Realistic Minecraft - THE ULTIMATE MOVIE

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alright it's time to build a house oh dang it I ran out of wood I need to chop down some more trees wait where's my axe where did I put my axe it's not here I think I don't remember where I put it uhh come on remember ah-huh I think I think I know where I left it hey guys did you guys see my axe I think I left it here somewhere it's not here okay oh I don't even know where I am right now I don't remember leaving it here oh where could that axe be ah I can't played it anywhere how am I going to get wood ah ha ha ha maybe someone in this house could have an axe that I can borrow hello anybody around here have an axe I can use hello hmm seems kind of lonely hello it's kind of dark - oh I see someone over there hello excuse me sir do you happen to have an axe or out that I can use whoa oh thank you awesome time to cut down these trees ah no the broke dang it time to fight another what there's a building on fire and it's collapsing hurry a lot of innocent people I'm here that's terrible don't worry I'll stop the ever happening I'll run back in time [Music] Oh uh guys I think I traveled to another dimension again hello guys I guess I can't talk in this place wherever it is it's very cartoony is this a video game did I just travel to a video game yeah you're a bad guy take that well man this place hips a little dangerous I got a run back home I can't run for some reason I feel like I'm hungry I guess now I gotta find food or something oh you look at that melons right over there [Music] all right that'll do it let's try this again [Music] but hey there seems to be some people over here hey you guys where am I you're in our beta minecraft server what do you need you don't happen to have a portal or something yeah it's just that it - minecraft it's right over there where's that go it leads to a lava field the world full of monsters okay yeah no I'm out see ya this is getting ridiculous I'm running way back Oh sir do you know where we are oh man please tell me where am I minecraft SPF of 0.1 Steve that's all wait what are you doing with it Oh seems I found a bug in the game deleting it no wait no don't delete what wait wait I'm back what just cool puppies little dogs where are you I was told there's dogs around here where oh I found one I found one hey little buddy hide you wanna be my pet you don't want to be my pet come on I got this pole for you you don't want it you don't want it here here oh you'll love it here you go hey look at you you're so adorable all right I don't like that red collar let's change it to a blue one oh oh okay yeah I really like that that looks really good on you now you need a name how about blue yes yes blue oh boy you're so soft let me pick you up oh look at you you're so adorable there's the cutest puppy ever you're gonna be the best pet in the world I'm gonna set you back down oh look at that face alright sit good boy now stand good good all right now sit sit sit sit good boy good boy don't get up don't get up oh oh oh who's Lovelace I love almost my forever dog oh look at these lavas are so oh my goodness they look at the peepee [Music] it's Christmas it's Christmas it's Chris there's a lot of residents oh my gosh Thank You Santa oh my gosh all right what did I get for Christmas well this is awesome oh all right Oh carrot I can't okay oh it's a golden carrots oh my gosh a golden carrot I've heard these are awesome cool all right okay okay all right all right what else did I get what else did I get all right oh my gosh like yeah this is amazing Wow all right what is this oh no it is a diamond sword I've always wanted one of these wow it's beautiful oh my gosh this is amazing okay final present final present what else did I get come on let it be the best oh my gosh oh my gosh socks are you kidding me socks are you serious are you serious like socks oh my gosh this is the worst ah worst Christmas ever I keep everything so much oh oh I can't wait to go back home to earth I've been in space for way too long Oh what is that oh no it's a space gripper I'm gonna shoot it down oh no this thing isn't working Oh No jeez where's my spaceship Oh No oh man it's coming closer I don't know what to do sup dude what what Oh ah okay oh hi little fella I'll protect you the Cavalry's here just let me find the objective I'm not very familiar with this map is this about your test this map is very square he doesn't look friendly I think I found the enemy that was easy where's this bloody checkpoint I don't see it anywhere in this match I need some air I am here kenji is here with us too yes either jinju's Hoover never mind I can't seem to find the checkpoint either it's like the map is imminent or something ah but I see some enemies let me use my multi arrow what the heck I didn't get any points how am I supposed to get on the scoreboard where's that card anyway I can't seem to find it tracer I thought this was a checkpoint match what game-mode are we actually playing it is something called survival I've never played this before what are we supposed to do oh wait I'm taking damage I don't see any more enemies I am - what's going on I have this strange feeling though that I'm like I'm going hungry well this game-mode wasn't all that fun uh-oh well it might be over but hopefully I get the players game at least now what new play of the game I hate this game mode climbing this ladder so hard oh why haven't they added elevators to Minecraft uh-oh it's pretty late already oh my gosh alright gotta put all my stuff away let's get ready to go to sleep perfect torches emeralds awesome oh and what put this thing wait what is what what is this this is some sort of ground ball wait there what Weiss's here there's no circles in Minecraft huh it broke the window that's how he got in but what how did it get in oh there must be someone outside huh there is someone outside huh and he's he's out he's out there he's destroying my stuff with a stick what the what the heck yeah that's you hey hey what are you doing what are you doing like what are you destroying my crops are you kidding me oh my gosh what she's just running away are you are you serious ah wait he left his big stick here ha this is a weird kind of stick thing oh geez there's a spider coming oh my gosh there's a spider there's a spider there's a spider uh how can I hit it with a stick ah oh my gosh that actually worked ha this is this is great I'm gonna go and beat that guy up with his own big giant stick come here guy come here oh oh oh there's others ugh bunch of moms it's dark ah oh come here you zombie ah perfect this stick is actually really good at hitting stuff and here we go oh ho I really like this big stick ah take that feel that feel the sharpness of my dole stick ha and ha ha all right where'd you go where you go come out oh jeez there's something on the floor he left something what what the heck oh it's sort of short thing wow that's a very interesting pattern on the shirt that's something I've never seen before it's like pink and stuff huh I really like it I'm gonna put it on ah perfect oh man look at this this is odd is so soft Oh awesome oh wait what what is this he looked whoa shiny blade is shiny oh oh and sharp Oh what the huh where do you get this oh wait what's this huh some sort of board thing okay uh let's let's go look for this guy oh wait a minute I hear something I hear stuff there's a zombie oh no oh no there's a zombie oh I could use this sharp blade aah aah Oh sharp Italian plate is perf oh my gosh no there's more stuff coming there's more stuff coming oh geez no no no no no no no no uh-uh I got this sharp blade yeah yeah sure player ah it's so powerful come here oh whoa geez oh geez come fight me aah Oh sheriff late is so good oh no there's more there's more you skel oh my gosh no no no no no aah oh oh there's more over there Arnie's discovery towards me hot Helen scary towards me oh that's right oh my gosh all right he has a board let's use this poor thing whoa whoa this is so wonky oh my gosh it's straight again oh oh whoa oh oh getting the hang of it oh oh jeez flying so high up oh there we go oh I see my house from here look at that it's so beautiful all right where does that guy whoa this is actually kind of scary come here guy I'm gonna find you gonna get Oh what there yes there are you serious all right let's go aah Oh aah jumping trees so uh heart aah Oh all right all right come here I'm gonna fight you got me Oh Giada lasers lasers why is there boy this yellow pretty good Brady get a Rinka oh my gosh not leave meat is still there what can I do I just have to sharp blade I can't even get foot whoa whoa I just lected it maybe that's not what your feet oh oh all right I am ready oh let's deflect every single bullet let's get this guy out of here all right honey I are going to leave this instant I'll give you a discount on some robots if you wanna no no no I'm not gonna buy any of those robots huh no hey once you leave got any last words you wish ah that was awesome whoo oh yeah oh come here you ha ha it's a good day good day it's time to plant the sapling this baby tree will now be planted right here in this spot here we go let's throw some bonemeal on it let's make it a grow faster oh this this tree this tree is beautiful this baby tree will grow to be one of the biggest trees ever amazing uh whoa wait what what is what's this there's uh there's a building that wasn't here before what why is this here next to my house yeah huh there seems to be waiting there seems to be somebody inside hello hi uh who are you Hey what who are you what is this place my name is Rob I'm from roblox welcome to star blocks would you like a free coffee sir it's on the house oh what's the coffee ah okay here try this free sample oh oh okay oh my gosh this is amazing oh it's really really good man well thank you so much yeah no problem so what's up with this place what what is all this stuff well these are all the upgrades I've just got by selling coffee the cool hats like my hair pretty cool this is my assembly line this is where make all my awesome coffee for you and how I make all my robux looks pretty good yeah ah Thank You Man that is really really good stuff can I get some more juice yeah that'll be five dollars five dollars what what yeah what is that that's the money you used to buy anything around here you can trade like you gold or other valuables to the exchange house it's right next door dude give it a visit wait what do you mean an exchange house right here what there's totally an exchange house right outside who put this here huh okay well he said I need money and that coffee was really good oh man okay drop Gold receive money okay all right I guess I'll get some money then yeah no problem here we go one two three and on this side I get the money oh here we go oh look at this money so much money oh here we go now we got some money too wait wait what's going on what there's there's so many sores what's happening why is there so much stuff around here that I haven't seen before what what is what what's going on I need to go inside see what's happening what is this stuff this is what this looks like high-technology I don't understand this oh hey oh hey it's you again Rob hey welcome what are you what is this place this is my new Apple tycoon I just set it up Oh Apple Tycoon awful what are you still here we sell iPhones iPads MacBook everything Apple check it out oh that is so nice okay yeah totally here I have some roblox here you go here this ooh whoa wait a minute you said you sold iPhones this is the Samsung what well iPhones actually kind of suck and you're my friend right so I gave you the good Samsung phone Oh Samsung Galaxy I like it yeah it's the best on the market whoa all right well thank you man take care oh I can't oh oh look