PFMI 36th Annual International Convention Friday Night Service - April 26, 2019

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] big time [Music] nothing [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah hi [Music] [Music] ah halleluyah halleluyah come on convention 29 Tina lift those hands up lift those boys up my god Busan finger give God the glory give God the praise give him the praise given the brand given the brain given the praise hallelujah hallelujah I've got my don't you name as a neighbor do you have yours do you have your instruction ex neighbor to neighbor do you have yours praise God praise God praise God to God be the glory I said to God be the glory [Applause] hallelujah well we give God praise we give God honor and we give him the glories that amen praise God praise God praise God hallelujah we magnified an awesome name of Jesus is that amen we bless the name of Jesus is that amen it is Friday night praise God I said it's Friday night praise God hallelujah thank you Jesus so God be the buoy praise God praise God we give God thanks you may be seated praise God we acknowledge the presence of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost in this place tonight is that amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus praise God what we're going to be praying moment early and we just want to give God thanks for all that he has been doing in the convention thus far praise God hallelujah I know why we have been blessed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by the servants of the Lord God is using is that amen so to God be the glory great things he has done thank you Jesus we just want to raise change the tempo of the service just for a moment praise God and what's going to worship God into prayer is that amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus how many know God has broken our shackles tonight how many know that God has broken our shackles tonight there are some who shocked us has been broken there are some whose shackles will be broken tonight is that Amen somebody is that they meant somebody praise God not because you call Lazarus Oh to the tomb praise God that's not it you're not saying nothing somebody the grave clothes has to be removed from him are you saying you said yeah you Whitman is nice somebody the napkin has to be removed from his face thank you Jesus somebody worship the Lord tonight somebody gave God the glory tonight my shackles are broken and I am believer my shackles are broken now I am free oh thank you Jesus my shackles are broken and I am ice actors are okay and now I am free come on in worship maestro [Music] come on somebody [Music] from the top one more time somebody worships my Shack [Music] my sack do we have any we mr. dal-su shackles are broken and now somebody say my struggles [Music] [Applause] come on ease my time wool it's my time to break free way come affects my time it's my time it's my time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time save my time - great it's bad it's my time to break free break and on a big way my [Music] lift all times and worship this [Music] hold on I've been away is somebody gonna get ready tuna is my time [Music] [Applause] one more time while be worshipping up where my shackle my shotgun we have a witness in the house and now I did anybody sucker be broken tonight my sock [Music] my shackles my shackles my shackles my shackles my shackles my shackles anybody had some shackles but Jesus brought them but I did wax they are the anointed describe hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you see the person next to you may not understand why you worship God the way you do they may not get the message I praise God hallelujah why it is that you praise God the way you do I said I can't do we have any witness in the house whose shackles has been broken [Music] [Applause] we're gonna be praying in a moment [Music] remain standing praise God Karabakh or shaky robocco durable Cassata I said you're in the right place at the right time standing next to the right person hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if you're here tonight praise God we want to offer a word of Prayer the altars no open praise God anybody tonight say I came into this place and I feel like I got some shackles I need to loose myself for what is about to come I need to loose myself for what is about to come you left work you left home praise God there were struggles there were trials praise God the enemy didn't want you to come out tonight but tonight tonight tonight tonight the atmosphere of your mind and spirit must be cleansed praise God the Holy Ghost is here to do a work so tonight praise God before we enter praise God fully in the presence of God we're now gathered at the altar course some of us are at the brazen altar washing hands up praise God but it's time to take the next step to move up into the Holies of holism I said your shackles is broken tonight you have already been delivered when Jesus died he said it is finished it is finished it is finished it's not like the olden days we're a tough conduit on praise God where a lamb come do it ha but when Jesus stood behind a by God Almighty he said it was finished my struggles are over [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're coming from their own farm we can see right in the bridge [Music] I my styie whatever struggle you got at the home is fokin butt of a struggle in the workplace is broken whatever struggle you have in the church my [Music] yes your deliver deliver deliver but they said yourself to get it to the president the god people of God [Music] I said forget what happened today forget what happened last week forget about the mister before [Music] [Music] chuckles off-road in real time in the house one more time yeah your chakras are they're broken they're broken arrow shackled up the mine shackled of the spirit shackle of unforgiveness second that comment on that racket by cannibals father you are Lord and God the words say you're Emmanuel God with us come on the Gauss dwell with us tonight Lord here are your people gathered in this miracle Cathedral we know not your mind tonight Lord what you will do in this place but we trust God that when we would have left this place we will all say it would have been good that we have been here father we expose ourselves to you now we are broken before you now we are vulnerable before you now o God be pleased or God to dwell among us we invite your presence now into this place Lord even the atmosphere now let it be filled with your presence let every troubled heart enemy were in mind Oh God be fixed upon you now for you said you would keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon me I said Lord tonight as the Sun right dependent saw that shackles are broken we thank you Lord and you went into the lower part of here you made an open show up the devil triumphing over him thank you Jesus and now Oh God of the Ascension you're seated on the right hand of God the other son gladness I saw the Lord High and lifted up seated on the throne of my life Lord tonight's Lord tonight's there is an expectancy in this house do not disappoint Oh God the needs of your people the cry of your people monocles by your power by your anointing destroy annihilate break though root destroy everything that is none of you magnify yourself in the mists of your people let most flesh glory in thy sight so Lord as we move to the holy of holies oh god there's breath here oh Jesus there's comfort there take us into the holy of holies Lord bring us into that place we are dwell in your presence Lord be magnified now in the mighty name of Jesus as the Lord those who came in tonight maybe younger maybe depressed maybe frustrated today God when they saw their paycheck let them not oh God removed comfort them comfort us Lord as we seek your face break forth by power and authority by a double portion anointing God loose in this place and Lord we give you thanks we give you thanks we give you thanks reclaim backsliders he local store recover the acts of our souls Oh God we are careful tonight God to give you the glory to give you the honor and to give you the praise we magnify you nam we glorify you now come on somebody give him the glory clap those hands lift those boys give him the glory given the honor give him the praise as you return to your seats thank you Jesus thank you Jesus if you could reach for your Bibles at this time or your convention booklets on pH number 35 we turn to the convention scripture praise God 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse 1 through 15 praise God is that he men I want to invite all of us that may be seated right now as long as you're able to stand let us stand for the reading of God's Word for his God well I welcome missionary nikoline Stephenson praise God who will read the scripture 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse 1 through 15 please make a welcome a convention scripture comes from 2nd Kings chapter 2 verses 1 to 15 I'll begin and it came to pass when the Lord will take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that Elijah went with Elijah from Gilgal and Elijah said unto Elijah tarry here I pray thee for the Lord hath sent me to bet him and Elijah said unto him as the Lord liveth and as I soul liveth I will not leave thee so they went down to Bethel and the sons of the prophets that were at Bethel came forth to Elisha and said unto Him knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from the head today and he said yeah I know it holding your peace and Elisha said unto Him Elisha tarry here I pray thee for the Lord had sent me to Jericho and he said as the Lord liveth and as I so liveth I will not leave thee so they came to Jericho and the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho came to Elijah and said unto Him knowest though that the Lord