Bishop: Fedlyn Beason/ 94th Annual National Convention Wednesday July 10 2019

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I want you now to put your hand together for the first time in convention 2019 our convention quar will no minister come on put your hand together I make [Music] over my over come and feel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] we Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come in [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tonight we are about to experience the overflow coming to break the bread of life the Word of God to us it's Bishop fettling a Beeson let me invite the congregation to stand receive this illustrious outstanding unknown Ted man of God on a soul Jamaica the Caribbean and the world put your hands together and make our night speaker welcome god bless you Bishop listen [Music] thank you so much thank you so much you may be seated thank you so much bishop small thank you so much I think as I listened to him it could be maybe the last student from here that's got a ship to Cleveland Tennessee Church of God you know each of those scholarship I recommended $30,000 and after I have made those recommendation then I must go and find it $30,000 to pay then I go to churches and connect offering and Senate in I look forward I wish Bishop I could have some more scholars from Jamaica to scholarship to Cleveland Tennessee I would be willing to work with them and develop that sort of a ministry put your hand together for Bishop small proud of him and his dear wife greetings greetings to everyone in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ greetings to my wife and our children and grandchildren because they are now worshiping with us through the aid of the internet and those from a way down in Australia Australia dr. Blair allow me to know that they are tuning in Australia and Russia and China and England yes sir Australia and India India or those places they are in touch with us this very evening not to mention the entire Caribbean and the United States of America all over that United States of America and in Canada so they are literally millions of people worshiping with us this evening and I just greet everyone in the precious name of the Lord as men my dear wife of 54 years now ask me to greet you and God is she wanted to have come but sit is a one-day trip you know one day trip ladies don't get to shop so they don't have fun about the one-day trip don't tell her I say so now because beyond I are friends it's nice to see gift and Wallace here worshiping with us this evening gifting one of my precious and now 38 38 ordained ministers across this world who are children of mine in the Lord 38 ordained ministers and gifts and Wallace is one of them and I just praise God for you and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ dr. Blair you do not know what the Lord has done to me when he permits me to come into your turf and to greet you sir but the Holy Spirit has blessed me tremendously in allowing me to be able to Tabernacle with you in kingdom building marry God of heaven bless you sir in Jesus name hallelujah in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and my king whoa whoa glory to God to be sharing platform with these noble servants of God like the Reverend Porter Cox as miserable of Reacher the last time we met you she was the most miserable one I'd ever heard it just mean Mary God of heaven be with that woman of God Alleluia Reverend meal it is my pleasure sir to sit and share platform with you I know you from I was a boy so don't let him fool you and tell you that he's a young man I know him from I was a boy he was a police officer you see that his long time I know you from you as a police officer and his charming wife I say I'm so blessed to have sitting from the platform and look across and see dr. Ronald Blair and his charming wife ever heavenly and I told her many years ago that her first name represents a mean mother of many nation that's what even anybody in the Austrian even with eyes why are a while is heaven even means mother of many nations severe that in mind now may the God of heaven bless you dr. Blair and charming lady god bless you all I greet you this evening in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in my greetings I mention his sergeant of police that is assigned to me buried a commission of police to be driving me around and she's here she said I don't want you to be late and I'm going to be there from five o'clock and I'll wait until you're through so don't cut anything short to please me so the police told me I bless the Lord with you and I praise God I'd be reading to you dr. Blair and this audience a very strange message oh my god and King when somebody worship God with me my god I never expected the only ghost father to come on so early it's little bit too early it's too early somebody has been praying for this convention Sandman has been praying for this convention and your prayers are answered and the Holy Ghost is in this place I want to read to your strange portion of Scripture very strange indeed and dr. Blair this passage of Scripture has given to me four years ago and you have been inviting me to minister in your convention for these many years and very sorry and apologize that I didn't show but you know the Lord spoke to me directly there in the English language there two time did speak to and speak with you don't speak to your boss you speak with your boss and your boss speak with you right and be boss talk to you also so the Holy Spirit the boss spoke to me he had spoken with me three years ago and I had not taken it seriously so he spoke to me about six months ago and he said to me this is second time in my ministry this has happened to me he said to me first time was when he spoke to me in Port Antonio to go and lay my hand upon a lady and pray with her and she was pregnant for four years did you hear me she told us now and I when I went took me about three months to find her address I woke up one night and I saw my wife sitting in there how in the room and she wasn't in the bed and I said why are you not in the bed she said I