Realistic Minecraft - Highschool Girlfriend MOVIE! ❤️️

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son it's time to go to school but i don't want to go to school you have to go to school or you're grounded mister fine fine i'll go i'll go get out of here get going okay bye ma all right elytra aerodynamics who's next okay that's me oh man here we go whoa oh that always wakes me up in the morning glad that was my first class today this is actually pretty fun oh man i hope the girl i like is here today whoa okay all right time for my next class all right crafting class okay class today we're learning oh my gosh that's jenny she is here okay gosh this is actually cool what are you going to need okay there's paper and leather to make a book okay so a book you need a paper oh that's nice paper and also leather okay and you put them together and you get a bug okay this is really cool this is pretty simple i did not know that recipe before all right now we will be crafting a map you need paper and a compass a map apparently you need paper and also a compass and this should give you a map whoa whoa this is a very nice map wow but what is this though this seems like some sort of treasure map we will be making a torch very simple you need a stick okay okay i'm cool all right so a torch you need sticks and coal and you put them together and you get a forge whoa actual fire be careful with those torches oh i can't believe they let me play with fire here this is an awesome school you'll be making a sword you need a stick and cobblestone all right so a sword you need a stick and some cobblestone and it's that simple are you serious a sword wow that was much easier than i thought it was to make a sword wow in crafting class you actually learned so much wow this is a very cool sword though and fight [Music] comeback class all right kenny you think you got this stop missing can you even hit [Music] go me to kindergarten kid oh i did it that was very easy good job boy good job now you'll be fighting another student jenny you're nooks oh wait jenny she's she's next oh my gosh this is crazy all right get ready are you not gonna hit her three two i gotta fight against him just stop don't hit me ah coach watch out ah jenny stop ah no i don't want to do this ah stop jenny you're gonna be so hard no don't ah oh shitty stop stop jenny oh all right here we go here we go i'm gonna win this fight but stop stop don't ah okay jesus you're singing so fast no stop no no ah that's enough jenny great job jenny has won that round good job jenny crazy she's so good oh my arm hurts but wow i'm very very impressed wow man that makes her so much more cool than i thought dang that was oh my gosh i'm impressed i'm very impressed okay time for the next class all right what do i need wait is that jenny that's jenny oh she's right there she's grabbing stuff oh my gosh okay i have i have this no i don't know if i should go give it to her right now or later oh she's right there i oh man okay okay i i gotta go i gotta go give it to her right now okay let's do it no no no no i do i'm so nervous okay no no okay okay all right i can do this i can do this i i got this i'm going to give it to her all right jenny i got this no for she's gone oh dang it jenny no oh my god all right just gonna go to the next class i can't believe i didn't give it to her oh man oh man i should have totally done it oh no dude dude dude what what what are you checking out jenny again no no what yeah no no totally staring at jenny right now no why was it yeah you are just ask her out man do you think i should yeah do it oh but but dude like she's so cool like in combat class she actually like beat me yeah cause jenny's awesome you gotta ask her out i think you're right but i don't know man i i don't know i'm too nervous dude just pass a note or something to her in the next class you'll be fine you think so yeah for sure i mean i do have this note there you go you're already halfway there ah okay okay i think do it okay i think you're right i'll do it do it i'll do it in the next class i'll go get some food now i totally forgot to get food okay oh man she's right there ah okay next class next class for sure potion crafting is simple you see all you need are a couple of years no right here i'm too nervous to go take a tour though why do you have to be so cool jenny okay i can do this i can do this class isn't over yet though oh it's almost over okay okay as soon as the bell rings i'm gonna get up and go give it to her i can do this i can do this i can do this i'm confident i'm gonna go over and give it to her i'm gonna ask jenny out today i'm confident oh my gosh oh my gosh here you go dang it i shouldn't have gotten out of there so fast i made myself look like a complete fool oh what is she gonna think now oh my gosh oh my gosh she's right there hey i'm sorry i i oh she she give me the note what does it say what does it say it says yes it says yes she likes me oh my gosh she likes me this is insane this is awesome i can't believe it this is the best day ever wow oh my gosh oh great morning oh son have you asked jenny out yet is she your girlfriend yes mom she is i already told you i asked her she's my girlfriend now right boyfriend and girlfriend one week later so have you asked her to the dance yet well