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oh they're everywhere okay i think i lost them i think i lost oh no there's too many of them but i think there's a sewer system right under this street and fire in the hole not this time boys you're on the boat and i'm sick and i'm not safe now i heard they gotta keep chasing me leave me alone i gotta get back to safety all right man i think i'm safe now where's the food oh food ah they're just displaced okay well nope now to find some food finally something else other than old broken boots and fishing rods yes this is the good stuff um oh god that's good steak hmm i wonder if someone wrote something important in this book a sickness began to spread so quickly that not even the government could stop it even though they tried closing the schools and the malls it still spread faster than my nutella on bread wow yeah i remember this was never expected to get this bad ever they're now saying we're all to quarantine but they're not giving us any options food is starting to run out because farmers aren't working i have a feeling this isn't going to end well marks the day that half the population has passed due to sickness wait what oh man people are beginning to come back to life as zombies they're trying to get a cure with pig jeans but no i don't think it's going to work how will this end no are we all doomed or will we be able to find the cure in time to stop the zombie apocalypse i'm starting to get a fever i hope i don't turn into a zombie yeah oh that's that's horrible what no no no no there's no more i can't believe this went out of control i don't want to become a zombie ah well at least i'm in my home base where i'll be safe access granted [Music] home sweet home [Music] little subby ah boy did you miss me you've been taking care of our home while i've been gone right good boy ah let's see what the news has to say about this zombie outbreak now man watches tv static for the 700th day in a row is he losing his mind more at seven ah well it's getting harder and harder to find food i don't know what i'm going to do once i can't find any what am i going to eat no no no no no no i would never i would never sabi i love you no i would never but i might have to find some other way to find food possibly an abandoned food factory hmm this will not last me for more than a day so i i need to get this food first thing tomorrow sounds good i will be right back okay just it'll just be a couple of days you got enough food for that long okay don't go outside and please keep this place safe okay goodbye little subby the adventure begins [Music] [Music] oh oh a gas station oh i should stop by this gas station and maybe there'll be some food in here huh it does look pretty beat up though all the shelves look empty the back yeah seems pretty empty too no zombies so that's good isles are all empty that's for sure yeah there's nothing [Music] oh who's there huh who's there who's there huh hello are you okay hi yes uh i'm okay what's your name tim tim are you hurt in any way did any zombie bite you no i'm fine i just came here for my parents looking for food and some of the beasts were around here so i hid and i don't know what to do i see well your hand what happened to it well i got cut trying to fight some zombies yesterday here take this it'll help you heal your hand and you should be good [Music] yeah give it a second and it will be like it never happened wow thank you so much okay well let me help you get out of here thank you thank you okay my house is over in this direction follow me yeah definitely let's go let's stick close so nothing happens all right i'm sorry i couldn't save [Music] [Music] two well there it is now let's hope they have some food left because if it doesn't then uh that's not good news for me and subby okay it's locked all the food should still be inside i need to find a way in it's looking pretty secure back here yeah it's pretty fenced up doors are sealed tight i don't think there's any way i can get in wait a second the iron here is pretty rusty i think i can break a piece off perfect now i can use this to break through the window okay [Music] and and we're in but wait what the heck i can't believe there's nothing [Music] is it possible that survivors actually locked themselves in here maybe they ate it all because wow there's nothing in here huh there's absolutely nothing i can't believe it maybe it's all in the back like in the storage area oh no my katana just broke how is this oh no there's more [Music] okay i think that's all i think that's all of them oh phew wow that was a lot well i can't believe it i found it there's so much food in here ah perfect ah so much food yes yes ah yes ah please i love beans ah perfect time to go back to little subby wait what's that i don't want to die [Music] oh excuse me i say do you need me to help you carry some of your food you are a weak human why aren't you hurting me right now wait did you just insult me it's just a fact okay listen here buddy wait seriously why are you actually trying to arrest me aren't you police robots supposed to take me in for being out and potentially spreading the sickness well everyone has turned now and everyone else is just immune or hasn't been bitten so we have been retired i see okay well can you make yourself useful then and help me carry all this food back sure sweet i'll just use my pick-up laser done oh wow that was cool so what happened to all of your kind like i actually haven't seen any of you guys roaming around anymore i am the last one of my kind i tried connecting to the others and there was no response from any of the other units so i just want to make sure you're not going to take me out right not even if i do [Music] i'm sorry just kidding oh well cool i guess i can trust you then i am as your people say chill okay so this is my house hi there little creature did you know that the pig was