will take away thy master from thy head today and he answered yeah I know it holding your peace and Elisha said unto him Jerry I pray thee here for the Lord had sent me to Jordan and he said as the Lord liveth and as I saw liveth I will not leave thee and they too went on and 50 men of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view afar off and the two stood by Jordan and Elijah took his mantle and rocked it together and smote the waters and they were divided hither and thither so that their two went over on i ground and it came to pass when they were gone over that Elijah said unto Elijah ask what I shall do for thee before I be taken away from thee and Elijah said I pray thee let's a double portion of that spirit be upon me and he said that was asked a hard thing nevertheless if they'll see me when I'm taken from thee it shall be so unto thee but if not it shall not be so and it came to pass as they still went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and parted them both asunder and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven and Elisha saw it and cried my father my father that chariot of Israel and the horsemen there off and he saw him no more and he took all of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces he took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan and he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and smote the waters and said where is the Lord God of Elijah and when he also had written the waters they parted hither and thither and Elijah went over 15 and when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him they said the spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elijah and they came to meet him and bow themselves to the ground before him this is a portion of the Word of God we say glory be to the Father to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning no one ever shall be world without end amen give God praise somebody give God the glory you may be seated give God the glory somebody praise God praise God my father my father the chariot of Israel and the horsemen fear of my father my father well to God be the glory praise God thank you Jesus we want to welcome those that are in or viewing audience want to welcome over browsers and our streamers praise God reviewing us for his god caught all across the world let us give our viewers and our bosses a hand please we welcome you tonight we welcome you tonight praise God to another night in our Annual General Convention for his god those praise God who are from near who are from far right here in Jamaica and all across the world we want to welcome you praise God is that him n general welcome to each and every one that are here thus far praise God and we give God thanks is that him n is that amen praise God for his God hallelujah we thank God for what he is doing what he continues to do hallelujah praise God somebody bless the Lord tonight somebody bless the Lord tonight say hallelujah say convention 2019 I am going to get mine double portion i am going to get my double portion give God the glory somebody [Music] hallelujah praise God praise God praise God you know brothers and sisters it's a wonderful thing to serve God is there amen where would you be today where would I be think about it where would you be today what would have happened to you you're not saying nothing somebody you're not saying nothing somebody I said the double portion is applicable for every area of our life is that amen is that amen where's God you know Monday Easter Monday was a holiday getting ready to come to church praise God excited wanting more of the Lord is that a meant is that amen praise God in my secular job praise God I work responsible for two departments one is transport you know God was showing me something about even the double portion anointing that we all have to receive praise God we were cursing and he said to me praise God if you have a vehicle one of your vehicle cannot get to its destination are you with me somebody whenever it tries to go to his destination it runs out of gas your praise God responsible to make sure the people's goods and inventory get to where they need to get to are you in the church what are you gonna do praising I did not understand that first as sometimes this with God we may not all understand at first but after a while we get it here men praise God would you go to the boss and tell him I need a bigger vehicle a bigger truck what would you do praise God hallelujah he says you don't have a fuel problem because fuel is available what is the problem why is it that the vehicle would not go or get to its destination or you with me somebody or you with me somebody when I said Lord using praise God the training the wisdom where there's only two things there many factors but there's two praise God the that praise God we need to add another fuel tank are you with me somebody or azita we're gonna change the one to a bigger one well he says to me son this is like my people my people has a capacity problem just like the vehicle cannot get to its destination the problem is that fuel is available the anointing is available or guardian has seen nothing somebody the double portion is available hallelujah but it is our capacity is the issue praise God we would have to analyze that short vehicle and we have to take a decision whether I repeat to buy or to be part to replace the filter with a larger one or add another and it begins to show me if your hands are full brothers and sisters there's nothing else God can give you your maxed out your capacity is maxed out nothing more are you with me somebody he says my people are cluttered with things hallelujah and we need to release some of those things I said we need to release some of those things so that we can get from God what he has for us are you with me somebody are you with me somebody for us to go in the distance praise God release something so God can pour into you are you with me somebody I say again for us to go the distance wherever the distance is you have got to drop something you have got to give up something or you're not with me tonight you are not with me tonight praise God but I invite the worship team just to come back one more time please worship team come praise God while they are coming let us examine all ourselves tonight and look at the Lord what do I need to give up it is there is it the electronic device is it the company that I'm keeping or their one block in the anointing worship team praise God halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah somebody halleluyah somebody praise God we're gonna worship God tonight we're in your presence let it ring follow me let it fall on me [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Wow ah [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] praise God give Him praise everybody give me praise again lock your hands and bless the Lord God lets you be seated I just intervene for minutes we seem to be delaying for the visiting choirs that have not yet arrived what we just can't do that indefinitely we have to roll the chariot along amen god bless you were delighted to have all of you were here on tonight and we have one of God's distinguished servants in Jamaica leading the largest Pentecostal Full Gospel denomination in Jamaica and has been doing so for a number of years and we are delighted to have this wonderful servant of God with us tonight and I speak of Bishop dr. dopler a player CD JP let's invite him to bring a greeting at this time god bless you sir amen Thank You bishop good evening everybody I mean I take that good evening everyone when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dreamed this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it I greet our Bishop and overseer and not Davis and all the other ministers I said the other night that we used to have a pastor when he gets up to greet the people and so many people on the platform he couldn't call all the names he said I greet you underestimates oh this is truly amazing walking in here tonight and feel the presence of God and see this beautiful gathering of God's people worshiping not just gathered but worshiping and you know it was only last night someone called me from the Cayman Islands and let me listen to the service that was going on here because there were being blessed of what God is doing I want to congratulate Bishop Davis and all the members of this great organization as they proclaim Jesus Christ and him crucified this is truly what Jamaica needs we were for the last week and a half many of us have been gathering in Stirling Castle of what you have heard happened up there the devil is raging but we are sin abound grace did much more abound and we are looking forward as we talked even last evening about the death of this eight-year-old girl that God is going to turn the evil into good they meant it for evil but God is going to turn it into good I pray for you and I trust that many many many souls will come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior the healing power of God will go forth and that people will come to realize that without him we can do nothing god bless you I love you and I appreciate you keep on keeping on [Applause] [Music] praise God appreciate dr. Blair and the great work of the New Testament church of god in jamaica amen pastor Anderson Jamaica evangelistic Center put more pass direct good to have you sir good to have pastor Martin and his wife good to have Reverend luxury from London Ontario Canada come here Reverend lodger you haven't said a word since you came here from Sunday you've been enjoying this convention take a minute or two and tell us what's happening there in London Ontario cold I'm sure [Applause] can't betray it over again can we praise the Lord one more time [Applause] god is good giving honor to God and to son Jesus Christ the present of the