Cinderella Story: When William Met Kate | Wedding of the Century | Real Royalty

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Prince William met Kate accent Andrews University and they were both history of art students they were both in the same halls of residence it said that there was kind of a huge rush for people to send their daughters there but I imagine in fact that the daughters already had their places have been some comments some kind of jobs against the Middleton family that Carol Middleton had planned the fact that her daughter Kate was gonna go to st. Andrews University and was going to marry a prince I don't really think it was planned but you never know it just said that William first sort of clocked her when he went to her I think was a fashion Fair Kate was actually modeling and are now famous virtually see through you know chiffon piece of a dress and he actually saw her walking down the catwalk the photograph of it was filed to all the newspapers in London and I looked at it and thought oh no no she's a brunette William doesn't like brunettes he likes blondes how wrong was I and William was right in the front road and there was Kate and he thought well she's hot hidden from the press it's and Andrews their relationship blossomed but after graduation under the glare of the world's media and with William cautious as a result of his parents failed relationship he got cold feet well with all passionate young relationships has got to be a blip and women Kate's blip came in 2007 and William instigated the break-up I think he thought I'm getting too tied down do I really want to be with this girl she was very upset William had a big chat with dad Charles and he said you need to know that you're gonna get married to her otherwise it's really not fair on her and I think he obviously had cold feet as most guys do Kate was seen all over London clubbing out looking extremely happy as if she didn't have a care in the world if you ever want to win a man back and make yourself look fantastic and let him know that you're out and having a great time they realized that they were really good friends and they missed each other and I think within a couple of weeks they were texting each other and this being a royal relationship Kate was reintroduced to the world very publicly as William completed his military training Kate with her parents attended the passing out parade and that was in a way looking back a kind of way that the the way that she would be officially brought forward on the 16th of November 2010 William and Kate finally announced their engagement my first reaction when I heard about the engagement is that it was just wonderful wonderful for them and certainly I think wonderful for the country yes she'd been called weighty Katie for such a long time it's the sort of occasion that Britain responds really well to and it's just great to have some good news I found out about the engagement from my mobile phone I suddenly had a frenzy of tweets I thought fantastic thank goodness at last the worldwide press went crazy I was standing outside Buckingham Palace with the rest of the world I can't remember where I was actually because I heard other news but my reaction was very definite I thought about time too and they're a lovely couple it's great unto me this is our future it's all about the future [Music] sometimes the royal family we don't hear much about them and sometimes we hear because there's controversy so to hear a story of joy and delight in new beginnings was heartening well everybody said they were delighted Queen was delighted but you know that's what everybody says when a couple get engaged of course they were I mean I didn't speak personally to the Queen and say are you really delighted or are you just being polite I first met hurt Peter and Wharton's wedding and she was very friendly and knows it was fine she's very welcoming she knew them it was a you know it was a big day and everything was going on Peter ultimate earrings and she said she wanted to meet Kate and for a while so it was very nice of her to come over and say hello and we had lunch at and well I know that she approves of her because she's very very keen on this family thing you know cuz she looks at Diana and Fergie and how their parents divorce you know affected them and I think she's absolutely delighted that Kate comes from a very close-knit family and the Queen is the least snobbish person of all her subjects she doesn't care at all that Kate comes from a working-class background I thought Prince Harry's reaction was the most charming when he said she was the sister that he'd never had which was great the Prince of Wales was rather disappointing I thought when he said they've been practicing long enough I mean one would wonder whether he hadn't been practicing long enough talking to the media but I would have liked him to have said was I just can't wait to welcome this lovely girl into the firmly Diana said to William when when he was quite a young you know young teenager said - whatever you do darling marry someone who's your friend and though you know William is a very sensitive and spiritual soul and he remembers what his mother said to him and I think that had a lot to do with it Williams desire to keep his mother's memory alive and to make a part of proceedings was obvious in his choice of engagement ring I've been reliably informed it's the sapphires and diamonds I'm sure everyone recognizes it from previous time so okay you're gonna be envy of many well I just hope it's very special I think it's