Real World Audio Edit in DaVinci Resolve 18 | See how I Edit Audio (w/ Tips & Tricks!)

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today we're going to be doing a real world audio edit so you guys from time to time send me files and ask for a little advice or maybe what could I do better and I've got a bunch of them and today we're going to be taking a look at one particular clip from a channel named CJ Smalls had to take a look at it here it is we'll throw it up on the screen here CJ had reached out to me a while back uh back in like September actually and just had some questions about his audio head said hey can you take a look and let me know what I could do to make it better so I'm always happy to help you guys out so we're going to jump into resolve with a clip that he had sent me I'm looking at this essentially for the first time here and we're just going to kind of go to work on it see what we can do see how we can make it sound a little bit better and hopefully some of these tips and tricks are going to help you in your audio editing process so let's just jump right into resolve all right so jumping into resolve here this is the file that I got from CJ let's just take a little listen to a little bit of it here and uh see what we're working with so our front office definitely splurged in free agency we have Devon single Shaq Griffin Baker May okay so not too bad what am I going to do first the first thing that I'm going to do is check my levels so I'm in the edit tab right here we're going to start here in the edit tab I'm going to go ahead and open up my mixer and I'm just going to watch my levels and kind of see where they're falling for this particular clip now since it's dialogue I kind of want it to fall around that minus 10 DB right here so let's see where we're currently at field as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos got another running back and anonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peoples Jones Josh Allen I mean all right so it looks pretty good there you notice we did have a pretty high peak right there so levels are okay let's leave them where they're at and just kind of see where we can go from here so I think what I'm going to do is jump over into the fair light tab just so we have access to more audio tools so I'm going to hit the musical notes at the bottom jump into faite clean up my window a little bit here and the first thing I think I want to do is work with a little bit of EQ so we're currently on track number one in my mixer here if you don't have your mixer open you can click your mixer right here I'm going to want to change this cuz I like to go EQ Dynamics then effects so we're going to change that to this guy right here I'm going to double click my EQ to open it up put this on the side I'm going to zoom out on my timeline a little bit here and I'm just going to set this so that it'll Loop over and over again so if I get to the end and I'm not done yet it'll just replay for us so I'm going to set some in and out points by hitting I in the beginning and it's automatically going to set the end point for me there I'm going to turn on my Loop icon which is this one right here and now I can just hit the space bar and when it gets to the end of the clip it's going to loop back and play it again for me so let's uh do a little EQ work here and see where it goes from here okay so our front office definitely splurged in free agency we have Devon single ter Shaq Griffin Baker Mayfield as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos [Music] [Music] Mayfield as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos got another running back and Antonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets all right so I worked with the EQ a little bit there let's talk about what I did hopefully you guys can hear the changes that I was making if you got some headphones it's going to be a little bit easier to hear it first thing I did was throw on band one and apply a high pass filter so we cut out a lot of the low-end frequencies because we just don't need those in our dialogue the next thing I did was grabbed point 4 and looked around that you know 800 to 1.5k range somewhere in there to kind of remove some of the boxiness sounding right it it just didn't sound so great you know when you boost it up and kind of slide your points around that helps you find areas of uh you know things that don't sound good right if it sounds harsh to you while you're doing that with the point then there's a good chance it could use a little cut in that area now I did the same thing around uh with Point number three here around 363 uh Hertz because I found something that just it sounded a little again uh kind of boxy there let's just play with this point three here see if you can hear what it sounds like Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peop Jones Josh Allen I mean the chief's front office really went all out so so you can hear that there it just it it didn't sound good to me so I dropped it out a little bit and then on point number two here around 225 I just made a slight cut there now I did add a little boost with uh band number five here around you know between the 4 and 8K there just to help with uh a little bit of clarity so I think this just helped cleaned it up a little bit let's do a little quick before and after here and uh just listen to the difference so we'll start with before I'll turn it on you can hear the after this team is definitely going to be much better starting off in year two now let's hope we can do the same thing in the draft okay so our front office definitely splurged in free agency we have Devon single all right so I think it helped cleaned it up a little bit it did make it a little bit quieter so we want to check our levels again and kind of see where we're at and we're going to move on to the Dynamics we're going to check our levels there and make any adjustments that we need to so I'm going to go ahead and close our EQ going to open up our Dynamics I'm going to turn on my compressor because I'm going to be applying a little bit of compression especially for uh this bigger Spike right over here we want to make sure that that's not peaking and not too loud so let's play through our clip and uh adjust our Dynamics a little bit think for my uh ratio on my compressor I'm going to start with 2.5 and we'll see where we need to put the threshold but uh let's just play through and see what we got ter Shaq Griffin Baker Mayfield as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos got another running back and Antonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peoples Jones Josh Allen I mean the chief's front office really went all out so this team all right so I think this is pretty good here right we have our threshold around minus 20 DB we've got a ratio of 2.5 to1 and I boosted the make up a little bit um just to balance out the parts that are a little bit quieter and uh not that they're even that quiet in in this particular clip I think it's a pretty good volume but we boosted it just a little bit and then you can see our compressor being applied because this column right here lights up blue and when that lights up that means the compressor is being applied now when we got to this little Spike right here I noticed that uh we didn't Peak you know it came up it was in the red but it didn't Peak all the way up to the top like it was before so just check this out when we hit the uh the spike right here check it out and watch our meter so we're going to be compressing and then we can see what our