🔊 SOUND DESIGN in DaVinci Resolve for FILMMAKING! 🔊 | Beginner Crash Course

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so you want to learn about sound design that is exactly what we're talking about today you're going to walk with me through the process of coming up with a complete sound design for this little inspirational video that I've been working on not only we going to talk about how to use the sound effects how to find sound effects but we're also going to talk about how we can tweak them a little bit and really make them our own when we put them in our videos so they fit and sound the way that we want them to sound today's video is sponsored by motion array and the first thing I want to do is jump into resolve we're going to talk about the sound design a little bit and and think about what can we add into this inspirational video to help make it feel a little more inspiring so let's just jump in resolve check this out so we're in denture resolve here and this is our project it's a little inspirational video I thought I'd put together and I've got a bunch of different clips here of all kinds of different things I came up with a little voiceover which we have in our voiceover track down here and then I've got some music in there where I've kind of had it you know Fade up fade down and that kind of stuff so I'm going to play through this video Once on its own here if you want to jump ahead jump ahead but just so you can see where we're at as a starting point and then we're going to talk about sound effects that I wanted to add into here to really help build out the feeling of this video so here is the video as it is with our Cuts with our music and with our voice over if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be travel the world with friends spend days on [Music] Horseback explore the Wonder of nature camp in the countryside with the love of your life experience the fire from within stretch your creativity and connect perform at Elite levels feel Nature's power capture life's moments bring ideas to life out of nothing feel the adrenaline rush of man and machine res sit amazement of this beautiful creation what would you do and who would you be so that's where it's currently at now I may adjust the music a little bit there too I think it could use a little bit of tweaking but let's talk about sound design so when it comes to a project like this when I see these different clips I feel like there should be other sounds that I hear that are associated with that clip almost so that if I turned off the music completely you would have the sound the feeling of what the clip is showing so once I look at a particular clip in my timeline I start to think well what kind of sound do I want and then I got to go find that sound right I have a library of some sound effects you can get the free sound effect library from Blackmagic design got a video on that if you're interested but I'm thinking I want to go find all my own original sound effects to put into this particular video so that's where a website like motion array comes in handy so I'm going to jump over to motion array I'm going to come on over to their sound effects section right here and I'm going to search for what sound effect I want to look for so in this case that first clip made me think of breathing so I'm going to type in breathing and I'm going to see what comes up now we've got snoring I've got different body sounds and dog breathing I'm just going to go through and listen to a bunch of these until I find one that I think works out pretty good and accomplishes what I want to hear for that particular clip for example breath [Applause] now the one that I ended up picking is one of these ghost breaths uh I don't remember exactly which one but you're going to hear it once we jump into resolve now some of the other things that I would think to look for when I'm looking for sound effects here on motion Ray if I jump back into resolve here are just going through the clip so with the eyeball I might think of like just search for eye opening and see what kind of sounds come up maybe running to my friends right a group of friends in this particular clip right here I would be looking for something like road noise right because she's driving in the car the next clip I know it's kind of like relaxing maybe it's like some kind of environmental sound for this one with the horse running I want the sound of the water right and maybe I can slow it down or do something with it to make it sound and fit with the particular video so I'm going to go through each one of my Clips the ice for example I want a sound like ice freezing cuz that sounds like it' be kind of cool maybe some wing right because in a clip like this we see it's windy so I want that wind noise in the background lava I'll literally search for lava but all these different things here you can search for you just kind of have to have an idea and then once you start looking for sound effects you might stumble on other sounds that will actually work for what you're trying to do some of the other things that I searched for were waterfall right we've got tons of waterfalls here I looked for lava so if I just clear that looking for lava like a volcano erupting right because that's exactly what is in the scene so I could probably use a sound like that other things I would look for is wind we've got all kinds of different wind noises I would look for whooshes right always need a good whoosh right and it can come in handy with our flicker effect that we might be trying to make there what about when the people are painting right we've got people painting in some of those pictures so to type in painting and we'll get brush Strokes or brush sounds and it's not something that's going to be overpowering in the video it's just going to help sell the video or the visual that we see I want to take a quick minute and thank the sponsor today's video motion array have you guys heard of the motion array Hub The Hub is going to allow us to use a whole bunch of awesome plugins right inside of Da Vinci resolve on the motion array website here if we come to the plugins we can install the Hub if you scroll down the page you can see some of the kind of plugins that are going to be available once you install the Hub to find all these cool plugins inent resolve go ahead and open up resolve come to your effects Library open effects and scroll down to the bottom of the open effects and you're going to see all of the motion array plugins installed right here in denture resolve one of the ones you guys might find cool is called page curl if I drop that on my