Block Squad: Survival | Minecraft Animation (ALL EPISODES)

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wow so this is the world huh it's beautiful such majestic animals oh wow seahorses oh hey there little buddy yeah i'm feeding you with your own brother let that be a lesson what the hell are you looking at no i'm literally not sure what you're looking at i may want to keep some of these animals around in case i have to uh repopulate the earth why aren't i mining doubt you gotta use tools idiots so like in the side of the cliffs dude i don't know i'm a chicken you land pig take me up that mountain what no get the hell off of me oh a carrot i'm building things i'm building things i'm building things and it's done wait just need to add my birch door that's a fine birch door you've got there staniel i'm gonna be honest with you your house is ugly as [ __ ] well you just haven't seen the inside yet it's pretty dark in here good it makes it harder to see the ugliness why don't you light a torch so you can see better hmm i don't know i wouldn't want to risk setting fired all my stuff there we go now we can see that gorgeous birch door it's the nicest thing i own and if i put this chest next to my other chest dun dun dun mega chest oh man all that animal murder has really made me sleepy time to craft a bed uh you need three wool to make a bed you've only got two what he means you gotta go out and kill one more sheep or you can't sleep damn it even after they're dead they're still pissing me off what the who the hell could that be i hope it's death no really i'm ready to go it's a zombie my birch door uh oh guys this is the end we've known each other for like five minutes phew thank you oops i meant to shoot you guys hold still please well we live here now all right it's probably safe out there now i've got an idea hey bony boy come check out this beautiful morning sun oh well i do love a good sunrise all right we took care of that skeleton and that evil zombie looks like that evil zombie was just trying to feed his son oh and i've got this nice chest to put my rotten flesh into did you see that stupid sheep stupid face when i pushed him off the stupid cliff then i pushed his brother into that lava we didn't even have to cook tonight finally time to catch up on rest oh you gotta be kidding me seriously stan this house is much better than your old one can't beat waterfront property yeah but my neighbor's a total witch karen is a fine lady okay she's crazy i'm pretty sure she cast a spell on porkchop dude for the last time she didn't cast the spirits of herobrine will consume your soul in an all-encompassing void of darkness well look a wolf anybody still get that bone from that skeleton bun me big face hey buddy another one good morning sir might i interest you in a trade hmm i don't really have that much stuff well you can have my pig you can turn them into bacon hey hmm that's a fine pig you've got i'll give you one sea pickle what the hell's a sea pickle this better not be a penis joke wait i packed some sandstone on my llama perhaps that will interest you i'll take the sexy llama sir this llama has a family the family is also very sexy what the hell is your problem you adopted two dogs and now a llama this isn't we bought a zoo starring matt damon it's fine i'm gonna build a boat and explore some new land we'll have a nice big farm for everyone to live on um the wolves are attacking the llama and they're just playing chick you hold down the fort while i'm gone what no dude i'm out of here there now you can't leave what how damn it you're right hey look it's a squid i'll call you squiddy my name's brian see ya squiddy all right there's a lot of islands we could live on we just gotta find one that works for the llama and both of the dogs uh looks like there's three dogs now what when did that happen i don't know i turned my head for two seconds and then boom baby dog strange well let's keep an eye on them what the hell stop it you guys jeez wow a sunken ship you should swim down there and see if there's any chests what'd you get paper blank sheets of paper what that's it and this emerald now i can buy the sea pickle from that wandering trader and shove it up his big fat nose hey you get out of my waters before i stab you with my trident hey check it out it's a merman what no i'm not a merman i'm a drowned i'm like a water zombie aha it's my trident now good luck mastering the skill of tridenting i've been lurking the ocean for years crafting the art all right let's head back home and put all this blank paper in mega chest about time you're back you didn't show me how to use the furnace i've been eating rotten baby zombie flesh oh what the hell more dogs yes sir puppies why are their heads so big they'll grow into them and i got you a special gift for being good and holding down the fort it's a shell with the freshest cleanest ocean water you've ever drank oh thanks i got you you idiot you just drank a whole bunch of llama spit wake up stan it's another beautiful day in the biome i think you should get some windows you know every day i wake up and think about eating you pork chop is right there's a whole square world out there and in this small crappy house we don't really see any of it wait the world is square you're saying the earth