3 Tips to REMOVE Audio Background NOISE in DaVinci Resolve 18 (Free & Studio)

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you're here because background noise is killing your video right and you want to know how can I get rid of that background noise in my videos using DCI resolve and you came to me cuz I'm the D resolve audio guy right my name's Jason olowski you want some tips about how to work in D resolve and especially audio stuff you're in the right spot make sure you hit that subscribe button today I've got a couple of examples that we're going to be taking a look at on how we can deal with background noise in different ways now some of these methods you can use the free version and and some of these methods you're going to need the studio version so that we've got the tools uh available to us that we want to use so let's just jump into resolve I'm going to show you these examples and how you can try different tips and techniques to deal with your background noise here in denture resolve let's check it out jumping into denture resolve here the first clip that I have has a real low background noise okay I'm going to play through the clip listen for the background noise and we're going to talk about it a little bit and then I'm going to show you how we can take care of it using the free version so this first tip you can use the free version you're going to going to have the tools we need so check out this first clip sometimes dealing with a little background noise can be a bit of a pain in this case I've got a fan running on the other side of my wall over here I've got dehumidifiers running down my basement if I'm quiet for a second you can kind of hear that in the background so I'm going to show you how we can take care of some of that minor background noise and help get it out of your videos all right so could you hear it in there if you're listening on maybe a phone or something maybe you weren't able to hear it but if you've got some headphones on some good speakers you should be able to hear just that low hum in the background uh of the background noise and we want to take care of that so again you can do it in the free version and what we're going to need to do is actually jump over into Fair light to use some of the tools we have available to us over there so in resolve currently I'm in the edit tab I'm going to jump over into Fair light musical notes at the bottom here so now that we're in Fair light here what we want to do is use an expander or a gate to help get rid of some of that low background noise now an expander and a gate are generally going to help remove the background noise between your words right so where I'm talking and then I stop and there's a little pause in between my words and phrases an expander or gate is going to drop the volume automatically uh of your audio clip in those dead spaces right between where I'm talking so let me show you how it works here in order to find the expander or the gate we're going to want to make sure your mixer's open so at the top here make sure you got your mixer open then you want to come down to your dynamic which is right here if you don't see Dynamics click on the three little dots you can enable Dynamics right here and you should be able to see it so just go ahead and double click on Dynamics on your given track so now in our Dynamics panel here if we look on the bottom left right here you can see we have an expander and we have a gate so let's start with the expander and let me just explain how this works for you real quick so I'm going to go ahead and turn it on now we've got three main buttons up at the top here the first one is your threshold so the threshold is going to tell you where do I want the expander to start now you can see as I roll it back and forth here it's going to go to different DB levels we can see the DB level right here and we can see it right up here so I'm going to dial this up to say I don't know let's try minus 30 DB and we're going to see how that works out what's going to happen is every time that the volume of our audio clip clip gets below minus 30 DB it's going to drop the volume even more so right now we look at the uh the graph here and we can see it's a little bit you know quicker that it's going to drop off but if we come to our ratio you see we can have the volume of our audio clip drop off a whole lot quicker than waiting it to go on its normal curve down to Z DB right and that's what's going to allow the volume of those parts in between where I'm speaking to drop down and get a little quieter so I'm just going to adjust it a little bit maybe I'll just go like that bring it back to about 60 we're going to set this at about 30 for right now we're going to see how it sounds I'm going to turn it off and then I'm going to turn it on and I'm gonna play through the part where I had a longer silence break so hopefully you guys can hear it a little better so um let's just turn it on and we're going to play through it and see if it gets rid of that background noise just that low hum and hiss in there now we're going to be able to tell that it's actually doing its job if we see this meter right here lit up right currently I'm not playing through the clip but it's lit up so we can see we're getting a reduction in volume for everything that is quieter than Min -30 DB I hope that's clear let's play through this example see if you can hear the difference oh I was on the wrong track you know what you always got to make sure you're on the right track see even us Pros mess up all right so I was on the wrong one there I'm going to close this I'm going to actually open the Dynamics on my track one I'm going to turn on my expander dial this up to about minus 30 DB and bring this back to where we had it all right now let's play through the clip and now you should be able to hear it and if I'm quiet for a second you can kind of hear that in the background so I'm going to okay so could you hear it working then now let me play with it off you can hear the difference if I'm quiet for a second and we can see it right here right on our Dynamics uh graph so I'm going to go ahead and turn it back on and and listen to the difference it made I'm quiet for a second so it's reducing it minus 14 DB a little bit more in that section where I'm not speaking so it's effectively getting rid of that background noise or suppressing it bringing it down even more so the expander is a great tool and it's going to work and do a great job with this kind of background noise now you can come in here and adjust your attack hold and release if you want I'm not going to dig into that too much now cuz I don't want to over complicate it for you guys but if you just worry about adjusting your threshold and your ratio with the expander you can you can really get rid of a lot of that lowlevel background noise and it shouldn't affect your clip too much now if you find that it's sounding a little bit stuttery right so if I just play through this here let's say I had it up too high