Crusade 2019 Sunday November 17 Evangelist Arthur Grant

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if it cannot fix here come on this isn't an ASP Atal this is a Healing Center people been to hospital and go back home sick and die when you come to church we don't accommodate the spirit of bed the spirit of sickness here is an atmosphere that you cannot you can tap in and receive what you want I don't care what your sickness I don't care what your sickness is don't make arrangement to die I said don't make arrangement to die I am I am I am the law I send my words and healer disease I am the Lord God that healeth me or somebody love him somebody exalt him somebody worship Him somebody worship him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we thank you lord amen you the moderator has set a very good precedent set an example Wow very good and everything covered praise the Lord Paul spoke to the Ephesians brethren caught into vision one Amen verse 5 having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to his good pleasure of his will Alleluia verse 7 in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sin Alleluia according to the riches of His grace and we say Amen we say Amen Alleluia and we are going over to another scripture we worship the Lord Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 and verse 28 for we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow he also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that we might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified and we say amen to the Word of God I want to speak to us for a few minutes and justify for his purpose justify for his purpose are redeemed redeemed for his purpose Rafa amen and we give God praise let us pray father we thank you thank you once again because your Beatles comments often as we wish to come and so now Lord we want to thank you for all the items that I've already gone forth now we have come to a crucial time in our service when you shall be speaking to us through this lump of clay I acknowledge my limitation my nothingness before you and so I put my total dependency on you when asked that you will activate your anointing that you will release the Spirit of God to breathe to rest with us so bless us to deliver someone God release that anointing so the preaching can be effective and in the midst of the proclamation of your word that lives will be transformed and that the word of God will be meaningful and there will be clarity and revelation and let no flesh glory in your presence O Lord lift somebody out of the depraved situation tonight and raise your hand upon your servant and your servant signal glory out of what you're about to do so we have come with great expectation that you are going to show up in homage you are already here manifest your power subdue demons and the powers of darkness and everything that opposes the preaching of your word the worshipping of your name God the saving of soul we pray you'll nullify them and we give you praise we say like the right to have thine own way we are the we are declared you are the Potter have your own way in Jesus name Alleluia - every thing and every season there is a purpose our Redemption has a divine purpose behind it in every one of us though evil and sinful we maybe there is some good in us something important something that God can find useful in us there is nobody without a purpose and then we are redeemed for His divine purpose they were APIs calls to acknowledge our Redemption unappreciated because we were redeemed to bring glory to him in order to appreciate our mission as Gentiles we must when we look at the vision 1 Paul speaks to the Gentile and we must appreciate the fact that we are redeemed as I have said today were marked for extinction but God saw it fit to redeem us it could have wiped us out but he redeemed us amen eseni redeemed us let us look at our position before redemption revelation 22:15 says without air dogs and sorcerers speaking to ocean were among the rods murderers idolaters and that we have no rights to the Commonwealth of Israel mean that only the Jews has right amen the salvation of access to God when a woman of Canaan came to Christ and asked him address him as Messiah address him as Lord the Bible said Jesus answer not a word that type must only be used by Jewish verses no one out of the Jewish liner it should not use it because Christ came expressive calling to become the Jews Messiah but because they rejected him the door was open for us and so I am really happy that they rejected him because his give us a chance to receive the spirit amen of adoption into the family of God hallelujah and so looking at who we were I said we have a right to rejoice unto be grateful because you are called for a purpose you know let me just hasten to say this that this evening or this morning before I came to church and this portion that I was about I'm going to be speaking to you on came back to me and I'm meditating on two sermons one for the morning and one for the night you know what came to me those people who walk around and buy scrap metal to us they're garbage but I am I am going to show you as far as I am thinking they came from Japan and China the old cars came as new car after they get old and become wreck they become garbage for us so we parked them take off the wheel scrub