Holy Ghost wishes in this place I want to tell you I can feel him oh praise him to her bishop bishop davis and his wife and my bishop bishop louis and his wife on all the ministers and to this great congregation it's a wonderful privilege to be here one more time to lift up Jesus I can tell you that he is in this place I am past the luxury from tabernacle of God worship ministry in London and Tyrael annum we are so delighted you know my church to send greetings to this convention it's a wonderful thing to know Jesus oh praise the Lord or praise them I want to report tonight that we have in great time but there and I can report victory I live Jamaica about forty-five years ago but one thing I glad about I still got the fire I still got the fire let everybody say fire Holy Ghost fire god bless you and keep you and thank God for this great work and I just give God Horner for your leader to God be all the glory in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] well praise the Lord amen moving along quiet old seat too comfortable okay you're almost gonna be called to the stage to minister we're happy to have you we know the traffic problem we have these days problem problem all over Jamaica is traffic traffic traffic but the Lord is good amen isn't he good once again since I'm gonna get back out of the way but we thank the Lord for so far we've been having great meeting since we commenced and God has used these servants in this church daytime speakers nighttime plenary speakers God just magnify himself and we give Him praise amen we had a great healing service here today care God open Wow I tell you you thought it was a revival service I mean me an auditorium was packed to capacity and these men of God joined with me and we physically lay hands on every human being that was here today I mean anointed with oil and prayer and many people received miracles amen I did promise you that Minister Davis will bring a greeting tonight you have not heard her since Sunday morning I want to have her to bring a greeting at this time while the choir is getting set which you come and bring a greetings please but you know a short greeting okay you know that for sure god bless you just raise your hands we honor him we worship Him we adore him tonight just give him the glory that is gone to his name he share his glory with no one else and he's the reason why we are here tonight so out of the recesses of your soul just let your mind and your spirit get connected glory to God is in the house tonight hallelujah just worship just worship just worship just worship Alleluia glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to God I agree to a bishop apostle dr. Dell for Davis I greet the president of the New Testament church of god bishop dr. Willis Lee Blair administrative bishop praise God agree to a guest speaker Reverend author grant our assistant general overseer Bishop Howard James Granderson all the other ministers but are present in the house tonight I greet you from the throne room of heaven glory to God it's a joy it's a privilege it's a khana it's a blessing to be here with you all tonight the beautiful prayer modest and just about everyone just give yourselves a very big and you're looking beautiful tonight hallelujah glory to God and as I stand here and I make my descend I just want to say to you tonight this is one of those a very special convention that I have been blessed and I've been ministered to I have been challenged glory to God hallelujah and I am saying to us tonight we have to be very careful praise God because it's wanting to cross over river Jordan with Elijah or glory to God you have to count the cost gilgul is no problem bet hell is no problem Jericho is no problem but you have to cross Jordan or glory to God and when Jordan is closed up again you have that anointing unless you are entered with that supernatural power crossing back over is not going to be possible and you might have to steal another time for someone else to bring you over so touch your neighbor and tell your neighbor make sure you are prepared to cross back over Jordan tell your neighbor make sure you are equipped you're a knight and with holy thousand nine ten Oh glory to God now when you speak to your Jharna lujah glory glory when your speed to your jaw jaw an asterisk oh because of the annoying end oh thank you Jesus Oh glory to God hallelujah god bless you and if you don't get it it's nobody's fault it is in a super abundance and it is a fair level so make sure you get your double portion God richly bless you stay under the anointing because I know the best is yet to come god bless you god bless you Bishop dr. RJ Edwards Oh DJ P is a wonderful man of God we the Spanish town revival 10,000 men and their families March and has been blazing a trail for years he has a passion if no we're certainly for everywhere but for Spanish town God has really been using him and he's here tonight with his love the choir I shall invite off to head words to bring us greetings and introduces far at this time god bless you sir [Music] [Applause] let us give the Lord a big praise tonight come on I think you can do better than that it's double portion time and I believe that God is pouring out his spirit on the land more than ever he promised us that in the last days he will pour out of his spirit which means there's a gushing taking place I'm a part of that I'm in that come on can I hear somebody praise the Lord I'm not just getting droppings there's an overflow and I thank God that God allowed me to be a part of what God is doing in this endtime I want you to lift your voice and give God another praise if you're one of them we're a part of what God is doing hallelujah and I bless God for your pastor your bishop your overseer your daddy bishop delaford Davis and I call her Pastor petrova Davis amen I give God thanks for them and all the leaders were seated on the platform amen your guest speaker I know God has been using him and I bless the Lord for every one of you that I hear tonight and I pray that God would continue to bless you and that the anointing of the Almighty God will flow mightily in this place in a powerful manner amen and so we're gonna have the choir from the lighthouse assembly coming to minister to you I hope God will use them to touch your life and your soul tonight put your hands together and make welcome the lighthouse assembly choir in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's hard to take the first day when I don't know the way each turn [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] at times I feel alone you are my lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God but he's still calling us tonight are you winning the heart of God tonight on your life hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're less worship the Lord for this love the choir from [Music] normally tried lord have mercy lift your hand and say Lord high we'll go thank you Jesus light house assembly bass squier you have called me I will answer were you blessed by that ministry tonight as you're making the way the rear seats who want to acknowledge our overseas brethren who have come down for this convention would you stand please along with your pastor we have overseer divisional overseer ask the Michael Hutchinson and his wife Minister arkinson from the Miramar assembly give them a hand please did a great job we got Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence from the Brooklyn Assembly we have got pastor Courtney Robinson from the st. Petersburg assembly and the Saints dr. Lewis and his wife from the Toronto Canada god bless them give them a hand please and from Brooklyn Bronx Toronto Saint Petersburg we're happy to have all of you here in Miramar and as a matter of fact the Miramar Saints are gathered in the assembly they're not worshiping like you sit here receiving the live feed and are being blessed let's give Mara Mara be god bless you all over there oh my god what a mighty God we serve amen we happy to see evangelist pastor filbert wind passing through tonight yeah you ain't winning nothing here tonight okay you're gonna take preaching he's been giving preaching now he's gonna take preaching tonight boo preach to the preacher the preacher god bless you thank the Lord for all of you and once again I want to say thanks to those who worked and they held fair on yesterday it was a great day I told you no spirited by minister michael mirage the thing about i observed something yesterday that ministers mirage was on the ground doing just about everything that could be done carrying water doing this up and down doing everything that can be done a servant is not choosing a servant serve lord have mercy god bless you doctor dr. Thorpe and evangelist Forrest oh it's the hell yet and all the members of the medical team god bless you well pass the way to did a fine job I may as well just continue okay just two more things to collect the orphan and get the choir that's about it on the preacher comes because we're almost there at the preachers time and because I've asked some of you to bring a special offering tonight I need to collect it personally those who bring a special offer and prepare to give it those who did not what can do so first time asking you for a real special offering in this convention let us pray gracious God we thank you for your blessings upon us bestowed we thank you for the way that you've been blessing us in this convention you have not failed to pour out your spirit in all of the services and now Lord as we give we ask her to accept or gifts a seeds and they will multiply and produce Arvest you know lives in the name of Jesus every devourer shall be rebuked and your people shall be blessed so blessed gifts and give us in Jesus name Amen a special offering for me is a thousand dollars and more anybody bring that can give tonight that's a special