is flat well sure the top of it hey you know what i have an idea since we're crammed inside this house why don't we mine into the side of the cliffs and just make it a huge baller cave house cave house no house cave i don't know which name i like better but let's do it all right this place is gonna be a mansion oh my god spider relax dude they're more afraid of you than you are of them hey i'm afraid of you cause we digging for diamonds inside a cave house my best friends are a chicken and a pig we got a big ass house you know we gonna dig until the house is full of diamonds and it's really big we are our team and we stay together even though the chicken's kind of wow we really dug way down into those mines we even found diamond you know i bet we could use that diamond to make an enchantment table it would really go to good use or and hear me out on this diamond boots god damn it okay pork chop i need you to go down that shaft and set up a whole new furnace and chest down there that way we don't have to keep walking all the way back up okay uh i got this damn it staniel these are dangerous working conditions in fact i think i see an enderman down there you're fine just don't make eye contact why won't anybody talk to me nope i am done with this have fun with your stupid diamond boots these boots are not stupid okay you're stupid my house is awesome it's huge i could literally fall off a cliff inside my house and die weird flux but okay dude i'm stan and i spent weeks digging in a dark hole building a house and nobody ever sees so i can walk around in it with my stupid diamond boots you dug this whole mansion to impress who the duck i'm a chicken but okay i hope a monster breaks in and kills you if a monster broke in he could walk around my entire house for six years and not even run into me because it's so big and so cool well you can go [ __ ] raspberries i'm just gonna head out to that's fine i don't need them i have a huge house diamond boots a creeper buddy wait creeper buddy get away oh no oh no damn it he totally ruined my hallway well i'll just chip away at this stone and make it a little wider hey idiot wake up what happened a bunch of dirt blocks fell on you and you started suffocating well that's what happens when you move more bricks than a drug dealer yeah that's a metaphor okay calm down asap blocky you guys saved my life i'm so lucky you forgave me and came back oh i didn't forgive you i just wanted to use the lava jacuzzi ah yeah relaxation on a bacon vacation god this biome has nothing in it i swear this is the same field we've run through over and over again these are the same hills in fact i'm convinced all the pigs in this bio are the same too you say something uh bees are dying at an alarming rate see that's just you this world is a mess pork chop is unique okay stan remember when he was cursed by that witch yes i remember he went on a crazy rampage and murdered all those pillagers at that outpost screw you guys making up these lies about me i swear once i learn how to craft weapons i'm gonna kill ow damn it hey check it out it's a village wow crops houses kitties these houses don't look like garbage like ours does greetings welcome to our village friendly travelers uh i'm getting a bad omen from this pig perhaps it's the bad omen sign above his head hey mind your own business unibrow carrots carrots carrots carrots sir if you'd like we can arrange a large carrot feast in your honor eh not really much of a carrot guy hmm emeralds iron leggings ooh potatoes baby pretty good haul oh hi what you doing there oh nothing just admiring the interior design the yellow bed great for covering up accidents am i right you know for farmers you sure have some dead-ass grass my great-grandfather planted that grass when he founded this land let me guess he's as dead as this grass you know what i like the village i could see myself settling down here you got a lot of food cute cats incoming pillagers incoming pillagers your cursed omen has spawned a mob of pillagers damn you you cursed swine quickly get inside oh god we are defenseless throw our cuts don't worry i've got a bow whoops oh man i can only move my arms like this you idiotic stranger i have just read from our library that milk will combat this evil curse drink up you hurt him drink up boys chug chug chug screw you cat i need this milk it's working the omen is fading away the pillagers aren't spawning just one more arrow to the face should do it we did it that gross ass milk saved the day and i don't think i'm cursed anymore did you just say ass milk i'll never kill another cow again unless i'm really hungry or if he looks at me the wrong way in honor of saving our village i'd like to give you all the emeralds in our chest just give me one second to go in and grab them alright let's get out of here before those idiots realized i robbed them great job stan we dug so far down we don't know which way is up will you relax we're gonna get home safe okay excuse me mr bat how the hell do we get out of here to reach the land in which you've saved follow the light that leaves the cave oh wow you're a rhyming bat can you help us out here mr bat i've got a tamed llama at home i need to get back to he's not tamed he's trapped it's true i am a bat who rhymes to help us through these trying