I Survived 100 Days in a WASTELAND ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! (Minecraft)

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today in minecraft i survived 100 days in a wasteland zombie apocalypse this custom-made mod pack has some of the craziest zombie ai you've ever seen i start in a small bunker and have to begin gathering resources to survive the first night in the world there are small resource nodes of life harvest them carefully because they have some of the world's last saplings and grass i also make sure to drink water to not dehydrate and build fires to stay warm and prevent frostbite once night hits you can't sleep through it and the world goes completely dark i better have the right gear for the first night or it's gonna be a short one at the end of 100 days my goals are to have an epic base that can survive even the biggest of zombie horns i want to equip myself with top end weapons and armor like miniguns power armor and so much more i can travel the world looting dungeons building my own villages or turning the wasteland back into a thriving world of nature if you love this video help me reach 6 million subscribers we are almost there and if we do that i'll have a 200-day episode of this series i hope you enjoy okay so i spawned in a bunker and it looks like i got a light to deal with uh we'll turn that thing on just so nothing spawns down here and okay i start with a bread leather cap and a glass bottle uh that should do good let's just go upstairs i heard an explosion [Music] the world is a wasteland okay so let's try punching my first tree oh every time i punch the tree i take damage oh no okay oh let's get a couple sticks at least that doesn't hurt me and we got some water over here so i think i'll fill up my glass bottle with some water and once my hydration goes down i'll have that at the ready we'll need to make sure we have as much light as possible so less and less mops spawn in i'm also going to mark where my base is so i don't lose it i've had that happen way too many times oh i've already lost it okay there we go i'm going to mark it with a few sand blocks stack them up i guess these came in from a sandstorm that's the entrance to my base cool cool now [Music] i should kill a pig or maybe i should tough it out i'm gonna punch this tree down it should work and i should not die okay we can punch two of them without dying and i think have enough for an axe you've done it come here pig i just need to kill you oh something died over here okay so that's pork chops and there's oh a pig must have caught on fire okay so a child riding a chicken just murdered a pig i believe that is he's coming for me he has blood he has the taste of blood and he's actually after me we gotta go we gots to go down to the bunker he wants more okay we should be fine unless he knows how to use ladders plus i checked chickens do not know how to use ladders um okay that's it off to a decent start here let's make the axe boom we have ourself an axe get out of here okay it's just him he's down phew let's eat up get our health bar back we are a little bit um dehydrated we're losing some hydration we'll need to keep an eye on that uh i'll need to get a couple more pieces of the wood i'll make a wood set and more explosions we need to get more established before night is over now that i have an axe i am no longer taking damage as i am cutting down this tree okay that should be enough wood let's go down back into the base we have a ton of wood now let's get our first pickaxe and i'll just make a sword just in case and we'll also have nice uh nope trap door what's the recipe for a trapdoor i always forget this boom we're gonna make ourself a trapdoor just uh for a little bit more protection okay there we go perfect and i think i'm gonna make my mine shaft down this way this should be good luck we're gonna need to get some coal and light up the base a little bit more because when it falls to night time there is complete darkness and if i keep mining in a certain direction it will also be complete darkness unless i have a torch that i'm holding oh yep that is very dark is that coal i think i found coal that might be the luckiest yes i did okay let's go upstairs yeah even if you mine like five blocks away from light it's just pitch black but this is four torches this will get us very far but we need to use them in the mine shaft to get some more coal perfect okay so i managed to get all the coal there was 19 coal just right there so we're going to have plenty of torches we will get the outside of my base all decked up and ready this is getting pretty easy let's get ourselves uh stone tools right now we still need more sticks i'm gonna get endless amounts of sticks perfect stone sword let's get ourselves a pickaxe and finally an axe let's go now our food supplies only two cooked pork chops uh we'll get a furnace here in a second but i just want to get these torches ready to go because we do not want to have a million mobs spawning above us at nighttime you also need to be wary about tornadoes the sky looks fine i suppose we're just going to place down as many as possible here okay so we are almost dehydrated let's get some more water in now night is coming night is falling uh this water is definitely not purified i have thirst so i'm getting dehydration as i am drinking this water we'll need to find a way to purify this later and uh i place as many torches as i can place oh god maybe i should play some more i don't have any more okay we're going my base is over there crap okay we got our axe at the ready chicken's dead we got some more food okay perfect we're fine down here pork chops uh yeah let's just get them smelling let's act like everything's normal at the moment have a few pieces of the cobblestone on me i just need a couple more i hear them they sound like they're right above me as well maybe i shouldn't have placed all my torches right above me that one's that one has tnt in his hand okay he just broke through uh he's mining he's mining okay let's just hit him oh okay hopefully he dies from that let's get some blocks oh my god he's right there he can't place anymore tnt how much tnt does he have he's okay he's dead securing the walls patch back up that was insane uh i didn't put cobblestone there they're mining down towards me they sound like they're right there we gotta lure them away i i don't have torches i can't keep going i'll stay in this corner there's something behind me i i think i heard something laughing this is no laughing matter what what is that what is that no oh god it's a zombie he's coming through oh okay there was something else up there oh okay they're still there still more uh let's just kind of break our way through a daylight is here that means none of them else can more can spawn my mother still some remaining oh god he's got a big sword he's dead we survived we survived the night look at what they did they were trying to get to me it broke a few of my torches okay if i didn't do those torches i i would have been dead in seconds uh i picked up a strange sample not sure what that does uh we'll hold on to it we'll also be using this rotten flesh um i should try to find a way to maybe use all this dirt and patch this back up that way they don't have quick access to my base i really need to make a decision do i want to live underground would i want to live above ground in a tall castle so day two was pretty uneventful but i managed to get a bigger mine shaft i added some chest organized everything food supplies we have five pork chops and some rotten flesh that will not suffice and also water is still very much a problem i've reinforced the base there are scars to remind me of what happened on the first day but i did not die we need some ladders so let me make a few of them should be enough let's go up to the top i hear a zombie when does this end oh there's a raider right out there there's two raiders okay i have a double door system and i should be able to manage them pretty well okay i can't manage that is the chicken dead and there's some sort of penguin beast i took damage but i think that was my own fault okay he can't get inside the door we can kite him from here is the pig aggressive where the pig's gone oh this is my first spider and they look freaky it's gone oh yep the pig is angry i don't know what it is but these pigs do not like to be hit in the face with a sword oh some more rotten flesh uh yeah so i made some improvements or some improvements what what where did that thing come from it's got a pickaxe die oh my god he is kicking my butt let's stay up far away there we go are you a nice pig nope he's charging me he's finding my weak spot he's down two pigs where did this thing even come from but i found some iron from this okay [Music] he was ravaging through here oh when you use the wrong tool apparently you take some damage and this does not look like coal and i can't even mine it some other stuff over here i think this is sulfur that one's copper and this one may be sulfur but i won't need those right now i'm going to block this up so no mobs can really spawn in any of these cracks left behind do you have to waste a lot of my materials but it'll be worth it not to have some crazy pickaxe zombie coming out of the ground to kill you in the middle of the day okay nice we are re-established i did i get any string from that i didn't so i hope to make a bow or you know what hold on let me get a few more pieces of the wood you know this they're not making any more trees here you only got these dead dead trees in there also is those life nodes like water leaves leaves [Music] let me go take a look at those leaves if i break them right i have a chance to get some saplings okay if i get one tree i can restore the world just like the avatar oh i should not have broken that on my torches nothing from this and there's one grass block so maybe eventually i could turn all this wasteland back into grass like that'd be pretty cool oh i had found a sapling on the last leaf this is a good day so this tree is the sapling is the most important thing in the entire universe another one of those weird samples oh and we have some cobwebs off in the distance you have to get some string from each of these and then i will have myself a bow no arrows i don't think i've seen any skeletons and i kind of like that okay i kind of like