Reading Your Spooky Halloween Stories

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hello everyone I'm alive now isn't that wonderful I'm really excited for Halloween as you can tell and I'm also really excited for flu so I've combined Rufus buzz flu here oh it is really hot in this Weiner so let's just read your Halloween stories that you sent in Oh flu I don't know how we've gotten this such a spooky place oh I'm so scared flu please hold me oh there's a monsters everywhere Oh No earlier this month I asked you to send me some of your spooky stories it's so hot in this Weiner I just like nice oh okay I don't know how anyone can stand being inside of a wiener that long it's not sexual okay so a couple of days ago I asked you to comment some of your spooky scary stories and my editor picked some of his favorite ones out so hopefully the stories are scary and and hopefully we all pee our pants with fear just in time for Halloween everyone oh no the orphanage burned down please save the children spooky story once I was home alone with my little brother and we heard a noise outside it was my dad but my dad died six years ago wha scary story I was mining having a grand old time and then I heard a hissing sound behind me and then a loud explosion and then black is are you scared you guys scared of these stories whoo it was like 2:00 a.m. and I was home by myself and my phone rang it was a telemarketer trying to sell me a dishwasher what kind of monster would sell you a dishwasher at 2:00 in the gosh-darn morning this is I'm so scared you guys this one my mom told me so my mom is a teacher at this large school that has about 2 or 3 floors the school is very old and said to be haunted by many of the staff who worked there one day my mom had to stay a bit late afterwards to grade papers her and one of her teacher friends were the only people there not even any janitorial staff anyways while they were grading papers my mom her this tapping noises near the back of her classroom her classroom is a rectangular room which is actually very large and one section at the back of the room is walled off like a closet she decided to ignore the sound and eventually she had to go out to her car and get something that she had left inside however when my mom was going back inside she saw a woman standing in one of the windows more specifically her window now she told me that it looked nothing like her friend and she knew for a fact that they were the only ones there she immediately went inside to alert her friend and what she saw after searching around the building for anyone else they found no one that was my mom's first encounter with a ghost in her school they found so the friend just disappeared what guys I'm spooked out maybe we shouldn't have gotten like these studio lights because if it was dark right now it would be terrified I didn't know who Joe was and I asked who's Joe worst day of my life still gives me the chills spooky story and my old house that I lived in till I was around 3 there was this field that cows lived in one day while we were asleep someone in my house heard noises coming from the field so they looked outside to see what the noises were when they looked out the window they saw a group of people standing in a circle doing some rituals so they locked all the doors and windows and just watched until everybody left in the morning he told us what happened so he went out to the field to see if there was anything out there and we found s voodoo doll torn pieces of clothing and a spot that looked like there was a fire there we believed that there was some cult out there because of the area we lived in needless to say we moved pretty soon after that whose voodoo doll was it actually like if it was one of your your family's voodoo dolls then yeah move out but if it was like I don't know someone else's voodoo doll then you know that they didn't mean to harm you scary story my family used to live in an old house with a haunted clock you may be wondering how he found out it was haunted well we found out because every time we left the house the ghosts would mess with the clock and make it a difficult time than what it actually was it's kind of cute he missed us though what you just had a broken clock that's not that's not a haunting you didn't get hot you just huh sorry for pooping on your story but like I don't think that was a ghost I think you just had a broken clock bro how come all these stories begin with spooky story or scary story like I asked you to comment spooky stories and literally all these comments are like spooky story did my editor just control-f spooky story is that what he did one night we were playing sardines and a night with the lights off and my sister was hiding in the basement no one thought to look there but then she heard sounds of bare feet walking across the ground later when everyone gave up cuz we couldn't find her she asked who was in the basement they almost found me but no one said they had gone in the basement and everyone was wearing shoes and to this day we are still convinced that there's a hobo living in our basement I'm sorry for laughing because I thought this story was gonna go we we were to this day we know that our house was haunted because this is a spooky scary like supernatural bit but I like that you were a lot more like yeah it was a hobo 100% there's someone squatting in our house it's still a scary story you know Frick spooky story one time I had a choir concert and when it ended around 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. and everyone was heading back to the choir room from the MPR a lot of people saw a 6 to 8 foot tall shadow freaked out and started a stampede so everyone was screaming running and laughing now it's a tradition to do this for every choir concert what a nice wholesome end to that very scary story you saw a shadow of a tall man and then you just made made the most of it that's what Halloween is all about my mom once went to a family member's house and every time she would go there she would always hear whispering in her ear she told this to her aunts