and it sounds like this a bit of a pain in this case I've got a fan running on the right it sounds a little jittery right because it's coming in it's cutting off too much so in that case you would need to dial back your threshold make it a little bit lower cuz you only want to catch that background noise right we don't want to catch any of our dial in our audio so you want to dial that back a little bit like this the other side of my wall over here I've got dehumidifiers running down in my basement if I'm that's a really quick and really easy way to apply something to the entire track put that expander on there it's going to reduce those uh volume of any of that low-level background noise that's going to come up and be heard in between your words now you can use a gate and a gate does essentially the same thing it just allows you to chop that sound off even quicker so if I click to gate you can see right after the threshold boom it drops down a whole lot more a whole lot quicker so a gate is exactly what it sounds like it's it's like a gate and it says hey my Gate's closed unless your volume or your audio levels is above whatever my threshold is set at so in this case I'm set at minus 30 DB so once that audio my dialogue is louder than 30 DB the gate opens and lets that through anything quieter than that 30 DB that gate is closed and you're not going to be able to hear anything or you're going to hear very little of it depending on how you make your settings here or adjust your settings here so expander I use it all the time it is a really great tool to apply to your clip it doesn't use a lot of processing power it just gets rid of that little bit of background noise that you want to get out of your video clips so expander and gate A lot of times is my first goto they're great they're really good I use them all the time now let's get into our second example here this one is going to be a situation that I would guarantee almost everybody has run into and that is where we have so much background noise we just need to get rid of it right I maybe I want to take all of it out in this example you're going to see I got an air conditioning going maybe you have wind noise maybe you've got um I don't know some other kind of loud noise that's just messing up your audio and you want to get rid of it for this one you're going to need the studio version but let's play through the clip first and then we'll talk about the tip on how to get rid of the background noise let's go ahead and roll the clip sometimes there are some noises like this air conditioner that I want to completely remove from the background and we can do that in D Vin resolve I'm going to show you how to do it using this clip here but then other times we may want to keep keep a little bit of that background noise I'll show you that in the next clip but for now let's get rid of this air conditioning noise all right the dreaded air conditioner or other loud noise that's really messing up your audio we're going to use the voice isolation here in denture resolve to be able to do that now it is a studio only feature so you're going to need Studio to do it but I'll tell you I mean if you guys don't have Studio yet if you can save up that $295 uh US Dollars anyway to get Studio little tools like this just make it worth the $295 onetime fee little plug for black magic cuz I love their stuff I mean come on I got a whole Channel about their stuff so let's go ahead and we're going to apply voice isolation on a track level here you could do it on a clip level or a track level but I find that I'm generally going to have more than one clip where I have this problem so I'll put those clips in a individual track kind of like I have right here and then I'm going to either go into uh the inspector or the mixer and since I'm in Fair light I'm going to use the mixer and right here we've got voice isolation I can just turn it on like that give it a second and now voice isolation is on and you're going to hear the difference um the other way that you can do it if you're in the edit tab or even here in Fair light as long as you select the track the entire track like this and it's highlighted you can come to your inspector and turn on voice isolation right here and that is also going to do it on an entire track level right versus if I just select my clip like this now voice isolation you can see it's not on for the clip but I can turn it on for the individual clip but like I said we're doing it on a track level here because that's the way generally I I do it for for the most part so I'm going to go ahead and um turn on our voice isolation just close my inspector because I can actually access it right here I'm going to open up my controls now as I play through the clip I'm going to listen to it and you may not need this up at 100% and a matter of fact a lot of times you don't need it at 100% so I would dial it back if if you don't need it there but let's listen to the clip we're going to start at 100 we're going to dial it back as as we need until it sounds the way I want it to so here we go sometimes there are some noises like this air conditioner that I want to completely remove from the background and we can do that in Dent resolve I'm going to show you how to do it using this clip here but then other times we may want to keep a little bit of that background noise I'll show you that in the next clip but all right so I dialed it back to about 75 76% something like that because there wasn't much a difference between that and 100% And I don't want to add extra artifacting to my voice so works really good voice isolation is a phenomenal tool here in D Vin resolve to get rid of that background noise and if you have Studio I mean you could just go ahead and use this like in the first example too um if you wanted right because if you tried to use an expander or gate in this situation it's really not going to do the job that you're looking to to get rid of that air conditioner noise in this case it's not going to get rid of that stuff for you um so voice isolation here awesome awesome tool the AI is great and it does a really good job um at removing music from the background air conditioners all kinds of stuff does a really good job so voice isolation it's awesome use it because it does a great job it is only in the studio version though let's jump into our third example here now sometimes you want a little bit of background noise you don't want to get rid of it completely right because if I get rid of it completely it kind of doesn't look right on the screen at least to me anyway right so in this example I'm walking on a sidewalk there's a street with cars going in the background now if I just took all the cars out it would look a little odd cuz you would see them but you wouldn't hear them right and you know I'm not in a vacuum right I'm not in like my studio where there's no other noise so we're going to use the voice isolation again here to reduce the background noise but not eliminate it a lot of different ways