heard you're talking to somebody and I didn't see anybody and the room was lit up and the switch wasn't on and fear came upon me and so I can't sleep with you anymore for you not somebody and I didn't go to pray I didn't go to that address it was far for me to find the address dr. Blair so I gave it a break I was going to became an a dancer preaching there convention and Wednesday and Tuesday night the same angel who spoke with me about this message I know him I even know his name he told me his name he said you are going to Cayman Island to preach and God has sent you to heal his daughter three months ago and you have not gone and he disappeared he was very fixed this is the second time the angel appeared two men said thus said God have given you a message for the church in Jamaica three years and you have not delivered it I am going to destroy you I told a couple of colleagues of mine who are in the audience tonight and the message comes from Zachariah chapter 3 Zachariah 3 verses 1 to 7 Zachariah 3 1 to 7 and he showed me Joshua the high priest now know is not just for the Prophet now everybody knows Joshua profit but this is Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord and see attorney standing at his right hand to resist him Jesus Christ verse 2 and the Lord said unto Satan the Lord rebuke you Satan even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke you is not Joshua a brand plopped out of the fire verse 3 now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments the eye priest was offering sacrifice to God in filthy garments and he stood before the angel of the Lord in filthy garments and he answered and spake unto those that stood before him saying take away to fill the garments from him and unto him he said behold I have caused an iniquity to pass from Dina and I will close you with a change of raiment and I said let them set fear upon is that so they set fear covering up on his head and clothed him with garments and the age of the Lord stood and the angel of the Lord let speak unto Joshua saying thus saith the Lord of Hosts if you will walk in my ways and if you will keep my charge then you shall also judge my house and shall also keep my courts and I will give you a place to walk among men surely Jose our man in all my 56 years of preaching I'd never preached from this text before I've never even I've read the Bible over and I've never seen it until the Lord revealed this to me and he said it is for his church he did not say it is for the New Testament church of god he said it is for his church and so my message to you this evening is that the priesthood is in the clips and these were the direct words from the Lord through his messenger from heaven the priesthood is in Eclipse the word Eclipse means to fall I suffer decline partial obscurity or obscuration falling into obscurity to decline to be reduced to be of none no more importance to lack substance and to love character or integrity father and the name of Jesus Christ servant stand to give birth to the message with which you have impregnated him over these months the time has come when I must deliver by the power of the Holy Spirit I shall not abort this delivery Holy Spirit standby a servant so that Satan the wicked one will not interrupt this delivery and the name of Jesus Christ I pray everybody shout Amen did you hear me this vision that God showed Zakaria the Prophet is a clear revelation that the priesthood and the kingdom of God was under attack by seven did you hear me the priesthood and the kingdom of God the kingdom community was under attack by Satan did you hear me Satan is the enemy of God and the enemy of the church but God will not allow him to succeed in his diabolical attack against his servants as he leads his people did you hear me and Jehovah will once again deliver his people and visit his church with his manifold blessings and Satan will not be allowed to touch God's servant which is dirty filthy hands you notice that say that was standing the preachers right hand that's safe and was standing where God's angels should be standing how dear Satan to go into the temple to stand at the preachers right hand when he's offering sacrifice what the earrings Satan seems to be he went into the temper what is the man of God was up and sacrificed and stood that is right on where God's angels should be standing Seattle Alleluia Satan is standing at the right hand servants of God and obstructing worship and demanding attention to himself this is what Satan does best is to detract attention many times when we Pentecostals come to worship sit and come to church - and everybody goes real person know when Satan is in church and so they begin to grunt and shoulder and once grunting - shouting start everybody's attention to is uncertain - get him out of the church and that is his plan to the truck worship and God to him so many times when you see people are manifesting in the spirit a many shift and they're running out the church is that the Holy Ghost pick up that see that is in church but see it and went to church to distract worshiper from Almighty God and pay attention to him I was I stood up to preach and some of my elders from my church in Miami they are here tonight and I stood up in church to preach one Sunday morning and as I stood up there was a young lady who railed on the bottom and start shouting and jumping the Spirit of the Lord said to me that's the devil I said you Satan shut up and I goshawk when a finished preaching you need AMA sleep and the woman dropped them and started sleep amen and she slept for what an hour until I get through preaching as open-carry our condo and I said no sit and I rebuke you come out at the church and the woman started from it Amen and came up to herself and sit and went to hello to the church Joshua went to offer sacrifice to God and Satan was in church you don't hear me Satan was in church a man standing at the right hand of God servant in church and candy Jehovah will not permit that I want to tell you something in an episode so this this this to this and the people of God must have a holy priesthood so us to entertain God's presence in the