3 TIPS to Blend Together DIALOGUE and MUSIC Better in DaVinci Resolve 18 | Make Some Space!

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we all love to put a little music below our dialogue tracks and our speaking tracks right to give the video a little bit of Ambiance and a little bit of vibe right but do you know the best way to kind of create some space for your dialogue and make sure that your music isn't competing with your dialogue oh let me get a little dialogue space here please you might be thinking hey I'm just going to lower the volume right and that's pretty much what most people are gonna do but in this video I've got three tips for you on how you can use other tools and techniques to create some space for your dialogue right we don't want the music track to be competing with our dialogue and these three tips are going to help just make a little space in your music track for that dialogue to live but hey if you're new here my name is Jason yolowski I make tons of videos about DaVinci Resolve help you get started learn this awesome program and a lot of stuff about audio because audio is super important when it comes to your videos random side note have you heard of the artless 100K fund our list is going to be sponsoring a Creator by giving them a hundred thousand dollars to go out and create something awesome so I'll leave a link description below if you're interested in checking more out about that so we're in DaVinci Resolve I have a talking head clip of myself and I've got two different music tracks that I got from art list the sponsor today's video talk about them later so let me just play a little bit of this clip here and you're gonna hear obviously the music's gonna be too loud and we're going to start with how most people would go ahead and try and balance our dialogue and our music track so take a listen to this I'm gonna stop right there it's too loud right so most people to try and blend these two together they're just going to come in here and lower the volume and we can totally do that so I'm gonna play through it and just drop the volume down a little bit and just kind of try and get them to blend together a little bit better and let's see how how it sounds sometimes when we've got talking headshots like so maybe a little bit lower than that maybe a minus 25 DB like this or people talking in our videos we want to put a music track below all that okay so it's not too bad right maybe I make it a little bit quieter but you still hear a little bit of competition between the guitar in that music track and me talking right so let's get into the first tip here the first thing that you can try to help make some space for your dialogue track within your music track right because we want we want the dialogue to kind of be coming right at you and this tip we're actually going to take our music and we're going to push it to the outside right so we have right and left channels so we want to push it to the outside of our speakers so to do that we're going to go ahead and jump into fairlight musical notes at the bottom here and we're going to want to add an effect and that effect is going to be a stereo spread effect so it's going to take our music and push it to the outsides of our right and left channels to kind of make a little space in the middle for our dialogue to live so I'm on my track number two here I want to come to my mixer if you don't see your mixer click right here open up that mixer we want to come to our effects section click on the plus then you want to come down to spatial fairlight effects and right here we have stereo width so this is going to allow us to make that music sound a little bit wider right between our right and our left channels so I'm going to go ahead and click on that effect when the effect opens up in here you can see we've got a few different options but if you just want to get it as wide as you can right off the bat there's actually a preset built in that we can use so I'm going to click the drop down go to Max separation and now you can see it's pushing out that audio all the way to the outside so let's play through a little bit of the clip I'm just going to solo out our music track and see if we can hear it spreading out our audio a little bit I may even may have to make the music track a little bit louder for you to hear it a little bit clearer but let's see if it sounds like it's getting pushed out a little bit more now it's going to be more noticeable if you have good headphones or good speakers if you're listening on a phone or maybe some just you know built-in laptop speakers you may not notice it as much but if you've got the better speakers you're going to notice it a little bit better now as we listen you're going to notice in the beginning it's going to sound like it's not doing anything and then you're going to see the graph kind of start to work there with the stereo width after it gets going for a few seconds so see if you can hear the difference here foreign [Music] so can you see our graph is lighting up and it's showing that it's pushing the sound out to the right and left channel so let's just turn this off and then play through and turn it on and see if you can hear a difference I'm actually going to make it just a little bit louder here let me zoom in on our timeline here I'm going to make this a little bit louder just so it's a little bit easier for us to hear and then we can always drop the volume back down before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so you can hear it there now I'm going to play through it and play in this next part here listen to how it sounds like it's coming from the center and then we're going to spread it out by using the width right here we're going to start with mono and then I'm going to spread it out see if you can hear the difference here and this is just making some space for that dialogue to live like right down that Center audio channel so listen to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you hear it spreading it out and now this is going to work better with some types of songs versus other types of songs but it's a good way to really start to spread it out and this stereo width effect does a pretty good job here in resolve there are third-party um stereo spreaders that do an even better job and really push it out even more I'm not going to talk about that in this video we're going to stick with the built-in stuff but this is a good way to start working with your music track to just spread it out and make some space for that dialogue so let's just I'm going to lower the volume back down on this a little bit where we were around -25 and do minus 24. now let's hear it with our dialogue back below all that to help create a little bit of Viber Ambience for the video but you might run into a problem where the music competes with your dialogue a little bit now you can just drop the ball so I don't know if you guys can hear that I hope you can that it sounds like the dialogue's here and it sounds like the music is kind of coming around the dialogue a little bit that's what it sounds like to me in my headphones here hopefully you guys are able to hear that too so great tip use stereo spread push that stuff out push the music out to the to the sides and make room for that dialogue down the middle before we jump into our tips number two and number three I want to take a minute to thank the sponsor today's video and that is Art list if you are looking for royalty-free music for YouTube for any online platform for any broadcast platform art list has you covered they've got tons of great music sound effects I've been using them a long time I think you guys would find them super useful for making your videos and it's so easy to use you just jump right on their website you can scroll to the music or sound effects section click on it and then you can scroll through tons of great music it tells you what songs are new it gives you what that waveform looks like which I love because