not having skeletons attack me every two seconds from far away okay uh what are you doing there miss just came up for some water you got you got some friends oh they're attacking each other okay uh what if i'm at a green health bar and i i'm not sure if he's friendly or not just keep an eye on them okay so i've noticed that the quote the green health bar is dead and okay they're kind of inching towards me are those scientists okay i see their names now okay they are not they are not friendlies okay that one's dead i i can take on all of you you want to mess with me and you carnalizer on let's put you in the fire oh no she's dead wait i also got the transmitter circuit board which can craft a mercenary com we're gonna hold on to that for now oh crap oh crap what is happening what is happening i want to go get some water okay there's an exploder one where's the chicken on fire i i okay that's some cooked chicken oh geez massive explosions in the back i just wanted some water guys okay i don't really want to lure them to my base i got to kill them all oh i'm going up against the zombie horde at the moment two of them dead one on my left the exploder he's down okay oh my gosh they're getting distracted with themselves they're fighting amongst each other i think that explosion helped me out a ton what is wrong with their necks oh they're encircling me that creeper no i cannot lure that creeper to my base can't tank that oh there's body parts flying everywhere they're coming through the fire in the flames they're just staring at me menacingly no no they pull me to cobweb i'm good oh no okay we're still at my base just gonna find some supplies right uh we make a stone so uh wooden sword then i can go get my stuff in them yeah we'll survive it's fine hurry up i have a gravestone out there there's one where are those spiders oh something just killed that there's arrows coming from the darkness they can't get in here right okay enough the spiders cannot get in here the longer we stay here more mobs are going to notice did that spiders have tnt no there's a tnt zombie in the back take him down i'm rushing him he's dead there's my head spider down we're gonna grab as much as we can okay oh i've caught another cobweb we'll go back down as long as it doesn't explode my stuff is still there i have a stone pickaxe now there's one that just came into my base what is over there okay this is not good we need torches block that up okay i have some sticks going back down here so they don't dig into my base if i'm deep enough i i'm thinking i'll be fine i think i'll be fine okay we have eight torches let's break into there nothing's here right it's not a big cave system nope it's not a big cave system phew uh but this is a tunnel system very intricate tunnel system okay day five is not going the best there is literally so many of them coming after me and i think it's from that tunnel i found the day before there's two or three mining zombies they can place blocks break them and work together as like a hive mind okay i don't think they can come up here unless they for some reason get spider abilities you sneaking over there not a chance and there's a skeleton great this is my first skeleton i'm battling oh i see the tunnel that's where they came from he's dead and i got my first well that's open too my first arrows where does this lead oh my god oh this is this is not quite that where did that thing come from okay blocking this up as best as i can keeping them at bay now let's take this thing out i have made a new room i'm trying to establish a new room at least i'm a little a little lower than the other bunker it should deter the zombies at the surface we're gonna have these tunnel zombies okay i have three more torches and i have to craft some more there's so much iron here i have some smelting back in my base so i'm going to be going to get some more let me deal with the skeleton oh it's right there okay uh i only have rotten flesh he's right around the corner i'm bleeding out here and i'm running low on hydration oh he hit me around the head i think we got him two and a half hearts he's gone in more arrows all right bro we are we're heading back to the base we got eight iron on us i think we have about close to ten back at the base that are already smelted right yes eight more so we're gonna make our first iron pickaxe there we go add that and for good measure an iron sword in my shield the shield will definitely help the cause i'll be able to tank those arrows and if there's a horde i should be able to keep them at bay there are better shields that i can get i will save up for them right below me okay we are not dying today give me my pork chops we're gonna need glass bottles let me make a shovel we're gonna get a ton of sand we're gonna smelt that we go up is there anything out there i've had a three-door system now making this bunker vault even more intense it's not the prettiest but it's supposed to serve as a purpose i got a pig clown in my sights okay um yeah let's just deal with this come here parkers they are really confused i took out the leader that is the weirdest thing i've ever seen he's probably got rabies and now he bit me so i'm gonna harvest as much sand as i can get in the next minute or so and then we'll be making a few more bottles to be able to uh hydrate herself without dying a third so by day 10 i got things down pretty good here i i've established my base a little bit better and i do have some zombies come in well i'm just going to break these and then i will start hack slinging and slashing them down i made some more improvements i got a door here door door down there but it's actually open so the zombies keep flooding up at least they're gonna have to go through a door and now i'm pretty much ready to get full iron we got a chest plate we got a helmet we are looking pretty good now i do want to make myself a new weapon uh a two-handed iron pike that's gonna give me reach two now it's requires one iron ingot but two poles the poles we're gonna need to use some string here um and i've got plenty i think yeah we've got ten that's that's going to do the job and i'll be able to make my bow here so we have two poles let's make ourselves that reach to iron pike so we can hit the zombies from far away and we won't get bit and turned into a zombie and now he iriselle a bow i wonder if we go fishing if we're going to be able to catch anything i'm going to probably bring some water and put it in the base so i don't have to keep going back up i got 15 water bottles so that should be plenty um now is my iron done yes it is we can make ourselves the pantaloons now i can never figure out why the armor was not working maybe it was because with the animations but the animations are too cool look me punch oh and swinging the sword so it's definitely worth it to have that now another thing i want to make this is the crafting day we're gonna make ourselves a boomerang this should do nicely i don't have infinite arrows okay i've only got i think five yep i guess i'm gonna need an iron bucket but i'll get that a little bit later we're gonna go back up to the top the surface oh no night has already fallen okay i guess i was down in the mine shaft for a little too long but my tree has finally grown and i'm gonna chop it down just really quickly before the mobs start spawning okay i thought i saw a creeper off in the distance and by the morning we should have this decayed oh god i didn't think it was night time gonna go back underneath here shutting all the doors i have four layered doors actually five six i lost count i just kept placing the doors like a madman um hello i should really get like a pressure plate system for that i just haven't been bothered and we've also got ourselves a platform a little bit tougher than dirt but on the break what is that no is it from all the zombies looks like a weird sound okay let's try out our iron pike earth i guess we can't all the zombies are gone so this is day 11 guys and we have ourselves a few more saplings or no only one no two more saplings plays you down and i place you down come on let's get a lucky third one it's not looking likely and we have our first apple so i'll save it for golden apple when i do find gold so these are going to grow i do have a few bone milk down in the base but i saw something off in the distance we're just gonna go over this hill and we're gonna see it hold on um what is that that's cracking kid's head uh oh okay let's just hold on to that for safekeeping uh all right well day 11 is turning out pretty weird there's a village over there and there's another village off in the distance this village this way seems a little bit bigger uh so i'm just going to remember my quarters because i haven't taken a screenshot gonna be kind of easy to see with the big cobblestone house or vault but yeah this village seemed a little bit bigger so we're going to go to that one it's not too far away the the sun we're almost at heat day get some food on the way thank you very much for the pork chops i probably should have put him in the fire while i did that but it is completely fine i will still be able to eat these and cook them up afterwards oh he's got a friend he's chasing me okay let's use our boomerang okay boomerang it hit him on the backswing and look how far i can hit those guys oh wow this village is actually kind of dead it looked cooler from afar they don't look the happiest oh i guess he is 88 happy this is the techtopia mod and well it is actually one of the coolest mods i've ever seen because it allows you to have a flourishing village you can expand out your own village right now i don't think we're in the position to be telling villagers what to do although she got big nose dude i mean compared to this guys oh maybe they're made for each other sid brightwater and brianna wilkes they will be forever happy they'll get married i'm going to be a matchmaker oh i'm going to take these books so it has a storage where they have some apples they have some seeds sometimes um one seed that i am looking for in particular melon oh wait my inventory is full i am looking for melons melons upon melons a pond the pressure plates well i guess i can craft my own was that oh god wait there's a green name one are the green name ones friendly uh they must be so james the lumberjack you have some trees to cut down i guess i just