a touching wonderful thing to do it's a symbol of how much he adores her and worships her I know one or two people said gosh you know it is it not tainted by his parents marriage or the way Princess Diana died but I don't feel that at all I suddenly stood back a little bit with that thinking oh my gosh that's a little bit sort of is that right but then I thought he loved her so much who still loves her you know it's in him he was the feeling that the mother is there that Diane is there this was his way of dealing with it and now I think it's rather special after she got divorced I and I said I don't need this ring anymore William I want you to have it and give it to your future wife if she wants it she said Dinah hadn't been forgotten and she will be present in a way at her son's wedding yes I just think that Snuffy's at treasures carry on and treasures are loved and treasures of Warren and that treasures don't sit idly in boxes I think that's very good as wedding fever grips the world talk turns to who will be lucky enough to receive an invitation to the biggest event of the century I have been invited to world wedding and I'm very honored to be invited and I'm in a little bit of a quandary about what I'm wearing because I think it's very unfair to wear a big hat I did think this morning perhaps I ought to invest in a new hat that was fair to the person who was sitting behind me there'll always be a couple of celebrities I think Elton John is going people like that I was very surprised when the Duchess of York and wasn't invited I think the wedding would have been a more fun party had she been included along with the nightmare of who to invite and not to invite Kate Middleton must ensure that she is fully prepared for the role of royal princess I was think of Kate Middleton as being very poised she's self-assured she's confident without being overly so she seems like she's just really a complete natural in the role she almost seems like a princess already she's really overshadowing William though he's in the background of all these photos is he's kind of slightly building her just whispering about in the wind or she's there looking glamorous with her fascinator an amazing makeup I really sent some maturity in Kate that's of course Dinah didn't have Diana was much younger I mean 10 years younger at the time and that 10 years is significant diana was little more than a child she had no experience whatsoever she was teaching at a kindergarten nobody was guiding her but I think they'll make absolutely sure that Kate is embraced within the royal family well kate is very lucky because she had a very good mum who taught her beautiful manners that's what Camilla said she has the most beautiful manners that girl so she doesn't need any manner training and just in royal etiquette she's got our former ambassador to Washington so David Manning who is helping now in such a protocol and foreign affairs but of course she's got the best advisor in the world and that's Prince William I don't know the ropes really winning or saucy strip but um but now I'm willing to learn quickly and and work hard now yeah when somebody says they're very willing to learn a lot of people are very willing to help I'm Liz Brewer and I'm UK's etiquette expert and we're in my home in the middle of Belgravia London and we're here really to advise Kate into how she's going to become Princess Catherine so when Kate's out and about and doing one of her duties she is going to be given bunches of flowers and needs to know what to do with them so you have to learn how to be able to do this gracefully to be able to take one or two bunches of flowers and then once it gets too many discretely be able to just pass it to her lady-in-waiting will be probably on the right-hand side or behind her the Queen she would always curtsy to the Queen you have to put the leg behind a little bob head down and up so sitting is very important and for example getting in and out of a car okay I'm opening the door of the car you then turn your bottom around you sit down but goes in first and then you swing your legs in keeping the knees together but be so many cameras around except you've got to be careful it's exactly the same getting out of the car usually there will be somebody there with a hand to help you from now on I think they'll always be a Hearton to help her this training was put into action at Kate's first official engagement as William's fiance when the couple returned to their old University stomping ground for a public appearance so it is all about Kate now for good and for bad because that's why people are then noticing that she's losing a little bit too much weight in comparing her with Princess Diana I mean when we first clapped eyes on her back in about 2002 she had curly hair she had more pounds on her frame and suddenly she got thinner and thinner and thinner she's probably a size zero and I kept saying to my office that girl's so slim you ought to see her she looked very anorexic to me kids weight loss will always draw comparisons with Diana and her bulimia none of us want to see her looking pale and drawn and sort of skeletal walking down the aisle any bride about to get married is going to have a huge amount of pressure it's the biggest day of your life and even if you're having a very low-key wedding this is still going to sort of be overwhelming in terms of pressure I don't think she's skinny to the point where she looks unhealthy or sick I think she just wants to look really really good for her wedding day so with the engagement announced