uncles and cousins but no one would believe her whew it was an ASMR ghost spooky story I looked in a mirror no be nice that's not as your great one time when I went to a church youth group we went to a haunted corn maze thing and I cried so hard that the workers felt bad for me broke character and showed me the easy way out the easy way out of any corn maze is just right through the corn spooky story I have a triple bunk bed and one night at 12 a.m. my cat walked in front of the light of the first bunk I was on top so I wasn't expecting it but when she walked in front it projected a giant shadow of a giant animal onto the ceiling and it scared me half to death that's a fun little story you just sit first of all actually wait a triple bunk bed how cool are you dude spoopy story me and my cousins were in the pool one night until we felt like we were seeing things like shadows passing from a blink of the eye we then decided to get out because we were put I mean scaredy cats we were putting all the stuff back in the messy shed until a big roach came out and went back in to be like yo you messing with my crib we were spooked but I had to close the shed door just as I was about to touch it it legit growled at me from inside and then we ran back inside the house the end moral of the story kids don't mess with hissing cockroaches as homes gross sorry if I misspell anything I am dyslexic well you understand dyslexics of the world untie this is the scariest thing that I have ever experienced it was a dark but not stormy night I was 12 forgetting to feed the rabbits in the day I had to go out in the shadows I listened to music on my tablet to help me be brave yeah I remember the new song glow by britt nicole when I got over the hill in our backyard it was past the Wi-Fi connection so coincidentally my music stopped I was scared but the rabbit's needed food halfway through pouring the rabbit's food into the rabbit Bowl I froze hearing a noise thinking I had psyched myself out I ignored it but no I hear it again like shuffling of feet shaking I took my flashlight and scanned the perimeter see nothing you're being silly about a foot away I saw a man with a freakish weird grin stiff as a board towering over me holy crap this story just got real I thought it was just I was feeding my buddies I'm afraid now there's just a dude what stiff as a board towering over me and staring straight at me my first instinct was to scream like bloody murder but as I let out a blood-curdling scream the heart I never screamed I realized I knew his face my big bro I don't know if it was my very real scream or my horror-struck face but he realized quickly he truly shook me up I guess that was the job of a big bro he did give me a hug and he walked back to the house well that was my story hope it makes it in can't wait to see the vid love ya what congrats bro I made it in jeez that was good storytelling I just want to point out it like set up the the scene dark but not stormy it had the problem like the the feeding the rabbits and then the Wi-Fi cut out so there added more attention and then you see a person's like honestly dude this is a well written story one time my little brother was triggered treating by himself and when he came back home he said the big man tried to kill me and the next day I heard there was a murder in my neighborhood and that scared my brother for the next four years yeah first of all you're not supposed to go trick-or-treating by yourself if you're under like the age of eight you know actually like you should never go trick-or-treating by yourself geez this one's a little stark this is supposed to be a fun Halloween video not like I escaped a murder actual spooky story when I was 11 I started to have bad insomnia I would be kept awake by different noises at first usually it was just thumps and knocks on the wall and my furniture but after a while of hearing the knocks I started to hear a watch beep a few years prior my brother had buried a watch right below my window but I never heard it beep before my insomnia got so bad at one point that I only got a couple of hours of sleep a night I remember one particular night I couldn't stop crying because I was so tired and all I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't this is when the tapping started every night right before I fell asleep it felt like someone poked me in the back of my arm to wake me up I know for a fact that it was my brother because I had my own room and I never heard the door open when I moved out of that house all of it stopped I could finally sleep through the night and I never felt something poked me again a few years after me and my mom were talking and apparently she'd experience sleep paralysis multiple times and she felt a force near her face me and my brother had always been terrified of one room in our house - so yeah pretty sure my childhood was haunted a lot of other visitors to the house told us that they thought it was haunted - sleep tight everyone hope none of you have insomnia and I hope no sleep paralysis demons haunt you man i fret dude that sucks spooky story bread this one isn't scary for me but it is for my uncle so when my uncle was younger my grandparents made him watch child's play he was terrified every night and then one night my grandparents bought a good guy doll he was terrified of it so every night he threw it in the trash and attempt to get rid of it then when my grandparents went to throw something away they found the doll and returned it to his room so you can imagine how terrified he felt when he kept seeing a doll from a horror movie you try to get rid of keeps returning to your room yeah I wonder if the grandparents knew what they were doing right because this guy he was throwing away the doll and the grandparents were like well we're just gonna make him make sure he doesn't throw it away my spooky Halloween story it was a normal October 14th I still didn't have a costume so usually me and my mom make our own but this year I wanted it to be something inflatable that's just a weird thing to say my mom said okay so we looked on