at this what is this YouTube I can watch YouTube videos on this thing oh my gosh this is oak so cool well I should probably look where I'm going oh look at this it says Pizza Hut I will walk in I wonder what they sell excuse me oh wait Rob it's you again what are you doing here oh nice to see you again this is my Pizza Hut tycoon I'm selling pizzas pizzas for everyone a Pete pizza yeah a pizza okay uh here you go here some money I'll take a pizza here we go oh wait it's a box if there is their food in this box open it are you serious yeah mmm that smells really really good oh it's hot oh oh oh oh it's so hot it's so hard it's so good oh thank you rob this is amazing dude you got so much cool stuff here man thank you thank you yeah see you later man bye bye wow there's so much cool stuff around here here's another building what is this a big M oh my gosh are you serious it's Rob again dude you're everywhere hey welcome Oh what I saw what do you hear this is my McDonald's tycoon I make fast food what some interesting okay Oh cool so you got more floor okay sure get some yeah man here's some more money thank you very much and here is your big Oh awesome Oh food in a bag now oh well this will be for later thank you so much man no problem thank you mmm man so good all right well thank you rob I will see you later man bye cool thanks alright so many cool new things around here oh there seems to be something new over here Oh huh I'm gonna go check it out see you what did it oh no he just he just cut down my baby tree no what hey hey Rob dude what what's wrong with you why would you just take them away tree like that man that's not cool bro hey well your name wasn't on it was it this is mine now dude that's that's not cool well that's too bad Wow peace out loser Wow oh my gosh no this plays what is this turning into this isn't minecraft anymore ah no I gotta do something about this alright I need to call up my boys Steve hey Oh Steve see man I got I got some problems I need your help man yeah you know it you know what can you come here oh wait what you're you're you're here you're here here like already what Oh see hey man alright so I need help with that guy over there are you ready Oh oh you're going alright let's go take him out all right Bob your time here is over you are done wait wait wait I'll give you both the stuff ah all right well that's that take you Steve go away now yeah it's Christmas Day whoa let's get all of my wait where are all my gifts it's Christmas Day and there's nothing under the tree yeah ma I guess I got to go to the North Pole and talk to say make see what happened with all my gifts oh it's kind of chilly in the North Pole I wonder how far the workshop is now oh nice polar bear nice polar bear don't attack me don't attack me though that we know what does that hurt no no no no no no don't attack me mr. polar bear don't attack me I just want to find my gifts oh wait I'm sorry yeah I know you were looking for your gifts you talk my name is Paul the polar bear right charge of the Phoenix Santa's workshop for anyone trying to ruin Christmas and dropping a lot of bad people around lately so thought you were one of those heartless human beings trying to ruin Christmas you're looking for your gifts that's okay the workshop is that way oh right here oh it was here the whole time can we leave a walk right past it wow thank you mr. Poe the polar bear gave mr. Pooh the polar bear have a nice Christmas oh well I made it to the workshop I pictured it way bigger than this huh I I wonder if they use like Amazon to like ship all the packages nowadays cuz yeah this place looks kind of small oh hello hello any anybody here hello hello oh I guess everyone's away on Christmas vacation or something Oh anyway let's look for my gift where's my gift Oh what is this thing oh is this my gift this doesn't look like my gift oh it's a candy King torch oh I can light up all of my houses with this oh did I hear something I guess not I think it came broken what the heck oh me it looked pretty cool oh well let's uh oh there's more gifts over here okay huh let's see let's open this I wonder if this is what I asked for Christmas huh I don't think so where are more gifts there's more gifts over here okay ah let's pick some up oh there's there's another gift and there's another gift and there's another one and another one oh there's another one oh okay good good wait present storage this is this is exactly where I want to go okay what are these sleigh No Santa's office no reindeer nope nope nope I want to go to the present storage perfect all right let's go oh let's get all the gifts okay but I need my gift I want my gift is what I asked for what is oh it's so dark what is this yeah okay let's see what's what's the next gift looks kind of big and fluffy but no that's not what I want oh where is my gift what is this is this a nerf gun this is an earth God's broken what the heck it doesn't shoot anything this thing's broken it's broken okay nope that's not my gift let's get another one what is this what is this Oh what is this thing what what what does I think wait what I don't even know what that is okay there's another one it doesn't have my name on it but what is it Oh MacBook bro oh but wait oh this looks like the older model bro okay I think I have one more yeah one more one more gift oh man like what is where wait where am i this doesn't look like the present storage and what is this thing in my hand oh I don't know how that happened but what this is in the present storage what the heck man what the signs are all wrong I wonder if this is where all the coal is for all the bad kids huh yeah this says to Dan okay this one is to mark this one Jack morgues and Steve oh that's a lot of coal for Steve I wonder if there's a lot of Steve's in the world the sign for me yeah that totally must be it there must be a lot of Steve's in the world yeah that's for sure oh my legs what okay seriously where am i this place is actually bigger than I thought this garbage room no no no that's not where we want to go we need to find the gifts is it in here no they're not in here here no they're not in here huh reindeer oh maybe they're over here this is it these are the famous reindeer more like the cheap knock-offs maybe they do Amazon one day shipping yeah that must be a secret of getting all around the world in one day yeah that's totally it oh okay they are pretty cute but aren't they supposed to be able to fly like I thought the reindeer Oh watch it's flying it's flying oh my gosh you were so cute I'm gonna take you home but a kid mom's not gonna like me dang it okay seriously now where is my gift where oh I think it's over there all this is the famous Lane it's so pretty in person oh my wait I think I found I think I found it this looks like the present room yes this is the present room all the presents in the world Oh what the heck wait what [Music] only one of us gifts well this thing is closed I guess I can just keep looking for my gift to hear there's some gifts on the floor I guess I wonder if it's mine though this looks kind of big to be my gift it's kind of shiny though it's a big hand oh I want to put it on I want to put on this big can't okay let's see what happens if I put it on snap oh you can't and it does the big shiny thingy okay this is like the coolest thing ever oh that's so cool [Music] yes yes yes okay okay okay okay okay this is for this one is for uh I went to a friend's house and it was kind of far it took me a while haha I could play with this forever yeah it's finally the day I can't believe I'm gonna marry this girl this is unbelievable oh look at her eyes and look at our families they're all here this is so exciting okay okay yeah yes yes I do I do oh no I think it's them I think they're here again Oh No Maddie it's okay I'm gonna keep you safe walking down that Beach it's gonna be a great day wait did I just did I hear something oh no I think I heard I think hello oh I think it's coming from the cave Oh No yeah yeah I can hear you I'm coming oh no but it's so dark oh oh oh how am I gonna get in there all right I'm gonna grab this torch and let's get in this game oh no there's monsters Oh No get away from me get away from me stop stop I'm coming stick it out it yeah all right I'm coming that's so dark it's so dark in this cave hello hello hello I can't see anything it's so tired yeah yeah I can hear you oh I think it's coming down this hole oh right jump okay I think I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna jump I think I'm gonna do it all right let's take a step back take a step back I'm coming I'm coming oh my gosh my Savior hi what's your name I'm Maddie Oh nice to meet you Maddie so what are you doing down here well I've been trapped you for days for days yeah for days wait what have you been eating here for days I mean I found some seaweed yeah so how do we get out what but I thought that was your job what do you mean yeah I thought that's what you came here for I don't I don't even have anything on me I just I was okay so I was walking down the beach now minding my own business and all of a sudden I see here some screams so I'm like what so I came here so you didn't plan anything No so how do we get out um so there's a cave over there and I it's a little it's too scary and I can't I'm too scared okay I see it uh I don't know are you sure there's no other way no I there's only like monsters in there but I think it's too spooky Oh sounds spooky Oh what you're actually scared yeah Betty run come come come come come okay into the dark spooky cave oh my gosh what is that my spider oh I got it it's okay it's okay it's okay whoa it's okay I got it I got it hey okay come let's go let's go whoa many wait there's a light this way come come come let's follow the light oh come keep close there's a chicken my gosh the chicken alright the chickens roasted but there's more coming let's go come clear out these coming frog I don't know why would you get stuck down here no it's all your fault ha I got you it's okay stay behind wait no stay behind me okay fine stay behind me geez I think we lost them oh no we did it whoa we didn't lose them it's it's okay it's okay just just come close close all right just don't don't don't get don't get too far also okay I jump over that pond and uh we got some guys next to us careful it's okay just ah they're still they're still here okay uh wait what is this do you see this all right I think we've reached some do you see this whoa what is this no this can't be right I think this is the legendary trident that everyone's been talking about whoa I can't believe it all right here we go right there here wait what Oh No Steffie step back step back Crickett okay I got this I got this stay back there all right all right oh yeah all right let me throw this thing oh yeah oh sweet all right hang in there Maddie I got this yeah yeah all right I think that's all of them I think that's I think that's all of them all right Maddie listen I promise you that I will always always keep you safe all right Maddie come here's what we're gonna do stay right behind me all right all right stay right close to me okay good yeah breaths get out of here get out get out of my wedding this training so cool oh sorry Aunt Sally yeah daddy where are you I'm any closer to me okay I'm here stay close come Betty honey come stay close to me Oh for so many of them daddy daddy where are you daddy come over here medical stay in this corner Maddie there's way too many what are you too many nope we're getting overrun we're getting overrun Maddie come run run over here there's a room in there Maddie come right through this door up there yeah yeah coming up I'm coming are you okay yeah yeah I'm fine Oh No our families are down there what are we gonna do I told oh oh look there's a sword Oh perfect alright