god of the marriage Oh God we should be excited surprised says we must not be conformed but this world but be transformed by the renewing of mine and if you can be reset with Christ come on Oh see laws things we must be heavenly minded known here's a temporary address temporary hosts don't hear somebody worship God with me here my god bishop one other thing that bothers me with believers on this whole coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and going to heaven preacher they will sit in church tonight and sing I am ready waiting to leave this world tomorrow morning negotiated doctrine Issei you have a stage four cancer and they breathe don't lose weight come on spin unnecessary money because they want to stay here my god somebody help me here Alleluia if doctor tells you you have cancer and God doesn't choose to heal don't worry yourself but Jesus gone to premiere my us all glory to God hallelujah it must excite the piston it must convict me Calvin converted he must make unconverted come on we must preach coming of the Lord to excite believers and to convict unbelievers when I look at the joy come on paranoia of us wanted to go to heaven they must want to join us [Applause] is better than this aha what giant bless I'm not the preaching on the testimony - thank you preacher but I don't love it at all when I ready I'll call you Jesus bredrin let me go back to the passage a very a very thought-provoking thing no rudran I want to say to you it's time to get excited because jesus said to them in Matthew 24 when you see nation rising up against nation you notice even that it's it's an Iran come on oh there are the hedge war and rumors of war when you hear about earthquake from in pestilent come on men become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God the Bible said when you see those I did not say your judgment as a church is near is that your redemption is very close I don't know about you I'm not gonna hiss my life away but when the time come I'm going to live with joy Alleluia and it talks about the different things that you must look for yet he said end is not yet the end is not yet come on so so so that's not the end of it we continue now when we come to much a 25 he pulled up a very beautiful example out of the parable amen and their doors were waiting on the Lord but not we are waiting on the noid but we are not ready you cannot really read money's in your heart talk to me non-han Yuki are not ready with here tridge in your heart you are just waiting what you are not ready now it is the ratio is not the same in today's world but in the barber juice you Jesus use 50% five row-wise I'm gonna say something tonight amen that can be very disturbing and five were foolish tells me that not everybody in the world is wise everybody in the world wise towards God they may be wise towards making money and wealth and education but not towards God being educated doesn't simply mean that you are wise you can be book smart but out of God you're not wise for the fear of the Lord he's a big Oh somebody help me here and when Christ was born not one foolish person after him it was wise men see to worship Him Alleluia accepting Jesus and serving God he's associated with wisdom [Applause] Jesus Oh somebody praise him in the house of God very wise five was foolish no God give both wise and foolish equal opportunity to make it into heaven you understand that all of them receive a lump an eye and up access to the source the oil is the Spirit of God am I talking to you all of us access to the phone 10 from which his spirit rose the I'm flow we have I'll which is oh oh oh oh oh boils or what you call it Jesus eight is a will springing up into everlasting life you have your love you have your container you have access to where the aisle is being served Hey but the foolish person won't come to fasting they don't have time to fast and pray and come to Bible study there nobody fooled me with aku she had grown now I am running kuzia do long a cruciate growth does not reflect normal crowed Sunday morning crowed don't affect don't reflect Bible study crowd amen a foolish run after the green dollars the foolish run having two and three jobs hey hallelujah and have no time to Priya too tired to Priya too tired to read your Bible too tired too fast Oh glory to God hear what the foolish say God understand that I have to be a bill this is America God supply needs in America God supply the means up those who make sacrifice in the United States [Applause] some of us behave as if people from another country oh I'm not in today that's where they worship God it's a hard statement but it's true we must find time to God for God God is tired of us giving in is heigl time our angle time we must make sacrifice why when you lose your job you can come to church why we're in problem you can come to church when your boys in prison why you'll find time to come to church somebody help me know why is it that when your husband is about to leave you you are on the altar in fasting the aisle will not come to you you will have to go to the nutshell and by Hanoi Jesus go to the tree in Christ is a source and Nam when you can get it anywhere I believe God designed church gathering for us Amen to meet with him amen and that's what is called a filling Center when you come to church you follow the Abid said I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord Church is good for Christian church attendance with the believers strengthened village Christian as iron sharpening iron come on so the countenance sometimes you come to church with some problem and you hear one testimony when you believe you're going to trouble you recognize that somebody of double trouble but they're still praising God hallelujah Oh bless the Lord God is getting too much of our convenient time so let me go along before time leave me know all both foolish and wise get an opportunity enough access to the source of oil and they could have gone in if they because once a seeking oil the rich are going to change the foolish come on it would be no longer five foolish but it would be it to to a once you begin to see God it associated with wisdom you are not foolish anymore when a seeker you know why they were called foolish because they pay no emphasis and eternal