don't know why these villagers aren't doing anything oh she doesn't have a bed i guess there's a garden here let's grab that bed i want to take it with me sorry you don't need this bed i need it this is the building i think just on the back side we are running out of food here hey this is the smith's house okay let's just go inside we got a ton of iron uh we got some apples and bread i will take the bread because whoa what is this building this is an engineering building okay they have copper in here i think there is one material maybe aluminum can you make anything of copper you can make a 40 millimeter grenade well i i may just make a grenade oh no a steel pickaxe yeah we're looking for some steel that guy just keeps scaring me he's got like the name tech and then n and i think it's like techno blade dude and he's out here to kill me oh and this wool okay we can make some shears and i'm gonna harvest this uh the reason why i want this so bad is well we have no inventory space i guess they don't need the torch is because if we go to a very cold climate we're going to need this because there is a temperature just above my levels where if my temperature gets too hot it gets too cold i start taking crazy damage and i i don't want that so we'll get enough to make a full wool armor set just like that so i was just about to go on the other side of the village and i saw this little tree house okay it's gonna let's get a few food in here i'll take that real quick oh this is what i am looking for oh no brianna's in here hey brianna uh so i'm just at the storage room looking for some stuff don't worry about me oh my god they got emeralds okay taking you with me a nametag we have melon seeds we can build up a farm oh this is gonna be great i wonder if i could get a pet i'll bring one name actually can i help have multiple yes yeah i'll bring the name tags in i can make a pet it'll be pretty cool have a good day guys i'm gonna make it back home because oh no the sun is almost down we need to cruise you know what would be great a horse if i could oh that or a chicken riding a chicken would be nice because it apparently is faster than humans he's coming after me i i'm running out of uh water okay let's drink he's in about there's two of them we cut that one a little too close my trees didn't grow and i guess it's probably because i wasn't in this chunk well day 11 let's go snooze and we move on to the next day wait i totally forgot you can't sleep you're forever up doesn't matter if there's no monsters around doesn't matter if it's nighttime with the pitch black mod we need to always be looking day number 14 and we have two pets i hope they don't attack me because they tried attacking me before come here guys it's okay um i also gotta drink up so i realized that i don't need to have water bottles if i have a water source and i can drink much quicker um okay guys see just uh you just chill i will breed them in a moment we gotta pick a single pig yes uh porker is his name don't where oh i'll be scared here porker there is uh explosions but they won't come after you i hope he's probably the first thing they're gonna come after also i have an iron pickaxe why don't i try mining this four that i couldn't mine before what is it lead ore okay oh okay that could be used to make um a better shield that's nice and some tools but could it be used to make ammo because i was that's what i was thinking but i guess guess not let's go back up to the top here and i got to show you guys something else so we've been making some good progress oh is it night again it's almost nighttime i need more torches right in front of the base all around it crap so i have walls these walls i really don't know how protective they are uh we have established it and finished it off just this day to be honest day number 13 i had some of the wall up it seemed like it was helping so i made this um area where we can stand on um but i probably should make it a little wider because i'm about to fall off there's so many torches out there i just don't want anything to spawn i think the raiders can spawn even when it is totally lit up that is so spooky the sun is still there so that side isn't really that dark i want to wait up here oh crap uh i need to get up top um we'll make a little staircase to be honest we should have ladders because this should be really lit up i i feel like zombies can just straight up spawn from here let's not have that happen okay one two three four what is that something down below oh he shot from over there whoa okay you want to get into a battle here we can get into a battle first one to hit somebody wins oh we both missed i'm a bot there we go first hit i don't have infant ammo okay let's move to the boomerang because this thing has a ton of uses can it go that far no we can't okay we're getting back down let me take a look at where the exploding zombie was he's gonna try to blow up my walls it's that scene from lord of the rings and helms deep we'll not let that happen also we have we have a breach in the wall let's break that if they can park what i'm gonna hit from every direction oh they were sending so many arrows my way oh my god it literally felt like a little ring siege but instead of you know orcs and stuff it's snipers now if i didn't kill 11 or 5 pigs he would have you a friend but they tried killing me ah what the heck no back up you will not kill my herd my heart shall live on okay you guys are gonna be fine they've escaped how do they escape okay clearly it's because i have a fence in my inventory come back in here okay i've lured them back in and i'm just gonna place the fence and breed them we have three chickens hello okay guys so i am not at my base here on day number 18. i'm at a village so the old village i visited was over there that the one that wasn't working my base is over here and just west we have this perfect village that i am trying to preserve i've got a good amount of cobblestone i'm trying to preserve them i've used many of my resources okay hello i thought there's a raider this apparently burned down it's not good we cannot lose this village it's the only working village around me so i gotta finish this wall why did you all see that there was something that just spawned right in front of my face okay i don't know what this house was but there's explosions going on we need to work quickly where's all the villagers we just need to preserve this village at all cost okay i was getting worried i didn't see any villagers oh there's a guard hello luca cram oh he's he salutes me and then he he's got a sword out you want an iron sword i believe i can give him an iron sword if i was to just put my sword into the chest but i i need it i'm sorry sir somebody's poor house is just a victim of a raid so let's actually do a bit of raiding ourselves so we got some decent loot last time oh i'm gonna need to bring some lava with me i have some good ideas with that we got some bread and we got a saddle uh but i have no horses oh god that that is a raider i had a feeling stupid chickens and more saplings i gotta get back on working the restoration project night is almost here we got a cruise we've done all weekend it's going to take me a few more days to get this wall done pig this is a friendly pig it's a friendly pig don't kill him oh you're on fire okay so these guys catch on fire pretty easily i'm gonna need to do a lot of taking care of them back to my base we go should have made a gate i am so excited to kill the zombie get over here stain number 21. i still have not repaired should not be there but i have finished the village wall um so let's go take a look at that now unless we got a crazy park or a zombie that can do a three block jump we should be fine bacon donut hey dude sorry hey chicken wait hold up hey that's the village that's a fit literally on top of the oh my god there's the villagers no it is ripping through my wall wait on the walls standing the wall is it is going right do not go to my base oh we're being sucked in uh okay we're running from the volcano it is tracking me all the villagers stuck inside of there brianna luca everybody's in there we gotta go i gotta find a safe place what is this atlanteans no this is hilarious but i am so sad j21 was going so good okay i'll take off my armor has anybody survived anybody come on somebody like it was stuck in their house huh brianna is that you it's luca hey my homie what's up dude oh wow uh so that is kind of over my base it's gone beyond that hill this dude just slept through it he didn't even open an eye that would be my brother josh in real life just here's the town hall what's going on okay architect and the tradesman oh if i talk to the tradesman i can actually get a few more things that was the weakest tornado i've ever seen bro it could get stronger that was just an had to be like an f1 tornado now they have well did lose a few houses that's legit on top of my base come on maybe i can go and catch the villagers or maybe a of the billy dudes to me it's a 21 tornadoes just ripping through the world the wasteland it is on top of my face it's still standing though wait no it picked up a bunch of torches oh man are you kidding me you can see the path of the tornado just where the torches are gone it's pretty much all inside my base it's just it went right on top the villagers are still there i think nope those are just sand blocks it's becoming a sand tornado okay i'm going back inside we're just going to hunker down because i do not want to get tossed in the air and die oh geez this happened oh we can kind of make some repairs a lot of stories and everything we'll be fine relax my chickens okay just back up from the gate no x copies today on day number 25. you all get eggs oh we got a new one i don't even need to waste my seeds on you guys so here is the tunnel it obviously is not finished we're trying to make it all the way to the village oh some more iron that i didn't see i'll get that later i think that's uranium i i didn't want to mess with it okay you can speed demon all the way through and we found a cave up here before i didn't explore it i wanted to wait till i was with you guys and we have a ton of different resources i managed to grab was i worried about a cave system i'm not going to get killed bats what is it silver oh we got some tin does this wrap around to where there was like another 10 