Into Duxford (Cessna 172 VFR) - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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[Music] hi guys squad here and welcome to another microsoft flight simulator video in this video we are going to take a look at a little bit more of a real world scenario in terms of flying vfr uh rather than just you know jumping a plane and go hey let's fly over here i thought we'd take a look at what it's actually like to fly vfr as a real pilot and to do this i've spawned in the cessna 172 i'm on runway 2-0 at north wheeled airfield this is the i feel that i fly out of uh in real life unfortunately it's not brilliantly modeled i have to say uh it's okay but you know i would love a proper scenery pack from here the place here is very different to what it's got now uh you've got the mets police here with the helicopters you've got their ambulance here there's a few more hangars there's you know marketplace one of the runways is basically closed to the market there's a lot of logistics operations out here now um there's there's a lot going on which is not actually model but that doesn't matter i don't want to uh focus on that anyway today so i use an app called skydemon and we're going to use this app to plot this route and discuss some of the problems that you face as a real pilot and things you have to deal with so we're not going to talk to any atc we're not going to even touch on atc which is an entirely different subject but i just want to kind of introduce you to airspace and the ways that you have to kind of navigate your way around and through earthspace so first of all let's bring down uh my app here let's just make it a little bit bigger there we go now this is actually my my ipad there we go let's move around you should see it move it's my ipad and i've got it mounted on my honeycomb yoke right now which is cool because it's kind of how we'll have it in real life uh and we're just going to create a route so i'll click create route and we're going to go from egsx which is northworld and it will say where do you want to go to and we'll say uh duxford egsu there we go create root cessna 172 so it's got the profile for the 172. all the tail numbers wrong doesn't matter great route and there it is so we'll zoom in now and this is where you start to see all kinds of stuff and complexity and like what the heck is all that and yeah basically this is on effects of the north side of london as you can see this is london's airspace it's it's pretty interesting place you know you go on the left there you've got heathrow on the right you've got south end below it you've got gatwick and then above it you've got luton and stansted this is a very busy area of the country and it's uh it's a bit interesting to fly out of but basically the bottom line here is that you can't just take off out north wheeled and head straight for duxford because you'll smash all the way through stansted's airspace as you can perhaps note that so how do we actually navigate this how do we how would we get how would i fly if i wanted to fly from duxford how would i do it um essentially there's perhaps three ways of doing it one of the ways is to fly you know west over standstill to kind of go out this way via maybe the brooklyn's park vor you could go out that way and just try and stay west of stansted uh the other way is he can go east to chelmsford and then navigate your way around the east side and the other way is you could take off immediately talk to stansted and ask them can you get a zone transit from stansted through the uh to the north and if they were really friendly and you sound like you know what you're doing they'll probably let you do that and you can just fly straight through stencils airspace and look down all the planes and it's kind of cool uh what i will do today is we'll take the easier one we'll take the east side uh approach um up to duxford and what i'm going to do is if we click on the airfields on the right here and it shows north wales stanson and duxford they're they're roughly on the flight plan at the moment and we'll click on um duxford and then we'll go down to the bottom there and choose bullies plate and this will bring up a plate of duxford and it contains a lot of useful information obviously at the top there you've got the various frequencies but you can see the runway itself and the main runway is the tarmac runway uh 1.5 kilometers long 1500 meters and then there's a grass runway of 800 meters there they do a lot of shows out at duxford especially during the summer months so it's a great place to visit they have a bunch of hangars with museums and planes and it's a really good place to fly to um and even just visit you know but to fly to it's cool because you and all your passengers get a free two-hour ticket into the museum which is kind of cool um so scroll down and then it has some interesting information down here there you go inbound routes to avoid infringements of controlled airspace it actually gives you some help it says on the third one inbound from the east uh it says root clacton vor we're not going to do that because that's further east then it says go via the uh haverhill vrp and then duxford it also says inbound from the south to pass east of stansted number two that's the one we want so if we were coming in from the east we do three if we're coming in from where we are um well actually more west would do one and if we're coming down from where we are now we would do number