offering anybody bring me a special offering tonight a thousand Jamaican dollars or more will come with it please that's why I'm doing the offering tonight amen you bring me a thousand Jamaican dollars to help us in this work thousand are more yeah that's special real special Thank You doc well you could give five thousand dollars like dr. dobry Hey yeah be great and the body can join him and make this ten five Robby Gary Thank You doc lord bless you okay ma'am thank you thank you so much somebody's given six thousand doctor you're giving five bless you can't come to poor faith and give less than that man bless you great friend god bless you so what are all these people bringing down area let me look on it please cuz you already hear what I said let me do what Jesus did look on the offering bucket you're a denier what'd I say you think I say five hundred dollars and fifty dollars and $2.00 I said a thousand dollars or more that's special offering thank you oh thank you my dear god bless you give me a two minutes uh Brian give me a chorus somebody come on keep it going those of you might television internet wherever you are find a way to send us a seed and get the blessing find a way to do it you know how to do it praise God so you see this is our doing at our faith we rush to give there's Tom Pete to give him his church [Music] worship payment for mom [Music] the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll consider that gödel chorus but everybody now make your offering special and bring your offering please whatever you give tonight is special okay so everybody under the instruction of the ushers come in order so we don't have a stampede on here everybody come with what you have and what you give tonight God says it is special [Applause] why should she Oh [Music] a star [Music] we bring joy you can tell a word [Music] worship Ganesha tell them Jesus [Music] that cheats ah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] ah we're doing that ah - Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] Laurita God thank you Jesus be seated please Bishop author grant is a no-nonsense preacher he preaches a Word of God without fear or favor he's been mightily used of the Holy Spirit for a number of years maybe who've all 25 years there about over 30 years preaching the gospel at home and abroad many countries of this world and as Paul says in Romans 1:16 he is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ because it is a power of God unto salvation he spoke to us on Sunday nights did he preach walk to us on Monday night did he preach evangelist pastor filbert Wynn spoke on Jews and I did he preached spoke on Wednesday night did he preach dr. Lewis spoke today in the healing service did he preach dear God Almighty well let's just keep going minutes upon us pork of the upper room sunturion Monday did she pre did minister Khar be preached did minister mirage preach well I don't know if I did preach Sunday morning I know I said some things but these men of God have been used of the Holy Spirit hope I didn't leave any of the preachers out but we bless the Lord forever vessel used of the Lord and the musicians on the choir the prayer warriors the choirs visiting cars choir from 104 choir from Goshen Grove Road bog walk Hut's filled and we're again all the choirs ministered they have really blessed our hearts and not to talk about lighthouse tonight God has really used them to God be the glory all the ministers all the elders this is a final night of the feast before we bring it down on Sunday night well final with Bishop author grant we have loved the car sitting behind us here tonight before you behind us the voices of inspiration they have been blessing people for many many years all over the world through all kinds of medium they will be coming at this time to proclaim the gospel in song and immediately after the earth fluid the next voice will be that of God's servant Bishop author grant so you shall receive him and work and give him a big hand as he comes to Minister the Word of God but let's receive the voices of inspiration at this time with their ministry graceful [Music] Lord rend the heavens rain down on us now the mountains my cheek as your glory comes down we've heard of your wonders your works on your ways we're desperate for you lord do movie all day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] halleluja halleluja moves spirit move we are waiting on you hallelujah we are waiting on you we are waiting on you most spirit move to him be glory Majesty and power hallelujah please be seated if you can hallelujah Isaiah six in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above him stood Seraphim each one and six wings we tain he covers his face between he covers his feet and between he did fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy is the Lord God of hosts the whole earth is filled with his glory and the posts of the door move the voice of him but cry the house was filled with smoke then said I voice for Amanda because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts then flew one of the Seraphim unto me having a live coal in his hands which he had taken with the tongue from off the altar and he laid upon my mouth and said lo this have touch thy lips then iniquity is taken away and I seen it's purge and we say Amen let us pray father all hail the power of your name let angels prostrate forth and crown him Lord of all once again we acknowledge your presence among us we acknowledge your lordship we acknowledge your divinity we acknowledge your greatness your might and your power we thank you thank you Lord that you came down to our level and lift us up and today Christ Jesus we thank you for such a privilege we thank you Lord that your thought of us even when we were not thinking about you certainly we don't even deserve to call upon your name but you look beyond human faults and failures you found something good in us and so you rescue us Lord God it is you that have called us from our busy schedule to proclaim your words O Lord activate the anointing that is already dwelling on the inside manifests your power among your people tonight close down hell's operation every assignment against your work silent the very amount of hell until you through speaking tonight o Lord cleanse this atmosphere by breathing your breath and cleanse it of every foul spirit so I give myself to you use this lump of clay I surrender in your hands like tool in the hands of a skilful workman use this clay to bring glory to your name and your name alone lift up yourself in the midst of us and let no flesh glory in your presence save the loss heal the sick hallelujah relieve the oppressed reclaim the backsliders thank you for doing so father in Jesus name in Jesus name somebody give him a phrase amen it is a joy to be with the ones again in this great feasts that we are experiencing I greet Bishop Davis and mr. Davis I greet my bishop dr. W Blair greet Bishop Edwards greet all the ministers sitting here and over my left I greet my good friend who promised to be here tonight amen and these here is a man of his word amen and I told you last night that we were not competing we're complimenting each other amen I recognize one thing when God made me he has no interest in making a second me amen so I have to do what I have to do because there's no second me to do what I don't do amen and so learning from Saul and David that you don't function in other person's personality amen cos we are unique in our own way Alleluia hallelujah I spend enough times up two minutes or three o'clock this morning and I went in I just couldn't sleep not that I was ill but I'm after having aftershocks tremor after reduce the meeting of the sharks amen for I go there I want to say to you Bishop Davis and this congregation for having the confidence in me to share in this convention I give you fans really appreciated amen there's a statement I just don't use I think it's very careless I don't use it I don't use a statement if you want to invite me but not your business Amen if nobody invite you you have no ministry and someone invites you must appreciate it amen if nobody's people God uses people to build ministry and if nobody wants you around and you don't have any ministry because I started with animals but God didn't allow me to stay there because that was the only training go after you finished college you come out and go find somebody poured it because student all the time so I started it with alder beans pigs in his Pigpen and I was very faithful I feed them I clean up what they don't want and when they sick believe me I leave behind a name Amen I told you last night that we are not ordinary people amen and so I remember having a whole truckload of pigs to go down to Westmoreland and they all fell hill having crumbs and I just go over all unknown to ill Devine Leah hands and all of them and tomorrow morning when the truck come everyone stand up and walk don't tell me that it don't work before David become king he has to be a shepherd not Shepherd of people Shepherd of animals amen and he had to defend animals by killing the enemies of animals until he kill the enemy of men and established himself I want to share with you an ATAR touched by the fire from the altar of God touch by the fire from the altar of the Lord amen I came in this evening and heard many songs and statements about fire I will attempt and second for the last night of this great feasts to point out to us the importance of receiving the fire and also the importance of maintaining the fire amen because we've gotten rid of a portion and we must protect it in order to use it amen so there are several places in the Old Testament where Isaiah played a very important role in the proclamation of Christ coming into the world but before he got to that point the sixth chapter of Isaiah is entitled the call Isaiah