hold up that is that where i started or that could be lava so i'll be extra careful oh okay that's part of my tunnel all right yep so that's that's where i first came oh how do i get back in how do i get back him turn turn okay that's fine okay i'm holding the torch up and i'm growing at the same time how does how does it even work doesn't make any sense all right there's a screaming dude but i was talking about this tunnel system this one to the left didn't explore it all but it gets pretty nuts in here i'm just hoping that screaming guy was not near here now keep a water bucket on me at all times so i can just do that and easily survive anything even if i get stuck down here the night oh crap do we have a breach i think we have a breach there's a big explosion and my torches i i have been down for so long i totally forgot to replace them is that a with a skeleton oh my god that is hi just making sure the screamer is in my bait okay that is very dark over there i have been under ground making that whole tunnel for quite a while we need to get torches now now wait wait where do i keep my sticks get some wood here we go we can make that flick of the switch we have a million kajillion torches let's go back upstairs we're ready to go got my iron pike should be able to hit them pretty good from the wall they made it into here okay how big is the breech they've climbed over how did they climb oh my god no i can't lose my second death maybe we'll deal the breach afterwards no get off me i got away okay i got withered it's fine though shield up there's so many of them uh i'm gonna go hide in the tunnel hello i was just a king for a bit and uh this guy decides to get okay please leave me alone man day 26 cannot be going this bad already caught afk almost dying for my second time ever oh okay it's still getting worse it's barely daytime as soon as i poke my head out there i'm gonna be battling spiders he's gone there's a herd of spiders they are getting old mike wow that is so many spiders iron pike at the ready i'm fighting them from the tops of the mountains i love this reach what is it it's just like hibernating under there is he friendly because it's daytime yeah he probably was a little friendly okay tnt no we're good it was anticlimactic i think he died there's a skeleton around here did he he also perished thank you for the arrows there uh you know making some patches everything's good he's good in the neighborhood but we're gonna go and finish these patches and then i'm also going to i think i'm going to have enough for my first golden apple which will be great to have if i get ever get into a pinch like last night because i definitely don't want to die in those situations because i am probably never going to see my stuff again and then they will explode this is bad day number 30. guys we have really established ourselves i never made that golden apple so we're gonna actually do that real quick with my apple supplies we have eight apples can we get two out of this yes we can get two boom golden apples we have been pretty well off i mean as far as things go i kind of gave up on that tunnel um so the reason being is the village is over there but i can use this okay this could be my escape route i could have like a ladder over there things get too hot and spicy uh we have a ton of eggs well i've not been down here i'll show you the upstairs guys looks so good eggs ahoy nope nothing sorry guys you're stuck with each other i also got to give uh pork chops a name this is my small little farm not really been to the village in quite a while so and we got ourselves a melon let's grab this noise add to the melon farm beautiful some more iron i always forget the iron that's in the walls snag that and uh i got to show you upstairs so it looks pretty good we've made some crazy improvements to the base i still hear a zombie but it can't be in here right i think it's just like in the ground what is that this looks like dark skies we're fine it's not gonna form an f5 tornado on my base uh so yeah we made some improvements the wall is a little bigger we have these towers at each corner i didn't finish that one over there but it's fine and the center area we have our torches back ton of trees i i gotta work on that tree game uh water pocket there we go i gotta start replenishing everything those trees actually caught on fire but i got the holy tree so let's go harvest those and whoo i forgot about one thing let's harvest these and get some more saplings but i've added a kill pit all around now it's not oh no there's a zombie in here because i did not place this cobble it tried mining into the base in so many different ways that they can make staircases and everything but i'm it's currently not a kill pit i need to get spikes okay these spikes they pretty expensive some of them but i think i can get this ironed one okay and we will be well i need a lot of them maybe i should just make the one in one but if i put them all down to the base what are you doing you're destroying my farm hey we put them all down there these things should just die and not have any chance to build or anything one more hit actually where's my pike there we go and he's dead so i can hit him all the way up here let's take down the street and see it just how many saplings we get yep that is a lot of apples and saplings just from oh like two trees but the god tree do you guys like getting one uh those god trees or do you hate them i mean i love that they give me a ton of saplings and loot but i hate breaking them because you have these little pieces of the wood that you just didn't know existed hey they're trying to make a string bridge nope do not push me into my kill pit dark get out of here take your chicken cannibal chicken and get away where did this zombie come from down below must be some sort of cave there hmm we actually have a weak point because if they could just get in that easy maybe i built my farm in the wrong spot could move it down here which i haven't really been utilizing the space too well well i'll worry about the farm a little bit later let's make ourselves a bunch of these wooden spikes and maybe get part of the uh the kill pit operational oh god night time i got some blocks to nerd pull out i guess let's just go and i got my water bucket 52 wooden spikes there's a lot of them down there okay get away back you foul beast quick jump oh i do not want to mess with this witch i want to get nowhere near this the only thing this spike or this iron pike does not do a crazy amount of damage so we'll need to see if we can get a better one i'll have to go deeper into the mines what is that we get a zombie villager no poisoned literally what i didn't want to have happened i'm gonna get comboed out why is there so many zombie villagers did the village uh get destroyed come on just take out the witch we're good shoulda put my shield up need water can't sprint when you don't have enough water okay they're nerd pulling up they shouldn't be able to do that when there are spikes down there two witches they multiply i almost got put down there with them night time i guess it's not the best time to build okay i'm just doing it right here so the witches come around they're gonna be met with these spikes okay that that did pretty good i mean they're gonna do more to actually i should just kind of do every other one here to conserve uh what is this that seems like it's working pretty well this is going to be a little noisy here when they're fighting amongst themselves okay my blocks make a quick path jump oh god i don't want to die to my own spikes oh my god it's actually going to happen i'm getting cold too i gotta get next to a fire a cobblestone build up there we go down down down down down oh they broke it we're good everything's fine jeez what is going on over there yes let's go diamonds i've been making this tunnel like a madman let's just get these in get the heck out of here before they try to steal it on me nice that was a good mind boys oh geez yeah we're going we're zipping the heck out of here i ain't dealing with crazy zombies today day number 35. what are you doing here oh no we have excopies okay everybody single file we missing so many of you okay i'm gonna break the boat get out of the boat come on what is going on guys we're friends right oh we are not friends at the moment okay just come oh there's a herd of them come on guys we can do this we work this out i i don't want to kill you oh they're all eating me what is this we gotta go shut the door no one go through i gotta kill him i'm so sorry all right well don't punch the chickens that is uh wow all right well diamonds uh whoa a drone constructor spawns a player-owned drone that sounds pretty cool or it can make a weather machine why would anybody want that so i'll look for some cool things to craft here with these diamonds and i've also made some pretty good progress to the base which i'll show off look at other peaks they're just waiting to kill me oh wait i wanted to make this right the mercenary calm so let's just get some stone smelt in real quick uh i'm gonna steal some coal from here i didn't really see anything i wanted to make with the diamonds besides this drone constructor but i would need another course and i i don't know where to get that at the moment i don't even know if you can go to the nether in this mod pack you have a bunch of gold let's make two more of the golden apples we got a total of four right now but you know what else i wanted to make so a mercenary com that transmitter circuit board i get from killing some of those guys oh but it requires another quartz as well well that would have been cool to make but i'll keep my eye out of how i can get courts here what is this weather a tornado sensor yeah i i think we should make a tornado sensor so we can know when we're going to die and maybe we can get as much stuff as possible out of my base okay we got nine gold we're going to be able to make this thing let's make one and i think we need to hook it up with redstone maybe or i'll wait till maybe like a sandstorm comes because those are pretty common holy smokes what is this get away all right they took some pretty hefty damage getting through the spikes and look how many trees we have it looks kind of weird without grass well you know over by my melon farm over there i believe we could take that grass block and snake