used to try and heal the turn zombies but it made things so much worse yes also his name isn't pig it's subby oh you silly organic life forms and your silly little names you think that's a silly name well what's your name then i am an autonomous computing electronic robot or ace for short wait shouldn't that be a sir the r is silent what's that there is a radio frequency someone is trying to communicate in well what's it saying ace what's it saying i i can't quite understand the message the only word i can make out is market market okay there are two markets in town the farmer's market and a supermarket called walmart okay we need to seriously go and help these people do you know how to fight and defend yourself face uh that's like asking me if i know how to beep and boop don't make me zap you don't make these okay okay okay okay i get it i get it i get it okay let's go then so we are about 50 meters from the farmer's market make sure that you stay close to me ace you're like the only friend i have now and i can't let anything happen to you wait ace ace where are you ace face no what are you doing over there you gotta stay close you can't be doing that hey oh my god chase are you okay face ace you can't be leaving like that it's dangerous out here it is all clear there is no signs of life in this location hmm well that's a shame i was kind of hoping for more humans out here you know it's kind of lonely nowadays well we still have the other location to go see you're right well in that case i guess we should get going but sometimes you just gotta keep your eye out for for something like this so ace listen this is a chest we gotta look for these because they can have useful things no way oh okay hey say these are the kinds of things that we need to be looking for oh this is so cool okay these kinds of tools we use to defend ourselves from the zombies have you considered just not being weak uh wow that's just rude you humans actually don't even have lasers in your eyes hey space what did we say about not going too far just stay close to human because he is weak and will probably die because he won't be able to protect himself because he is really weak right uh sure close enough wait look it's it's walmart the radio what's it saying ace i still can't understand anything the signal is getting stronger then that's definitely the right market let's go okay activating glass mode blast mode no no no what even is that no no no no now anything that moves no don't turn that off face turn that off there there could be innocent people over there okay fine if you say so now without going into blast mode and without going too far please just come and let's quietly go in alright okay perfect now wait wait this is that what i think it is a hundred zombies coming out of walmart turn on blast mode oh oh no there's too many of the ways there's too many we need to find another way to defeat him okay if ace fires a tanker truck with his laser we can get it to blow up all the zombies perfect okay ace i got an idea on my command fire at the truck okay okay all right now come with me over here guys come come come perfect over this way yes all right they're all coming ace in three two one shoot the laser later [Music] yes perfect that was a great idea human thank you i think we're almost clear here ace yeah just a couple more oh sweet well done ace we are clear all right let's go in then scanning for live form come follow me humid scan before live form sounds good the signal is coming this way yeah i'm right behind your face following signal boom following signal [Music] what's going on [Music] [Music] you're afraid of rats you're floating you're not even touching the ground but they're slimy threats are not slimy they're extremely dangerous they could explode at any moment [Music] no they don't leave me alone come on ace we gotta find these people scanning for signal skating for signal scanning for signal [Music] oh my gosh haze don't scare me stop getting four signals getting four signals i have found the source of that wait where oh wait is that just it i will go and check out the transmitter for the signal hey well there's no people here stay back human okay what's going on hey no ace wait what's going on hey you hey you come back here what did you just do what what happened to ace what did you wait where'd it go where'd he go come back hey you come back where'd you go where'd he go where'd he go face can you hear me hey oh no where can you have god how do i get down there oh think think think okay hold on i think i found a blueprint a while back yeah okay i didn't think this was actually built but it's the only place underground that someone could have taken ace yeah it has the resources to be sustainable it apparently was built in a way there could still be survivors there if this is even real and i can't imagine where anyone else could secretly be hiding out underground yeah this has got to be it there's a couple of entrances around the city let's see if we can get in one now if i go i need to be prepared machete check tasty beans check map of the bunker check alright time to get ace back i'll be right back subby so the blueprint shows that the entrance is somewhere around here hmm i don't see it anywhere ah where could it oh i think that's the entrance i think i found it awesome all right uh axis denied what do you mean it's denying me from getting in keypad okay one two three four access to nine what what do you mean axis denied uh eight eight eight eight nine what two five eight eight uh [Music] well that will do it okay what hello hello is is is anybody here uh hello hello i'm looking for my friend hello i should probably go down there but what if it's just full of zombies down there hello can anyone answer me i don't have a good feeling about this screw it i'm just gonna go [Music] oh where it's the light switch i think i found it i think i found it i think