times okay this dude is annoying hey uh guys i think i found a way out oof how we gonna get around that lava river uh we could build over it like normal non-idiots would be gone lava dude that's the stupidest what the heck the water and lava is turning into obsidian let's mine it all right guys let's build another portal should we uh should we go in we need to remember the nether is an extremely dangerous underworld it's an extremely unsafe realm and not anybody can just enter it well we're probably ready uh guys i'm scared i don't know feels like home to me look at all these fires very dangerous and this ground block what's it made of mmm cinnamon yo bro welcome to the nether i'm blaze let me show you around my dudes blaze huh i can tell why they call you that you seem like you've been smoking the devil's lettuce yeah he's got a house down here so it's pretty easy to get follow me dude netherwart i'll use it to make a potion to cure me of this curse and he already cured you man well then i'll make other potions it's science daniel you wouldn't understand now to our left we've got a zombie pigman he's actually pretty cool as long as you don't mess with him uh you guys i'm getting worried my map's not working i've got an idea let's place stones along our path so we can trace our way back to the portal the torches will point us in the right direction whoops sorry watch it you overwhelmed clouds or i'll slice your faces off with my crappy good-for-nothing golden sword oh dude man they didn't mean any harm dude you idiots are next run just get them well we're not getting back to the overworld anytime soon so how are you guys enjoying the delta uh jeez it sucks there's nothing but molten rock like what the hell do people even eat yeah and this quote unquote nether fortress is literally just one long dark hallway i'm actually really liking it i've summoned a small army of magma cubes and they've really taken a liking to me i'm trying my best okay i'd like to turn this place into a decent location for people to live well maybe if there weren't so many evil mobs and so many ways to instantly die i don't know people might want to live here yes but what difference can one man i mean zombie pig man make well you know maybe you should run for some sort of position of power you know like president president of the nether one second excuse me i'd like to announce my run for public office i believe that if we work hard and if we work together we can make this a good place to live so if there's anything that's on your mind about what change you want to see please let me know ah the lava what about the lava i don't know there's like a lot of it can you get rid of it or something you want me to get rid of the lava and the sky like we never see it are we underground or wait wait wait didn't i kill you oh no sorry that must have been a different blaze yeah and there's nothing to eat down here soul stone really slows us down can we make it so it doesn't do that um your ideas have been heard and we're going to work on them geez they're all kind of right it does suck down here great so you let us go right no i don't know how to get back life's not worth living zombie pig man don't do this man come on you had to have had some other goal besides being president right i always wanted to be a famous singer oh my god of course well come on man show us those pipes fly me to the moon oh let me play about the star okay i think we've heard enough that was good that was great stan tell him he's good tell him he's good stan that was uh you know you're really saying the words uh tell him he was good staniel uh terrible he's not good at singing give me those very stupid human gonna fall more like inventive human genius human big stick energy human beans i don't need no stinking beans i need nourishment food i have you now human ingenuity always prevails at least i found some diamonds in that death trap there's got to be something to eat nearby another arrow to the knee and i'll be bone meal nether portal what a precious widow angel are you lost abandoned looks like we're in the same boat then i will name you bam bam and i will hug you and squeeze you and pat you forever and ever time to save our friends all right first i need a mine some stone find in mine coal and iron build a furnace make iron ingots build a bucket find water mine the obsidian build the portal light it up and then traverse the nether easy peasy maybe not so easy peasy do you happen to know where i might be able to find some food this project may take a while and with my energy already depleted i'm running out of options i can be strong this is for chicken pork chop they need me goodbye dear one your sacrifice will be much appreciated ah this vicious thing was about to i can explain i was starving and uh yeah this isn't a good look i'm obsessed with your melons they're firm it's sweet and supple uh yeah you know with your quest to save your friends are you sure that it's safe for you to care for our baby panda our village would be honored to raise him here near his ancestral home where other pandas yes i'm sure thanks bambam if you're going to roll do it somewhere safe that should do it come on bam bam time to rescue our friend and then i said to the ghast now that smells like sulfur oh uh hi stan well