are you ready to defend our families yeah alright ladies first [Music] ah-hah Maddy ah this place so good oh can you pass my towel okay here thank you oh yeah this place is just absolutely amazing yeah this place is amazing oh by the way you wanna go get something to eat okay I'm getting hungry yeah let's yeah let's go eat something good I can't believe there's big restaurants on a boat what [Music] wow this is actually a pretty nice restaurant I was not expecting something this beautiful I know right I heard the food is great here Wow okay anyway let's see what this menu has for us today steak Oh gross lobster what crab non fried chicken this doesn't have or am i peanut butter jelly sandwiches what is the chef I need a complaint honey he's right behind you what can I show you oh yeah so uh I was actually wanting to talk to you your hands you know there's no peanut butter jelly sandwiches on this menu trash [Music] serums why are you breaking why are you freaking while you bring out an acceptable huh I'm just being honest it's pretty trash okay I'll give you a peanut butter jelly sandwich for you give me a peanut butter jelly sandwich Martin shares my tip I'm sorry no tip for you [Music] wow that Chef is really nice oh oh so good why are we even here this is so boring a play man Jenny can we do something else please Shh I'm trying to watch the play me hmm hey let's check out her phone I want to see what's going on oh if it's in the captain YouTube channel ah this is so cool oh my goodness look at all these videos subscribe and ringing the bell for all the notifications wow this is so cool so many new video diaries on that one Instagram they have an Instagram - does that mean I can follow them to know more about what's happening behind the scenes Oh DoubleTap to like alright Maddy watch this this is how you launch an arrow okay show me what you got check this out okay okay don't look at that one don't look at that one look at this one look at this okay okay okay look at this watch watch this just okay okay I don't know it's like they're moving or something let me see what you can do okay okay what okay what stop Maddie stop how did you do that oh my gosh you hit every single one I know right I can teach you sometime if you want oh my gosh I'd be great yeah let's do it Wow look at the sunset yeah it's amazing it's so pretty just like you oh yeah you know what actually this whole cruise has been just absolutely wonderful it was so much fun but you know what it's getting dark I think we should go to bed yeah we should okay anyway what was your favorite part of this whole cruise you know what I really enjoyed the play the play are you serious I was like the worst part what are you talking about Oh what did you see that no oh my god looks down the hall oh no oh no they're coming ready run okay oh I can't believe this is happening again oh come on Maddie oh no they're everywhere honey it was Oh No do you have your sword on you I never leave home without it all right let's give these guys a whooping yeah sad it's time to go to school but my I don't want to go to school school are you are grounded mister fine fine I'll go I'll go get out of here get going okay bye MA all right Electra aerodynamics who's next okay that's me oh man here we go whoa Oh that always wakes me up in the morning Wow laughs that was my first class attained the section through thought oh I hope the girl I like is here today okay alright time for my next class [Music] alright crafting class okay this paper another to make a book okay so a book you need a paper oh that's nice paper and also leather okay and you put them together and you get a buck okay this is really cool this is pretty simple I did not know that recipe before all right no you will be crafting about any paper in a company's apparently you need different paper and also a compass and they should give you a map whoa well this is a very nice map Wow but what is this so this seems like some sort of treasure map torch very simple you need a stick okay cool alright so a torch you need sticks and coke and you put them together and you get much for CH o Oxbow fire be careful with those torches oh I can't believe they let me play with fire here this is an awesome single sword you need a stick cobblestone right sword stick and some cobblestone and it's that simple are you serious a sword wow that was much easier than I thought it was to make a sword Wow in crafting class you actually learned so much wow this is a very cool sword though good fight ah come back class all right can you think you got this stop missing can you even hit me come back to kindergarten kid oh I did it that was very easy good job boy good job now you'll be fighting another student journey your looks wait Kenny she's she's next oh my gosh this is crazy alright get ready I'm not gonna hit a tree so you're gonna find it ha don't stop don't give me aa coach watch out aah Jenny stop aah no I don't want to do this oh stop Jenny you're gonna be so hard no no oh well city stop stop Jenny oh good here we go here we go huh I'm gonna win this fight yeah let's stop stop going so fast no stop no that's enough Jenny great job Jenny uh swarmed around good job Jenny crazy she's so good my arm hurts what Wow I'm very very impressed wow man that makes her so much more cool than I thought dang that was oh my gosh I'm impressed I'm very impressed okay time for the next class all right what do I need what is that Jenny that's shitty she's right she's grabbing stuff oh my gosh okay I have I have this no I don't know if I should go give it to her right now or later oh she's right there I okay okay I gotta go I gotta go give it to her right now okay let's do no no no no no I go I'm so nervous okay no no okay okay all right I can do this I can do this I I got this I'm gonna give it to her all right Jenny I got this no fur she's gone Oh Jenny no oh my god all right she's gonna go to the next Club I can't believe I didn't give it to her Oh dude dude dude what what what are you tricking oh Jenny again Rohit's yeah what are they staring at Jenny right now no yeah you are just ask her out man do you think I should yeah do it but but dude like she's so cool like in combat class she actually like beat me yeah cuz jenny is awesome you got ask her out I think you're right but I don't know man I don't know I'm too nervous dude just pass a note or something to her in the next class you'll be fine you think so yeah for sure I mean I do have this note there you go you're already halfway there ah okay okay I think do it okay I think you're right I'll do it the way I'll do it in the next class I'll go get some food now I totally forgot to get food okay oh she's right there okay next class next class for sure Bozo crafting is simple you see all you need right here I'm too nervous to go take it dang it why do you have to be so cool Jenny okay I can do this class isn't over yet though oh it's almost over okay okay as soon as the bell rings I'm gonna get up and go give it to her I'm confident I'm gonna go over and give it to her I'm gonna ask Jenny out today confident oh my gosh oh my gosh dang it I should have gotten out of there so fast I made myself look like a complete fool ah what are you gonna think now oh my gosh oh my gosh she isn't there Jenny hey I'm sorry what is the same what is the same it says yes missus yes she likes me oh my gosh Lexi this is a team this is awesome I can't believe if it's the best day ever Wow oh my gosh she said no what the heck Jenny I thought we were cool okay that's it there's serious Jenny just Kate no I beat you in gym hashtag get on my level are you kidding me just cuz I lost Wow no my cats are all I need are you serious you prefer cats than me wow that's low you gave me this same note every day stop well if I stop then when are you gonna say yes sorry boys have cooties are you serious are you five stop following me around creep when you complete me Jenny sorry I'm already dating roblox noob are you serious he gets all the ladies ah new phone who it is no because I'm you what that makes no sense oh my god she's me wait what no but let me think about it see the thing is that it's just complicated cuz I like you but there's also my cats and then there's Jim from enchanting like he's cute but you're also a nice guy I don't know what to do keep me till tomorrow and like I'll flip a coin about it but whatever happens we'll still be friends right maybe more see I don't know I'm just so confused he's crazy wake up this isn't real life what please like and subscribe to what yes mom she is I already told you I asked her she's my girlfriend now alright we're boyfriend and girlfriend one week later I'm trying to guru risk cool no I have not asked included dance wait a minute I have an astral to the dance yet wait I should probably ask her to the dance mom that's a great idea thanks mom I'm gonna ask her to the dance yes so let's build something for a awesome epic promposal what am I going to need I think got some redstone torches to light up the atmosphere some balloons to make it colorful some redstone let's let's also get some string for the balloons and we need to make some posters so let's stick some posters this is gonna be great yes hi - there we go here we are some balloons let's get another one up over here perfect another pink balloon right over here this is amazing yes all right some heart posters let's put them up some over here let's put up another one here oh these are really nice these came out really well you know what I don't know how she's gonna say no with posters this pretty wow these are really nice alright we need an M and then we need a question mark and it reads wrong ha ha ha this is great um how can she say no to prom Wow all right here we go this is beautiful ladies and gentlemen we got ourselves a promposal how can she say no to something so precious and beautiful just like her yeah alright let's turn off the lights let's get some mood in this room wow it's looking better and better and better oh yeah oh man this is so adorable I don't know how she's gonna say no to this alright let's surprise her close the doors and let's send her a text message that way she can come right away so come to Jim ASAP and send all right let's hope she comes pretty soon so I can show her hey well that's so quick hi I didn't expect you so fast wow you're so quick alright so I caught something alright ok sure show me yeah let me show you all right so I got oh my god wait what are you just hold on is everything ok yeah yeah yeah everything's fine oh wait hold on hold on hold on oh yeah yeah we just leave lately there's something I gotta show you but just give me one second oh my gosh um eh okay yeah so it's come come just come come over here come let's go let's go over here okay yeah yeah just don't worry about it don't worry about okay let's go so how's your day oh are you serious how did I not think that like the lights and then when you turn off the lights the creepers show up like what the heck man I need food what does the vending machine have carrots are you serious who put carrots in the vending machine hey man yesterday the prom yeah oh hey man no I haven't asked her yet oh so what are you gonna do I don't know dude I already tried something and didn't work oh yeah it's tough I understand yeah I just don't know what to do like how if I couldn't do it listen to this I set up this huge sound system in the cafeteria so you can put on like some cool music in Ashton yo they're sweet really like a huge sound system to ask her in front of yeah the whole school will be watching what's in front of everybody we could even film it and put it on social media maybe I'll go viral or something - what that sounds awesome yeah alright dude follow me let's check it out okay let's go Lucy if you come right over here everything