Cessna 152 Radio Navigation Example in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

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hello today we're going to do a flight in the cessna 152 in microsoft flight simulator 2020 and this is going to be another example of flying using radio navigation in today's flight we're gonna fly from san rafael on the north side of the san francisco bay up to charles m schultz airstrip up in sonoma county so if we jump inside the airplane and have a look you can see in the cessna 152 you get very basic instruments which is good because that means we get to use our brain rather than just looking at a screen we get a nav one radio which refers to the nav one um instrument you get an f2 radio which refers to this instrument you get an altimeter vertical speed a clock a compass an artificial horizon an airspeed and a turn coordinator so first thing we're going to do is just make sure this compass is absolutely accurate because we're going to need it to be fairly accurate so at the moment it's showing 216 degrees so we're going to compare it against this one up here and that pretty much agrees with it once if you've not noticed this before this the compass that appears on the windscreen is usually the opposite way around so rather than reading it to the right you'll read it to the left so 210 degrees 220 degrees 230 degrees 240 degrees so it's kind of the opposite of when you think about this as being 210 220 230 240. anyway so engine is already running we're sat on the tarmac at sun rafale so we're going to need to get some major airspeed up to clear those trees at the end so i'm not going to bother with the flaps before we even take off let's have a think about our route so i'm going to look at little nav map and we are immediately going to go and disable the connection to the flight simulator we don't want the map to tell us where we are so we're taking off from sun rafale and we're flying to charles m schultz up in sonoma county we are going to use this radio beacon along the way pi pye 113.70 we're also going to use the radio beacon at cinema county which is 113. so we'll program nav one to be one one three so this is nav one so one one three was it point zero zero one one three point zero zero and we make that active and it may be not showing up because we're at ground level so it's maybe not going to see the frequency just yet but that's fine because we know what direction to travel 320 degrees magnetic we also are going to tune nav2 into 113.70 the papa yankee echo 113 decimal seven zero so one one three is already tuned in so we just turn the decimals down to seven and make that active so this is already enabled if i just get the yoke out of the way so we can see the instruments easily so we can find out the direction from us to the beacon by turning the omnibearing selector on the radio on the navigation instrument so we sh this is basically saying the the direction from us to the beacon with the frequency of 113.7 is about 265 degrees 266 degrees so let's confirm that just to make sure so if i right click with little nav map and measure distance to here 268 degrees so we're in the neighborhood of it being what we thought okay so the trick we're going to do which is the reason really for doing this flight is we're not going to use the two directions because they're difficult to think about we're going to flip this all the way around and you will notice this indicator turned over if i zoom further into the instrument can you see it says from so if i go back the other way it says two and then from so it's angle two the beacon angle from the beacon to u so if we turn this round and here it comes so the direction from the beacon to us is about 65 degrees so if i measure from the beacon measure distance from the beacon to us have i made some sort of horrific mistake here 113.7 let me remove this a second remove 113.7 from should be i'll see 78 85 degrees yeah so measure distance from vor is 85 degrees yep it adds up so we're not actually going to draw that onto the map because we know exactly where we are at the moment so when we take off we're going to make an immediate turn for 320 degrees magnetic and then then we will start marking our position on the map just to make this a bit more fun we're going to change the weather and we're going to set the lowest level of weather the the altitude at the bottom of the weather or we'll say coverage is going to be 100 so complete fog bank and we're going to pull it down to um 1500 feet maybe wait we go less than that let's go to zero so it's a complete pea soup fog we'll say the top of it is going to be so we don't make it too dark for ourselves it's going to be sort of 5 000 feet because we're not gonna go anywhere near five thousand feet anyway gonna stay about two and a half thousand feet okay so you so this just stops us from cheating and seeing anything from a long way away so we are going to take off and then turn left to 320 degrees does that make sense so also turn right to 320. so here's the compass so we need to turn to 320 which means on this map we are taking off from 22. yeah if we go and look outside we can probably confirm that uh how do we get the outside view inflow simulator there we go this is this one we've got a number yeah there's runway 22. so that makes sense of what we were seeing on the compass okay so let's get going it shouldn't take too long actually to fly the route so bearing in mind there's a hill a bit of a racing start there held the brakes and held the brakes until the throttle came up to speed and the propeller was spinning off the brakes we're rolling holding on a little bit of right rudder to keep the plane in a straight line speed speed speed and rotate and immediate right turn keeping an eye on the speed still i'm just aware that there are hills around here and we're going to need to get altitude fairly quickly so why didn't bother with flaps speed is everything when you're climbing flaps essentially allow you to go slow we don't want to go slow we want to go fast so we can climb obviously assessment is not going to break any aviation laws because it can't go faster than about 120 knots anyway so we're climbing out and we're on our 320 degree track so if you remember