them leave them down to shell and they were belonging to the Japanese to China wherever the cars came from they sold it to us as new cars we pay the price but after a while Bishop they became rubbish garbage and the same Japanese come on is no buying scrap materials buy-in but liquor from you Osric jesus paid really we just we were rich people sold us to God as garbage because God not been finished product he by Rama T well God not interested in saving anybody good he redeemed those that are worthless and loss God is not in the business come on a pursuing believers he's pursuing unbelievers God and there is no peace that have gone to the dimension that God will not give it a try he purchase us in our worthless condition but he has the ability to bring on the good old of us nobody sees the goal in the act until it goes through a process somebody talk with minimum a redemptive Rhianna to us the piece of scrap iron have no use and the old batteries only and the people's and we what somebody was an expert in bringing garbage into into into valuable things will buy from us hallelujah I said they sell us as garbage but God didn't buy us as garbage he bought us as prized possession Jesus some folks will say to you go on to church because you have no use in the dancehall because they believe the down solids better than the church and they believe that the church is here to collect what the dancehall don't want when society give you up God watches you because you've won something good is inside of you there is a purpose for your Redemption Oh somebody help me now because one said God one God knows your purpose design your purpose before you will conceive therefore you don't come into the plan of God by accident here is a purpose before you were born I I didn't make Hama listen listen before David was born he was a king yet there's no royal a menorah LT in his family Jesse Jesse had been retired and sit at home and his sons were soldiers and he was shepherd boy the worst job not only that he became a shepherd boy but he also became an errand boy he had experience somebody was around here in the church you didn't know your purpose in his treasure in Madrid before you burn out of your mother's womb young musician you have to play music in the church I want to tell somebody that God didn't just drift down the road I'm sorry I look good and so the closest interpretation I have to that is that when mum and dad I'm speaking about myself when mum and dad came together for sexual pleasure that released six or seven million sperm and they says only one out of that seven million can fertilize the egg yes sir yes sir hallelujah and so there is you must be a life a community call amen we must yield to his call and been redeemed from sin there is if there is no reason for redemption God will not redeem you hello God is not in the business of gathering numbers to prove that is God if you're not for business God don't have nothing to do with you if God God listen I went to a church some some months ago I was preaching and a brother got up on show to think it's in in Mandeville somewhere I bet I got up on shout and when he shot you could feel the very tender ibrid and I called him I said don't stop shout because your show teen has a purpose my God when the service was over the pastor said do you know we call him the minister of worship the man has a show given to him by God in the church I said and now I was saying to sing to somebody a few days ago after a meeting and said to them if you go down to parish council you have been you have booked you have computer you have fronting Lord are greater trouble everything do you know that in here the pen is not recognized they don't allow depend depend doing it's a salary the peon don't depend on one course got a training in a promotion but Brava if you've no right they will lose a can come out god help me I'm trying to tell you that you important you are call and you are important Reverend some people behaving as if some persons not important when let me tell is something we talk about the bulldozer because him grid on the land we talk about the front end Laura because him pick up the garbage we talked about the contractor because in contraction instructor the villain but in a remand the pin that's right to check unsigned the can track and if the contract no sign the balloons I can drive onto the property Jesus somebody help in Oman some people in the church the church and in each person according to their several ability and so when this crucian is over when the school set is over when this crusade is over and they call and you go to Island Convention and they sit sentence be the most improved charge in the field of evangelism and we call Reverend fastaqim Africa Lackey but in the true sense of it all of us a part of it the person whose people are rubbish help in evangelism not God the Prisma who by the water so the preacher can get to drink and depend somebody who bought a pen and come on man everybody come together to win and to improve the church come on oh is that a one man thing am I talking to you and so my purpose and let me go back to something because I want to talk to somebody tonight that once you are called of God you are going to feel severe opposition and the opposition has strategically pleased the external opposition cannot affect you is the internal