church so that is why sitting atop the priests because if he can attack the priesthood which is a leadership of the church then he will have his way in the church anybody hear me tonight I said the priesthood is under attack and so this end to this end the people of God must have a holy priesthood the people of God must have holy leadership leadership in righteousness I wall Anessa so as a fan of the demon from hell when they come to church did you hear me somebody Satan our adversary is a very sly and cunning powerful malicious demon who is still very busy working today as he has been doing ever since the beginning of time but his MO his modus operandi is a trap worship from God and make attention placed on him may I say something here when you're under the power of God and rebuking Satan you don't after speaking tongues safe and don't understand tongues open your mouth under the authority Holy Spirit don't mess up in church service with a holy but jumping up and down open your mouth under the power and authority of the Holy Spirit I rebuke Satan Satan I want everybody to senator miss certain everybody sit on the Lord God rebuke ill he has power but his power is usurped and his strategies and devices are doomed amen to divine exposure and defeat however powerful he thinks his strategies are they are doomed to failure because a servant of the Lord standard the altar in the name of the Lord and anyone who stands in the name of the Lord shall not be overcome by Satan but your standing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and your standing in the name of power listen to me are you hearing me in his cunning craftiness a he may even provoke sin guilty conscience me saith and will allow you to sin and then when I'm finishing this race you come right the church as I stand up to do anything in this Christian Church because this is what happened to the high priests in ER he sinned as it were his garment was dirtied about I said he never her on cleaned Armand when he was offering sacrifice and seeit and went to church in the temple and stood between him and God Amen indeed the Lord Bobby said the Lord saw Satan standing beside his servant and he came down Satan what are you doing beside my servant Satan answered garden told him I am standing here to protect you God because this man is not clean he cannot he cannot uh pass occupy steal hear what God said to Satan do you not know that I know that His garment not clean but he's my servant I am the one who choose him I am the one if he man if his Parliament is going to be what I have to wash it your hand - dirty take a stinking on our that serve on your the dirty movement ah doing his dirty of God's servin when ever see a pan see anything wrong with God's servant and he's darn human the Matt Sitton wasn't telling a lie he was speaking the truth did you hear me he wasn't telling a lie he was speaking the truth but inasmuch as he was speaking the truth the truth you were speaking was not right because he is motive to speak the truth was dirty and what God deal with is more tip it doesn't matter what you're doing if your heart is not cleaner that what get things but God is depending on the heart the motive and motive was to mash up the church and damaja priests and kill the priests and his God to tell God that the priests is not clean enough to offer sacrifice to him for his garment is dirty can you imagine who is calling the priests garment dirty stinking Satan God said to him do you not know that I know hey men that my servant garment is dirty but he's my servant I am the one who called him and you can treat him up I am i under one to feed him up if his garment is going to be change may have to change it if you sitting as a stinking skunk he cannot change the preachers diamond if the priests s garment is going to be change it must be done body Holy Ghost Alleluia himself and so God Almighty she'll hear what God said to Satan is that Joshua branch from the fire my problem I am sure I am sure I knew everything but he still my servant and me call him and me appoint him somebody and you can help move move Satan somebody's a move move for the priesthood is under attack by the enemy and this is Holy Synod of the Church of God I hear it must clean up we must clean up every minister Amen and run and from his right and his right and belong to Almighty God Holy Ghost power Satan is dirty Satan is wicked did you hear me somebody in his cunning craftiness he may be speaking the truth but his shoot is wrong because the whole truth is right I don't get what I'm in for that you believe because of this suit is right here's one shoe that was not right he had no right in the temple to say he's defending God see it and defending God Oh can sit and defend God with Infernus leave God's servant alone I know that his boss is dirty but from the time I call him dirty but is the matter of time I've been changing laws but I'm not going to change the calling I will still keep the calling but I can change his clothes so God spoke to the iangelling that were attending and said take off his dirty floors put on cream frozen Emma and I will bless him and that was done an angel said to him and the priests see I have changed your clothes I have forgiven your sins I have washed away your sins I've sanctified you know walk before me let the rest of your life and I'll give you a place among men but you must change your comment somebody worship God with me yes we are called by God but our garments dirty we are called yes we are called by God but our clothes dirty and the clothes you mean our soul our righteousness God calling of God is upon us but you want a change of garment no Joshua was the first I priests for Israel amen after the destruction in Babylon and he succeeded his father amen so this obsession is successfully heard from his father I don't know what happened but he succeeded his father as a solder here but we have discovered a man the pre Sorrentine damn building is that here loom now dead left legacy everyone to be a priest must be called of God you must be under the anointing of God God mighty I cannot appoint my son if God did not call him he got to wait