you can use that voice isolation let's roll the clip here check it out and then I'm going to show you how we can get it to sound a little bit better and really make the dialogue a little bit clearer so here we go now sometimes you want to keep some of that background noise like I want the road noise to be in there because I don't want it to sound like I'm in the middle of nothing when you see cars you're going to know notice that you hear that sound so we want to keep a little bit of that in there and maybe just make it not quite as loud as it is the cars were a little bit loud I just want to bring them back a little bit right so again I'm going to use the voice isolation here and I'm going to show you how the expander and gate work in this situation too not as good but you can try it and the other thing I do want to mention is that there is a built-in noise reduction effect here in D Vin resolve so if I show you that real quick um if you come to your mixer your effects you want to come down to Restoration Fair light effects we have noise reduction so you guys may have seen this before now I've tried this thing a whole bunch of times and I just don't think it works good in my situations and and the things that that I've tried to use it for it just it just doesn't work good but now that we've got the voice isolation I'm always going to go with the voice isolation over using this noise reduction because for me it just it it never does a good job it creates artifacting and I was just never happy with it so um so I never really used it as it was but I mean you guys can try it it may work for you um I'm not even going to bother trying it here because I just I don't use it so let's go ahead and apply our voice isolation though onto this track so I come back to beginning of my clip here going to delete our uh noise reduction there turn on my voice isolation and now what I want to do is actually start with my voice isolation at zero so I'm going to bring it all the way down and I'm going to just raise it up and apply the voice isolation little by little until it brings down that car noise a little bit right I just don't want it to be as loud but I still want you to hear it and it's pretty amazing how well this works so let's go ahead and play through it and uh check this out now sometimes you want to keep some of that background noise like I want the road noise to be in there because I don't want it to sound like I'm in the middle of nothing when you see cars you're going to notice that you hear that sound so we want to keep a little bit of that in there and maybe just make it not quite as loud as it is all right so could you hear the difference there I as soon as I bumped it up to about 15% you could really hear the difference at least with me and my headphones hopefully you got some good headphones you can hear that difference um but a little bit of voice isolation there is just going to bring down that background noise and make the voice and the dialogue stand out a little bit more now a quick let me just do a quick before and after here hear the difference keep a little bit of that in there and maybe just make it not all right so 20% I think is good that's going to be good enough to to make the dialogue stand out and I'm I'm happy with that 20% that's all you needed you could probably even do a little less could do a little bit more but I wouldn't want to crank it all the way up because then it's just going to look odd kind of like this a little bit of that in there and maybe just make it not quite as L right it just doesn't look right doesn't sound right it doesn't look right so I would set that voice isolation to around 20% and that's going to do a good job of just suppressing that background noise for you a little bit now just to show you I'm going to turn off the voice isolation here just to show you if we tried it with an expander or a gate it's not going to work as good but we'll we'll throw it on there we'll try it I'm going to bring this up to say 28 DB we're going to drop it down a little bit quicker let's see if it makes a difference here now sometimes you want to keep some of that background noise like I want the road noise to be in there because I don't want it to sound like I'm in the middle of nothing when you see cars you're going to notice that you hear that sound so we want to keep a little bit of that in there and maybe just make see so the expander there and the gate's going to work the same it's really not going to do a good job for you it might help reduce some of that background noise in between our words when we say something stop and then say something again but overall it's not going to bring it all down right not bring down that background noise like the voice isolation does and just a quick mention there are a lot of other good third-party plugins that do a great job with some of the background uh noise reduction or like voice isolation type of tools I'm not going to cover them in this video but they are out there I do have some videos about them on my channel but the built-in tools here in resolve can really do a great job and from what I've seen in most cases they're going to be able to take care of that background noise especially that voice isolation really really good job that it does AI is awesome in that and um I I'm super excited they added that in there as a standard feature and a side note um The Voice isolation in the dialogue leveler they used to have a little delay when you would play back your video but now that's fixed um as of the last version of resolve the last full release uh I found that everything works fine now there's no delay when I start to play back my video everything works good so hopefully that's the case for you if you're having problems make sure you're updated to the most current version of resolve there and you shouldn't have that little bit of delay and pause uh when you're playing back your voice isolation and your dialogue leveler with that said guys if you've got questions leave a comment down below I'll try and answer it the best that I can if you want to see any other videos related to this topic let me know guys I look forward to seeing you in the next video If you learned a little something hit that Bell for me oh subscribe subscribe and hit that Bell for me cool thanks guys I will see you in the next video peace [Music] oh
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 27,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 18, DaVinci Resolve Noise Reduction, Resolve Noise reduction, Remove audio Background noise in DaVinci Resolve, How to remove background noise from audio in DaVinci Resolve 18, How to Remove Hiss, Remove audio noise davinci resolve, DaVinci Resolve Audio Noise Removal, Remove Background noise in Video, How to Remove Background Noise, How to get rid of background noise in davinci resolve, how to remove background noise from a video
Id: tqgUA44Nd9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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