value they were materialistic inclined and earthly grounded come on Alleluia they they put emphasis and perishable things and temporary things while the moment the best of their life was yet to live in eternity you have to careful where you place your priority Leonato for yourself treasures on earth Oh Lord God help me know and I want you to understand this statement you know because God wants you to be willing to live comfortable but he don't want you to Armand sit your heart upon riches and in oh yeah so he said um the time came let's not debate whether the Lord is coming or not he's coming you are night duty is not to question whether Jesus coming or not is to be ready to meet him for your opinion concerning his coming don't stop him from coming hey when are you ready or not Jesus whether you ready or not the church need to be awakened out of your complacency we to earthly groan we to American grown Jimmy akin and West Indian grounded we need to be hurt bond would have been gone when you wake up in the morning set your affection on things above while you're working you're a fiction uncle Oh God do you know that we are strangers here we are pilgrim and Sojourner we should pitch no permanent resident hallelujah I'm a visitor here but I'm a resident kingdom of heaven Oh somebody worship Him in the house and so the Bible said they all fell asleep no that's a very critical point I'm going to bring on you because Jesus used in literal sleep to speak to the spiritual slum but let us look at the literal sleep mission the texts reveal now in your moment of sleeping you cannot obtain an eye and I'm going to talking I'm gonna use statement sleep as literal dead bredrin the steer sister fail that you have fallen asleep but it seems Teeter when we if you've drop asleep without either when we cope with all right if you're fall asleep a fool you're waking up a fool if you're falling asleep a sinner when Jesus comes you will rise a sinner because that sees some things god I said that seen some things and they cannot change you cannot repent after your die you cannot get ready after you die my god I want I want this to go home any hole you're falling asleep I saw your vehicle if you drop asleep with money see waking up when the trumpet song with a heart full of money so careful oh your light on but you may fall asleep hey we don't fine and the Bible say he that have not the Spirit of God is none of is no mean if you're not baptized I know what it was no I mean it mean that if you don't have the Spirit of God controls healing live by this video and no nothis and there are only one of two position one can take you can either be a child of God or a child of the devil for as many as received him to them gave he power to become sons of God brought Jews are gentle the condition of falling asleep in Jesus help me one woman came to my house and I was sleeping and she woke me up she's from the Adventist Church to tell me that I am NOT saved because I don't worship honest at you at all are when I was going to my sleep and the last time I check when I was going to sleep I was a Christian and I could not box light in my sleep and as you wake me up a while ago so I'm still sealed [Applause] unless answering you commit the sin and I said woman it seemed as if God you assume the role voluntarily to be God's general secretary you have access to the record and I know I said you came you went to have mother access to the record I am sure as God leave when you look in the book you saw my name but because you don't come to I don't come to your church you cross open Iman Colonia to tell you let me name not appear and so when you leave here as I'm sure God didn't write cross I told you cross it out so when you're leaving go back I beg you write it back in and don't come back you are not ready by the church to attend you are not ready by the baptism of the day you worship your years of service are the title you hole you are ready by your relationship oh so many worship God and possibly the relationship up to be current up to do it if you had a relationship yesterday and you don't see him today you lose all because that's what that minute five foolish you know they had all but your I'll run all day started old well but when the bridegroom came they ran out of I'll you must pay attention to your lamp the attention examine your lumber look if there is any and lifted up and said well my car or somebody worship here I live to table the thirsting of my soul then in our the virus not to run all driven Jesus said if I give you this rap ha it shall be aware springing up into everlasting liner who are connected to the ever flowing stream but Jesus is his source [Applause] [Music] so check your love before you're falling asleep Oh God lissa out one of our pro forma Prime Minister passed away mr. Silva and this a gentleman who came in on the television station and give a lovely interview on him and a history and before the man reach come out of set and reach into the yard of the student drop down dead check your lung check your lung check the connection to the lamp fine note come on if there is any blockage for it is vain to sit up late and to rise early in the morning to eat the bread of sorrow check your now check if you're ill or not God some time I feel like my aisle or you know pass preachers that's why we have to take time OTO because we can be serving serving serving and we run out there are times I go to fasting and they gave us a list of about 25 different government government meters got for us in one diem process sitting over there says sorry sorry pass I mean where you have this what mean improving our knowledge to the may prefer myself become prefer everybody unwell prefer myself I am spending the day dealing with myself [Applause] check your lung check your lung check your lung Jack your Holy Spirit of God I feel God in this place go back to the source of oil and make sure you're go before it is late because let me just hurry on and close here it says there's another thing that I want to bring out of the tick's the closing up the door preacher the closing of the door against the foolish suggest that God have no place in his kingdom for fools or against equal-opportunity were given to you you have access to the source of oil I