in his color saya Lysa God must call him God mother God must God is that God must the cousin God must call him he who said anyone who is going to be a high priests of men must be a man take from among men one who's a 90-mile mighty God one who is called by God la God Almighty the priesthood is not a dead legacy IRA here luma hey it got to be an appointment by Almighty God somebody hear me why the servant of God was in the ceiling with God for his people in the temple of the understanding priests right on do we see a ministers do we not see that even when we are preaching we need all those people around us sometimes when we stand to preach I know many of us are disgusting you see some little brothers awesome to go sister come drunk on them Iran if we preachers don't have some people to fasten us see kill me right now a part of it make your drop dead and a part of it you need something people God want someone fooled at the church we too intelligent God want some food yeah ah God wants me that God wants some worried under the church we do educated any one of us can use us while some were easier [Applause] no bateria somebody worship God Amen Bishop after 57 years of preaching I just realized that it was immediate Rohn me me optima teachers ultimate nurses who are immediate [Applause] alleluia alleluia why for me that bother me that what the course will idiot somebody who will see it done somebody who can drop we got two intelligent elder so the hood was having problem let me tell you mean he says something right now I'm preaching I have a prayer group I have a prayer group but known in Florida right now they're hearing me and they're on their knees I assigned them from the time I got to invitation sir I've a sign that goober Alleluia seeing who went to God in prayer for you sir they had you on the list the other day sir every Monday defer some prayer my god with the people they can't breathe but that is their calling if you don't have them around you dog eat your supper I'm telling ya I don't know you be whether your bishop or your doctor watch yourself and see that you can stand your right hand right in the temple and Rob you from the present watch yourself you think meseta that not frightened fluid because of our title our doctorate and our bishop read and a cable that and keyboard you need the talisman [Applause] but God Almighty God Almighty God said to tell the priesthood that Sharpless in the priesthood trouble God three years ago said God said trouble is among the priests Satan is standing and the right under the priests and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ said that is in the church right on the altar when you're serving communion yes sorry serve communion right now the church need to rebuke the not a trip you'll kill somebody say hey somebody say somebody Sunday right many church right at the altar the man of God bishop de prisa amen serving a man God and up and sacrifice went into the temple and went to the altar and span between the minister and the Angele oh oh you get between the Angela the preacher right in the template editor standing a DePriest right hand do you know who must standard the priests race than the only girls he's standing ready only law should be standing my god almighty Satan when got a schema is doing there he's telling God that his servant is that clean what audacity God said I know is that clean but of me call him from the fire don't in Babylon me picking modifier and may annoy him I mean we'll close that clean is a matter of time I'm gonna change his clothes and I'm gonna put on clean clothes on him but the right now take your dirty hand of my servant is I will call him is my servant sad Almighty God hallelujah so the said God Oh your God somebody tell me you're God's servant goddess of your calling my god you're called from the fire and fatherland God call those of the burning in Babylon and got an idea and God oh dear Satan coming to church to tell you that you can have a sacrifice certain is that consider somebody's heceta call him again that in the court of the church [Music] a lot of us praying around it Satan a menace in rebuking in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ he's standing at the priest right hand yes we are God's angels should be standing in his design capacity as a representative of Jehovah that is rear seat and stood it up what do you need to know that the priesthood of the Lord is is not something that Satan can fool around the priesthood is God's appointment and may I say something and don't stone me yet because may I've worst being to talk to put up just to until am it done that don't called holy well him call you to be holy God don't call the holy what the moment in Carl you've got to be holy is that God don't call people team da man but the moment in collar your garment must be cleaner somebody I talk it a little bit more Oh people of God Almighty a servants of God our character and our integrity must be two sides of the same coin I repeat this a servant of God our character and our integrity must be two sides of the same coin people are servants of God cannot up one type of character and another type of integrity Alleluia because we are servant of God we are called by Almighty God and God is expecting us a a me to carry on his work anybody hear me tonight listen to me good in verse two of our text verse two of our text said the angel said unto Satan age of the Lord amen the Lord rebuke heceta he said the Lord who has chosen Israel as his people future theater the Lord was chosen the Church of God has his kingdom people sadhana the Lord rebuke you out of the New Testament church of Bihar from among the priests order that's what God told me among the priesthood and he said if he don't preach it I'm gonna destroy you Oh somebody he what God said he's not just for the I priest a brand new our God said is that joshua lee i priest a brand who was was been selected and proct I like the word Proctor from the fire and Babylon by God himself hook oh dear you theater coming to the temple to oppose this servant of God let me finish to tell you where God brought us from some of us God brought us from