the call of Isaiah Simon many capacity but this time Isaiah saw him before he got down to chapter 9 and chapter 53 and chapter 61 Isaiah saw him hi and lift it up amen saw him it is critical that Isaiah amen had this vision because when God intended to use us he must first give us assurance as to who he is because of how you serve him if you see him as a man you serve him as a man if you see as something you are going to worship him as something so he was careful to reveal himself in all his glory to Isaiah amen so Isaiah for reference a man Sheikh said it was the year when King Uzziah died I saw the Lord the john of him and not somebody else telling you about it hallelujah his role in Christ's coming and salvation to men I mean is critical in him seeing Christ in His Majesty he said I saw the Lord throne come on he sees him as the King of Kings the Lord of Light he saw him in an exalted position hallelujah if you are going to serve Him then you have to recognize that he's so Amen to you the server as I said not only that I saw him sitting on a throne but he was exalted hallelujah then he said not only that I saw him exalted but I saw him receiving yes in his presence those that in his presence in heaven must worship Him Alleluia he said what I saw was Seraphim each one has six wings we Twain they cover their face in reverence there is something something here and I pay keen attention to the right Isaiah said the posts of the door move but the vice of the worshippers a man let me just shift a little to say when we worship something must move hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] into place oh please in our da come on something must be harder when she and slash hip Almighty God there's a segment of worship I want us to begin to cut out this club hand businessing in varicocele church we are not from another country in some Jesus we shot nobody absolutely nobody gonna show closer at the football game than I showed in church nobody's gonna show that the the secular dance come on more than I showed in charge well I have a reason to shoot when I think of the goodness of Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mercy can I talk to somebody Jesus Jesus everything Bishop Edwards tools and weapons that is effective in the hand of the church the devil advised us against it to shut it down if God God is not afraid of noise God isn't afraid of noise God is noisy his vice ruler like many waters he passes rise [Applause] God isn't afraid of noise God is noisy [Applause] Jesus Jesus somebody worship Israel rose up to fight his enemy there is always in battle a demarcation line that separated me from you when they when told to why the loss of men because God was not with them they came back to base and begun to look at the reason for which they lost they sad if we can't get the immediate presence of God in our midst so they sent for the Ark of the Covenant and they brought it in amid somebody help me [Applause] began to praise God knowledge so they shout with a shout of acknowledgment their shout with a shock of confident that God is going to give us our enemies the Bible said the Shump are so resounding until the tremor felt right across in the enemy camp you don't shine listen something you can't get no deliverance buddy devil don't hear and senior shout you must disturb the devil with a shout so they shout the chakra so resounding they heard it in the somebody [Music] somebody [Applause] Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Laughter] something much more something mighty God Oh Lord God somebody help me tonight mm-hmm-hmm now listen now listen now listen now listen and you're under under seat C go to your seat [Applause] oh the presence can I just hurry easy to tell you that when you manatee come in contact with divinity there must be some verbal and physical reaction whoa where's the musician will the musicians jump behind the keyboard touch the circuit hallelujah the instrument must unprovided it must respond by making some [Music] watch the fun [Music] when fire taught you your muscle spine listen listen to me I'm drying I'm getting old I don't feel it but I know it I'm not talking that Bishop is here I knew him after I was Pentecostal so he didn't make me into Pentecost I know you will have to I'm Pentecost and all of you gentlemen and I know all of you after I become Pentecost for me it's not an opinion for me it's not on the table for discussion it has several manifestation presence itself hallelujah there's a verbal side to it there's an emotional side to it let me tell you something you don't sit here and tell me foolishness that God baptized you with a double portion and you never say anything after [Applause] what they can took blow he can't stop when he want to but there's a powerful force against it la etapa he messed up the flowers and so everything that come in contact with the Holy Ghost must be verbal have you ever sat down at your window in the midst of a star you don't have to go outside the loose end of the zinc is telling you that is a stronger force coming cannot keep still Jesus the zinc have no voice of its own it cannot verbalize until the wind touch it [Music] [Applause] everybody sings when there's a song WillowTree whistle God there is there is no bender groaning breath food fall of trees but they cannot control some trees eluted up some ha ha [Applause] [Music] what the church needs today and one please every time God dropped it in my spirit I tell him why do you ask me to say it I'm not the appropriate person I have enough doctors have enough doctors in the church in North some can't even dispense a gospel some counting prescriber gospel can't even preacher enough religious nurse not medical religious nurses we have to my CEO and celebrities and Hollywood stars what we need is the wind and fire of the Holy Ghost healing must come back to church must come back to church service I shared last night that if you touch Jesus is the only person that can touch a leper and not contaminated cos no sickness can penetrate his body with sensitive disease contagious disease if you are close to them you are contaminated yet Christ wears his clothes on you touch it a woman was program have no space for the Holy Ghost to bring glory to God I'm going back to what I was saying so they let a woman one lady let a woman up she stood before me and in order not to interrupt preaching I respond and then she herself for seven years she was flying and in the midst of preaching God says wah before the preacher and you shall receive yourself she moves with a sense of urgency she was led to the altar Jesus listen the entire tent including the choir first walk and run from there seated in touch you called me when I came when I walked up and disappeared [Applause] [Applause] I know I won't be here to heal any sick so you got to do it I'm not gonna be here to open an app to do it's time to church get rid of Church politics get rid of denominational big segregation is about time we come together ah God Almighty and gamma pondered ever how's my god William writing that Devin is having a field day some years ago I was preaching at Montego Bay and I stayed with a family on one of the young man the son of the lady shared an experience with that never leave my mind he said there's something powerful in it he said they had two dogs one knows a dog's duty and for some reason the other dog is not the grandness will you come to the gate and knock the dog that knows the dogs duty come to investigate from you what you're doing here they oughta blah because he don't like the dog is a leave them on alone and start fighting that dog why are they fighting the visitor coming and tons of business and gone leave them fighting whoever their differences when I heard is revenge when I said that characterize the church business the cha-cha Amador recognize the damage [Applause] [Music] convention is only place of research don't reach uncharged in cruciate don't preach against the church intent don't correct the church intent correct the church in convention hominem and it's a cocky Hashanah members Isaiah's purification from sin and iniquity did not come by see God in His Majesty neither somebody help me in the house he did not come a nice I'm on the throne when he was high and lifted up and when worship was given to him but eyes are so this purification qiyam when he acknowledge and confess is sinful constant is the world what is revealed from that statement I'm in a revelation of God will men don't bless somebody talk to me in the house somebody need to see God but when you see God you don't see yourself when you see God the revelation of God will reveal God notice what time the fire touch him after he serves me that's the time the fire touching Lord God you see when you acknowledge I bear this statement carefully God have no choice when you admit and confess he has no choice but to purify human-human there are many characteristics the fire listen God identifies with fire and use it in the Old Testament amen as an represents hallelujah fire is very useful but can be destructive if it is carelessly handle no one survived we don't fire to get a drink from the fridge heat Mosca me to fly from Brooklyn and Canada to get the convocation fire up to be in a plane engine you to come to church fire must be in the combustible film of the car oh the fire can con coolness out a fire can come coolness depends on where the fire walk yet Jesus hallelujah God did not impending and will have no interest in rupturing a cool church church must be on fire understand what John says I indeed baptize you with water but he that is coming after me will baptize you oh come on with the holy goes on fire if you're baptized in the Holy Ghost you must self fire you're preaching must hot your singing must hots you praise massage you must be like a live cool Satan can pick you up unhand me