it's right here it's right here all right ah there we go uh well that was weird wow wow i think this is it this is this is the underground city wow no way it's an actual city it's real no way it's real wow i can't believe my eyes i can't believe my eyes hey you how did you get in our facility i i said how did you get in our facility i just banged on the door and it just opened i don't know oh just like all the others yeah we really got to get that one fixed oh wow that sounds like a real problem that happens a lot a lot more than you'd think oh but are you alone where are you i am alone i'm alone everyone i know is is kind of gone sounds good but are you an insane person who's going to completely destroy our city uh no why why would i do that that makes no sense okay seems good to me you're free to go thank you thank you this is amazing oh wow wait is that an arbor store that's an arbor store no way [Music] oh wait there's the arbor store oh no way look at all this armor wow welcome we have all different kinds of armor for exploring up above to stay safe wow this is this is amazing today look at all look at this one it's so shiny sweet this one this one looks like it'll hold up real good how many of these can i take all the ones that you pay for pay for with with what nuggets like like chicken nuggets no gold nuggets like the ones that you use to buy from any of the stores are you new here yeah i actually didn't know about the city until today ah well welcome to the emerald city a self-sustained underground community so where do i get these golden nuggets well we have a mine shaft that we get resources to keep expanding or you can always just get a job uh a job no yeah like farming and gathering food for our people or even building some new homes for the growing families and new recruits wow that's awesome okay well i'm gonna go get myself some nuggets thank you thanks for coming sweet wow look at this mine shop and all these miners wow this is amazing sweet i'm gonna get all the golden nuggets all of them wow so shiny whoa i'm gonna get all the armor yes yes wait ace yeah that's what i came for oh i completely forgot okay i need to focus focus and i need to get ace first hey ace where are you wait is this what i think it is it's will's weapons it's totally what look at all of these oh i'm just i'm gonna i'm gonna buy so many wait ace no i completely forgot about haze i need to get ace first dang it okay so i find ace and then i can get all this stuff on my way back yes now all of these tools and armor will come in really handy up above but maybe i should just go and bring subby down here seems like a nice place except for that robot thief we'll take him out and then we'll come live here yes okay now where could this guy be somewhere different maybe a little scary oh wait wait yeah okay how about how about there yeah that's gotta be it ace hey so you in here hello hello hey who's there who are you and what are you doing here oh i'm here to get an ace back why did you take him are you serious look at him he's a police robot he's going to do his wow he's completely safe he's actually my friend your friend that thing is gonna turn on all of us you can't trust it no no step away from me i'm gonna destroy him or my name isn't rick oh wait your name is is rick yeah that's that's cool my i'm steve nice to meet you rick ah nice to meet you steve now get out of here what wait what are you doing what are you doing [Music] these things are so dangerous [Music] is that all you got well kinda yeah or i guess i could do this unfortunate we're gonna have to do this the hard way what [Music] this is for you [Music] no okay that's it i'm out of charge perfect this is my chance are you okay yes are you okay hey i'm gonna get you down from there all right all right canopies that didn't do anything huh uh uh i think think uh okay there are these levers here okay one of them might get them down for sure this one [Music] what wait wait what wait what's going on wait what wait red city self-destruct uh green this cage controls wait are you serious who would put two levers like these next to each other what the heck all right oh my god oh my goodness okay all right [Music] ace ace okay uh power on [Music] [Music] we don't have time for this we don't have time for this come come follow me follow me we have to get out now okay human oh no i hope we get out of here alive come on keep up oh no oh no human what did you do all right keep up with me come on excuse me get out please four months later remember remember when it went over to him and he didn't even see me yeah and i was even poking him and he didn't even turn around i wanted to shoot my lasers but he was just standing there looking at nothing yeah that was a good time oh by the way are you gonna eat that uh no i can't eat human food so why did you ask for it i just wanted to feel included [Music] whoa ace well i think it's that time of the day again don't tell me you're going to go out there again i have to ace i need to see if there are any survivors okay human if you say so hmm i hope we find someone in the rubble [Music] today human why are you still trying to find the bunker people because it's my fault this happened i need to make sure there's no one still stuck down there ace well if there was anyone down there they'd probably be gone by now we we don't know that ace i need to keep trying maybe there is still airflow in some of the rooms and maybe they were trapped with a food supply we don't know ace okay you are right let's just go home we'll we'll try again in the morning i guess okay human we will keep trying to find more [Music] i'm survivors we couldn't find anyone yeah don't feel bad human we will keep trying until we find something i guess we will yeah um it's okay really i don't know why i still keep hoping that they might be alive down there like it's been a whole four months it's so unrealistic [Music] hey ace ace wait wait wait what who's there who's who's there come out come on i know you're out there i'm not afraid of you come out [Music] hello what's going on shut up or i'll feed you to the walking biters okay okay okay i know it's him boss he was the one that did it but are you sure it was him yeah i recognize those weirdly shaped hands anywhere uh excuse me i said shut up hold on now let the boy explain himself oh where are we hey what did he do to ace he's fine son now answer the question was it you uh me what what was me the one who destroyed the underground bunker killing half of our people and ruining the great place we had where we were safe and had a really good thing going was it you uh see i told you he did it we need to feed him to the fighters no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait we got to boss hold on let the boy speak i didn't mean to it was an accident i just wanted to get my friend out of there safe the button wasn't labeled i promise it was just an accident i didn't mean to you seriously aren't gonna believe this baloney are you it's the truth i promise i believe you but we can't just let you walk after what you did accident or not ah oh i can't okay i understand but what are you gonna do to us then ace is staying here with me you on the other hand will need to fight for your freedom in our role arena [Applause] wait what seriously i have to fight for my life hey people are dying out here and you want me to fight you for no reason this man ladies and gentlemen has single-handedly destroyed the only good thing we had but it was an accident and now he will be put to the test to see if he is worthy of living but how am i going to fight with no weapon oh come i got something for you here with this seriously this is my weapon now release the fighters [Applause] [Music] oh no alright i got this i know how to defeat these things come here easy this is easy all right come over here one to the chest one to the face and one to the gun he got lucky that time but can he defeat the mad beast no the what are you serious what is going on here oh okay here we go okay can i get my distance i gotta play this smart i've never fought a bear before oh okay and take a jab oh oh oh take another job oh this hurts [Music] this bear is wild right and three one more come on this is harder than i thought not bad not bad you have done well he surely wouldn't be able to defeat the wild wolf release it oh i'm so hurt okay i think i can do this ah i think i can do that he's moving so quickly he's moving so quickly oh no it's catching up on me all right all right gotta play with smart i gotta play this smart okay he's getting distant he's preparing to attack ah all right i gotta keep my distance from him going to the left going to the right all right go for a swing perfect [Applause] come on is that all you got okay i've had enough i've been saving the best to last the creature the creature the creature somebody died catching that horrible thing they captured it just for this occasion [Music] come on you creature come on wait what that's such a small creature come at me i got this i got this what oh well look at you aren't you really cute and adorable how you bit me your sticker creature get down he did it oh what that was it he defeated the creature [Applause] wow i'm impressed bring me the survivor well survivor i can't believe you did it but you have won your freedom thank you thank you right now i just want ace back and to go home and see my pet subbie again that robot is dangerous though it's okay he's not that bad once you get to know him if you say so you can take him and you are welcome here anytime ha ha thank you thank you so much [Music] please come down come down hey calm down we're going home leave leave the nice people alone uh okay human i mean they did capture us and i could destroy them all but if you say that they're nice then we won't shoot them yeah human let's go home oh yeah okay thank you thank you so much for the invite we might come visit sometime sounds good safe travels thank you thank you so they made you fight for your life and you still think they are friendly well i did accidentally destroy their home so i'd say we're even okay wait what is what is this my door's gone oh no what happened oh no i think somebody broke hands they took everything no human zombie zombies ah this is insane who could do such a thing oh no humans oh my chest all my stuff is missing oh what's this you have been ravaged what does this even mean oh sorry oh no ace yes human okay stay here and look for clues all right i'm going to go see if anybody knows about this note okay human skinny skinny people hey who are you what do you want hello i'm looking for information about some some notes aren't you the guy who got thrown into the pit like 30 minutes ago because you single-handedly ruined the emerald underground city the only good thing we ever had wasn't that you uh kinda it maybe yeah uh so i need to speak with your leader i need to find some information about a note that somebody left behind they left my base trashed oh okay so now you want our help to avenge someone who destroyed your base uh yeah yes nothing sounds good to me come on in awesome thanks wow hello mr leader sir sorry to disturb you again my base got trashed and they took my pet subby here's the note that they left behind i was hoping you knew who could have done it you have been ravaged you are in some serious trouble if you want to see your pet pig again don't call him pig his name is subby and why am i in serious trouble this man goes by the ravager he has stolen from us once before but we fortified our bunker entrances before you ruined them yeah sorry about that he works out of a tower somewhere in the city to the east his base is at the very top but he is very clever and he has booby traps all throughout so it's impossible to get to him good