two so number one will take us west of stansted and number two will take us east of stansted so this looks good it says chemistry vrp a vrp is a visual reference point they use quite a lot by atc basically points that you can identify as a pilot and they can say you know fly to champs vrp you know and and then wait for other instructions so temps of vrp then halsted and then haverhill vrp and then duxford so let's see if we can find those and actually plot the route so first one's pretty easy we'll come out of else come we'll come out of north wheeled and we'll fly to chelmsford vrp and you can even see it's on the map as a big feather it's like skydeman puts it in as a as a point you may have noticed down at the bottom uh that's a vertical profile and you can see all the air space that that we are basically cutting through and we'll talk more about that in a minute then we need to find the next waypoint which is halsted halsted is just next to earl's cone else cone is where i i got my ppl but we'll drag that up to houston like that so that's the next one done and then further north we should be able to find haverhill which is the so that is the recommended route if we want to stay east of stansted's airspace now that's not the end of it um there's a there's a couple of things going on so the first and most notable thing to mention is north will actually sits as you can see here you see that kind of blue area north wheel sits underneath the standstid shelf it says the cta 1500 to 2500. that is their their airspace that is class d airspace 1500 feet to two and a half thousand feet and north wheel sits underneath that shelf when you take off our north wheeled you have to stay under 1500 feet before you get out of that shelf so as we fly east we'll very quickly leave that 1500 limit and then we can actually climb up as you can see on the vertical profile at the bottom however all of this kind of sits underneath the red you see that big big red ring that's the london tma all of it sits underneath that because you've got planes coming in and out of here all the time so we can't go up too high but on the vertical profile at the bottom you can kind of see that that airspace is about two and a half thousand feet so if we basically drag this down and say we want to fly just drag that to there or let's just say we want to fly in at 2 000 feet just put that one on fat fingers there we go 2 000 feet that looks pretty good so 2000 feet basically bring keeps us underneath the london tma the red stuff but over near haverhill it looks like we're cutting through some uh classy airspace so we need to go and figure that one out so let's have a look at the first leg and the first leg if we flew at 2 000 feet we will be flying over willing girl but that's not really a problem we'll go to chelmsford and then we will turn and fly a new heading towards halsted and you can see the tma there to tma 2500 in the uh just next to borum so we're underneath that so that's fine and then we get up to earl's cone and else come we need to stay out of that little ring though we don't want to fly in the the um 80s which is about two miles radius we don't want to fly within that so we just need to be careful when we go into halstead that we're cutting in between the blue space on the left and else cone on the right yeah it it really is interesting flying around here and then we're gonna set off on our third leg which takes us up to uh haverhill and when we get to haverhill after that we are then and this is where we see the blue space though you see that we are cutting in to stansted cta again so we've got two options here either when we get to haverhill we drop down under 1500 feet which is one option uh or we basically you know use our sky demon or any garmin system on board and just kind of cut around it or you can even if you wanted to modify your flight plan and just maybe punch linton in like that you see if you go for linton you run perilously close to standstills airspace but you actually get yourself around it now what i would do is i would fly to uh haverhill and then i would probably keep on track and then until linton was west of me and then i'd turn uh on a westerly heading to linton so i'd probably do something more like that in real life uh if you've got an onboard gps system of some description then it's a bit easier but i don't want to get so close to um stanster's airspace so basically that is the route plotted and we've got the vertical profile set uh we've got our lateral navigation set you would then click on warnings on the top right there and you say your journey finishes inside of duxford that's fine if we by the way if we remove that little waypoint at linton and let it cut in and then go to warnings it says your journey passes through london stanson cta which is a classy airspace so it actually gives you a warning about that which is kind of handy uh you would then look at your notes arms and make sure things are fine you look at your weather which is currently absolutely appalling so we're not using live weather and then you go to your airfields and you could check on various things like if you want to see what duxford looks like from aerial perspective satellite imagery you know you can see that they basically have a pattern there's no there's no dead side at duxford you're either flying a right-hand circuit uh into two four or you're flying a left-hand circuit into uh into sorry you're flying the right hand circuit into two four you find a left-hand