it and try to have it reproduce as much as possible and like rapidly spread just like mycelium but we're like inverting it you know just grass taking over dirt i think we should get that process started okay let's go put this tornado sensor somewhere probably directly above this chunk here because i usually spend most of my time here and hopefully it works in a good radius so i guess what happens with this it isn't really an alarm it just it will like a daylight sensor when it's daylight it'll give off a redstone signal so we should probably look for an alarm there is one that is possible yes but we need reinforced okay this is a bit of a rabbit hole but i think i think i can make that guys and that way we'll be notified with a big alarm in the middle of the night if we have a tornado coming towards us there's a laser block and now we are ready to craft it we have our block reinforcer so how does it really work you you put it inside or do you place it oh i see what happens so all you have to do is right click in the air you place it in there i'll do like half and then it spits out the reinforced stuff that is hard to break that would actually be really nice to see what's going on above me but they really i don't think they can break reinforced stuff actually like get in uh a three by three of this and just test okay we'll do that after the alarm is crafted let's go back out there let's do my little experiment okay it's just wind got concerned the leaves are flowing do i hear any zombies okay uh let's go where there's light that way i don't get attacked from the side and maybe we'll uh block up here too nice can they break in is the big question oh he can hit me though no no no i can't break this okay uh we're fine okay everything's fine we're just gonna tunnel into my base with a very dimly lit they're coming for me daily lit torch so my experiment worked but it didn't work that well you're not going to get me today am i even going the right way my base is east oh wait it just broke i guess i can craft another one imagine i didn't have the materials and i'm just like i had to punch my way through no punching wouldn't work cause i would take damage oh god thank you okay we just we're gonna block that up day number 40. we are almost halfway through the 100 day challenge the siren still hasn't gone off but look at this this is looking like a regular minecraft world except for the sand dunes we haven't traveled too much we've been kind of base locked for this series i'm going to start changing that okay we're going to venture out past this biome because we are currently in the wasteland biome i want to see what else is out there see if there's any dungeons but look at the grass the tree oh the trees yeah i've also got to build that village again see exactly what's left standing i'm gonna get some better supplies and we're gonna be preparing sorry i thought i sorry skeleton oh zombies uh i'm gonna prepare everything i need for an adventure just so if i got caught out there i'm definitely gonna be bringing some of these reinforced glass with me i just don't know how to break them let's uh maybe it's a block remover oh it is yeah we can make that so we'll have that at the ready uh where's my shears there they are let's grab some iron simple recipe for it's gonna be insanely useful oh the shears can't be used there we go okay what's going on no no no no no no no no okay i i can go down below i i made a little area i can i have glass throughout the kill pit there's there's a storm oh it's over our base i don't know how strong it is the wood spikes are staying there good they're not being lifted up oh no we got to go above ground here but don't you guys like to see in this okay uh where is she you know what i could do uh somewhere out here i have my little uh observatory it'd be cool to see the storm in that there it is okay we just got to build up to it don't have much cobble on me hold the mine over here do not want to get sucked up by this tornado what hold up you can take these ones uh my base is not looking too good oh my god that's why the siren stopped i see the alarm oh my god oh oh no it's literally this it's moved back on top of me okay we should be finding this weatherproof oh we are in the eye of the storm atlanteans no my trees my dreams no the grass my entire base everything i've worked so hard oh it's all gone oh this is terrible i don't i don't know what to do it's tossing the cobble everywhere the leaves oh geez we're gonna get piled in with all the blocks that are falling on us look at that vortex where's it moving i think the storm's breaking up she's losing its formation it's heading over to the sand dunes oh something spawned right in front of me and he's out of our biome oh i feel sick look what happened it took the wooden spikes too it just went right through ow i deserve that this is the worst of days did he even make it down to my base oh all the torches out of the four towers one remains standing those trees survived but not over there he just ripped the top layer of the soil in my face and just tossed it i i don't even know what to do atlanteans all my protections they're all but destroyed it's okay it's okay we can rebuild we can rebuild what ow uh first step place the crap ton of torches oh we're gonna work pretty quickly here we're running out of daylight and i have no water on me i gotta go down and get some water my base is almost like destroyed a few more layers and it's going to get me i have nothing built on the top do you have any water over here yes i do thanks i hear a witch cobble cobble cobble let's grab some more cobble let's just build the top vault the vault is what's going to protect me tonight that in the torches we're going to we're sealing ourselves in do we have any holes oh my gosh the whole roof of my base is just completely encased great sun setting i could probably get this two three layer system involved built right now minimal torches we're seeing ourself in we're going mummy wait hold on i can't even get there locked in the zombies have already started should i get i might get rid of these somebody just farted i'm getting rid of the ladders and i'll have my panic room this will be my panic room i build the glass i need to make sure i build the glass in the bottom actually no i can't do it on the bottom because if i need to escape wait no if i need to skip i have this right let's try it okay yeah it works he's gonna right click what's going on over there oh i heard an explosion there right above me okay oh how did he already get in uh that's a tnt zombie that's a tnt zombie i don't know what my oh crap okay uh we can seal this up blocking blocking blocking blocking blocking no no no please there's only oh that's a tnt zombie my my farm is gone nice boomerang boomerang nope got it we have not fallen yet stay far away from the tnt ones is there another one in here nope get him i got him just at the last second we are almost sealed up he's trapped he's trapped he's breaking though i i hear so much tnt is coming from over that direction they're making a new hole it's patched as soon as i like they attack and then they run i can't lose my my panic room i can't get overwhelmed oh that's exactly what's happening is exactly what's happening left right turn around okay golden apple golden apple oh my god no no okay there's a bit of lag here get my golden apple in the reinforced popping it oh i need the universal block breaker where is it there it is okay get in the panic room get in the panic room okay they're gonna keep trying to get me it's fine though somebody's wearing my skull and oh i forgot they can hit me in here yep you need a creeper to explode creeper hit him in the face these blocks i i need to keep them oh the creeper saved my day no he didn't we're naked did my stuff in that chest explode day number 41 is not starting off too well how much long how long did we have it's a full moon and they're eating my soul get away from me okay we'll just we'll hide up here no tt race oh my that was a lot of zombies keep just pushing them off here i get a delay delay delay oh wow they are teen teeing each other they're fighting over my brain there's the cody had one i need to get that back reclaim my dignity he's almost up that did he just place tnt i thought he saw it but i guess i didn't [Music] they now have a successful staircase up it's gonna get a lot yeah it's getting hot in here maybe i could make my way to that village or if the village survived wait was that a sword we have an armor set oh i got nothing wow i've never seen anything like this in minecraft the land is all has fallen oh jeez right behind me i'd rather be in crazy craft at the right now pork chops thank you we need at least a little bit of their walls uh i think they have some breeches oh how do i get out i can't see oh i found a way out let's go that's a ravine i think or no i guess it's not there is a million zombies inside are they eating the flesh oh what what is this what okay i do not understand what is happening there's a zombie no creeper oh i'm on fire how did he even get inside of there well here's some of my stuff looks like i came the perfect time pickaxe we're going down probably should done this in the first place what happened in this place [Music] is it more of them i'm going down to my mine shaft this is the next day [Music] things didn't go so well oh man i gathered what i could stored up this backpack i found a little bit of a dungeon nearby and i'm gonna set off my journey i'm gonna keep walking and falling and i am going to become johnny appleseed i'm going to be planting trees and grass along my way murdering every pig i find let's harvest all these leaves get as many saplings as i can and i roll out for the final time my journey what lies beyond the sands for the next 60 days no porker we've done good we have saved this area from itself look at this the grass and the tree is growing what's that off in the distance we'll take a look as we are planting we have apples and we have saplings me and porker have been together for eight days one day after i left my base to become this nomad i found him stumbled upon him and we've become best buds ever since saving the world one sapling at a time we've only got three carry on the sticks remaining we uh kind of robbed the village of everything they had and yeah we're running low yippee up go