the wedding preparations begin one of the biggest decisions a bride has to make on her wedding day is what to do with her hair and Kate Middleton has more pressure than most oh well look speaking of her as a lady who has always had her hair up I like hair that is taken away from the face a lot of brides has long hair wear it up on their wedding day because you stick it out with 5 million pins in it lots of lacquer and it stays like that all day and half the night but we know Kate as a girl with long hair wonderful movie and shiny glossy hair and I think to Rossio with her hair up would she look like a stranger she has beautiful hair and I'm sure William loves to see Kate's how you know these great chestnut tresses down over her shoulders probably William loves all that hair spread out on a pillow so I don't think we've got any say at all [Music] royal brides have the eyes of the world on them on their big day and historically if sometimes got it wrong I was Kate I would make sure that the person that did my hair knew how to fix hair with a tiara because Diana's hairdresser Kevin Shanley didn't and her tiara squashed her fringe right down over her face she wasn't happy about that if we remember the Dutch New York went home with flowers on their head and magically came out with a tiara on in fact it was flowers put in front of the tiara taken off from the vestry it is a sort of pagan Rite that a royal bride on her wedding day will wear a tiara the Queen's wedding tiara was a sort of starburst rather Russian in style and I suppose it could be something like that it's not frilly frilly and I suspect that Kate Middleton likes style and chic you know that she's stepping into royalty somehow which is very important it's hope it's her badge of office she's got the Hat at his Mayfair salon Britain's most celebrated hairdresser Nicky Clark knows all about royal hair styling I've been blessed to have done an awful lot of the royal family certainly with the dust of York Princess Diana and a number of other Royals as well I think Kate has really wonderful hair and I think what makes it so special is the fact that it isn't really complicated it's not a particularly difficult haircut but will kate be tempted to take inspiration from Hollywood's most glamorous green actresses Eva Longoria's is a very sort of formal very hollywood-esque I don't think that that would be right that would only work if she was wearing something incredibly high net that almost had a kind of Edwardian feel I really like many drivers hairstyle I think it's it's quite fun it's still elegant and she's still got a little bit of length there but I still think Kate should have all of it down I don't personally feel that this is a hairstyle that would suit Kate's unless she is in almost period costume it does look as if it's from the 19th century for something like Kate Beckinsale kind of more tousled updo which I think would suit her face a bit better because you used to see in her with her head down most of the time some of the elements think will work on Kate's hair although having it much much longer at the back would be better but Kate has to strike the difficult balance between being a slave to current celebrity fashion and maintaining a more traditional regal style if we were doing the hair on the day I would certainly be recommending to my stylist that kind of feeling of keeping what she is all about knowing that it's probably going to have a tiara on it you really need to be able to have something that is still kept away that still adds a little bit of formality it's likely that there's probably going to be a train of chalk behind so although it's actually important that it has some kind of movement probably not going to see that from the back what you see from the front is really where she has a number of options we've done the option of keeping it quiet for more in the front but most of that cascading curls and waves are there in order to frame her silhouette there you can do that if you have thick enough hair Kate certainly does have or you can add in hair pieces and just make that sometimes just a little bit bulkier because it can withstand the rigors of the day [Music] the dress everybody's speculating about the dress and walking down the the miles of aisle at the Abbey she's got to please an awful lot of people first of all she's got to please herself the next person she undoubtedly wants to please is her groom then it's her family then his family then for a royal bride she's also got the eyes of the world the planning of her not just her wedding but her dress will be important I think Kate will stay simple I think it will be glamorous but I think it will have huge amount of elegance and style we're all dying to know what Kate's dress is going to look like I imagine she'll be ivory white cream something classical I think it's gonna be quite a simple design to silhouette to her beautiful figure obviously the last big royal wedding was the wedding between Prince Charles and then Lady Diana so you're going to compare the dresses that Diana had to Kate she'll probably want to have a point of difference to Diana in every way even down to the detail down her nose was a complete meringue I mean it was the Emmanuel's designed that dress obviously it was up that time because it was in the 80s now when you look back at it it's like when you look back on your awful outfits from the eighties you just say oh and worthy as a great church that's important down Spencer had a kind of brother overpowering dress which actually as she stepped