Flight Simulator 2020: Real world pilot normal Cessna 152 circuit tutorial!

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[Music] hi everybody expert aviator here i'm a real world uh private pilot and i actually went solo in a cessna 152 or cessna 152 as i say now that i live in america and i still fly a 152 today actually so i'm here at wells born in flying fest and scenery and i thought i'd take you on a quick circuit and show you the way that i was taught to fly and the way i actually fly this will be as minimal waffle as i can so let's get straight to it all right we're inside uh golf golf papa that's the aircraft i soloed in and i've got the aircraft set up the way that i would normally be left in my experience the checklist i'm using is from afe has a uk company called airplane flight equipment and i've had this checklist since 1998. so my internal checks the seat is adjusted and locked the hatches and harnesses we'll assume is secure parking brake is on radios should all be off off off instruments legible serviceable reading within limits the flying controls will check for full and free movement and normally you'd be looking out the window and verifying these as well but given this is a sim and it's kind of awkward i'm not going to do that today trim should be full and free movement again takes a long time but just make sure it's returned to the take-off position cabin air controls you want everything to be off off and off here too if there's a fire the last thing you want is it ingesting it into the aircraft mixture fully rich throttle friction well we can't really set that in the sim but we do check the throttle full travel move it slowly because there is a boost pump attached to it which works even if the engine's not running set at a quarter open carpet you're looking for fault and three movement back to cold now then master switch on you're looking for the low volts light all the circuit breakers should be in not popped um i've never known one to actually pop but so still check them the fuel normally this doesn't ever get switched off so i'm used to seeing it in this on position all the time the beacon i tend to leave the beacon switch on always because if that master is on i want the beacon to be on and the primer on a regular day not too cold hasn't run before today i would give it two primes maybe three and then we'll do the lookout and start the engine now the parking brakes on the system 152 are particularly poor so normally i would have my toes on the toe brakes and i'll be holding it on the toe brakes and when we start there are two things we're looking for people outside that we don't want to chop up and also that this oil pressure comes up within 30 seconds 60 seconds on a very cold day and i'm talking sub freezing otherwise we're looking for 30 seconds so let's go to both have one more look around we'll ignore this guy call clear prop yeah the engine is caught oil pressure is in the green and we want to come back to between a thousand and twelve hundred is is pretty normal okay you have to start oil pressure we've checked is rising to green starter warning light is not fitted to this aircraft the ammeter is indeed charging and the light is out suctions here in the green magneto check some people will check the magnetos here just for rough running um i tend not to flaps are up flight instruments let's set this to zero which would be qfe which would give us height above the field everything else um check the compass that's all fine there really isn't anything else to set so this is the point where i would turn the radios on so that the intercom and things work on on and i tend to put the transponder straight to out these days there really is no reason why not to taking off on runway 1 8 which is to the south so that means it's going to be a right turn onto the taxiway taxi light comes on and we'll do our checks in turns okay so as we taxi forward as we turn to the right the compass should be increasing heading indicator increasing the ball flies left and the attitude indicator stays level we'll just drive through that annoying bus and we'll do the same check to the left so decreasing decreasing offline to the right and the attitude indicator is level at some point you'd also check the brakes and they seem good and now let's carry on our taxi out to room we want it one of the things wells bond does have on their website is a pretty good diagram of the noise abatement the villages around wells born like most of them in the uk are especially sensitive to noise pollution now where i fly now in america uh it's not a big deal people are spaced out they seem to appreciate that hey there's an airfield next to the house i bought they don't get us worried about it but particularly the villages of hampton lucy and loxley i know if you fly over those they call up the airfield and logic complaint almost straight away i'm going to ignore them to some degree because i want to show you what a normal circuit or pattern would look like so let's slow down and we'll do our checks here you try and do your checks as into wind as you possibly can so let's hold short of that line will turn as much as we can into wind i don't have differential braking so this is tricky and we'll pop the parking brake back on as i say i wouldn't use that parking brake real world i would use my tow brakes all right the power checks we are roughly into wind for engine cooling the parking brake is on 1200 is set up to 1700 you don't need to be precise just pretty close will do okay it's close enough let's check the carb heat you're looking for a drop now the max drop should be 175 but really you're just looking that it's working and it is and it should go back to what it was before check the mags max drop should be 125 we've got a drop there of what 70 80 back to both make sure it restores then go to the other mag to the right mag you're also looking that it should be about the same with a difference of no more than 50. so that looks good ammeter is charging suction in the green engine temperatures and pressures are within limits i can tell you from experience that engine temperature does not come up that quickly in the real world and then check the idle if you pull the throttle back too quickly to that idle there you'll usually get a backfire so always as smooth as you can with a throttle okay now pre-take-off checks trimmer set for takeoff throttle friction can't do it in the sim but it would be tight or as you like it mixture fully rich magnetos are on both and the master is on veto is not going to be required the primer we'll assume is locked fuel we know to be on and full flaps are not required for this normal takeoff you would use them for a soft field instrument there is honestly nothing to set for vfr flight in the 152 at this stage hatches and harnesses will assume are secure carb heats confirm cold and one more check that the controls are are full and free movement and then last of all i say lights camera action so lights is landing light on strobes on let's put the nav lights on as well and the transponder