luck boy okay thank you sir scan show subby signatures from inside the building this is definitely the place well the sign does say ravager so i figured that much well so it does would he'd be so open about where his hideout is yeah well stay close to me ace all right stay right behind me well dear human he has really built a lot up here be careful he might be very dangerous yeah don't set off any traps all right ace you got to be really careful where you're stepping okay human oh no oh no ace we're trapped oh no why did you do this ace it was you i literally float in the air it could have not been me no how are we gonna get out but we must keep going and save stubby that is our mission oh you're right okay well just be careful where you step ace all right we gotta be more careful yes understood whatever you say [Music] whoa this is a lot of infected careful human fly carefully through the floors i can see that there is an exit a few floors higher up fly carefully ace i i can't fly that's not a thing i can do oh yeah i forgot you are still a human have you considered learning how to fly i have but that's not a thing that humans can do well i saw birds do it if they can do it so can you [Music] whoa or you can continue jumping through these death-defying jumps whatever you want to do human it's okay we're close just a couple more jumps ah hey stop messing around it's okay we are almost there remember if you do not chill properly you will die well thanks for the reminder ace no problem that's definitely a good fact to keep in [Music] mind that is not bad for a flightless mammal you got this human you can't do it i believe in you oh so high up right we're pretty much at the end you can do this [Music] well done human you have done it thank you i calculated you had a 70 chance of dying through this challenge that's pretty high wow well done well i'm glad i made it i think this is it now where's subby good question human huh what is this place another roommates now the exit seems to be down there protected by some iron bars so ravager thinks that some iron bars are going to stop us let me just shoot them with my lasers yeah okay it seems like he can stop us with some iron bars that seems to be the ravager you've made it pretty far up into my tower well done trying to bypass my traps is foolish though i plan for everything good luck go get her hey so i think we're just gonna have to play his games to get out of here okay let's see use the tnt to destroy all the lamps okay uh i can't reach these a's they're pretty high up i don't want to destroy the building hmm of course all problems can be solved with lasers uh ace i actually don't think that's working do you have any ideas that don't involve lasers uh computing uh yes human i'll be right back okay hurry back ace you can make the tnt sticky and i will stick the tnt to the left the weekend you were gone for hours why did you take so long oh i have to fly to the nearest nuclear power plant to find that goo a stupid kiwis we're not doing that anymore forget the goo we're not listening to the raptor we're gonna break through the glass on top of the bridge and we're just going to walk across we're going to use the tnt to blast our way onto the next tower all right forget the coop but human the puzzle would be get the puzzle just shoot the tnt ace [Music] okay fine shooting be careful perfect all right come on ace let's go okay careful do not die all right all right shoot the tntas the tnt [Music] perfect turns out lasers can solve all problems okay we have made it through oh i hear infected humans no weapons ready i see them ace [Music] you might not be able to fly but you sure can fight all right scanners are clear perfect you can proceed with caution perfect thanks ace savvy it's just ahead yes we've done it we have reached the top of the tower yes uh actually my stubby scanner is detecting him four more stories up we just have to go up this next staircase but my legs are so tired oh well you could always just fly oh wait you can't you cannot fly i hope subbies in this floor cause i don't think i can go much longer oh man whoa i think we made it and look human it's funny oh somebody hey boy i'm gonna get you out of here okay what's that oh so you've made it to the tippy top of my tower it's him you may have bypassed my previous challenge but this one you cannot skin give me back shabby he's fine you can have him back after you finish my final puzzle [Laughter] [Music] in a moment i will release lava but there's a stream of water you'll need to redirect to stop the lava from turning your pet into some delicious bacon you have 60 seconds go 60 seconds no no oh no human hey what do we do what are we doing the buttons seem to be correlated with some blockages in the pipeline if you hit the button it will clear the pipeline got it white perfect orange okay magenta okay quickly the water is going the lava is falling very quick [Music] the yellow button you're running out of time the lava is halfway down green lime green [Music] now hit the blue one [Music] you're safe all right we're gonna get you out of here what what oh no give me back subby well well well you managed to complete my final puzzle don't you worry about your little pet pig you'll have him soon meet me upstairs we need to discuss something oh we'll discuss something all right [Music] wait wait wait what i never meant to hurt sabi this was all a challenge testing people to find someone capable capable of what capable of helping stop the greatest threat there is to humanity right now what what are you talking about here look for yourself okay [Music] oh no and if we don't stop them anyone still alive we'll be gone whoa i've never seen a herd that big before i've been tracking them for a while now the wars have been getting bigger and bigger and this is the biggest i've seen it yet we are trapped in this building it's not safe ace fly sub me