i'm trying to get ready for school no i have not asked you to dance wait a minute i haven't asked her to the dance yet wait i should probably ask her to the dance mom that's a great idea thanks mom i'm gonna ask her to the dance yes so let's build something for a awesome epic promposal what am i going to need i think got some redstone torches to light up the atmosphere some balloons to make it colorful some redstone let's uh let's also get some string for the balloons and we need to make some posters so let's take some posters this is gonna be great yes all right there we go here we are some balloons let's get another one up over here perfect another pink balloon right over here oh this is amazing yes all right some heart posters let's put them up some over here let's put up another one here oh these are really nice these came out really well you know what i don't know how she's gonna say no with posters this pretty wow these are really nice all right we need an m and then we need a question mark and it reads prom yeah this is great prom how can she say no to prom wow all right here we go this is beautiful ladies and gentlemen we got ourselves a proposal how can she say no to something so precious and beautiful just like her yeah all right let's turn off the lights let's get some mood in this room wow it's looking better and better and better oh yeah oh man this is so adorable i don't know how she's gonna say no to this all right let's surprise her let's close the doors and let's send her a text message that way she can come right away so come to jim asap and send all right let's hope she comes pretty soon so i can show her hey what's up gosh hey jenny oh that's so quick hi i didn't expect you so fast wow you're so quick all right so i got something right okay sure show me yeah let me show you all right so i got oh my gosh wait what wait we just hold on is everything okay yeah yeah yeah everything's everything's fine oh my gosh oh what's wrong hold on hold on hold on ah yeah yeah just wait wait wait wait wait there's something i gotta show you but just hold on give me one second oh my gosh um hey okay yeah so come come just come come over here come let's go let's go over here okay sure yeah just don't worry about it don't worry about it okay let's go so how's your day oh are you serious how did i not think that like the lights and then when you turn off the lights the creepers show up like what the heck man i need food what does the vending machine have ah carrots are you serious who puts carrots in a vending machine hey man have you asked me to prom yet oh hey man no i haven't asked her yet oh so what are you gonna do i don't know dude i already tried something and it didn't work oh yeah it's tough i understand yeah i just don't know what to do like how am i gonna do it well listen to this i set up this huge sound system in the cafeteria so you can put on like some cool music and ash jenny out there wait really like a huge sound system to ask her in front of yeah the whole school will be watching what in front of everybody we could even film it and put it on social media maybe it'll go viral or something too what that sounds awesome yeah all right dude follow me let's check it out yeah okay let's go so if you come right over here everything should be set up what this is so cool i made it just for your promposal here i even have some music for you to play okay yeah go ahead try them out what these are oh my goodness they're so cool i've never seen these so how do i use them like do i like where where do i put them just insert them into the jukebox okay okay sounds good so i put them in there and then the music plays yeah okay sounds good let's try one out oh mm-hmm i don't think this one's appropriate for you asking jenny out yeah yeah you're right you're right this is this is good but yeah it doesn't it doesn't fit it does it's not for asking her out you're right you're right yeah let's try let's try another one then let's try this one here oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh this is so cool what oh this is so fast what oh my goodness i also don't think it's a good fit yeah it's a little too crazy yup yup you're right you're right it's too crazy way too crazy let's try the other one okay let's try this one whoa oh this is smooth [Music] yeah yeah yes dude yes this is the one yeah this is the one yeah this is nice this is real nice i think this is it so yeah there's a microphone right over there and you can use that to make your announcement oh okay go ahead okay so this is okay so i used this to i'm gonna sit way okay over here though yeah so i can uh record it yeah record it all right testing one two test testing announcement testing one two oh this is great all right everybody excuse me let me get your attention please i gotta not wait what's this what's this oh my gosh oh my gosh i got my knees i got pain in my knees oh my gosh what you do you need to do 5 000 laps around the truck wait okay what 5 000 laps around the truck 5 000 laps get moving get moving wait go do the 5 000 laps get moving no that's okay fine you got the gift okay okay okay okay fine fine fine fine fine ah that's so many laughs ah what am i gonna do seriously i've tried everything i've made a giant poster with balloons and signs that said prom i