Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | G1000 Tutorial | Episode #1 | Basic Functions

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hello everybody welcome to another microsoft flight simulator video uh before we start i want to thank a small number of people who took the time to watch my videos i appreciate your guys's time thank you very much guys i have been crafting a series of tutorials and taking some notes and doing some research before recording the video so this is going to be the first episode of the tutorial series i don't know how many episodes this tutorial series will be but we'll see um haven't planned for that yet but my intention with these tutorials is to go through some of the systems in the ga aircraft mostly around the garmin g1000 units that is mostly found in most of the ga aircraft in the simulation in the simulator i'm sorry so today what we are going to do is we are going to take a general look to the unit itself and try to see what buttons it has and what the functions those buttons provide in terms of simulation and just have an overall understanding of the g1000 avionics in the aircraft before we dive into the video if you want to get notified and interested in seeing this tutorial series i highly suggest you to subscribe and turn on the notifications by doing this you will get to see when any video comes out and i'm planning to post one video today and then the next episode i believe will be over the weekend and then wednesday i will post another one at the moment i can only shoot two videos a week due to my life and personal time and simulation time balance i don't want to steal any time from my family so i think that's enough talking let's get into the cockpit and start looking at what this system has to offer obviously we have to power the aircraft so let's just quickly do it let's turn on the nail lights let's turn on the batteries let's turn on the [Music] beacon and then let me see if the fuel pump is on looks like it is [Music] yeah all right let's prime the engine and give it a little bit of power turn on let me just clear this annoying there you go we have power let's turn on the avionics and let's get to business i want to start with the unit on the left which is the pfd primary flight display and i'll go through the knobs and buttons it has and what each one does briefly and then we will switch over to the second one which is the mfd multi-function display and go through that as well these two units are pretty much identical when it comes to buttons and knobs that they have but they have some different functions uh in terms of navigation systems so let's start with this from left to right the button at the top is the volume knob for the nail radios that are found here so this aircraft has two navigation radios that you can turn different frequencies of different stations whether it's a vor or ils or dme and this button is used to increase the volume because those navigation and navigation beacons or radio beacons shoot morse codes and you can listen to those so that's for that this big nav knob is used to set the frequency of the nail radio the inner dial here as you see is changing the the frequency before the dot and the outer one changes the decimals and when you tune this is your standby which is highlighted and the one over here is your active narrow frequency and to change between two you have to hit this button with the arrows it will switch over and you can set another one for standby when you press on the button it will switch to the second nail radio and you can do the same thing over here as well going down this is the heading bug when you look at the cdi there is a blue bug over here and this is used to adjust that bug and when you press on it it will synchronize to your current heading which is 0 0 2. the ap button as you see in the description is used to engage the autopilot flight director is your magenta line that shows you how you need to act to get to your desired altitude remember though this flight director when you are not on autopilot does not move sideways in terms of banking when you are turning right or left it does it when the autopilot is on but it does not it when you are hand flying the aircraft all right htg this button is the heading select mode for the autopilot so when this is engaged you set your heading from the spark and the aircraft will follow whatever heading you set here the uh altitude hold mode is self-explanatory when you turn this on it will hold the altitude you set through this altitude knob like before uh as the navigation radio button the inner dial is giving you thousands and the outer one is giving you hundreds when you are setting up your altitude net mode is going to get you when you turn it on to the source like this is vr1 which is the first nail radio uh the active frequency so this will follow that signal and route us towards that direction when it's on and you can go you can do three different navigation um modes uh two of them is vor1 and vor2 and the third one is the gps and you change them through this cdi button it cycles through each one as you click it vnav is your vertical navigation mode and there are multiple ways of changing your altitude so this will bring the aircraft to your selected altitude manually not manually i'm sure automatically uh when you turn this mode on but you have to set your vertical sp your vertical uh your altitude before you engage this and then the aircraft will just try to climb there approach button turns on the approach mode whether you are doing an rnav approach or ils approach this is used to capture the localizer and bring the aircraft down towards the runway following the glide slope the back course mode it's not commonly used i believe at least i haven't or i wasn't able to find an a runway that has a back course this is simply what it's doing is some airports has a single ils beacon for both ends of the runway and if you are approaching from one direction and your cdi is showing the the complete opposite direction you hit this back course button and it will flip your cdi when it captures that signal vertical speed mode is self-explanatory again this is another way of reaching to your desired altitude that you set here how it works is you set the mode to on and then nose up and nose down as you see here is going to change how many feets that you will climb per minute for this aircraft i believe it's ideal if you keep it at 500 feet per second around 75 knots when you're climbing flight level change is another way of changing your flight level but this time instead of vertical speed you are setting a speed in nuts and the aircraft will try to maintain that speed while climbing to your desired altitude however none of these units either on the left the left one on the left and