opposition and so me not working for nobody to punish Allah therefore if you do imprison I'm still going to work if you don't appreciate me I'm still going to work hello somebody a word we must working I make I make every eye does it you to say to the Lord if you want me to go full-time in ministry don't make nobody give me a horse to bill I'm buddy no car away from that you know Jesus listen God hirabai versus even though you were condemned according to verse one having been justified by Christ who can leave any charge to the elect of God it is God that justified and if God be for us who can be against us feeling of guilt will make you guilty people's opinion about your innocence don't make you guilty because God justify you therefore there cannot be any condemnation my brothers and sisters those who are called of God experienced severe opposition to the point where their lives are threatened they're calling Tretton I can tell you this nobody pushed me out because I've been there and on I grew up with a minister that if I had followed them I wouldn't be in a church I'm past subtle by one when first saw myself that if we had follow him I wouldn't be in a church today Satan have a way of getting a peep into God's intelligence and know that you can become his nightmare and set up some people right inside your knee of Antalya nearby ain't going anywhere mr. monatti number on my life life when I kill what hell happening upside here mean nothing about my life line die right here so mistake I noticed dogs cuz I like to cheese dog from I was a boy even until no I don't realtalk so I chased them and I will see a dog brother brother Linville Brown her daughter has some dog and they would walk all the way to mr. Goulburn shop to hunt for food where they keep dance and look unfortunately they they're coming home and me going home from church I'm brother with me start behind them in and then scream and make nice you know he's been in Turner butter brownie are in turn around and say you see my turf this you know come over here and then him sure made it even save your come over here this is what you'll get every time I side I say no devil run me off me turn if I run from him somewhere [Applause] I'm not leaving until God I knew I got called me know me to pre-process when I looked at his purpose I knew his value I know that God is depending on the journey Hashanah is separate me from the love of Christ somebody talk to me man Oh God Drita when when when Paul speaking you know he had been here already him say persecution no parents no I am somebody [Applause] I'm gonna stay here until my purpose fulfill there is a reason why he didn't call some wealthy educated person but he calls you oh god I am persuaded I try to I try to um I try to paraphrase it and I said that Paul Walker and Harris the dev dreary moments are what you got in about what a noble will have can separate me from the love of God your tribal iation distress peril sword you have anything never about drive I shall I shall run your old of method nothing can separate me from the love of Christ nay in all these things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my paper is e that isn't me you need up is against me [Applause] but somebody telling mission mission is possible mission is possible a sense of we Christians here tonight a sense somebody's [Applause] touch your neighbor tell him I ain't going nowhere [Applause] I'm not going anywhere not going I'm doing to rain to Sun to fire on conflicts you know no rocky the road as I travel along hold on Jesus will carry you through Jesus will carry you through one should not be fearful for to respond to the call of redemption there are challenges that comes with accepting the call but here what God says to Israel when you're passing through your waters I will be with you when you're going through your River the river shall not overflow you when you're going through your fire your fire shall not burn you Oh somebody bless God somebody bless his name [Applause] I am look at me you came to church today you walked to an other time God will not reveal in details why he call you but is a purpose the kingdom of God don't run crash program only those from the seventies know what crash program is about wallow walk some sit down under the net and collect be political work God nor on political Kingdom God run serious Kingdom whatever he promised he brings it to pass there's something about your purpose and you cannot backslide out of it and you cannot die the purpose I don't care I don't care if you come from a family of cancer persons who died at an early age when God have his hand upon your dead can't even look patio Reverend when mom run off and dad run off and leave me as a street kid I'm a smoke ganja at seven years of age and of course bad word with me long life in the movies and I'm gonna like me buddy may have a degree in stone chewin let me fling after you me knock yo ho you said side.we McAra me see come and learn 15 after dog flinging a tree and pick breadfruit flinging a tree big mango flinging a lychee pick coconut fling like dong man all the time my purpose is inside of me my father was a butcher by profession there's a large stone where he butcher this is a mango tree where he hangs the golden close to the gate next to the road years after my father retired from butchering and go to