Real Pilot VFR Flight Lesson | Microsoft Flight Simulator | Cessna 152

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[Music] good day everyone brady here and today we are going to do a vfr full flight from sedona to flagstaff i'm going to walk you through everything pretty much everything you need to know to fly cessna 152 on microsoft flight simulator from sedona to flagstaff nice short flight beautiful area to fly in we'll get right to it we're going to start in the 152 and then when we get to flagstaff we're going to hop in the 172 with the g1000 and we'll do an ifr flight i've got some filters here i've noticed on the map air spaces and some waypoints here these were i think initially turned off and for ifr and flight planning and things like that i recommend turning these on i know a lot of you want to start off small and work your way up in aviation and make sure that you're doing things right so if that's you i think this video is going to be great for you now all i did was i hit went to sedona chose parking on the ramp and set that as my departure here on the map after typing in sedona went over went up to flagstaff did the exact same thing uh chose runway 3 as our arrival and you can see that up here i also went and filled up with fuel you may have noticed and i'm doing live traffic live weather i do have multiplayer players off because i'm doing a tutorial with that said i'm pretty sure the weather is beautiful on sedona today happy to have you on board here we are to start out in the cessna 152. i'm going to walk you through everything you need to do to start up very nice view outside the airplane here now for flight planning i would check out the ackerma acronym nw craft this is an important acronym to know for a pre-flight nw craft stands for nodums weather known atc delays runway lengths alternates as far as alternate routes in the case of you needed to divert because of weather or something like that you need to know your alternate fuel requirements to meet your destination without running out of fuel and take off and landing distances what your airplane is capable of for takeoff and landing distances that's basic for pre-flight there's also a lot of stuff you need to do around the airplane if you check out my other video some of the things you need to do to pre-flight before you actually get in the airplane let's get right to it will give you all kinds of information let's say we're going to go to flagstaff and this is the airport that we want right here flagstaff pulliam airport napoleon airport we've got a sectional chart here we can check out our sectional before our flight we know that we're right here in sedona and that's a class e airspace or flight space whichever you'd want to call it that's echo airspace non-controlled airport we're going to be flying into a class d controlled airport you see the dotted line here surrounding that is a class d and it does have a tower you've got all kinds of other information here too we've also got a airport diagram which is great anytime you're going somewhere you're unfamiliar this is going to give you the runway the taxiways and in reality i would print this out and have it on me handy in the airplane if i was finding somewhere that i was not familiar with great resource let's go back to our airplane let's just go ahead and start it up the atc is decent in this so i don't know how much time i'll spend on on that if you do click the yoke you can view everything underneath it i found that out recently which is nice and we're going to start by making sure our fuel is on we can just go to the checklist here if you want help it's always good to use your checklist in reality anyway so this is going to show you where everything is test the brakes with our pedals we're going to test those again when we uh start up so mixture full rich we've got carb heat should be end and then we can prime if the airplane hasn't flown for a little bit we can give it a little a little prime maybe just two or three of those then we're going to turn on the battery and our throttle so just be slightly in it's very specific on the checklist it says like a fourth inch or something half inch or so but really just throttle slight for when we crank up we're gonna yell clear out the window make sure everyone's clear prop this guy's a little close to it hopefully he'll be fine because i don't know how to move him let's go ahead and start her up all right and we're started and once we're started up we're going to come down to about a thousand rpm right here that's about what we're going to idle at and we can bring the mixture out a little bit because we don't need to be a full rich mixture when we're idling it's better for the engine normally the avionics would be off and then we would go ahead and turn them on if you don't know your frequencies for the airport again you can go back to air nav pull up that airport diagram for sedona sedona airport kz ks ez that's going to give us our frequencies here this is a non-controlled airport so we're on ctaf or unicom this is just a public station for the airport pilots will be making their own announcements on their position and are responsible for their own traffic separation and it is one two three point zero there may also be some information like an aos or an atis that's one one eight five two five okay put both of these in and the radio here you could do two frequencies and they're really just to be able to switch between the two conveniently so you can cue up one if you want to have one queued up like when we're going to flagstaff we can cue up the tower frequency and then here is when you take it over so this is standby use we right now we have the information in standby we're going to go ahead and activate it so we can listen to the information automated weather observation 1600 wind calm visibility sky condition few clouds of 900 feet a few clocks at closet 4 thousand five hundred feet temperature two sixty two point one zero c altimeter two nine grade six so we'll go back to our common traffic frequency there and then our altimeter is two nine or eight six