tell you let me tell you what I don't know I don't get into business things that are happening in church that have nothing to do with me when confusion in a church we stay away from it and politics is in church I stay away from far as I am concerned anybody can go to Tennessee and anybody can go in the office in Jamaica as long as God put em in there I work with everybody anybody can lead women's ministry anybody can lead management what's wrong with you why you think on what you can do it and you walk away leave it hurt because you didn't get it somebody said a few days ago to me that um I am going to apply for a credential for some of whom is it getting credentials away or one credential but I can get it I said yes you can get it but does God call you all of us imp a kingdom of heaven before we get good angel sometime I earn we earn it be a sudden we impacted from on a man because God God got the devil don't he will give you these things that just for you to operate in certain level of the church and and give out because when you look at Ephesians chapter one and when Paul say Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ come on by the will of God suggest that is not self-appointed and when he addressed the letter to the Ephesians brethren he did not use it title in a boastful manner he was saying apostle come on the letters were authentic Cary's react when it is written and carry the title of the apostle oh help me I can come up here any one of your ministers here Minister Edward I don't know her around Cohn what of you but anyone can write a letter from here side it and said some Calvary New Testament age of God what you have to put minista minista minista Edward but when you see Bishop fear on an immigration see Tim Saha highest highest rank in ministry come on or the mission brethren hallelujah don't be attention to confusion pay attention to the oil no offense of any part in the kingdom of God let me strike the Sun makes of enemies you can be educated but you are foolish you can look good but you're foolish hello somebody I know you can wear but you foolish [Applause] Oh God I want to tear down some things here cuz some some Pulsar you exalt every knowledge that exalted itself above God hello somebody must be brought into captivity a mindset that you're so important you're suffering from him over important Titus until you cannot worship your carriers your hand ah God hallelujah you think too highly of yourself [Applause] where there's no oil diesel readiness where doesn't consecration there's all readiness where there's no holiness there's no all readiness where there's no commitment yes all readiness Jesus and so we we step to the next point God have no place in his kingdom for fools he shut the door the text suggest also that there will be open opportunity after Christ's call but it will hard to get oil here here this know the bridegroom hear me and before I get to that point salvation is not transferable oil is not chance already so he said give us some of your eye [Music] Jesus said no no no place here be nothing no force on you but go he rather to them that sell and buy so just said after the rapture people have an opportunity to be silver but under the Antichrist 666 come on now Aviva I don't know be shocked if you have a standby generator here no okay but if this if this tent is hooked up to a standby generator and the power company power goes automatically it's obscene it is the rapture on the Antichrist immediately after the rupture the era of the Antichrist chippie no one can escape it in Jamaica the Prime Minister's of present Prime Minister and government try to get us to have a national ID if we have that national ID we don't need no other hide we don't need we have it allow us to do business everywhere but your position took it to court and the court says it is something clause in the law the Constitution doesn't make it a man based on some of the con the information so they shoot it down but I tell them I tell them look here I have something in my pocket call tra no ma I got a ticket from the police a seatbelt no the lights in this open the police stopped me and said look he realized this is op kindly to license and also it was Bernie Kerik I said no stop him sorry I'm not even give you a full a full charge to hit I go and put down hundred dollars Jamaican dollars on the ticket send you to pay so that you'll remember for me say you buy care but you know no vodka and I don't need to mix it in BAM Turek so I I didn't want to go to jail for $100 because some trouble all over the world and the date of payment could pass and then they're gonna say no to judgement warrant and take me to court and harass me where than a week an hour whatever and before court days so I went down to p8 after I came from Santa Cruz walked in and had the ticket to the priests in the Revenue Office the ladies saying whether he were to me that I can't be a dog with er enema Mesa comin coming to give the money you know to the government to put in his coffin and say sir TR and listen to this the under Christ his sending what is a room and the wind is blowing he's saying that you will not able to sell and buy without another suicide she queried it somebody dr. Minami Valley Tarun in Jamaica you cannot clear any barrel from custom without a number you cannot purchase god help me know when I leave here amen earlier later on in sometime in October so I am going to Guantanamo Bay 40 days to 44 44 days before you enter Guantanamo you must surrender all information about your passport and everything Ilyas before me tra number 240 the five to four days before you enter the country so in a walk-in in Guantanamo B&O check you know immigration is watch you for they know everything about you already I went to Kingston to renew my visa and I carry everything ministerial credential everything ministerial ID everything that guy made me look good from our churches prospecting when I walk in with the things I had already submit my application the lady said mr. grant a closing Putnam ago about we don't really need that we know everything about you the American government know what you do everything about you and we determine whether a visa is granted before your command that somebody talk with Manama and she said to