live inland ever and I roam the street like Masters Romeo nobody's child nobody loves my son on the star on one afternoon no somewhere about Thursday when I was awakened it is Monday morning there was a rainy weather where my father used for his butcher install there was a gotta created there and I've into the gutter and the rain fell for 3 days and night and wash over me and I don't sneeze I don't catch her cool and I don't drone purpose I'm coming in from a dance those days it was jukebox record ginger this is where the boxing station is we had a ship the banana off to England some coming in from a little community called Springfield and weary and tired to go to spring garden this is where the chalk would have backed up and dropped it still get here and they would have loaded the banana without thought the Lord God Almighty major where I should lie down cosmic amber ago Omega sleep of about sensation and nobody knows security guard nor anybody those days recall and Watchmen me no one watch fun to believe me coming to break in some just root up some trash and I don't and we how was the four o'clock of the morning I heard a rattling over my head the truck back hop and the back wheel is no more than a foot from my head and the muffler whipped me [Applause] there's some persons in sentence Bay in 2019 in the month of November from you've been struggling I'm on an assignment you know if I do and I know he's going to fight me or no man because if he couldn't kill him in there and if he couldn't kill me in the water table if he could not my Prerna at seven years with marijuana then devil you just can't mess around and get me intimidated because I'm wrapped up in the center of God Oh somebody help me here tonight nobody tell you that again turn your donor God permanent return you offer somebody talk to me in the house of God hallelujah purpose cannot die before it fulfill yeah sacré do Manning in you tell somebody you can have died don't even make provision for that somebody cancer cancer cancer cancer and you cannot become a failure you must succeed because God hands I hope a news somebody help me here [Music] the the mighty the mighty protective hand of God is upon you and nothing can happen to you no lupus can kill your wife vomit out the cancer and your Iran pup who Opena you're gonna get back your 20/20 vision you won't leave again for your purpose or finish come on somebody talk to me in the house I have the colon can kill you know past you can kill you know diabetes Blaney Oh there shall be no failure of your kidney somebody talk to me in the house of God here somebody help me be clear believe I am swimming Eliza we need arms over your life or I have a purpose [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my purpose wrapped up in my purpose tonight [Applause] whoo somebody give him a push somebody just roll your hand over somebody and release on a nine thing in the house I'm not trying to play up on your emotion but they're 19 can the name of Jesus Oh Lord God Lord God Lord God somebody help me help me help me here I heard the Holy Ghost says those that must be see will be see ever it doesn't matter what the devil does who's to be saved most busy of a fire season has arrived am I talking to somebody here and say your purpose the time for your purpose to reveal has come [Applause] I'm walking in victory [Applause] [Music] Jesus sir protection is provided sustenance is private provision food provision clothes provision security from heaven they don't trouble with m16 they don't travel ELISA they don't travel come on with 9-millimeter they walk with flaming swords for the angel of the Lord India [Music] hallelujah or somebody worship Him [Applause] you don't need anyone to sympathize with you when you're going through your stroke before you have a purpose I'm not giving you any oil when I give you no water for care who me giving you Jesus who is ever-present in your time of difficulties you see sit down please Oh God doc rise with me I stand in the place of the Lord I call him to do a job follow me now I'm coming in the middle of this congregation to rescue somebody I send him therefore I am before him I am beside him I am behind him I am above him and I have beneath him so he's going to need a pair of shoes to come so I provided he's going to need clothing so I cover him no I am not sending him in I'm leading him II know he's to rescue his brother here then all of you become opposition and I want him to come out rise brother so the bravano rise because God redeem him reconcile him and give him a ministry African city Shawn but opposition Jesus no no I am with the both of them novel so he's rescuing him upon my protection and my strength because he cannot rescue the vast crowd here represent the opposition that want him to stay down here but God needed him up here and so the brother who hold him by the hand and who was of hell who are ghetto they make a move they who was of help pull roadblock [Music] no I represent God I will not allow him to have this to deal with but I am NOT behind him so either I am going to send some angels or I'm going to speak to it God not sending you in enemy territory and send you in alone he said to the disciples unto us no I am with you watch this you see will come out and not one demon can see anything the obstacles have to move for I notice when God's