tried doing it in front of the cafeteria but that blew up in my face literally what am i gonna do how am i going to ask the prettiest girl in school to go to prom with me why does this have to be so hard man i i just don't know what to do creeper get out of here i don't got time for your shenanigans ah i think i'm just gonna have to stick to what i'm good at creeper oh man no you me dance nope i'm no creeper i just want to be your prom date that's too cheesy will you go to prom with me yeah yeah this is this is really good this looks like a great note okay so we have learned from last time we are going to pass it to her in a nice way we're not going to throw it at her we're not that savage hey jenny so listen hey listen i got a question hey what's up okay well you're good take it out oh my god this is scary what is she gonna think what so jenny what do you what do you think what do you what do you say can you please stop throwing notes at me okay i'm sorry but aside from that what what do you think um is this the best way you can ask me to prom yeah there was something else i had in mind so remember that one time that i brought you here and then i was like uh never mind let's go and then i yelled a lot so this is it it was supposed to see it was supposed to be beautiful and like the balloons and like the sign what do you think oh that's so sweet of you no one has gone through so much trouble for me sure i'll go to prom with you yeah oh my gosh jenny cass that is awesome okay we're gonna have so much fun jenny i don't think that i can pass the elytra final exam and if i don't then i won't be able to graduate it's simple let me show you how it's done so you run off open your wings jenny jenny jenny oh no jenny where where where are jenny no jenny here it is jenny oh are you okay i think i will be i don't know doctor what are the chances that she'll survive uh i don't know i'm just an intern [Music] i'm sure you're gonna be just fine i will be but you need to pass the class i know but look at you i don't want to end up like this you'll be okay just pass the class do it for me okay i will do it for you just you see i'm gonna pass this thing okay i'm gonna take these with me to keep practicing i only have a month so if i'm gliding and i'm higher than the hoop i need to drop only 20 degrees depending on my ascending velocity oh wow well that was easy now if i keep my speed as i'm gliding down with zero thrust at a five degree incline then i'll be able to make it through all the hoops with good time oh jenny i got it i found out how to pass the test i did the math and it all checks out so have you actually done it ah no so what are you doing here telling me go do it but but what if i don't get a good time or go do it or if i miss one of the hoops you won't know if you don't try okay i'll get on it okay i've done the math my elytra's in good shape and jenny believes in me can do this i can do oh this gosh i'm doing it i'm flying wind i didn't count for this ah it's too strong ouch oh my arm hello there uh what happened wait where's my elytra oh i was fixing it for you you crash landed and it got pretty banged up thanks but wait you grabbed my elytra and didn't get me out of this pig pen my little piggies locked your company wow cool thanks again for fixing my elytra but i have to go and figure out some new calculations to pass my test so can you give me my electro back please no can do i give you this elattra you'll just crash right back into my farm again let me help you out with all this flying no offense but i don't think a pig farmer can help me learn how to fly i have several lifetimes more experienced than you boy if you're wise you'll lend an ear okay math farmer math pig farmer map pig farmer okay sure i'm willing to learn good because let me tell you that school can teach you some things but life can teach you everything wow that's actually pretty wise thanks i darn sod on my tractor bumper sticker okay well let's get started it's all in your movement use your legs to reach on high that's that michael jordan stuff right there and wait eggs wheat milk this sounds familiar wait how can i hear you right now i'm using that new cell phone my son got me for christmas you know what has bluetooth i'm on the tick tock smile 4 million hits on my dance routine can we please focus on the all training put it in a furnace and presto okay how does this help me fly no it doesn't i was just craving cake well are you serious feel the force know your power yeah now turn enter enter and how does this help me fly it helps control with something i think i just need this working again keep turning boy you've done well so far but now it's time for your final test uh no it's not my elytra final is in a few days not that final test my final test to you you must become one with the wind and to do that you must go to the top of that mountain oh so climbing this mountain will help me become one with the wind yes when you reach the top you'll understand young boy okay [Music] geez i know i'm supposed to become one with the wind up here but i just want to become one with my bed at this point oh but i've made it what's this you are officially one with the wind is this is that it i don't feel any difference huh i don't get it oh that lake wait i think i understand now i