here God went to hell himself on drug assault of the mire and his fins and the dirt and washes off can I talk here somebody god almighty one day got a job for a chunker to do and he went to this forest and Karla cruel and in Santa Fida cruel and cleansing man team pieces tear out of era kitchen has the bottle up put it on a-rod's table god send a crew for the detected and go to the wilderness under the keel you'll see my serve at hungry keen the piece of stick and we're in Butler went back to Herod kitchen not a stick amen God's Son now you know why God use a crowd to do that but no burden follow accrual not you ever seen any other bird foreign crew and he call her honey called a dove another birdie father nobody not a cool god cleansing God satified God giving me in anybody anybody the breach of my voice who God has given me to take these serve and carry and you eat each other on your belly [Music] if god's servant god give you this piece of meat tie to the server you're taking guinea pig to them are you eating itself dia locks it either carry to me it is god beef carry to god's servant sit and replied to the angel and said Joshua their priests was not worthy to represent the people to Jehovah for his priestly comment was filthy and defiled and dirty and smelly and filthy was Satan speaking the truth yes Joshua damn it was not clean oh yes siree a special mention of his dirty garment implies that he was engaged in his official priestly duty amen in a consecrated and official capacity but his clothes he was not righteous enough his clothes were soiled and dirty while he the I priests was sinful and corrupt himself he was serving Holy Communion amen to the temple and Satan knew that fight receive and will mess up his clothes so Satan rent right near to UM bogan say that will cause you to do something and then when you go to church among Bob you'll look at verse three first Jeff or text tells us that Joshua the high priest was dressed in filthy garments you don't read it verse three of the text said Joshua the high priest was dressed in filthy garments and was standing before the angel of God clothed in defiled garments to offer sacrifice to God we priests we Parsons and bishops and elders must understand where we stand to represent God our clothes must be clean our characters must be clean how integrity must be clean but even theater will oppose us even Satan is watching us must have a testimony that is above certain somebody worship God but the Lord did not the Lord in that except his accusation the Lord rebuke Satan and his rebuke paralyzed the austell carnal power of Satan did hear me I said the Lord rebuke paralyzing the very hostile amen and carnal power of Satan hallelujah overthrew his accusation Joshua Amon was called upon by God to stand still don't up for any more sacrifice until I change your clothes did you hear me somebody just sure was aimin colored the truth Satan Satan accusation was was colored with truth but his intention was to interrupt worship it is not every time you come to church and you detect that say that is in church you can interrupt the worship of God to run Otzi attend did you hear me so that's what he wants you to do as a minister stand up to preach Satan amen anybody got any with the Holy Ghost hey that's one of the powerful egos anybody with the power of the Holy Spirit amen as Satan began to show up him said you know because you detect him and if you spend time to rebuke him and make up now you'll not hear the word and nobody can be more spiritual than Oh knowledgeably his in the Word of God he wanted to bring down the eye pre-suit not only the priest but entire priesthood he walked a big bring disgrace upon the priesthood bring disgrace into the kingdom community and he wanted trouble the integrity of the minister may I say to you Amen we should not try and but sittin and trap for the integrity of the man of God or the woman of God Oh God I deliver your message could you stand by me now a mana his intention was not to defend God for Satan can defend God his intention a man was not to defend God our righteousness his intention was evil devious and karapa for Satan just cannot defend God for unrighteousness just cannot defend righteousness did you hear me somebody a wretched and since thien hell-bent person who is feeding and satisfying his law appetite and ask of this benighted world just cannot correct a Christian even when is wrong how where he falls did you get me I said an L been going to hell person who is traveling into the fields of the earth even though you're a church member your unsanctified rich you cannot correct a servant of God when he sins leave the correction tire to the Holy Spirit he will do the correction shut your mouth Satan and go to the altar and repent of your filthiness his intention was not to defend God for unrighteousness cannot defend righteousness no way anybody here yes in no way a wretched and since teen hell-bent person who is feeding and satisfying and Oscar this benighted world just cannot correct a Christian even though he falls he boys clothes is dirty you can't change it because your hands are dirty and your going to dirty up impose it your dirty hand more sad take your dirty filthy on are the servants of God somebody shout Satan take your filthy hands off the servants of God God showed me gentlemen and lady God showed me in a vision that Satan has his hand in the ministry I was in my bed sleeping when the ian's of the Lord appeared unto me and showed me I saw most of you ministers sitting in the congregation when the angel appeared unto me in my vision and said Satan is about to scatter the minister of the Church of God so help me God [Music] three years ago it is three years ago I should not deliver this message three years ago i disobeyed God until he sent an angel they said if you don't deliver a message I'm gonna destroy you I went to I went to one lady in Portland God send it to pray for her she was sick for four years I went to pray for her when I phoned her house she came out I said are you living here she said yes sir I said are you sick she said yes sir I am like this for four years now and I can't