circuit into um zero six that's the way it works you're flying clockwise or anti-clockwise on this it actually tells you if you go to the police plate if you actually go down the bottom of the plate they actually give you this although you have to turn your head to the left uh they basically say to you that you can see those little towns you can't overfly those towns either so you have to basically circuit your way around those towns anyway currently um currently the uh sim connect system is still broken so i can't actually i can't actually link up what i would love to do is link up the skydemon and have it track my flight across the map here so instead what we'll do is we're going to use this but i've not plotted the route in at all we're just going to use it as a visual reference so as we take off you should start to see these um these areas that i was talking about and this will give us a useful guide but essentially we're going to take off and fly to the east here follow that road by the way i didn't show you this um we bring the thing back down if you click on pilot log at the top it actually gives you a flight plan uh which is something that you normally used to fill these in manually but most most most students these days kind of just get this thing to generate it for them however there is a there is a little caveat because it is taking live weather and and we're not going to have this weather in my sim right now because i'm not using live weather but if we did have this um wind then this would be our magnetic heading that we would take in for each leg so when we take off at a transfer we're on a zero nine seven heading to get to stout uh to halsted and so on so we're gonna have to slightly wind correct because this wind is not going to apply but it does give your your minimum sector altitudes here and you can see that at 2000 feet were uh were more than above that anyway so i didn't want to focus on starting the plane and stuff like this i just wanted to um show you all of that stuff so let's we've got flaps deployed we've got flaps here by default i would i'm just going to retract them i don't take off flaps in the 172. unless we're doing any kind of short field work all of our lights are set so the first thing gonna do is i'm gonna bug the heading for our first heading which is well zero nine seven assuming a one seven four wind which would be coming in from uh the right there so it's assuming we're gonna get pushed that way so probably correct too much to the east so i'm gonna just knock it back a little bit like that and i think and we'll just keep our eye on this and see how it goes um so really what we're doing here is a combination of things we are flying visually so i'm going to be looking out for these visual reporting points um and we're going to be using just the garmin as a a kind of we are reference so we're kind of combining two things we're not we're not ifr certainly um we are very much vfr but we're using a little bit of technology just to um help us out we could of course just punch a root into here and you know just fly the magenta line but that's not what i wanted to do i didn't want to show you that stuff let's do something more fun right let's get the power on air speed is building the plane is drifting really is drifting actually behind me i don't know wind is in the symbol okay let's just fly the runway heading okay she comes that's better altitude 500 feet remember we can't go 1500 you can see on the garmin to the right though you see that blue that blue box you see i was still in that blue box that is standard cta so until we leave that blue box we cannot go above 1500 in reality we don't go above about 1200 because you can get blown by wind very quickly get 200 feet and if you go into that airspace by the time you get back you'll have a phone call and that's not something you want so you can see we're just coming out of stances airspace and by the way if you have the the sim connected to a gps system or if you have it connected to your sim this skydiving connected to your sim it will give you worst-based warnings so it's kind of cool like that right what i want to do is just steady the plane around and we're going to use the autopilot system just to help us out so first of all we're going to put our altitude on 2000 feet i'm going to turn the autopilot on we'll put it into heading mode and we'll put it into altitude hole mode and then let it settle down and then go v-speed okay why do not there we go v speed 500 feet per minute climb and verify heading v speed it's keeping our heading v speed should be up around about 500 we're in charge of the throttle hopefully you watch my basic autopilot video and you know exactly what we're doing and if we look at the garmin system here you see that that grey line that is the a414 which is right there i would normally use that as a great guy to take me to chelmsford because literally the a414 goes to chelmsford uh so let me just turn the heading slightly clockwise as i know that in the distance there's the four and four though and chelmsford is going to be down here somewhere so that is more or less the first leg taking care of let's just when it gets to altitude it will of course pitch down but it is a it's a lovely place to fly and it is modeled so well so incredibly well in the sim and the more east you go the more the airspace restrictions will lift and you can really go and enjoy yourself which is why a lot of a lot of student pilots end up flying east