me your visa is granted come on before you came here just give me your passport unto Christ if you believe that after Jesus come it will be a bed of rose ah God the judgment of God will reveal upon earth hallelujah and this is not against animals and against creation things Mountain is against man who reject God amen the history even until today he's saying to us everyone who reject God in the day of each judgment will be punished listen to me brothers and sisters he said that you have to have to be ready then we go back to the point that's opportunity for salvation we'll be open after the rapture after Jesus take on the church but it won't come easy you know walk up you need no no no you don't need any number right now but in those days if you must come on when you when you stand up because the world will be under one government one currency one everything one thing one ah da we are one gang in America Jamaica Kalwa nada them just come for God of one authentic lungta every one of your name will be in the world's computer everything about you then let me tell you something the house that you live in know you're doin it the money in the pump you cannot dry it we don't just sell Oh God and if you sell Oh God you honey or to hell Allen oh yeah holy is he that a path in the first resurrection somebody help me somebody show the praise the fact that we already showed the brains I'm so glad I am a part of the family of God hallelujah what a wonderful thing a very wonderful thing to be free from sin and of Christ within er to be made a giant years with Jesus my Lord what a wonderful wonderful day my god thank God I'm saved thank the Lord God for saving it will be a terrible time I like I like when I demonstrate things people don't forget it I love when I demonstrate things people don't forget it people don't forget it where is sister Reza we have come here madam please yes come sister you come and live up your nice ba Bianca come on I'm gonna put you right out here to sit and demonstrate something have any pom present about somebody bring on Pampas consider are gonna be a be feeling about everything community take a moment and only bag right here Jesus let me Sudha a serious dignity we do know because after the rupture if you want a suitor to buy you must be adenoma 666 which is a condemnation number after you receive that you cannot deceive again your soul hello to see attack that God Almighty if you need a tin a baby feed it will be a merciless law in operation they don't care if your baby one dead if you want food your cell Oh God for the untie against Christ's law will be in Lord God can you imagine can you imagine then I'm gonna tell you what the scriptures say and if you really need a pompous to change your belief you have to be the number one six six robber in an run before it easy to identify that I belong to the kingdom of Satan i denounce god bless what the bible going to say here now let me consider him come last time I saw say sis appear has no children that she cares oh the Bible said in those days sister Fei will rejoice that she never give birth should not have no picnic so nobody to sorry for but you can say so she's rejoicing now and you're learning but when the rapture come you wanna rejoice if she know ready are you not going to rejoice thank you you can go back this is our series Syria cities mm-hmm people are taking this thing too trivial and I am not telling you that after I preach tonight anybody going to believe unsealed but I have to reach it far as far as I'm concerned people don't even care what you say again because Satan has hardened your heart like God hardened the heart of Pharaoh with all the miracles and sign that Pharaoh saw his heart could not mint it means nothing hello somebody hello somebody go back to history from nowadays until the day of the rapture Sanson the Christian will experience God's fever in times of judgment hear what God says Noah go in the heart for I have found your righteous in this generation if Noah could live righteous in his generation outside of Greece we can be righteous under grace for we have a more effective Redemption come on redemptive plan under Jesus Christ hear me whoa thank God I have to appear mercy that's grace judgment present God gave the option have you ever been preaching enough to unknown city many are finishing I'm announcing to you get right get right or get left get right I get left behind whenever nation become evil it invites the judgment of God his man cause judgment to condone enemy no hear what the Bible says in Genesis 6:4 God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil and God repented go and strike one note here and anybody is around I'm not troubling you some people don't like to eat pork and pig and they denounce them but God said them please me but you don't please [Music] [Applause] I was at home I was at home my home church and I I love to eat pork and they know that so they had a they have a pot of her they have a large pot of pot roast pork and they just fill up on plate and give me and I was eating it's a dinner we're having and this advantage Center came over what is that in the play to support so he said I'm to do one to preach at miss church I said yes what's wrong he said don't you know you're not supposed to eat it I sell URI Genesis six what did sia cigars I'm sorry make you God say I'm sorry the day he make you four I pass back please me except you it was Eva that invites the flood to come it was Eva the car saga and Amaro to be destroyed and God give every generation that he execute judgment upon an opportunity repent before he execute judgment he offered it he offered it to two to Nineveh and nearly we accept it and was feared listen this is mercy God presented on high his judgment hello somebody if you reject the mercy of God this is when you see judge appear when you turn down God then judgment presents itself what if you accept mercy judgment will not discern here what Isaiah say if you be really non obedient you shall hear the good at Ilana what if you refused on Reba you shall be devoured by the sword and the motive the Lord has spoken it Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus here the writer you better get right with God come on do it now another cross of Jesus come