should ease that up what this is so yellow I made it just for your promposal here I even have some music for you to play okay yeah go ahead try them out what these are oh my goodness they're so cool I've never seen these so how do I use them like do I like where where do I put just insert them into the jukebox okay okay sounds good so I put them in there and then the music plays yeah okay sounds good let's try one out mm-hmm I like this I don't think this one's appropriate for you asking Jenny oh yeah yeah you're right you're right this is this is good but yeah it doesn't it doesn't pick it's not for asking around you're right you're right yeah let's try it let's try another one then let's try this one here oh this is so fast what oh my goodness I also don't think it's a good fit yeah it's a little too crazy yep yep you're right you're right it's too crazy way too crazy let's try the other one okay let's try this one whoa oh this is smooth yeah yes dude yes this is the one yeah yeah this is nice this is real nice I think this is it so yeah there's a microphone right over there and you can use that to make your announcement oh okay go ahead okay so this is okay so I use this okay so I can record it yeah record it all right testing want to test testing announcement testing one two oh this is great all right everybody excuse me let me get to your attention please [Music] we're blowing up the cafeteria you need to do five thousand laps around the track Twain okay what five down slap surround the track 5000 laps moving get moving we go through the five thousand laps get moving no that's okay fine you got to get moving okay okay okay okay fine fine fine fine fine ah that's so mean ass what am I gonna do seriously I've tried everything I've made a giant poster with balloons and signs that said prom I tried doing it in front of the cafeteria but that blew up in my face literally what am I gonna do how am I going to ask the prettiest girl in school to go to prom with me why is this have to be so hard I just don't know what to do creeper get out of here I don't got time for your shenanigans ah I think I'm just gonna have to stick to what I'm good at creeper oh man no you me dance nope I'm no creeper I just want to be your prom date that's too cheesy will you go to prom with me yeah yeah this is this is really good this looks like a great note okay so we have learned from last time we are going to pass it to her in a nice way we're not gonna throw it at her we're not doubt Savage hey Jenny so listen Hey okay so Jenny what do you what do you think what do you what do you see can you please stop throwing nuts at me okay I'm sorry but aside from that what do you think um is this the best way you can ask me to prom there was something else I had in mind so remember what that one time that I brought you here and then I was like ah never mind let's go and then I yelled a lot hmm so this is it it was supposed to see it was supposed to be beautiful and like the balloons and like the sign what do you think oh that's so sweet of you no one has gone through so much trouble for me sure I'll go to fun with you yeah oh my gosh Jenny Kass is awesome okay forget how so much fun you [Music] you need to do five thousand laps around the truck around the truck and send perfect right Jenny Jenny hey I got something to show you okay what do you want to show me okay so right through these doors I got a perfect surprise my hands said oh geez hi Jenny you're so quick Wow every time you get it hey so listen I got a surprise for you just come through these doors yeah run ahead this is so beautiful right it's beautiful it took me so much effort to get everything just right just for you what do you think oh wait Jimmy already asked me out Amy wait what wait what he's serious when I took me so long for this whole dancey dancey dancey dance egg dance oh hey have you noticed that everyone has been dancing the same what the heck you're right what this is weird what do you do you think do you think they're robots Oh or do you think what is this a game and what will she think will you go to prom with me what are you but she could have think was she gonna see what is she gonna see yeah oh okay okay and I'm a Jake Paul er Oh gross yeah what is she gonna think it deleted your minecraft account wait oh no no no no no my microphone No will you go to prom with me is she behind me yeah oh hi Jenny alright so I got something to show you you can go ahead right there with me wait what are you are you serious right now what dog that's not how it was supposed to happen [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jenny I don't think that I can pass any light your final exam and if I don't then I won't be able to graduate it's simple let me show you how it's done so you run off open your wings Jenny where we're at where Jenny no Jenny you're this Jenny oh are you okay I think I will be I don't know doctor what are the chances that she'll survive hmm I don't know I'm just an intern [Music] I'm sure you're gonna be just fine I will be but you need to pass the class I know but look at you I don't want to end up like this you'll be okay just pass the class do it for me okay I will do it for you just you see I'm gonna pass this thing okay gonna take these with me to keep practicing but I only have a month so if I'm gliding and I'm higher than the hoop I need to drop only 20 degrees depending on my ascending velocity well that was easy now if I keep my speed as I'm gliding down with zero thrust at a five degree incline then I'll be able to make it through all the hoops with good time oh Jenny I got it I found out how to pass the test I did the math and it all checks out so have you actually done it ah no so what are you doing here telling me good yeah but but what if I don't get a good time or go do it or if I miss one of the hoops I you won't know if you don't try okay I'll get on it okay I've done the math my Elijah's in good shape and Jenny believes in me can do this I can do this what oh my gosh I'm dirty I'm flying boom wind I didn't count for this ah it's too strong [Music] ouch hello there ah what happened wait where's my Electra oh I was fixing it Floria you crash-landed and it got pretty banged up Thanks but wait you grabbed my Electra and didn't get me out of this pig pen hey my little piggies like your company oh cool thanks again for fixing my Electra but I have to go and figure out some new calculations to pass my test so can you give me my Electra back please no can do I give you this Electra you'll just crash right back into my farm again let me help you out with all this flying no offense but I don't think a pig farmer can help me learn how to fly I have several laughs times more experienced than you boy if you're wise you'll lend an ear okay farmer math pig farmer Matt pig farmer okay sure I'm willing to learn good because let me tell you that school can teach you some things but laughs can teach you everything wow that's actually pretty wise Thanks ah darn saw it on my tractor bumper sticker okay well let's get started it's all moving John hi like that happens order stuff around X wheat milk this sounds familiar wait how can I hear you right now [Music] [Music] can we please focus on the training and where's stone okay how does this help me fly well it doesn't I was just craving cake how well are you serious yeah now turn enter and how does this help me fly it helps control with something I think I just need this working again keep turning boy you've done well so far but now it's time for your final test ah no it's not my Electra final isn't a few days not that final test my final test to you you must become one with the wind and to do that you must go to the top of that mountain oh so climbing this mountain will help me become one with the wind yes when you reach the top you'll understand young boy okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know I'm supposed to become one with the wind up here but I just want to become one with my bed at this point oh but I've made it what's this you are officially one with the wind is this is that it I don't feel any difference oh I don't get it oh oh that Lake wait I think I understand now I feel the wind yeah here we go [Music] [Music] I am the wind you did it boy nothing left for me to teach you yes I did it oh I guess I won't be needing this anymore yeah good luck with your cooking test Thanks I'm gonna pass my cooking test yes wait a minute it's not a cooking test it's a flying test yeah sure this works with oh well in that case I guess we're all good thank you mr. farmer man bye goodbye son come by for Thanksgiving and Christmas I'm not your son - we'll never mind it's finals time for your final exam you will need to pass through all the yes if you miss one you fail if you get a bad time you fail if you sneeze while flying you fail and if you fail you will not graduate are we ready yes coach Steve you're first okay [Music] seriously wait how am I still hearing you in my head well here goes nothing I'm doing it and turn the wrench and pick the egg I am the wind it's working [Music] whoa you did it I did it I knew you could do it go do you confess I light a fire in the world I did it yes Jenny yeah you graduate you walk that stage yeah Jenny will done whoa you're graduating whoa yeah so proud of you Jenny you did it whoa here we go we're gonna graduate here we go Steve I was just told that you did not pass your chemistry final me you're not graduating what and you are coming back next year walking down a field walking down a hey cow boop-boo-boo-boop walking down a feet yeah Oh what what's that what is what's that in the distance yeah let's take a closer look at this thing what is this is this some sort of a portal thingy what let's throw something how about this egg let's throw this egg into the portal haha oh just disappeared what the heck ah it's gone oh okay let's stick my hand in the portal and see what happens wait okay let's wait what's my hand what my hand go where my hand go wait what oh no my hands gone I need to go get it I need to go get into the portal let's go oh whoa what is this wha what is going on hi missus oh hi what I'm falling I'm falling bully bully bully I like bullying bullying like oh okay to pass out I'm gonna pass oh I'll get a pass huh oh well what is going on well this isn't as bad as I thought it's pretty cool what's this it's this this is an open chest in the middle of a field huh that's kind of weird wait everything looks kind of different these houses look so real huh wait wait everything looks very wait everything looks so different wait what I'm not in the same place mi I I don't wait wait what's going on what's going huh wait oh hello hello anybody here I need help what these clouds are so beautiful Wow wait wait there's a nighttime I wonder if bad things come out hello hello anybody okay bad things bad things come up the ledge there a house wait where am I am I in the same farm and why are the same places before or is this a whole different place wait wait I don't understand wait what is this on the sky it's fog what is that oh my goodness I'm so confused hello anybody can I get some help okay it's not the night thing it wasn't nighttime and things we're still is shooting me well uh okay wait what is that still in the sky what's going on where am I why am i what's going on what is this what is this is a funny looking thing what the heck I don't understand what is this giant metal yellow thing what a try oh hello can I get some help to go home please oh this is getting frustrating now like seriously hello excuse me can you like help make it out of here big kite thingy I need to go home please I need to go home wait oh no knob doesn't look good that's a look where is the portal back home ah what's I need the portal to go back home is it could