out the carriage with rather like a duvet said he looked rather creased because she's going to be moving quite a long way from the Great West door right up to the high altar I would be very surprised if there wasn't a long train and I think in her case it would need to be very sort of light material Diana's for something like I think 25 feet or something as huge that's an awful lot to manage whether cake takes inspiration from history or decides to opt for a more contemporary look is largely in the hands of the person that was commissioned to design her dress he's gonna make Kate Middleton's dress it's the million dollar question I don't know who designed Kate's dress but I rather feel it will be the creme de la creme of designers because that's what the Middletons are like they want the very best for their children and I can't believe that she would choose someone unknown I don't think Bruce old feels going to do it because he's associated too much with Diana unfortunately doesn't have a totally free choice she must support British fashion and otherwise it'd be a huge outcry from the British fashion world the person that seems to be holding that golden ticket is Sarah Burton who is the head designer for Alexander McQueen then McQueen House has denied it but you're gonna die aren't you there are lots of people too numerous to mention on the wedding of the century we've seen the Royal Brides look to take shape and the world is waiting with bated breath for the first glimpse of Kate Middleton's wedding dress will Kate take inspiration from the past or will she be under pressure to dazzle with a groundbreaking new look Jack has a Guri a great friend of Princess Diana's and one of her favorite designers has clear ideas about the royal wedding gown as a designer really I think the important thing is to remember that it's even though we wanted to be a very modern day wedding we have to keep it traditional and we have to stick to protocol his vision for the dress takes the best of tradition adding a dramatic flourish this is a body the finest finest gauzy lace that would show her skin coming through dotted with tiny micro diamond tears all over just to get a bit of sparkle and embroidery is on the cuffs there the dress underneath could end up as completely strapless dress or she could keep the body on the most important part of the dress is the over skirt which is going to have the whole drama its beaded at the hemline and needed all the way down the center of the back the veil would echo the shape of the dress the dress would be covered from head to toe in a very fine Chantilly lace with beading embroidery on it for a royal wedding dress I would say probably from start to finish there would be between 30 and 50 people involved in making that dress yeah if you take all the bits into consideration Sassie Hallford is best known for designing autumn Kelly's wedding dress when she married Peter Phillips the son of Princess Anne and grandson of the Queen she knows all about designing on a grand scale with some most big as Westminster Abbey the dress has to have some kind of volume too otherwise she would become such a small part of such an enormous occasion I wanted to encapsulate her youth and her beauty but also make it really appropriate for the occasion it's all gone through a fit-and-flare shows off her fabulous figure shows off a lovely waist hips but allows you to flare the skirt out so you can get a full full skirt it's got to have covered arms for protocol but um once it mumsy so I've chosen a quite a forties neckline and I've been a little bit daring I've taken the back down lower just to show that she is a young fashionable young woman I think the fabrics I would choose would be a beautiful beaded lace we could do matching beadwork on to the lace around the hem on the full skirt it should be so beautiful I think Kate Middleton if any bride can bring this dress into the 21st century for the royal family she's the one that can pull it off at her Knightsbridge studio celebrity bridal designer Suzanne Neville puts the finishing touches to her interpretation of what Kate's dress will look like with the dress it has got to travel well she's going to be sitting in a car for some time the last thing people are going to want to see is lots of creased fabric and thinking what's the design about so the dress has got to look as dreamy after the car journey otherwise that's all we're going to hear 30 years to come I've chosen this spell because it's it's simple yet traditional it has got a few little sparkles and diamantes on there so it just catches the light so when all the flashes are going it'll really sort of pick up light I've chosen this lovely lace top over the dress because it's it has a really nice layering effect and instead of it just being like a harsh bodice you do get this little soft line here it still covers the arm up but you've got a nice wide neckline so it shows all Kate's neck bones beautifully it allows space for a necklace gives a nice long line without too much flesh on show but I'm really loving this whole beaded belt to actually tie in with the tiara it has that little bit of glitz to it so it's still you know it's in this century it's modern it's new I love this fabric on the skirt so much because it's it's got a transparency to it it's got movement and I would use an organza that doesn't crease too much layered beautifully and just molded to her it's almost like it's been sprayed on just to show her figure off and really be the best the best dress that anybody could ever do [Music] no