and training out there because they can climb a lot higher you get out the london tma things are a lot easier right that's 2 000 feet coming up and it's leveling this out i'm just going to bring the power back a little bit let the rpm settle down looking for about 23 2400 is a a decent cruiser now a great decent cruising power level and yeah if we zoom in it won't actually show us chelmsford on the map but we know it's over here it's about lisa that kind of that's the a12 that goes around it that is chelmsford there's eggs x that's what we've just left and uh when we track on our next leg that's when we're gonna have to start thinking a little bit more because right now we've gone out of a lot of the problem area for now we'll just bring this back there you go so we are approximately here and when we get to chelmsford whoops let me get rid of that when we get to chelmsford we are according to this gonna fly a magnetic heading of about zero three three but we're gonna have to manually connect for uh wind but you can see this this tma 2500 we need to stay under 2 500 that's fine we're going to cruise through here at 2000 but it is something to be aware of if you're flying from chelmsford to braintree um if you go too high you're going to smash into um london's tma you don't want that the main problem is going to be here the pinch point when we get to earl's cone that's where we're going to be sat between andrews field else cohen and this stansted uh cta so this is where you have to be very careful and there's a master though if you look so real life that's where you need to start focusing right that's definitely chelmsford ahead i'm just gonna head over to the city center a little bit the actual vrp would be somewhere in the middle of the city but it's a great viewing it's so authentic this is literally what it's like guys when you fly it really is just like this it's so good all right if i just sit up slightly this is the 414 coming in here seems to be a bowling center there you've got volkswagen um garage over here and then the actual main town is here so the vrp probably reports around about the middle there where these sort of high-rise buildings are although there's not that many it's not quite as many as that in chelmsford then a decent job though right so at this point as we're approaching our turning point this is where i would be thinking about what i'm gonna do next um so i would look down at my pilot log and i would see the zero three three um good pilots also have a stopwatch and they'll basically like record the time when they make this turning here so that's like a time turn talk thing there's there's a few more teas involved that you can do you've got time to turn talk twist tires like there's all kinds of all kinds of acronyms in flying but time turn talk is good enough for us so we'd make another time uh we'd turn to our new heading of zero three three and we'd talk to etc if we needed to so this is chelmsford i'll let you get a load of this before we turn look at that look at that there's the main park there there's the cricket ground all right let's get turning so we're making it over the time we turn into a new heading of let's go for a three it should be three three zero three three but three will do another quick look yeah there's the main road there big roundabout here train station there's the train line there that's the arches that goes over that pathway there's a train you ever been to champs of train station on a sim that's where it is and then this goes off to braintree yeah chelmsford's a city achieved city status a few years ago okay so how we doing so that we're gonna use for our reference points next let's have a quick look and see if we can see what's coming so this orange circle here can't quite see it but this is going to be earl's cone egsr this is andrew's field egsl and notice the blue line there that blue line is the stansted cta and that orange line which i showed you is the london terminal area so this is the bit now where we have to stay under 2500 feet at all times and we don't want to go inside else cones um 80z so we're gonna have to navigate just through the to be honest else cone if you're like above two thousand feet then strictly speaking you're not in their at zed anyway um but it is something is like it is wise to talk to them like it's best to basically talk to them and say i'm going to be overflying your at z and depart to the north two thousand feet and they'll just say like they have they're only a radio station they have no control over you anyway but you will at least then hear all the comms that's going on because uh you get a lot of student parts coming in and out of earl's cone and they do come in at like 2000 feet and then descend on the dead side so if you're flying across at 2000 feet chances are you know you're going to run into some trouble so it's always best to either be a little bit higher or at least talk to them so you're able to listen to what's going on and they have like helicopters coming in as well so god this scene right there get over it so yeah we need to keep an eye out as we get a bit closer oops just turn the uh and then we'll have to start keeping our eye out for the actual airfield itself it isn't the easiest thing to spot earl's cone um but once you know what you're looking for you actually don't really look for the runway you look for else cone is like a giant triangle uh because it used to be back in the wall it used to be one of the airfields that they