faster he's very slow i would much rather a horse overdrive no porker no uh water bucket not again not again okay fine porker didn't have a brother or a sister that'd be a lie i didn't run into a fire with the first iteration of him he's only got two health oh god do you like apples uh emeralds can i pay for your health no i guess i cannot so these things actually very good to uh raid they have some chests that's how i got the backpack yes well so we got in here another one of the circuits oh and pork chops oh there's nothing up here i didn't get anything he doesn't like when i eat pork chops but that's the the best food that i have so i had to eat it all the time oh another chest oh my god that is like the coolest thing ever okay i'm going to take that and don't tell pork i put one of the carrot on the sticks in there this is just like the other transmitter i can get some mercenaries here if i find out how to get quartz uh smg or sig mpx oh porker look at this found a gun i would not shoot you don't worry it's going to reload this thing how do i do that i've got a few more minutes of daytime but there's another structure over there come on porker have a carrot faster mush overdrive mode i've got oh he's going he's actually cruising right now uh i've got probably another stack and a half whoa porker okay you're at half a heart that's okay i really thought porker could make that jump whoa okay we've got another one and some other ammo it's getting pretty dark probably retrofit this yeah let's do that i'll make it into a little base you know what to do porker hunker down and hide uh porker do you hear a zombie buddy i found another chest up here oh we're gonna be fine dude you worry wait hold on do i have night vision i do want to press x oh we found a glitch uh oh porker you okay i wish i could take you up there with me buddy but just stay down here okay keep hiding as best you can [Music] careful buddy i know you're trying to help but you're not oh the one riding a creeper porker are you okay i think he's fine right parker net porker is a menace he is an animal parker i did that no i didn't i didn't do that did i they're coming in oh that's a lot of explosions reloading got no ammo wait it's right there uh toss that out get up to the top coming from everywhere there's so many in here there's too many of them mr stark that's like a crazy amount crap uh back over here their arrows are smashing me uh drop this placing that's not enough i need one more wall okay we're kind of safe oh i'm taking damage from the cold that's what's happening can i warm up to a torch i don't i don't think that's possible come on reload reload inventory full come there we go the mining right underneath me saw zombie waiting for my face we're in a good spot can i die from hypothermia i think i can no no no no i'm i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck it's day 65 i'm all but given up this series was meant to be so much more and then the tornado the horde i just kept dying over and over and over so i i didn't have anything to show you guys i i just uh i was so far ahead last time and now i just had to start from the beginning this village desolate there's literally nothing in here this makes sense no loot for me to get either right let's check this crate maybe i can get a pickaxe oh oh i spoke that into existence literally that's the only what porker day 51. i miss you buddy what was that not him that is that a villain okay oh i don't care what it is i'm i'm going whatever it is i'm going if it's good or bad i i gotta go is there anything behind me there was a witch out there what the heck holy smokes huh what is that oh i can't break that this is insane you could oh i i should have guessed i should have guessed you can oversee everything from up here oh see that witch she's so annoying hey we got some chest let's go loot that crack and do not let that guy in here he's gonna kill us this is cannibal cracking what are you doing cody where have you been uh i thought you died ages ago he's back at spawn you guys are playing here too oh yeah dude we i mean we've probably been playing for about 30 days hey shut up you just walk up in here and start making the rules take my armor uh you shot me technically i shot you not him right okay true um well what do you got give me some resources hey that's supposed to be before the killer what are you doing the cure you guys think you can hear the zombie apocalypse this wasteland been there done that you can't it's always gonna be a wasteland well what do you have to uh offer us to join us join you guys i i give up you know unless you guys can build back my base bring pork chops back to life i i ain't going anywhere dude i give up sport he's my companion my best butt right well i mean where's your gear though i i lost it all uh well a tornado ripped through my base you mind careful i told you to rip through my base and then well uh a zombie horde just destroyed it afterwards what remained oh you don't have your base so well just live here like we can't just as long as you can uh what we can't just take in the strays every time they come knocking i i'm literally your brother he's no different than any other raider we can put him to work in the mines we'll do all the progressing he just goes in the mines and gets us all the iron oh yeah oh yeah it's all the way down there yeah that was cody have fun we're going to go explore out and try to find a cure you can mine a little bit uh you can pretty much use everything in here the blast furnace supposed to make steel uh do not step into the wires right here these will electrify and kill you okay welcome to the squad it didn't kill me well be careful okay quite yet um have you even advanced any into immersive engineering and stuff electricity you have windmills dude okay yeah look outside we have giant windmills i i no i had a gun at one point you might be a terrible i had that exact gun it's a good gun did you loot my body are you wearing my gear where's pork chops i'm afraid pork chop got stuck in the barbed wire out there that wasn't oh yeah there was a pork chops there you were right should we tell them about the first guy no no no okay um all right cody listen uh well you manned the fort okay now that you're here we don't have to worry about the base too much because the creepers and stuff just uh defend it we're gonna go on a giant adventure uh be back in like five days yeah we gotta go get a bunch of uh cactuses and stuff okay we're working on something cody why don't you give me some gear and i can come with you guys you got an extra uh the thing is we've never been able to go out on an adventure together because someone always had to stay at the base but now that you're here you can be the base watcher so have fun yep and you don't have a blast shield so what can you do what can you do die okay bye make me some more ammo too well how do you even craft him this base watch out for her bro did he say herobrine or hair bro uh jeb is okay is jeb nice oh gem is not nice he's killing pigs he's murderer oh jeb dead this is like the coolest base i've ever seen they're expanding out into that mountain it seems what big items do they have another pickaxe oh looks like they don't need a sword if they have all those guns they got crates oh they got five diamonds uh if i take get some iron armor that shouldn't you know bug them too much right just got like five stacks over here who's disturbing my day 70. oh god is it cracking cannibal back i hope not because i've been really enjoying the space oh no got some raiders okay okay look what mess you guys made i'm pretty good with this thing oh i missed one another circuit i'm gonna go down and grab that and prepare the walls they're gonna be so bad when i'm wasting all this ammo actually let's try the beretta come on that's that's scoped in oh he's a tough little pig take the cobble repair this we've just been kind of chilling at their base for a bit taking it easy oh there's another hole over there zombies i not actually explored over here there's three zom what the heck oh they just got through how'd they spawn in there i'll put it down how do i you know their base is really not functioning the best just been placing blocks wherever i need to iron plated shield now found this marine helmet a dungeon nearby you know i i did leave the base for a bit uh this beretta i found is mine but i did steal the mpx close the door and uh hold up who's out there cody you still alive in there yeah cannibal you got a lot of experience what is that zombie is that a zombie where right there behind you no it's me who threw the flashbang i can't see i i did i'm sorry i was trying to wake up cody guys come on get it get in i can't see anything yeah you walk to your left yeah ah the barbed wire never use that flashbang ever again holy crap ah oh thank god it feels good to be home i can't wait to take my armor off take a little bath guys you've literally been raiding for five days check this out it was worth it [Music] give me some zombies you didn't let anything destroy the base did you [Music] no charlie uh yeah what was this about boys did you kill charlie i when we had the thing captured oh no we were experimenting on that that was gonna be the end of the zombie oh god get ready uh i didn't though there's two that escaped mike wait my cracker quick dissolver on chance use the potions use the potions one of them might work oh man what you have potions i'm trying to find a cure cody oh what type of witchcraft maybe it's working he's docile no he's actually not doing anything dragon i think he wants he's not aggressive though is that a double barrel shotgun oh what ow did we cure his anger hold on there's one over there i've fallen oh i'm too cold that's what's happening cody quick i got water oh god no he's mad now we gotta put him down cracking none of the functions work did you use all yours i did god dang it charlie why you're playing charlie your plan didn't work guys i need uh you have lava by chance flint and steel why oh i gotta put my wool armor on that's why i forgot about it i found what you've been doing i found this marine helmet my porch uh where's my ammo cody like that earlier uh ammo there you go we told you just to go mine some oars and apparently the base is getting raided you killed charlie i'm trying my best you guys left me for five days i didn't think