down get right get right get right I close on this note bishop whoa Sokka Ronda babaco Secchia liebe shun Dorobo touch your neighbor tell you never get right get right get right I get left [Music] it's about time we begin to preach a ladies let his word be in our mouth in our mouth we must preach the coming of the Lord for we are close to his coming focus our focus must be it must be on the lips of every preacher and the hearts of every sinner every believer Jesus will come at a time that we don't know come on it is so serious that you don't know then the thing about the coming of the Lord is that there has been no time for repentance there is no mathematician that can calculate the twinkling of an eye let him that is a no stop don't come known God Almighty because there's no time for coming down Oh somebody worship God he's not interested in executing judgment but sin must be punished God have one of two choices for job to do it's sin either he pardons it IRA punish it and is interested in pardoning it more than no interested in punishing for God rather not the death of a sinner come on II had no pleasure in the death of Cena but that all should come to repentance Oh somebody bless the Lord his mouth is extended tonight come unto me and I heavy laden and I will give you rest come take my yoke on learn of me my yoke is easy and my burden is life behold me standing at your door and I'm knocking if any man hears my voice and hoping unto me let me come in and sup with him come now let us reason together set the Lord lawson's he has called it they shall be his wife Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy reward my life Masha stand with me everybody please Jesus Jesus mercy we wrote we wrote we wrote the closing of the door is a closing of the opportunity to get right the door can close by death the door can close by the rupture Reverend the edge can close the door and sickness can close the door if you have Alzheimer's come on O God and and let me let me try to get into the mind of God this is a call if you reject God all your life and then you have Alzheimer's God is going to judge you in your day off from your day of consciousness he doesn't pay your mind to the Alzheimer's eh because you are helpless but those days before you are there outside you can get in an accident get a stroke and cannot speak bishop we can differ we can differ uncertain issue sis as ahead words this preacher and nobody come to me with a man and a cross because I'm going to expand this reach I don't believe that if you come to the ten teach here and reject God and go home and sick anybody can lead you to God on the sick babe you want me tell you why the Bible requires repentance and water baptism in order to be safe no your turn Amalia baptism is in and you turn on your requirement and you only want to be converted and not able to baptize you fall short of part of the claiming now here what it says here what I do I could be wrong I have searched the textbook the commentary on that subject and I found nobody give me any satisfactory answer so I went to the Lord they are top of the world he said to me what do you need to understand son no one should use a man on the cross because there was no baptism after John the Baptist is after I am risen from the dead I commissioned baptism and John's baptism was not unto salvation it was unto the coming of Christ Jesus so you said listen so you're only talking when I'm on my bed God says I stretch my hands and you don't regard me I call out and you don't respond to me you setup not all my constants I will laugh after you in the day of your calamity having mock him in the day of your fear then shall your call upon me and I will not answer you get right tonight I get left behind the door was shocked after those who were ready go who did shut the door somebody help me know when I look at when I look at the ark you know I know God makes it impossible to go for good light and slippery can climb upon it God make things that give him trouble you know may not know about you and I know it's not him so one day after the flood some guys come together and say all right this God will say well God's Marty mikrobill one tower they get all the material in Portola material get a united force and God says if you read that passage you know and begin to preach on unity and explain it people will understand what it is to be too far the Bible said if we don't go down this is it when he calls the Trinity together if we don't go down and confirm them they are going to build it for the people have a mind and they're on one Accord and that's when different languages coming God have to scatter them by creating different languages and cause confusion s when were confusion it's dangerous for church we must speak the learn one language the woman look to then generation royal priesthood a generation and mission is a person that speaks one language I have one culture Jesus hallelujah hallelujah God don't make nothing that can over to him outsmart him you cannot outsmart him so he closed the door slam it and they come I notice I notice when whenever judgment fierce man they begin to respect even the God that they don't believe in when when when the guy phone himself down here and Lazarus in heaven I don't know what he used to call the God maybe not no respect for him because about money but when judgment meet him is a father father Annika Noah crazy madman that's building ship and dry land and we are you getting water but one judgment come in so father Noah the way respect God sometimes or the other revenues God must be reverence as God somebody help me somebody pray for me because I'm feeling I'm feeling Garden on my soul here tonight I know yeah you have one you have one of two things laid out before your proposal get right I get left and those that were left behind begin to more Lord God then I noticed something sir in the days of Noah he asked Noah to build himself a place of safety God is cf already so bill it in your own interests whenever God is going to execute judgment upon a generation he finds a safe place and put a righteous and he pulled him out first and so Noah you and your house going the ark for this day I find your righteous in this generation and chapter 6 says and Noah found grace in the