clip you can see it curls down the corner of my clip kind of like it's on a page and I can come and adjust it right here in the inspector if I want to and I can even key frame this so it looks like the page is turning I think motion did a really good job with these plugins and I think you'll find them easy to use as well a big thank you to motion R for sponsoring today's video now let's get back into our sound design here what I really like when I download the sound effects from motion Ray is that one it comes in a zip so it's not too big but then you unzip it and you get multiple sound effects as part of that main sound effect that you want so I like that we've got multiple options in the particular sound effect that I like so I've already gone ahead and brought them all into denture resolve in my media pool here I have a sound effects bin and I've brought in all the things that I want in order to make this video sound better and add in my sound design so I'm just going to start with this first clip I know I want my ghost breathing so I'm going to find my ghost breathing and right here you can see I've got three of them so I'm just going to preview them I'm going to listen to them see which one I think fits the bill for the sound that I want and that's what I'll put in my timeline so let's give him a listen [Applause] all right they're pretty similar let's go with this third one here and now I'm just going to zoom in I'm going to watch my video here and I want it to fade up right as the lights come on on the screen here so what I actually want to do with this particular clip is I'm going to move it up to my sound effects track one but I'm going to reverse it I'm going to play it backwards so I'm going to right click on there we're going to go change clip speed and I'm going to say reverse speed so now I can change the length of my clip a little bit and let's see where is it at its fullest right there so I'm going to shorten up my clip so it's kind of right there and then it starts to die off and then I'm going to fade it in and fade it out a little bit just to help sell the effect a little bit more and I also think I probably need to drop down the volume because it was sounding a little bit loud so I don't know let's try minus 12 let's see how that sounds all right not bad now I'm going to grab one of the other effects and just put it in the track below there and I'm going to try it the way that it's supposed to go without reversing the clip fade it in see what we got all right so maybe this one I need to reverse it too just the way that the visual is looking with the way the sound effect sounds I'm going to go ahead and reverse that so going to go change clip speed reverse speed change again I'm going to shorten up my clip we're going to bring it in find the brightest part of my clip there we'll just move it up like this and I think this should work out all right so we're going to have that fade in Fade Out a little let's see what we got all right not too bad all right but let's see how does it sound with the music right let's add in the music see what we [Music] got okay now we got to add in our dialogue right to see how it sounds there because the music comes down so let's hear it all together if you woke up one day you can do anything what all right so it's definitely too loud where the where the dialogue is so I'm going to just drop that back let's go maybe- 17 see how that sounds if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you so I think that kind of works and now I could even add on a little echo or a little delay to these two tracks just to help it kind of like ring out a little bit so um maybe I'll do that in a little bit but for now I think it's in a decent spot to start with now the next effect here I have is the eyes opening and closing so what I think I'm actually going to do for the eye opening is again use one of those ghost breaths so I'm going to use the first one here again I'm going to reverse it so change clip speed we're going to reverse it cuz as the eye opens I want it to make that that whooshing ghostly kind of sound right so we're going to go like this I'm going to drag this down we'll fade it in and fade it out a little bit drop down the volume and let's see how it sounds one day you could do anything what would you do who would you be so I definitely think I want to add in a little delay there so I'm actually going to just uh I could do it in the edit tab here but I like Fair light so I'm just going to jump into Fair light real quick and on my sound effects track one make my mixer a little bigger here I'm G to come and add in a standard effect here Dynamics no not Dynamics we're going to go delay I'm gonna go with delay so let's just see how that sounds off the bat what would you do who would you be all right we're going to crank up the wet the delay time a little bit and let's see how it sounds what would you okay I'm even going to push it up a little higher so we get a little more of the effect in there all right it's not too bad I might actually try the echo so we're going to come to delay Fair light effects and Echo just going to remove the delay and on the echo here we're going to go swirling close we'll just see how that sounds what would you do who would you be not bad large Hall who would you be all right I'm going to go with the swirling close for now we're going to leave it at that I'm going to copy that over boom we're good to go back to the edit tab so now I'm just going to work through each clip that I've got here and we're going to add in some sound effects so for this one we've got somebody running towards a van with their friends and I downloaded a sound effects that was a females a female crowd uh Short Happy cheering that kind of stuff so here's what we [Laughter] [Applause] got all right I like that I think that's perfect I'm going to set an out Point by pressing o there we're going to drag this down I'm actually going to add it to a new track cuz I don't know if I want that delay effect on there or not now when it comes to sound effects you're probably going to add a whole bunch of tracks just so you can do a bunch of different things with them so I'm just going to keep naming these sfx3 and I'll just number them numerically as I go down so now I'm just going to tweak this one a little bit see how it sounds and uh kind of just go from there and I'm going to make sure I've got all of my audio on so I can kind of see how it kind of Blends together a little bit what would you do who would you be travel the world so I might actually extend this out a little bit um because we have the girl driving in the