i was being left alone this long this is the most fortified base in this apocalypse there is a couple holes on the outside guys so just like no let's go repair them i guess can we run out of holy crap that's charlie i'll take care of him it was charlie no no you knew it was coming can oh michael can i keep this by the way and do you have any ammo i do not have any ammo no i just found it stop throwing potions on me we're not infected cracking it's not gonna work oh also have you guys found these uh transmitter circuits when you kill one of the zombies i have not seen this before in my life but maybe if we put it into a zombie brain maybe we can uh reprogram it or something no we can make mercenary coms press you do you know how to get courts like a phone yeah maybe we can phone somebody with this reinforcements that's what i'm thinking holy crap i needs an emerald uh do we don't have anything you should have been mining we would have had an emerald okay i took the easy route i kind of just took some of your armor and gear and we need automatic turrets that'll alter them i i don't know if you notice kodia but there are drones on the server too we need quartz as well how about we try to go to the nether wait boys have an idea this should be back in a second out hey kraken ken wasn't returned it's kind of been a while and i assume he like died what are you doing that in the mine yeah i'm just checking to see how much progress you made it doesn't even look like you've been down here i have not i told you that all right get down here sorry just gonna bring a torch do we have any coal i mean there's coal all throughout it's mine dude uh so we're gonna be needing some redstone as well let's put something right here yeah so grab a bunch we're gonna need stacks of it dude uh come on i wanna go to the nether are you scared to go to the other i hear some zombies nearby we should uh be ready to intercept at any moment huh candles still not back it's daytime at least oh there he is 71. i got it you i did all that for one emerald i mean we were down there binding i got 10 diamonds but no emeralds what 10 diamonds uh no the the town over there they had one of these little emeralds in an item frame so i just kind of yoinked it they started acting really strange when i s i took it but you know they're villagers so it doesn't matter so we can make that transmitter thing out of here we gotta call the military oh no we still need the trucks oh crap we got another for that i don't have another portal kraken cracking you down there all right let's go check on him maybe he's oh hey oh oh oh well that worked out another portal i i did not accidentally build the frame too wide what are you talking about how did you what where'd you get the lava i haven't seen lava in like years there's literally lava down here oh he's gonna go say hello to the lava all right first one is a rotten egg wait hold on leave my diamonds go put them in a chest probably should have left some more stuff guys it works all right i'm coming i got all we need is one nether quartz right yep we gotta go we gotta go okay everything is dark here this thing is one big cave oh holy crap yo cannibal are you even watching my back i thought that was you over there you see this oh the nether chords i got i got it cody don't worry about it don't worry about it why aren't you helping us i don't put the diamonds up here oh god i feel sick i'm back i gotta go get my stuff i'm back there uh there's nothing in there no all my stuff is gone what i'm heading back oh no not again i gotta start from nothing cody don't worry i've been emerald and another quartz we're gonna call the military and we're gonna get some drops some drops i hope you're right there we go okay uh here you take this cody just in case it's rigged or something hold on i'm gonna try to use it i do you hear the crying or is it is it is that just me is that coming out of this thing ah get it away from me it's haunted i tend to uh ignore that stuff happens quite often oh so we all hear voices in our head if you get that thing working do i really call in the mercenaries well we need any kind of help we can get if that phone's in something a care package we need some food most importantly i'm stabbing all right uh what do i i'll just call him in here that might not be a good idea giving them our position how many care packages are you dropping i don't know it's just mercenary am i supposed to be transmitting to people what if that was a trap i thought it's called in people uh giving the mercenaries our location and they're coming here to raid us get those turrets ready where it's turrets i need a better gun i may have lost your cool gun kraken come here oh what did you have on you oh 64 emeralds kraken cannibal what he had 64 emeralds on him what how did he get them he must have been trading or something where'd you get those emeralds dude stops going through my stuff what's wrong with you hey sorry i sneezed you can't sneeze you're wasting the ammo i mean we didn't find a crap ton of stuff cannibal you're gonna love this look at my armor you shall not pass oh where the heck did you get that backpack from and the backpack you do realize that armor is complete trash bud mike it's cool right um what's going on there's if you move forward just an inch there's an electrical line that could zap and kill all of us couldn't have gone higher with that dude um yeah that was actually just a joke we should probably uh uh break that but the lights just turned off i'll fix it later okay i'm in the middle of figuring out these turrets work if those mercenaries come we'll is that what a turret sounds like all right will you get that working cannibal and watch up that windmill like chop your head off aye aye captain what is that you didn't tell me you found that batman what did you just call me fat no that's the name of the gun it's a mini nuke okay it shoots many noobs that will be epic uh dude we can nuke mars that's what elon musk says uh i feel like let's solve our problems first fine no no no no no no more nuking so all the gear i got i got two flash bangs uh the riot shield those cannibals before m4 assault rifle things pretty freaking sweet m4a1 nothing bad dude i think we didn't do too shabby and now i got a fried grenade before i go out yeah fix the light uh you didn't [Music] oh you just gotta go on this side wait why don't we use high voltage to kill zombies let's go tell cannibal kraken fell if these turns aren't working well why don't we string up what if we place high voltage electricity lines around our base stop just in the way i'm trying to talk to him there'll be a lot of wire um it's a good plan unless we can like electrify the barbed wire somehow maybe that would be interesting actually barbed wire already hurts but we need something [Music] you can just walk right through it right what they can just walk right through it yeah they'll still weaken layers of high voltage stuff in the spiders that come up the wall we can have multiple layers of this it might just be crazy enough to work it's going to take a few days atlanteans but we are going to be put that nuke down sorry but we are going to be able to deck out the base and get ready for any raiders also i got this get invisible shotgun what are you talking about invisible shotgun this is literally a freaking minigun okay okay okay i didn't see it over there it's way on the other hand i want to test this one real quick oh this is yours to replace your old gun yo should i test this one out real quick no shut up stop bathroom what did you do you guys want to explain what that okay okay cannonball get me out of here what the heck did you just do no no no no guys guys guys no i was just i was sneezing i i didn't mean to do that my bridge oh my god my bridge is flattened i gotta rebuild this entire thing you gotta go you blew up all the turrets you gotta go he logged off did you do that on purpose what the heck was that yeah he did he's like i'm gonna shoot the new once the raiders come they're just gonna walk right up it's like oh it's like a staircase i crated our base dude uh mike what happened we got some bigger problems to solve day 80 is not going to go so well will we see day 81 i kind of just oh i want to cry dude it's going to take so long there's already a spider coming they're back them off conserve supplies for the mercenaries they ever do come oh it's dead it's getting deep into the nighttime dude i don't think we're gonna this is terrible timing our base just got destroyed and it's about to be nighttime heavy all right get a grip let's go ahead to the mines oh there we go okay you go to the mines i don't know what you're gonna mine for i i wanna try to know we're hiding let's hide for the night oh that who changed that just me and the crab there we go let's add a few more wires sometimes i just think i'm seeing things after 90 days of playing this oh okay i'm taking some damage i made a grid pattern to be able to stop any of the zombies from coming through uh cannibals i'm working on rebuilding the base and cracking there it is again the heck and kraken is still rage quitted he or she maybe quit because he was scared or embarrassed don't know what ah need a button with no buttons are gonna break down these doors uh i guess i'll replace it like that short that should hold up would you look at this cody take a look it it's literally exactly the same yeah i know i know i'm kind of epic at building i will say like oh i couldn't do the turrets because those take way too much resources didn't really have time to mine what is what what is that lightning do you hear that i do it's time for us to be ready oh by the way what have you i've been doing since i i saw you on the front what you didn't see it i made the grip pattern the grid pattern what oh yeah we might not even need turrets with this i'm gonna go test it out no i wouldn't it actually really hurts oh that's a lot of blood i'm in the middle i'm in the middle all right it's low voltage wires how harmful can it be i can't move i'll kill you i'll kill you okay okay you're fine how much health do you have with that full armor oh steel uh i don't know i have four bars left though all right uh i'm coming back up we should retry that uh the mercenary com do you still have it um yeah i i really don't want to use it i found another did you take damage what let me see