eyes of God that is what you need in the day of judgment you know God's grace find favor with God Noah 3 for 40 years beyond 40 years Whitman and not even one soul not God I'm preaching I am going to be preaching until Sunday i'ma guarantee you I am going to be more fortunate than Noah because no I never get one convert but I'm sure if sinners are here I will get convert it is even one but he preached one sermon to the animal and they respond and Isaiah picked it up you know and said the oxen what is one and the donkeys master's crib what my people don't consider me a donkey and a dog is more obedient to the master than man to God listen I am in middle quarters last year and the cloud over casts early the forecasters said we're having a storm coming in it's entering from Moran point and what Ana magnitude of it and when me know here Dona marrows I don't hear the cause distress I'm calling out and crime you know here they go to cry Amador see the chicken the chicken Amy said to somebody saying about onion love your winner father cause not making any distress sound and a donkey not brain and the falling over the brezza blooood until I know I can't pick up pick up anyhow you're doing City fall around here I'm going to put up himself talk to me a man and the codes that are tied in ameri son leaking distressful zone and notice that the owner would run down and jump in the boat and cut the rope and it doesn't matter how violent what is the code jump in it and swim across to safety Allah God and the pig spinning and dancing on when I look about there is no birds but I find some priests in Assam like a rock not nightie but in the mids of God's judgment man breaking bank on looting stores somebody talked to many man they we are so sinful in kind and corrupt to satisfy our greed until even in the wrath of God we seize it as an opportunity to see to satisfy our glut4 material things or somebody help me in this place hallelujah as it was days of Noah there are heating up drinking and marrying sand with me everybody and every person here tonight stand if it's possible everybody stand if it's possible it's all lit up a hot praying right now lit up a hot spring or let her have a hot spring right now hallelujah hallelujah and if you're a Christian and thing's not right don't be embarrassed walk out here this is your night get ready it's a dangerous thing to pass through the church and go to hell I know that gospel is preached in a very serious way in this charge Alleluia I'm gonna be asking you to be honest tonight I feared being disappointed but I'm gonna ask every Christians to be seated and those of you are not a Christian remain standing please if you're not a Christian remain standing right across this audience and I will not ask you the second time every one of you that remain standing could you meet me in the altar here coming soon Jesus is not just the same [Music] [Music] so Jesus he know he's insane [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah but I [Music] [Music] right [Music] see at least one more person who is in this audience now you're not saying we ought to be shut those of you are listening by means of social medias right where you are you can make it right to it gone you can bow your knees and your heart Jesus so for His mercies of elastic and it's fruits in Europe through our generation he's coming oh god no science' pointing to his phony it's going to rain come a little closer please it's going to Reggie's not what of what fired next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming soon can I ask you for ladies Oh God question tonight do you understand clearly what I preach do you understand do you do you understand great these two things this have to do one it gives you an opportunity to receive the Lord the fact that you understand secondly it has just build a case against you mmm in the day of judgment well know that you understand you cannot say to God I didn't understand its record because you confess that you understand when somebody understand the seriousness of danger you must escape when you understand the seriousness or the benefit that you're going to get from an investment you invest let me tell you so are you married me was I yes are you are you listen we must understand clearly that there is nothing in this life that can stop us from serving God self self you become your greatest in the range and there are those who are coming to the Lord that must give up something in order to gain Christ Considine Paul says I give up all the accidents of my knowledge that I might gain Christ listen God's judgment to you is individual no friends no children no husband all of us will have to stand individually before God and give an account why we did not receive him after he did all for us you should have died on Calvary but he died that you might live all I'm asking to donors receive me into your life for whosoever receive him amen should not perish but have everlasting life manesis still come here please amen all right I want you to look at a content and and loudly Lennie mama make sure what it is receive Jesus give him a mic what it says fall and spring yet in vaudeville morning morning Maine Maine 100 natural know what to say you are reading me a drink that means a Theatre in a quench serene in the content don't quench your thirst eternal God you have to internalize God you know put accepting inside reading about him hearing about him don't get you see believe that word believe on him mean receive him should not perish so here is one here here's a man that desire amen and I'm by reading it is just religious alone you know see every no and I married a man drink I'm dying Vitor's by reading the word and not applying is the application of what you hear oh Lisa listen amen application of what you hear you have to you have to admit that you have a spiritual lack then you seek you have to admit that you're a sinner to seek salvation you are there knowledge that you are thirsty in order to drink hungry you ready to give your heart to Jesus tonight you ready you ready you ready ma'am stand please yeah man that's why you must serve the Lord you know because I am I am coming where you I know in terms of eh there was a time when you were like sheep jumping up over a wall please