people is in trouble things respond to God more than people the chin fell off the prison that is one Accord degree of our panel and give way to Las Olas bless you bless you go back to your seat god bless and so when hide here go for the brother he cannot die in the middle of the war because that brother is not the only person god anoint you and Redeemer to rescue I'm not afraid I don't I'm not afraid to preach to nobody because Arlene Odom chaos who fears the only done in at the police and a bad man the please hello the only one with authority that answerable to nobodies God and it's time some of us begin to put ourselves into trouble and being shuttle rescue summary because you have a call upon your life watch this and I close redeem for a purpose David God said to David through Samuel I have anointed you to become king over Israel and jealousy comes after promotion a young man came to the house and said to me mirage ii you know i work in the field of construction and there's a lot of bad man people and they trying to get me out of my bread I said follow me tell me about command for only welcome a house I mean I'm gonna the command volume lay down beside when I need a pick on another fella so me go get some rice and chew it all and then start fight battalion say you see when you are start when opportunity cover long as you know getting no food in my friend in Italian food women of rain again so I said to him you know what you know you notice how they fold him a fight and so they my fight them a pickup con I say you better pick up copper green before I finish for they were so stubborn if you know get an eyeful don't Ricky Lee oh Jesus David Saul who is the old green King rejected by God hate David the lion and the bear could not kill him the man fought him the important and uncoated ants we with his bare hands and no D in jaw could have threatened David life you know why because he was called to be king but not come to the throne yet I am trying to tell you that no devil can stop you as long as God make your promise Sal gave him his worst data so that he won't come to anything any man prosper with a bow with the wife yes and then go left come on I wanna stand up I said send me a mine and God said mr. Elliot would begin yourself you're not big enough for one of my men I'll send you a local boy we do a slingshot this is all God don't play the devil he's not a trick you know the problem of the church drunk renewing dog bed I will not seem soon what the devil defeated because finally Darwin opened only drunk are not coming close and if him sleep in the drunken Hara we have intimacy asleep in my sleep no when in bed drunk or dead him dead come on come upon him we don't know that Christ extract every to don't of the devil's mode for the woman you know understand Jesus he wars as a lion seeking whom he may devour so David walk out and say hey you uncircumcised philistine you defied army of the Lord I'm coming to you is a little boy are you going to stone dogs miss a meal of garden over catch him use some unnoticeable method that no alert you that it is so dangerous you see there's a lot of preachers today lotta preachers and this is going worldwide lotta preachers who are not preaching in your personality and not operating in your personality they don't know what people sermon they go on the people operation am I talking to God in another man's personality him want Arthur grunts when I come before him you know I mean son first I know one part it's pasta he want the grant so when got ready to use DVD no one to cease all our muscle armor ejected soul anointing gone David's I'm not comfortable in these things God said take them off yes what I give you it may seem simple but it is effective this is a giant I come to you damn horse it doesn't matter your enemies you must Park him down god help me when you begin to Reverend of the message of preach amen in Connecticut that we must not sad the grasshopper mentality we're not supposes that we are grasshopper get up in the morning I am more than Cantara I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me can I share one little humorous one with you I went to a cushy to preach an open-air service up in wanna stock before I leave one may have diarrhea I mean I know he come from just after midnight preacher and my wife said to me my wife said you just cannot go to the crusade you don't healthy and your Congo how are you going to go and preach mister me what Dana I mean I know if I see was Missy Russell I love me love preach but my god and when when the mother it has stand upon the Reverend grant is here and this is time to come and preach and so Reverend grant is from Nakata Mister Donut IP pilot so [Applause] rittany hon sit like this on a billion Lego Reba Reverend me just get about modality and said well mighty God we say you sent me up here to preach and leave me to do of you do drop if machine museums are going down to preach and I walked into the pulpit and preach or ahora Nava I do man until today when you only not tonight own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him he shall direct your path [Music] Jesus Jesus those Whitfield seems took a crazy when nothing is impossible in faith when you know some years ago I went into a little community little from where we live to preach sanika political activist after my finished bridge