letter I was admitted for time to the hospital and sir I am NOT better I said is anybody here with you she said my mother-in-law is in our room I said go call her wake her up it was early morning God sent me she came out he's a big lady she's as she said warrior told her who I am I am the servant of the Most High God and I declare my name to her and she said why are you here I said I come to deliver a many a daughter-in-law from the powers of evil the lady turned to me and said massa come around with your foolishness she said Jehovah not eating anybody again you Pentecostal idiots and I said the said God you shall be done and you shall not speak another word until and Sabine and she vomited and she vomited a live animal out of her stomach and my mother such a holy God Luca me poor gal if we see anybody of shocking Adam then shut them up Indonesia understand me you understand yes sir in any mode that is whom against you let them come cleave to the roof any mode against you let them talk me to the roof of their mouth shut them up and the name of God Almighty call you you're a servant of God let's sit and wait I have one word to tell you before I go I never don't tell you remind me bishop that I have a word to tell you the Lord gave me this word and it's when I finished she gave me and I set it on at the end of the series word and I'm gonna stop in awhile but I'm gonna tell you God Almighty you know that God knows where are you your clothes clean or not he knows and so the lobby buek is rebuke paralyzed Satan and damages hostile plan against God's servant did you hear me for Satan just cannot defend a man God under no condition Satan cannot defend God Amen is right amen his defense can I tell you two things Satan defense was rejected by God upon the Crown's of two grounds one Joshua the high priest was a chosen vessel of God I said got no con about not telling Nevada no vocabulary if not Carter you have become a failure and your bread your bed inhaling final you take the wings of the man and flame final if God call you whether your doctor your life or your pieces man laughs if your believe dr. Luka to leave his surgery and follow God much of the lead lead the government seat of custom and follow God Ptah to leave his fishing net here Brahma to leave her of the Chaldees it was a rotten rich man God called him is a leader dead lifts legacy and come follow me generation here loom and go follow me I have work for you to do if God calls you in not tell you nobody nobody nothing God's work up do you hear me ministers anybody don't hear me [Music] well if God calls you in not tell you Nevada Amen watch yourself young man if God call you you don't expect me in telling ibadah you better do what him tell her to do he will kill you sure and I have to go to Nineveh that are alive but we are God centered come children go where I send you in the name of the Lord see I believe one of my belief is that anywhere God sending me must cool enough Marie enough all day nothing over God sent me then I remember you notice when I the first appointment you up in the ministry it's miss engineer you remember what I told you I said you're a crotchet with your doctorate I feel bad to send you on this little church notice said to me why should you feel bad when it is God's people you're sending me to you forget you to tell me son but since it lick me so hard Mina forget you said if I want you safe r1r2 you will go for the our God people Lord God notice the preaching head the preach in hell God said Amen God said the priesthood is in Eclipse the second first scene why God rebuke Satan is a Joshua was a cold servant and God will not allow Satan to have any authority over anybody who has called did you know that you no matter whole life hard no matter you're hungry and you're in campaign and your mothers can't pay providers God call you are you know having a dinner he will ascend a river him in God God has a river he would clean up the river head and get me some meat over Herod kitchen and cencon give you and your blessing that eating ice God sending for your a call servant of God and secondly God knew that his garment was filthy first he was called second God knew that his garment wasn't clean but in due time he will take here listen to me God has her intention of changing his call all God's intention was to change his garment but if God remains if you think you're going to dirty up yourself so that they can turn your turn your church hey man you make us a God God totally church you got a dirty little more God with washer and cleani OPA and said you you got to go very cellular you could a dirty little more there's somebody salty somebody shot coming on a home God is not going to loss it to mess you up and a miss of his business well God has a job for you to do God as a business got us something for you to do smile am I telling you you hear what I'm telling Sun God God Almighty amen messy where's messy messy in the audience Miffy end up in trouble because Y was going on and Missy serve and drop him and broke up into leg and him hand up Donnell or debar Amen but he was a king's son amen I went King David asked is there anybody has left a mint one of the servants yes yes I'm when the court broke up why don't I lower the bar he can do not a man I did it said where's he from he said he saw a grandson and said go for him and and he said today to the cook set the table and put one shear around the Kings table there's a cheer I roll the Kings table for summer you give it tonight I'll go somebody dropped some out somebody you'll care take a drop you gonna sit us some of your drop your gear take a drop you and broke up your foot then drop you I'm broke up your foot then while you hand the baloney bar but God has a piss around the Kings table for your use [Music] you will not sit on lo debar forever anybody hear me you don't load you buy because you can't take a drop you somebody drop your your posture drop you your disavow so drop you are you Bishop drop you there were your caretaker and then chop you up broke up your leg and you're doing a lo debar a sofa but your seat is around the Kings table [Music] hi your seat is around