if we just make sure this is going to be fairly stable for a moment we have got nav one tuned to the beacon over here at one one three just make sure we're not wandering off from our one 320 degree track so nav one is tuned to one one three so if we tune the omni bearing selector to we're going to that beacon it in the middle and it's saying yeah we need to go 320 degrees and it's dead in the middle so can you see that 320 degrees to go directly to the beacon and we're on the line because the in the needle is in the middle which means we are exactly on the line to approach the beacon at 320 degrees if we wander to the left of the line the needle will go right if we wander to the right of the line the needle will go left so i'm starting to wander actually slightly to the left looking at the compass so let's have a look outside we're climbing at 500 feet a minute which is great if we look outside you can see the the hills in the mist we're clear of them so it's not a major issue okay so we keep an eye on the attitude of the aircraft it's slowly starting to roll to the left we're gonna roll right so we can play games now with tuning in remember we pre-tuned nav 2 to the beacon that was across our flight path or you know adjacent to our flight path which will allow us to measure where we are along the line quite easily so if we tune this with it showing a from bearing trying to zoom in and out without hitting the omni bearing selector and i keep hitting it i'm just straightening us up again hopefully i'm 230 degrees so the angle from us to the beacon from the beacon to us is about 73 degrees so we can go on here and we can measure vor dme 73 degrees so that's about where we are at the moment so we just need to carry on flying basically and tracking 320 degrees and we can use the map to figure out where we are so we will keep measuring from the beacon as we go past we'll eventually end up and we'll retune nav one instead of being to the the main beacon we'll go for the ils frequency instead and follow it all the way into the ground so we're at two and a half thousand feet now so i'm gonna stop climbing so i'm gonna use a little bit of elevator trim you'll see the vertical speed is changing i'm going to roll left as well slightly because if you look at the compass we've started to drift so let's roll it back up and notice there's a gap at the top of the compass so you can easily see if you're in level flight or not of course being in level flight doesn't mean we're going in the direction we're pointing you can get an indication of that by looking at the turn coordinator and you can see the bubble even though we are level the bubble is off to the right so it means we are being pushed sideways by the wind you can see that happening here even though we were level the compass is slowly rotating means the tail is being pushed right does that make sense so i'm turning very gently back into it to turn this back again so we're still climbing actually so i'm going to come back down i don't want to go any higher than two and a half thousand really so i'm going to come back down so you can see the i'm just using elevator trim to do this by the way so we're dropping down about a thousand feet a minute and we're quite rapidly coming back trouble is by just putting the nose down i'm gonna pull the throttle back we're getting kind of dangerously fast the 152 is not designed to go particularly fast so again i'm just moderating our vertical speed with elevator trim until the um indicated airspeed stabilizes out a bit so we've while we were busy doing that the wind has pushed us right in so we're going to again we're flying over hills so the hill the wind is not going to be consistent either it's going to fluctuate all over the place so you can see now we have drifted to the right of the line of the 320 degree line so i'm going to come back to 310 degrees to slowly correct that so once we've got this stable we'll do another measurement on the nav radio okay so what direction are we now from the beacon we are about 50 degrees from the beacon so if i put the mouse back on the beacon and measure distance from the vor beacon at 50 degrees we are now about there yeah so we have now charted now of course we've started turning left again that's turning right at me the airplane has started to turn around all on its own the 152 doesn't sit very stably if you just center everything up it doesn't necessarily hang on the wings like some airplanes do you do have to consciously keep flying in a straight line or at least the version in my in-flight simulator tends to wander so i put used a tiny bit of aileron trim but it's still trying to roll right so what if we can still see the ground outside or just vaguely stand there in the mist so we've dipped below two and a half thousand feet now that's fine looking at the map if we put on the topo map you can see there's some hills around this area we're already leaving the area where the hills are so we're dead on track now for 320 degrees again so we can get the compass you can see here look for the 320 degree radial into the beacon with a frequency of we're dead on the line so there's the the beacon with one one three there's the 320 degree radial towards it this means we're going to it at 320 degrees yeah and airplane has started to bank all on its own which is great really helpful so how are we doing we're at 2200 feet i'm going to give it a little bit of elevator trim to climb us back up just trying to adjust it just enough you'll see obviously pulling the nose up is going to affect indicated air speed so it's a bit of a balancing act maybe i could just give it a bit more throttle which would do the same trick as pulling up to be honest it makes us faster gives you more lift the nose comes up i don't want to overdo it though so you can see the indicated airspeed is slowly coming up therefore lift and vertical speed is increasing so it's gently pulling the altitude back up again so we're still doing 310 degrees we've gone slightly to the left as we get closer to the beacon the needle will move more because if you imagine the closer you are a small lateral difference is going to make a bigger effect on the needle the further away you are the less lateral effect there will be you know