be in here okay you know what that's it I am going to find a way myself alright is it that way is it this way hide I don't know okay I need to go around I can't go down this hill it's too high oh jeez no uh hmm okay where could I wear oh come here me why why oh okay there's a lot of homes here I think there might be a lot of people here maybe I shouldn't maybe I shouldn't be here oh where am I gonna be safe okay uh maybe maybe if I you find somebody oh don't you leave don't shoot me sir all right come here whoa chill okay okay you come out now I have a bow and I'm not afraid to use it I'm not afraid to use my bow I will I will show you I will show you okay stop stop right there don't come closer you don't come closer I'm gonna yeah I got a bow I have a bow and I'm not afraid to use it I'm not afraid to use my bow wait it's not moving it's not moving why is it not moving it's that it's that huh it's that a llama is that alum are you a llama it's a llama oh it's a llama but it's not moving and it's so colorful wait wait what's let's go things out to get me I don't know where to go I just want to go home oh no oh wait what's this what's this this is what everyone's been using to shoot me is this what Oh what is this oh wow this is amazing this shoots bullets really fast Oh everyone's gonna get a taste of their own medicine all right guess who's in town now hey how you doing how are you doing oh this is great Wow it shoots so fast and it's all I'm gonna I'm gonna get everyone back oh come here you where you think you're going where do you think you're going you can't escape me oh it's so hard away when they're so far away got him ha ha all right all right I saw somebody run into this building and oh I think I hear him I think I hear he's right over here you can't escape me you're gonna escape me yeah you cannot escape the punisher oh oh there you are there you are and now you're gone huh all right come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on fight me fight me fight me you can't win they can't get me oh I am untouchable now there's one more where get the last guy beat I think I saw somebody run over this way I'm not too sure but there's one more remaining oh hi hey don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot hey I'm just I'm just trying to find my way home you know where you know where I can go home no are you even from here I know I don't look from here I know I tell you I'm trying to go home do you know where I can get back there's some ramps around but I don't know yeah that's what I'm telling you I don't know how to get back home and you know what I did lose something about you know can you help me actually find my bullets what does happen although that just happens what I don't understand what's going on I'm back and everything's normal oh well walking down a field gonna go find something cool to do uh uh what where am I am I still in 1970 cubed what what where everyone go what what step using I'm hearing at the background huh weird uh I'm starting to go hungry I should I should go find some some food of some sort oh hey look a pig how am I gonna kill it though I guess I guess with my fists I come here a little punch it to death come here come here Pig come here come here come on I need that food come on I need some bacon come here uh-huh there we go there we go all right some food let's eat this thing that's disgusting I should probably cook that huh it's starting to get dark I should make some sort of shelter or something but there's nothing here but grass and dirt there's this tree here I guess I could make it out of wood how am I gonna get what though am I gonna hug it dude do I hug it no I don't think so I didn't punch a pic to death I guess I could I could try that ah that hurt ah but I need I need wood all right come on you can do it that hurts Oh I need an axe okay we play some wood here and tomorrow whoa whoa whoa hey buddy oh how are you how are you can I help you with something oh oh oh oh you want to fight all right bring it on bring it on Oh take that take that yeah yeah come on all right okay that's pretty cool giant spider oh man I love this house it came out so good it's finally finished now let's just take a quick nap here I don't want these monsters getting at me and the worst yeah all right some good thing like all right let's check out this sucker let's see how this house came out and I love it look at it so great man I love I love the roof look at that roof and the fences - it's great all right so I believe I left my pork cooking in the oven right here it is perfect medium-rare just how I like it delicious man all right now I've been told that there are precious diamonds and emeralds deep beneath the surface and I am going to make myself some tools a friend told me how and I'm putting these skills well to work now I believe there is a mineshaft around here somewhere let's let's go check it out real quick oh oh hello Pig hello that's a wonderful day in this neighborhood oh man so this mineshaft I believe the entrance is somewhere around these areas Oh home and there it is oh okay - the creeps now let's get this sword out I don't want to get slaughtered by those vicious creature of the night uh-huh all right let's roll all right it seems safe in here but a bit too dark let's sit down some torches there we go light up this place I got a bad feeling about this but what's what's that over there all right what is this let's get this pick out let's check it out Oh perfect iron ore yes I could make some awesome tools with this and some nice iron armor a perfect Oh what's happen oh oh oh oh my life I'm life uh where's my stuff though is still back there I gotta go check it out I'm gonna head on back there oh man I hope it's still there oh oh perfect here it is oh man my pic I still hard oh-ho yes ha ha man ok man my pink baby I missed you oh oh wait what's that over there this is chicken oh this chicken oh ok alright jump okay alright let's see what what is this what is this oh it's diamonds it's diamonds yes yes Oh baby I found diamonds I'm gonna be rich oh you've got to be kidding me whoa whoa whoa I almost forgot some coal here man what would I have done if I didn't get this gold you can never have enough coal this is good good stuff all right Mary oh man this place is dangerous gotta be careful around here alright then it's been so long since seen the light of day ah man light of day Sun on my skin it feels great let's clean ourselves up yeah yeah that's good that's good man it been there for so long ah come on let's go home let's get on out of here horsey what do you say what do you say Hey huh how you been you've been good you've been behaving yourself max that's good that's good all right well let's let's let's get on out of here let's go home let's go home man I'm glad you're still alive out here this place could get dangerous whoa whoa whoa whoa what's that what's that over there these houses I haven't seen these houses before I didn't make them there's people there's people here all right max stay here stay here see oh man this is great this is great hello guys hi hi hello hi hello hi um hello uh excuse me excuse me where am I I'm sorry hello sir Sir Hugh I'm gonna speak ah you don't okay nevermind huh excuse me sir you know what here okay I got here here we go I got some emeralds here can you please tell me where I am that'd be great here take them what mr. Brett what what would you give me a piece of bread what are you crazy what what are we gonna do with this it's so many emeralds I can't believe you did this you know what I'm gonna go take all of your stuff you guys are ridiculous all right you guys got so many things uh-huh this is great and you guys I think I'm taking your stuff look at this more diamonds let's put them with the rest and this is great this is great hello sir hello good stuff you got that is great thank you so much thank you for everything uh wait wait were you is going where are you guys going in your houses I it wasn't me I think I didn't take your stuff it wasn't me really whoa whoa whoa whoa what's that what's that oh oh okay I'm coming in with you I'm coming with you what is this is every under attack Moo tell me okay here get some diamonds I'll fight mom do something more bread what a throw throw at them what here take that fight gonna do anything this isn't doing anything no no no no no not bread not pretty not bit come on here here take some more diamonds all right give me something more useful come on I would have helped you guys whoa yes yes it's great this is great all right all right are we ready well let's take this cuts down all right here it looks water all right sick that yeah come on leave them alone he's little one come on come on get out of here get out of here go back to where you belong ha [ __ ] come on come on come on dunno gonna fight back leave them alone no they're helpless you're gonna have to get through me first this ain't gonna happen well I'm here no no no I assure you that come on come on let's go is that all you got is that whoa whoa whoa whoa what what is that what is that thing hello hi oh whoa whoa hey we're cool we cool we cool whoa nice nice whoa all right get out of here all right hello excuse me excuse me you know what whatever you are good job good job out there good job come on put it up quick come on up I oh whoa whoa whoa I just wanted a high-five okay all right no no no it's okay it's okay it's okay I'm out I'm out of here all right here let's go Maxie just kill leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving it's okay it's okay it's okay I'm out I'm outta here man this town is crazy and all right come on let's go home crafts my new shield it's gonna be the best died a nap time let's see it oh this thing is gorgeous oh my gosh let's try it on let's see how what feels feels pretty good let's test out the weight see how it feels to fight with two hands and nah yeah yeah and block block a block it's pretty good feels pretty good yeah not bad not bad yeah here hoorah spin attack alright that's pretty good very very good let's check out my bow that's just where I put it where did I put it oh here's my Terry what the heck is this doing there I was looking for it earlier alright no no come on we're here there's my bow perfect alright let's warm up with some shots let's take a couple shots here let's get our aim on perfect good we're gonna have a good time adventuring today [Music] whoa wait what the heck whoa oh whoa whoa whoa whoa huh who's over there huh hey hello hey hey show your face where are you oh oh all right come on show your face come on I got a sword I'm not afraid to use it come on come on show yourself okay whoa all right I've had enough of this I'm going to bring this forest down every single bit every part you will come out one way or another come out this place will burn to the around nah I will have no but I see on you come out your fool whoa whoa whoa hey hey where'd you going where you going come back break it cool way to go oh oh wait oh hey excuse me excuse me sir did you uh did you see a guy around here excuse me hello hi excuse me I don't know where you went hello have you seen sir sir oh wow uh-huh oh my gosh what No Oh where'd it go where'd he go hey Sarah how don't you do that what are what are those for are you gonna help me chop down the trees behind the guy excuse me sir ha ha Oh what are you attacking me what are you doing hey go [Music] [Music] [Music] ah huh where'd you go where to go what's this huh this is some sort of mask huh huh oh that's weird all right come out where'd you go where did you go I will find you come out I'm tired of so much walking I've been here for hours where did he go oh here I got the last cobblestone now just a couple of vlogs here and perfect ooh that looks good man yeah this looks a lot better yeah thanks so