congratulations stan somehow you've managed to make a house worse than the old one would you stop complaining you should be thankful for the things we have like uh this bone meal and this spider eye ew come to think of it i'm gonna throw all this stuff in here for safe keeping while we go on our next adventure see that woodland mansion oh fancy well y'all are in luck because we're gonna go greet our new neighbors seeing as our house was built in four minutes and theirs is a luxurious mansion i think technically we're the new neighbors well we're gonna show them who's boss we're the tough guys in this but oh god who's attacking me you're standing in pricker bushes idiot stupid cobblestone wall thinks it can stop me from breaking and entering ah actually it is pretty protruding uh why do we hang out the world is infinitely expanding wow this place is huge oh boy a red carpet please please no flash photography sweet free torches wow really what they're free oh god we've got company i lay my life on the line for these stupid generic easy to make torches heads up he's gonna explode oh well never mind whoa dudes check this out what the heck a cat statue it's made of wool pretty cozy actually weird let's keep exploring ooh a spider room yep [ __ ] no ah dude a jail cell still nicer than our place who are they keeping prisoner oh hey guys oh hey mr zombie what did you do to end up in here i did the unthinkable i mined wood with a pickaxe you sick bastard books plants jeez what kind of hippie lives in this room oh my god oh my god i'm gonna die i need fresh air get out of my way stan pick up that totem it'll keep you from dying still can't breathe who would rather just die okay that was close hey how'd that zombie get out of his cell wha oh uh i definitely didn't let him out eat my dirt blocks losers i wish you could eat dirt blocks then stan wouldn't have had to murder my entire family dude are you still hung up about that do you ever wonder if one day he'll snap and turn on us staniel grows more powerful by the day it's only a matter of time before buddies ah damn it you could've warned me we were stopping oh my god yeah they're dirt all right just normal floating dirt do you know what this means the mountain was poorly generated sky base sky base aren't those kind of dangerous and time consuming and somewhat pointless this is and i say this with complete honesty the greatest thing i've ever created great yeah this is definitely practical uh without the staircase every time you want to get down what are you gonna do exactly you know what would be really great a water elevator just pour a bucket over the side and use the waterfall to get up and down that would be a good idea if i brought my bucket when was the last time you slept this house has been my passion for i don't know three days straight three days we gotta get you inside and get you to bed without those jerks on the ground to stop me i think i can keep building for another day or five stantony don't you get it if you don't sleep bad things can happen i'll take my chances i've never looked out upon a valley like this at night without fear without the presence of doom or some sense of impending destruction instead i stand here full of power yes the power to do anything i am reborn in this moment no longer do i question meaning oh my god a phantom stan look out guys i'm having a moment what the hell stan you okay well we're going to starve to death can't you fly down yeah poorly i'd rather not have to i'm okay great please come get us never mind he's dead he's alive see guys invincible now to rebuild that staircase he's dead i can't watch friend oh boy a couple of friends exploring i wonder what we'll find next a mesa a beach oh boy another grassy plain wait where's bam bam he's totally radical this looks like another great place to build another crap house would be nice to build on the foundation we've built instead of just abandoning all our homes a day after we've built them nah this place is great there's lots of trees and i saw a huge ravine down there with lava and water flowing into it stan was right the ravine was big but what was even bigger was the dark secret that had lived inside of it for decades all right let's build a house okay one more block to go and we're oh god a bee relax he's friendly really what's he dropping it's just pollen okay yep just spraying his seed all over your new living room what i'm gonna head out and start a small farm we'll finally have a stable food source you guys a white horse there there buddy just gonna relax friend here's an apple okay now let's well now you're just being difficult i know you're becoming a farmer now and i wanted to give you a gift oh it's a diamond hoe thank you how useful i used the diamonds you were storing in the chest to make it you don't say all right some wheat some melons and some sugarcane now while these grow i'm gonna go down and explore that dangerous ravine hey bird butt you want to come down to the ravine and explore with us no i'll hang back and watch bam bam plus i'm going to listen to some old records the classics okay so theoretically i should just be able to jump straight down and just land in the water uh i don't know dude why don't you try to build down uh fine wow there's a lot of caves on the side of these