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foreign [Music] [Music] oh I got a film camera wow I did a lot of research and I was like okay what's the best camera for point and shoot film and it was this one I think it's a vintage camera and I did a lot of research on how to use it because I didn't want to just get a film camera a point and shoot that's like nice and not like learn how to use it uh and now it's time to play I am actually officially the last person on the planet to get a point-and-shoot film camera I kind of want to get good at it I really love taking photos I'm just gonna start taking this around with me and I'll see what happens maybe I'll get good at photography honestly it's not promised God this camera is gorgeous I I feel like I don't deserve it to be honest and I probably don't when I ordered it I thought I got a silver one but the gold one came in the mail and I'm not gonna lie I think I like the gold one more so I'm very excited well here's another hobby that God knows I'm not gonna follow through actually this I think I'm going to get into but also there's no film in it so that photo didn't take but I was just why is Declan literally trying to eat my tripod oh it's because I didn't feed him yet it is 7am in my defense it's 7 A.M [Music] I carry a purse around now that's a new advancement I just started carrying purses wearing heels it's all happening I love getting piercings as you can see I have quite a few my body does not react well to piercings at all I would say nine out of ten times I get a piercing they get infected unfortunately one of my piercings did get a little bit inflamed and infected and I did get a keloid if you don't know what a keloid is it's basically I actually don't know but I'm going to the dermatologist to get it fully removed because they're not the cutest and I'm also going to the dermatologist because I've had a rash under my armpit for over a year now and I don't know what it is so I'm going to ask her what that is maybe get some sort of cream to get rid of it you can't even see the rash anymore it's not visible I just can feel it and it's itchy but if I were to show you right now like you wouldn't be able to see it which doesn't make any sense to me so she's probably going to be like sweetheart there's no rash on your armpit and I'm gonna be like no you just gotta trust me it's itchy under there I feel it maybe it is visible let's whip out my armpit at this red light and see if we can see it you can't even see the rash you can't see it I'm like should I even bring it up to her because it's like literally not visible foreign [Music] I've ever attended my keloid on my ear is like basically too small to remove because I kind of fixed it On My Own by like cleaning it and draining it like I drained it of all the pus myself and so okay that was that and then with the rash on my armpit she was like I can't see it and because of that I can't diagnose it so you should just put moisturizer on it that was pointless are you what um so okay okay that's exciting uh do I take a selfie with it to like warm it up to like make sure it works let's do that are people gonna watch me do it yep but that's enough for now getting my camera set up just made my day and now I'm less mad that I went to the dermatologist for no reason like that kind of revived me and got me excited for life again I feel good about that um I love listening to 80s music on my record player that's enough do I need to go to the grocery store what day is it I do need to go to the grocery store why am I always at the grocery store okay I'm about to do something illegal even my car rejected my decision to be illegal just now I'm going to the grocery store again and I'm excited like I love it there there's only one type of store that's more fun than the grocery store and it's Target I hadn't gone to Target in probably six months and then a few days ago I decided to go and I was in there for two hours as the story always is I went into Target needing to get one thing and I left with an entire cart filled with things and I know that that's like the cliche when it comes to Target like oh you're coming you think you're only gonna get one thing and then you leave and you I get it but it is kind of true like I was in Target and I was like you know what I could use a new frying pan Target is really fun the grocery store is a close second that's why we're here but also because I do need things I need things I need butter lettuce butter lettuce is actually in my opinion the best lettuce debating whether or not I go on a rant about why I'll save you guys the time [Music] foreign [Music] oh my god do you know what I can't help myself I need to go on a butter lettuce Spiel butter lettuce is the only lettuce I like the texture is like perfect crunchy but it's not so crunchy that it's like annoying to chew through it's like kind of soft but crunchy at the same time according to this packaging it actually has more iron than spinach seriously with three milligrams of iron per serving and crunchy so do it that what you want [Music] foreign [Music] in bed and eating strawberries that are not washed this is just like how I live the amount of bugs that I probably consume on a daily basis because I eat unwashed strawberries is scary to me and frightening but so Summer's pretty much over it's September now but I'm actually not that sad because I actually really love fall I love the crispness of the air there is one thing that I didn't do that I really wanted to do that is swim in the ocean at sunset foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,853,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, vlog
Id: eE1Jr1dHP20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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