flew bombers and stuff out of and it actually used to have three runways which was a very common thing back then arranged in a triangle which meant you could more or less land into wind no matter what the wind was doing and over the years they got rid of two of the runways and the actual triangle is now an industrial park and a golf course so what you tend to look for is that you tend to look for the triangle of that stands out the golf course and the industrial area stands out from all the fields and then you kind of notice the runway tends to be how it works so this on the left uh this is braintree that we're passing now um i could say if you if you bring the um skydemon down if we was connected via sim connect right now it would actually show us on the on the um magenta line or network or off the magenta line because we're not we're not flying nav mode um we might be here say and we're cruising along but it would actually show us where we are um and we're about here which means that on the left is is indeed braintree just uh which is uh quite a bit quite a big town so how we're getting on right so fairly soon i'm going to track in fact now i think i'm just going to take a small turn i want to make sure we miss this standstill airspace but i don't want to invade egsr start making a lookout for it now see if we can actually spot it chances are that's it a lot of industrial buildings there what looks like a golf course maybe and quite possibly that bit there is the runway that was a betting man i would say that was egsr i'm not entirely sure what that is though also when you're um when you're on route um you know in a role playing you would do certain other checks um something called 3d checks where you would you know look at your fuel level make sure that's what you're expecting it to be and you've got enough fuel left check your radios very important to make sure you've not accidentally changed the frequency you wonder why nobody's talking to you you press the squelch button make sure it's still working uh you check all your engine stuff you check your um check your temperature of your oil oil pressure and temperature are very important and then you make sure you've got vacuum you'd notice if your vacuum went anyway because this attitude indicator amongst other things would start spinning around but they're the kind of things that you check then you check your di because um a lot of people are confused about this but this this di here um basically has like a a gyroscope in it so it's it's subject to what they call procession thank god it's like you're turning not paying attention kind of invading girls going space now yeah there is it is that that is else cone so this is the dead side and they come in and land either this way or that way depending on the sorry they come in this way and they land either left or right but it's always on that side this is the dead side the other side is the circuit um so very quickly we are coming up on this town here which is if i can actually drag this thing down this is houston right here this is the town of houston that we need to make our next turn so sit back down again we're more or less creeped into earl's container space but not tomorrow's too busy talking the main thing is we are just about over halsted that's houston right there and our next heading after halstead was three one one so three one one was going to be our heading we put it on uh about 310 there uh and then we've got to then watch what happens because we need to stay away from this airspace um in real life the di drifts is what i was going to say about it's because of my gyroscopic precaution procession um what happens is this is accurate this is your magnetic compass and this will drift so every now and again when you do 3d checks you're checking to see that um that magnetic heading corresponds to this if it doesn't you basically turn this to correct it um that's what you need to do otherwise you'll basically head in the wrong direction right let's go for um new heading the way my um my heading bug only goes in like 10 degrees at the moment and it happened on my previous video and some of you guys commented and said it's something to do with the honeycomb yoga um it's like a known bug but i don't know if they're going to fix it soon or not i do have a honeycomb yoke and for some reason and i did have it in that last video i did have it going from 10 degrees to 1 degree and i can't work out how or why that happened but it is a bit of a pain because i can't actually adjust this more than 10 degree jumps right now and if we better actually turn to the right slightly because like i say this um this plan done my sky demon is actually expecting a wind to be blowing from the south so it's expecting us to get pushed north which is probably not happening right now so we just need to sort of follow the track that way and stay north of that uh stands to space that's kind of cool i do like the way they've got cars and trucks and stuff driving on the correct side of the road like in the uk the driving on the left however i've also noticed they sometimes have like american trucks in europe and then you'll get european trucks in the states which is a little bit weird now according to this there is egz d which is i think bloom's farm it's just a little grass runway strip so just like a private airfield it's one of those things that you know you just need to be to watch out for but you don't need permission to to go over it they don't have an at