is in out okay one more thing that i do before i take off is a little take off brief to myself so this will be a normal takeoff rotate around 55 we'll climb at 65 and 65 will be our approach speed today there's no crosswind that we know of we have any problems on the takeoff roll like weird noises fires bangs or strangeness we'll just stop on the runway if we get into the air we'll make a judgment as to whether we can land a back on the runway otherwise anything below a thousand feet we're gonna land straight ahead we're not gonna turn back to the airfield because it just doesn't work all right so let's get going like it breaks off kind of hard in the sim to look whether there's anybody on the approach all right on to the runway check the compass it's saying runway one eight the heading indicator says one eight put your heels on the floor away from the brakes slowly in about three seconds come up to full power you're looking at that rpm is where you expect rpm's good temperatures and pressures can't quite see but you check that they're in the green check that the air speeds coming alive very twitchy because i don't have my control uh set up very well in the sim there's 55 oh a lot of our trim all right and climbing up at 65 let's try and sort that trim out all right wrong way heading 65 knots i have to take off checks our gear up um obviously can't in this aircraft but i say anyway just in case i am flying something that's retractable flaps are up engine t's and p's let's have a peek yep they're looking good radio nothing to change altimeter's nothing to change and let's leave the landing light on for the pattern work climbing up until we get to at least 500 feet before making that turn which is pretty typical trying to maintain about 65 knots but you know again you don't have to be precise now loxley's down there somewhere i think that's it but we'll we'll assume by the time we turn that will be past it all right no more than a rate one turn looking at the turn coordinator no more than rate one in a climb keeping that 65 knots and we're going to roll out on a west heading we want to level off at 1 000 feet which tends to happen just as you reach the heading which is always typical makes it extra fun all right so there's west 100 foot to go at about 50 feet to go we'll start to lower the nose keep that power on full let the aircraft accelerate to about 90 knots and then come back to 2200 ish rpm and trim a level flight and this is about the time you'd normally turn downwind there's stratford unhaven on in front of us there a bit more power got a little bit slow well i heard the rpms were a little bit low actually trying to stay at a thousand feet turning onto a north heading now okay there we go there's north and the airfields just over there so now we're on the downwind we would normally make a before landing checklist which for me i remember in my mind now everything is from memory i don't pull up a checklist once i'm in the air at least not in a small aircraft like this so it's uh brakes are off undercarriage is down mixture is fully rich mags are on both masters on fuels on and sufficient for a go around the engine t's and peas are good carb heat is not required at this stage and with no reason to suspect carbice hatches and harnesses are secure and the landing light is still on so that's my pre-landing checklist in america they use something called gumps which i've not really learned because i'm so used to this way of doing things so let's take a look right there's the end of the runway and we've also got this locksley uh sorry the hampton lucy village so what we'll do is we'll fly this pattern the way they would fly in the uk which tends to be um you fly further downwind and you don't start descending until you're on the base leg in america you start descending at the end of the downwind leg so that was a little bit of a change for me so i think that there is hampton uh will turn around that okay so turn on to east and you know i've not touched a throttle yet also try not to touch anything like flaps while you're in a turn generally just not a good idea so there's east throttle back now to about 1500 rpm the rpm's out of the green band so pull that carb heat out and try and keep the altitude now where's the runway there it is keep that altitude let the speed come back to about 65 and trim within the white arc so we can take the first stage of flaps there's 65 so now using pitch follow it down and we should be on about uh about time to roll out kind of hard to see in the sim much easier in real world so now my throttle is controlling my descent rate and okay we overshot slightly throttle's controlling my descent rate pitch is controlling my speed so i'm using the elevator to keep that 65 knots all the time second stage of flaps so there's 65s i'm starting to pitch down now i'm looking at the picture out of the window now normally you would come in with two white lights in a ga aircraft um you're above the three degree glide slope but that's where you want to be if i had an engine failure now and i was one white one red i'd never make that runway so i like to come in a little bit high and and glide more than dragging it in with power which is much more dangerous all right so we we're committed we're going to make the field so we go full flaps keeping 60 to 65 now trying to keep those numbers in the same point on the wrong way 60 is just fine for this stage of the approach and now as we come to the flare eyes to the end of the runway close the throttle and just hold it off for as long as you can it's much easier to do real world than it is in the sim but there we go and we're down use the rudder to keep straight super twitchy on my joystick okay and we're down and normally you wouldn't touch anything until you're off the runway there have been too many incidents where people have tried to clean up the aircraft by bringing flaps up or messing with other controls and i've actually put the gear up and there's plenty of videos on youtube of people doing that so let's vacate here onto the cross runway and i'm not going to taxi all the way back in i'm just going to show you how i would normally shut the aircraft down and we'll get this video wrapped up so come to a complete stop off the runway parking brake on back to 1200 rpm now is a good time to bring those flaps up carpet in landing light comes off strobe comes off the nav lights can come off transponder can go to off that would be my after landing checks and then last of all it is radios off off off and as simple as throttle closed mixture closed wait for that prop to stop and keys to off and master switch off so there you go guys i hope that was useful that's the way i fly a circuit in a 152 the way i was trained to do in the uk if you have any questions leave them in the uh in the comments below and i'll be happy to help you out thanks for watching
Channel: ExPatAviator
Views: 40,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B400jmj0w9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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