walls imagine the entire land beneath our feet waiting to be explored careful stan you're dangerously close to the edge and it's a long way down ah stan oh man that really hurt wow i'm shocked you survived that brush yourself off and let's get out of here wait a second i see a villager over there that's funny i didn't know villagers even lived in this part of the biome excuse me mr villager would you happen to have any oh my god he's some kind of zombie villager uh-oh this might be it for us uh-oh this might be the end no way man we will survive this put on your iron helmet no dude i look stupid in that thing put it on stanton this looks so stupid maybe we can lure them up out of the shade that way they'll burst in the flames or we can tell them there's a delicious chicken just on top of the cliffs apple trees wheat melons i'd say we've got a pretty nice farm you know i'm gonna be honest it's pretty boring watching you usually stan's dumbass would have a steep in trouble right now you on the other hand just kind of uh sit there what the hey you get away from there oh god uh wow maybe you're not so lame after all no dude we don't need more useless crap taking up inventory space ah fine welp stan if this is the end there's something i've always wanted to tell you you're kind of all right i'm just gonna run and hide maybe under that waterfall they won't be able to see me wait a minute that's it stan ascend up the waterfall blow it up ascend my idiotic brethren oh god what's going on trust the process staniel well we're stuck down here forever and now there's no point of even getting up there the sun's going down well that was a successful day wow usually stan and that stupid pig would be back by now missing a meal is not like them wait where are you going careful on the edge there dude what the hey idiot help us please of course you're gone for half a day and about to become zombie food would you please just help us i used all my cobblestone on that stupid statue of myself oh well worth it wait chick lower bam bam down and the zombies will end up chasing him up there we can cure the zombies with the apples on the farm hey that's my farm get your own apples ugh all right fine good call i'm keeping that string little dude great job the villagers are chasing him all right we're gonna head up there too hey zombie folk y'all want some apples stan the apples have to be golden if they're gonna cure the villagers we're gonna have to smelt stan's golden leggings down to make the apples golden ruin my golden slags over my dead body hold them down these are delicious thanks for saving my family and i you owe me a pair of golden pants [ __ ] those were designer 24 karat i've got 24 carrots for you right here wait we're really gonna end on that stupid joke way to go idiots we're officially lost at sea uh i'm pretty sure we need to head that way wait no maybe that way okay let's just stay calm and keep rowing land will generate eventually hey look at that it's some sort of ancient ocean monument i bet that could be our next adventure let's go explore turn around now all be cursed with eternal fatigue ah let's just see what's over this way whoa check it out it's a coral reef look at all those delicious tropical fish last one is an unborn chicken i take offense to that let me just drink this water breathing potion okay i admit these coral reefs are kind of pretty oh yeah why don't you marry them i'll come back for you well howdy layin folk wow you dolphin can talk yes sir interesting fact we dolphin are one of the smartest species on the planet we can communicate without language and even participate in recreational fornication thanks for that visual welcome to the coral reef where we ocean mobs live in harmony and friendship wow a peaceful coexistence you know i love to see that you have a beautiful home here but um is there anything else to do besides swim around and look at coral why yes there's an underwater ruin made of sandstone nearby follow us wow an underwater ruin careful there's a giant squid swimming around it i'll handle this while stan brutally murders that squid here's a fun fact for you did you know that in minecraft there were over 2700 different random combinations of tropical fish oh my god you guys it's a treasure map oh boy time for a long and arduous quest across the entire biome to find it let's just cut to that part now stan dug for the entire day that day even though the chest was only three blocks deep in fact the only reason it took so long was because he was using his axe instead of his shovel like a dumbass hey there it is uh kind of looks just like a normal chest no way dude it's a treasure chest what's inside a blue ball and a cake throw the ball throw it now what should we do with the cake i i have an idea what do you see up there hmm i see a mountain with some dirt and some stone another mountain with some dirt and some stone and a mountain with some dirt and some stone oh sounds like we've got some options uh why did we spawn in the worst seed wait a second i see a beach just off the north side i'm beach bound baby oh man the beach life is a life for me just laying back catching a tan well to be fair you really weren't doing much before so this is great free drinking water and all of our friends can swim we can finally get