output meter is telling us as far as what our levels are after the EQ and the Dynamics have been applied and people's Jones Josh Allen I mean the chief's front office really went all out so this so I think that works out pretty good now I don't want to go below uh minus 6db for the gain reduction or the compressor I kind of want to make sure it's like maybe that- 6 at most but um I think that's pretty good so we're going to leave that for that now and uh we'll move on to some effects so one of the effects that I like to apply here right in D Vinci resolve is a multiband compressor so to add the multiband compressor it's a built-in effect here I'm going to click on the plus we're going to come down to Dynamics Fair light effects and multiband compressor so I'm just going to start with everything in its default ranges here and I might just boost or lower some of these areas by using the gain knobs right here and we're going to see how it sounds so let's play through our clip I might start with the lower end here just to kind of bring back some body to the voice but let's see what we got here this team is definitely going to be much better starting off in year 2 now let's hope we can do the same thing in the draft okay so our front office definitely splurged in free agency we have Devin single ter sha Griffin Baker Mayfield as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos got another running back and Antonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peoples Jones Josh Allen I mean the chief's front office really went all out so this team is definitely going to be much better starting off in year two now let's hope we can do the same thing in the draft okay so our front office definitely splurged in free agency we have Devin single ter Shaq Griffin Baker Mayfield as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos got another running back and Antonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peoples Jones Josh Allen I mean the chief's front office really went all out so this team is definitely going to be much better starting off in year two now let's hope we can do the same thing in the draft okay so our front office definitely splurged in free agency we have Devin single ter Shaq Griffin Baker Mayfield as our quarterback wow adri and Amos got another all right so I think that's pretty good I did adjust our frequency ranges a little bit I tried to bring in a little more body and warmth a little more low end to the to the dialogue there um and made a slight adjustment in the mid-range there and in the high range I boosted it just a little bit and I think it makes a decent difference there now I did notice that I did uh lose some of my output signal right or my my output levels so I just boosted the gain a little bit here in the effect itself so that way it can bring us back up to closer to that uh minus 10 DB so I'm going to say I'm good with that I'm happy with that I'm going to go ahead and close that out for now now another effect that I do like to add on is a dser just to help with some of those harsh s sounds again a built-in effect here in resolve I'm going to click the plus we're going to go down to Restoration feralite effects and dser so for the dser here a lot of times I'm just going to start with the uh preset here the male ESS I'm going to play through it and a lot of times too I make it a little more narrow there I don't like it as as big as uh the wide one there like that so I'm going to make that a little bit narrower just play through it and see if we can hear a difference running back and Antonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peoples Jones Josh Allen I mean the chief's front office really went all out so this team is definitely going to be much better starting off in year two now let's hope we can do the same thing in the draft okay so our front office definitely splur so we can see it's doing quite a bit of work here because our reduction me met here is lighting up pretty good so I think it helps just kind of remove a little bit of the harshness of the s's there it's a lot of um S's and it could be a factor of the environment that he's recording in uh the microphone that he's using it seems a little bit on the high- end like with the S's and stuff uh a little a little much so I think this dials it back pretty nicely those are the basic edits that I'm going to do to a piece of audio like this now let's jump back into the edit tab here I'm going to just copy this down into another track so we can hear a little before and after after so I'm just going to use option or alt to select just the audio copy it down into a new track so we have our after audio in track one and we have our before audio in track two so let's hear the before and then we'll hear the after okay so our front off is definitely splurged in free agency we have Devin single T Shaq Griffin Baker Mayfield as our quarterback wow Adrien Amos got another running back and Antonio Gibson Cam Jordan Taylor lean a couple vets Michael Pierce Damen Lewis Donovan peop Jones so what did you guys think could you hear the difference there do you think it was an improvement now everybody's ears are going to be different and obviously audio editing like a lot of editing is subjective but I think there's some good principles we followed here and I think we ended up with a good result that was better than the audio that we started with to me it's a little bit easier to listen to it sounds better and overall I think it was a good improvement over what we started with so Chris I want to know what did you think drop a comment down below and all you guys out there drop a comment down below let me know what you think was it better was it not better what did you like what did you not like what else might you do to make this audio even better yet so big thank you to Chris for sending over this file so that we can check it out work together and work on some real world audio editing I'm going to be doing some more videos like this uh coming up here in the future I enjoy just taking some audio from you guys working with it working through it together and really just showing you guys how I think about things the first time I hear the audio without like practicing it I don't practice this stuff I'm just going to jump on here film the video so you guys can see and hear my thought process and how we can make the audio sound better and if you are interested I have a full complete course audio Essentials for video editors in DCI resolve if you want to check that out learn everything you need to know about audio editing and how to take your videos to the next level when it comes to audio link down description below check that out if you're interested and with that said guys this real world audio edit is done and I will see you in the next video [Music] peace
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 3,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fairlight 18, Fairlight, Fairlight Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 18, How to Edit Audio in DaVinci Resolve, Real World Audio Edit, Audio Tips in Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 18 Fairlight, DaVinci Resolve Fairlight, Fairlight 18 Tutorial, Professional Audio in DaVinci Resolve, Resolve 18, How to use davinci resolve 18 for beginners, audio editing in resolve, resolve tutorial for beginners 2024, Resolve 18 fairlight tutorial, EQ, Dynamics, Compressor, Dresser, Multi-band compressor, Audio Edit
Id: SPpJkx81c-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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