feel the wind here we go [Music] i am the wind you did it boy nothing left for me to teach you yes i did it i guess i won't be needing this anymore yeah good luck with your cooking test thanks i'm gonna pass my cooking test yes wait a minute it's not a cooking test it's a flying test oh uh flying yeah sure this works with that too oh well in that case i guess we're all good thank you mr farmer man bye goodbye son come by for thanksgiving and christmas your mom misses you i'm not your son dude never mind it's finals time for your final exam you will need to pass through all the hoops if you miss one you fail if you get a bad time you fail if you sneeze while flying you fail and if you fail you will not graduate are we ready yes yes coach steve you're first uh okay [Music] seriously wait how am i still hearing you in my head sorry boy i'll go back to my tick tock well ready goes nothing i'm doing it and turn the wrench and pick the egg i am the wind oh it's working it's working [Music] wow here we go oh i did it i did it whoa you did it i did it i knew you could do it oh jenny look i did this the best electro flyer in the world i did oh yes jenny yeah you graduate you walked that stage yeah jenny well done whoo you graduating whoa yeah so proud of you jenny you did it here we go we're gonna graduate here we go steve i was just told that you did not pass your chemistry final wait you're not graduating what and you are coming back next year see you then [Music] she said no what the heck jenny i thought we were cool okay that's it you're serious jenny just k no i beat you in gym get on my level are you kidding me just cause i lost wow no my cats are all i need are you serious you prefer cats than me wow that's low you give me this same note every day stop well if i stop then when are you gonna say yes sorry boys have cooties are you serious are you five stop following me around creep but you complete me jenny sorry i'm already dating roblox noob are you serious he gets all the ladies new phone who it is no because i'm you what that makes no sense oh my gosh she's me wait what no but let me think about it see the thing is that it's just complicated cause i like you but there's also my cats and then there's jim from enchanting like he's cute but you're also a nice guy i don't know what to do give me till tomorrow and like i'll flip a coin about it but whatever happens we'll still be friends right maybe more see i don't know i'm just so confused she's crazy wake up this isn't real life what please like and subscribe to what you need to do five thousand laps around the truck me you do the laps wait me what you supposed to do the laps oh no okay i'll do the last thing [Music] you need to do 5 thousand laps around the truck that's what you think bye hey where you think you're going where are you going you need to do the laps what am i gonna do ah get out of here i don't have time for you oh my god what are you doing you're doing me in the face what you doing you little brother you need to come back i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you'll kill me and sand perfect all right jenny oh look jenny hey uh i got something to show you okay what do you want to show me okay so right through these doors i got a perfect surprise yeah oh wait wait wait wait oh no oh no oh no jenny oh no oh my gosh teachers what about teachers teachers we've got an accident oh my god a hand sand oh geez hi jenny you're so quick wow every time you get it uh hey so listen i got a surprise for you just come through these doors yeah go right ahead this is so beautiful right it's beautiful it took me so much effort to get everything just right just for you what do you think um well i'll pass wait jimmy already asked me out and wait what bye wait what are you serious wait but it took me so long for this all jenny what why jenny dancy dancy dancy dance hey dancy hey have you noticed that everyone has been dancing the same what the heck you're right what this is weird what do you do you think do you think they're robots or do you think oh is this a game and what will she think will you go to prom with me what is she gonna say what is she gonna say here oh okay okay and i'm a jake pauler oh gross what is she gonna think it deleted your minecraft account wait oh no no no no not my minecraft account no will you go to prom with me or oh is she behind me yeah hi jenny all right so i got something to show you you can go ahead right there yeah go right ahead and study i like to go to the prom with me wait what's going on with me yeah sure that'll be good are you serious right now this is the what dog that's not how it was supposed to happen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] you
Channel: Kibitz and the Captain
Views: 3,056,002
Rating: 4.7900467 out of 5
Keywords: Realistic, Minecraft, realistic minecraft, minecraft roleplay, roleplay, Highschool Girlfriend, school, minecraft high school, minecraft relationship, minecraft role play, girlfriend, minecraft school roleplay, minecraft mod, role play, date, high school, kissing, dating, no cursing, minecraft school, realistic minecraft mod, minecraft highschool, highschool, kibitz and the captain
Id: 0PIM6uZq2Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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