much for helping me rebuild my house no problem man no problem so what's up with that guy though why did he do this I wish I could tell you he's been doing this for a while and it's starting to get really really annoying so what we gonna do about it we're gonna get him back for all of this I'm tired of his nonsense oh all right so what's the plan here's the plan first we need to get some sand also we're gonna need watts of gunpowder too and on top of that redstone redstone where do I get that you could find redstone deep in the world [Music] while you down there find some slides we're gonna need some slime too right here you go man I got all this stuff sounds good man give it to me all right there you go sand gum powder slime and Brett stone I'll craft what we need now all right so after all that prepping and everything what's gonna happen now now we strike oh oh yeah all right let's do this Oh oh dude he's like right there oh man I don't know about this it seems like a terrible idea don't worry man it's gonna be fine oh man what alright let's let's do it it's okay let's do it let's do it okay take this man here's some tea and tea now just go around the house but be gentle it's very explosive all right will do man well do I'll play some here [Music] oh man I hope he doesn't see me and I'm still sneaky oh-oh-oh-oh there's something there oh ho there's somebody there hey hey measure so I there there's so what do you have to see what somebody like what rights or something there's no one around it's just us man just keep on sitting more down place some on the roof or something on the roof how do we get up there you're gonna get up there with this cool contraption alright okay right here put a slime on top of this piston run right to it alright sure man whatever you say alright and rock there we go play some more home him speak his personal life [Music] this is gonna blow up sky-high Oh is there again I see him I see him dude it's him again dude he's like teleporting or something man dude it's over there I saw no dude you just seen things no one can teleport dude she's her off no anyways check out this TNT launcher place TNT in here and some there and we press these buttons and boom watches chichi right at their doorstep this is great oh dude he sees us he sees those man he's coming outside whoa what's going on here what are you guys trying to do my house oh nothing man we're not we're not doing anything rolling up your house and you can't stop us why didn't you guys have to bring so many people doesn't really think the three of you to blow up my castle what do you what do you mean three of us there's there's only there's only two - there's one oh whoa whoa there's some oh it's a guy no run if the guy he's bored everything up well man things still here dude we gotta take him out don't shoot man that platers hacking come on man come with me let's go oh oh oh no box Oh oh no oh no oh oh no he's fix his car it was all the guy passes God I'm so sorry this happened men ah I'm still sad about my horse man I need to really get my revenge on that guy if you seek revenge then you're probably gonna need to get some better gear better gear where where do I get that though here I have something that could take you there okay all right sure take this map it will we teach you a nearby town and there you could find some better gear Oh a map oh that's awesome all right let's see we're here I have to get all the way over here to the town okay all right looks good well thanks for everything man you've been a huge help you too buddy good luck bye bye thanks man okay this looks about right I believe this is it good good okay all right better gear here I come Oh City hello hi how the people seem so friendly hello everybody oh this place it's amazing y-yeah is it's the finest town in all the lines Oh what the heck who-who are you I'm Tony the door guy let me show you around okay so this is a market everybody this is the fountain oh this is the town house district oh cool these houses are nice here's our Forge oh it's not lava yes it is and this is the really ugly build that no one likes to look at or talk about yeah yeah it's really ugly yeah but don't tell that builder we said that oh okay well man I'm really like at the town it's really great here yeah you know what and the best thing is we have the best community here like nothing bad usually ever have ooh Oh Tony no oh come here bandit why you gotta be killing people like that oh come here you're gonna pay for do with that huh oh oh what is this oh yeah Oh Tony no red I lost you Oh what is this what was that what is this oh that's called a tip taro friend oh wait what your life you're just you just died it's not gonna go oh yeah I just respond it happens all the time anyway we here we go we have to get going now wait what do you mean you were dead no we'd have to go come on quickly follow me oh okay what's going on where we going no time for this jibber-jabber we got a birthday party to go to wait wait what a birthday party yeah Oh little Tim's house oh hey look free cookies fear man pick Zac Oh awesome oh look at these cookies man I love parties awesome hey guys I invited my new friend hope that's okay hello friend you go over there and wish him a happy birthday oh hi there yeah sure I'll go say hi to little Timmy hi Lilly oh oh hi there my name is new - nice to meet you happy birthday little Tim you're pretty big for a little boy yeah it's just turned seven today once I'm Greek oh sure I'll take some cake oh uh uh do you happen to have any plates words war dessert oh no plate say oh this is gonna be really messy ah anyway you want to go play some video games or something upstairs oh sure I'd love to go play some video games yeah totally sure let's go play some video games bye everybody take care later everyone alright well that was fun man thanks for inviting me yeah no problem but wait wait what's what's this oh that's a Golden Apple shop golden apples what what are they one are they for oh they make you incredibly stronger I gotta get myself one of those excuse me uh how much for one Golden Apple that'll be 60 for emeralds please uh-huh that's a lot I don't have any money dude uh hey don't worry don't worry I can cover you for this one all right I can cover you what really oh my gosh you're the best yeah oh my gosh this is amazing Oh Golden Apple now I'm gonna be so strong wait why would you want golden apples are you looking for a fight or something well I need to get stronger and get better gear cuz I need to get revenge on a guy that killed my horse oh well if it's better gear you want follow me man oh okay sure wow this place is massive what is this place well you said you needed to get stronger and some better gear and you can't really buy it anywhere you have to win it for yourself at the city's arena ready so excited perfect that's just what I need [Applause] yeah my name is [Applause] right here we go hey man so you're able to craft whatever you want for the pipe with the items provided oh you have to get creative okay oh man I'm panicking I'm like actually gonna do this stuff in watch s right go go in the chest oh the dress okay what is there in here there's nothing what do you mean what there's nothing haha like I said you got to get creative man it looks like you're going in with your fists what oh my gosh but they're calling me wha all right good luck man oh my gosh I have nothing okay Oh oh my gosh there he is I'm actually kind of nervous oh oh oh get you noob they're not gonna County noob anymore fight with my fists okay hahaha come here [ __ ] stop moving let me oh my gosh this is good this is good communion come here come here come here gonna get you I'm gonna get you he's got nothing she he's got nothing yeah this'll sound good some senators I see what did I even do I got him dizzy my god oh my god oh my god let's go perfect who did it we did it oh thank you thank you okay great fighting out there man you passed the first round Thanks all right but try crafting something really good now you're fighting it or gets the brute he's next okay yeah yeah sure that sounds good let's see what do we have here oh-ho what the heck how do you fight with farming equipment what is this huh all right what else do we have a shield all right that's good that's actually useful solid perfect all right and what else we have music discs what how do you fight with music did do it it looks like someone doesn't want you to win oh they're calling me out man all right I am ready to fight wish me luck oh wait wait but the whole arena has changed how they do that and see huh it's go time all right don't even get close you're gonna get harvested oh come here your fool Oh what that didn't do anything what ah ah oh jeez oh okay all right that's it uh all right I've had enough yeah ha ha that actually works right what else do we have what else do we have we have music discs here we go that's yeah oh it works yeah whoa yeah yeah perfect all right awesome right here we go let's see oh he's looking for me oh he sees me he sees me right let's get out this hole now let's actually beat him up let's take him out come on come on come on come on come on welcome oh yeah I did it I did it with farming equipment yes [Applause] [Music] so what now do I get my price and beat the two competitors [Applause] giant oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me I'm gonna fight it ah Tony what the heck man why didn't you tell me that I had to fight a giant I thought you knew what you're getting into honestly you might want just like quit or drop out or something man this guy is really tough no no no man I can't I can't I got to do this for my horse for my horse Tony yeah let me see what do I have to fight with this time alright so we have a sword hey that's actually very good could be very useful of defeating the Giant what else we got a shield once again perfect and now we have up pickaxe what do you need a pickaxe to fight that makes no sense what else do we have we have Chianti sweet the mother lode this is actually very good all right what else we have we have a lead why do a lead I don't understand oh my gosh but this stuff looks pretty good man like way better than the last time yeah but dude I don't know if you're brave or stupid going in there but good luck all right thanks man whoa dude have you seen these dudes change here we go here we go what a giant what huh oh my gosh Oh giant alright alright that got this come on giant come at me but my shield is broken already oh my gosh No okay okay all right right all right mom looks fine let's actually fight come on bring it off yeah what witches but oh oh oh oh no no no no whoa whoa whoa that's a strong giant what do I do what do we do what do we do oh my gosh what are you okay oh yeah pickaxe in the lead let me let me see if I can tie it together then maybe I can use some sort of device so I can pull there we go grappling hook but actually oh that's really good okay right where's that sword where's that sword come on come here come here man come on drop huh oh geez oh oh oh my gosh okay all right huh I think this is it ah no that works this works this is working okay come on come on come on what you got that what you got you got nothing against me you got nothing against me come on yeah ha ha come on come on block oh this is perfect this is good this is good yeah whoa geez what what were my sword go burn my sword he knocked it off my hand it's over there oh oh no he picked it up he's got it he's got my sword what'd I do now well I got a grapple wait well no oh no Oh what do I do what do we do now oh right I still got that TMT I still got that DNC right I need to ignite it let me you dyed it out with the floor I'll just scribbles are perfect [Applause] which is high what I bet it I want [Applause] [Music] live Oh you believe this who