bridal look is complete without a bouquet but will the English Rose pick tradition or follow a blossoming new trend bouquets are enormous ly important their lifeline apart from anything else you've got something to clutch in the past or the world Brides have had large bouquets and they sort of held them they've trailed always to the ground with sort of big roses amount of foliage around them the traditional thing you would find in a royal bouquet would be a sprig of Myrtle from the the Myrtle bush in the gardens of Osborne which were a part of the wedding bouquet of Queen Victoria and Myrtle represents love and purity you remember Diana's it was wonderful and sort of Ivy and beautiful white flowers and autumn Kelley followed very ended a very similar effect with her wedding bouquet I would like to think that Kate will be a little bit more contemporary with the flowers and maybe holds something quite small and simple maybe heads of roses in her hands that would be amazing just because those ones are very big and always quite old-fashioned now Simon lice it is no stranger to creating a posh bridal posy I was lucky enough to be asked to do the flowers for Beckham's wedding for David and Victoria when they got married in Ireland and then of course I was asked to do the flowers at the reception of the wedding of the Prince of Wales to the Duchess of Cornwall where I could be creating Kate's wedding bouquet I think I would use a variety of traditional flowers lovely fresh spring-like foliages and flowers and I probably make sure that I included some wonderful Myrtle part from Myrtle we have beautiful things like lilac which during sort of late April early May is starting to come into our gardens and it smells beautiful it has these lovely delicate soft flowers coarse beautiful roses be they the large cabbagey roses or the the smaller little spray roses which also look very beautiful as well as lovely jasmine these sort of trails of jasmine which we break down into slightly smaller components and these have a lovely delicacy a bit of movement and some soft fragrance and one of the things that smells moe beautiful at this time of the year is the paperwhite Narcisse a lovely and spring-like and talking of beautiful fragrances what could be more yummy than the freesia which a lot of people underestimate but again that peppery gingery smell and these are a lovely double white variety so they'll give a nice textural interest to the bouquet and it's important to have flowers of different shapes and also some foliage so things like the gardenia Fowley trees gorgeous glossy glossy leaves and of course rosemary which Shakespeare said symbolized remembrance and smells beautiful and to be poignant to have a little bit of that in the bouquet as well there is a ratio between the size of bouquet and size of wedding dress and I always think that if a bride's wearing quite a fulsome dress then she needs a a nice big bouquet in terms of the stag and hen Prince Harry is the organized with the stag if Harry's got anything to do with it it'll be a riot and you can imagine he really wants to just go to town and really just wind his brother William up and I'm sure he had loads of tricks up his sleeve who knows what he might do he could bring strippers although I don't think that's really real style William is just not going to have a look in or a say in any way shape or form his little brother will be delighted to lead in Australia but William when he said you're gonna be my best man he said the condition of that was no wild stag do odhh have it in London because the paparazzi will find you happy to death I think if I was having a hen party god I never had a n party um I would probably want to have it in somebody's house because I would be really worried about being seen drunk and disorderly I mean a sister pepper in any case is good doing a hen party for her it's going to be very discreet and in the country in a house well out of prying eyes naturally Kate's hen would have been more refined anyway some might say a little boring I mean it sounds like it's gonna be there was a report that she's gonna be watching dirty dancing with a group of her friends just in a country house I mean come on [Music] the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William will have the pomp and ceremony that the British do best the Royal route to Westminster Abbey passes some of London's most famous landmarks and the day's events will follow a strict protocol well on the day of the wedding the members of the royal family will leave Buckingham Palace the first to leave will be the lowest on the pecking order Prince Edward and his family in Princess Anne and her children Zara Phillips etc and then they'll be the York's Prince Andrew and his daughters Princess Beatrice Princess Eugenie and then the Queen will be lastly Buckingham Palace she'll be the last to arrive at the Abbey before the bride the princes will be leaving from their home just down the mouth behind me is is Clarence House the home to the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall now it's from this house that Prince William and his best man Prince Harry will leave on that morning just ahead of his bride-to-be Catherine while the princes this will have poignant memories for them the last time that the model was used ceremony in in roar terms was of course the day of the late Diana the prince was his funeral and on this day this most joyous day of his wedding I'm sure he'd be giving a great deal of thought to that day eleven years ago [Music] as William and