the one on the right has control over your throttle so that means when you hit that button when you set a speed you have to manage at the throttle whether you give more throttle uh to increase the power if it's not doing or if it's falling back on the speed uh here uh so keep that in mind when you are using this flight uh flight level change mode but i find this the most efficient way of changing your altitude and climbing to a desired speed without messing around too much all right we talked about the altitude selector mode selector knob let's go through the buttons at the down here so the inset one here this is the inset map and that will display that map on and off and you can change between topographical data to display on the map or weather information to be displayed on the on the map the pfd button here is going to give you let me turn on the turn off the inset to see the screen a little bit more clearer the pfd button will give you multiple options to put around your cdi first one being the wind so this one has three options to display the wind information around your aircraft one is trying to simulate the wind in terms of crosswinds and give you information like that the other one is going to give you the direction of the wind and the magnitude of the wind uh like two knots from west to east and this is the one i like the most because it will give you the magnitude of the wind which direction it's coming from as well as the uh the speed the wind speed or you can turn it off so that's the pft button uh that's the wind information the dme is going to put this side uh display here around your cdi and this will display uh the information that it receives from the dme like the distance to that navigation source when it captures it or you can put the bearing for that same uh navigation source for new radio one when you go down here there is also a second one that you put on you can put on here and there is a second uh dme display that you can put on over this side which i believe is set somewhere else we will look into that later on hsi format button is going to change the look of your cdi you can switch between an arc like an airliner mode or a 360 degree a cdi uh which i like the most all right so that's the is pft button we we looked at the cdi uh cdi button changes your navigation source and this adf dme button is going to allow you to switch between adf or dme sources and tune to those uh radio sources how you get to there is this button here is going to move you around when you press on it you enable the cursor you go down and then the outer dial is going to change the source with whichever nail radio you want to use for that station and this main button unfortunately is not working the transponder button is your transponder you can keep that standby you can turn it on or you can switch it to altitude reporting mode or vfr mode which will insert the vfr uh identification code or you can put in that ident next to it or you can enter your own code by pressing this button and let's say the atc gave you give you gave yes code you can enter that in by just pressing to these buttons and when you go back that will be set okay timer reference so this one displays some reference speeds of the particular aircraft you're in we are in the cessna 172 right now and it is displaying your v rotate is 55 knots your vx and vy are 62 and 74 knots in the later videos we will dive into the details of what all these v speeds mean but you can turn them on like we used the cursor before for the adf it will enable the cursor and this timer is just a basic timer you can either count up or count down and start that or you can go down and change these wii speeds and turn them on and they will do different things which will we will see in the later videos during the tutorial series so let's go back for now let me clear that and then press this okay the nearest button is going to display the nearest air airports around you while you are up in the air and they will it will show you the distance to the airport and the runway length so on so forth for the airports that are close to you and you can scroll down and see whatever airports that are close to you it will display them all and this this can be a long list so i'm not going to go through that from start to the end and obviously the alerts button is going to display the alerts that the unit displays when it flashes and when you accept it they will be here okay let's go through the right side and see what this side does i'm going to start from the top again so this volume is your com com radial volume you can increase or decrease the volume of your com radios this selector is again going to select between the active and standby source and make the standby active and this is again used to set up your radio frequencies the inner one will change the change the numbers before the decimal and the outer one means going to change the numbers after the decimal point and you can make that active by pressing this when you press on that it will switch to the second com radio and you can do the same setup here too like for instance if you look at the frequency here one two two decimal niner so if we dial to one two two decimal 909 it will be at the ground frequency or traffic frequency of the london city airport and let's just make that one active and give it a try and switch that there you go as you see now it's tuned to the traffic of the london city airport all right the next one the course and barometer setting so the parameters heading is going to set your barometric pressure in inches mercury i don't know if there is a way to switch this to hectopax pascals but i wasn't able to find it so far but what we use this will do is it will set your current parametric uh pressure and you can do the same by just pressing the b key on your keyboard and it will automatically set your barometric pressure like so the outer one is your course setting as you see you can change the course when you are in a vor source this doesn't change anything on the gps mode i believe if it does it should not display here but it should display over here at your desired track when you adjust this for the gps but i don't think it changes anything for the gps mode the range is actually going to change the range on your inset map so what i find handy about this is you can set this to be your map source and you can go over here and do the same thing with this range button and get closer if you are taxing at the airport this will give you a good good reference of the airport and you can find your way around if you do this the d button is going to say let you set a direct to course to a desired uh waypoint or an airport and when you activate it will disable your previous display source or a flight plan uh if you will like this the flight plan you set