are you there's the sword there's the enchanted sword my gosh this is amazing by Jess [Applause] [Music] you're looking pretty tough now with your iron sword but don't let it break on you okay yeah thanks I'm gonna save it for when I find that guy that killed my horse okay whenever I find that is oh that way died guy you're talking about yeah well there's this old wise man named Victor up in the mountains over there Oh over there yeah and he probably knows where that guy is he knows like everything oh really well how exactly do I find him well I have this map here uh-huh it should be directly to Victor actually okay yeah sweet well thanks for everything Toni thank you you're welcome and actually here take this it could help you on your journey as well it's a gift whoo well this is actually really really nice Wow thanks man thank you so much no problem nice meeting you five take care all right so following this map I should get to the mountains fairly quick ooh oh oh geez oh there's there's there's monster get him uh oh yeah sweet how was it fairly easy oh wait I think I see something in the distance right over there huh wait a second I think that's where I need to go let me get a little closer get a closer look yeah that's totally it that is totally the temple I'm looking for awesome all right it's fairly high I should get there pretty quick hey she be all right I hope this bridge doesn't break this place looks fairly old oh yeah I wonder if this guy's going to be here this place looks like it might be nobody around that's kind of getting cold up here oh it should be safe I think all of this this cave doesn't look so safe I just keep on going I wonder if he's going to actually know where this white guy is cuz I really hope I can find him oh I have a lot more to go Oh where's the bridge the bridge is gone there's no bridge dang it all right what should we do there's this wall I can probably climb up this wall using using these picks perfect here we go this is exactly how we should get up I feel like a true adventurer huh huh that's a bit of a long way up when I'm still getting tired oh well what's their mobiles they're always there ah awesome oh geez were so high up it's so cold Oh scary alright where are you old man where are you are you in here oh wow this place is kind of nice kinda pretty Wow oh it's very cold old mad ancient wise old man Victor came a long way to find you huh hello there your name what is oh wow my name my name is what why are you laughing what somebody all right what's up why are you laughing oh is it this place you found how is it this place you found why are you talking like that are you like crazy or something oh I saw it in a movie once oh you found this place oh well I got this map I was guided here following it went through the forest through the mountains and now I am here let me see that found you here up in this out whoa why did you just take that off my hands dude that's rude hmm what's wrong who seems that's what the map to be nothing of this book what do you mean what do you mean there's there's nothing well this map there's there's really nothing on the map yeah let me see it let me see here I see for yourself oh it's empty map it's it's empty white SAP in I found this place with it ancient ancient old man Victor where'd you go what is what's going on here Oh what where where am I I'm in the Edna Club and the clusters no there's no floor where am i I'm in the sky I how did I get up here ancient old man hey [ __ ] old man Victor huh where am I what's going on oh wait back it it's all looks normal what what school what's going on there's there's chickens on the tracing a little chicken hi you're pretty pretty cute hello oh whoa oh oh this who's a good chicken there's now cooked in my hand Wow what's this this what's this chicken who's Robert ah oh Chee what is it what is happening where am i what is going on Oh max is that you max you know pretty are you oh man I'm so happy to see you again you're a lot wait wait a minute wait a minute no no no no no no not again no no no max no your father max no no no what is happening it is him finish him I found them come here I'm going to take you down now it is time for you to go huh you can't quit it's stuck I can't get you come here fight me welcome to my room what this is but what what is going on what is going on no what's that what's that some sort of everyone well I said what you do it's herobrine he's back so herobrine he's powerful you say yes who the guerrilla very powerful Wow how did he get so powerful you see our world works in a sec granted corrupted it starts at you but Europe right he managed to survive the cycle so why is he mad at me though because you're so ugly oh wow so where do I find him well it is rumored that he lives in some faraway lands across the vast ocean Oh some faraway lands ok what are these lands called to for learns far they're far ok but what are they called they're cooled before ok but do these Far Lands have my name Ruth full words so the Far Lands are called the Far Lands crook'd so when I get close to them will they become the close lands alright alright go to the Far Lands whoa well who knew that these far lands would be so far oh my gosh squid get out of the way you gonna break my boat slip ah well oh no Jesus well where am I Oh Oh what just happened it's there's a there's a building under water I didn't know this was possible how did but it was what's this oh oh that's that's your pride not what it what is and what is he doing here or what what is he doing here like here the people that he live here know what a bedroom people lived here Oh wonder what kind of stuff they had oh just empty glass bottles okay sure okay I don't I don't understand all right uh what else is they have some fruit this is weird I haven't seen this before it's powerful look at that a fruit it's purple ha oh ok let let me let me I'm gonna eat it I hope nothing happens Oh hoping an underwater city oh that just make me teleport oh alright so what's going on what's what's this we got this is gum powder weird why is there just gum powder sitting around I should I'll take it all right message board missing John Williams Mary Ellen Barry Allen Steve Carlson missing everyone what what's what's going on why is everyone missing I wonder if they had something to do with your breath oh hello hi buddy why is everyone they tried to attack me up oh yeah oh geez everything's trying to kill me what's going on oh it's so scary down here ah there's another there's another sign for here Brian I wonder if he attacked this city I wonder if that's why there's nobody around huh he's making her everyone to go missing maybe oh wow there's another one huh wow this city all right oh okay all right that looks like an elevator that must be my way out all right so I gotta go through these doors they look like pretty big doors oh no oh jeez okay uh how do I open this the some sort of combination what's the what's the code I'm never gonna get this I'm never gonna get up there okay okay all right so let's try to break through it it looks pretty thick so maybe if I grab a brick there's a lot of bricks around here I'll just grab a break off the wall and I will try to break this door just throw in it okay I didn't know what to expect in it okay uh uh wait wait a minute I got that glass bottle and I also have I also have gum powder okay okay all right set this down put some gum powder inside [Music] and then I'll just grab some string throw it in there and put the lid on it and I got myself on explosive oh all right I hope this works pull my torch let's ignite this boy here we go commence ah dang it I gotta get the store open it's still close though oh wait that was loud Oh No maybe I think I tracted stuff - come here - the loud noise oh no oh no what do I do oh my gosh oh no I think I hear something but if you hear something oh no they're here oh there's a lot of them - oh okay all right another fruits oh [ __ ] we're still coming they're still coming oh ok let's take it again well I gotta get through these doors right come on come on come on come on tell put me through stuff put me through oh oh oh okay this is it uh scent still wet well where are the stairs though do I look up okay I just got here okay sure wait a minute oh whoa oh oh oh oh okay no oh wait I didn't desert this is what I'm looking for what what did they call they're called the part the Lancer far the part of the plans for their date it not here oh all right this is the last potato I cooked before I go in there and look for here a bride oh oh look at these potatoes they're so good okay oh oh mmm that's good good stuff okay let's get moving let's put out this fire with the third just so he doesn't see that I was here perfect oh okay I'm ready I have my sword I have my golden apple all the things I need oh I don't know what I'm gonna find in here aside from here Brian it's kind of scary in here well there's something white over there don't know what it is let's set it up there I'm putting maybe some dirt underneath my feet this perfect okay Oh kind of nervous I'm very nervous what is all this I this whole place is so weird oh all right where where what wait what what's what is this what is all this stuff ice cream green things on these wall what are they I'm just gonna take 100 okay this is actually pretty cool it's kind of scary though it kind of seems useless what well Oh which is outfit I just teleported what how did that meet me teleport back here what huh how did you get more all right this could come in really useful huh all of them gonna take all of them perfect all right I'm gonna teleport up there again okay sweet oh my gosh there's some more okay take an oval it's mine oh good good oh my gosh so many of these things I wonder why they're here oh all right I need to start looking for here Brian teleport down there oh let's prep up let's see if this Golden Apple well I feel more powerful your bride where are you whoa your bride where are you here bride oh I need to find them where is he here right here right come fight me here right I see him I see you right but still bored up there ha your bride where to go where'd he go here right here ride come fight me don't think I'm scared of you I'm not oh I found him come on teleport up there ha oh he's not here where does he keep going oh my gosh I don't know I found him ok teleporting over there ah here fry I found you I'm finally gonna get revenge for you killing max alright where are you not gonna fight me all right [Music] Oh Oh that's horrifying huh you're right come on stop running away here Brian come at me oh I can't move I can't move wait sorry what's going on thank you Oh what's what's happening you're right no no you're right don't do this you're right [Music] welcome back to helping ague oh my gosh what the heck head farm is still alive you respond like it's real boost like you wouldn't understand I wish wait where's all my stuff what happy food it's all gone now but don't worry you know where you can get the best weapon in the world if you still wanted to feed your brain it is I thought I saw it was already like the best of swords look the best sword is the legendary diamond sword which can only be found in the long-lost skies Eddie how the heck do I get to the sky city choose to do it wait we'll take you right damn elevator what do you mean wait yeah oh my gosh there's enough disguises right here how the heck did I miss that you must be blind what okay no well good sure I guess let's go to the sky city to just stand in the middle dirt okay oh my gosh this is going so fast [Music] you are oh so cool all right the sky city Wow what is this Oh which way do I go extra monk homework no no no super strong monkey yes yes yes all right oh my gosh the sky city Oh a legendary diamond sword I can't wait to get my hands on that