that we need torches we forgot we've got to replace the torches is it working have they been lowered over here fall back a little bit mike they're not getting to the grid pattern okay i saw one of them it started going it was a skeleton it right as it shot me like fell apart oh here it goes they're like slowed through it i think we gotta add a few more right below me oh ah there's cnt yeah i see him oh look at him he's going he just turned around come on zombies oh his ai is bugging out right now yeah he just fell down that's crazy i like our chances oh cold let's go inside tomorrow we're gonna make it a little oh my god let's patch that we're gonna make it even better we're gonna add some more to the grid can you make it higher voltage we can try medium voltage but i don't know it's uh we're running out of resources pretty fast medium voltage we need all the power miguel yeah i do want to try tomorrow as well uh you remember this this mercenary con what about it what if we retry it in like a more open area maybe that'll work because we did it on like a little tiny bridge well when i right clicked it i thought they were gonna help us but like you guys put in my head that they might be enemies i haven't seen any so far so maybe we should try it again i'm down if you're down wait till the morning if we survive oh i didn't mean to do that i meant to zoom in well i guess i'll eat your body it's okay we'll do the thing i got a lot more grids so if they do come they're gonna be dead it is time to summon our friends oh oh my god are you dumb why would you do that yeah all right i'm trying to do it over here this looks like a good enough spot hopefully it's not a giant ship don't do it next to the in the sheep they're bad luck carl come in we got an ac130 coming in stop i got a lot of static on my radio oh cannibal stop calling them in okay oh my god holy crap holy crap hold the crap crap pull the crap [Music] wait they're not attacking me uh stop are you still doing it or no shoot them out of the sky what do you mean they're friendly i'm out of ammo reloading reloading i stopped like five minutes ago cody is confusing oh my god friends welcome to your new home good come come no friends don't do this uh they're not attacking me they're gonna die they're gonna die of the freaking grin they're gonna die maybe they are friends come on guys this way hi yep my name is cannibal crab i'm your new earl yeah this is the medieval kingdom now uh they smell weird i guess they're just gonna they're just gonna protect our outside of the base i guess they're just roaming around that's actually awesome we got a military soldier are you a medic we need a medic bad i just fell down a cliff is that freddy krueger listen for christmas i want to get out of here i want the the humans to come back well i think the humans are back oh no one just died we just we gotta repopulate the world with these groups of people do you have the second com that i had oh yeah did the other one get deleted are we doing uh no i gotta you want a round two no no no no no no round two we'll just we'll make sure we uh can call in some more people we gotta make a bigger farm too these people are gonna need food rations weapons armor how do you think of that and they need a place to sleep what have we summoned into this world okay day 94 and in three days these guys have a stab oh my god there's a sandstorm in the background oh oh that looks awfully close hopefully it doesn't come this way they've established a base camp uh doesn't seem hostile that guy is pretty bloody that he may have had an encounter with the wire these guys are uh i think you're underestimating the complexity of uh oh why is that wind it's getting awfully windy cody uh that is a rampage sandstorm and it better not spread what are the houses on fire uh let's go help them let's go help them i got a water bucket watch out they need us cody my people need me i can get out of the wires oh my god well you're the one that spread about 27 000 feet get them torches they don't have torches who's your mayor let me speak to him okay i saved it uh it is dark i have torches oh god oh the darkest has been i don't think they're gonna survive come on cody we gotta get back to peace trying to save their houses and everything get in the side get indoors moving in there's a red one i'll kill the red one kill the red one got him got a circuit board chip we can make another one i don't know where they came from uh getting my gun out wait wait cody i think those are good people good people go you're killing good men oh oh that's a bad one yeah there's red come with me if you want to live ah there's no living tonight i guess oh god i don't want to i don't want to sit up here and watch this this seems kind of gruesome we only have six more days we can't lose everybody and just we're supposed to build up a village society is supposed to rebuild itself you can spider out there got it oh there's a oh cody over there to your left there's a giant raid this is a bad timing they're good oh my god you're laying wasteland they're underneath us and they're building up let's clean this up quick uh i'll toss in a frag grenade oh chicken get down those are dangerous oh no it's not a dud the how is cool what is that out there oh there's so many of them so far do you think the good mercenaries lured the other people oh my god i mean think about that the village it was the houses cannibal cannibal ah no no no no no wizard of oz stuff i'm in the tornado help me get out of the tornado i can't what do you mean i don't know find a way i'm trying to find a way i'll shoot up and see if the momentum pushes me down good idea shoot to the moon ah you're hitting me i think it's over the base it's over the base oh no what's going on hey squids signed up for this my windmill did you just see a wimble fly away my wind that windmill almost slashed me in half i'm in the tornado still trying to get out yeah ah this is a bad time for a tornado okay i'm landing i clutched it i clutched it but i'm still oh it's wizard of oz a little bit there's an enderman oh god wait we survived i'm still getting pulled in but i think i can fight it i'm fighting it almost break at the base i'm trying to walk with everything i've got it it's the center still holding um yeah actually but uh everything else is uh yeah we'll talk about it a little bit i'm getting shot at arrows i can i can walk sideways but i cannot walk forward yes now i can walk forward it's far enough away day 94 will not go down in the day that i die okay maybe it will the wires are still live i think i hope so back at the base i think i see you carter so the only thing repelling everything i'm going to the farm uh we don't have a floor what we don't we don't have a floor oh my god we should have never have some of those stupid mercenaries in here oinkers just died put up the fire put up the fire how do you want me to fire i'm almost dead i mean if i punch the block i might die myself true most of the con most of the space is concrete though so we should be right we should be right just the floor staying under here we just have to hold wait those comms comms [Music] use them i i have two more circuit boards if you want to craft some more are you sure we need all try the mercenaries we can get land on top of our base i don't care anymore wait for them to get a little close here please tell me those are the good guys i hear them they're coming these aren't the good guys how many do we got cannibal day's almost here i just ran out reinforcements are in the base let's go they're on our western border they're coming in it's like an alien invasion i love it you're up close and personal whoa show them the hank tank style oh that was a shotgun blast to the face how about you clown you want some wait i don't have any more crap 19 more shots in this i gotta power now i'm ready to use it jeff get out of here oh i just killed a good guy get him i got you do not die out there oh i'm caught in the barbed wire no it's not chips i got notch i i gotta reload i can't cover you cody almost here i can't die oh i got five more days to go you're not the mercenaries i'm looking for oh my god that porker is angry he's dead now are you good nope the campbell will log off crap okay if he did i gotta go loot his body oh the electricity field is off is that a gun and he did lose a minigun i hear some ammo for it days here this base is fun head back where it all began i mean campbell's gone and kraken's gone then there's no real reason to even be at this base it's too much to fix i'm no builder like this village still it still stands i mean it obviously isn't melted down to the ground but this is the one i built the wall for maybe i could take this i'll take the town hall and then maybe i could go back to the ground zero and start my own village that would be another cool hundred days guys so it's day number 99 99 i can't believe we got here it's been awesome this whole hundred day experience we had tons of bases tons of friends tons of epic moments but i think the epic moments there's more to come if you guys hit 10 000 likes i will do another 100 days here but i'm gonna go to the tippy top let's steal some leaves oh man i'm gonna go to the tippy top of my old base and i'm gonna watch the sun set hey there's another pig i didn't see one cow or one sheep in this entire series i'm actually not complaining i hate sheep very annoying as soon as that sun fully falls the pie is gonna explode in squidward or spongebob right that's what this feels like we survived how many tornadoes three of them thank you guys so much for watching will i survive another 100 days only time will tell make sure you hit that like button and subscribe atlanteans unite you
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 2,193,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, surviving 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, wasteland, zombie, apocalypse, wasteland zombie apocalypse, surviving a zombie apocalypse, minecraf, minecraft, atlantic craft, cody, zombie apocalypse, zombie wasteland, day 1, day 1 to 100, day 1 to 100 minecraft, survive 100 nights in minecraft, i spent 100 days, i play 100 days
Id: Rpa8J0-c6SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 54sec (6954 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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