draw a long knife trick me up in a movie is every time in shirt poor cop and finger and I'm a fierce and a white wipe up the knife for me and until me say boy call me with your God doing heroin the kind of healer Coco I didn't until I remember the Holy Ghost said to me son remember I say I'm going to send you abroad to breach I mean I don't passport yet you know that I'm I feel like man I'm going to kill me and the Lord said to me and didn't tell me that thinking I'm killing me you know he said my mom sent me said may I send you abroad mean our each rat it from in a half a ticket not even minute Imahara birth certificates and I mean mmm and I registered on it you soon remember Oh forgive me say boy I remember me remember what God's sake when you remember what God's you're on we're not remember what God says God says I know the plans I have towards you and when you remember God's promise to you you'll run my dad's talk to him in a broken English and I part one run weather where you say boy come on Tommy fierce it's just run with that and they say don't come at Dorney oh boy look what my church and tell him say I know Fred Ford Edna follow me what we're going on Wednesday night when we're going on the Wednesday night nobody know donde not even to preach to the next morning police invaded my workplace I said we got a report that you were being held up last night while you were in service preacher what's going on tell us the names we said ba sorry who said I'll call you him say when we heard whenever our colleague was there and they went off and they called him and told him I said all right god no need everybody got him in an a do life your karma can prove that God protecting me because if we put you on you - then God come on duty some mad some runaway some die and some come back our friend me purpose stand with me somebody purpose holy spirit we worship you today we worship you tonight the season has come tonight and the rest of the week but tonight somebody Redemption time has come your purpose begin to unfold tonight you must respond to the call of God you must respond to his call for there's a purpose when he calls according to his purpose he calls and justified I want to pray for an unsaved would you stick a hand over a backslider would you stick your hand up and say preacher pray for me there's a hand down there it is a hand over there there's a hand over there matter of everybody just walk down here you raise your hand you didn't raise your hand but you know you're not safe come honey come come come come walk down here what don't hear what only you walk down here you're walking out of something and walking into something it's time that we don't love the enemy to manipulate us come please come please come every box lighter every unsaved every backslider every unsaved every box lighter walk to this monitor tonight mmm-hmm they're more than four persons here you cannot know what God have in store for you until you walk out stand up everybody nobody is skipping me before not a conventional bench we are not safe walk out from your seat please you're not safe remain standing please and those that are save be seated if you sit down and you're not see if you are telling a lie ooh thank you do you understand what I preach tonight do you understand do you understand you understand what I preach that makes it easy for me and for God when you understand do you understand that God and lo you took on me here tonight because you want to be here but because he has a purpose a purpose that will benefit you and a purpose that will bring glory to him and a purpose that will benefit other person's life so the only time the Potter can make something out of the clay is when it is in his hands I mean if you're not in his hands giving yourself to him he cannot fashion you the way I see clay submissive to the Potter so God wants you to be submissive to him you understand you understand say it's time for you to serve the Lord do you understand the time has come for you to serve the Lord would you make that decision tonight yes whenever that answer calls I have my question to ask if you are serving God I call fastener and you are here walking from your seat is an indication that you not see you for you tell me you understand so if your understand you understand that are you not a Christian so I called you to be how much I love God if your sickness that you are right can you now go get no physician no so just happen and say you don't see it and God we see of you and that's that term they might have been you see I I was in a crusade he meenie miney moe Carl remember we yes Guantanamo Bay last month and I made an article on what on some guys came to the altar and I said to him are you saved and this guy same non of himself but in baptized instantly me pick up the religion that is a part of because some religion believe that the only time that you're going to show that to CF is when Jesus come so mr. Bertrand eternal life begin here every Atilla go to heaven eternal I begin right when you accept Jesus but we survive believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life that mean a moment to accept Christ you are seeing so I said to him the dream if we were in Jamaica and open a highway anyone and the sign pores make our Montego Bay and put a portal watching this st. was doing working stone but internally