it suggests that not even your body is eternal but your soul is eternal though you had please I cannot ask for salvation for you you have to ask Jesus for your salvation and there's something called repentance and I'm gonna tell you because some of us miss what repentance really mean we believe that when we commit a sin and we cry out to God please forgive me O Lord that you repent that's confession repentance your turn and stop doing what you were doing so some people I don't and cry oh lord have mercy on me forgive me please and what have you undergone to hell for them decide if Y if me if God healed me i'ma get about the bed me gon rock you know it's not to be a maid of my commitment Oh glory to God bow your head please close your eyes father I am knowledge you as father and I call you father because Jesus says that our adoption brought us into a relationship with you and when we pray we should acknowledge you as our Father who art in heaven and we hallowed your name and it cleared up your kingdom come on earth as it is in him I want you to pray when I'm praying every one of you Oh Lord oh God thank you thank you thank you for this ten thank you for this yearly Lord God that lifted up hallelujah and sends a light across the community direction of the tent we'll sensitize those who watch year after year that we are in tone to give a chance to those are a lost year that they can be saved my god you have been speaking since we read this 10th through the power of the Holy Spirit and through your servants and tonight is no less that you have spoken you have reminded some of us that you're coming and you inform some of us that you are coming yes and of the importance of readiness to meet you Oh Lord so we thank you for that knowledge we thank you for that infamy standing on the altar for ladies Oh God who have heard I believe you brought them here ah to bring them face to face with this proposal I get ready our get left behind God tonight that's what on your mind there hits ball as I stand at the altar and they ask for forgiveness Oh Lord God take it beyond just a confession Brian what our life will turn alone and they will be ready to meet you before the awful and terrible day of your judgement father in this era of mercy Len mercy forgiveness spit in your soul Alleluia Oh Lord God because you died that they might be saved we present them to you tonight and we present those that are listening by means of social media God may be making an Ulta somewhere wherever they are we ask in the name of Jesus that you will save as fast this message reaches save to the law so save the life God for heaven's sake all summer night kingdoms sake break down the powers of darkness the forces of hell that is written in the hearts of men and elohim to ridicu God before you put in your appearance before this lion fast into a crisis eternity let there be a mighty shaking a revival of awakening before the great day of Christ's coming that will have this thousands and millions into the kingdom of God and I ask you one thing sign us up for we want to be a part of it we will not see death we will not see sickness we will not see all eh until we experience being a part of this global revival not harvest men and women into your kingdom and I address you in the name of Jesus Jesus I command you in the name of Jesus release Holy Ghost release yes release cottage son released convict us release fire Oh release fire in the conscience somebody help me [Music] God God God God God release the power of the Holy Ghost somebody on the altar raise your hands before God as total surrender yes lift up your hands before God I feel bad I feel am I feeling somebody relisha pays money valishia praise nothing live hypnotist nothing leave heaven until something Oh [Music] thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus in the name Jesus in your name Jesus Oracle in the name Jesus Jesus in the name of Jesus I want to us tonight I want to Haas that golden question Lord God I worship you somebody praise Him salvation salvation is granted on the altar salvation is granted on the altar salvation is given under Hall yes Lord God help me help me help me here Jesus thank you for doing it Lord thank you Jesus shall I ask you tonight series have you made that decision to follow Jesus congratulation welcome to the family have you made a decision congratulation to the found church come on have you made that decision congratulation have you congratulation and welcome to the family god bless you so many - hey buddy all elbows or giving your heart to the Lord will you go with the evangelism director amen go with that young man over there all right go with him amen glory to God go without - with him - come on somebody give the Lord a place tonight my god oh [Applause] [Music] Jesus everybody give the Lord a praise tonight simple question on everybody's mind tonight are you turn to your neighbor and said neighbor are you ready come on turn to somebody ask them they're ready amen because I know if the Lord should come right now some of you still have one thing you need to let go two things you need to let go it will block you out of heaven remember the rich young ruler one thing he lacks amen and the Word of God is spoken tonight that everybody could understand the wise virgin the foolish virgin the wise virgins seek after the things of God the foolish virgins seek of the things of the world amen the wise virgin seeker than the things of God get more grace hello and everybody in church come to church and worship but then come a time because we're going to a lot of struggle in life they seem that it took a long time for the Lord to come I'm probably gonna drift who used to be strong in the Lord do came from Jamaica with your anointing lose out I leaked out and this really could come religious and they do nothing to replenish amen nothing to replenish amen noth-nothing in reserve you can tell amen the way some of us act when things happen amen we ready to curse ready to fight amen we need oil one of the problem we're having Amen when I disappeared I'd move into your churches in a spirit of anger people just angry you don't do them nothing god no to them nothing but it is hangry amen but you need to get back the joy of the Lord because it is what you're not