Reading Body Language of Justin Trudeau with Expert Mark Bowden

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make sure that Canadians are equipped and tooled Trudeau we've invested you know he can get very breathy you might remember that mr. Singh you might remember that and look off and look down we we and get quite flustered on the whole voting for green MPs is your very best guarantee arrogant is the over display of vulnerable or kill points on the body don't get the government certainly let's watch listen so when she displays that neck area it can often look arrogant to people I'm up Odin I'm an expert in human behavior and body language I'm going to be doing a breakdown of the leaders debate we make a lot of our judgments about somebody based on what we see mr. schirra so we're judging them during the debate because on the whole as smart as we might be or think we are we often don't quite understand policy we need to make a vote how we going to decide well what do we think of their behavior how we judge them the protectionism - fear-based politics - the transformative technological change people are facing so just one hand up we've got there that asymmetry he's clocking the camera which is great looking straight down the camera but that asymmetry is more confusing to watch it's better if you got both hands up and had some symmetry like he's doing just there but again it drops down again mr. schirra you might remember that mr. Seng you might remember that summer yes one of the things that happens when he goes for this asymmetry he looks down and he's got this erratic rhythm is it destabilizes him and and there's an example of the destabilization where he can't remember whether it's seeing or trudeau and that happens a couple of times for him again if he did more symmetry he'd be more controlled he slowed down he's got quite a fast tempo it's been speeding up throughout you know the history of of the election so we can see he's a little bit flustered a little bit on the back foot again he could do with just slowing down coming into symmetry to be a little more prime ministerial a little more short calm and assertive we are the People's Party and we put Canada first the other leaders in this stage are globalist well here's an example of where he doesn't really quite know where he wants to look should he look at the camera should he look at others should he look at the moderator and again the audience needs something way more consistent there so he's just difficult to watch or certainly more difficult than others lower the first bracket we'll save for the average income so yeah you can him off at the sidelines trying to interrupt he's given eye contact and so he takes over if you start giving the person jumping in eye contact they're just gonna take the ball and run with it what the other leader should have been doing I believe is not giving eye contact and that kind of behavior you you don't reward with eye contact the behavior interruption just ignore in fact you know sheer later on starts using some chop gestures on him to quiet him down there are a bunch of gestures in nonverbal which are about closing people down telling them to stop and the Chop can be one of those justin trudeau only pretends to stand up for Canada you know he's very good at pretending things he can't even remember how many times okay here's an example of where he's going instantly for symmetry they're much easier to watch if the body is straight on to the camera looking down the camera symmetrical in its actions very very clear the hands are moving with the rhythm of his speech it's just easier for the brain to listen and watch so quite a good job there from Cher jeez you called entrepreneurs who have created jobs and opportunities in our society tax cheats so what he's doing is confronting him clearly with the accusations here and again we're getting those chop gestures and then he comes out to the audience with his policy so accuses directly to Justin Trudeau directly to him and then looks down the camera in order to give policy again good clarity there easier to understand to me leadership is about who you're fighting for are the choices you make and whether you're doing what's right for people now once again clear asymmetry there and it's not helping but he keeps having a pen in his hand he's got this prop the pen that he keeps going for it's it's it's a comfort to him to have something tactile in his hand there and it means one side of his body is always doing something different than the other more confusing for the brain to watch more neural load could I just say hey man I messed up because those are pretty horrible tweets that you made tempo is great actually you know he's a lot slower than many of the others so he's not getting wound up in that argumentative feel he's managing to stay really quite calm and assertive but it may be because he's got that tactile pacifier in his hand to keep him calm around this quite aggressive situation that eventually was coming about in this debate as a whole the world is an ambulance we have a historic reputation for being an honest broker okay one of the troubles with my hair is there's a lot to look at when you look at her image there's the reflection on the glasses so we can't quite see into the eyes there the earrings the necklace the pattern on the shirt there's so much to look at it's tough to look right down the eyes and not get distracted you need to keep the look fairly clean and well framed Mae has so much going on she really needs to hone that down to a really clear frame for people to get her message from but let's face it right now indigenous peoples the Assembly of First Nation are telling us their number one concern it's a crime and we get with Mae often is that chin will come up and people often feel that looks a little bit arrogant arrogant is the over display of vulnerable or kill points on the body in close proximity and so when she displays that neck area it can often look arrogant to people especially when the hand comes up in this form of kind of teaching gesture tricky for her only female on the on the stage it's not tried and tested how you show up as the potential female prime minister so very difficult to know exactly how to play it and get it exactly right when there aren't a huge amount of role models out there for her so she's testing new ground here so congratulations because incredibly good job but needs to get it tighter and that frame easier to comprehend the message from having leadership or showing leadership sometimes mean not making mistakes well the interesting thing there is how slow he's going with his words very calm not necessarily assertive but very very calm they're taking the tempo right down the vocal tone right down so a bit of a calm in the storm that was going on there however it meant that it would take him quite a long time to get his ideas out even to the extent that it triggered Mae at one point to believe that he'd been cut off too early and hadn't had enough time so people me it's 40 seconds for each leader it has moved on to 40 he was so slow at times he really didn't get his meaning out may at times runs on sentences doesn't take a breath I you know didn't get so many words into into a tiny tiny portion that it's difficult to work out what she's saying Trudeau is the same I think she took the middle ground there and and seeing as well probably played it about right for the amount of words it to any unit of meaning I would try and stay away from argument stay calm and assertive try and work out how you're gonna come across as the next prime minister what do people need to see in order to put their ex by your name my guess is it's not arguments it's calm and assertive symmetry easy to understand that's what I'd be going for
Channel: Mark Bowden
Views: 21,753
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Keywords: body language, reading body language, body language attraction, how to read people, psychology, how to read body language, mark bowden, Read body language, body language analysis, body language expert, communication, nonverbal communication, reading people, self improvement, how to read anyone instantly, microexpressions, gestures, charisma on command, non-verbal communication, expert in body language, mark bowden ted talk, justin trudeau, lie to me, non verbal communication
Id: 1rEzHPheXHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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