so so being 50 yards either side of the the line isn't going to make as much difference if you're a long way away from the beacon if you're right on top of the beacon that's 180 degrees that you could be from it so let's do we do another reading of the beacon with 113.7 so let's center this back up where has it got to look on the wrong side whoops four oh 10 25 degrees yeah so if we have a look and measure distance from the beacon 25 degrees we're about there okay so we just carry on we've actually we've slept to the left of the line so we're going to go to 330 degrees to get back on the 320 line so i'm just turning and you can see the compass turning we're still only at 2200 feet so we've kind of stabilized so i'm just going to go a little bit faster so increase the throttle we should get more lift and we'll lift us back up so i've turned back across 330 degrees so we should see the needle come back in towards 320. when it centers up we can turn left back to 320 degrees what we're doing is ensuring that we're on the line by this showing that the the needle is to the right of the center of the instrument it means we are to the left so the line is to the right does that make sense so we're back on the center of the line so i'm going to turn left to 320 degrees just gently do it now we're getting to the point where we might be able to tune in the ils so i'm just going to center this up and we'll go and have a look at what the ils frequency is for wrong way 109.3 321 degrees so 109.3 so we'll change that one to 109.30 then we'll switch over active and it's already switched on notice the omnibearing selector doesn't actually do anything if you've got an ils but we can put in 3 2 1 anyway so it's going to be about there so it saying that we are to the right this instrument is saying we are to the right of the line so we are going to fly 300 degrees but also for this point in the flight we should have really done this before we started turning um we're going to get the last reading so 10 degrees so if we go in the zoom out and measure vor so at the point we turned or just just after it we were about there yeah so now we can concentrate completely on the ilsc now i turned left and we've gone to the left of the line name so i'm going to turn back right we know the runway is about 320 degrees so if we turn back to 330 or 340 we can intercept again so i'm just turning gently to 330. and the needle is coming back in very slowly i've turned to 340 just to expedite it slightly now very soon because we are getting close to the ils the entry point is usually about two and a half thousand feet which miraculously we're at that was planned by the way um okay so we're coming up to the beam so i'm going to turn back to 320 so we're back on the beam so we're now waiting for the horizontal beam with the horizontal needle which indicates our vertical position here it comes we're approaching the ils beam so we're going to center the screen up and we're going to start to fly the ils so i'm cutting the engine back turn right slightly we're off to the left of the center line looking at nav one so i'm now at 330 degrees on the compass and the needle should be slowly coming back to us it's interesting that the vertical needle hasn't we're descending quite fast that's why so i'm going to level us up so we're not descending so we get the vertical needle into the middle so i'm going to put some elevator trim in so we come down to 2000 feet turn back to 320 degrees we've gone past the center line go to 310 or 300. [Music] okay so we're continuing on we are [Music] flying back towards the center line watching the vertical speed coming back to 330 degrees because we're off to the left let's pull the nose up and if we stay level you will see the needle come down oh i don't believe this yeah forget it we're having internet problems half the reason there was a cut in the internet just now is because of course if the internet cuts out in the house everybody arrives at the door so i'm probably gonna have a very basic scenery when i get to the ground get ready here comes someone else to say i can't see the internet so you can see the rls centering up [Music] we're only at 1 500 feet name so 320 degrees on the heading we're off slightly to the left so we'll go slightly to the right we're heading three to five degrees we're slightly above the glide slope now so i'm going to cut the engine flaps one and now off to the right warning successfully connected yeah brilliant thanks a lot computer for warning me that's something successful that almost presumes that it won't be successful doesn't it flaps too and we can see the the lights at the end of the runway now directly in front of us which doesn't mean we're going to disregard the instruments we are going to follow them now to take us down in a controlled manner through the mist to the runway [Music] the 60 knots it's probably a good approach speed we sit up slightly in the chair and we're above the glideslope just folded the eyelash in and we can now see the wrong way just disappearing from the gloom directly in front of us that's three so we're on full flaps now [Music] we're just following the ils down methodically correcting if we need to looking a little bit slow stalled speed of assassin is about 40 knots so we want to stay at least 10 knots clear of that and suddenly here's the wrong way and it's nice and clear turn there's a little bit of a crosswind here it's the wrong way follow the ils in which will put us on the center line completely automatically just gently follow it and now our focus completely changes to the wrong way over the markers cut the engine and flare and we're down brakes we could immediately turn and there's another airplane taking off from underneath we will immediately turn left to avoid the traffic and i'm going to stop here on the taxiway so there you go that was quite a simple navigate radio navigation flight i'm using a couple of different beacons and then rls to guide us in through the fog so i'll edit the video later and hopefully it'll be online soon
Channel: Jonathan Beckett
Views: 34,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0I4zwyX-cNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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