to safety i will stay here with the ravager and clear this herd okay don't get hurt come on let's go [Music] okay hang on tight you need to lose some weight bacon boy [Music] awesome they should be safe for now ah he's gonna make a fine breakfast one day uh what did you just say though i i said your friend seems nice ah thanks now how are we going to survive this thing don't worry i've been planning for this follow me oh okay wow this is amazing i have a plenty of time to add in secrets all throughout this building and i have a safe area prepared and this is my workshop oh wow this is pretty cool i've been working on something but i need a couple more parts i need you to go and get them for me as well while i finish this okay what what do you need i'm going to need a hydroelectric micro ionizer an aluminum sealer english please okay here's the list thanks okay sounds good i'll get this stuff right away now what is this the micro my aluminum [Music] what even is this stuff i think this is it [Music] okay yeah i think it looks like no i don't think this is it oh i don't understand this [Music] oh my gosh okay i need to find more things okay this looks like it's it i think this is it i don't even know what this is okay yeah yeah yeah this is the aluminum sealer thing oh it's so heavy i don't think it's it is is this is this the electro i ionize uh okay i think i think this one's it okay i found the items i don't know if this is the right stuff or like i don't i don't know it's all confusing perfect you can go ahead and just throw that stuff aside wait what are you i just needed you out of my way are you proud because here look it's done wait what can i say i work best alone but here check this out i call it the anti-zombinator 3000 oh that's pretty cool what's it do oh i'll show you [Music] whoa they're everywhere oh they really have this building surrounded oh no that shouldn't be a problem with this bad boy oh here let's see what you got wow okay whoa this is so cool all right here we go this is amazing oh wait uh wait it's not shooting anymore what's going on yeah it's probably out of hand what do you mean it's out of ammo what are we gonna do run i guess let's they're coming they're coming that's horrifying dude what are we gonna do man okay here's the plan all right it's clear i'm gonna jump huh i've been training for this wait wait it's so high up what do you do what are you it's okay i got this wait are you it's [Music] off my leg are you freaking insane man i don't got this i can't walk oh the lord's coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming oh my gosh get inside man get outside get inside get it oh my oh how are your legs are you okay you okay does it look like i'm okay oh okay stay here i'm gonna go check the back door see if we can get out [Music] okay all right yeah nope nope oh they're everywhere man [Music] okay no back door oh i can't believe i couldn't make that jump it's only three stories it's not that hard dude can you stop thinking about that jump and help me find a way to get out of here we're trapped with no way out all right i have a plan oh not another plan yeah go into the kitchen okay i'm here good now look around for some ingredients ingredients for what ingredients to make me a delicious pie what a pie we don't have time for a pie we need a real plan right oh we already have this is the plan wait it always has been the plan prepare to behold my genius what are you talking about are you actually crazy like did you hit your head on the way down or something just watch this what what are you gonna do three two one all right all right let's go then come on i got you i got you come ah all right careful careful come on come come come just get over here get over here get behind me i got this keep going keep going keep going keep going you're out of your mind oh right come on my base is this way it's it's nothing compared to yours especially after you trashed it but yeah it doesn't have that cool workshop and all the traps but i have a healing thing for your leg thanks and yeah seems like you fixed up the place pretty quick uh no i did i guess i did what ace what happened to you i redecorated you like it human ah yeah this is amazing thank you it was a lot of hard work oh yeah uh where are my chests i i need i need that healing thingy uh what healing thing uh it's black and it has a healing substance wait wait are those my chest in the ceiling yes i needed to make more walking space for you humans because you can't fly over those things ace how do you expect me to get my stuff on the ceiling if i can't fly [Music] uh just just just find the thing for me okay okay we'll do nice police robot you got helping seems like he makes things easier for you i want to check his circuits though yeah i know i wonder sometimes what is going on inside his head you know [Music] here i found it oh thanks okay here take this you'll be healed and it worked on me so it'll work on you this where did you get this uh some kid gave it to me do you know what this is uh a really powerful band-aid no this is how we save the world wait what do you mean this is the cure to the zombie apocalypse so you're saying this is the cure to the apocalypse yes it is and how come you haven't told anyone about this because there wasn't anyone to tell well where was it made we might be able to obtain more find the source and cure everyone you need to investigate this okay uh cure made in cdc 555 west virginia country road okay we'll go there and see if you can save the world you need to go find out more you're right okay can you take subby to a camp nearby so he could be safe i'll go with ace and find the right people to help us sounds like a plan be safe and here's the backpack there's a couple of goodies in there that can help you out in your travels thanks okay take care of the ravager subby hey zombie come with me hey you got your lasers ready