car here but I'm going to fade it right so that it kind of Fades out a little bit over time and then for the girl in the back of the truck there I want some of the road noise right so I know I have a road noise sound effect here we [Applause] go all right so I don't need a ton of noise so I'm just going to press I there we're going to come forward a little press o going to bring it down into my timeline here again I'm going to add it into a new sound effects track so we're going to name this sfx 4 and we're just going to try and fade this in and fade it out a little before and a little after each clip or each end of the clip I should say between the limits of the clip probably going to drop it down in volume a little bit let's see how that's sounding travel the world friends all right it's a little loud so I'll probably drop that back a little travel the world friends and now we're into them just kind of hanging out in you know a wooded area there so I do have some wind sound so maybe I'll just throw a little bit of that in there right I'll just pick one there's a little burds right there so I'm just and I'm going to make it pretty quiet so I'm just going to set some in and out points we're going to drag that down cuz I don't need a whole lot just need a little something to help sell the scene so a little before going to fade that in I'm going to drop the volume down a bunch so I'm going to grab my gain line drop it down now if you hold your shift key you can be a little more precise there with uh how you're adjusting the volume so I'm going to drag that down I don't know maybe- 17 make a little cut here let's just see how this is sounding World friends all right that's too bad it's got some birds in there I'm kind of liking it so far next we have a woman riding a horse so I want the sound of water right water splashing and uh let's see what we can do with it I do have a few water splash sound effects here here's what we got so let's grab this Splash Number Three I'm going to see if maybe I can slow it down a little bit I don't know let's see if I come in here going to right click change clip speed and let's say I slow it down by like 50% change let's see what that sounds like if I stretch out the clip too because I slowed it [Music] down so now it does sound a little not so great there I'm going to come back to my change clip speed we've got Pitch correction let's not change that let's go ahead and hit change so let's try that on on so now I kind of want to line This effect up like I think it's okay it sounds good enough it's not too glitchy sounding kind of like when it's full volume we're just going to use it a little bit there so let's see if we can get the horse's foot hitting the water does it like right there I'm going to move this ahead to about there um I think we also need a little bit of water kind of just in general splashing around going on right so let's see what else do we have here do we have other waterfalls let's see I may need to get another effect something that's like you know water drops maybe uh let's see maybe with a freezing ice what does that sound like so hey maybe this would work here the freezing ice I don't know is it going to sound like water drops I don't know but we're going to give it a try so I'm going to drag that in my timeline we're going to stretch it out actually going to drop it down again into another new track I like to keep things separate a lot when I'm working with sound because it just gives you a better opportunity to either add effects later or do other things uh with you know a particular clip so let's see here's what we got I'm going to lower down our audio a little bit so it's kind of just in the background the water drops let's see how it sounds and see if it's something that might work for the clip spend days on [Music] Horseback thank I can even bring the volume down more on there let's maybe make it minus 24 spend days on Horseback all right so we definitely need another water splash before this one so let's see which one I used on my timeline here we used 03 so I'm going to come in and grab O2 and put this in there I think we need it right in the beginning here let's just see how that sounds spend days on Horseback so I probably want to slow down the other effect here I'm going to right click change clip speed we're going to slow it down 50% turn off Pitch correction change and now I can stretch it out a little bit here and see how that sounds spend days on [Music] horsepower so I think this one's even a little bit crispy yet so I'm going to come in here and actually one thing I could do is just apply a little EQ on this clip to take out some of those highs right so I'm going to select my clip come up to my inspector turn on my EQ I am going to scroll down here turn on band 4 and I'm just going to bring this back a little bit let's try that and see how that sounds let's solo that track real quick just to hear it all right let's try it see what happens zoom out little before here we go spend days on [Music] Horseback so now it's a little hard to hear so I'm going to push it back up cuz we cut out some of those frequencies spend days on [Music] Horseback horse I think that'll work I think that's okay good place to start now we've got these flicker effects right so I did have a quick tip Tuesday on the flicker effect or if you didn't see it yet it's coming out soon so we want to add in a little sound to this flicker effect right and I'm thinking we're going to add in some kind of whoosh so that as the video flickers here each flicker has a sound to it right so I'm going to find my whooshes go we got a bunch of different whooshes I'm just going to try a few and see which one I like and then we're going to pick one and I do want one that is pretty quick so let's try this one right here I come down add it into another new track and I know I need two tracks for uh the whooo sound effect that I want to accomplish here so I'm just going to create another track I should be naming my tracks so we're just going to take a second and name them real quick going to zoom in on my timeline here and we want to try and just line up these whooshes with the flicker effect that we have going on so I'm going to again put a little fade there now these are pretty short these clips are only uh two frames long so it's definitely a short um fra short uh sound so I'm just going to do my best to line them up you can use your period and comma keys to shift things little by little and I'm just going to copy it and paste them back and forth for each one of my solid color effects here and that the reason I have two tracks is just