i believe spoke really fast heading indicator here or also known as the directional gyro should be to our compass and it is set keep in mind these are backwards you have the 12 here the 15 here 12 here 15 here when you're looking at it we can go ahead and turn on our taxi light landing light which we'd have on when we're taxiing beacon light on we're going to turn on our strobe light and our nav light when we get to the runway the wind was calm normally we would be looking at the wind sock to see which runway we should take off on because the wind is calm it doesn't really matter sometimes on the a wasp it'll tell you the active runway as well but we're just going to take off on runway three down here give her a little throttle here start our turn release the parking brake get turned around without trying to hit this guy oh almost hit him i need to try to stay clear of other airplanes i don't know why they're parked like this did a terrible job parking and i need to slow down my taxi going a little too fast there and right about here is where we would make our first announcement for the on the common traffic frequency we would say let's say sedona traffic sedona traffic cessna 427 romeo whiskey it's taxing to runway 3 via alpha for a departure to the north and then at the end of your call you could also say sedona traffic again that would be our announcement let's go ahead and turn on to the alpha alpha taxiway now when you're taxing you're still flying the airplane you're always flying the airplane until it is off so what that means is you need to stay center line go at about walking speed probably going a little too fast right now try to stay center line and you need to have your ailerons in the correct place as well as your uh elevator so your ailerons should actually be into the wind so turn my yoke back on so you can see what i'm talking about let's say the wind is coming from this direction the winds are calm right now but let's say it's coming from this direction as we're taxing we want our ailerons into the wind and the elevator about neutral now if the wind is at our back let's say the wind is coming from like it's coming from the east like zero nine zero right from an angle we wanna go away from the wind and down with the elevator so you want to push in and keep the elevator down as you're taxiing remember as we're taxing we're steering with our our rudder with our feet so we're able to keep the ailerons however we want that's not going to affect us turning or anything like that we're going to pretend like the wind is coming out of the west right now like 270. so our uh yoke would be into the wind i could probably lower my seat a little bit i guess it doesn't matter um oh and these announcements are here too so this would be that announcement that i made kilo sierra echo zulu traffic cessna november 427 romeo whiskey is taxiing to runway tree if you're wondering why you don't get a response that's because there's no tower you're just announcing your position to other pilots now before we take off we would have done a run up we could do it right here normally you want to do a run up into the wind and be mindful of what's behind you when you're doing a run up we could do a run up right here in the 152 we're just going to lock the brakes down full mixture back in and we're going to check some things and make sure that everything is working properly we'll start by going to 1700 rpm with the brakes engaged is that about 1700 okay and then we're gonna want to check the mags and what you should do is you should hear about a hundred loss in power and also see it when we go to the left mag and back right should see about a hundred loss in power then we'll check the right one as well all right now we're also going to check the carpet while at 700 rpm we should also have about a hundred rpm loss in power with the carb heat out you may also hear it we're going to check our alternator over here you should see this light come on and you see the voltage drop right that appears to be working suction is good oil pressure is good and we can come back down mixtures in we've got our trim for takeoff the trim is just minor adjustments to the elevator the elevator is what makes you go up and down back here the trim is making minor adjustments to that okay so same same exact control as this that's another thing you want to check is your flight controls make sure your ailerons and your rudder is working and it wouldn't be a bad idea to cue up flagstaff's information at this point you could go back to and you could do this after takeoff if you want to we go back to air nav and check that and we know that their atis is 125.8 and that is going to be what we're listening to first on our flight 125.8 so we can have that on standby these things can be kind of hard to use and here we go now we can announce our takeoff so we're just going to say sedona traffic cessna 427 romeo whiskey is taking off runway 3 straight out departure sedona traffic all right once we're on the runway we're going to give it full throttle you may need a little bit of right rudder to keep the airplane center depending on how windy it is you could pull your ailerons into the wind a little bit here which could also help we're at a little bit higher altitude so it's taking a little bit longer than it would in florida to get some air speed and take off right about 55 or 60 knots you can start to rotate they may want to bring our mixture out a little bit there we go that's going to give us better rpms and what you do you can play around with the mixture and just keep an eye on your rpm see what's giving you the best performance with that mixture it's just mixing the amount of air that's mixing with the fuel the ratio which is affected by a number of things especially your elevation above sea level now we're climbing forgot to turn the strobe and nav lights on then really at this point you can just enjoy the view for a second of sedona beautiful sedona i was there in march amazing place look how beautiful that is awesome awesome so we're going to want to keep a pretty steady climb here we're