the consumer doesn't matter will end up don't unload a bar but there's a cheer and the Kings table and the king race ends for you and you guys sit on normal crumbs no more crumbs a terrible set for you neither Marcus food and a cheer aronia kingship leave a bloody bar and off the king's ells you are destined for Kings oh now let the body fool your Kings old stuff you are the king's son your kings all stop God Almighty a man a trap you and broke your foot then you doughnut Lord Ibarra suffer gotta a shattering car got a lock on you somebody does somebody said that great colony [Music] bad break are you where you belong to God doesn't matter raka food you're belong to God you can't tell your cars run lo debar I've been Carly from lo debar on your seat is under king still remember the Lord Jesus Christ somebody you've been up to the king still there's a cheer and the Kings simplify you you don't hear me anybody hear me ministers ministers there's a cheer at the Kings table for you my God will take wrong I'm from his side man Ron sittin [Music] somebody shout somebody shout be seated for a while be sitting for a little while sell it awhile yes you have a prayer group everybody ally minister nobody look on your watch if you're looking you watch a car seat where there's a rosary so whatever you shall never keep another time so help me God look on your watch I'm giving birth to the message of God I am under the anointing of Almighty God holden horses are not eating me trouble Citroen has his hand don't look on your watch [Music] I tell her this as much as he is he's not Almighty did you hear me I says my dear Satan is is that Almighty God is able to rip the angry lion apart and rescue his prey from him mighty lion anybody that a reach of my boys that's it and gets a grip of you God shall rip him apart and set his servant free because you're a call of a mighty God God don't call anybody and tell him don't bother the Clallam God is on your life don't your name and tell him but the call of God is on your life tell your neighbor tell your wife and tell your husband tell your cousin tell your aunty your children yay the card of your life when God call you he will change your clothes shitty oh god the Carling not change what did it was dirty we change it but him not change a car the car remains Colin God now grant Ellis small Nevada Nevada the car of God is upon him until it breath leave his body so males we're gonna leave him alone tell and then go to hell and leave God's servant alone because he's hailing belong tell him to go to hell can you give me one little bit more let me finish give birth to this message I don't abort it hallelujah filthy old word garment of the priests symbolizes inward condition of the soul not consecrated not clean and so according to Satan's plea what Satan was saying to Joshua are to the engine once you're a Christian and you have sinned there's no repentance for you and God set it as Satan according to God's Word all is not lost guilty yes but Marissa no mercy said no I will never go to let you go kill - yes guilty but mercy cry out or somebody say mercy said no somebody said mercy said no I will never let you go so God said to the Angels that were with a man go to Joshua and change his clothes take off that dirty clothes he didn't tell him to wash she said take it off and throw it away and he said I don't know where you got you see Matt God knew what was going on any other show you brought team clothes because the Bible said God saw standing at the servant right on you know sometimes I know that some of you are ministers you are I know I know I know I know your mo your modus operandi people need to be educated and understand that's see attend the funeral goes so Ali speaking Tony are telling me to understand one guarding si can tell him to go to him you need a speak tongue and I sighs him a black men to follow I'm faith that for Satan want you let you can win a knock you flat you've got to use a word of God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ set that the Lord God rebuke you take off hold word garment of the priest symbolize his inward capture I'm gonna tell you two things here many times can I tell you this before you go many times the priest filthy garment is that as a result of something what he has done personally but is what he put up with is what him put up with in the house of God we are we are caretakers for God's house and gods Oh see the House of Prayer and it's still a house of prayer remember what does the guy was in heal I am him he'd never do anything these sons did it and then put up with it he said I move my hand and I'm boxed abide and learn matters in the house of God and God wouldn't kill him because him put up with his son Slappy's God kill him with this under my tell you this God there some slop is coming into the Church of God I say to you before I go lord have mercy upon me and I tell you this there was once upon a time when some of our members start to we're here condition choses unconditional Tony uncle and the past Anderson Deli recent caliphs and the past and a son until he read the lake shore as a coat a mending clothes an income a church and the pastor national and then God is plain to Smaug the ministers to load or sadness it is in the church it is in the pew under the reach and the present worship team and it's sewage and acquire that is so reach around the podium God is expecting may I tell you something Peugeot Lord God Almighty it is well discovered if a fish is going to rot it starts on the head this is why when I go to buy fish you open the kiln and smell the head in the head stinky fish rotten I never fish is gonna rot me start from the head if the church is gonna must be starts at the head because we are the caretaker we are the caretakers of God temple we are to protect God's temple we are two different holiness and righteousness the Canadore everybody Yosef come in any old hull come take part in prison worship and take part in this and take part in that and take part in that the swamp reach with the belly of the door [Music] coming on home now Wow sighs not because the priest is not something that the