rid of that dangerous pond that's then built in front of the old place yeah that llama's gonna die in that pond oh my gosh sea turtles hey nice shell bro i'm a woman you jerk yeah and you kids are ruining our honeymoon can't you see we're trying to get romantic ew you sound like you're 80. we sea turtles live a long time now if you let me i'd like to get back to trying to reproduce with my wife stop watching all right we should probably build a house or something ugh building houses is boring here play with this ooh hey fishy fishy all right good work team you did literally nothing to help didn't i though didn't i no now back outside to enjoy the beach dude are you actually putting that fish inside of mega chest yeah dude i don't want anything to happen to it no matter what kind of trouble we get into this chest goes nowhere it's great sometimes i wish i could be free in a world i've so much yet to see but here is where i am best the life of a mega chest at night i lie awake and stare these walls have never felt so bare someday i will be holy sh the chest is moving hey look at that the sea turtles must have given birth baby turtles i'd like to take a plastic straw to them uh-oh that one's having trouble making it to the shore it's the sun you morons the turtles need hydration he's not gonna make it i've got just the thing careful stan if you dump that bucket the fish will fall on land and die sorry little fella you're going airborne it worked now run to the ocean my reptilian child there we save the day jesus i'm starving oh man we haven't eaten all day youtube rock paper scissors to see who we kill and eat you can't kill me i'm the only one who remembers the coordinates to get home damn it he's right i wish i hadn't dropped my map hey maybe this guy knows where we can find some food oh my god it's a stray well it's been fun you guys yeah i can't lie to you it actually hasn't that's right i forgot we had a tamed wolf thanks mr wolf how can we ever repay you yo god emeralds uh yeah but give me your emeralds hey i'm a rich ass wolf whoa it's a frozen ocean thank you we have eyes yes but what we don't have is food wait a sec who wants some fresh cod oh boy we're gonna have a feast tonight so they realized that in order for all of them to play together they were going to need to buy a realm but none of them had any money so they were going to have to ask for their mom's credit card to cover the monthly fee and after they had finally built the ultimate fortress they found out that one of their little brothers had accessed the world and briefed it that's it i'm not sleeping tonight as a leader of our group i too will stay up all night to keep watching good morning ew we shared a sleeping bag i was the big spoon hey what happened to all the salmon there was a big pile right here when we went to bed someone must have came along and stole it probably those red-eyed rabbits stupid albino zombies will you guys relax i'm sure there's a totally normal non-lethal explanation for this oh my god polar bear save me before i become pork sausage this is terrible this whole situation has just snowballed into a giant mess that's it snowball stand throw that snow take that oh no it just made him angrier pork chop jump in the water what no it's cold and i can't swim trust me great job now let's get out of here take that you endangered [ __ ] man how come we never explored the desert biome before it's warm it's got a nice breeze and look at all these cactuses why don't you give it a nice hug hey check it out rabbits he takes the ball up field past the halfbacks he shoots he scores whoa what's that some sort of desert temple should we go inside come on you already know we're going in ooh purple dirt mine it's stanton here jeez that could have been painful hey there's a bunch of chests down there i'm gonna jump and land right on that stone trap looking thing wait wait i'll get us down there safely okay rotten flesh bones and string i'm noticing a pattern here what garbage oh my god guys guess what's in this one sand if we wanted sand we could have just mined this sand here uh-oh somebody in this temple wants us dead i can't imagine well the responsible thing to do is climb back up and not touch any of these explosives agreed i'm allergic to bombs just gonna throw my flint all the way up out of the way so there's no chance that oh my god it's gonna land on the bombs whew that was close um guys um either that explosion killed me and i'm in heaven or we just stumbled upon a gold mine we're gonna be rich hey dude there's those idiots who used you like a soccer ball looks like they found the crap ton of gold well what can i do we're just a passive mob not all of us hey porkchop throw another golden ore in the furnace for me would ya you got it boy i'm so excited to make a bunch of golden carrots or goes in gold comes out or goes in gold comes out or goes in a killer bunny no porkchop 2.0 no please what do you want please say gold all i have is gold ah ow damn it you must stop the face while i run away ah you uh you didn't set a respawn point did you oh guess not we lost all that gold hey wait you can't find the gold without the map i'm going to jump off a cliff hey get back here and get your fence i have apples why do all these horses hate me everyone hates you come on