going to be climbing in altitude on the way to flagstaff flax steps at a higher elevation we're going to start to trim off the airplane so that we're in a climb best rate of climb all that information can be looked up if you type in v speeds v speeds of a 152 will give you the airplane's best rate of climb best angle of climb best glide speed what speed you should approach at what speed you should land at and in this airplane we could pitch up a little more and be climbing at about 70 knots 67 knots we could climb at about 67 knots that's going to give us our best rate of climb now how do you know where the airport is someone was asking me that that's a great question if you're unfamiliar with an area and you're on a vfr flight and you don't have a gps how the heck are you supposed to know where the airport is well all you can really do is if you're not going to use a gps you have to know landmarks you have to know how much time it would take you to get to that landmark based on the wind based on your ground speed your all different kinds of factors in your heading to be able to to know when you're getting close to that airport when you should call up the tower so all of these things are calculated on a navigation log so there are ways to navigate vfr without a gps the thing is is gps are become so standard now there's really no reason to not use one um there's nothing wrong with using one and so we can pretend like we have you know four flight on our phone or a little gps here and uh just fly with this bfr map here pretend like we have a gps and you can see the air space here that's typically five miles for class delta five mile uh radius here we wanna call about ten out so we're gonna be calling pretty soon and let them know that we're gonna be coming in first we're going to want to get the atis let's get the information we're going to continue climbing because we're at a pretty uh low elevation with all these mountains not exactly sure where my mixture should be but it's fine we're we've got a positive rate of climb we're doing okay now let's call up flagstaff we're going to first check the atis so that they know that we have the information visibility tree sky condition few clouds at 900 view clouds at 4 100 feet view clouds at 12 500 feet temperature 2-5 2.10 altimeter two-niner decimal eight seven visual runway tree in use landing and departing runway tree [Music] all right so we've got quebec now we can go to the tower miles southwest with quebec to land make straight in runway 3 cessna 7 romeo whiskey are finally getting enough altitude here to start turning toward the airport just been using this canyon it's a little bumpy but not too bad winds are calm it's a beautiful day we're gonna make sure it in runway three so during cruise we just wanna make sure we check you know mixture rpms oil pressure very important check the oil pressure pretty soon we can turn our landing lights on we're going to be coming in and make sure your fuel is on everything's good the other thing is when you're straight and level you can check your heading indicator directional gyro to the magnetic compass here and we could probably go ahead and level off soon we're pushing 8 000 feet don't need to go too much higher since we're going to be there not too long from now but yeah really guys if you don't have a gps um it's not super easy to like find where the airport is you know not you can turn on your airport indicator to show you where the airports are but in reality you wouldn't have that you really just have to to be looking for it and know your landmarks and know how to get there so we're gonna be coming in on runway three so we're actually we're pointed the same direction right now as the runway see we're on a heading of three of zero three so we can use our gps as long as we're uh lined up with the airport and we're coming in at three we're going to be lined up with the runway just need to make sure that you start at the right place and you can use these waypoints as a reference here for ifr approaches these wave points will line you up with the runway as well i'm going to go ahead and start trimming down a little bit use that trim get your get your throttle set where you want it to cruising speed and then use that trim keep playing with that trim to level yourself off so you're not holding the yoke the whole time while you're flying you shouldn't have to hold the yoke back or push the yoke down the whole time you're cruising just use that trim trim it off we should also have some panel lighting somewhere not sure where that is on this airplane if you needed it and our transponder made a huge mistake forgot to turn this on it's usually on which is why i forgot to turn it on because it's usually just left in alt mode sometimes the controllers will ask you to so go ahead and put that in all mode that's going to give the tower the most information about your altitude give you gives them a little bit more information when it's in the alt setting sometimes they'll ask you to ident what does that mean well if the controller says you know assess the 427 roman whiskey ident hit that ident button that's going to let the controller identify where you are on their radar so that'll make you like blink on their radar light up a little bit helps them understand which airplane you are on their radar because there could be other airplanes around they just want to be sure that they uh have the correct one so that's just identifying where you are for the controller we are just going to squawk one two zero zero for vfr you're always going to squawk one two zero zero i don't know why i just changed it on accident we have the runway in sight right here okay so we don't need our gps anymore we can start preparing to to come in for our final here we're on a little bit of a right base if you do those tutorials they'll teach you about traffic patterns so we're kind of on a little bit of a right base right now for runway three you can come down and power let's add just a notch of flaps turn that landing light on let's keep it at about 1700 rpm or so and we want our approach speed