so it's easier to overlap them and you can go ahead and then even change the pitch of some of these so maybe I'll keep these couple the same and then as it gets faster here in the next section here I might bring in the fade a little bit more I am going to have to change the volume of these but we'll worry about that in a little bit cuz right now I just want to get them in place all right so I think that looks pretty good now they're going to be too loud and I know that so I can select all these guys open my inspector come to my audio Tab and I can just drop down the volume of all of these right at once so let's say I want to do a - 13 let's listen to it and see how that sounds maybe we'll just start right from the beginning of this clip uh with the horse and just see how the whole thing sounds together spend days on [Music] Horseback all right so they still sound a little loud but I think the idea is there and the effect and the sound that I want is kind of coming together there so I'm going to just go ahead and lower the volume of these guys let's drop it back I don't know maybe minus uh- 20 let's try try that and let's say on the last few here where it speeds up a little I want to make those pitched lower so I can select all those and I'm going to drop down the semitones here just a little bit maybe minus four let's see how that sounds all right maybe I don't like the way that the uh the lower pitch sound so I'm just going to go ahead and actually double click that to undo it but I think that sounds pretty good might even need to lower the volume just a little bit more there all right all right sounds pretty good to me all right I think we're going to go with that so now I'm just going to cruise through the rest of my timeline here go to each clip I'm going to grab the sound effect that I think works for that particular clip I'm going to fade things in fade things out put it all together in the timeline and then I'm going to go do that so you don't have to watch me do all that or maybe I'll speed through it here and then we'll hear what it sounds like at the end and decide do we need to make any more adjustments are we good to go where do we need to go from here so off I go to put in some more sound [Music] effects all right so I went in and added in a bunch more sound effects we sped through that really quickly now you can spend a lot of time here playing with your levels fading things in and out making sure sound effect fits good going back downloading new stuff it can be a really long and tedious process but as you go little by little here it just really makes all the difference when it comes to your videos and in this case this a little inspirational video I was putting together just for fun just to see if I could do it and see how it would come out um so now I'm going to just watch through it from the beginning here you're going to watch it with me and we're going to decide do we need to do anything else do we need to adjust some levels a little bit how's it sounding overall is there anything else we need to do or are we happy with it and I'm sure we're never or at least myself is never going to be quite fully happy with it but uh let's just go ahead watch through it here and see what it's looking like if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be travel the world with friends spend days on [Music] Horseback explore the Wonder of nature camp in the Countryside with the love of your [Music] life experience the fire from within stretch your creativity and connect perform at Elite levels feel Nature's power capture life's moments bring ideas to life out of nothing feel the adrenaline rush of man and [Music] sit in amazement of this beautiful creation what would you do and who would you be all right so not too bad I do think it can still use some improvement I think some of the music volumes where it goes a little bit louder uh there's just too much of a difference there I don't like the way that that's sounding there's a few sound effects I think I might adjust the levels on here so I'm going to go back kind of a little fine tooth comb go over to a little bit more here but you get the idea of how we kind of built together the sound design by looking at the clips figuring out what sound kind of makes sense putting it in there adjusting our levels fading it in fading it out even adding on some effects you could really go crazy with this stuff and take a sound maybe it doesn't quite fit the bill you can add effects you can change frequencies EQ stuff Dynamics squash stuff you can do a ton of different things here to make that sound the way that you want it to really help sell your video now I'm almost done with my edit here I'm just jumping in because I wanted to mention this to you guys that I've been editing with my headphones on now I'm going to go through and do a final pass through here with my monitor speakers which you guys can't see they're just at a frame over here but I'm going to pull those out and see how it sounds because it always sounds different in here I'm going to hear a lot more detail and a lot more sound than I will in monitor speakers or on something like my phone so I like to check back and forth between headphones monitor speakers in different places just to see how it's all coming together so I'm going to do that real quick you guys are going to hear the final thing after this and then uh yeah I'll see you guys in the next video guys all right you got questions let me know leave a comment down below all right [Music] [Music] peace if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be [Music] travel the world with friends spend days on [Music] Horseback explore the Wonder of nature camp in the countryside the love of your life experience the fire from within stretch your creativity and connect perform at Elite levels feel Nature's power capture life's moments bring ideas to life out of nothing feel the adrenaline rush of man machine we sitting amazement this beautiful creat cre ation what would you do and who would you be [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 6,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sound Design, Sound Design Davinci Resolve 19, Davinci Resolve 19, Fairlight Tutorial, Sound Effects Tutorial, SFX Tutorial DaVinci Resolve, SFX, Audio Tutorial DaVinci Resolve, How to create sound design, sound design for beginners, DaVinci Resolve Audio Tutorial, Jason Yadlovski, Fairlght Audio, Sound Tutorial, SFX Tutorial, Filmmaking Sound Design, How to Design Sound
Id: eimXwqq438c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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