priests has done is what in put up with Alleluia if you keep company with us conch you will smell like a skunk they keep converted thief you become a thief the priests must keep the house of the Lord dream standard must be set every church every society must have standard must have standard of discipline and standard of integrity everybody just can't do what the field to do some other must menials for those order from church hada some warriors in the house of the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] here condition air condition chose is down the ankle and the air condition chose is a pedicure choses the leg looking after we're going to be your condition in the house of God come on preachers and passes come on get your act together and understand that we are keepers of a large temper coming on home how Jesus changes garment change his garment God said to the in general don't you see you see those garments I thought I told you what to take from heaven in that back when we're leaving heaven and Kevin said yes Jah said well that's Josh regarding God new lantern - is coming - changes Garmin said carry changer Garmin and said take it out the Garba fill the Garmin a choice in Galveston put on wash him up and put on clean garment on him and then when that was done God's angel turned to Josh Francis see set the Lord I have forgiven you of your sins I've wash and have cleanse you I said no walk for me for the rest of your life walk before me and clean clothes and I will give you a place among men shall we bow our heads [Music] [Music] [Music] as you pray and go to the one more thing the Lord holy spirit beats me to do but keep on praying look at me now ministers bishops and pastors the lay members there's a word in the English vocabulary that is only found and used in the vocabulary of the priests there's a word and English vocabulary that is only found and mostly used by the priests vocabulary the word is called absolution the angel of the Lord who spoke with me I wasn't sleeping I was just in the spirit and at the end he said my son first said God each of ministers and Christian workers Sunday School teachers youth leaders and choir members said you must leave this convention and go back with this world up solution look it up and I look it up and see the word absolution means very powerful it means to release one from punishment and to acquit someone from guilt and to give remission of sin and only the priests are those whom God has appointed have this power to use his word absolution it is a divine godly word and it is used by the priests or by those in spiritual and divine authority to set people free now I tell you something and I'm not speaking to the load it doesn't matter what you have done if you come to the servant of the Lord and said ABCD I wanted to pray with me but God will forgive me and that man a woman of God whom God has given the power of Absolution lays hand on Yun said according to the apostolic authority granted unto me through the power of the Holy Ghost I forgive you in the name of Jesus Christ be the set free change your garment absolution every one of us tonight including the preacher needs a priests in our life ah right now I'm gonna get one myself right away but I want you to choose a priest right now choose a priest right now everybody in the audience choose a priest whether the female priests is a male priests who will somebody hand with as a boy or a girl except Rosie as my priest in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I wanted to pray for me right now everybody pray the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and deliver your neighbor deliver your neighbor deliver your neighbor up solution deliver your neighbor set your neighbor free çetin is somebody nobody to get at me somebody comes in when you touch me preacher yeah preacher preach Oh a minor in the neighborhood [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] absolution absolution in the name of Jesus you are delivered you are delivered your sins are forgiven you yeah absolution and acquire absolution God I deliver you your garment is change goddess forgive your sins revival restart in your church thus settle mighty God touch somebody and say absolution [Music] [Music] [Music] absence [Music] ah set free or the gospel set every absolution deliver Anson [Music] solution absolution [Music] [Music] absolution obsolete [Music] absolution absolution absolution in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ forget some body forgive somebody [Music] but it's body if somebody no forgiveness upon somebody pronounce forgiveness everybody must over from his condition free free at last free at last power Almighty God absolution in the name of Jesus Christ absolution god bless you and a grace of god be upon you and upon your whole soul i sanctify you in the name of the lord jesus christ absolution said god almighty set the angel of god absolution deliverance deliverance for you on your soil for your children and your whole soul everybody's absolution [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody drop you I'm broke up your foot them are you Donal or Dubai but they can call you because there's a place around the Kings table for you breakfast is for you and the King said as long as you're living you're gonna be such a stable no more lo debar so help me God [Music] everybody stand with me please the Holy Ghost said to tell you no more load about your name is a roll call of King's house all card of Kings off no more crumbs and honest don't you nearby tell them no more cross [Music] your place is at the Kings table you don't hit a man no more crumbs grunts so help me God [Music] [Music] I'm going straight to make Kiev note I did buy the message of the Lord I'm not going to be killed Godwin Senna river with piece of meat to save my life so set me up officer Christ goodbye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Farm New Testament Church Of God /Shauna Johnson
Views: 14,481
Rating: 4.6559138 out of 5
Keywords: #Farmnewtestamentchurchofgod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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