let's go find him he couldn't have gone far ew god what is this water it's a swamp oh boy another biome we get to explore hey let's climb to the top of that giant mushroom we'll be able to find the horse from up there hey that's so fast my guy what the hell are you supposed to be that looks like something i'd sneeze out of my nose i'm a slime and we ruled this swamp you hear me a slime that's right tell them slime yeah that's right we're the slime gang the slimiest gang wait so every slime is just named slime damn straight except little slimex tell em yeah that's right look our horse ran somewhere over here we just want to look for him so that horse belongs to slime gang now now beat it will turn you to a fossil like we did to that guy hey we're tough too we're a gang all on our own a brotherhood to the death i hate both of these guys yeah well if you're so tough why don't you go explore that witch hunt then you can be in our gang uh sure we can do that okay i know i talked a really big game back there but i'm worried if there's a witch in there we could get killed really oh it's rustic in here yeah let's just be happy there's no witch oh wow a black cat and he brought us a gift it's a lucky rabbit's foot oh wait it's a raw chicken hide well we got lunch that's disgusting all right there's not really much to do in here so let's just oh god a witch throat punch uh this swamp water is hard to run in let's build up for that mushroom we'll be safe up there aha good luck killing us now which you'll never reach us all the way up ah damn it that's a glass bottle oh no the witch cursed you with slowness he was pretty slow to begin with well guys safe to say we're screwed i bet those slimes will be watching us and laughing while we die oh actually i killed them hey there's our horse if you have their slime balls we can make a trampoline and bounce to it safely but i don't know how to make slime blocks dude this is bedrock just make the damn blocks we're out of here now back to the farm i mean uh not the farm apple orchard please come back sir perhaps you've heard the news we were visited by a noble steve last night a steve yes you know steve the one whom the world revolves around slayer of evil mobs and dragons my god and he's here with us now he's inside this igloo house sleeping sleeping why it's almost noon morning [ __ ] hey what's for breakfast well we hadn't prepared anything about him uh sir that is my son look at the size of that head that thing could feed a whole village all right onwards so we were wondering since we have you here in our snow village we've heard brave stories of you traversing the biome fighting off mobs we've watched on twitch streams and dantdm videos yeah so what's your question we need your help skeleton strays have been surrounding the village each night preparing to strike we believe that tonight they're going to try and kill our village cartographer i'm in the process of mapping out a new world for us one that isn't cold and miserable and covered in snow we ask your help in fighting off the strays we know you have a deep history of combat might as well start crafting shovels to dig your graves now where the hell have you guys been we were trying to mine some ice blocks no such luck so please sir just even for one night help us protect our village what's in it for me huh we'll give you three carrots we'll do it all right we need to keep our eyes peeled for these strays unfortunately since we lost all our stuff all i've got is this wooden sword seems like you've got this under control i'm gonna go find an igloo with a single torch in it to stay warm apes friend i want to thank you for being our defender our chicken tender defender uh sure you're in uh good hands i feel safer than ever with those brave adventurers i don't know the human is a complete jackass i would honestly rather have just been killed by these strays than spend the whole day with him that uh that must be our friends who is it oh sh do we have anything in here that will save us some strays yes i have my maps how the hell are maps going to stop a zombie skeleton live by the map die by the map oh god damn you strays oh god the strays are here uh here he's dying maybe we can save the map it's no use it's covered in snow well the good news is that these episodes always end in some sort of joke to lighten the mood man can you believe stan is making us throw all of our stuff away it's about not being wasteful we've got too much stuff we don't need or use goodbye lapiz oh god damn it goodbye books hey i wanted to keep those you've never opened any of those books do you even know what they're used for uh building bookshelves anyway lunch is ready so take a seat ew what the hell is this mushrooms do give it a chance it's healthy if i was concerned with going green i'd lick the moss off that cobblestone outside hmm you know it's actually not that bad i feel like i can take on the world oh god my stomach what did you put in that stew that's just some red mushrooms some brown mushrooms and some wither rose witheros well he's contracted the swine flu that weather rose is gonna turn my heart black okay uh let's go out and explore we're bound to find the flower that'll cure him in the forest hello any oxide daisies out here hey that fox probably knows this forest