it might be in this chest this golden chest right let's open it I can't what it's so tight dang it it's way too tight okay how can I open this thing huh okay maybe maybe with a rock okay perfect yeah yeah good now take it no doesn't work what what kyu's to open this golden chest oh look at this I could totally use this perfect alright and take it that was so useless I couldn't open it with that ah oh wait what's that over there is that that looks like a sword oh oh I gotta get over there whoa yes look at this this is totally the sword the legendary diamond sword perfect alright oh wait what but what does that put it look what's going on what you little sir excuse me i'm paul blart mall cop bird mystical Island cop and you're under arrest for trying to steal that sword wait let me but I kinda need it don't hurt me please ah no please please I need the sword stop it stop don't please hey guys we got a runner I'm going after him right now Butler can we work something out please it's too late now kid come on put mark please no oh oh what what the sky city where's the sky city this scars it what where's paul Blart oh you read the really great actor I really love his movies but what I dreamt it all so the legendary diamond sword that's that's not real oh good as it's real love it's right here take it wait you have it yeah wait what oh wow the legendary diamond sword oh this is amazing Oh with this I'll defeat herobrine for sure Wow all right thank you so much you really good your bride here I come ha your pride your bride where are you here bride come on it's time to end this your bride come on I'm not afraid of you though you're right you're right oh all right well you're not gonna attack you're not gonna attack me okay oh come on Smith oh no you're not taking my legendary sword this time Oh everything start oh you're bright you're bright come on come out of the dark come on here aah oh she's back come on yeah come on come on yeah except for you to end oh man everybody start again alright let's focus right behind me yeah come on hop come on that doesn't work with me anymore where you go huh all right oh no no no no not the square pulse ah come on you know don't use those ah all right you're right come on get down from there oh and deflected ha ha there you go whoa all right where you go come on come on to me come at me whoa no wait sorry there yes roediger grab my sword huh all right come on yeah oh all right yeah kids come on come on come on old man don't mind us we're just fighting we're just letting go huh whoa get out of here all right yeah here we go [Music] well back here you're right where are you come on show your face show yourself your bride come on you must send this your Brian there you are all right get down here here a bride this is not about me anymore this is about the safety of the world come on here a bride come down all right here we go come on yeah come on is that all you got you a bride is that all you got come on oh well right behind you come on oh yeah yeah yeah come on fight me fight me ha doesn't feel so good when someone's teleporting all around you huh no all right is that all you got no more secrets up your sleeve huh all right I know what to do good I've thrown my shirt and a barrel but whoa well what happened where am I I thought I thought I was dead oh this sounds so bright oh wait what is this on my wrist this is some sort of people whoa whoa whoa what I'm I mean I'm a back here this place looks so different compared to the other realistic-looking world think it's to watch whoa this all looks so real now wait a minute it must totally be this watch it's pygmy whoa wait back I'm back in here home no I really don't want to be here so I'm just gonna tap on this watch and I should be going back well I'm back all right oh now I'm back here and now I'm in the real world and they'll be in this cube lucky world back or back and forth back and forth this is really cool oh my gosh that's way too much fun huh wait is that is that who I think it is is that here bright oh no I thought I'd defeated him he's here and he's destroying the town Oh No and all the people are in it [Music] it's coming over you help oh my gosh okay I need to defeat him I need weapons hello excuse me excuse me sir excuse me I need weapons do you happen to have weapons around here an axe a pick ax a sword I need your help man getting weapons why are your hands in front of your face they're always like that just like I need what what kind of weapon any kind of weapon like a steak or something I don't know I don't even know you man I'm just a normal person come on I need your help man please okay sure just come with me okay okay [Music] all right so I have this thing here I used too much world and that's where you go okay okay okay but do you even need it for like what it's just a project I'm working on it still it's no big deal just don't worry about it don't worry about it okay your back go for it oh thanks all right here Brian I'm here to hunt you with this ling where are you oh he's right there next to that tree all right sure oh the sleeping it's not odd this thing doesn't seem to be so effective that hit up oh my god she's mad oh dude dude dude a new strong weapon man where'd you go there's no time to explain it's this watch there's this guy and it's just this complicated okay actions need a stronger weapon weapon for one it's for a guy I just just give me a stronger weapon okay so there's a guy in need a weapon yes what kind of weapon I don't know it can be anything I Drive weapon something man you must have something okay okay I think okay okay all right so I have this is it taser okay yeah this is for burglars it's not break into your house you hit them with this and okay they they're disabled that's perfect I work for you for the guy that you're fighting ooh oh my gosh okay yes this will totally work awesome all right I gotta go all right this thing should totally defeat him this thing will destroy him I know for sure haha all right where is that guy where's he hiding your Brian oh he's flying oh no this this probably bad idea oh no fireballs huh oh look a kid so far I can't get oh oh oh no explosions he's so far up ah oh geez oh man way to Fargo wait I got an idea Oh all right I'm gonna use this link thing and shoot it at him yeah this little ruler right oh okay okay okay here we go here we go yeah oh yes that worked shoot oh no he's gonna be he's coming to me ah oh all right hey it worked sort of I need a better stronger electric weapon like that will you give you never get used to that man oh you see what oh the watch yeah it must be pretty weird an electric weapon I'm I'm trying to Google teleporting watch cuz like that's that's really rare like I've never heard anything like that we uh we need a blue but what's a Google it's it's the website what you said you needed a better weapon yeah yeah electric weapon it worked it like did so okay so a better electric weapon yeah do you think I have this kind of stuff just like laying around well you had the other one just laying around alright I don't I don't have anything on me like I don't I don't own anything like that oh man wait I got an idea okay like what I got an idea see we can build some build like like crafting okay yes we can create something create oh my god get ready to go to Home Depot what's a whole Depot all right a fusion reactor core where could that be oh I think this is it fusion reactor core perfect yep found it all right time to get everything else on that list let's do it [Music] oh good you're here alright I got everything perfect you can fusion reactor Oh the fusion reactor yes yes it's right here there you go hogs amazing this is the most important part oh okay good job man good job yeah alright so we're gonna be here a while I brought you some McDonald's so you can eat up okay I I love McDonald's it it it's awesome and gamma burgers before right oh yeah loads of times I've had burgers yeah they're the food that comes from that one animal the the burger Saurus rex i think yeah like I kick I got burgers before they're like eat the burger man stop being so weird ah okay yeah sure I'll leave it dr. Berger it's weird for the good [Music] [Music] by the way oh yeah I've been playing this game recently it's called minecraft everyone loves it it's a good game we gotta play it minecraft sure I even went to the convention last year look I still have the bracelet from it oh cool that's awesome so fun yeah once I deal with like the guy in the watch I'll totally play with you but one sec I gotta go to the bathroom sure sounds good okay I have no idea what I just did but cool what's this oh is this an infinite water source oh my gosh there's so much water this is awesome oh it's still small I wonder if it can go faster oh my gosh get out oh my gosh oh good you're back okay yeah we're done wait we're done yeah we're done yeah we're done we did it here you go man oh my gosh that looks amazing this is it so you got your trigger right here you also have your voltage meter and the fusion reactor is actually right there inside okay you're on button right back here okay all right sounds good awesome this can totally defeat here price this is it yeah yeah now be careful with this switch right here okay Oh what does what does that do well you see this switch actually pulls all the energy from the fusion reactor and it puts it all into one shot shot alright okay so I don't know how the gun will handle that but if you use it make sure it's your last resource okay okay sounds good here you go man awesome alright thank you so much oh oh hey what are these things right here what what are these oh these are handcuffs they're meant to go on the wrists and they've restrained and they're pretty strong oh really yeah well why do you need those well I have them in case you turned out to be some sort of murderer me a murderer why would you think I'm a murderer I didn't know you you were a stranger but you turned out to be a pretty nice guy yeah you too you're not so bad your bank you so we don't need these anymore wait wait hold on one sec can I have those they might become useful in okay okay yeah awesome thank you so I'm gonna go back now whoa I'm nervous Oh wish me luck all right good luck man I hope everything goes well thanks oh and by the way when I get back we'll play that game you were talking about okay sounds good I'll be waiting for you I'll be right back all right I'm here I am ready loaded up yeah this is awesome okay where is your pride come closer here Brian aim and fire oh don't worry you can stay there well butchie's these explosions oh they're hard to dodge Oh all right here here Brian yeah no no he's moving so quickly I can't hit him Oh on this Prince modifier oh my gosh the fire is so hot why the fruits all right here we go stop flying further away here Brian whoa those clothes all right come here bright it's too fast Oh [Music] Oh coming good oh man teleporting yeah oh no he's close to pucks huh you're not taking it now I got it let's do it setting power to the max you are done Oh [Music] ah here right he's gone I defeated him awesome alright time to go home wait wait what oh oh no I think it's broken oh no oh no it's broken oh no all right three two one teleport it's over no no it's broken I can't go back I'm stuck here forever [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kibitz and the Captain
Views: 2,172,936
Rating: 4.7324486 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, realistic, lets, play, playthrough, no, swearing, cussing, bad, words, Kibitz, Captain, CaptainPhresh, realistic minecraft, realistic minecraft the movie, minecraft movie
Id: cUD05s3daZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 30sec (9330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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