talking to me the preacher preacher ready that sort of the Lord is just strength and I as as a man of God go through the Word of God I loved revelation amen but as he go through it I'm saying if you can't make it now when you have a tent in our mall is preacher from England Jamaica new heaven amen all over come preaching the same gospel now you don't change because some of you need ever tell you when you're dying again say lord have mercy and you'll make it in no uh-uh and I said preacher that a lot of people are in Hell tonight because there was religious everybody's see them today amen but they have no relationship with God so now we go to heaven not because we can preach or sing or we have a gift is our relationship which Amen when we have godly character we have a good relationship with God it is your character that can get you to heaven your godly character the life you live when you're in church our home Amen at work amen the life you live at play where you go amen remember at all time who you are our job is as a messenger to deliver and the man of God tonight will you bless he's funny he's funny but he's driving the point home and leave you with a pitch shock amen because I said again if you can't make it now when there's nobody oppressing you and I'm here to tell you even before the church rapture will man we're gonna get fight we've been getting fight you know and then we pray until everybody back off sometime aisle six police car I'm saying and I said you see what happened in Bridgeport and I said this is what keeping the gangs from taking over and the drugs as we pray and have this service and gods an only get to heaven even realize what damage you have done we have done Amen in Stratford right for us right at Bridgeport on Stratford you know two cities he said when you get to heaven you will see the damage that we have done from 2001 we have this ten putting up here and we don't want to stop until God say so I must say I salute every one of you and thank you again for coming pastor god bless you everybody stand bring a friend tomorrow bring an unsafe when it when you do that you're in you're doing what God commanded to do go and compare and anybody brought any unsaved here tonight amen anybody somebody to get a book on right now because somebody told me last night before the pastor make that announcement that she bought about three persons so I don't if we start tonight our last night tonight the processor tonight Amen so Amen anybody brought anybody here I'm not about saying people know you know you did but I'll see if here tonight you brought to Amen somebody to get her name - amen you brought to tonight unsaved tonight so your tie ain't nobody else you brought somebody to mama are just praising the Lord all right that tell us that listen we need to get busy amen who's getting the names amen we like you to jump on things and this one I'm been talking about the passion even is a joy sing amen God has given this a special assignment why us why amen and I'm sitting here Liz watching you preaching and I'm looking around in the city how many churches Haman and this is an example of there a reminder what God says amen and what he said as my father sent me so send I you anybody has been anybody within a close amen see brother Blake Amen as they arranged for those were stayin over amen in the night and in the day Amen those were helping all Thank You musician thank you preach I'm good to see again amen let us close father watching around the world oh you've given so much to us Oh God and we thank you for the lives you've been touching the lives have been changing tonight God for the souls that come to know you know watching livestream around the world Oh to the media of God that I've given their lives to you I pray father that you put stomp your blood and their hearts that they will never go back into sin this too many too much Oh God awaits those who died without Christ there's so much awaits those that is good except Jesus and I to the Lord the Bible so happy is that man we don't know when we're going to come to church for the last day we don't know anything to go to sleep for the last time Oh God nothing is wrong with the passing away is will we wake up that matters there folks in this room under his tent God is not right at home things not right they don't forgive the companion Lord God they don't forgive those who have crossed them and now the preaching god they were sit and look mighty God released the spirit of conviction he said because iniquities in the heart of your people he said the love of many walks cold prepare us for thy coming let us drop our own agenda is that about I it opened up our heart so that the love of God can shed abroad in our hearts and we have God of skin and soft heart for those with clean hands and pure heart shall see you God straighten your servant been preaching all year God revitalize him now energize him we thank your father in Jesus name everybody give the Lord a praise meet over here and pray the pool is ready amen the pole is ready meet over here believe this olive oil this prayer cloth there's ten shirt pay men these messages get your goodies take them home plate him in your house Amen somebody and come out early [Music] [Applause] the fruit of the spirit is all we need love peace and joy and so much more and prosperity that's why it's so [Music] you let it go it will be small your song the structure and seal is like [Music] righteous [Music] with cheese I will [Music] all this [Music] well [Music] what you saw what you shall so be careful of the way let us plan good works and guard little audio for the things [Music] right [Music] what [Music] like begone [Music] where the help of cheese I [Music] with Jesus I will slow [Music] with the help of Jesus I will slow just [Music] Jesus I wish so [Music]
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 3,660
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, livestream, Calvary, new testament, Church of God, faith, love, hope, salvation, deliverance, truth, redemption, Bishop Blake, Fearon Blake, church service
Id: Jp3gzwSfPd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 44sec (7244 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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