a point I tell you how much my little King's done and your for light you know you're getting something I'm he tell himself delight was doing working Sun can accurately Derek you then God you know you ready to serve the Lord tonight you know I served a lot how old are you copy now my fears how old I mmm any tea you're old enough to spoil our Lynn Offutt ahead and all enough to serve God and go to heaven you waiting on this is a time for you to give yourself to the Lord now we tell you like me chisel every till you can be near here budget for the final we explain everything know what we need to commit your life to God tonight and serve him mo man wanted in the kingdom we want him to run bara empty house empty every theater Ave and bring you into your manly masculine purpose understand right bridge man shake my hand spirit of the Lord move upon you if you walk away and remove like that again you're kind of dark like seven midnight mentee and the move of the Spirit upon your life you hear me I fully surrender to God but we had please close your eyes stand with me Church do I have any altar work do I have any altar work I have a brother here and I have three sisters I am thine O Lord I have heard thy voice and he told I love to me but I long to rise [Music] in the harms of a and me closer when asked alte work us to lead you into pry right lead them into a prior narrow till they cross [Music] well job [Music] near our place [Music] [Music] consecrate me today service by nine [Music] [Applause] let my soul look up [Music] under [Music] so from me [Music] yuria drop [Music] Nerra [Music] do [Music] our god I'm gonna ask you to pray every one of you on the altar right now bow your head close your eyes ask Jesus to come into your heart to wash you to cleanse you make a commitment in this prior to serve God for the rest of your life healed your life to him give your life to him right now our Father we praise you we thank you we honor you and we adore your name because you are God and there is none beside you certainly we have come to the point of decision making we have spoken thy words your people been convicted and the Spirit of the Lord moves upon them and they walk to this altar willingly and freely in the name of Jesus even now while they're less they're praying incline your ears Oh God and listen to the cry of your children for you are more willing to save them than they are willing to be saved so out of your divine mercy will you stretch your hand of deliverance and touch them will you Lord God risk them from the dangers of sin and from condemnation God we acknowledge it won't be an easy task but your grace is sufficient to keep under Sistina tonight we come to you with a heart of compassion and concern these of confess openly that they are willing and ready to serve you and our heart rejoice with them we thank you for those was sitting in a converts line tonight who have made their decision to serve you and we ask you when the service come to an end these will be redeemed by your precious blood they will be justified by grace O Lord they will be drawn into the family by adoption whereby they can cry Abba Father God you know the home condition the working environment you know whether it is conducive to the decision they make or not but just like you went ahead and closed the lion's mouth for Daniel and took the fire the heat out of the fire for Shadrach Meshach and Abednego just like you open the grave and allow Lazarus to our coat and Paul and Silas to opt out of prison help them to walk out raise them from dead works and allow them to walk out from among the bed and live among the Living God we feel their purpose to them let no enemy destroy them before the purpose materialized I thank you that they're here o God you brought them here deliberately intentionally that they might hear the word and response so that your purpose can begin to fulfill in their life break down Satan's domain break the holes of sin over their life and release them to worship you in spirit and in truth so we have come to this juncture in our service father we're before long we will close and go home we felt as if we have stirred up hell tonight and after every assault God we recognize there will be reprisal but we ask for blood coverage we ask that God in angels will come an assignment and pick up their assignment and begin to ward off the enemy give us safe passage home and protect us as we lie down to sleep surround our dwellings surround our bed let there be no accident Oh Lord God Almighty no incident let there be no stroke no paralysis let there be no heart attack not failure of any organs holy baa Sandor Arabic Xhosa but Lord God we have a reason to be here for the entire week to the beginning of the other week so we give the service to you we give up our protection our health our strength physically to you have your way with us no we thank you for saving we thank you very deeming these from the curse of sin from under the bondage of sin and the condemnation of sin thank you for doing so in Jesus name the people say praise the Lord the people praise him with me
Channel: St Anns Bay New Testament COG, Jamaica
Views: 10,873
Rating: 4.7129188 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 45sec (4725 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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