will be altered and changed if you activate this as i said this menu button is not working at the moment the flight plan button is going to display your flight plan if you have one planned for this flight or this will allow you to enter one in that regard so you just bring up the cursor and then when you scroll from the outer one it will start giving you uh numbers and letters and you can let's say we want to go to heatro from here so the inner dial changes the cursor to the next character and the outer one will allow you to uh dial the characters let's say we want to go to the heathrow airport from here you'll select eg echo golf lima and lima and as you see and then you hit enter and it will enter to your flight plan and if you go and i think now the menu button works here when you are on the flight plan page all right so this is i will make another uh tutorial on how to enter a flat plan i just wanted to demonstrate what this does so i'm not going to dive into deep detail now but later in the series i will make a video about how to enter a flight plan using this screen the procedures button is going to let you to select your approach uh select your arrival your star and select your departure when you are doing instrument flights ifr flights like your seed and what you do is you just select which one you want to change and then enter and it will scroll through the available ones and display them to you and you can go through them all and select which one you want to use uh if you generated your flight plan through let's say sim brief you can find it departure and enter it to your flight plan and when you hit the enter one more time it will load it um you don't have any transitions yeah when you hit the load it will load it to your flight plan and you will probably see it if i zoom out here but you have to activate the flat flight plan to do so i believe it should have an activate but not here but through the menu but we will look into this later i can't remember how it's done uh at the moment or it's not working as it should but i'll look into that in a later video so the clear button is for cancel clear or remove the entry without making any changes so that's all about this unit and let's take a look at the display here and then we will go on to the next one the top of the screen is going to show your nail 1 and no 2 frequencies and your com1 and com2 frequencies over here and this section over here is called uh the fma flight mode initiate enunciator this will display the current selected uh waypoint the distance to the waypoint the bearing to that waypoint and what uh autopilot modes you are on like we are now at gps uh if i change this cdi source it will show you what that nav radio is picking as your next way to your waypoint over here it will show you what autopilot modes are on it is showing that flight level changes on right now if i press heading it will show heading if i press let's say b speed it will show the b speed and 500 feet per minute so on so forth this section is your bearing indicator and your speed tape and your altimeter altitude tape which shows also your desired altitude and your parametric pressure down here the button display as we discussed this is your cdi this is showing you your current heading your set heading or your plugin head heading box and what it is set to as well as the other things that we discussed let's move to the second screen and take a look at that i'm not going to go through this stuff over here because that's pretty much the same what we have here is your map button that will change your map source and add topographic information to your map if you wish to do so or you can also add the weather information and the clutter button is going to declutter your view by removing the waypoints or putting back them back putting them back on over here is your engine stats page your rpm will be displayed here if it's a two dual engine aircraft you will see two engine uh rpm displays here your fuel flow your oil pressure your oil temperature your exhaust gas gas temperature your vacuum your fuel quantity and the status of your of your electrical bus and the engine ares so far of this particular aircraft over on the light right side these does the same things in terms of changing your radio frequencies com radio frequencies and radio frequencies over here this is again that direct 2 and you can find the direct 2 from here too like we did on the other side the outer will give you letters numbers so on so forth and the inner one is going to give change the cursor to the next character let's say if you want to go directly to the london heatro airport you select egl l and it will display it you press enter and then you activate and as you see now we have a direct course from london city airport to a heatro and over here your gps is now changed and displaying which direction is your selected waypoint or airport is it's okay uh flight plan as we looked before i wasn't able to activate it here because it's activated through this screen i believe but we will we will get back to this uh this will display your many options like deleting the flight plan if you want to store and save it you can do so you can remove your departure arrival approach from this page and this is the selected waypoints at the moment for the current flight plan procedures page is the same you select your approach arrival or departure let's say if you want to select your arrival into heatro you press on the button to bring the cursor and then hit enter and then you again press on the curl button to bring the cursor oops not approach you want to select the arrival oh the airport that's not the airport we want this is yeah and we will look into this again i don't want to spend time over here and lengthen the video for now but we will look into this uh in in the later videos clear again this is clear cancel removal and then the enter is to accept your selection all right guys so this is the very basic information about the g1000 units found on most of the ga aircraft and aircrafts in microsoft flight simulator in the next video we will look into some of these functions in detail and explain what they are used for and probably do a flight demonstration for the autopilot modes and what modes does what mode does what and which one is for which so please stay tuned for the next video and if you are interested in seeing this tutorial series please don't forget to subscribe and turn on the notifications see you next time
Channel: The Sim Pilot
Views: 67,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS2020, Flight Simulator 2020, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Garmin G1000, G1000 Tutorial, G1000 How to
Id: KJGrLb3EmvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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