zeb at all but it's good to know because like if you suddenly had an engine failure it's always best to go for a some local farm strip runway than it is landed in a random field however when you fly in this area you'll notice we we are not short of fields so it's not like flying over mountainous tree-covered terrain like if you have an engine failure there is like if you have an engine failure you actually got a decent chance of getting it on the ground safely it's like pick a field any field right so we're okay on stands for their space we'll just pass bloom's farm which means we have a look on here we know that we just passed bloom's farm we are currently tracking directly for haverhill and then after that i will probably skirt around the cta we're gonna look for linton that's gonna be main thing we could actually hold that heading and then look for linton because straight after linton is duxford and well it's a bet but right ahead of us is haverhill ava hill's quite a big town looking at the map it also it's also useful to have a an actual printed vfr chart as well as um as well as you know your garmin system because at the end of the day you've got to think you know if the worst happens and your ipad shuts down and the garmin system can't find out where it is you know if the gps suddenly goes for whatever reason you know i bet you wish you brought a printed map at least you can kind of visually get yourself home kind of thing which is how it used to be done yeah that's definitely it that's definitely have hill so you see why this is one of the vrps because it is such an easy thing to find vrp's on on the maps have chosen deliberately because they are so easy to find so pilots can go to them quite easily and identify them so heavy hills here according to the log half the haverhill was supposed to take um a heading of uh 269 i think it is but we're not going to do that we're not going to do that we're going to keep flying a little bit past in fact egsu there you go there's duxford there is duxford indeed so we'll just correct so that we overfly haverhill and then we'll stay north of that cta and then we'll literally head west to egsu i mean with a system like this you can just click direct and egsu and it will take you there but that's not really what i was wanting to show was wanting to show a little bit more older school way of doing things which is probably useful because if you ever fly if you ever fly or do your ppl or learn in the uk you'll find that our aircraft are um not like this they're not like this this is this is quite advanced for most of the stuff that you'll fly when you're a student you know you'll be very lucky if you get one of these right let's get ready our next turn so we need to find the town of linton let's make sure wow look how detailed that is blinding that's good that looks so genuine and obviously when you zoom in and look really close it's a bit you know crikey that looks good from there okay we are not far away now let's turn left onto as close as i can get 269 heading but making sure that we don't cut in to this airspace and what we're looking for now is we're looking for linton and linton should be see with the corner of the airspace lincoln's about here but i'm just gonna turn it right 10 degrees just to make sure we don't cut into that i just bring this down one more time you will see but linton is here so that corner there should be a little built-up area where that is and then we should be able to find linton and be straight in what we'll do is we'll turn we'll take a left base straight in to oxford we're not going to try and join the downwind leg or anything like that wouldn't make much sense i don't think i think this is that linton i think that might be linton ahead of course the other things that kind of fight you and uh when you're flying vfr is is just the weather it doesn't even have to be raining it just has to be like this like where you've got a lot of you know humidity or just no dust or pollen or whatever in the air and it just gets very hard to see particularly when you're flying towards the sun a whole bunch of wind turbines right i reckon that is most certainly linton and from la duxford should be almost directly to the west now if we had to cut that corner off we would have had to have descent to under 1500 if you remember we could have flown underneath it um but we would have had to have been lower now the elevation according to the charts for ducks for this one two six we'll call that 200 feet and it said come in at a thousand qfe qfe is above the airfield elevation uh so that's about 1200 feet we're flying q and h at the moment which means we need to go in that 1200 feet so we'll basically start descending so we'll bring this down to 1 200. change that to v-speed moment just a nice gentle cruise downwards pull back on the power and we're gonna need to start looking for duxford now i do believe that may well be duxford i doubt it'll have as many hangers as it does in real life i don't think it's particularly well modeled but it should be fairly recognizable anyway okay so according to the um the charts this this kind of at z the pattern is just around where this ring is here so what i might do is just turn our heading slightly so we can join a reasonable downwind section and we'll just bring our descent right now we need to get down a bit quicker now yeah that's starting to um to draw in a little bit now okay at this point you would start looking to check your parking brake was