you bottom clown who ever loved have you ever picked up a cool you just gotta toss it from hand to hand let it go he must not reside in your life am i talking to somebody an old lady that mentored me in the Lord in the Lord said to me son keep your life hot for only a foolish fly pitch and a haughty but only a foolish right pitch and a haughty but listen listen God spoke to Moses through fire in chapter 4 verse 38 of exodus fire was necessary in the night to guide them to the promise hallelujah he answered Elijah by fire and Mohammed or somebody worship God hallelujah hallelujah and he promised promised to baptize us in fire in module three and verse 11 the Holy Ghost came on the wings of praise and appeared tongues of fire in order to appreciate the purpose of the fire I got down to attend to it Paul was on his journey taken prisoner with over a hundred and seventy-five other prisoner the first thing that I noticed from that passage is that it was raining and in order to keep him warm there was the purpose of the Holy Ghost and fires to keep the church warm you know if you study Revelation you recognize that what is happening today we are in the lot easier fire because it was raining after the rain the temperature dropped so the purpose of the fire was to keep them wrong but something else interesting to help to maintain the fire no listen to this they were not the one who made the fire God did not ask us to design the fire he asked we was minty in the fire so the narrative catch the fire it was not large enough to warm everybody for those persons who desire to own the fire must go in the bushes and get stick and come come on nothing for nothing you can alarm the fire when me Alou and making the fire you must come to church everybody come to church give me a word Lord lay your hand on me give me some your some of your anointing come on um and get your one Prius the problem with us into this church we come sitting down asking what the church can do for us and we bring nothing to make the service effective [Applause] can I share with you there is no ministry in the kingdom of God calls do nothing there's no ministry calls do nothing you have to do something Oh Lord God Almighty help me hallelujah it is obvious most times that when we come to church we don't come to worship because we don't [Applause] so he said for him including a possible honor the man is a theologian a preacher no man is the anointed of God would he have to help to me the fire known his example know the things that happened to Christian Bishop Blair is only Christian they happened to 175 guilty prisoner and board and only him could pick up his Bible let me tell how deadly a viper is it is a cold-blooded a man reptile that see who omnis at his own pleasure when the heat is intensified it seeks somewhere else it delights in a life that is Saki naka de caldas we have seen one to live whoa hear me no that's why that's why the devil don't want us to to propecia Pentecostalism and see for the double portion for when it's cold sodomites it upon the cry on [Applause] whoever this will fit we must have prior groups at pre over pulpit specially that no and sanctified God singing festive pervert stand behind it without being exposed somebody help me in the house of God tonight none of you gentlemen know me I can't preach less than this mama gone when I was three months old that a runner and me six Street cool groan was my bed was my pillow where that rain or it doesn't rain I have no bed there was no roof over my head don't tell me don't preach you don't tell me don't preach you don't tell me don't preach don't try to contradict my conviction that piece of wood was there all the time alone if you come in here in please it's a Viper's his animalist scene is unmolested in its desire environment so when you started to preach and people getting uneasy especially if they are influential and our money in church just reaching around this breeze Schliemann if they think the church is planted on them and your phone you know furniture Jesus one for you coming up that Jesus [Applause] [Music] don't have any foundation remember Jesus won a foundation member but he was hidden before you came in and only those that were first can be foundation Oh Lord Bishop Davis I have knowledge known it's a time but it's going to be another 24 months 36 because I'm not inviting myself next year it's not mentioning next year the would represent you the fire represents the Holy Spirit and the serpent represents the desires of the flesh that want to live it can only live in something no we have some habits that are affecting us now only when we get in the fire we know they are there they know how to conceal himself and come a flower so the Holy Ghost is necessary [Applause] even on our personal life so mystics and feeling nice walking over we didn't fire now this guy cannot live in the heat that's why we need to keep the church heart got a Viper can live in there and Parv throw the sticks in the fire when the heat intensified one would have thought that the serpent would have escaped so we will this is where I came from every every time you come to the church and you get save and you try to live a consecrated life if you don't constantly keep yourself in the fire understand why something gone inside of me telling me it's the Holy Ghost down inside of me telling me to go on the fire kills it cleanse somebody god no and he touch my lips your sins taken away somebody worship God with me what the church you need is the fire to touch you touch me again Lord this moment I feel like a fresh touch I need [Music] [Applause] oh god I feeling I feel a my feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling hey somebody worship Him every discouraged preacher as a result of ministry stress need a touch from the fire Jeremiah sat down and said I'm not gonna prophesy anymore what oh you preached for actually and I'm Chris there is nobody pray you're gonna become discouraged jeremiah selfie like fire pop up in my bone somebody help me in the holes of God Isaiah could only prophesy after the fire then I heard the boys Samuel called honey shall I send I send a lot of us what you need is fire to rise upon evangelize Jesus emotion is not enough we need fire so many worship God with minimal whoa whoa whoa yes files in the Churchill River and firing the church but the maintenance person not maintaining Levi I light a tree root not long was cedar tree dry root and when I thought everything burned I went anywhere you see white ash fires dear Jesus don't put your hand in fun it sometime you can't find any solid wood to put in there just get running a half prison freeze they develop but are you and wounded you and you don't all your prayers dry out when you Priya's God threose multiply three years let me go back to a statement and yet last night very powerful what we do to get the fire is the same thing love to do to maintain the fire I said what do you do to get the fire that's what millions you get it you fasting and prayer and feet and breathe when you get it that's what it's going to need to maintain it can I tell you something we cannot always depend on church program to find our fire after funny that one or Jesus sometime enough but cover pieces of wall sink not in church awfully have one of the fun it creative one we Jesus somebody worship it is necessary that we of the fire in order that our lives amen our lives have not gone into love city and stagnation the fire burn up everything listen the Holy Ghost fire kill everything that comes in is rock with fire is that a you've consumed purify our process some of us don't want to go through it some don't want to go through it that clothes my clothes we send you home from this solemn assembly this great feasts I watch God deposit in many persons life how will you steer next year if you're tired will you come to fun again no sir all you need to do let me tell is something let me give you because some of you some of you not all enough to experience some of what I experienced I got a little of it my father was a butcher you know so would have to be at home for we don't have rich everyone of us have to look good for me here let me god those are really Mont umbrellas were not prevalence of an ally hmm with the troublemeyer to carry sometimes you can't carry more than one piece' to smile but at least he carries over and when my father light his fire in the hole again one solid year because the coffee the liquor coffee tea but have to be right here keeping warm 24/7 and over that fire is the crane crane for the meat if there is no crying bang the meat is gonna spoil for my god you know be shot down right I'll tell him after service Jesus let me tell you something what is Krang Krang Krang Krang is that when you make up the fire in the outside kitchen you get some pieces of sticks grumble you hung them up over the fire tie them up and uh need young uplift the cult ripe on the cold head and the pieces of work on make make the fire and put green bush on fire that creates smoke that ward off the Flies for when the fly pitch he he he lay eggs on it and it Germany thundering ma got enemies well somebody need to understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] after two weeks every substance sucks out of the meat dry old dears it is so crazy that you can cut it and eat it and when we want to steal it we have to have the knife and cut a piece so that our parents don't take it but a hot knife cut it smooth and listen I'm telling you something that can be relevant and after a while when the meat get crispy the fly no longer has interest in it because of him late not hatching for no substance not in there to Germany and the egg not God God God some of us some of us the devil came by the with us you know we are God wanted us live in the fire you are born in the fire you must live in the fire we must join the