like the back of his paw excuse me mr fox a little help hey get get out of here wow that fox really headed out for me yeah gives me an idea aha and now we wait what the hell that ugly piece of crap looks nothing like me what the gotcha now tell us where we can find some healing flowers never i will escape okay come to my cave your friend is withering away all he needs is a healing potion to combat the decay wow so you're like some sort of magic fox huh hardly i just like potions and enchantments and stuff i remember when i had books until my quote unquote friends threw them into the lava here take this one it'll let you enchant your armor and your tools a book of enchantment you're really giving this idiot a lot of power take a swig mr pig i'm going to create an enchantment table and soon i will have the sharpest of swords the strongest of armor and the most uh fish-like lungs to breathe underwater or whatever yes finally we won't be noobs anymore we'll be all powerful gods we will rule the biome and we will live forever we finally did it a house we can stay in 33rd times the charm huh we're surrounded by water on three sides a nether portal with a lava pit and a small farm out front will you hurry up and get us out of here he wants us to breed i'm trying gerald can't you see that i'm trying um maybe we should just let that cow free another cow is bound to wander over here someday now let's just enjoy that beautiful sunset now time to continue the mission let me guess you're armoring up to traverse the biome throwing eggs at innocent sheep you brave brave warrior i'm trying to make ender pearls okay which means we need to stay up all night and hunt enderman now come on hey at least it's a nice night of course okay there's got to be an enderman around here somewhere let's split up i'll check along the shore chick you hit the forest on that hill and porkchop you go searching those big shafts we dug out oh right i love big shafts i bet you do okay enderman let's make this easier on both of us if you're out there just stay hiding i don't feel like gouging the eyeballs out of a hostile teleporting mob in fact i'm not even gonna look just gazing straight up into space can't find anything oh i'm gonna take this just in case whoa okay kinda hard to see with this pumpkin on my head one step two step three step four hello i'm looking for a mr man first name ender i can't really see but i'm sure there's none down here it's gonna be tough getting back up the rain made my feet all slippery oh god oh man this is taking longer than i thought maybe i'll just sit down for a sec hey you put that block down and get ready to die oh uh yeah i love what you done with the place i just thought maybe this block would look better over there get back here aha and ender pearl you guys we did it uh that's great yeah i killed like 12 but none of them dropped anything all right i saw pork chop come down here with a jack-o-lantern helmet um dude oh god i'm sorry man uh hold on say hello to porkchop 2.0 it's not the same this pig doesn't what's up guys thanks for letting me out of that pen now we can go on infinite adventures now okay this will do come on guys the ender pearl is telling us to head this way uh how much far there's this stronghold it's not my fault i have chicken legs only the eye of ender knows that's the beauty of it now toss that pearl stan well we thank him for his sacrifice don't worry i've got another one yeah let's follow it oh my god you guys a pink sheep they say there's only a 0.0841733265 chance you'll ever find one oh man the eye got stuck in that tree well let's toss something up there to knock it down fine daddy son gotcha oh man no meat behind us we've got to be close all right the stronghold should be somewhere under this mountain let's just dig straight down uh isn't that like rule number one of what not to do ah great i'll just head back to the spawn point now i'll see you after you die aha a brick of mossy stone you know what that means a tree and a rock made sweet sweet love just beyond this block is a hidden underground fortress with a portal to a magical realm oh god a silverfish all right that wasn't too difficult let's explore whoa a zombie cell hey zombie where's the end portal brains you're gonna be quite disappointed yeah no hugs for you zombie man now onward to more exciting death-defying adventure oh a library i wanted to kill things come on we can still kill these spiderwebs in there it looks like there's an end portal wow the end portal i'm so excited i too cannot wait for the end porkchop will you kill these stupid bugs please die tiny bugs you go squish now all right once i plug this final eye into the portal we're on our way to defeat the dragon uh oh my god oh my gosh you
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 6,615,422
Rating: 4.7473798 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, block squad, squad, minecraft animation, arcadecloud, creeper minecraft, the block squad, minecraft cartoon, minecraft ender pearl, minecraft bee, nether minecraft, minecraft bedrock, arcade cloud, funny minecraft animation, minecraft zombie, episodes, minecraft ps4, enderman, minecraft survival mode
Id: wyGzECY6Usk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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