off uh we don't have undercarriage on the on the cester a mixture we'd put to rich if it wasn't already or set it to whatever our elevation mixture needs to be don't need fuel pumps on uh gravity fence system t's and p's are all looking good don't have a car beats on this one because it's fuel injected and then we check all hatches the harnesses were secure and what i'll do now is i'll disengage the autopilots we'll fly it manually first thing to do is bring the speed right back we are at pattern altitude just going to hold the attitude as the speed comes back like that and we'll put the first stage of flaps down looking to this stage looking to trim for about 70 knots something like that second stage of flaps coming in hold my nose up just a touch looking for 70 okay trims a bit awkward in the sim it's like longer you hold the trim button down the more accelerates i really wish i had like a proper trim wheel okay we're 500 foot above so i'll start making our left turn in a little bit more power just to keep the altitude until we get on to the uh final and then i'll be looking for final stage of flaps and then 60 knot landing speed is what i'm aiming for all right wings level final stage flaps let the nose come up a bit looking for 60 knots those cars that are passing the runway i think that is in real life that's either the what's it called the a14 or is it still the m11 i'm not 100 but it should be quite a busy road okay we've done all the landing checks you can see the crash runway on the right as well you notice why they've got a number of buildings here but it's nowhere near as many as uh there are in real life i'm just gonna let it float a little bit because the runway i think you have to depart at the end i don't want to have like a massive taxi there we go i don't want to have like a massive taxi to the end of the runway so we'll just keep the speed up a little bit just going to bring the flaps in now what we can do and i'll show you and the second is we can look at the i mean you would have already done this but we'll have a quick look again at the airport diagrams you can see where the parking is i think there's two aprons here i think it's like a western and east apron just sits up slightly so we can see there we go so you would depart the runway and then put your final cleaning up so we'll just put the parking brake on a second and uh landing light can come off attack's light can stay on beacon light can stay on strobes are off flaps we already did now let's just quickly have a look i'll click on airfields and then we'll click on duxford's pulleys plate bar and so there you go we just landed here and we're now just departed at delta and we basically will taxi around and we'll park on the western apron here there's another one there but you can kind of see all the buildings here this is the big glass one this is cool this particular museum site if you ever get a chance definitely go here but yeah if you land here for real you and your passenger can uh go inside the museum for a couple of hours which is quite splendid of them so this particular video um i just wanted to kind of give you an introduction i mean i know some of you it's probably old news but there's a lot of people for whom it's not old news but i wanted to give you a just a flavor of space um there's a lot more to it there's a lot more to airspace of course but that's just something you can deal with later the fact is initially what i'm trying to do is deal with airspace rather than just flying around where i like having to deal with their space is a problem in itself yet alone having to talk to atc which is another subject so the app on the ipad's called sky demon it generally is pretty good for covering the uk and europe if you're flying in the states then flight is um is a better app for flying in the states um but skydemon in the uk is really really good for vfr stuff right where should we go let's run that guy over let's just park it here i mean there are there are other apps that you can get for vfr in the uk i just happen to use skydemon don't think it's the other one you know i have no association with skydemon it's just the one i use um but there are other ones wow the modeling on that looks a bit nasty uh so let's see coming down here we shall turn off the taxi light now put the trim back to neutral we shall pull the mixture we're not going to do all the other checks that you would normally do we shall turn off avionics master ignition switch can come off put the yellow back whoops and that that was done in a very strange view plummy thanks for getting in the way but yeah that is how you fly when you're looking at airspace as well we went from northwest to duxford i hope you enjoyed the video and found it useful in some way please give me a thumbs up if you did until the next one take care guys happy flying
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 83,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, microsoft flight simulator, msfs 2020, cessna 172, takeoff, landing, new, preview, overview, review, flight, journey, wind speed test, weather system, experiment, ground services, atc, ground control, control tower, comms, ai, St Maarten, San Juan, tbm, TBM930, athens, skiathos, Robin CAP10, Diamond DA40NG, Edinburgh, Dundee, Citation CJ4, cruise, taxi, airport, airbus, liveries, mod, addon, dlc, microsoft simulator video
Id: Fd7E4RRhjD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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