fire somebody showed up rise [Applause] [Music] sin must not find anywhere in your life to germinate for every substance and and fluid of worthiness must dry out by the fire sister Steele over the crank ring I can leave that video among steel over the crane crane nobody take your own see over the crane crane if you don't steal buddy cranking until sin dry out your marriage will not last you're married until you steal the ring ring don't take up ministry until you're still very cranky [Music] [Applause] don't put the Bible school gently over the crane crane and my father in as much as a children were hungry and and things like that but so him tried to wash out among God because they do have anything to give us an and they float when you touch the soup when you chew our weight after market a kit bishop edwards effectuate way for when the word spoil what we'll do Oh help me help me help me help me hallelujah rice Lee if he please touch me with the fire touch me in a fire all are there some things to burn out of me to burn out of me don't be afraid of the fire it is only going to process your life listen I'm gonna make an altar call but you cannot maintain the fire by just being one session of service fire is maintained at and the altar at home you don't have enough time to maintain it in church service you have to go home somebody's I'll dive here the Holy Ghost said to me somebody on altar family Alton on Alta is torn down before the fire dying don't you have to build bucket bill it back listen listen to this preacher I'm not I'm not casting any blame on the church but if more of us would have a family altar some of our kids wouldn't be adopted do you hear me Reverend I appreciate all the meetings with the Prime Minister and other let me tell us all there are certain things in Bible when they are getting out of control the king called for fasting the head of state called for fast we have sometimes when you have healing in a family even for the nation like you'll be a thing diamond well we have seen a result prayer Mountain ring result totem and March rings result Assam dead some runway and sunroof armed with we have result the church is having result from our God I think we need listen to this preacher whenever foreign God's entire nation that depends and human blood for sacrifice member dayne of killing the Irwin and they're not bringing their sacrifice they use yours understand India have so much interest in our country and China Dana coming from so the Indians are coming for investment you know they come in for psychic and because Jamaica is very gullible we ever need on us we have some we're coming from a descendant that believes in witchcraft and even in church if you're not getting know him in just a set up me Google Prasad run upon own we need to recognize what is happening to us we need to recognize what is happening to us which time the church get up again yet the thousand of us went to halfway tree and two Acadian and we got certain demon to set alone we march in toes minaj and prayer mounting anil ambani family some process is no longer around [Applause] time to rise up and it any time a nation begin to destroy the nursery it has no future anytime you destroy the nursery which is a children Alleluia even gods cannot do it bullets cannot do it put in man incarceration candidate guns cannot do it when you shoot a criminal the demon walk out of the dead body on look somebody else to possess [Music] what Bishop I have never seen a man come to Christ notorious criminal come to Christ there's no longer a threat to society the church let this nation know that the answer is with us not the smart guy not intellectuals come on the night before I came Oh a young lady brought a child to me possess they will have no regard for each gender status rank nothing and the devil said to me if you cast me out I possess your children and kill them off and I don't have any sense I tell him go ahead and kill them you're coming out I pre infer the child child deliver when I was under play and coming home I closed my eyes and saw my wife drifting off the road and crash and when I came to the airport I didn't see my car say what happened to my car him said your wife fell asleep on her we had to work and caught a light pole into the engine burst and she walk out on her [Applause] God God and says with us no we need to adopt somebody's children children to see any children revival love God poor little things some of them who only good things some of them when the devil come beat upon the big ones he beat up and they kill Jim it is innocent Oh Bishop let it not be said like Jesus searching we have no power struggling oh jesus search him one aloud having our struggle where the devil is destroying us denominational Oh help me somebody help me somebody I longed this is my boss this is my boss and only certain times I asked him where to go only certain time Joe got two sticks you're living who only me coming if you under piece of canvas and call me for coming because a child at that is rescue been me coming dear maybe they did what may be the next one to be abducted gentle people let me say this unclose we must put our personal interests aside no bridge of money don't worry about your height [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] starts to say send the lights and the lights and the light yes holy ghost yes Holy Ghost I hear the Holy Ghost said to me if you don't come out of this convention and going to use the double portion to pot Jonna and he'll waters I'm going to retrieve too many completes and Christians in prison um too many complacent pastors all they want is a ribbon I carries the title Bishop mr. brush with George Allen I'm serving presently as one on the corner both as an officer in my local church the pastor came the new pastor came and we bought a house I put on my water boots I pick up the jicama I walk up there his wife said no I thought you would come by in a Bush's rocket with a diary in your hand and bring some men and give orders I say you don't know me you're just coming back I send my hands to my shoulder and pull that muck stinking blockage out of it and I'm still preaching even more than I was preaching it don't take away my ability to preach I brush the churchyard when they ask when we have work dear I organized it from a rain garden a time to this Reverend not need Watson's time and I'm the first to reach there with my ma we're not sending you gotta cook the dog we asked me to I'll take it off I mean I'm no right to send you when the garbage must be put out for the garbage Chuck I don't ask anybody but don't have any right to tell you to take out the garbage so I go take it off and if my [Music] [Music] I'm gonna take away the anointing if it is not bu if it listen Elijah Elijah did not wait for three weeks to a month after immediately start utilizing it when you walk out of this convention and Sunday night Lord God Kingston must be impacted Portmore must be impacted and Canada must be impacted and Miramar must be impacted send Peter Breck God with me and I know some of you from field pen please hear impacted know something I you may not see me come over as often but listen to this preacher I am going somewhere company me not going in any car without engine no Quixote rim pretty don't care how the chrome remembers it and if you do property and the interior you are pretty if it not have no engine me not going in there by not going anywhere I [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] I'm not going to fall for an anointed service we did that today and we have been doing it a gentleman in Black River sat and big from Saturday to Saturday can have a dollar can I have two dollars can I have five dollars can I have $10 but be none Saturday and Monday morning he start big again one rubber asking let me ask you something what time you spend what your big because boppin answer to that mean you're a bank you have what your big I don't know if it's under you know what me saying what time you spend what you're making every day you come and India 19 what time you use it [Music] utilize it every day you come Laden India nine thing I need your 90 I needed my beard some you will say God God God forgive son forgive son God said get up little fill up your hand full of your own I'm gonna Jesse hoes you must you must forget ABBA you must know when to receive and when to come on to supply Bishop Edwards we shall Blair God operate from the head well Cody [Music] we are going to pray for you 1 2 3 4 going to pray for you mashallah by 2 Sakia Alleluia when you Bob up to your church I was preach different administrate different for there is a fire the kosher ROM babaco Syrian Elias Sequoia yes yes yes yes yes every missionary every bundle is come out here we don't need anybody with take little duties display somebody lift up your voice and begin to receive that anointing right where you are come up comically hands literally hands that God Almighty give me give me give me give me [Music] there's an impartation rob Miccosukee Anala love God I sense it in my spirit the church that your pasta will never be the same again is why I am your soul near the fire in your soul [Applause] Jesus we worship saya yes yes yes yes ah fire fire in you soon you must appreciate fire you must cast out Devils you must lands on the sick and the sick must recover loud clap you must be a turnaround in your ministry [Music] [Applause] there must earn our own everything [Music] [Applause] Jesus God worshiping worshiping worshiping lead us Lord Coty's of ayah there is a viaduct unleash the fire lead us tonight there is a fire that is unleash let me true love almighty club there is a fire but human fire [Applause] Sakia somebody worship them lift up your eyes somebody lift up your voice somebody lift up your eyes somebody lift up your voice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus my my my my my my touch me again Lord touch me again Lord touch me again Lord touch me again Lord touch me again Lord halle-loo [Music] Jesus Jesus somebody somebody's your hands [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god oh god oh god oh god hi somebody worship Him somebody happened about somebody open about somebody turn your mouth God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I release my inner soul by a neo soul polygon spire in your soul tonight in the name of Jesus Christ fire in your soul fire in your soul you cannot be hardener any more violence on Monday because soccer every yoke is wrong in the name of Jesus yes Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] receive and receive it receive it receive it lift up your hands in his presence and take another dose take another touch take another heat Knights take another deposit open your Mountain begin to praise him begin to thank him begin to reach out glory to God something is happening in the atmosphere something is happening in somebody's spirit or the river of living water he's getting ready to throw all of your belly out of your belly hoods of your belly out of your belly hearts of your belly come on saints of God come on saints of God everywhere reach out to the Holy Ghost he's not sure it's somebody as yet [Music] Shaq Osama blew second and Marcos yeah yeah senior Cosette Amanda Lucy can today who shot her aha [Music] chef's a cash settlement [Music] rushan tachycardia walling ours Sheba [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus why don't you take something mark why don't you take something more the journeys great the journeys great the journeys great the Chinese great [Music] hallelujah glory to God the Holy Ghost my God is equipping the money equipping the body empowering the body strengthening the body anointing the body hallelujah hallelujah gosh get ready to deploy before you deploy you release you sand your fort sand you floor my God Almighty hallelujah alleluia alleluia alleluia somebody begin to give him the ayahs first begin to given me is praise the universal praise the International praise the every language please if you praise him sufficiently my god something began to happen the Holy Ghost burns something in your soul hallelujah proven public as a fire fires getting ready to fall upon somebody fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire come on take some fire away get some fire to my right take some fire to my right take some fire to my left check some fire [Music] shun DeMarco Santa this is not the ordinary this is not neutral it will not be business as usual it will not be ministry as you travel it will not be nothing as usual make me Charcot Messiah that sure ordinary not ordinary not ordinary come on take some extra power take some extra power take some extra power the journeys great jacquimo Cynthia a mobile shamea yeah yeah yeah yeah go for it go for it go for it go for it go for it go for it go for a child of God God for a child of God you can't get it if you really want it [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah my God Almighty my God Almighty everybody to begin to wave your hand in the Holy Ghost it is going to be a sweep of the anointing begin to wave your hand in the Holy Ghost my god in the trees wave in the wind the wind is blowing the wind is blowing the wind is blowing the wind is blowing the wind is blowing though weirdest blowing the wind is blowing in the name of Jesus [Music] my God my God my god I'll give you a prize [Music] my god lifts up the preys myths of the fridge bringing it down bringing down my lift of the freeze lift up the prints lift up the prints lift up the price lift up the price lift up the price lift up a prize [Music] oh you shan't wanna lift it up lift it up lift it up do you not feel a change in the atmosphere right around you now there is angels there are angels flapping their wings Sara Beeman Seraphim patrolling distributing releasing anoint Ellen look up the holy those brightly true on the right on the left the island before all around the window shut up here God Almighty somebody take something Chaka Chaka come on take something on my health change something over here you need it for you you're needed by your neighbor you need it for your community you need it for your country you need [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody needs to begin to prophesy prophesy prophesy in your life ain't nobody prophesy on you prophesy prophesy right your vision right the vision speak my vision speaker speaker speaker speaker speak and speak and speak it spirit spirit spirit it will come to pass speak it it will is shall come to pass hey hey the line devil you line never you mind ever your line ever the church is anointed the Saints are anointed the Holy Ghost is upon his people the holy God [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Laughter] Oh [Music] lift and unset Jesus Jesus jeez if you're calling me come Jesus Jesus can I eat your Sakshi's aha Jesus jeez jeez she oh yes oh yes Jesus Jesus Jesus I say yes yes yes yes yes yes I say yes yes yes long yes [Music] [Music] Pharr behold I would send to thee said the lord thy god I am in thy mints I mean I mints to raise the arm I afford my anointing upon thee set the Lord and thou shalt walk in the double portion that I am poured out upon thee thou shalt listen to my voice said the Lord obey my Holy Spirit said Lord thou shalt see signs and wonders no shall see supernatural happening inside life thou shalt see wonders things happening in diamonds for I the LORD thy God hath chosen thee I have set my seal upon me I have caused my servant to deposit my word in thee I said to be my people I have called me for such a time as this be not afraid of the Assyrians being afraid of the Egyptians I the LORD thy God shall go before thee I shall make the way plain before the walk all before me said the Lord and thou shalt see wonder stings upon in their life yay I have chosen this convention yay I have hoarded the theme so that my people will be empowered to take take it by force did not I say violence take the kingdom on it take it by force yeah I have anointed thee to go into the enemy's territory to take back what is yours to dispossessed your enemy to read the land set the LORD thy God listen to my voice listen to my holy spirit and I shall lead thee and thou shalt follow me and I shall do wonders in diamonds set the Holy One of Israel glory to God hallelujah glory to God hallelujah somebody give him praise somebody give him praise lift up your hands in the house echo ha ha ha ha Laury Laury Laury somebody whole universe on right now each of you hold on to one person two hands together glory to God if any of you shall agree touching anything that you shall ask in my name it shall be done say with me father in the name of Jesus I stand in agreement under this great anointing and I declare that all that you have released I have received and in the name of Jesus I will not keep it to myself I will become a dispenser of this anointing in the name of Jesus I shall run through every troop I shall leap over everyone and there shall be no Goliath be able to stand in my way nor read she shall turn me back not yawnin shall slow me the whole in the name of Jesus the pillar of cloud is with me by day the pillar of fire is with me by nights I have all that I need [Music] to get the job done in Jesus name Amen release your neighbor son and giving praise you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it for uses by yours and you got it man Goosen Kota you got you got add dear God Lord yeah yeah usako namaha oh my gosh somebody know that you got it my new city whoa God of heaven my use [Music] yeah bringing it down see right there [Music] I'll go where you want to be to go dear Lord over mountain believe or see [Music] I'll see what you want me to say I will be what you all alone to me I challenge you lift your hand and just seek that one more time now where you want to go [Music] over my in our plane RC I'll see what you want to say dear I will be what you want to be to be somebody said would you just do it one more time I will go you got it yes - cool [Music] Ted our RC thank you Jesus I will see what you want to say dear lord I will be what you want me [Music] perhaps today they're loving words but Jesus allowed me to speak there maybe now in the parts of Sydney some wonderer whom I would see or Savior if thou wilt be my guide though dark and rugged the way I'll answer dear Lord with my hands and dine I'll say what you want me to say that's one of the verses of that song just perhaps today they're loving words that Jesus would have you to speak there maybe now in the pots of sin some Wanderers who I'm a CE o Savior if thou willst be my guide though dark and rugged the way I'll answer dear lord with my hands in vain I'll say what you want me to say father we thank you for your blessings upon us poured out during this week we got three more services and Sunday we asked her to be with us we thank you for the vessels that you have used to pour into our lives and now as we close the service and tonight we release pointing in the name of Jesus to you be the glory Dion on the praise on we tell you thanks in Jesus name Amen clap your hands and give him the eye praise god bless you fellowship with someone you're dismissed tomorrow morning at nine o'clock we meet for general ministers Council before the seeing all the ministers and elders we meet on Sunday morning at 8 o clock a.m. for another powerful service you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 101,292
Rating: 4.4369369 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: d0K9gFdj2bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 18sec (13158 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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