I want to kind of see the waveform because I know how I want some music to kind of start or how I want it to sound artless has a ton of great stuff and if you use my link in the description below you sign up for a year you'll get an extra two months for free who doesn't like to get some freebies right if it wasn't for partners like artless supporting the channel and the work that I do here I wouldn't be able to keep making these videos for you guys so I really appreciate artless jump on there check it out you can do a free trial if you're interested in checking it out and just giving it a try testing the waters a little bit but I think you'll find all of their assets really good high quality and really just another asset that can bring your videos to that next level tip number two here is a way that we can kind of again create some space for our dialogue and we're going to use the EQ to do it so I'm going to go ahead and open up the EQ on my music track so I'm on track number two gonna come over to my mixer here in fairlight open up my EQ now on my EQ what we want to do is make a cut on the music track in our frequency range somewhere a little below 1K to a little above 2K because that's where our voice in general lives the human voice is in that say 800 to 2500k range so if we cut some of those frequencies out of the music it's again going to create more space for our dialogue to come through a little bit clearer so let's go ahead and play through this and I'm going to just grab my 0.4 I'm going to leave it on the default settings and I'm just going to drag it down and we're going to see if we can hear a difference volume of your music that's one way to handle it but there's some better ways that we can create space within the music track so that our dialog comes through nice and clear but you still have the music underneath of it now I did widen out my bell curve here a little bit by using my middle Mouse wheel you can just middle Mouse wheel over top of Point number four or you can come down here and adjust your Q factor but could you hear the difference there where it pulled the guitars down just a little bit right so let me just go ahead and play a little before and after here and see if you can hear the difference I'm gonna put a music track below all that to help create a little bit of vibe or Ambience for the video but you might run into a problem where the music so can you hear how it just brings down the level of those guitars a little bit because they're competing with my voice right because your guitar is a lot of it's in that that same range where the dialogue is so by making a cut on the EQ in our music track we can create a little more space for the dialogue to live so all these different techniques is really about creating space in the music track right because we want our dialogue to come through clear and our audience to be able to understand it so by doing these little things it's just going to help make it a little bit better than just lowering the volume of your music track so that's tip number two there drop that EQ kind of like you've saw here on the screen somewhere in that 800 to 2500 broaden out that bell shaped curve a little bit and and it's really just going to help create some space for that dialogue now tip number three here is another one where we're going to use our EQ and let's say you didn't want to drop down uh you know a point number four like we did here maybe that's too much for you we can also use something called a low pass filter right so we're going to cut out the high-end frequencies all of them and then anything that's below where we set our point on the EQ is going to pass through and we'll hear it so taking another look up in here at our EQ again I'm on the music track my EQ is on the music track I'm just going to reset my band 4 here reset my gain and all I'm going to do is turn on my band Six again these are the default settings you can see I'm going to reset everything up here turn on band six and all I'm going to do is just bring this back until it sounds like the music isn't competing with my dialogue so much so let's play through it and drag point six back and we're gonna see what it sounds like competes with your dialogue a little bit now you can just drop the volume of your music that's one way to handle it but there's some better ways that we can create space with now you notice when we do this it almost gives that sound of being in another room right or not being right next to us while it's playing so this may not be the sound that you're looking for but it is a tip and technique that you can use to kind of make it sound like it's coming from another room or another place right and again create a little space for the dialogue now the last bonus tip here which uh isn't really a tip number four but you know what I'm gonna go ahead and call it a tip number four is if we combine numbers two and number three so I would take this 0.6 and I'm just gonna put it up on the top a little bit I'm gonna again bring my 0.4 down widen it out a little bit right kind of where we had it and now I'm going to bring back point six just a little bit to kind of again take out some of those highs and create a little more space for the dialogue so let's play through and see if we can make a difference here using both tip to end number three in the music track so that our dialog comes through nice and clear but you still have the music underneath of it creating that Vibe and that feeling that you want so what do you think I think that that definitely helps it definitely brings down uh you know the the harsher sounds there with the guitars and and things that are going to compete with our dialogue here but you can use the EQ really basic really easy like this add it onto your music track and it's just going to help make space for the dialogue to come through to the viewer I want you to hear what I'm saying I want the music to be there too because I want some cool Ambiance and cool feel to my video but I want that dialogue Crystal Clear coming right to you guys watching this video so there you go three tips actually four if you count that little bonus one at the end there on how to just mix space in that music track for your dialogue so tell me are you using any of these tips already or you just lowering the volume like I assume most people do and that's why I love bringing you guys some awesome audio tips here because all these little little things with audio as with anything else it's just gonna help bring your video to that next level a little better a little better gonna be a little bit better than maybe the guy next to you and maybe people are going to want to watch your video your film more than if your audio was bad if your audio was bad people probably aren't going to want to watch it let's be honest let's be honest we all been there right and that's why watching my videos I hope you are getting some awesome audio alright guys with that said thank you so much artless for sponsoring this video for partnering with me and allowing me to continue to do what I do here make awesome videos appreciate your art list you guys check out the contest if you're interested and if you want that two free months Link in the description down below with that said guys thank you so much I will see you in the next video for some more DaVinci Resolve and audio tips peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 12,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jason Yadlovski, Jay Yadlovski, EQ, Equalizer, DaVinci Resolve 18, Fairlight, DaVinci Resolve Audio Editing, DaVinci Resolve Dialogue, Audio Clarity, How to blend dialogue and music, Resolve 18, Audio Editing in DaVinci Resolve, how to get better audio in my videos, blend audio in DaVinci Resolve, Better Dialogue in Videos, Dialogue Editing, mixing vocals, how to get better audio in your videos
Id: geZT8ikUy9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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