Amazon and found a few options a unicorn you a hippo a cow and some other ones me and my mom came to the decision it was going to be the cow the next day it came I was super excited I tore the box into hundreds of pieces put batteries in it and then I started to inflate like it was supposed to I went upstairs afterwards to send a picture to my friend but then I had to use the bathroom so I tried unzipping it but I couldn't find I think it should say couldn't find the zipper so I tried unzipping it but I couldn't find the zipper I wiggled I tore a little then it happened I peed in my costume you what that's so sad the very first thing you did in your costume was pee in it I just want to say that this person wrote neighbor hood with like neighbor space hood and then someone is some space one okay when I was on Halloween we went to the neighborhood next to our and there is someone in this really creepy costume when causing my little brother to run away I am the fastest so I catch up to him but I can't find my parents and then this one guy came up to me and said can I help you and I told him where I lived and he brought me to my house my parents were standing in the front of my house and I turn around to thank him but see him running away with the police helicopter light on what is that real how did where did that was the police helicopters looking for this like pedophile and what made him run away was it the pet him seeing the parents or was it the helicopter that spooky man I'm glad you're safe spooky story I sent several job applications every day and I haven't gotten any interviews me and my dad wet trick-or-treating and we came to a house with a clown handing the candy mind you I'm scared of clowns so we walked up at the porch I went to tech for the candy and he grand my hand long story short my dad almost punched him how young are my fans one day returning home late from the store I stumbled across a $20 bill and most people think Oh a $20 bill but I realized I'm in the middle of nowhere and live alone how the heck is there a $20 bill almost right next to my house so I do a stakeout the next night and see there are figures hand each other light packages and realize holy Frick people are doing drugs outside my house they probably assumed I was gone because the walk to the store is about five miles so I grabbed my shotgun and yell if you don't leave on the count of three I will shoot so they ran I never saw them again okay so I guess my fans aren't that young spooky story one night a woman was heading home from work when she got on the freeway she noticed a car behind her the woman switched lanes and so did the car the woman turned off the freeway with the car trailing her except now the car kept flickering its headlights the woman sped up she was terrified when the woman turned onto her street and the car followed lights still flickering on and off she began to panic the woman pulled into her driveway and the car stopped okay if you're being followed don't pull into your driveway start like going for some loop-de-loops try and try and get this guy off your tail I pulled into a driveway and the car stopped on the side of the street she opened the car door and ran towards the house ma'am wait the man yelled cut off by the woman's slamming the door the woman immediately called the police but was informed that they were already heading to her house when the police arrived they informed the woman that the man in the car was following her because there was a man in her backseat holding a knife the woman was so terrified how could she not have noticed a man in her backseat the police entered her car and found the knife shoved through the driver's seat Wow is that a true story or is that a creepypasta scary story blinking and breathing manually dang it I shared a room with my sister when I was younger one day in the morning what we were getting ready for school my sister said she felt a heavy pressure in our chest that whole night as though someone was pressing on her only until she said that did I remember that I had woken up in the middle of the night to hear laughing and looked over at my sister's bed and there was a sort of shadow looking man just sitting on her and laughing what why would how did you not remember that I'm being pessimistic but Frick that's scary look so this is more like haunted than Halloween but same diff so I was alone in my house after school and I had locked everything up all the windows were closed and doors shut and locked my younger siblings had a choir practice that night so I was going to be alone for a while it was probably around 8:00 when this happened I was in the back room studying then all of a sudden I heard this horrible crash when I went to look the front door and back door were wide open not only was the door open but the window was open too the curtains were moving even though there was no window outside at the time I looked around for some explanation of why it happened but to this day I have never found one I think you just got a burglar or a ghost and the last spooky story there's a visco girl living in my basement help Wow okay I think I'm good with all the spooky stories I don't think I'm gonna sleep for tonight or any of the other nights for that matter look I got goose bumps on my arm I'm gonna cuddle with flu for a little bit to cool me down I don't know how these creepypasta channels are able to sleep at night knowing all the scary things that go on in the world so thank you all for submitting your spooky scary Halloween stories hope you all have a very spooky Halloween remember to be safe as a lot of those stories were not anything paranormal it was just there are some weird people out there and so you need to stay safe while trick-or-treating thank you all for watching I hope you all have a good night's sleep and wear your seatbelt
Channel: TheOdd2sOut
Views: 2,614,357
Rating: 4.9635386 out of 5
Keywords: Spooky, Halloween, scary, stories, hotdog, costume, theodd2sout
Id: Kt1yq2BhsDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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