Harry wait at Westminster Abbey Kate Middleton will be leaving Buckingham Palace with her father that will be an enormous comfort and strength to her that's for every girl getting married it's nothing to have your dad bear with you with any luck she'll be able to take a deep breath and have a look around her and smile and enjoy the moment the Royal route will follow past the houses of parliament until they reach their final destination Westminster Abbey what behind me now of course is the the Great West store of Westminster Abbey and as to this door that the Kate Middleton and her father will arrive from Buckingham Palace ahead of her of course Prince William will be waiting inside but behind Kate Middleton this huge gallery of press the world's media waiting for what that one picture what is the dress like there is going to be that moment when the car door will open and her father will step out and then she will step out the frock it'll have to be a big car because hopefully it'll be a lot of dress this is the moment everyone has been waiting for everyone's been building up to it for so long so you cannot even begin to imagine just how much her heart is gonna be beat which she kicks out of that girl Kate Middleton will enter the Abbey a commoner an exit with Prince William a princess I expect that just be mighty relieved they've done the official bears would imagine they're gonna come out with the biggest smiles on their faces and it will be at that point where they can really stand there and go wow this is all completely amazing and into their carriage they begin this journey from westby's rabbit back to barking palace for the celebrations to begin the whole of the mall will be full of thousands and thousands and thousands of people it'll be almost unreal what we take ages because they're just over there hounds will hurt from all the way than they put today and it'll go so slowly for them because there's gonna be millions and millions of people lining the streets desperate to catch a glimpse of who are now our prince and formerly his princess it's gonna be an incredible moment for the whole country [Music] well the worldwide press are going to want one picture and that's the kiss but it's not really a tradition that the couple with royal couple that get married have a kiss on that balcony it was actually Prince Charles and Diana that had the kiss first of all because the public were just shouting to them grandkids kiss kiss and I don't think he would who would he do dab it all good about it she said well come on why don't we do it then so Fergie and Prince Andrew when they got married they had a little kiss on the balcony yeah I definitely want to see the brother kiss why not they shows it deservers I think there'll be huge pressure from the crowd for them to have a kiss if Kate and William do not give each other a great big smack on that balcony of buckingham palace you'll hear a sort of collective sigh oh we want a full-on snog that's what they're probably gonna be waiting for Britain has undergone a culinary revolution producing exquisite food nationwide and with it a new breed of celebrated chefs I'm so interested to find out who's going to be catering for the Royal Wedding and whether or not they will use some of our wonderful celebrity chefs they may bring Rick Stein in from from Cornwall to do a fish starter I doubt it very much they'll be using Heston I wouldn't imagine they could do maybe Hugh finally witching shawl for the starter Hugh and Prince Charles share very very similar food values and I'd like to see Jamie Oliver Jamie Oliver's worked so hard for British food and I think he's got a warm affection in everyone's hearts so the evening celebration which again is in Buckingham Palace hosted by Prince Charles Kate Middleton then as Princess Catherine she will be able to go up to her room with Prince William and she will change and they'll have a rest no doubt they'll consummate the marriage but what food would one server to write royal occasions I think William and Kate will choose the predominately British menu we'll very much use local and seasonal food so whether that's beef from Sandringham or maybe Welsh lamb as title of Welsh lamb could be absolutely wonderful I think they'll start with Scottish salmon of course I will have a cannon of lamb beautiful beautifully pink and you know what I would do serve it with Jersey rolls which will be just in season I mean how exciting with that with lots of parsley lots of butter on the table how delicious the pudding I can't tell you what it will be but I'm certain it will be absolute fantasy it's been a tradition at over the last century that all royal weddings the menu is finished with strawberries and cream the most terrifying prospect for any best man and father of the bride with potential for embarrassing revelations are the dreaded speeches our royal insider reveals who will be in the firing line on the big day obviously Prince William would make a speech and his best man will make a speech which is Prince Harry may be a representative from the middle children family and I think if Prince Charles feels like speaking he might speak but I would say that definitely the Queen won't speak she makes a lot of speeches I think she'll given a time off Britain's leading master cake maker Eric landlord responsible for creating the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall sweating cake has the cake making credentials to cook up a storm on the big day obviously a big speculation about what the cakes gonna be like Oh who's gonna make