to be about 70 knots which we're at right now another thing you could do is you could look at your frequencies and queue up ground and cue up the ground frequency for flagstaff because you're eventually going to have to switch to that when you land and ground is on 121.9 so we could queue that up which could be hard sometimes with a little turbulence now we're going to come in for landing on a final for runway 3 in flagstaff then when we land i'm going to do another lesson ifr and assess the 172 with the g1000 we'll do an ifr flight maybe even just back to sedona or somewhere you know i'm trying to make this as short as possible for you and start off short instead of doing longer flights so probably won't go somewhere too far if you want to stay tuned and see a little bit more about how the gps works and all that and a little bit of ifr navigation you may enjoy that it looks like our vor may be working a lot of people have been asking me about the vor well a lot of airports their vor is not operative so you just got to be careful with that because vor has just become more and more used for waypoints on a gps so unfortunately vr instruments aren't quite as used now just because they are interoperative at so many airports all right i did the last last notch of flaps here slowly working our way down see if we can hold it off a little bit all right and we've got touchdown now i can just apply some breaks you could probably exit right here hit the flaps we could also turn our strobe off and we want to get off the runway it just stopped me here for some reason it you know it does that sometimes normally the airplane would have just kept rolling pretty easily and all you really want to do is just get past this line and then we're going to switch to ground once we get past this line one two one decimal niner for cessna stop right here until we get our directions there's a lot more to flying as far as emergency procedures go and checklists and um but as far as the basics go no need to complicate it for a vfr flight it's really more about just enjoying the view let me know if you have any questions for sure i would love to answer them flagstaff ground cessna november 427 romeo whiskey request taxi to parking segment november 427 romeo whiskey taxi to general aviation parking using tax now this is all taxiway alpha here this is a pretty basic airport remember if you get confused you pull up that airport diagram that can help you with directions you know what another thing you can do is turn on your assistance for taxing there's nothing wrong with that if you want to turn on this taxi ribbon here under navigation aids go ahead just to make sure that you get it right maybe you can you can compare it what you thought where you were supposed to go how it compares to the taxi ribbon taxiing to general aviation parking using tax away you know maybe you turn it on for a second and then maybe you turn it right back off maybe you just use it to help you get started if you want to again fly the airplane on the ground make sure your ailerons and elevator are in the correct position according to the wind if the wind's coming from in front of you aileron should be into the wind elevator neutral if the winds coming from behind you you want to dive away from the wind elevator down and then away right now the winds are calm so it's making it pretty easy i don't know if these guys are like here to help park us or what um normally you would never go navigate around planes like this but i think these guys want to park us not sure we're going to find out you would never do that in reality but it's a simulator so it's fine i'm gonna let this guy park us and we'll shut everything down i'll turn on the parking brake which this airplane doesn't really have you'd actually just use shocks or tie downs maybe some cessna 152s do have it but now we can turn off our avionics first then we want to pull the mixture make sure the throttle is completely cut as well now we're going to turn off our master battery it's going to want to go to the menu turn off all this turn off our lights you could shut off the fuel although a lot of times you just leave it open at least at a flight school i've noticed i don't know what all flight schools do but make sure we turn off the key turn off the mags then we would write down our our attack time and hob's time and that would be logged for the aircraft so we know the times when how long we flew for our logbooks and when the for maintenance and like 100 hour inspection annual inspections are and stuff like that so that's really it hope you guys enjoyed that flight quick little vfr flight from sedona to flagstaff now if you want to watch another video let's hop in 172 and do some ifr i can't wait to do a lot more real flying videos as well but microsoft flight simulator has me hooked right now and it's been a ton of fun i also have a discord channel if you'd like to join that we can go fly together and definitely let me know if you have any questions at all about this flight or cessna 152 or just aviation in general i am a private pilot tailwheel pilot and i would love to help you out i don't know everything i'm not gonna try to pretend like i know something that i don't know so yeah just let me know got a golf course over here that's cool if this was your home airport and you had an engine failure on takeoff you would know that there's a golf course right here and you would know your surroundings and you would be prepared to just keep in mind that you have options to land here so that's a good situational awareness note for this particular airport all right thanks so much and i'll talk to you soon you
Channel: Brady Skye
Views: 86,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoftflightsimulator, MSFS, flight sim, microsoft flight simulator 2020, VFR, cessna, cessna 152, flight school, training, tutorial, lesson, aviation, pilot, private pilot, sedona, radio, navigation, visual flight rules, brady bigalke, class e, class d
Id: 9DM_8OW9Z3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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