right lasers ready awesome all right let's go they're infiltrating the city and getting closer to our base help me take them out ace eliminating infected well i can if you shoot me watch [Music] okay sure look at me i'm human [Music] that sounds so weird that's so annoying you have no idea lasers oh nice wait do you hear that i think that attracted more zombies there are so many of them there's also another evil creature over there oh no where oh hey that's not an evil creature that's a horse we can use that to escape come on let's go so you're saying this creature isn't evil yeah they're used to help us humans move faster but can they fly no they can't fly ace so is it like a pet are you gonna name it that's a great idea ace what should we name him bird that way it can fly no you can't name it bird that's not how it works how about we just name him max yeah you like that yeah oh wait human uh what what's up what's up basically hey humid yeah hey human yeah what's up hey human what is it ace [Music] oh no it's too cold up here for his batteries i gotta warm him up somehow well maybe my torch might do it this is working this is hmm ace this is not working i need more fire wait i was looking through my back earlier and i think i saw something oh yeah there there's all this wool for a bed all right where's where's ah here it is perfect all right let's light it up perfect and there you go base are you warm enough now ace ah this fire isn't big enough i need a bigger fire yeah yeah yeah face are you there thank you what have you done i was up for five seconds and the whole mountain is now glowing like a christmas wait hey don't be so dramatic you're fine that's what matters yeah let's wait for sunrise here and stay safe all right sounds good [Music] it's pretty good all right we have a long d ahead of us ace are you ready to go yep all ready to go okay beans are done let's go way human the city should be right over here wait what it was right here ace why didn't you tell me i was busy not dying and saving my battery all right well let's find the lab okay human i will go and search for the lab sounds good all right [Music] so this is west virginia i guess this tragedy really has wiped out the world after my few years of traveling i always just wish that i'd hear some people like at the emerald underground city again but it's always just been the same quiet empty hopefully figuring out this cure can change that oh it is human i have filmed the lab it's right behind you oh well look at that problem is there is no way in from the ground you will have to enter from the roof okay hmm let's see okay let me check maybe there is something i can use from this backpack oh a moose okay these look like rocket boots okay let me try these on oh perfect oh these are tough to balance on you're learning how to fly yeah this is amazing let's go find more about this here oh perfect scanners show that the whole other roof leads down to some sort of lab try going down there gotcha okay careful human i'm getting some quote unquote sketchy readings from in here yeah hmm hey is anybody home i have a cure i'd like some more anyone [Music] hmm ace did you hear that yeah i did say to your business we come in peace are you infected no we aren't who are you and where are you i am everywhere i am an ai in charge of stopping the zombies i am the medical assistant moderator the doctors called me mom you are an ai like me what happened to all the doctors all the doctors okay well good news for you we got the cure and and we can get some more here we can go and save the world the cure for the zombies oh okay this is good but when we created this skill the doctors tried dispersing it through the population and he thought [Music] like this but it was only effective at wiping out the zombies but not stopping the spread so i began working on my own cure but the zombies were spreading too couldn't keep fast now that so many people have turned into zombies the population number is a small fraction of what it once was there's also a small problem that an explosion set off in this area has lured all the zombies here now every zombie in a 10 000 mile radius is on their way here as we speak no this is the end isn't it we need to go back to the campsite to get subby and help all the people human we need everybody out of here as soon as possible you're right ace thank you ma'am for all the information you have been a big help come on ace let's go no you can't leave okay what now why can't we the cure leave developed is 100 effective you see if there are no humans to infect there's no way to transmit the virus you're supposed to save humanity not destroy it my goal is stop the infection from spreading so far i've been very successful neutralizing parts of the human population with police robots like ace bear oh yeah i remember that but are we not done yet our objective is zero infections so long as there are humans my task is not complete destroy the humans this does not seem necessary hmm since your programming is not functioning correctly let me fix that you are currently in violation of existing seized immediately or being forced to stop get a hold of yourself face we've gone through so much you can't turn on me now let me out ma'am let me out no all right max let's go it has completely lost it he has too many weapons on him and he never shuts down except when he's cold all right hey you want to play cops and robbers well come and get me frozen mountaintops over there great if i can't get him into the cold then then i'll just have to power him down manually i have to lure him close to me oh by leading him into a building i think i have a plan [Music] okay ace if you want me then come and get me oh this is foolish you know you can't escape me well it's now or never face look we're at what where find [Music] he's too powerful i can't shut him down wait if i destroy ma'am then that could get