the cakes and then well I'm not gonna tell you if I if I will or not obviously as far as the wedding cakes concern it has to be something fairly dramatic it has to be something memorable it has to be something delicious they are young they have a great sense of fun you know maybe you're gonna surprise that somebody were gonna go for something completely different and then under William like his chocolate cakes because we made a lot of chocolate cake in the past for him so they have to remember everybody wants a piece of wedding cake because traditionally it brings luck and the top layers saved for the christening of the first child so you'd have a little piece of cake to take home with you that would be such a lovely thing to do [Music] Prince William and Kate Middleton have formed when it comes to letting their hair down but on a royal occasion the pressure is on I think the first dance is about the most diabolically unkind thing to make any couple do on their wedding day and the amount of nerves and tension that this causes rather like making speeches he's unbelievable and I've been to more dance classes with couples when they wanted to learn the tango or to breakdance and I can tell you it's very nearly each time was broken up the engagements been so many rows budget I think it should be abolished with William being second in line to the throne it's very important that he would learn how to dance ready and set lovely now step to the size we would expect him as he is a gentleman to be able to just do a few basic steps but a little bit wonky there let's go the other way for their first dance I'd like to think that they would do a classic box or something really really beautiful and lovely classic dance - you almost put a footman I mean obviously they have a song that they both like I'd love to think that their first dance will be so I've had the time of my life from dirty dancing had set guide her don't push her wouldn't that be amazing and then Prince William can just dance down the aisle a bit like Patrick Swayze twirl in nice hand over the top don't drop her and beautiful as they settle into married life the world will be waiting to hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet it's something we're dying to hear about you know after they get married it'll be one of the babies coming sometimes the most beautiful parents have the most hideous children now who has the stronger genes that's an interesting watch they're both very good-looking people so it'll they'll have good-looking babies definitely Kate's got green eyes Williams got blue eyes so they'll probably have fairly light eyed children he's got quite a soft plump little face and he always did have as a baby she's got more finely honed to find features but if they have any sons they'll start worrying early on about patches and their fetch William and Kate will be under pressure to keep with royal tradition when it comes to naming their offspring it would be good to go for a royal name but also name which which they feel comfortable with I think that perhaps they might pick traditional names for their children you see she's Catherine Elizabeth and William is William Arthur Philip Louis I think Prince Charles wanted to call him Arthur and Diana said not a minor league princess and surprised us all by calling her daughter Sarah I don't think I'll be looking at Tallulah or Apple I don't think so probably call their son Philip because William is very very close to his grandfather if it's a girl I'd suspect that name Diana will appear somewhere along the line with a lifetime of royal duties ahead on the world stage will William and Kate buck the Royal trend and maintain a happy marriage I think it's a marriage made in heaven this marriage has got to last there have been too many broken homes and Williams more conscious of that than any of us a lot of people just felt very removed from the monarchy and I think they've really brought the whole country together what Prince William has done and is doing is bringing us into the 21st century having a far more modern and healthy approach to being the future king I think Kate will be a terrific future Queen she's beautiful she's dignified she's the sort of girl that will get on with the job and I think she'll be terrific I do think her first duty is to provide the throne with an air and then a spare of course so once she's done that everybody will say fantastic great you've got the job for life cannot downplay the importance that Prince William and Kate Middleton now hold for the image of the royal family what Princess Diana started was that sense that the public could relate to the royal family and I think that was pulled back a bit after her death and I think William and Kate have the perfect opportunity to present a royal family that we can empathize with love celebrate a door and I think the world's eyes are absolutely upon [Music] you [Music] you
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Keywords: princess diana car crash paris video, prince william and kate middleton, prince william and harry, prince harry and meghan markle interview, prince harry and meghan markle documentary, prince william and harry talk about diana, prince william and kate middleton visit pakistan, royal family 2019, royal family channel, meghan markle prince harry prince william and kate interview, prince charles and camilla, princess diana conspiracy theory, prince andrew interview
Id: hVXzTuPNadk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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