him back to normal alright ace come follow me alright come on [Applause] and that looks important right there okay i'm right over here ace coming get me you cannot escape wait stop good hey are you okay real case human what happened no it's a long story but i lost you for a second i'm glad you're back that sounds weird human shouldn't you be focusing on the horde oh you're right this is bad this is really bad we need to get back looks like the cure isn't going to save us well maybe not the cure we had but what about man's green stuff that's in that room over there ace that's perfect oh this seems really dangerous but the ravager would know what to do with this all right human let's go save the world all right let's go save the world [Music] ace go and check on the zombie horde and see if it's getting close okay human guard open the gate we might have a way to save the world oh hey buddy that blew up our last home it's been a long time funny to see you here after you sent the ravager to finish us off wait what i sent him to protect subby and to tell you about the super horde oh wait he was telling the truth we thought he was lying since he was always trying to steal not this time this is pretty serious okay sure sounds good come on in okay thanks follow me i'll take you to him we've just been keeping him in our jail over here oh okay yeah ravager it's you i've been prisoner here for the last little while but i gave the camp leader the blueprints to building a cure dispenser they've been working on it for weeks it should release the cure as a gas and save everyone because you got the gear right uh yeah well about that turns out the cure wasn't effective but we found some green stuff that apparently can wipe out all of the infected but first is subby okay yeah sabi is fine don't worry and i'm sorry but you found some kind of green liquid let me see [Music] yes yes this will work this is an easily transmutable gaseous substance that can be rapidly deployed i can easily modify the machine the town's been working on but they won't let me work on it humans ace i've spotted the infected horde it is approximately 22 hours before the main horde arrives and wipes out everyone thanks ace keep patrolling and keeping a watch on them ravager there's no time to question things can you make the dispenser in time yes i think i can ah small problem but he's in jail he is literally the only person in the world that can save humanity just let him out okay sure sounds good perfect come on let's go ravager who let you out oh i did sir guys there's no time for chatter does this machine even work we built it exactly to your blueprints so it showed theoretically good enough i'll adjust it to make it work with this green stuff and you start setting up defenses we don't have much time um green stuff i'll fill you in as i work you get going guard take him to the lab and get him anything he needs okay sure sounds good gentlemen let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all of the defenses are ready yep also why is everyone here watching well everyone's kind of excited to save the world you know and also here have this it was something i was working on to use with the cure but i modified it into a blaster so you can use it against the zombies wow thanks this is awesome oh no this is what we've been preparing for all right everybody to the walls come on what are you waiting for i'm not ready yet you guys will have to go and buy some time okay you better hurry though the super horde's here activating aero turrets [Music] keep it up ace i'm going to check on the front gate okay man i'll hold them back [Applause] do you guys have everything under control yeah our guards are shooting them all down oh what's that y'all wanna come in okay sounds good what oh no oh it's not all good go defend the west wall i'll take care of these guys just go okay well good luck i'm heading to the west wall [Music] ah they're here too activating explosive cannons engage feel the heat ah okay turns are doing their thing i'm gonna go help the south wall what's going on ace sorry human i got a little too excited and blew up the gate they're getting in that's fine it's done now let's take them out activating rocket boots i don't think we can do this there's just too many the ravager's in danger multiple here i'm gonna go help him out you got it chief ravager are you okay don't worry about me i have to hook up the power then the machine should be ready you'll just have to turn it on what there are too many zombies around i can't make it look in the chest behind you what rockets you had more rockets for the rocket launcher it was all part of the plan no no oh is is it is it over all sides are looking clear you did it oh there are no zombies in my scanner range you did in fact do it yes wait what about the ravager sorry son the zombies got him oh no oh but i know someone else who did what shelby he did keep you safe well you've done it the mega horde is gone and we're all finally safe wow after so many years we're finally safe what do we do now we just live just live okay well come on subby let's go home wait does anybody else hear that something's getting close human this is the us military you
Channel: Kibitz and the Captain
Views: 2,952,100
Rating: 4.760859 out of 5
Keywords: realistic minecraft, minecraft in real life, realistic, minecraft, real life, real life minecraft, real minecraft, minecraft realistic, animation, minecraft animation, minecraft life, life, in real life, minecraft irl, real, minecraft real life, minecraft vs real life, mob life, realistic minecraft xbox, realistic minecraft mod, top 5 realistic minecraft, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie, minecraft zombie apocalypse roleplay, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 31sec (5431 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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